Figure 1 from Peripheral facial palsy : Grading, Etiology, and Melkersson-Rosenthal Syndrome | Semantic Scholar (2024)

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  • Corpus ID: 34234418
@inproceedings{Kanerva2008PeripheralFP, title={Peripheral facial palsy : Grading, Etiology, and Melkersson-Rosenthal Syndrome}, author={Mervi Kanerva}, year={2008}, url={}}
  • M. Kanerva
  • Published 29 February 2008
  • Medicine

The results allowed us to assess the importance of knowing the carrier and removal status of canine coronavirus as a source of infection for Bell’s palsy in children with Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome.

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14 Citations

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  • figure 1
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  • table 12

14 Citations

Clinical and non-clinical initial assessment of facial nerve paralysis: A qualitative review
    Wan Syahirah W SamsudinK. Sundaraj


  • 2014
  • 11
A Pilot Study on Facial Functions Grading based on Electromyogram
    A. GaberM. TaherM. Wahed

    Medicine, Engineering

    2022 4th Novel Intelligent and Leading Emerging…

  • 2022

It is demonstrated that surface electromyogram (sEMG) can be used to develop an automated, objective, and quantitative grading system for assessment of facial functions and muscles.

  • 1
Evaluation and Grading Systems of Facial Paralysis for Facial Rehabilitation
    Wan Syahirah W SamsudinK. Sundaraj


  • 2013

This review will provide the clinicians and researchers a brief overview of the facial grading systems which have been used and assist in the development of a standard system for facial paralysis evaluation.

  • 21
  • PDF
Analysis of Facial Paralysis Disease using Image Processing Technique
    K. AngurajEee S.Padma Professor

    Computer Science, Medicine

  • 2012

The proposed method includes preprocessing of images and estimation of level of diseases and measures the distance between the eye brows to infra orbital to evaluate the degree of facial paralysis by using IECM algorithm.

  • 10
Reliability of three-dimensional motion analysis in assessment of Bell's palsy
    N. GharibS. Adel


  • 2011

It was concluded that 3-D motion analyses by Qualisys motion capture system can be considered as a reliable method for assessment of Bell's palsy and can detect and characterize a wide range of clinically significant facial functional deficits.

  • 5
Comprehensive assessment of facial paralysis based on facial animation units
    A. GaberM. TaherManal Abdel WahedN. ShalabySarah Gaber


    PloS one

  • 2022

The developed FP grading system provides a detailed quantitative report and has significant advantages over the existing grading scales and is suitable to be used as a clinical tool.

Evaluation and Severity Classification of Facial Paralysis using Salient Point Selection Algorithm
    NishidaYenwei Chen J. Brach


  • 2016

A technique is proposed to evaluate the degree of facial paralysis using well known neural network called Feed Forward Back Propagation Neural Network (FFBPN).

  • 4
Quantifying facial paralysis using the kinect v2
    A. GaberM. TaherM. Wahed

    Computer Science, Engineering

    2015 37th Annual International Conference of the…

  • 2015

The present research aims to enhance the accuracy and robustness of one of this system's modules: the resting symmetry module by including several modifications to the computation method of the symmetry index (SI) for the eyebrows, eyes and mouth.

  • 31
A pilot study on automated quantitative grading of facial functions
    A. GaberM. TaherM. Wahed


  • 2020

The present study describes the implementation of the second module for grading voluntary movements of the Automated Facial Grading (AFG) system, which utilizes the Kinect v2 sensor to detect and capture facial landmarks in real time.

  • 5
Evaluation and Severity Classification of Facial Paralysis using Salient Point Selection Algorithm
    K. AngurajS. Padma


  • 2015

A technique is proposed to evaluate the degree of facial paralysis using Salient Point Selection Algorithm (SPSA) and Degree Evaluation (DE).

