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St. Louis Globe-Democrat September 20, 1880
1; '1: $5 1. 5i. 1. T ST; .;_.r>U1s. _‘".MOI_Q'-DAY- - Mo1mlmo.,;,sEP’rEMoER. .20. pissb. , l T 'PBICE"F;IVEA .CE4m:‘s. .1 . 29,30 .'i4<:AsEs , L . 51:2: 1..0cUss'r $'I‘I3.IEE‘.".P, WHOLESALE DRY GOODS.’ CASH PRICES GUARANTEED I-.‘:XCL‘USIVEL"i' CAJEIII. Special intention UKIFO.R{xVII.Y L0\V1-ER THAN '1.‘I1iIE IIOUSEQ‘. ELY, JANI...
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1; '1: $5 1. 5i. 1. T ST; .;_.r>U1s. _‘".MOI_Q'-DAY- - Mo1mlmo.,;,sEP’rEMoER. .20. pissb. , l T 'PBICE"F;IVEA .CE4m:‘s. .1 . 29,30 .'i4<:AsEs , L . 51:2: 1..0cUss'r $'I‘I3.IEE‘.".P, WHOLESALE DRY GOODS.’ CASH PRICES GUARANTEED I-.‘:XCL‘USIVEL"i' CAJEIII. Special intention UKIFO.R{xVII.Y L0\V1-ER THAN '1.‘I1iIE IIOUSEQ‘. ELY, JANIS & 00.. called to our stock of \VO0.L.E.\'S. I-"LA-NNELS and B'LAN'1{.ETS. ~BEST STOCK "cl_0AKs IN THE cmr SGUTHERN BUYERS s‘i\'i|l Find It lieeidctlly to Their Interest to ‘Visit; Bowman & Bleyer. WINE MERCHANTS, FOURTH All WALNUT STS. Cain‘ a. Large Stock. of WIIIBKIES, IBIIANDIES, WINES, and l:‘.veryi.illng llnudleli by the Trade, AT I.0i'l'l<IS'1‘ PRICES. 1' '* . '. linnuiscim Ilnbber and I.cntlu:r nrltlua. all How and Pinning illill Bupplltrn 3-)» lilnulhctunln W“ i“ 7& G hour as 0. . ~ M {iii to Bill, Ncrlil Second Street, St. Louis, filo. ‘mo! nary dcecriptfau ct (.'|rt'.uilu-. mm. and Cross-Cut Sat": Who!-fill! Dflkfl 3! Pilot. lilrtmircirs. Cunt llooku, Haw Hummers. Upllelns lull‘! oi’ Lorkwood'u Patent Hiotlcd clr~~du': slur. EVISIIY rsmw \'.‘.\xtll..-s.-"rim. '.’75“(.‘.ax-vsixll sth:'zi:‘.ou to nwzlr work» Mum! for TANITE EMERY WHEELS ll ml GRINDING MACHINERY. Our New .1iIu:su~.m~«i ¢,.'mulu-=~m vvmllozl i‘rr,~r: on application. EDUCATIONAL. tll;.7l'l"t3i:l‘”17?:3r?:7;L¥;l:l 1.-ulmg.-.. ‘.'lTi_-aixld are N. ml n.: ripen -lay um! nlchl: Mud torclrcular. A i‘i|2AIt board um: lultlon. Burlington M liitary ixnllczu. 3- J- ,1"lEr;r:lluI.n lrl-31'n'u'rl-1. rrusllnlq. N. .1.--Ix--:1 iitvlrozuflxl)‘ prepar-.d tor the bc:i. (.oil<9;_rt.-s and tor xlrimwu. liar. A. O. (Zilunbun. Prlncix-ui. . ""j"T;.-. fii’l.\'ANt't§ m;r:m5 v<>,nnI-u _an<I_ an L1 -1-:-imol {or young indies. .\M. _v- and _ Last I-lily- «third at. . ‘how Yorit. rleopetxlo .‘.~('pi. ‘.6. The course vi and ' in lb:-. (‘L-iirxilie Do lurtmmti towels Ill demands tort l‘ lllurllr.-r cdur).mI‘l‘l r- m>mrn- ‘ "1i:l‘<t.\1‘lrr!~7I1,-ilalxlixlum Mt. 1r'\-rum: llzalliire. ‘,4 its-4.-iish. Francis and hcrmnu l)I)itrl_ill.Ifl‘ mud glny iclttml tur y-rnuux Indian and limit tlrlv. .\o. ié».\il. \' Pr- mvn i.‘l:n~.. Aim. Mu-yl. J<-non and Mrs. H. 3inlliA_ml. 1'r1'lu:i:.ul.l. p-mmi by I iuzea cbrpa or l'roix-xroro. {ho 2m anmxui lcrm will colmncucc Eflllcmbcr Kt-Lb. Lir- uzlsh so oi on s mulunou. I’cn11sylva11ia MILITARY ACADEMY, "'\l-iltrlillil. l’A.. opens srnmmlwr 1:5» 0"“ 1019*- lmmylnz, Chm-nmry. K.‘-in-loo sud Eufiufim 1"?" 1:9 conlrrrqd. For cu-culnn. willy to Juoc?iI_\\ . trxucb. !2u}.. a. patnm vi’ the Arx<l«.m)'. it It» Hus street. i!:..l.u:xl:. or ioliful. Tiwo. llrlil. l’re-si-lrivl. ROBERT CHALLONER, M.,.;.~..1mm-my Mrs. (tmm:u:rt‘a Snmlmiry. SPECIAL A'TT'ENTl0N T0 YOCALlZATl0N. Lcsslunl Bi: Pupilbu lleniilonca. Azkln-.51: 2:23. (iilulnut sweet. COLLEGE OF ‘Ila Christian Brothers t?0lt.\’ l‘) R Eighth and Cerre Sts., St. Louis, Mo. Session Bczrins the First Monday in September. Classical, Sc'1s11l.li2& Commercial Courses ...':::..*.u;r.::t-.::::*::;:.‘:;*:.**"“““"' "M ‘° nno. .‘I.l\3'1’1-1.‘-I. ,'l:"x'cls+'t'. 1. Louis Ulliiiil l.‘.\‘l)l-ill TED: luum (ll-' ‘flit! N J '1;;:“-;5'U ['1' 1‘~“.A'1‘.Iv-I E R5 Classical, Scientific and Commercial Education. The 52¢! Session opens on Mon- day. (S. 'l.‘,l1e P-nst—Grzui unto. (jun;-sc opens on fi.iom'iay, October 11. For calslt.-gnu. ck-,.. npply to Bill’. J08. I. i'iEi.I.Eil. S. J., X’nul« . Niall: Ind Wuiaiuxtcu u M. A£"'é"§fK'i'i"§‘iiéillfslw jCARNl\?AL OF 'PI‘ i Intillsod Rock candy. .'l‘uuic¢. lie. ll H W . TOLD. ROCK Zhtqnt. \ il'l.l.Ll..A}i A. BRA i’i'l‘l'l’.‘li, 13133.-‘$.14 ICS']_f'.A’.I‘I.?.I AG~I§2NT ‘£01 in". Eighth St... in’. W. cor. Pine. ma: (loiladsd. lzmru amagvd. Lam Neguilzzod. y;.,a.—,._-,m, ,..- our. cmmmrr. r. 2:. Mann. norrrn. l.t.t_1rAIm do 00., Iiicai. B’.:!'l.’L.’.i'!J Aeil:.'NTS. NK!.1l.YrlATE IJJANI. - . buy and neural nluas.¢"""l°* Minn. unit!" 1-«moan: am low to than mail!-blvflfil-M of uww No. 619 Olin strut. 2 JOHN MAGUXICE EA!‘ $ti'!‘ATl Ah‘ M01357‘ 5,0133% U0li'YR.Y- aoceraml Hour-1 m‘a6_ l ounce umsmi Atom! 13f.4'X»l"-‘inf to dillnrtutpsricol 0'31» r.§'a'?3in and cm. I fear rent, lune. tlulcilf. ilfnavri John B-10 Walnut 85$. . no Him! or I Bovcragn uni A mrbtiui tonic ior Fnnil mu. in: lake or grant sen arfili‘ 00.. and DA 1’ DIUTUAL FIRE ‘INSURANCE ....,.......... s. .' ‘ W wongrmuu Wsnhbus, 913:3 ii vre 7’ J 8Cl8‘.1fH‘iC.Ai.l.‘l' N Area or Bail-mu 1'0! :1. Cry: I‘ p Old ltye which nod other Thu round»; is known to our t rhymi- riuu. in highly rolnnwmiod by them. and tho A. .u.'r- no or oueoionr molt pmualncnt cltcmlau. Pror. (1. A. Msnlxnx. oichlcsx-.1. in on the label of every i hmwlx_ to an medical prtrinssiml that um R\’)L\1iil pliant the groups: mild [or Coughs Golds. hmunuus. Brunei um, born out Lnngx, who (Junamnp d Anvuwxo nrhtau. ppotiur mull: bill.- in tho tie- Ollu hm. will dud it rs ouuti 1.’.$'IAI1l.lSllED I Sifi. minim 2. Eagerly i sml, GEEEKLL COKHISSKON HEBUHAHT8 521' at or dmlumea tuna and activity to the whole humus i§L.‘i‘n2 up’ in Qunrt rim Tivoma {or family nu. 14 12)‘ Dnaunnu and uesiers ever; when. LAW IKFSNCEI an MART.IN (Sole Axvuls tor Iht cnlud Emu Ian! Canada) 111 Hurllson Blrcat. Chicago. W}: I In! A l I. 8 . I °° ° '“.:.e1..* xivu RICHARDSON I .fl “ Cellini strut. '1-uh oi i'o;lu1. Gums. acct» attention ‘fun: 13?; ‘ fun.‘ om. Knuomrurnu G _0o.-Jun! rm»: Sixth, (ihgsts. mt‘. 1.o“tdJ1.rsfi M5.» ' LAOLEDE xrommn, at ((5.. ' as .l.i.Chsua:in‘¢. 4; iOci'.obcr. smnly, UCTDBEB 9,1880. PlEMlifi§§5o,onn luL.\'n snow or XiorscI.(‘aittls. am-¢p.awloa. Poultry and Dogs tron: this conuuenuud En- ximtd. CONTEST OP‘ 8?? -'8 THE GYt.l.!~"D AMI‘!!!- TIIEATKXI cvrry with ma during the week at hir, Till! ZOULOUK collection oi WiL i)iAl..‘! from Asia. Atrium any Sn-.tit America. is open to V|.uto'rI W1'l’I1l)U‘I"!‘.h.- Till; CiIAut£ B. 'i‘ill-1($itFJAT I-'.".'iiii7l1'l‘lON’ HALL will durlmrtha dz be Illti1.I.i..\.\".t'LY l.l.l.UM1.\'A'l:‘.r2D in electric llx Ill or w.u.0_-candle power with heat: iui eitect upon Grotto», Wuxertslla and .’u'tltici.ul Cares. (EKIANI) l)1SI'l..\l'3 of Azrlculluni and Shenani- ni Iiiaiclllucry. Textile l-‘nbritu. Fruits and Flowers. - Till-2 MIT‘ IIALLS will contalh a choice collection at I"Al.\"l‘iN(:S, secured tram Anna 01 this country and Europe. GllA.\'D Eilliill‘ ‘PA IKADE OF THE VEILED l'.itU l.‘iit."i‘S U<.."1‘0l.l 5 it 5. lLLRllL1iUlDS&STEillBDlTS n:rminnum.v at 8|. l..o.ll-. lino aimed to curl‘ ulna- .u to me 51‘. LOUIS FAIR at uilJ\ZA'l‘ Y KE- IUCBI) R.\’l'1-‘.8. . 1.:-tum directed to the Eecrclnry will rncciru proulpl nlteuuuu. O. O. l{.‘Ll.ii. C‘iI.M‘..i.'l-:3 GREEK. sec rotary. l’r¢-smicnt. THE CONTRAST! While othtr Baking Pol-vdcn an iugcly ADUL- TEIIATBD with ALL?! Ind other Imrihal drugs, has been lu.-pl UN(‘ll1Ntll§D in all or its original tit and wholrsotnomxfa. 'l‘lm_ best orllienco oi fill £Ai'r:'l'i, liEAl.Tlil‘l5I.Ni‘.\'S. PUIIITY, and Ifi‘l~'l2C'i'l\’l:.\ lgfii is Til}: I-‘ACT of its bring and today. from bod : to South, from Eat in ii est, in the lemma: oi‘ the rich and poor, when ll." has been used for the last 15 years. APUHE FRUIT llllll BAKING POWDER. NI'ZV1':'.R SOLD IN BULK. R-ado by STEEIQE & PRICE, lluluftvrturrru of Lupuliu Yrni Gem», Sporihl Flavoring Kxlrnrin. rtc., Clllcugo mud sjt. Louis. El SPRING VEHICLES Ara now used in ' over llro imndred ifurrlugo liuiitiors. Springs and‘$ [or suit: by HENRY TIMKEN BUXLTJER OF Fl§\'E C.i1'iii.iAGBS. i0l0 ST. CHARLES STREET. A pollénarisii “ THE QUEENOF TABLE WATERS." "vili.1.’i Neliimi J-mrnaL “L’£A‘U DE TABLE D128 BEINES." La Gaulofo do mm. ANNUAL SALE. 8,o=90.000 BOTTLES AND JUGS. Oi all Mlmral Wale: Dealers. Grocer: and Druwisifl GENUINE ' dgr.-db I emu-.1-and :i§°§‘t?.ili'53?:o be t .."<'x§f.'§ tn‘: '1. 'i'c'§n-oi‘: or malaria. (‘hill-Favor, Dynpopaiu. Uni ~ dun‘: Dtnmxen. Liver complaint. ol.c., it you get. the gonnlnw-not oln. pm“ **°r-:-.'- .=:'..*:r 2' 9?!!! {M PI . X‘ 0 I‘: I‘ I‘ ;J.“.“‘-’ ' liol. T!‘-‘PAD co.. ‘KW roux. Tfllxfj .... »_.".. .- 9213?. 0A.. Junlulry es. lw.-in I87! thus warn um priwrssrs oonhncd in tho Juli of this county who won nu-1 ludlr aldicied with‘ typbliln. In my will:-.151 eupndty I cmnloysd Goal. 0. '1‘. Sim to cure ihsm, under A contract.‘ ‘no cure. no my. " "Ila ndmicluer-vi to then: hit Srphllldc lpecils, and In n low week: i fgitbonnd so pay him out 01 tho County Txeissry, u be had cthctad it complain llld radical can. - A. B. 011.3, Oniiury Houston Oonuty. Cl. 0 '1' . I’ mu 1‘. im!.—(I ls WIn‘fl’f:T:£:‘r‘:lu:':?in’1 tint (go 8. 8.5. llflavgiflt‘ gwtfitiichuwa. is an bad‘fixwi:-put“ros:.ii’n;lrom Iwurl-or am. we uric I oodorimdtenlu e in. 331;?‘ I "5 ‘,6. *-~‘ ...z* “"i.«.-u'H.ii6 6 5’ o.. ‘ lull»:-Ba. °' to: viral?’ -Ei.\llI)E’.\'. containing 1 hriil ' WEAVER’é ‘. The Gréenbock ' lLe'gae£ ~lIigI:1y - _ Iudigna.nt.- V .Ho-‘Abuses the‘ Delnocrats 'for.§_lalm- . , ing,ll‘lainé'. Where Piaisbed Received Host of His Strength From: [rho Result in Maine Hot Mate:-lally Changed. Rousing Republican Mcotlngaln Illinois- Pollucol Plcklngs. ‘ apecinlnhpslch to tho Globe-Dsmoc .3. . W.\atu:Io'm.V, D. 0.. Smatombor I9.-con. '.Wonvcr in conversation to-day spoke in the moat contemptuous terms at tho, Dcuiocrhtiu putty Ind their prcsumption in nsnuming that tho conical: in Maine who in any respect it Dem- nothingln common with thcflemocrnlic party, though thoydonot objucttotbe ruppory oi tbelr valor. Gun. Weaver said that tho lnsqlenoa oi tlloireoui-so in celebrating the Maine election whon nupposod tobo a success. may be beat ap- pracilttu.-d by remumhering that ‘ out at the ‘€3,000 volos polled for Mr. Plnintrld, tho Domocruu polled about $0,000. in a. dispatch congratulating Plnlslod omllo "contest in Maine Gan. Weuvor expressed his opinions very plain woiarastllc Democrats ans coucérnod. Gen. Weaver, communtlm; on his dispatch. says that the uudllcily oi the Domocmtu, as evi- denced in their consummate dlapldv oi chunk in attempting to muko 53,000 Green- buckors pludgo tbemuclvos ’- to sur- rcndcr to their 20,000 is only equaled by their cupncxty (or misollloi would they gctinto p0Wt)i". Gen. We-aver says he is groluly onooumxcd at the political outlook oi tun Greenback party, and tbomzh he does not expect to win in this combat. the calnpmgn will have thu uiiuctol bringing tho party Into lllm. will drive the llclniacruts out nl cxlatncce und mnlzc it the formidable competitor 0! mo Republican party for nutlomal. success in tho luturc. Ho (!Ltil.Ll$ that tin: party will poll 1,600,000 vote: in tblu cumpnixu. 113 lot: this evening ior Wort Vi:-gluiu, wllcro ho will mnko IOVBHLI spuoclleu. Mulnc lteturnm. iloarox, 8optembi~rl9.—A Iltrald apcciui irom Portland |l\'1.'IUio lntcsl: ruturns received in Democratic hcadquorlcra: I130 towns giro Plalstcd T3.l93; Davis. 7:i,bi~.‘. Thu towns to hear iron: gave in 151") it Fusion majority 01 101. The return: will give rlhlalcd n piuruii-.y oz 118 it tho towns to be heard lroxh vote as iunl: year. l'ourl.2i.\‘b, him, Suptqulborlll.-..'.u Augusta dleauulch says the election rclurm so fur give Govurnur Darla n Dlurlllily at about 200 votca. '1 burn an) aim suvcml (owns and pluntutlons to limit (mm, and them are Imrm discrepancies in tho returns received bv lcictrfaph which make It diiiicult to ascertain tho result at the -.-let.-tlun. It is evident, iluworur, um vutu is closes, and it is quite pmbublo only Ibo ulilclul cnuvlnsu oi the ruturus will decide who is elected. A Rousing Rally. Special Dlltulch to ma tllubcdlllnibcfitl. ‘ CutuminAt.lz, I1.r..‘.~5oplombor ll).--Tlxs Gar- licid Club 0! thin place has settled down to solid business. .\'uu1-lyuvcry voter in tho oily and townnbin iscuroilud. its meetings are on Snturduynigbt. and (mull mroling oi the club is :1 uutss unrtlting. Lu-it night lilo spehkur was Dr. Cyrua Thomas 0! (ill) lfintomolouicui Do- pzxrtmunt oi the Uuitmi Suites, and law slum ivlulomologlur. D"1..‘i“d0i3« The speech was matlu in the open air. lhu bull not being oi Inrllcicnt annually to nccnxxznloduto one-Iuurlli of tho pcoplu. it over them was m.-onsion for Dmnncrrus In gnaw ll lilu,lllu spcuilcr presented tho occasion. Dr. Tlmnuls bmzuu by giving my l'M.|.'.-lull)! ior onu-rim; tho clmvmm, aloolurmlr that tho isouca oi the war wcm uuuilrbnsinlu Ibo pimple. llu pl-nvrrd thin by roxulma tho ducinr~ iuiontoi thu lung lluu nl uulusuusu luld pli- triuts. quminu tho p:xnu:r:\pI1 imm HnlIlpiUii'd speech ui: htlumton. ‘\'n-gluin, tun stunt) that stands at H!!! lluati ul um (.‘l.uln:—l)mu>0n.t'r. in reply to the insertion: llmt lixmntou lmd xlu~ nlcu txlnportlun ni his i!t)l‘(:ti|l, Mr. 'l‘llolull.s road an o:t_truc_r. [mm lim_npum'u uddrcus below the bioutllurn lilalurl--nl 50«:it:i)‘ in l:l7'.|, Ml l'Ul.lJ)\\‘.-5: "As it wnrtllo duty‘ at cw-r_v man to um-01.. hlmvcli Io lilo uurvict: or his cmliitrylnlho §:|'(‘i|t strugutlu which illhl just clldod nu diam- iruualy not oniv tn the E‘-.uutll. but to the c'.ul.~m or L‘0Iloi.iItliI(:lllil tXI.i\'ei'llii|l:Ill under rupubuuun imtltzuioull in the now «‘m'lc.l, 50 now, wbuu iii.-it rounu'y la prurslxultu in Lin: dust. wcupinp; for her dead, who died in onion: ta) stwc licr. llbl:rncil._ovcrypmriotiuimpuluu would unto’ llor Blii‘V|Vlilil clilldum to \'lu(iicntc the grunt rrillttlfliflh lur which aim [mi hi. Tllcuo and tho mpterutira duties UIIFDSO upon us 0! ilm south, and the c llci pr.-ril um limbs 1) that, in our dclnuir at the (NH that has bl-iullcn us. my inrgirt those Ublizzillloilfi to llu: mornni pl in-.-lplus iur which we ought, I0 tlunnurtyrmi doudgwilo gave up tlu.-ir lira: iur their principles, and to our cbiltimu him sllunld bi: imuslzt to cliiuz to mum with uunwers-im; ildcllty. it lllusu wllu um to come uller us. and to whom immls the tlmntlnit-I at our cmmlry urn noon to ho emu untlud. nruprousriylmlructcd in tho'y and practice oi rot-ubiluau inaiilutiunu; ll may uru made to coxnpiulnmd the'0g- was and ceuimluatiml oi lllut grout controversy betwc-on U19 nmugnnlsliu ncctlong or this con- tluunt. wh <_~b DIEKIII in the convumlou oi lib‘) and undodiur tile tlmu being at Appnxmlxux in 1&3, ibtsy mm not lull mucus tlmtlrulli, right and jlunicas worn on the aide ul their lath- cra, and they will suroly strlvu to brim; back to we rcpublio thuuo cnndld priuciplcs on wlllcn it mus lmmdud and on which nlnnu ltcuc exist. illnld,mmucr, wilo, giro (rm.-ly to that country this most 1.-iusrlalxml olljrmts al ltwir -tic.-ctionl. it in their: to h..'iit'h our children that their iidliaru wcru neither u'all..:ro nor rob- clu; that we lwlicved as iorn,lurly,u.s In lite oner- xmi word oi God; in: were in thin right and that wollzvc I settled iulrll which no trials can IIIIL ; that in lilo own good limo the H81.“ will be dildo muniluat." _ frlnll i-‘.X'i’iiAO'l? may he found in nu: umsccli oi lion. J. i. Mi lmli, oi Pcmlayivnnia, delivered in the no so 0! ltupruscluutlvcs A til 17, 1879, dud prlrttud in the Congruriormi lcconi, volume 9, puru, nppsndix. noun 9. Dr. Tlxmnna went on to q’uoto mom Alcxnndct‘ Btubbcns, l.llll, aci- iorn-.m Davis, Wytlla. tipriugm-, living and Wallace. Upon the whole it walls the moat toll- in; speech dolircrod in this nrt at tho Btuio. and produced on grant seusnt on mnomt mun ui all parties. -’1‘lm political cxcllumont in this Gongruslouni ‘district is mowing dully. ‘Jim: ludiulttionl are that the publlululn will not only hold tucir own, but improve on the mn- jouty oi 1818. . oi Tho Voters at. Bloomingtoli, ill. Bpcchtl Dlwnlctx to the 0iOb0'DO|n0¢i'-in Bmonlxorox. Int... September l8.--'1'ho Ile- pubiicuu oi Dloomlnuton, this‘ evening. held the largut And most enthusiastic rally since ' the opsnlng oi the campaign. A: an early hour the city was ubimta with bomilroa Ind nro-works,‘ sad the struts wcro crowded with people to viiuou lilo torchlight procession, which numbered over 3,500. including delegations tram dilation: town- ships In in! county. There wsro our (00 mounted man in line dressed in lull uniform. Aiusrmnrching throughihs rtncipui struts the procession lulled in 1. 0 custom part of . the city ‘whom then: were as- scmblod at cut 9,000 Jroopio listen tondgrossos dsilvnrcd b on. J‘. . ltovrell, lion. ‘John Ii. listnllton on. Oliver 0. Elwin, Saybrooit J. Muou Ln otbora. The domain- ntrniou who one at the most: cntbualnsuo. nnd in are rostwot was I grand success, and shown t. at melts ublionruln till: rt 01 lili- noio are in elsrnos , and us oonndo oi nylon- ous victory nut November. _ . Tho 1)omocrulsoitbo.’.i'blrtoonth Oon ru- tionni District bald u.‘mo.u-meeting at any- bxoolc. ’ ‘rho xmndtnos, amt would or encu- ocrutio success: than the (lrocnbnckers unvo- Itw Idrcrtis1n¢,‘}:-erhups would unmborsmln Fooplo. In tho tor1_:oon_s.ddrmses.worc duo. treated by the lion. Lyumn .‘1‘t'umbul'i, Demo» rratlo candiduta for Governor: ‘non. curler» Hun-icon. no or at Chicano.‘ andcol.-. Edward Lynch. Liooo 1:. About loll from Bloomluglou wan proscnt. and over tilroo KIl'n9:O_iiiil number wcro expected ‘to be on hnnd. ‘rile Dslnocrusl no main’; tho most strenuous‘ lN0!‘1l~ to got up big gun luring: in this district, but mmv oi lhalnncotingu have pmvun ignolnlniounly inti- urcs. Thu sddrusoi Mr. Trumbull this alter- noon was In suoetsncs the nuns oldspcach wlilclfhc has daivurcd all over tbc sutc. be- ing the sumo old attack upon the Republican unrly. charging It with corruption. dishonosty and u liiousnnti other things orisxin utod salon’ in tho mind or it dlssppo mod. Dumocrntiu politiclam; Tmmbull does not scam to enthuse It crowd on in the day: when. he was 2. Republican in_ good standing. Hi1rl'lIOll'§ anoccb-was tool-.lvcd with intense: xatbllaellou. undtbo {‘bcs_t _5iu'or Cllicortu ovor had" loll tun grounds com! on: that his c1u.,.uenco.tmd uonniuod drmand lot! a good impromlon with the tow Klltlilfliknd Democruta comxrcirntcd in on Illinois grove. Thin, pivoting the Democrats hnd plhnnad. to make ibc boa: blowout oi the cam align in tho Tlairtcantb District, but utter all t e itdvertlulng thoerowd Wfll much smaller than expected. The Arkansas F.icct.lon. Svnclnl nimstch to the ulobcdlozuocnt. Ln-rt: Itocx. ARK” September 18.-'1‘ho Kr.-mlng Democrat announces that Gov. idllibt willicavu to-marrow {or Nari York, and that W. L. Torry. President or the Sennto, will not as Governor in his hbwncc. ‘Nearly lhroo wt-ck: have elapsed. since our cioctlon, and while tho returns are in lrom every county in the Siuto,thu result oi the uicction in this coun- tv is still in doubt. 1~:\*orybm.iy knows that tho cntlre llzzuubllcuh ll:-.1<l~.t, with Col.\\'. S. Oliver us cnndlmuc lor shcrli! at tho lmad.w:ls circled by il‘0l.l.i 200 to 300 majority, but what the re- turus will bo in one oi_thoso Linings no cm: can Kind uut. Torry, who will bu nctintr Guvorilor In Miller’: absence, was stwrncy lot-lilo Domocrlitic county enn- dldutcu bolnm tho Oummsslmr liuurd, mid tried to ham ccrmln towuabipu thrown out in order to clucl. the Democratic count ticlwt, and it is mlsmted by lbzpubllcnm that ilicr'n nbtovnco in thin limo lnmms iilllt Torry will commission the cutllo Dcmoorutio ticket. Thu returns or the election on tho .l-‘isllimck umendnlcnt lmvo not been opened yet, snd uobodf isgxliowcd Access to thuru. ‘Ibo Dcxilocrutu tr lo invorod the xuncndluont say that, notwithstanding (no solid liopubllcan vutu against it, tho measure is adopted, but limb, [or political xctwoma, tho result will not be announced until alter the In- diana election. Churchill, Democrat is: elected Governor by .':l,O0o muiorit over i‘:u-int. Green- bnclccr. Very tow ilupubl cnuu voted ior cilhcr stun: ticket, and are having: a hard light to not their votes cast {or county oiilc.-rs counwd. Jumper County, .‘llo., Politics. Special nlwnlcll la tbs uiobo-llolnocru. UL|l‘i‘liA(ll-i. 510.. seplnmbcr 18.-Tlxo Green- bnckcru oi Jasper County held their Conven- tion in this city to-day. which was quite largely attundcd. every township being; rcnrcaonwd. in to clmrnctar and numbers. the Gouvoutlou was respectable. A ("ll ticket was nominated, bonded by William Brown. oi this cuy, Chair- man oi the Llouuty Colnmlttcu and-cuudldul.o 01 um pnrtr tor the same uillco two years ti. ;lor isllorld, W. 1'. ltni-1lun:'I‘rcnsntcr, J. ii. ‘urry: Cullcclor, llonnctt lluil; Pruaccutluxr Auurumy. 1-‘. S. Your-r. All except ltaiutou nro rmsuionu oi Uorllmuo. The was ot the ticket 13 made up hum tho country dist:-lcxs. The dcclinui on 0! hiclloth, Republican nominee tor (Jon-rre-as oi this district, published in )'¢:ii(ll‘- day as ULOIIE-Dl>2Di()Cil.t"l', throw cousl.uru.ltlon into the Democratic cnnm in this city on its ro- coptlun. Till.-3 morning it is apparent that Wu¢.idill'8 eampnlxu is uot_ so may as was un- ticiluwd. simuld Mr. 1lz'u<l:ltluu, tho (ironin- bun‘ cnudidnm. witlnlnuv from tho xlacc. in it in boliuw.-d hora bu will. rind lmluc mun brougiit out who Mil bu ucceptablu to both pxu'tlr.~.<. \\'uddlil's dc- luut in lnuvllnblu. Two more colupuulcu oi Iiuya in Blue were orgnnizlzd in tho U_ cm "'~'b”-9‘.°".L‘i!".'. um! Mu.lL.l.|.u 0L01.1i=c.r5,¢.,cct~. ed. ' "i'lll1l‘nul1tr.-§‘Youx‘ cmnpufl oa.'uuv.! ittlll the: good work continues. Tim Dmum.-rulic picnic ut.suhonIcr‘si~'priuu::a iU<lilIy who I! complete lnilnru,lcsslll.m mu persons built; in nltund- um.-0. \\’ctwcr to l’lulsi.ed. \V‘.u4ll.x:<Cl:n'):<. D. 0., .~'n.-pu-lulmr llI.——Oon. Jnlnus ii. Wumnzr, Grtwlnbuck nolnlneo lor Prun- idont, sends the loiluwimg tclmrrnm to (Jun. Plnialc-.l. ul linnxur, binlno: "l<x>nurutulatu you on tho grund figzliil you llnvu mudu in Muinu lurtllo Netliuunl Greenback l..-llmr port)‘. it will iuspirn ourlrlcuds with coziildcucc nud strcugliicn them iortllu urcttt imttit.-:3 wllic!) ruumln to bu iolmilt. 1 hope: you are oluctod. it is must runuulni: to am .tlm Democratic leader; xmuquurudlm: In-lilxid tho (irucub.-cl: party und milling.-uur victory it Lluluuclutlu bomn. Tboy full in tall tlm public that you won: nominated an a straight Ul‘l.‘1.‘iliJuCi(t!t‘, and tllul’. u Duma- 1:: at could um. haw curries! the male by to,wo. They (all nl.~,o tu stlltoluul. thuy i't.‘l1tlL‘ill:li you to Imtku pluduua lu tiimn wilen they guvc yuulilclr indul-sun-unu. and that you vercmplorlly dc- cilmzd that tlle:lr Sum; (..‘ Colnm1l.i(:nsuh- uuquczluly (lonmudud UiCli;.!t!'! at you, and upon your act-om! rcllmii. omd tho t:()lilililiicti rc- q|lii't:(|. you ll) wililtiriiw iu a ()li!iilid:fl0 and unit yuu dc:-liuud tu do Lhnt ciao. 'i‘Ilc lem- ouruls In Alamo allowed their |_i1')t1id :'-cn.<u by vntlm: the urcuuback ticlnet. Let mu uli rr~):)icc. lslxmed) Justus ll. ll’r;Avut. Democratic Frntlda in Texas. (spacial lltaumcll In lilo Olunc-Ilcunocru. lllAl:.~lu|.l., 'l'r.x., Scntculbcr lil.—'i‘ho Demo.-’ cmtic \rlm-puller: in tho Woodluwn Precinct, in this (iinrrisun) county. uro clmrgcd by the iiu11ubllcans—-«dud it. hasn't been donlcd——wil.h having at this loot txioclluxl cxmmd the billions oi vnu-,:s Iu bu paused lo the luuuuywrs iruux Illa: pumldu iixrouxl: mu upcning an high that no valid‘ could in a wind. was dam: will: his imilov. ullrr it was imminent tu um ciccllpn nlliccrs in- sl'.l0, and with hnvnur iluolroyed to lorgu u. nulubur oi baillurs tllus ii! to clxuu '9 what ought to llnvu boon n Iirzuublin-nu mu ority 0! hour 200 inloairullduitult llomovruiio major- uy ul about 50 vote». Tin: clue-tinu nmccru at lsilysimn i-‘in-id l'rr-minor were clmrzou, and huvo (£».5{)l'uJLi. that Rll[)ilUil.i;EiI'.( did not lul\'0 lilo twill. to emit tut.-lrlmiiolh. bbcauso they tvcm printed on colon.-d paper, thus (runs- itlflllilillil Iltrun liisuubiicnu nmjwity into nu hccuruta.-. Qumur.-r..tlo majority, and uilurdimz l.Iu=.lrcaluln.lutcu u xrutuxr. inr seizing lilo omcu» in thin county. tauv. iluhbnrd, thou 'l) ud- vised of liIt'Isx.' inc-Ls. rclu,-wd to cumlnlu on the iiopulllll.-uni uiiiccru clout. but nilowod ills Dom- m-m.'.lcil'lcud-.1 to retain lilo nnlucru they had elcctud uuluwiuiiy. Joined by Dcmocruts. special l'llIp.1icIl to tho ulob».--ilelnocrat. arr. Vziisox, il.t.., Scptombvr ls.--it:-pub. llcixn meetings are bcingbuid all ovorum cunn- ty constttutly. This nitcrnoou at ‘J o'clock (ion. 0. W. Plwy, candidate for Coruzrcu from tho !\'iuL-tcontb District, will address the lio- publicnus ll! Zion. linn. 'i‘i1cm. J. Williams. at Eprimr Gnrilen, will speak it: Wlllimmimrx, and 0. Ii. Luunurd and J. ll. Slum ut ileum], this uvcmlng. This countv never were enn- wvucd so timraugilly as ii. is now. Tim ltupni» lit-rm rhnlm are being nlnod by disgusted l)cm~ ocrnu and urocnlmc ‘arm by hundreds. Tim result oi the Maine election is recclvod Jcyluily and inspires lukowimn Itnlmbllcnnu greatly. Tluirxernocrnu attempted to cnlhum overrun bin cluctlon this uvoninsr. Gen. W. 1!. An- duraou, who has ism: rcturnod to mom from tho (irooutmckern, nddrosllod them. When uslwd what rlzglll. they lmd to nvj-nice over this presunr. result, in: ropllod that may bud re- ducod tho ltcpubllclm majority. and because at that they won: happy. Democrats Turning Over. Special Dlupatch to the (liobs-Democrat. Onulrnosr, In... September 19.