  • 4

165 References

Surgical Management of Bell's Palsy
    B. GantzJ. RubinsteinP. GidleyG. Woodworth


    The Laryngoscope

  • 1999

A prospective study in which a well‐defined surgical decompression of the facial nerve was performed in a population of patients with Bell's palsy who exhibit the electrophysiologic features associated with poor outcomes.

  • 145
  • PDF
Acute peripheral facial palsy in adults
    U. LjøstadSiri ØkstadT. TopstadÅ. MyglandP. Monstad


    Journal of Neurology

  • 2005

Lyme disease seems to be an infrequent cause of facial palsy in patients without constitutional symptoms or additional neurological findings, and peripheral facial palsies is a common disorder with a favourable prognosis.

  • 54
Bell's Palsy: The Spontaneous Course of 2,500 Peripheral Facial Nerve Palsies of Different Etiologies
    E. Peitersen


    Acta oto-laryngologica. Supplementum

  • 2002

A survey of the literature showed that no kind of treatment, including prednisone, was able to give a better prognosis and the use ofprednisone raises a big ethical problem because no evidence of its efficacy exists and the euphoric side-effect induces a false feeling of benefit in the patients.

  • 1,032
  • Highly Influential
  • PDF
Cerebrospinal fluid in acute peripheral facial palsy
    A. KohlerM. ChofflonR. SztajzelM. Magistris


    Journal of Neurology

  • 1999

Cerebrospinal fluid is usually normal in idiopathic peripheral facial palsy, and if the CSF is abnormal, a specific cause should be sought.

  • 29
Melkersson–Rosenthal syndrome in childhood: a challenge in differential diagnosis and treatment
    P. E. ZiemC. PfrommerS. GoerdtC. OrfanosUlrike Blume-Peytavi


    The British journal of dermatology

  • 2000

A 9‐year‐old girl is described who had episodic swelling of the upper lip and complete peripheral facial palsy, associated with herpes and recurrent bacterial infections, and benefited from a 2‐month course of prednisolone 1 mg kg−1 daily.

  • 86
The spectrum of cranial neuropathy in patients with Bell's palsy.
    M. BenatarJ. Edlow


    Archives of internal medicine

  • 2004

It is indicated that a small percentage (approximately 8%) of patients with otherwise typical Bell's palsy may harbor additional cranial neuropathies.

  • 34
Idiopathic (bell's) facial palsy: Natural history defies steroid or surgical treatment.
    M. MayS. KleinF. Taylor


    The Laryngoscope

  • 1985

Transmastoid facial nerve surgery is not recommended to treat Bell's palsy because no benefits have been identified which outweigh the risks of surgery and outcome in patients treated surgically was no better than can be expected to occur without treatment.

  • 103
The True Nature of Bell's Palsy: Analysis af 1,000 Consecutive Patients
    K. AdourF. BylR. HilsingerZev M. KahnM. Sheldon


    The Laryngoscope

  • 1978

It is concluded that Bell's palsy is an acute benign cranial polyneuritis probably caused by reactivation of the herpes‐simplex virus, and the dysfunction of the motor cranial nerves may represent inflammation and demyelinization rather than ischemic compression.

  • 458
Multiplex-PCR and oligonucleotide microarray for detection of eight different herpesviruses from clinical specimens.
    A. JääskeläinenH. PiiparinenM. LappalainenM. KoskiniemiA. Vaheri


    Journal of clinical virology : the official…

  • 2006
  • 40
  • Highly Influential
Human Herpesvirus 6 DNA Levels in Cerebrospinal Fluid Due to Primary Infection Differ from Those Due to Chromosomal Viral Integration and Have Implications for Diagnosis of Encephalitis
    K. WardH. LeongA. D. ThiruchelvamC. AtkinsonD. Clark


    Journal of Clinical Microbiology

  • 2007

The results show that any diagnosis of HHV-6 encephalitis or other type of active central nervous system infection should not be made without first excluding chromosomal HHv-6 integration by measuring DNA load in CSF, serum, and/or whole blood.

  • 149
  • Highly Influential
  • PDF



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    M. Kanerva

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    Name: Jerrold Considine

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