-rho Gur- iieid and Arthur Club oi’ this place was un- dmssed Saturday night by Dr. Powel. editor at the Kirkland County Iicpubtimu. The Doctor in dune upolkor, and bold bin largo sodluucs in that uttonzion for nearly two hours. The npcoch tinrouxllonl. was ircquoutl interrupted by vociferous a plume, the clam: ng oi hands and tho whim utter at ladies’ lmldlzarolllsis. Tli0.l1hl‘l00L‘k club. nnmborlug Perhaps dlty motnberl, mat on tho some nigh in Itnotbur ttrtni the town. Willie Dr. rowel wu apolit- 12% A number of Democratic sooodcrs iron: tho ot or meeting cums in, paying rupoo ul 1!» tontlon to tho speech. Btmwn snow er, in why the wind blows. , ~‘ Bepleto with Eloquence Bpecial Damien 7.0 the ulalic-Demo‘nrnt._ ,_ ’ nrurlzw, ILL. , Beptembor ls.-‘rho mu-nsid inc Arthur club, acoonwnnlod brtho 0100 Club at this town, ion bars (or John'som’illo,' this county, slxtson mllcs distant, to Ittcnl my grand rdlly to be bold than this stoning, and, by Igpolnimout, lion. W. H. Robinson.‘ Egyprnc nmpiouliopubllcm slumber, spolut oonunuad on Booohd rage.‘ " “ norm 1N_.Tll‘_.E“'DARK§7 l The Assassin at Work Tlortir easi; Missouri. \ . . x; A I A Prominent Fglitician Shdt in His Ow House. . The People Mystiflcd Over the Dark Deed. Another Case of Sunday Blood—Lctting I in Chichgo. A Maddanad Eucbcndts Crimc at Mill- wankoo--Oriznlual Crumbs. peels! Dispatch to the Olobb-Democrat. hlAB1'V1Li.1‘.‘, ni0.. 8:-ptcmbcr i9.——Our city" was thrown into an iolcncooxcitcmontiut Sat- urday night at :1 into hour by tho lmuouncomunt of tho iqcl: that Dr. 1’. P. Tnlbott, editor and proprirstor at tho Greenback Standard 0! this city, bud bocu assassinated in cold blood in his own bouilo. by some unkown person. Early this morning your representative wont. to the run!» dance 0! Tulbatt, seven miles south 0! Mtifyvlllo. to uncertain. as rmnrly as possible, tho incl: concerning Ibo clcnd -rllu ooctolt was inst icon in Alan-ville Euturdriy evening at 0 o'clock. utter which hour he dapancti for his homo. He reached ms lmuxm anioly. andthcro iound ll nt-lzhboring (armor walling: [or him to go Ind mo 8 sick cblld. Thii ho did, returning to his home at about 9 o'clock. Accordlnur to tho statement. at his son Aibort. a young man aged it yams. ulcer cotnlnx homo hlstnbcr went into tho chamber whom his mother mt; lylnz on the bed, and. alter lnklngofl bin coat hnd vest, «sat down on tile bod. Albert anys be was at this than sitting _by I window reading, with his arm rcatiugr on tho WilldD\Y~3iil. when at tho moment his lather had his hand up to his sldarn bullet from It gun, on the outuiuo oi the building, crude rrblzxiug into the mom, ebaltcring the piano or glass. passing through It curtain and thence striking his httinzr tint, cutting all two at his lingers, (tut! tbcn passing into null entirely through his side. grazing the leg at Mrs. Tulbott audludg- inglu tho Willi borond. immediately upon being shut tho Doctor sprang to tho floor and cried. "Murder! I'm shot," and tried to rcncil ll gun that was stuudlnaln the room, but could not do so, and fell back on tho bod. ‘rm: sort >385‘! be grasped the gun and wont to the door, where he hum-d hurried st/..-ps passing by the trout oi the house. lilo opened the door and Bin‘! n. retreuling form. lit wllicll no tired, but without clicct. Tints in all this (umlly appears to know of tho mutter, and no clan‘ of the per- petrator cl this horrible crime is known. The bnllwith v.-hicll be was shot was‘ nlterwal-do {mind and weiszlu-d over an ounce. _Anlmur boloro the death oi the murdered mun the Gmna-ilcmrcur roportur went to hi'li"""" ll'o'd’nldc. suliuriniz urnntly and gradually nearing death's door. "110 stxilcd that it was hard (or lumtn Just in tho prlmc oi lilo to thus bc shot down by it nmlulgm assuzaln in his own bousu. llc scanned to think in the time that his murdczur might have been some zxgcut oi the bankers’ Association. and in Hill conmectlou it 15 only proper to remark that nmny bcllcvcd his mind who not uxactl)‘ sound on tho Gruonbnck ques- tion. '.L‘bulo um rzuhl-zlrous ‘rm:ouu:s renrurdlng bis death, but the ucncrrlllr received opinion is [but some pr-neon with whom iii) Mid duuiluga or u inlllng out has committed the foul duud. No person believes» puilllca had any- xlllng to do with the lnurdl-r. Dr. Talbot: was born dud rnlscll in U(lI.‘il.lilit County, Ohio, and unwed to .N'udd\vny Unnuly M€¢nt_y~nlgiiL years ago. lie amassed n lorluuu by lilo prlicticc oi lnl:<ii<:im:, and win collrslllcncll an honorable mun in all his dealings. lio was It Grecnbeurk apuukur nnd writnrol ccusltlcrubln prominence and during: tun _ pint two months has been uditinL' bi: pnpc:-,lbo C-'r¢:.nback-Sunni» an), n ixicil no hits on-nod for :5 your post. Do- ucascd iI:il\'0! a wild and lurgo ilulllly of lliliiv dx-on to niourl) his 1035. iii: dontll bun crust u gloom ovgor tho cnliro community. nnd no ei- lurtxs will bu spared to brim; tlru pvt-pclralors oi the dumuublc Llcrm to speedy justice. The .\'il.Iiug 'I‘ronblns. C()LU}iliL'8, 0., scmumlmr ill.-—'i‘ixo trouble nttlno Curnimz coal mines will not down, as was hm’.-:2]. Till: moi’-rind the silent! of Pmry County ordered it compnny oi militia to the ;!Ct:lit?,ltlll1,illiQr, called on Gav. Foalor ior lllilllliflllill troops. in response to illlscull, uuv. Fastcrordcl-cd parts-oi tllrco companion of tho lllil iiugixxtcnt, lncntcd hero, to proceed in mice to (.'mum;:. in rcwmlso to a riot nlurm uoumlcd by this l-‘luv Duptu-lxncnc at i o'clock, l.lu_-an troulm rusurnblnd in their at- iuvn-_v,' and lot: (or tipruinx nt 6 o'clock by lmuclni train. Al. 'l'::i-U p. in. u lcicurnm wt!!! rccc.-lvcd by tho Adjutant Gcnernl stating that during rm u.<ulmn;:o oi almts, this evening. bu- twu.-en the ulilitslry und, lllrco minors \t‘«:r-: known to lmvu in.-on wounded, but none oi tho lullilin wow injured. Second Dispatch. . ,, C0i.i.")lili33. Olilu, til.-plumber ill.--A opccllll to tho Slalc Jwufiml says: Till: u\‘flllill|: tlm miners t.‘liS\l';£t:Li rm Sn. 3 mind on tllroo Bidlia. Tho trnupuuponcd Kim on til-nu, svbon an in’- srloriouu rulrnut mu ux.-tun. Tburo were about mu wounded, nlul‘o‘ol thou) curiously, while in rutruut. shouting and nbootiug in going on proluiucuousiy. Third lflamttcll. Conusmua, 0., September )9.-A pi-Ivntc lclcgrum suites that whom the minors nnuultud the work: at Ournlmg niluo to-day they were ordered to halt by the militia, and llmt they re- apnmlcd by tiring upou llm troops. The ti-naps tlmnrvturnd tho iii-u, wouuxliug several men nmi scdtloriuxz tllu msszmlllng pm'ty._ A: ll o'clock n tclugi-um mus raccivcti by Assistant Adjutant General Smith ntuting that no iurlbcr trouble was anticipated to-nlgllt. - ' A Sundnyisttsbbinlz Alrmy. Bnrrlni iiiwstclx lo the Glob--Dunocrnt. (:luc.\ou, Sept-amour i‘.!.--A stabbing adrny, which will probably result in the death oi the victim, occurred about 8 o'clock this evening, and, nu usual in Suudny blood-letting, mu csuso oi the row was whisky. John Land. 1 Swede, living at the cornor nl State and ‘Van But-on utrcel.s.durim: tho duy called upon it irlondmuucli Andra Amiurson. wildluit B-I 30 Brannon virus, on tho Norlll M410. Thor. to- rustlwr wililromo other parties. cum: ed in A drinking bout, which terminal in a. quarrel. Anderson aunt Loud. out allot- some beer. and when the inner brought back only .90 cents change he became vol-ymucu our on, nmi_wir.ln ulurgc kuilo piunxcd itlmo .oud'clc!t olloxll or. The blluis pcnorratodtbo bone and ontorod the oiclmu cavity cltuaing iutornai lloxuorrba rs. Tina worm ed man was attendud by Dr. uunlnyp ham. who told that the chances were throe to one against his surviving tho injury. Land is :1 years at age. umnarriud, cud omploycd in 5 ooulpiucc ht (iii mute street. ula murderer who doulco dnin the cuttllin. was nrrcslcd an looiccd up intbo bicago Avenue Police Station. Brought Down with is Pistol. special Dispatch to ‘lull! aloha-Domocru. round, 0., Eleptexnbor ill.»-A name and what proved to be mu encounter with politics and virility‘ mlxodoccurrod last night at 3 Dorrnr-not uloom "I‘wo_Elghth Warden oi doubtful character, named Jacob uolmu no John‘ Xlnl. the runner‘ n Garfield. mad the latter tor uuuoook, Inn And tho tormsr where‘ " 1l'Ni)~'mY('l!1l'lt!“"'l’iiI'l1A “lured b Iirlhthécould whip ainfve « , . . ry much lfiankogo ioncool: man. - no little: wen: mm: on is and armed, hlrrauli with an and Boldu, iollowluzg o cogniro on him with I rcrolver. King turner?-gnnd mar." ioilowod closely-by Kokius. The third and fourth morn tool: clccéi wringing Kim: do-urn. flotlu then turn lWl{' and was soon utter ur- mzcd and iodine. n ma, ccntrnlsmlon. Ho put in the man plan or sell-duionso. King lay 1:: in bad condition All night and died this morn- Shot in the Arm. Smm lliulntch to lbs ulobu-nezuocm. ’ Arurrrt. Im... ssptcmbcr 19. - About 1 o'clock on yesterday morning 1’alor>\V'n.gnot was awakened by his will). who said some cm W“ “Sink to get into the homo through 3 win. d°.V- 111'» Wmucr got his revolver and searched “*0 bromine. and Iuceccdcd in finding‘ it man .' “"1 5'75)‘ In his grape arbor with his boots snd but all. no allowed the mm to put on his boots, and lhoy then started lor thc Cltyatu-. xiui srcsldunco. two blocks mvuy. and when _ ueatr there _ tl stranger endeavored to run, wbcuhlr. \V or tired, the bzdlsm-llrizw him "1 "10 “M11? but 01 the aim. The prisoner baitcdmud wlu mrhed over to we .‘.larshui,und he with taken bt-lam Justice Hill sand was held in tho sum oi 3300 to tho Circuit court, in do- iauit 0! which he who taken to Lincoln Juli. lls (arc his name in Frank Koch. Arrested. on Two Chlxrgcg. spcclal Dispatch to the Globe-Dmxiocrnt. brulxcriznn. lu... Septcmbcr I9.--‘mo Tele- ‘phonu Company oi this oily having met with opposition in putting up poles on Emil street loom tho uicrchnnts, an attempt was niudo to- day to out rho voice in position, the Sabbath being selected upon to do.lho work that no in- junction may bu rwoldod. Alter advancing to a conuidcrablo extent with the work tho City Mu-sbul appeared with two warrants. one chmzlnxznn excavation oi the nu-cocwmmnr authority, and tho uthur for bmalricgtlao Sub- bulil. Til-2 whole natty oi workman. including the manager. were arrested; but upon yrlvlng bonds llwy were rolmuwl. Tim case will be llulml before :1 City Justice tr3\~rnorrow. River Thieves Cdplutcd. Epcclal Illumch lo the ulubc-Democrat. DLVBXP0lt'l‘,_I0\r\'A. Sunlembcr1'.i.—Tl1c police oitbio city. alter an ullulxh: watch Saturday nisrbt. captured it gang oi :-Ivor thlovca firs miles bulowxbo oily. and lodged them in juil, where they now mmit trial. Tile gang has been doing its work at wvcmi towns noovc born {or mine liI116- The party giro their mum-.3 n.I Jumeu I-‘ruzior. Grorgm Bodlluldnflrl. lwdnoid, Jobu Dcrxuuud cud Chnricn Davis. A Double: Tragedy. Mli.WAUKt7.!%, W15.. September iil.—Gco. A. Wulchtlcr. of Chicago, crime here this morn- ng and 51) um tho day with his divorced wile and children. About 6 o'clock, us be mu . about to leave, he drcw n rcvolvcr and shot mar through rim u~.-ck. then won: into tho yard and abotuimacil through tho lucud. dying in- slluuiy. Mrs. Wclcliuor will probably rocnver. ilu evidently cum» bcru lot tho purpose 0! killing her. Brake Juli. Special nlrnuch lo Hit‘. Uiobc-l)emocrzt. CEDAR mu-xos. l0., Scblcmbcr ls.-Three priaonors, two xmhiliu: trial for rape and tho. other for larceny, broke jail at Zaiuriou yester- day, by prying lilo door open wilhubnrot iron. They have not yo! been recaptured. OMAHA HAIPPY. The 'Nc'braska State Fair to Open Theta This .1101-niu;z—l\rrcst of rt crook. Special impalcb to the Globe-l)cmo:r:t. 0xl.ul.t, Nun” September l'J.—‘1‘l:o Nebraska 4‘ state 1-‘ulr open: new to-marrow, and will continue all the week. Grunt preparations bnro ll-.~cu uludc. Tile entries are unusually lurgc, uud should the weather prove iuvorublu both the exhibit und ultamlzmcc will doubtless really exceed that oi any iartncr occasion. Ilisny oi tbu attractions present at the town Slutc l»‘alr,wt-cit bciore inst. lznre bccn secured, and the city is aimndy be-,;iunlng to an up with strangers. in tbu rrlcca tho purses are nearly all tilled, and lilo «port in this lino will be ilwlfcud interesting. New lmlldlntis have been emailed upon the grounds. uvrrylln mt tour. in lirau-class order. and the in- terest munilustcd Imro by our citizens in ms):- nu; ill-J utiuir A grand auucmrs is nil timtcould be dv.-sired. Tho wcuggcr to-night promises well. lion. A.J. Po pit-ion. Atloru or thcfinion‘ Pucilio lbxlirou , and Col. J. J. lclm . Sundr- lnwndcnu oi '1'ci0i:l‘hD|l, iolt lo: St. uls this hncrunnn, vln [lid Wabash. St. Louis and I'll.- .«.-ilic. to be: present nl. tho lmnrlngol tho motion Io dissolro lilo injunction grautcd by Judlzo llccrury in tin: cum oi lllu Western Union Tula- szrzmh couipmy vs. tlm Union Pacino, which in not tor ’.[‘ll(.'9tla_v in your city. Abmhsliu Iiltztlmulcr, It mun abontiioyoaxs oi ago. i01‘iliL'l‘i\' oi Clmlndd, lawn, who was urrcsta.-ll :1 day or two ammo at Ft. Edward. . Ncb., by i')epul._\' Unllud Stzllos liars)-.ul Iinil, olmrircli with obldinlmr u iuttcr from the Post (Jlilcu nt tun: Diucc qdddn.-sac’! to A.b.[.ii(:B~ llngm-,:md nD|l2‘0[li‘lxt'.il‘lK n Limit iound therein for slit! 53. druwn by the banking bousu at John __y., hlcinullcin ll Atlantic ‘town, bus boon lodxcd in jail il()I'0.Ifld will havo ll bunting to-ilulrrow. lit: in rumor lsznomnt, who uuncquuintcd with lluulucns utialrs, mid many think him innocent, as do was expecting uwnuy by mail. OA8UAh’i‘iES. Seriously Injured. Epeclnl Dlspnlcti in tin: Gibbs-ll:-mocr.\t. .\'u.wonn, lLl.., Sept. ii).--As 3 [party oi young men lrolu thin plnco wmo returning lrom Gimrd an lust nvoning, thus‘ concluded to try tllu npocd oi their horses, and in turning an ring)»: in tho. mad. while driving at 5 high rate of speed. the spring wagon was over- turned, tin-mvlvuz timm nil out. and breaking’ liming: at William Cllrrillxtolt Just above tho unirlo, and uiiinrwlau variously injuring hlul. iii: condition is uril.ic.\l. Dlod from ills injuries. I'A.\‘A, Il.l.., semcxnlmr 19.-Jmnus Ilcclmohd, while: under the inliucnce of liquor, niloulptcd to crawl nndx-r u Irclxbt train at noon: ll . o'clock lust nl (ht; the u-uln i)!i‘i.\lCil ovorllim. cutting; oil Do! i ills i0;(~i iii the thigh, and badly brulalmr lllill. imm (bu olicctss oi which ho died at about 1 o'clock this morning. Drowned. Clllcmo, st-punnbcr 19,-A Coldwatnr. Mich- igan, llpamiul any»: Your young man went ll buru.-riding on tbalnlxo «onto! this city. The bunt capsized nnd It young: mm: nnmcul hi. it. Joyce. lormcrly lmm Puttsdnul, N. 11. Win dro&wue<i. Thu body has not ya: been recov- cro . Fului injuries. Special Dlspntcn to tho Glouc-Deluocrnl. BRl.l..i?.i‘0N't‘Al:ilr:. 0.. Scplunlbcx‘ it).-—3in1or 1’¢:lor htumsta, xx wolblrnnwn insnrlmco man, was thrown imm his bu my last night at 10 o'clock, nmtuluimz tutor at injuries, from which he died in 3 o'clock this mm-uiuu. Dztvltt, the in-lab Agitator. mm Fmxcrsco, suplombcr 19.-—laiic‘.mel Dnvlu. the [rich ngllnlor, arrived in this city lrom Oakland at 7 n. m. At lilo lorry inndlmz A procession numbering thousands, and com- posed 01 Irish civic and military societies and citizens at largo, tram drawn up to receive him. Duvitt entered. a carriage and was drawn through lilo opened rauksto big place in this column. Tho procession than took up its line at march through tho rinciuni ntrcots lathe Grand Oncru Homo. no building was domnly packed, notwltincihdlnar I char 0 or 500 int‘ admission inr aim bone to! the lid Lcaxuc loud. I). J. Toollay, President 01 the San Francisco branch oi. the Irish Laud -League culled lbnmootlng to order and intro- duced cn.W. 8. ilotccrunsus roam ins: olilccr. Altar I luv romnrlvl iron: air. ooboy in an ad 0 dress 01 wolaoluo. he introduced unlit. who was rooolvou wltblgrcnt applause. When out r was nuorec . Dav cl. procoedod to dcllvcr n _ eloquent ltli. can at an hour und n.-hail’: duru- lion dsvoiod, oi course to tho sub cc! oi lrlnb lnudlox-diam. _ Es was ioiiowod by obt. Tobin and ilov.-Father Rooney. . . » . Tho ioiiowinptclo nun wu submitted for the approvu oi tho and mice. andeilspatclxca: " Sm Fntxctsco, Iioptomber I9.-'.l_'.'o tho 1.-and Luguc Dublin: Ono hundred tilousuud .pc_o. his we come luloluwl-Davltt. lloid ‘ban-oat.- No lurrendcr to land! runny. , . . r . W. B. ntomircs, Olnlrmnns The dumonstruion throughout mu ‘ct ' tbo‘ . more ontbuslutio character.) Duritz will malt!’ V T T T a public audrou some time during the week.‘ i ‘ lug now to nntn Illo IINM v xI'm_l»:I$ulrI.«_n arrest Ian’ I‘-HI-.1. r Islm may lmlllm out the band with Isdnll, lm . rhea nniul . btplwu MI’. and shaves It _.rIuw,«IIsaIauwho,uldsuu«xr_s-any I-all ‘ ‘ ‘lo;-.45; um ‘Bnrtiemenis mam ‘ 7 "Ills amlor‘-sa;Ix'noz_. Isnd .- . _,'«DI;tIIr’~,'Hupt_1n‘¢'.j ., us,- *Il_III.1\'l_elv yolk taxi...) ' ''I'.Iulr. nllmox. =mull7nII'n. -‘.Ia¢mI:. ‘s.—'- ‘rouno last six‘ day: tho 'UnIrad.sI9tu-schooner . ITnIto9,lia$I ll:-mi lxtug;l-n 'llIlII‘l.Il¢"§Ql". ,w,1_lI-'_;.I: -ins " in naw'rsv.IlIiled.al1ul- l'ln.I’nI¢1*vn] ox an: rem- 'Ho.VlI'ix.b66n mvol-ad .1-Iul mow nun: tire-usual ‘proportien 0! lllnllhltly waIhulr.- our 0_PP°l':'* - limiliils "lulu been .IxlcmIIIeII .10: oi:-stsrvlnir 139 Iétsdiiian or Inn viiiixe IInd.Iu- s‘IlI-rotlndingt, lnajhg qxnpgflunj O‘ “I. 'D9OD)9> Th5 ‘D08- ilou or the vmlige iqon the n0l"ih,T£lda oi ‘Unn- ittaliiut Inland, bl.‘ the Alonuitn chain, In_;1ortI: “gum; mo" 53', or llifiltiyv-l«l.l.6 iIItlIu'deol‘1)Ilb- "Iu.,_-aml In W935 lnugtndu ‘I860 -:1-. ‘Tim level rpi: upon which Illu building: um plaemlls ntbout ll will-mile lorllz. rtreulbilalg nevlrly nortlzwut and IOL‘IIllEl‘I3€,‘I.8‘Ii1 only 3 low II-or nbm-e Illa lo-ml 0f,l1le_Mxb66l tides. ‘rm: bench is composed or course pcilbles._' Then are tome new: under cultivation, In po- tl'IIuca,'rv.c1laIlelI, turnips, ctc., and very much c'i'c¥IlEllb soil ulluht bl: ntillzcd If time could be um-ed ‘fur xlmleninxz. The head‘ ol the unit Ilnplnglut ll on '%1lI1Ill1k Iiurbnrgan-niznolt omn- llIrI:z:Iy'Inlu -ldq"I:dlItt'Iu lmy. nestled in the mills: at Ir1:elo:-Ila but grsusr lull: wlno or wlllcn mm-la-a Illlmlol II mile a Ilutgilt. Inclm I-war ui-tilts VH1 , fl. are tilt! river. lnkn and VIII- In)‘ at lliulluk. I a nut bounded train by blue. 'l'llI:se Illuis Iuld 1t'|1\'IlIIl'llhfl.l‘8tlll<.‘Kl,)' ll-III wim fry“,-I. Iutggruplirlltii Will] Infill)‘ 3[)0C1B3 Of DICK‘ ty ilnwers. Lupillus. pnlntctl cup‘. dltllllr.-5, lrulturcupn, msralllulna, vatclll;-.lI, Ili‘IBlII()nI'.'-S, U:kl1'KI.<l'IliIl’2'bu|il Ami vIu'lnnlIIur<.In_lmI1 or tile Ilmltil {nun ly tile nlwislicully-and [lt‘OlI.IBI.*lY dif- Irilznnted vrllorewr the ion: mu): trvslld. Glow- lnlrlicllcus puinrlllzlxuckll In varied colon. ‘Will: It elm: any and la CIIHII day one "Inuit rcullzu that the natural surruumlo lug. or Illtlllnlr mo hlgllly €l0-I->lntt- ‘rum- -oi the Immo- ' which. sillvo Iii’?-I, rrulrcm-nlu rm illcl-calla In . via the mllm-I;~r oi wuudcn ilonsevl, Mlllln ui IIII:-III till.-llllz the vllscu OI Illa utrllggllllz uurl-III; tiflzluruarcnow nhnur thirty-live wrlmlc-.n bnlulinlnl lulu; llerllnqls; tlmnt '-fivn Illilubltcd blur-ruborns. The whole mil)“ Ii-N0“ 1~.l.a.IllIotm.1‘.'r.'I. Innlniy Ruinlllll crm.Ilu.s and nlulvv.-9. ‘1‘llIl.Ilonlu-In are LIKE I and uullalnntlnl, HID mlxjnrltyut Illv.-In mmd by Ina trndlnlg c.<mlnllllIo:iI. Several In till: I-dlllllcllma lll‘¢.Ii]lIH‘.0 prmrx-. The bmrulvorm Ilollbtzesa urn ’w«I'u1 ,_.muIwuliurIu'tlle. but with Ihnir. grass-nruwll IEHJXS lnllll. vrullll HWY W0” "Vi-'~i'-1’ liilltlllell ‘-0 grllzinsz. Iur which pm-pol-I: may III'6 (wclI»iI>Il— ally Illvu-Iud aiming an-ul-u vi-Intel-II by hungry cnulo-«too hungry to make nice Ill'n'tmctiI)ns—- or Iur cuIl;lrlll'zu Illun lnr Illu Illo llrrmumlllt ;,l.,u._,, up cn]la_;-nu-ned. pl-.(v1llr:. 'I'l.ld mI'rltbm'I\. gill-mgll, lliirl lm Hilvlnllflfldfl. rind. lot-one who it um. um vitroupgly prosllllllcml In Invur of the nlyln Ili llulue to vntlilzll he has bum ac- cuurallmd. ll: mlw bu .IIa\'I;--mad with n (l(!;.‘.I't:tl of |Iull'tl‘l1.IIH\' bi-cauw oi Iill I-'ucuI'iI:y IulIlll;«i: cull) nlld wind. Tile cllnmin nus I-I-v.-n uglllll:-.n lllelluonell will it is III-ttossnry only It) e 3' that Ina:-lnnislng 1!! now fltlrly i'll1ll'IIIIl.‘iIC0ll with an ltuunlluut i‘.uI|JI'tII 1.‘l‘(I_[) and gown! dry- ing w4::I:Ilt:l'. UII .l"l'iIllI_v last 5. Illcmlmrluler |.,..,,,,[n-,y In tllu mun I'I:nl;w'lI.'.I'I:Ii only ‘.375 at lé‘nIlrI.~nIl--it as the Illilxlllnllll; ye-r mum oi uur I... I-/_ who mu occumll In Iollnwule allure.-I Ill illilllilk lllvur Ill pnnllllt (ll its Illu: Iruut, n-ore IIl:I<lu w I'(.‘iI|l2.0 lllil Ilnmtlcly or R lluutnltll witlllll tilt: l:rucihIx: Innlleli ll)’ tuesln hills. Tllcrrr In un Illlrlclxity In dlnlllup; plenty III gnmi l,:l'Il.HS In nlzllm mu‘ lur \\IIllI:l"3 um. tlmllxh them is I‘|[11‘IllI”I)lllJlfl Ill llilillllg lm-.u lo cut xlnd -cure It. 'I’m:lu M-ex some ‘vcry uulltl Ix.-lIIlv.e hr.-In l-I navel- I-gut t'(IlIdlUl')Il. I“-lwlullrclllII1iurILm>slIl:(lIIII-III)‘. Ilul-rlun um nbllmlunc. III--ugll mulls nl I' m 0 mm ripe. \'nlrt:uIhIus mII:uI bu growl |b.l’;'.e|$' 1| utllfzl‘ tlllllge-I Illd nut ulcuu yy LIN! mun. 1I'llu yr lea Wllllrll imvu Ileull pllul (.‘d()|( I~.‘.x.po~IiIIi..-.ll rcllll Allmlcllllk Iellfllldl um mat. Imlltlutz llIl.It.'.ll pram-..-ltl, ll('>lIl)HU:I‘l nI.~4.:nu:e Illa Im:IIIluml ‘tor 1.llIIv.':.xpI.'I‘llII(.‘«l)C Ilml Ilu.-. cullulllnllu l:.~-cncllll In lll1:l"l:H:$ «urn not so cumlully liltllllllllzl us uluy Illa-.-hi lI-.lvI- lluan. ‘1‘Ilu (J<:(fllDfI!lOI'Iu oi the pztoplu are uni (ll Izmlll. vlll-I-.:Iy. 'I‘Ilem:llpluyus (ll Kile lI‘il(lIlI;: colu- )IlLXI.l.II'l!, col I;<llIl':n.-, are l!lI§3'I|;2lS'.I in |J|l)'lllL{' Iurs llmi l.-.e.illnu pmnlln; the tlulsinlll Ilousu oillcl.-I‘ has his relmllur dull-ls. 'lfIm rt-.sI oi‘ tIlII.5mpul:.l« vim: mu rtlguglld mlclxllj‘ In Ilunlinu nml Ilfllllllg. I~evul~II.I Fliuulcl ultmllllulilmlvn CIIIIH) in gI'dl:II uumlyxfrn, Imlxigtl only clue In nmv nbllntlullt, and that is and 0! the "lm_IIIpblu:k9," thn yor- bulrclunl the Kantian». _ I_.'o:nI Ilro vi-Iutliul Itlld w-Iy gum}. Tile pried 01 B:IilI‘I0ll vsili Iluubtlcss lid ll ntlrlmm In umse who um Iaulillnat with prices in New York. A Inn-pound krsramli r.I>«I, one In the bus:-usieelneri Ill IIIII .a:I_nloll, may be mad iur I0 lftllill, or cvou 5 cent», ,1.’ Illu initiated. Tito Mlltuc-n are cuughi in small mtzillusuvnnlly. ’l‘I:I.~ Ilahcwlnen nvsvnr 'nIalII: It net until ll)I.'.)' use the nail and tun able to lilt- xtlutul tlmua. Tlmv will watch and walls pn- . tlllntiy until lilo Iewurnbla lnumont ur~rI~ms,Iuld tllun win Illa prize. ‘I‘Ilo mnlll numuly n-I dull is bruulrlt Llln II elation Ievornl Lniltll Iliuuuli. '1' ‘H0 urn rllzvuta,-II to the cllnlla am now uutilnz Inc: sell utter, and as this In I.-Illlllidered umurlme rmjact oi the Iradusl-’u iullnatr-y, It ml-y not be ltllliln to describe Ilse may In which It in Ialmll. ‘rile-ea n_arIicul:mI vrcre given to ma any Mr. Butler: hlnu. oi I.Ilu.lIuII. who, In 237:, mu) £‘fiP.I"§IJ or In mulling pllny oi ml hid‘ nrkuI,lIIi»hl ’-akin}: Ilmrlul all ‘I‘ugI¢ll.Ik .lul~ null. {rile party was coIII.~I:Icd Irmn UIIVUII vil- Ilu.-IIII on liodiulc Island. and |IICII,l(l(‘d Mnno wcllllml and cllildren. ‘l‘II(ay hall Inmnol-ury hnl‘1‘ul.N)I‘!ii on ‘Tlliddtlk lnilum, Ixlnvunldntlo Ilm Imlltinlt Kmuud. and in II ulncu wlleru there mu plrmly or Inner and llriit wood. ‘rim tr-preunntutlv-esal Ilklzll -villnlzo Ilmi Illolr sonar- uzos Il:lrmI>nra. The olalxaclll 0! I573 bcI;lIn about use lllldxllu all June and lasted until August I. dllrtllg: which time may mm only mm whole " daynlud ivru null tiny: oi. aciunlilunrlllllr. In IIIII sllnrt Iinm ‘truly klllnd, with rII'I'ovm and uyezuru, 375 alter. In this lam: Illly (m:lIly twen- ty-six hours) 0! ¢i.|IIH|ifl()U§ vmrlI- III; amt. III- xllosl. nothing with eaten 0|‘ tlrrllllr. null tile llnvllilllg ],)DIIl.I|I’¢l, churncterinlehaf Ina Kodiak at-1) tin, -mm Inallltallscd. Till: ponture I3 rlllgo. “I.-‘II pumluitoonallor flcblluluirlctltoit, 1);... |mg;.l.rr maul illwnru, and the Intlgll: cmncu on 1,1.» .-. I. in .-surface Ill the luro-leg. but lhcxrcr [9 .1 u-I-lmu mzlzllrl upun the kn-.-my and anltll.-9, and um l~ix-lmlallnll rlt mu bland is iulpedml. lloyu In-I~. r:Il~l_\' Ilnined tuacqutre IlII.~I pmlltion. In urlll-r Lil:-I -lue Idrltztllulss H111)’ In.-lmlIul'I~I;~II, a Iallsmr glV’t:‘iU III: boy in ulnar-,cr.« II.) the ll.<l'lI umem, win) Illlclrm him l'l'blI.’U()‘Oi Iwn Ilr tIlrnuilmlr.«l daily Inrltlollg Iiulo beium lluis nliowml to lmlnilu n I-iliurklt all all. Till-. mtrunm»-2 (Ulil l‘I'4>ll) 1I«‘ll~‘1ll|{ glwm o.n'lIlI.-.nI:lo Illlu. 5.-_l;m>.:¢; wunrlxcr may lam oxpr-ettzd. Illu unscru- blilzlg err is heard. "We no to mail," not "Wu gala Hunt," lnr II Illey uml Illu the apil-(cu wnuzd tell tllll f)H(II', anti iulllluv wmlld be ca.-rtnlll. Tlln Iynne and his nu,-i.<iIlIlI lot culcil village, Imllllq Ibo heal llluluzls and most Qlxflt-.t1Illl.)0¥ in their ulrl\'rIm:xlL.x, In our, In Ill,-Ir 2.l‘-.I.lll.:Il.~aI'.laI to In ailslallscn Ill nllom mo }'li.!‘ilIl. ‘I'M Iymu: ruin»: his plldtila. utter’: Ill-I cry Ili Ilia 'V“ll(l,"". nnd Illa po«vple_ 5» mt out an Imlrlcly alltlmy mm mm! form in A lnr Iinn Itflllllld him. all Ilm lildnrkng yl v)‘.u9I1Il()ilO.I annular, each man Ililldlng cm 8'.) Inc ills!-<.‘Il -ll islx m:ixill.lur'u llidarlm. Altt-I‘ slum: VI.lII(§{€l_lll'D out colllcsl um rulrolwmc -who llxlrlrfises h:ln:«-.II that all ltrl! .:IiulII._ .1, Ilia-.u Er-well In his main trldurltn In jnin Iliuvllulge. Ylllui y Iilaadv-wurlue given ‘Illa Illutlnl my me uzllrr, and nil go at once. W hen Illev leave mu beach the villages Ill.-plui III dificrcllc angina. and d.IVli}8 lulu gruulyn In they §}Jpl’0IlC'I um ouer lgroulltlsl--live helm: the damn number at blilrlrkllfl to an alter, but later II-II-on Ibo gfiula In ubllmzllmi. A Izuntilllr party may ulull ex- :-~Ild mwzr as nlmln tn twewlty Inlrds at sum, so that Illa maps are cute! sign! ox" unn nnotllur. but tile?’ lava n pm.-uliar uulubllng er?‘ which can b-- lcllzrd on a calm day I! I: run a canoe and this TISIIIIIK-U1 Iiwm when I II lnulluwgx gong-ue-.y_ k 10 begin. All come in together. Kn Iuakirlx is dmva. lliollatll noimy emu um ultel-mi. ‘tile hunter; Iluveltnotinn that the otwr can umlentund lmrdn. They can It 4:1:-au~roII, wlzlcll IIMJAIII "pea-valxlazl." and attrlimu: to II extralomlnlll-y pmwru. The cI'»ll.-Idcr it the man llltelliglllxt oi me-lrirle all . nulls. and the bear that wines: oi land gnlmulg; Wlwn an otter is «Mm tile rluevrim you it make: I peculiar want], and all rush In than dime- unn. I! the otu.-r is IIIIII in night, (hay lllmoc tlutlr urmta In Ilim, evrell In lzlr 7.5 log yards, Illa «lmrlceo are rlzlllnnt mu being Iair at the first uizclzlllrgn. ‘lite l.Iidc.'rlIn.! mt-n mm In a L"I'(}u[ll0 vrlletos ma Itrlmvlt are nnnIillg,allld the last (me In M) um nlll Ilrrmv Iuust stray them -uni in-Id DID A nwdle to mow wlmrrl l-lie otter dl.-mppcaux-4.I. The relnalnlnk only go 08 M rlqln nllgcim {mm min Ixrlm to lI‘(7‘1\ thirty Io Mxy )')tI“.5S Igeamlrnlly titty, bemuaa no d.rI:s Ill.-Ill-.~.r vrln-n I10 ll . Ire.-Ill), iersnlng I circle around the laidurh. hiliulag up:-bu puddle. In all probability the olmr mu list: within Shh circle. ‘.I‘fl.-:9 :l'noaI.lll-3 ll 7=I>¢-‘M-2'-d until Imls nlttrnk. II in II point of lmrtnr unlong Illelm Ior it nun am In clulxn Ihu lm I-truck Ill-l mulr Imle-.'..aI Ila is mm H0 did. . Tm: luau whn M96 stfuuil It In the mvller of mo OWN. 710‘ WWI" JI“¢"3 5” Dlcniifni ltd who lira-.4 utrucvlr «lieu n rmmllnm tor the DBITIGIIII urrmv, butralule um otter with um nrmwain lllm it cm.-t.-idem.-<1 I-acme. This premix I1 rluslzm Irma S3 to filo. xccuxxtiulz to ma .-an 3 ..l vs,_..,.;~:..r the utter. Alter lulu or Illro arr-znvt been Iamlltcnad In him the one: in no rum;-u impeded In’ hill magmas mu he umlrn yuan dliele and me. ‘man run 51.31583, Mm trad Ilnunt . jug) pimgope-ar wiih Ila htflisilil iviadder Ilia -Iw.-nmt. The alrmvu turn‘: It turned SI)- tmnlwbia pccilat (nu-bk) vrlliarizh In Installed to than than by I. bridle, Ibis: Itlvlolg man It- zmr ll _IutlImI_ImsI -motion II.-muaril we Ilhlttf, Alter bpmmin , Iv Ilfl-ioia Illa «mm: wu.wlI‘f-I mrmltlmm attended with awn. III malty, ay. inszta their being «sun 041. Then tum Ill- Ital-ilu mluc Iaxnawa: Ia mom u-tability, and ; w mm It taken M: to the hawk into the in tile mu ~v/be Alta I.Iaaro.. Itarvprslnlz an club, ' the crvstell, ulldn In luv oi the ot- celitmr baton or behind him, or an and side or the ulnar, so the vsurealslty In! A -uimqiu Illa Nadatka may r«;la.l:«.- III the umral I-no utziklmr nu «luv :3 tin; nan .. _~l: _, -/com'cIl‘.’I;ho‘6qrIieI-I - .'gElflLiIb0l_l§»K|i -Thu nrro . ?.I’iI='l?IirfII’1f-VIII. —- nu. in rrfilln. unuIn_:Io'ItecoInInodI:tIl ‘Lilli skin. I - lvened again to {£303 hm’ .. Ml lulu _ .' ~ n‘.-.;_th 0 hm , _ _u’ ‘-_' Idle): !w10‘N.1'lliI85»_b,0‘!0lIl3d_§}l_-Illa-“K aIuntIu1ebIIe'Bclu1m.- "rm-I . . we Iltring_,'.llur.tlie slaw! lunar eta! . 'l.‘Ilcaa=uowI: are Iu__ -Ilmlla eyes "ll 321.] and vllryvxlnnlllo. Some. 8‘I‘0»1l.Ick)'. . kill) y- . -. it Am lnnunt-c= rim 1: ’e untevl Iluvvl Ilman kno'vm- Io ,l:tro,Ii:§.t=9;oIII:r Inznrnnsrle . V’ ‘ __._-_‘\-°tu_ ‘ ' I b . V a ; -‘Irma:_wus'll;IIvuly‘II¢puIllIcxn mcenllx and s. ‘ Gzrnela nd'Ll.f§h1:lt ling ilxIl'n{;’;':(xjInag1§vfn, tn‘ »‘DDDOk=_0! a. 0‘ll!i|lf1‘.d'DIM¢I'l't tvhun and hll$‘be_13'l3T hI'0kv'lIl." ’,B_y the um OI'l£3'H_l>l_6I8l-DI]!-'h&¢‘_dg6 Is‘ nxlllle very lllllu-p.,hnt It is made blunt when-um In us, go up In lgroiazlwcidnntall cutthllrtllo '-‘Thu ntterinre. I: cleaned oil; luIr_I—IIlIs in :1-rel-y II _ i__I -mutter, awIu3~xa_-I:_a'wuxh-nntitlilroto ItIlLnro_...,~ - _ . ~_ ..All¢1‘1'¢lhnVIIlIIOxn'LlIe-Ollrir Ilia skin is at ‘on a 9I.l-c_tcIlI_:le ‘with tho .tur aldejtn. III: strotchnrin nlnda or two nieces or wood" laced III ovro1Idv'auI;1by-strip: r.I_ wood; Itnltthc lowhr muwn at tho llll.-in is {legged to the Iruule. .'l.‘\vo good dr tnx‘da'y1.wiI p:epu‘e.1.:sIIlIt. . ‘Warn Inarang ly dry is is rxxonl _ oi! mo stnsteher ru- I wound, nnd Ilunn ly‘O_V6£‘ Illa III:-erclmr, so that the fur In at dry. -Alter that it in re- _ _ep.i..o luv _lnsil_ie.IIeeI_1re_.lmm mnligrlr, -than neatly Ioldod In. three Ioldllv; }lZg'llil.i. and punulillo bobs: taken to the mltlon ' or 53 0- ' ‘ FEORTY-FOUR Bl_JI'lb'S-EYES. All" Former Scores at Long Rapsfi ’Be:It.eIl-\VIIIIum Gel-_rish Tltizes the Clmnlpionslllp of the World. [FI’0_II1 the Boston !ie'railI.I Owing to tile disagreeable weather wlllch -prevailed yesterday Iutd, tun nbscnco of many 1ri1lI:muII at Ilrttnxinsgham and I Oreodmoor. only ltlnnulllxtu.-ndunce oi long-range melt Inn: to pllrticipxsto In the rtznlawud competition at 800. 000 and J,0t»0 yards at Walnut Hill. The IItInoII- pilem mu lltlrly rzlv.-ll.l- and I. new Irruyllgllr pmvlrimll. ‘Ina wind calms Irom Illa soultlexur, Iulllcutlnx I to 6 o'clock. and In the earl stage: or tile JIIOOHHIZ EH10 '10 Iron in. Tue spectator: were Ilulncroun, and It (cw Iilllliil graced tile rlulxo In the taller- noon. Allunnu ulluxl "buIi'lI-aye" vrlwtieo Executive Oillcor Wilder unsigned the men tll'(:M'.IIIl Io ll1l'guG No. 1. and. promptly rlr ll n'clocIr Ilrown, uerriall um! Wilder Incud. the hunt, tiamo xemlamun who llrlveprovud them- selves Iormldubio Illlmgolllllts on any ranlmi .\1v.'suru,.Brown Ilndflarnsll have man u nllilnml . rnpulusiun Ilbroadby an ital cllootltlmulld Mr. Wilduritl an Ilcknowl gut Ilrat-eln-I-"I slim. at Walnut Lilli and Creutlmnur, AI. E00 ynrtln the slluoling was cnelationnliy ballliullt, Mr. Gor- rillh lnnxlnlz II. lull M.-om cl ‘:5, and nutrly all “center bulls." Brown was cllugill: by tbs) wind on his tlltll allot, and raw um rgzll disk ltppuur and elpautl Iur mo slIlI=l'|i1Ii1 allclv.'lng of .4. litr. Ii ilder Isluv the "man" on his thirteenth allot for poor lmldlug. and closed for 72. Alter lutlcll Illo ililootlng was nasulncd, and till: lnlli opened M900 \“lll'I|fl, with the wind It: -I cvcioolr. neatly and mI_inbIe,wIllle Ihu lllznt lllld lmumt-I-Ii. Brown. Gulrlull llud Wilder all Iunmi tlld Illsltleol Illu cnrioxl ring on tlluir Ilrst lIll0l5i tn: the $l'.C'.0lli.l I-hut Mr. ii Ilder mu beaten by 'IlarclIs." At this allure oi tllo nilrvotlnxtlle wind cltluxaccd lot‘ this nu: time from Illa old quurtur uIl_Il Ilecltllle quite erratic and nitrate lnlmu «.~. Brown lwxndrnplnr It "center" alter mu lug sdvmltcwn bnll‘n-uycn. :\l(klI‘I. on Illa Illlll ullut, he run. I: close ccntur at IN3I‘k\iIt |.‘X¢\‘IiU0l|, with no cllnllge in II!» wind- Iuze. At this time elevlllionu were wlalcllud Illlaljply as ulellgllt |H.‘(.‘IlIIIO Ilrlgllt-I-r. 'Wliti¢-.t and lit-owl: alzlult any the ma bird nppenr, vrliicll scellu-II ulluccoulllnlllll. as both wteru IIIII;-<.-tins-rlrl ggclod iorln. is-urrlsn was linl(lm:.: in mm us It I-oclr, Illld sIluuIIn,r eltrglsltily. aclldlllg llisl-zuelun bulls.-Is lvoslsmllltly inn) um \'l~.;y:.-clllcrnitlltl "Illa," nml ulna-lull: Iur Im- otlluriuli KCONS Ill III«IoIIty~Ilvu, wnicn Innde Ills tulul at this lll>l'IIICB Illtriy c<lIL'<:rcIIIh'u bull’!- eylu. lxmwn (t'Ll)b()Ll Iur wvl.-tlI_y—tlll-uu, and ivllulzr Km: s(:\’I:IIl.y-(lull, Itll clvgtllxt I't.‘¢:urI1s I0 mm-I, I.-llll. Anna 1,000-ynrdill-lng llolm. Iilu l.'..!(7ll.(:IIl4.'.III. l.H.‘!' ml. ‘line wind llguill I:IllIIl,;Il<I a I(1w]I(|ln[:,IIIl( HID utulnuuituro utmlnllu Iln- plirlhvnili, owing to illu anluku lnlnglng llku It pull uvn.-I‘ mu IiI'iII,t; points nlxu bvrlwtfltli Illa mt‘- uuln. I.'(:rI'lllIl and Ilmlul-nm-.nI.-I1 with good mlltoll bulls. Wliiiar l~lu'uI.-K l.Ill=oIs I1.‘-llII'.l'-\i, and lllxlll tun "mus.-" uxlpcllrutl. tor wlllcll nu l.mIIl'al:.lcI0t‘5' rulllsull could bu xiv- rzn. An iltvcsllgutlnll IIll()If(3lJl, lluw. o2\'l~r,Illltt his run IIIIII blactlu.-e rust)‘ and Il:u'd to pull nil, wllloil wan Isuon remo- IHIHI, lulu Ilc XllIl:~ll|.'i.ll|I1B<:(§lIE lorill, out III (III: p()S'alllll.' ‘.".'5. UcI‘l‘ll~il, witn Ilill ntromg nerve and cool llcrul, ulna I-ccursziod UIlll‘Il-uyo ulcer ilIlIi'll-I-ye. and uiicr luallinu II>rIl'-till-cl» III)!!- lmcutlvu U|l“'33|l)'L‘E, willl every inLllu.lII«m(I)i ft Iull lilL‘0l‘0 at till": fllalllllcu, llrl gun I: "l.'¢l\l~¢K"' It! I: o'clock, mid broke Illrtllzl Ilnlt ulna since he opened lil I-Ino 3 i1I‘I.lI,llIaVlI1§{IIII.Ii1b tllu lllrx-:nI llulllizcr oi bull‘:-oynzll onlccurd. It. now cllllm lirosvIl’lI turn I0 Itmlcl III Ilia nut shut, wlzllilh he did In: ls I:lu~Ion. and cloalell Iur Illa ell.-glull. worooi 219. All oyml wum nptm GI.ll‘l.‘lDII l\‘.I he laced the limits Io; Ilis Illu. ullntl; lI wan lal.IL~4':I.l uurlllglcnturu but nlulln Illa cvolmziu wml visible; and 0 cont Ills inst bullclt Into use cw.-llter nl we buIl'ol-eye. and mu recorded 21 out 0! Illa e0BBlbli3 ‘F , wiulllmz $150 in Iznld I.lf.I‘I.-rm! y NIB lsllllrpa {Ride Cullmun -Int Ilcatlng Illa record at J. El. Eluulluer and 1-‘. Bl'uWll, ‘.“2i, vrhlcll llcI‘(XV.II0l\l Illla [men the 1llIzl.II:III III II l'l‘;(I.lll|l‘ ulaIt<:Il. I';IlI:er uitur cheer mm: up irlr this bl' llcnicvernnllt, _IIIuIII Illa waving oi llmvdkcrciliriu Luv mo Indian, II. (lulu); m:lIuowl- edlznlent In .Illu Izlllllllpiull 0! III» world Ill long rmlzm. and The Claw rupreeentntivo lull lilo llmlnr In unicutlly I'(:I:4'lr-.i II. It Inn: Ileretoiolo biI('l‘l ('Ui'I(iI.'dL'Iil by I'I.I‘.iuIllelI that alieils which have be-.-.n Ililcti Iur II long Ilmu um lllll'£‘ulXlJl(:. The um-us used y-.suII:l-any by Mr. GI-runll mam nil:-d bolnru lm «cut to Pzllglluldllull Lilly. and urnugllr buck by him. Yc8N.'l‘dl|}"l L-_:'.poI'i- nu.-nul c(!I‘ll.\.|I.Il}' lll_‘a:Ik this tlloory. Tllu average Ill rho Il(t0I‘(l:I lnndn yI~,slIeIuuy_ by me Illrce gcntlcluoll lrzlii. liuuiolllcd is Ilm uullunary: WILLIAM GRHNISII. 8(Il..........55555h€ibOb55555-3-T5 9lJ0..........5Il.’:t’o565bbb555Db——75 l,00U..........6555555555656-I6--14-Hi 4.1’. BBIIVNN. Fm..........Bb5BQ5553655555--‘H .5.'iO£G55b&b.’;.'lIll'Ih-‘-2 .5b5bb4lll.'xbbtbb&5-'51!-—-'Zlll FALIN WILDEII. lKl0..........5A-Sbb545.'>5I55355-73 ‘A70. .....5{5G5-554-Il5.';5b.'l——7l l,00iI..........4 4 I 3 0 fl 5 II 5 D 5 D I 5 5--fa}-'31! E .A. I)|\“.l.IGi|Tl‘lJl. .-Illuvu it posslb only with the Gulicural Slnlvlllg soup. .....__......_..........._....... Au Appeal from the Pond. lfmlll lilo Plllllllciplllzl TlnIclI.] Al'CIIl'il!h(l|) Wuatl Ila.-l received ll lower in I..lIIln, oi wlllcll ihi; llalmwing In It imllullulon, Irom tile impel: Secretary. Cnrlllllul Nilllz, set- Ilug lot-th the ntmitullcd pecuniary circumstan- (team the Iloly Sou Iultl mlxklllu ml nllpulllior aid. ' mluis: - Blast Iiuv. Arcllblshop oi I’hIlIIrle.lpIIla: Alosr Iisv. sill-rill lane in ignurullt Illa: in tile prun- 4-.uI clmzllrint.-llcvllt Ill Illli Apanwlic Emu it vrunld bu Iuluue-SHIIQ.‘ (or the Rulnau Pnutiil gtihtilllltlfilf in Iuum. Illo l‘SIxI:1'II‘.lt".I9 or his -nlplanltl Miler: Ill 4:.-ow Ibo (lllOI"lIIg.I or tile llltlllllul Illrouunout II II alum: nlmuld reuse or even dolmsaisrs. It In llkl - .1... mliy.-wally known tllilr in tho Inaro VIl)flI~ Iby Sllueanl Eiurupu tile Cntnolle Clluroil luld lurr imlllultlmls are utprelsom. an llatlmaetl LIME Ilie Blulmllu and Iliitlliul um Iurcod t4ldI\'al't Illelr olnl-Illgs Ironl the Holy Sec: III mdur In at- l,,.,n.I to the needs of their country, Iur wlsiull ltenllou till: Apostolic Sm: perceives with aiuuluy IIIIII. whllut ran “I6 and Mac Ila uxpcllcos are d.-myizlrrmlsllxzolltne otller the Ilium oi the Illluliul um uccrmuilla. I d(‘.',.'ln It be-It'orl)' necessary to ‘rum up here “III cllir-I burdcllu which ltru ll: be borne In this lad mg» by UI6 Ilelltl oi the church. The kmulln Poniilf must give support to their gymlvll-nee; tho UIiid||‘RlU. and to very many prciuteo rlnlieling In thin city. lie umal Innin- mln Ilmw who are employed In the Baored Cungvegulicnlla and atller cecleslttutlcnl omens, alml Illa Nllrlclos, or apostolic Ilvaliurame, III the various uourtll oi liar-ope and elsewhere. He mm.-t, umreovr-r. -upport Ilus Inollt OI use Bish- op; 9! mill Illllllflglv mltlon 0! Italy, who. In consequence at I e xuvernuu-Iain confisca- tionu, «ml in mutilation. Ila mu also to Imp- purt that large lmulber oi eluploytln OI the Pou- Ililcul G0V(:l'I‘ who, Io: their loyalty to umlr legililmlto wvurulgn, were deprived 01 their ositlolm. Au the updates nocesanry for tho |lI'Il6I'Vl- tiun of Iilnau Iuumzlmmta oi science and an in- II-uatoll In the can vi the liorllnlu Pnntlif-— evneolnlly thou: In the VntInun—-and [or repair- ing Illa Ilslllllau Itnd other c.lJuroIle~l oi Illa ally. Add the grant mud dlllly suhsidulol which Illll Ilolln-an In Ilblixod to dis rule In Izlovllslly Illomnwuriun, Iliocesxtn Mali) marlea and other Insrltuliam ol cllmtllm plluylll Italy, all or wllich an Ilentitute. lfilltllly, all are inure wlln eflom and vuilec are being -laulploysd Ill lhta all. In other the tululefarrlng of the oclucnuun o the young [mm um clergy to Ietwllan of errnr. Hence the net-suit‘: at ellmbiiallinx and uupportlllx Cath- oliu sciwnld. Ilnsl. tile tender winds at tile omi- dmu may not be perverted by the cfflbti "I tbd ullbtxlilaven and the lletarodox tvllo duel Imllor Iron; all aims: to pro mantle Illcit talus doc- tuned and In utlrlmte. poulbie, the Oamalia IAIIII II-Inn the hearts 0! the Balunn people. ' All the-so at-{ecu are so weighty that it it daily In In; um -mtoo-I with wbllt Illllfifii the Inwnmle Pontllt OIIBGYVQIU Inn: HID Ixltnns with ‘vrl-lien IIO could Hurt these evil: uegrotrtug cu. ~ . I . Pmvlaiml in Inside In the second Iemtry I1_-smetacriilse Coumni oi naltiumrez " Yo de- buts that in «wry chacrn at these Butte: I ooh leution shall be Iukeuu indict of the Contra.- Iamlty III. Peter, «in I so filmllay within and octave inc teattwll 0! 5%. Peter and 58. Pull], or n my other mllvenient time. 'I is shall be done until the Bupulng Poll. ti! shall either have been reuatorrld to his rights . or , relieved la Divine Provi- dence or lame other method. ' line)! being the one I run: tum: than ueno who ' setultted toy their nllkl Ilavoiiouvtawud Ihiumal Peter will ever nmul to urxe on the felt-hint t0 uni-55.’ tile t’I¢inr_.oI Christ In Isl:-Iudllmmo. Ihnva 5-.‘E.’.?«“‘A‘v‘_""..-'§,°¥‘.v"..'.Il"”"“*‘“°°"‘ mil strum .,,. oh, .9, gm, - 8_Ii. Ildliix County, 011-5llI‘IlI~:IlIIy"IIl'g‘hI'." I morn. .I9,bI_n_k_Izlned there.“ The hi. Is-cglratnny IIEXJLI 1 .2... r ' ,’I:nl.ll'uslmsI1c.Iz§;mlllIcl$lx‘aIeé'IIng‘In Sit. Lonrsjcount-y—__’— Colurcd Union» League Iol~lwl's.ImaiI-sl3.“lI""‘ 1!". ' " ' I if ,varIo:.-ly.' mtg” ’ . _ I (09 _. . Robinson‘! , I .'wlI.iiv:IIlete’wiI.l1"$_l<'>quC5noe- and {Italian ypIIn¢tu:II:ed.with;epn_inI::e. '.1‘Ilo R-Ipublicaml nrelnnll-Ing 0. Ihoroultla ennvass ol this county, holding moorings elm-y.dn or .nll:i1.%'o::.tltu*~:reek.-tn irom pneleIlI.lrl‘ loa- ‘ ,'1'IIe‘ IlnI'l't'il'I I_}IIx1leld~ax:ti:.I§rtlInrClib', -Fred. IIeinemlIn,‘:.PI~oIlIIenI,wu' out in £tIIl”liJ'I'oo. mpiily young ‘Inna, now about -to‘ '¢'oIu_tbu1r nut mic. ..'1:Ile lfflnchtlifur ciploied 3-.-put:-‘ -l.IclI.n Club mu .1lso,on hand .in~ior¢'II.”,ICnIl‘:,l>0lli r':lIlt'lII',vreI-a in run 'u'nIIo'rIn and enniedglaagernei Elnbd, share an IE leanr”'500- fpenolu ;sreoenI:'Imm.13al1w1n, Llnncllcnulrand Iho_-su.m_:IIndIilx.eonnrry. ' ’ = . fnle mocilllg m-gamma gr 8 o"elou.l:/;by‘ Ilia clectum '0! ll. W. lieqlaemlmrnl Iu I’reaIdo'lIlI,. null Joitlglz. 'lI‘III-I_Iala, 8ecreIIl‘ry.' L'vel-yrlsrsn ‘Ink mu men thrown to Kim’ bmezo, snlsposnded between two oi the‘, tailors poles II‘: be {mind In the }iBl‘8l‘D£O’lX)i\0m- '.l'!I'c‘I-a vrore_pIuI$t7,oI- Ilry-roelzetll‘ ulna also music‘ by and oithebc. hluill brim: ltntls. ‘~ _ - 'J.'.IlerIa ‘ware -IIIrrlng- speeches by Jul. 0. lie- Ginnin, Ilunry U. ‘Dunn. ‘Valentina Gr mm, and Ilallryzle cnheln of 8:. Louis, and Mr. John R. Wxruu‘ d or flnnclleuter. ‘ Allmng Indictment was presented lanlnu Dc ’ ‘oi-Missouri, and the utter mi- mncnlue demand Io: "change" ' lu rlcrowd In-attwndnnca were very an- HID!‘-9.ll§7t1hI'0l!xlIOuF. and moved 1: their atlendlnlco. and l..lII.IIll0i' that they wll lztvo ll good uccoullu In tlmcoultry-In Novulubur. Tho Colored Union League. The Union Lenmle 0! colored votura mot II Union H Illl yeatdruay uliernoon In-Iii! o’oI.ock. Presidents. H. Wilson In the chair. Mr. {Inb- bllrd acted as Secretary pro mm. Dr. Bryant rose on ltqndatlon oi nrlvlloxe. me question being an article In the st. Louis Tribune, ni- tnchlmz himself. 8. hi. “'l£BOII, J. W. Wheoior and other: attending: the meeting at Union Hall the '.i2Ih last.’ The ubiuctlonablo article: werolntilo Ilmpu oi an Illlcgud zvprlrr o! the tnetzualt and it communication signs.-II 8. 0. 1!. Dr. Brynn: vigomuvlydeuouncoli we author at tho Cuilllllllnictiilun. Ila utulcd Illa: U18 meet- Iulr rclurrcd to mus called [or the purpolou oi (maul: Illu neg:-cc: 0! Sr. Ioui.-I Irma lllts Intui- doln ox lull-god political lmulurs. fI‘IIo lnoerlnlz has pclaltivuly rt-Iulcll totnnurw any candidate, um: us to It Doing In my llcnsn ls Ruwnblutr club we Inuinuxuion was utterly trims. Mr. Iluubllru duprocsllod any such person- nlltiml nu wore used by the author III the com- ulnllicntion, and trained that the club In its Im ezillgs would avoid IIIIIIIII: into Illa sumo I-rror. mlvcr in Ilia pmvlomt lilo bud he heard so much lslmut Ill!) vows cl Invglona being l.luLI;_;IlI ltlld sold as In SI. Louii. It Iuld been um obj:-ct or Illu Urknlllznril till Illa ciuu IA) rlllly Itllour. It. Ilio been Illumnnt. rlf the colurled rllcil, and. no trait that thaw who were Illnslldy mum- Ilenl were allow Ilrly 8II('h iltuirlmltlollll. lln lloncd the mnduci oi Illa club Irollld be well III: to L-omtnulld Ilw run‘ Iecc Ill all men oi em I'li(.'t\‘IIl- Nerd urllvcl-X. anon ‘lug upon tile Imlllo topic, cuullzmluu wl»Il4)lI.I KI.IIll"I!Ii)d¢lI’Ill1(lII Ill IIII tnoir lI.IIL!I‘I:ulIl‘l$(!. fltllrl Inia.-Illlxcrlca Ill Il.lIlIllelllbI~r.I oi Ibo club was uuell tllllt it uulzllr to Ilroclulla all wrllllglllllg dud pt-rosollnllilcs, and Hill club lnulll. l"lM.iIilJi)Vi1 overytlxintr of this lulltl. '.l'llIl wrltcr ni lhl) Illluallve urtlclo Willllil mun: lilac own pulllsillllent, lulu nu I)r. Ilryllllt llrvlxlnuutl In Imlun II II prlrlsonnl Illniter Illu club uln:.llt to net wit ll dimlI'IlI=.Ii lsiiunue. ‘ On InI;lIII.ln ll calrllnitine oi three was AD- poilltcli tn lU.‘\III II SI. l‘uuI’s AI. I-J. clulrcn mluld Iec St‘(.‘ill’i}\‘l Iur 'l'llrtryIl.Iy or Frlllny nigh: II1I'IllI: plu1:u~m OI Ilullliusz II nmss«rlIuuI.lIw un- uvrtilc uu.-lpiccunl the Union l.u;Iguu U (:01- umtl \"otcI'u. Tim Cnlllr appoillwd In Illa comlllltlvo Incli- ard Uruvlss, Dr. Ilrylmt and W. A. Wlllslllp. Ull Illuilwi, Illa kJxucllIl\'u(>uIllIllitIs-u \I'lL:§I!fl)' pmvl-red Io Iuvltl: spt-ulcul-u. Uri Inutiull, )1».-llzm. lluln, Pltrkrzr, limmilml, Gaunt‘ and U. W. Brrlmt were nppnllltcd ll culuullttue tudmitbs-lnwa laud .l”l.'LIUl‘£ ut the next regular Illcutlulr. owing to the uixaunco nu! the Secretary, who luul Illa ulllllloptled portion ui lite pruvlous Ililrllrln Lnlulllusls, _ illItlll<.l' cclllndlsrutillu-ll Illa collurlluunn was Ih.-iurrud uulll Illu next. rugulur l\O£.I‘$l1.IIl. and Illa club ndluurlmd uubiuct Io tllu call 0! tin: I'll.-toldunt. Note: . Tn): Ihrpubllcnll Umnllliltcn at Ilm '.I‘r;-nth Ward will Iulllin mnalltlg Illla ovmllnlr II: Iilu eurllur ul lsllzhuleulll Iil.I'\:llI uud Jfrllllkiin ave- nun. 'I‘I1II}IIlIeI.L-until Wald Garfield luld Al-Illnr Club has ullullgnd In: time (II Illuuiilltz II-mu Wu;-dllcatilw II) Snlurtluy evcllillg (ll (‘IICII Thu Irlub has l.\ocuI'I>d IIil(:lIn'Il llnll, No. 21147 Cllqutuull nvullnu 1131 their plzlco OI Illuuttug. TIIII I~'I,\colld Ward liolmbiicau club will hold its Ilrst Illuetlllg In its mm lmll, sniltilcust cur- twl‘ oi Ninth strecs Ind Wnnllilnzloll avenue, Ttlurlldny uvellillg. All liuouulicnux in Illn city are invited to be prcnont Ill Iblii Iucuting, wllit-II lluu been clllleli tu (.”l!l6.zbI‘fll0 Ilm opening oi the club ruuluu. Uood Iuualo all-l Ilruullnollt Illulllu.-rs will be In uttullduuco. ............_.......__%_. hi ILB ll.\Ell£A NU 1'53. Sonletilillrz Abottt the New‘ (ioltl Kill: 0! the I’.-cillc Slant‘--A. ll. ‘ltcllelmr In His Name, llud Ila Halls from He- llrutskal. zsxnlelu Carl-upoluieoltd or Inn Globe-Democnt. LINCULN, .\'::Il.. Iscptumbur I5. IDHO.--liucent dispatches from Ibo Pacldc count llllvo illnlod urnnuly oi new dlscuvul-Ina Ill nun-Iling gold, dud It has been Ilsmlmd Ilmt lilo |)l’l)(3¢Ir-H in In Iulvnnco ul any ulotetlmd l)Itl‘I)£0!iLlI(i known to IIllI\(!l‘8. The Druccne In the lllvuniiull I'll A. O. 'l.‘lc‘nelmr, lrlrim-rly oi’ this city, but in)‘ the lrust eight )’l'£lLl'rI II reauilenl oi Uulilorllin. The cul- lullllmxlg posnt in ma new prllclml oi extract- Illg gold ilulll discard:-I1 nlrt pllrls was rcncllcll ll [cw day» ago, wiwn, Ilccurdlng In diapntullv.-u lI'0l.IlCIllllUgIi, CAL. Mr. 'l‘lc1lduoI'In will to l.IIIVu I:;xtI:IlcII.-Il {rum tuu wnlcrs 0! Illa Ilprllllzs oitllu: nlsteu gum in lulgo qumlillioa and Ill U11! Lin-..-at qlnlllly. II Lllin bu Iiuu, tllere is no lulowllll: what will bu tint rc-unit. hi tilum are _IIIIlLI\lI'Ulll spring: on lilo pmpmty pur- cllusud by Mr. '.I‘lI>!Ieu-vi‘ in Gluitorulxl, and with uni» llildltfl to tile Ilucl Illut he III.-(:IuI'cu lm can tlml gold in all UN! rlvul-ll and ltprllllgu xrolll aiuino to Uullinrlll.-l, llu Illlal Ill» l\l'Hl8!' nru lllwly to Ilcuolnu Illn nloai talltlltlus y wI»..'lILIly men In the lalld. ’I‘lIis ]D.‘Il'l-llUl", wllomvns lullf lntarmotill um Iuvnlltlnn, la Judzw Dun-.1)‘, Ill Full: City, Nt:l).. who Illlfl ulrlllitiy‘ reculvuu $i0I),il0J Inr his slmrn 0! this small): Iain-luly uccumululud by um new proccsu. Tlwro may be It good dual of Inoonlslllue in an int: buniluzlu. butlixllu will tell, and, in the llttcrllu, )'-our 00l’I'l.I6[5UIIi.|0lIL will roll yslllat Ilo Iuluan oi Lilla wonderlui Imld blur of IlIé1’I'IwlIlc. siupe. lie swooped down On this town wllun It was Iiltln nmra Illlln ls vlllugc, and began his specu- IIIII-ins by lennlllg oi U16 Istulu um salt llxulllu luljacelll to llim.-uill. Ho Hum wont East and li.II2(:(.‘6d0Vl in Illtcmatlng It cltplulllst by tlm Iilliilu oi :‘:InlIil In D In wlill him In we Immu- Iacturtl oi null. ‘lilo llollulno pmvud It Ilsllllro, land blllull tcllred minus several tllouuaud dul- lurat. 'l‘IcllImur then lullkud lM“0tIlld Iurimsll Held: In colander, Imtl uruuk on UN! Idaalllxlt I. HIIIUIIDOUS uolrei would be about Ills cllrd (‘HF Llvleolll. Tun was III tum Ills-ll day: or the urn: IaI"fl1n‘lI1I.|l0. \vIloIt npuoulmmll run nllnpullt. 'LlL'l'>l3ll0I'i1ldll'G have any money, but he with It utnuotlr miller, and wall Illullcod mo zstllteito Innku him Is loud our oi the school mud to um uulllt ol zL0,00I). ‘I‘lllu tun done, and the lmicl vlu I up,vnIIaedAt $40,000. It wlultpululur {II c, and Tlchlmor gr-ow rlcil rapidly. I"IIoIl lo borrowed nouns more nlulley und III onru erucwdu nu» bunllwu block, which, below It wu wwpiobcd. bezrluna II victim to II Nebraska cyclone, and ‘licllenor was once more 5 pllu. pel-. IIII wows dlunlolltln In Lib Illlirt ll'0liI', and wullmd UM! stncatxlvilul llll toenontoi his bouu. Finally, III: quietly let: the oil)‘ and I()!u‘II¢f3'fld Imsum the setting ilufl. no tvlu nuxrllear at In Gviorltdo. wllure. it In said he waited at mine and sold it III. II. ‘ill 12 rain at Increuu to an Ellullbll cdluxllzny. I NI)’ mus. he got out all Colorado In lloulatllillg oi Illlurry, Bud ntruclr tor Clllilorlllll. lie next appears before tile public In Illa role 0! s Govmnlllallt nou- Iruc-Iur, in Illa tlllnlz days wllun Cups. Jack run ulilixs ‘In tile I'm:iilI: Stone. Out of Illizc no nude some Ixlfllllay. and III once enterell into other a mulItI.IoIln,- Ilnll new we lwllr oi llllu Ito I114: vul tabla gold bun oi tile cauutI'v.wIIn pm- aluliiiu in II.-is (HIO0Ui)Il§B1l.I"80I‘illlI&l']. We aslulll not he surpl-load at nu}-tiling we may llmu: lmm him now. How Ia Illa mutt uneasy lnlll ill the val-III, and ill Just an lllllzie to lmcouw poor In Ila Into DVJQORSGVIICD. Jill is one nl Illa melt vrllo, II he didn't mlvo 11 cent, would Imllut on ridllm In I. chariot, and II-ho laud o=I.-mtlla ol wealth vrqqld have lliuulell carted around town on ldrta. ' ‘ No one can llreutlso with Safety Air lmprvxnsiu-4 -mu Ilse nu.-as ortcsvcr and lKu¢,‘iIn- tau. pimlded vrllhlt tnadiwwl utegullrd nxlumt Ind nliuoun disorder. Tnnt Ulfie-b0Il0s'i‘¢ and _ lawn; Innotialuud preventive," lioat-alter‘: Stmnnen Biluvn, bu won by mmt the In: place niacin vnodimlnl prcpnalluna or III uni-spuumdio nation, and in par- ilclllnrly alarmed III Iucsllliu when use scourge or travel‘ nmuzlla In mast severely kit. A warn 0! this benign rmlell; lmrltrhbly rmlaltn‘ In ¢xpo:IIIx'u all Itlwl oi the Iclmlll rlnu [tout the uytum, and an ill: hodlctne loputely botanic I&d tru Iron‘ ul deleteri- Iatpmnauurl III will .' I‘ . ~ aw... 9BIf$!tl‘Oc:‘l.&G..l:KKlJ0':3§‘31r:%l:'0‘a‘ *2. £31535“, 9,“ gm‘; ygyqbitq ‘ad mmuw . '_ rsr¥&«hwI:&Ilareulcuiu.‘i§:IoJl:_ noanlimm nrltoellch ulna Ilutrlqzaa nimopu. fig‘... m. , _. - {V -walc-In r- '0 dim ggm, lzkfnkfli rant ar::omc‘n:‘:h:ho other « ~ ,‘,“‘,;,,““‘.,{,,’,',‘,3*‘,,,,,,,‘¢{,;‘:,',“,‘, fig, ,, yugy gs.‘ “flu ' . . I. dlvrzyrmua mun] -_“_"" l'_ A an: , animus; “nn:I¢"¢hiva“.huu ‘ltloua.-. ‘he’ _wI.I1 carry lain ¢uIl‘Iit)' 'beyIgIlI1 '5 ‘‘°“.'’‘ ‘*1’ I*..*‘?‘£'.° ”"‘°‘ . . ‘F.nl1ro‘.,y Too Wild. "Sperm Dispnicll Iallm Globe-Domoenz. _ . -;.1x;c;;zsoim'mb¢': ts.-—‘rrne Deni- ocnte have betnwild here’ {or the past week, owing lo the lint‘ ru the Maine nib’?- tion; and lumen: dealened thelownjly tlmlr . oollullnoa I_1'vIn¢6I7ulvm‘ hadacllgnadaoéarh detnonstnsiions. ".l‘heeoI-me: news. ncwuynr. pm: 3 quleius on their Inror. -and canned them to pull down the bloody ohm which they Vlad suspended on-.r Alain street ltn tho lI?’¢l’|I73 tien, "Won’t,Wi_n In Heine."-L-' Watt 30* gneillfid ymlerd mornlmt tountlto numb!!! or the expense I __ In-_ doumnntrnilons after which It subscription would be made fly-Illa Republicans to meet it. . I ' To-day the Republican Inc! in shell) lilo to hear Il1o._p1.l ilical Iasuuav I1lIlI:u.uc . by, W. W.’ King, or I1ll.longo.:~II.nd filo’ illiter- once In tho alxpurltllcn, oi the me on In toconvlneu my one man that I 0 Bo- pn lioan-pnrty-represent: the intelligence and morality at this oountyllt lent. This evening Illa Garfield boys marclled out no Itron with their ballot-box iiurehna. to hour 3. k‘. me, o! Alnltcoll. and (lulu. Bennett whats gust iron: Mulno, discuss Illoluuew which am 0 so much Impol-tum-.e In every loyal heart. Their able dlaculllllons were lirmned to by about-Dllc lu- Lnlligant people. Republican Torches. BDCQIRI Dltmlch to tho Globe-Delnocfat. (')'FAI.I..I‘.lIr, Iu... Septolnbor J8.—'1‘IliII Iittlu . vlllagu Ia (all-ly ablaze to-nI;II1'I: with Republican Iorclwl and outhuolluln. Never in its llutory bars were been such an outpburinx of-the Doo- ‘ple u there In to-night to hear lion. John B. IIlIy.ilIeIr choice (or Congress. III: speech was mm ‘o! the bent oi Illa cnu'lpui;:ll, and his andtmnco numbered lully 3,000. Surrlrl-: and patriotic Ipcetéllol were also tlllldo by (Jen. W. 1'. Povvull. Jnmcll Ii. Hamill, II‘. J. Beltnianblnl. 0. w.- Tholnun and others. Tlae torch! in mu-nan was large and Im iuz._IlIeI'o Ilrolnz y ltcilnu eounwea Iclrollcu n line. vriIh two bands at music. The lteputllioun vniel-sol old St. Clair um [um alive to tile Illtuulon Imd an urorltimz Intro. to nzdcetu but from the bond: 0! Ilelnocmcy, and by Illa grace III God they will do ID, 100. Ruining t Rebel Flag. Bperul Dispatch lot ‘ulollo-nmomt. Fnunosu, KAI. , September I8.-Asruln yea- Ierduv morning win: is called lluro the D_ou:o- c.rnIIc I135: vllllulunnd Ilolttinx item the top of tile Groellbaok 0010. IL! on Thursday. 1: was soon Imulccl dawn and cured In!‘ by the Demo- nrurs, who susullll tltu rnmvnnt treason 1) rd- iuaimz to allow ii‘. to no doatroyod. The l-I: lling of Hill! snconci rebol mil: in not denied by tile lllsllcncir party llura, which also clearly ludi- clllea Illu guilt oi Illu llrui. nct. lntuum IIxcItIs~ nluntllun prevailed until the law nuwn Imln MAIIII) wllu l'ccuiv(:d, when the Bourbon! sud- denly l)l)(.‘fl.lIl[l very sick. In this township no llnvu Th Iiopltblimlu Il1:l{0I’H)' and but llulo lmiriil now ullulrtllllwd I‘. III: line i.liilgI'-.1celui act vvlll Do ugnin mpentnu. Intense El-l_tilIlsIIIsnI. Bnrrlalllllmt-:Il Io tun l.'lnbe-Demolxnl. ‘-i'.u.-ulzlzulullo. Mo., BIIDCUIIIUDI‘ I8.—wIlen the dull: returns Irnln llnlno Ililmvcd an up- |)I\l‘v.'.IlI I-‘usloulst vIct<ln',Iho Democratic ulttnlz.- mars lmru got up II Ilia rutitlcnilan Inueilnlz oval- Illo Iluxlpouwl result. Tlluy mudu rut!-hot Bllmzttllea, flI‘l.'4l It snlute und hlul It but tllnn |,’k‘l|'iI"I|H)’. ‘I'o-lligllttllo lull returns allowed II. in: '0 Iwvullllrgut lnujurli ,nlnl Illa Ullrill.-III and Art lllr Guitltla tuI'IlI: out and gllvo R. tnl'<.-knight I-rucesxion and tired I\ an- luio. MIL-.I' this nevu-I-nl prominent liullulllllzmlll anal-'0 Int lmlluh at the Court llnuso. sllnwillu up till) Mllltul mlnipulxn in its trlmcolol-Is. lluncocld? disllntcll collgl-lttlllah Irlg I'Ittl»stod was lead 3 la uppiaullml. ‘file an- Ilzulsllulll ll(‘l‘0 in intense, and .lIll.IIl.mll County will pull It in:--l,«:r ltupullilcun vole Illill lull Illllll Illa llnn -iucu Ihu DI:lIl0I:I‘ili.‘)‘ mule Into DO\N:I‘. Turner on the Stunlp, Special Dispatch to the Globe-Democrat. MllusIuu.I., 110., Ilcplnlubcr lIi.-ftlio colored peaxllo oi Saline Cgunlv uloaud today at this place their am fair, 01 three days’ duration. Tllcte was I: lnrzd uuullulllloe. wood order, and almod oxilibitlnuol stock. Tue lion. J. Hil- ton Turner, of 5:. Lou I5, addrcaaesl not ion than 2,000peuplIl on the Inir grounds this smor- noon. Illa rpm-ell mu well rt-ollivcd mul hearti- ly cheer:-d. III: mriuwed III-I llistory oi the K)IlI|I()C|"IlLl(! party, and snowed in Intel‘ lack oi rillcilliuls and unmnru to rule the country. Ii: rnlnnlrk that lllulcnuk was pm-ntnlllent Im- nollllllsae except §hDONl|f( Ilolnucruta. culled Iul-Ill rtllllldli oi nnulatlsa, whit.-h even tho Dum- ocrlsm pres-Illt clleot-ud In true. air. Turner wllllmeuir III Ilillwtlrnuult Monday Lilornuon at It lb:;lr.Il:l.II.-am barbecue. Solid {or Fletcher. Elpcclal 'DiI'unIcII In Ihe Uluilo-Dvnmcmt. . Ila i'0’I‘<), 310., Buniumber I8.—-A lame and enthnaimltio meoilllg 0! I110 Rripulllldlllll OI Valle Tmvnallln was held in this city to-duy. Twellty-one dulcgtm-II were elected to the county Cnllventloll to be hold In Ilillubnro on Monday. The mcotinlr VIII: ndtircund by 1!-:ln. J. O. Merrill and 0. II. Inllunl, cdlmr oi the Do Saw Herald, nmlr which tilroo olwont and It tiger warn given to Hon. -'l.‘Ilon. 0. Fiulrbur, the Kovuillicall mlncllllntu Inr uonlrreu. 'l'llI:ll the l.tIL:ellll[¢ udjmlniod until nrlxt Mtlnday evuninl‘I,{.wlIon tlmru wlll'bI:I,n. tnrcllllclll nrooulr Iiun. Hun. D. I’. Dyur uml Iiov. l-‘lulcllur am expoolmi In he Ilm-mill. Tim bays who Iouullt with FIuIa:ll<sI' It Viclrubnrlz, l'iloI KDCID null Arimbnuun rust will die by his eluu in No- vum er. - Iiixhth Senatorial District of Illinois. spa-I-Jul Ilillluich In ule Glolia-Democrat. IILIIIX, 'II.I.., Septulllllllr l8.—In the Ilirclng Rcpllilllcnu district, the Eigllth Senatorial, culuponcd oi the counties oi Mcllcnry and 'l.lIlw. tllu Iienullliotuut ulllortunawly Inlgnged ill Iliuwnlllullu Ii their Dklricl. Convention you- tenlny, wlllcll resulted In It split and two nom- lllutiolll. for State Senator. lion. M. L. Jmlyn, who mu nomiunzod by tho msjoriiy, nil at the Mcllunry Gulluey anlogatetl. is as prominent III- tzlrm,-y oi Wnollxlmcll. was lorlllcrly County Jutluo, and has vowed four yetlrn In tlm ziulte senate with diullllcliun, bcllur one at the ne- knclwledgud Iendora at that body. llo will un- duubinaly be elected. ‘I'M Lake County miller- icy nolniulltod (loo. Kirk, oi For Garflrld and Maine. Special nlsnutclt In tile Illnlweviklnoerst. CIIAMPAIUN, lI.I.., soptami.-er l8.—-‘them wu am-and outpollrlngoi people here Io-night to celebrate the Republican triumph In Lnino. Nome was given about 6o'clocl<,IlIlI It brought an In-lmelloe eutllulllmltic tllrnng, who cheered wildly Io: Illtrlleld IIuI.I Ior Kaine. Urban: turned outll mud production, noladod by a blind ol mus o. Maura. Runooil and WI-iglII,oI UI-bans: H. J. smith, Iiwlm and Judge bnllth, _ utlhln oi: , and Hon. J. G. Glmnon, (lonxrum man, In 0 nddrouet. Republican Rally at Bnllwln. a Spirit! ll:-mm: to the Glob:-Dalltocxlu. Kliutwnou, llIo., septouzbur I8.-A grand rally ind nag-raising It Ilnllwin, St. Louis CaunIy,oocurredto Ilium. Two largo, unl- Iormcd Garfield and Arthur (Jlubu, one white and one colored, rent in tttendltuce. Bloqnont l,)00Cll0I were made by J. U. )icGI:mIn Judge 8. 0. Dunno 2 Mt. Ziolu-nlloln and John II. Watfleld In 'ngiloll, and by Valentina Grimm in Cluruun. Tim llualltlblio-Ina or lionllummg Tlfi:El‘n‘l‘ll[) lira In on-non and will do their duly I . Great lfilltllunlliam. Special! Duminll to the Globe-llelllocnt. Iirzllltxr, ILI... September I8.-Tllo lion. II. II. Matllowa, of Urblulll. nlldmwld Illwnt one people in the Trfim lull this evllninlg. ‘rile mcetirlgwsn held In the interest ol the Garfield and AI-that Ilium, liluly~lIIdl_es were vI"Ol&III' and great entlluallmn rnvlllied. Kxcr-.Ilunt mlurle was inrninlleil b I (I Ilament and Monti- ceiln Glen Oluln, tan or um lelulenlllp ol W. H. Illllloy, the vuterml Gillupdlgli nonzsior. Tile club now nlunlluru lw. ~ Badly Fooled. slm.-In nlsmien to tile Glilml-Iiollmcr-I. lIiA'IIaII.u.I.,'TIIx.. September Ifl.--‘the Damo- craliu _lIl'6(!kl,7 publlullcd in cm: eily duplnyh 1 line buriu casket Inr Garfield, prudictinlx Inu- eocIr'n Irlnmplllult election in Novblnbor II-oln euilnwu based ‘on the Democratic victory in ‘mulls. Tm! vlowder the mnnoofnu have lull! in In lantlluu with to-ulgltt will be kept dry wt lama other occasion. _._ Democratic Rally. dpcctll Dlvvllrh to the Ulobr-lnmoeulé Pxonm Iu..,- September III.--‘rI2o_ Democrats had 5 any Ioonlgltl, um plnunxed to bring out ugoed ‘crowd III unto oi the Itltinvor-able W011“)-' . or. 3.3. Womltngton lvlu HM ftoeltkor. mo’ mm c........ FINE -CILOTHI-No Men,"-Youths, "Boys a.nd'”;(3hil- A -i-Adrgn. I Pljigqs Reascllnable. ,, in-._ . 9 malls I BMPANY, 217 NORTII- s-.5:-.5; uddnlsa use an" were seldom heard In Heal-Is. nnda large part or the crowd wall Bepubliemlu, brought out by the announcement Ihltt Wur- tllinntou would speak. The rain-mil to-duly was connidernblo and ex- tonded ihrontgh several noun. , 5. Celebrating tllemnine Vlcmry. Spec.-IIII Dispatch In the Globe-Democrat. Ilonrzxu,-)!'o.. Sobteluber 1B.—Tnu Gllruam and Arthur club celebrated the victory in Maine Io-night Ilyaboniiro, EIIVH firing, lllnd I1 meeting altorwuds in the Opera Imuca. The large audience wu addressed by uen. B. 3!. Prentiss, or Kirlrsrllle. In It powerful space): M nonrly we Imam’ dumlloe. The utmost un- Illuslnsm prevailed. A Perfect. Full III-e. 3l?EI.‘1lIlDl!!I-Mchlullla Globe-nonlocrstz. PARA, Int... Bcptomnur 19'.-‘rho widely ad- vertised Democratic I-nliy held here last night was very little larger in point oi numbers than the lmpromuiu meeting (‘II the Republicans on the 161.11. A nrolnincnr Detnoornrle polmcinn ncknoévluligoll that drunkenness use Ibo rule and II I thu exception. Enthusiastic. Meeting. firm-In nlmallczfro the worm» DElum'!r1;. VANDALIA, AUIJIIJIIN Co., lIo.. Scrlielnber 1B.—'1‘L\o Ii/:plll.nlII:llIl% lluld, rm cntllnuinztlo Indexing bore Io-day. _t which II-II II.lll_, £342.. In! zluxlnoo, made II musing Ilpnucll at nearly two iloul-a in lungtll, nlter wlllcil Ittinrlleld and Artllnr Club will: l))'fl:IfllZDiI« Gm-field Clubs. Special Dlnpatcn to the Globe-Dcmocru. l‘I}.Iu.\Io:I‘r, 3.Io., Septolllllcr l9.—.’Inothcr Garfield and Arthur Club was tanner! In Green- villo yoIlI.4.lI~Lll.Iy llumbcring IlII.,\'-or.o. This is the ulrclllgnolll or Dclnncmcv. Thl-I-e clubs more will no Islrnlnd lllld week in the county. llurrull Iur old Wltyllo. ‘Illa Elglltcenth Illinois District. Cm re-nlullldl-Inca or the Giobeollelnocrnt. s'rI:l;Lt:'s MILLS, II.L., Septclllbct 18,153).- The Ila-publlcnnu oi this pluco held In I(rulld_rxIlIy last night III we EOIIOOI lloullo Yllfd. A Ipuclul train Iroln Chester brclugilt out SclIucllBll—'l Iluenn Vllaia Silver Gumut Blind and three calllpllnies at "UItrIlI:ltl Gullrds" (one com- pany belnlz tile Colored Guards), who paraded the streets at our quiet village with torcllcla and Iull dress unilunlu, mukillg Ibo nncalt polltlcul display over vtltliessetl in this county. Hon. John ll. 'l‘llnlnIle, Illa Ilepublimlll cun- didato Ior re-olootion to Congress Iroln tlllu (lilo ElgIIweuIll) District, delivered II aplandill address, speaking twojluurs and II hall, and hnllllug Ibo nudiunuo spoil-Donud with his masterly eloquence, which Irom time to time ellclinu roars ul laughter. Capt. Thomas‘ ro- eloctlon III conceded by I.ll who are well posted in political matters. The Delnocrau here are Illviul sick over the results or the Maine election, and um now de- olnr-Insrtnaz Lboy can curry lilo stale Ior Hun- coel: or Wullvur. The Result In Iiinlno. To the llclimr oi the Globe-Demucrxtl ClIP.Bl'l’.RYI!§I.'.D, 1.I.I.., Ilcptumbcr 17.—1 would like um um oi your columns to cull nttnlltion In I\ luv thoughts Ilugguzted by Ille MIIIIIO cloc- Iion. 1 dorlply Icel Ina dlisgrnoo to my nnrivo stare, «nor the irnuliu or Ills; vvinior. but! do not cnnllidcl-,iI 3 Int cause for Ixiooourng r I. In Iziio. all since then |wIIel:l Illa Mlllllo uldctlml hu bcsen considered It true lntilcuuuu oi the nollulnr drilr, the same causes lmvobeun at work in ma: State In In other maria of tho couuiry. But IIIIII Is not the cutoo at tile nasa- uut time. 'I‘Ilo.-ro is, strictly apeulrlllgz, no Dulu- ocmlio pal Ly In llllline. I lmt puny. In its Eitute Gullvuntlon, llurrendumd to tllu Green- brlclwrlu. TIM! Gnlellbllckurs llumlllntod Slate cllnditllltes and i1l.l0])Ic(l B. platinnn. Till‘ Dem- ocrats nmlllmlwtl tho ulna outlllldntcn, but did not adopt any plutlnrln. lIr.l‘lnlvIed{tIlu candi- unto lor Guvurllor, had been A Rh lllbliolth, and two years ago was Imlreztcntllllz ll;IIl»I.riI:t In Collgra.-as as It Rv!)[l(Il)HL’i|II« Ult Illa utllur IlIInIl.1 know quite II. Ilulllllilt oi I‘I()Il0-Bl Uutlmcrllte who BlI;)p{ll‘l64l Davis this cur. ~ . Ilillcu Illa Gr:-on luck cruzo bclzsn, which In Mnlnrl was two year: null, the L-let.-Iinlls in that Iituiululvu not indicated anyllllngiu ro- lnl-Il totllu nupulnr Iirllc. nnd llnvd not Imcn ullowerl by nuy nppreuizlblu Innlluncu In other status. Twu yuan! Inga tile Iiupulllicunn lncluul mow tllnn l3,uo0 vote: or carrying that atntg; but till: mnult did not indlcnto any such clmnxe In the Iffclllr Status 0! }1‘uw’1'ork, Ullln, oIc., wlluro t lo name disturbing Illlluenocn were not so rlctlvo. ‘more lllul been mince then a not lie-‘ pubilcnll--quill In Maine 0! lwnrly l2,0u0. II thin in to illulcntu uuytlllng In regard Io New Ynrk, Indluult elm, ll uugllt not to Iulllcuie lie lub- licull dulellt III !.lI03Ll States. The nlqult In '-er- nlunt Is El Inucli butter Index oi the nebular Iuullllig than the roault In .\IlIlllo—-Illlru yr.-ur. _, 3. ' nu solid South (133 votes), Mllluo (7). Illullmu (15). New Jermly (9). Coxllwolicut 95), Clslllurllill (IS), and Orcgall (3). make IllKl;{0I llll‘ only Isl vuu.-Is. '.i‘IIo:eso nlro IIII Ibo atlllua wlllcll tllu Dumoentte null ho to carry, except New » York, and It cel1.:lI.ll y is not probable tllut may will carry (Ill (II tlzeso. To 13 oct lllmcock. tllun, It In lleccusnry itlr Illoul Io curry New York. But II uruullllrulir victory In .\IIIIno. un- der Dolttocrlule llus lines, on II: not to con- tribute Inward: II Izxnocrnt 0 "victory In tho hard-nlolmy Ifilnpirrs mute; and there am many alhlzr tlliuga wlliull indicllto Illllt tllut Iiutlu will ofot Oalrnuidllntl Arthur. The oleollart in I Ill: Blue «loot not occur till Ntlvnlllbcr. 'l'IlI:ro is certainly, Illcn, no rmlsull f(lI‘ lie lulllimulu to bu dincouraszcd orto Ilbnw Ivolll. n the lean: nllywllem till the l.’]i3(£llOIll In Novumbcr have been decided. Iicspuotlully « A Ihnvz or nuxxn. “A Wicked Woman’: Wiles.” To Illa Editor or me Globe-Dunocruts Illcsvlllt, Ont... September I3.-In your issue oi Allgustli there appeared an article. writtun Ilom I/amvllirl, lleuied ‘ ‘A Wiclrod Woman'- wlloa." It does me in great Injury. um I hope you will print this, III a. pnrtlul reparation (or all Injury, nnlnlentlonnl on yourpart, but lun- llcloun and alzuldel-(ma on the part ol the nutnor, and is void 01 truth. It purports to ‘ his A Iliamry or my divorce Irumulny lstu luolltmd, Hr. Durand, while 0% in Kllnusa. The dlvol-we In It matter 01 noon! and van gotten on my own cmnplaint. But the chin of my nllnarnl lciutiuns with lulotller party II III. Juoopll, citric: below or alter my divorce was gt-luIIed.ialunnIrlIe Iullu ulna Illa statu- maln. that the dlV0r'¢!0 wan obtained by Mr. Durand. The urliclo mm: IIllIc.I outdo to‘ Ilreclwllrldxo. Gol., with n fallow llkllldd L. M. Dunn. I did not come out hora villi Illm. Ila wrote ma. ofleting me II [(004 position, and I came alone. Altar Itlrrivcd II Ilrockonrid lluor htltrcll, I nuurnnd Ille portion In Ilomoo-s in llll Ilntei. Blloruy, he clo-u:II Ill: bmtinru and we came in Dellvl.-r. I under his pruioctioll. III: Ildvlmccs went to- nowgd, and, xlluuly, he bu-lune no ilupolttdnntu nnd Inuurillg that I ordered him (mm my presence. Itlnolten the one that brain, In" Ihe ohnvooluxcn, wllun Ilnvuceoeuiul Inlht-Ir Ilooianu upon women, . local: X'\lV0ul{vl by muck- auin tile clluntotar 0! their intended victim. The fellow, L. )e(.l.)unu,l.lulI Ionxltt tlllv IIIIIUIOII Ill rhvelllrlnlz himroii because Ire-‘ pmlcd Ilia pI'0_p0snli. It was he who clrculluml Illcale rupmn in use tint Inluulce. and very llkulyiurnlahed Ila: Iallseaoodn toyour corns- upondelxt. - Hy nlmlentiltlululnd who Is temporarily ab- Mntitt the ilunnlson, laullnruud with aim: nlug 31.0.10 under lulu pratoll-mu. A: has and Dunn are personal olletulus, Illa, cause ol that mull- I.-Imle ntatolneul In exalt ulldorttood. Yours roapoollully. . II. J. IlII.I.stI. Altthlltlli, , . ~q»——-—-—--—--—- IiIII.I.Il. liounrv. 10 years old, and Welfilllnfl In potmdu, but been exciting the curiosity 91 Dubnqueu. "And one is mil grovring. At birth sbourspomld to have vrniallod twenty eve box. Q‘-Imry nlldrux Illa. nrni“ x of 400 Ior $10: an by, B1153 ittoou reccltlt Ill p . I... lll'I)'~liimo yu.rg_nld, Ilsul bull Iiva rcnrl. nervous ieIII|mram0||l. Ind Iiltlurcll inr- tlllrly vurl Willi Arurmawrrllmn. Imd wlill Ilervntu Ilelll ll clghlccen urn any Ilene I. He name In me sud Inward‘: Vital Ii 0 III-Axed. but I lrnisiell upon his oolliluulnx no use An in nine month: he: was natural! to full health an v I‘-£30! Itunleli. and nu two line cllllrlrnn. pound-, and when 5 year: did Illty-six palulds‘. drug trade. 6:. Louis. lila- E; 1'A5fié('=)Tt.ll)'n.;‘,:, solizilted. s ». FI.I3"I‘I—I ST. Iiindoo Pnrolutsetl. - ['la‘roIn the New York HI.'l'&Id.] Tile Dwyar Ilrotbers yc-Imsrduy xlarchuod from Mr. D. Swigozt, tnmuzll hi: azmlt, Mr. R. v-W. allnmnna Illa two-your-old colt mndoo fnr 315.000. llindoo nndn brilliant curve '-dtlrinx the Dust sprint: and Ilnmninrln tho I eat. rm- XIIDII-. seven slalzne And about 510.000 Io: his Mr. ~5wlg‘ert llad In-no olferg 1;-on Bnuorn pal-Iiell for tho colt. lvllirll he refused. and sent Ilindno on In Snrntnga. inllowinlc mm )1 llonlawhat amiu Mon twice at that YIIICO by Crlclrulnro and Bonnie Lizzie II: are nrlonlzs. and lurnln by Tllotu. I1lruo- unricrs oi nn'IIIn.- Bimloo was man brought own In tho Conny Island Jockuy Club stables, when no Mr. Simmons wlul Ituthorizod to sell thacoli II the price asked nwlmr. . noon IlIIerwn.rd.. fllmloo during the travel. and wall has been improving In health. vlimlld be given. and ycllterdny Illa msgoliations were completed and tho Dwyer III~nIllr.~r-II now own lllml Illndoo is In ely enlmgod In stakes tor next} car, and than I1 I10 I-Iocp vol! more is no dou I but that ill! present owners will 11nd him 5 proiilnllio Investment. /9332: ‘ till: W?--:z«%i'.%'.:II4Ia=u». Biiiotianeoa, Néivoua Dobimg/, etc. EIIIBIIIEIIKEIIY KNOWN tolianl :ttcly.uner- «tun: dilrufilllsll, Iieulra/gin, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backac/la, Soroness of the Chest‘, Gaul‘, Quins], Sore Till-oaf, Slval/in s and Sprains, Burn: and~Sc a'.r, .. General Bodily Pains-, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosfod Fee! and Ears, and all ofltar Pains and Aches. No Preparation on earth eqmdzl 91-. Moon: OIL A: II. fir .vur-v almpla and chmp ltxu.-rrml Eiemedy. A Rf entails but the comparatively Irllllnf uuully or ISO Cents, and crcrfi one slliferilln w Ill pain can have cheap and mat ve proof of iulclllllm. Dil-cctlrlln in xluven Lallguzlgcs. BOLD BY ALL DBUGGIBTB AND DEALBB8 IH IIXDIUIHB. ._A.."VOG-ELER. 82'. ($0., Blrlrlmnrc. 316., IT. 17. A. I - I ll . A {IF DRESS ‘ltnlv mills: NEW STYLES! Prices to Pleaselllll We Igxxtiltlcnge colltpnrisml 111815 In 3. Scotch Tlvecd SuiIs,$20.8l22.$25. Hone:-It '\VenI-lng Suits. $10, $12. Laborers’ Suits, I38. $10. FALL ULSTERS & OVIERSACKS Equal to Custom ‘Work. Ul1illll‘6ll’S Department Pull Ill NOYEIUBS. Evnry llousellold to have our {moduli low rlccs will do It. Inspection re- spoc nllyiuvliod. ' J. ° M. POLA._CK, , POPULARKCLOTHIEII, Illlon and SHIRTMAKER, 213. ~£'0'; 222, 224 and 22:; x. mvlml. {I3 train hlllvkiocrcentolillo hllmln men in II kgluflnr com me lrnpuiengz-‘.6 Thu vlu-Illug lucr- vie will be nlly oorrtmor by every lutellixl-uli physician. TM ptllmipnl cmlsco ro-.lncIn_1 this Ills:-are nnlmiiscretiom or ucruos. mun ortlle conrlulnu ionunru Ion 0! vigor upenneiorriltu, pm At. dlcpoultio In avoid society, lnnxnor. gloumy "orebocllmu, mum Ii Iron. Ilervoun debllllv and lclxeonrllcu In tcmnlu). dobillmlnx drama. etc. MI "l‘.'l¥;i'.'.‘k Ill. “2’..".73ll'“£éi.'2“:{§‘z?l‘u".“.'é‘ll'.3$’3&1.“3.'3 fxncnuce. lnewllui Protaulnn nu been clout ct-ilnllully nelrllgorli or re! cent about then Iltlun, .-u the demand: for II‘|¢f¢:8¢i‘l nccolnmovhuom M. the In- as . ‘I-}:§‘,:p.g'::v:'I'I‘~"III’II:wn principle In unltul physiol- y um no vllsl mlon cam are I»!-9° "‘°"" "Wash toga Agency or the nervous system. llthc nerve power In any organ in vmltkavlad. than that organ [II we; ’I'herII(A‘:mlu‘rirln Ill? {’a:a2ut::n:)lI.o£e 11:1‘? Illa‘: oodtl i or river ll . r. or I vrrlt.|l’,!0liA'l‘lVI my been ltfllufllleil and In. dmvmt by Ina Acid-ullii or Medicine 01 I ill I rilllllarillu or other noitonut in purely I vmr.-I l-'":I:.:."::..::“.°“°.ll- :I.:'.".°".'-=~':,-1"‘:- - A - - I I n In . = u’ ' DH me unllellun. 'nrluli‘rx‘IlcQ‘l. nrmvn Iilrctrnanll. -m riI~I-ml. A.I.|m.; liullrilu , lvmvv or . Monnxcnllllla tune . lI.5llneunund an aids ll: liar at loo lllllu, 5:4. Room wllllmlt tile nl OHBTI Vl0.l'!'b‘.‘. IR. II;T.i——I'.I line Ila In I’:IIx.--A in-, 3. \ViildIY|JI‘ Km.-Iliy-, PARIS. .IIlI1 r Im years 1 and unllro Ilnlloiency. I-‘or lta tried every iluovrn rumedy wllllolu I Iulviecd him to try nioruuvo. »A.I’ier imlr months he mu ml or W pnilcnu In-med H were cured within 33 linyu.lIa In six weolu, I2.) between lwo and Illmv months. 8 Iniwun Ive bud x lnmllllv, I In aim Inolullt. - I II I. . I‘ lililllll, Medicine do In Hospital Clurilr. 1‘. A. Islnlllmloie Kttvwral -em inr Inc United HLIIOO. liexlen no Iltl Went Imtis Qldlidtg I-me ull wIwlu- lulo den ta. “ Oflca, Ii. .1. singer ulldiflll 8|- ‘ 0. . . . ' lzllfmlllnsmt a uu.. wlloiouua zlgeuu Ior the Fir??? F. _ .. .\'.V(.'llI:.'s"rl2iI. Sr. I.0i.'I.-I C<)lJ.\:‘l'\' .\In. ‘at 1§‘lVIfif‘}‘£,l.lf’)"llll§l we-. have ll\3\l yang lmd are wvlndenjtéllat II I: ll 9 Dun 813.4 :3 . IIIIIUI‘ tar 1}l|I0A||';l¢E:c(a’Ii5°?§§l'lllI entent of an ISUJU SYRUP. "Iv In Dun BIII-I INDIAN UUIOI) SXIIUI‘. I an Uluzuo, lmilguilull. Illl sud Llyor -4 d It u (?flI:clIIll|)' I-‘ever, utter nll other Int-.«Ill1lneI mu) led. mend all who no suuorlux with lid: disuse in try ll. ltlnlf COLIIDI Illa luld Uellersl Dullillly, Ill PI-HI. II Ill lam .- qpecillu talr Ihu above. coulniili Im nllmplloru, .- . --All I . I }u£)UxyA:i.r?IE'IJl’IlL‘IIcr1N‘l‘) .\.\’ IILOUU In (UP. I at 11 um; I.n.d Rever- g3~.ln:I- 7} . retai- ~85‘:- aa- .53 :55 .-p . I3 -3 g,‘ L .. ' Aqua, ‘ Ima- tism, Dropsy,‘ .. Heart Disease; ' Bottles; 9 I015 amen urn. . Ifialgyrvpposu.-ssea Varied ‘_1‘t':_II.-°:_-Iseo- he pm. In an Sdivsf x.-lt::*°:.':;g*‘.,;:.‘?.:.%*:.':I'. .~.£lI:”J: ‘I ’|""*3l|I0 huudlggnrotu Iftho lunlntnlul-Inv.g¢;.. the u:'nIs&DblnILM'io¢Q. ixenuen. . _ 1.‘. ......3 .I:;§_.':l".I::.'.-:.4.'L':*.*.'.::_‘:‘_:_‘,§ nu‘ P npo .o'1:I.IIonulu;_;a).. -naoutulixu all I: redlts ttlni. not-an h . .::$.~.::.*:I*..‘;I'.§*..'€*.£sl°3'* "Err "<3 Thm an no -pl:-its anwlwbdi Iu mnmelm. I A be tax‘? 34“ £3 Max: In ti: A to II ”’...°.,.i“.°"...., ......."z:':I.?.I Caution to Dr-uggists. Beware of counter! It lici . 1 £911.34‘: nu or I-nunufa tI'>“:dud?:rade't?vpl:lgTlr?l:xfI?a:. TESTIMONIALS. l‘_'ii'fil"l7.l'.‘€IA CUIIPIIJ. Imltswoou. Sr. Lolnll Cotrrrr. rm. Dunsln —-Tillsia ‘ - 3:00» I:i\E1iUL' hAIwe::I:’{.I‘l'c"l¢‘!‘l‘)'“crI?v|."(‘l §§‘¢;'l'L£??5.:.‘,f§'. .._= KG: LYXAN X‘. DA .\r.\mr. A Null‘ .\IA.‘! or lmr. .\1Imunuc. En-. Lo/(Its Gotmrr. Ito. lmul Sm I-1 ;, , . I-._.;'}'.‘.*...§é‘..i”f.!y“§.§‘.§‘§°iI”..‘.§‘£'€5 ‘.‘1$~“§I.?.: me” “WW0”. 1S\lIUl , A abort Iznlot will cine {or unit eolnpuuug, II can also . command you: Islam: In-:mI'.I.~l KIL’Ii'l‘KIl. III.Y .\lF,n1nr.\'r:. -‘ °'-“' lfzllilp it‘): mm! I ' I . «mat: 1'. \I'A§lI.'l‘:\"'u’rI':?I'I‘.“ DYSPEPSIA AND IXDIOTAITION. nutwooo. ax-. .I.<:-um cn.. am. K mun I-‘~tlt~—IIelng all I II: I '”""?'1"” ’“"""3°dcI-uexlrzr guor 5 55111’ M1’ 0 Ivillcll commits y cured ' me. .\.\CL‘5 A. liU¢.'lle"l‘Y. A.\'O'l"Iil"TlI SUl'P'i’IREll. _ .\IlnnzuIAc. :51. Lows (70,, Ira." Rut-—‘I‘Ile ll.-n-I - _' _ ,- luu cunld Inn ’()X)l‘);;!:|:'T.a.‘ Pd” \\ “Lou” l . I.\NlI'.‘l: WII.I.U.-".\I.~lI.l.’1 ran II_II.IoUsNm3. Nunr. 81'. home 00.. lm. .‘IDIA:I BLUUIJ Illrar. and Inn Iouml be UEOILUIC Ff°l£UEl.’)~£I‘£.“ LIVER CO)lI‘l.Al.\'I‘ ANY) DYS[’FCl‘SlA. ‘IASIIIY. In‘. bouts cl . - . 310 mu 8 -11 l I I ‘ - lllnxnufllou’ -.I§k”lIoU°£;nllI?I “?3lt1e’v1’-'5' '"'”"“‘ N Lolnplunt and lJ’)‘IDIIpIl5.’l‘)hlso'nfiu.|n¢]n'_ ABTHA. EARLY. 1'03 XEIIBALGIA. ‘ ’ Y. 15:. Louis Co.. Ito. .\ A.-III nun SIII-After Ibe Doctarn mind In t('.Hc\'o mu): :4 ru I In I1 :1 I ..:..".. 3:-,. .2?" * “'4” “-00” 8--wt ELIZAIIETLK UOFFLIAXNI %V_EII FAILS T0 CURE. ‘ k-Iain’. 81'. boats Co.. In). DRAI SIII-About ‘I n . 11 llrltbu. which nndcrgd Wm ‘#0 Mm“ 0"“ luluurtiu and I II tyuleln. I ed Doctor: and 1:1:-til; Il'l,liI6v(;l1I;I§l‘I!l2'r3<;‘IvmIlel midi I lrlnd our mu; I00 I I d 2.196“ ‘n‘l.l.°“l§3l.l‘lf-‘I. PNXUMOSIA CUTIED. 3C0. .\(0. am: It- ollrre - D 81 Y IlA|;l‘e“l;l'?l'.;I?\Tb:lL1?l[31 ‘ mu cured me at AUG 000 Ink”? polauueil Inn vv II: tuulu. II.-umonia. 1 used It to: 3 A. J. WILSOS. fiKI‘XI.ICl§§YL° Go um-r. . ml: mrrv 3 . nun Bin-3&1‘ Ion vnuxlslictod mm l-'.m.'» ‘lg ndvica your -mg: I tried Your I.‘-‘1)IA‘§ lalcll pruveu I wanual-ml mn- GIN» JOILV l'1‘ll§2l£. ILEZIIZDY roll IIIIlv:U.\IA'rIsI»I. \ .\lr.\m:w. U|E.‘~"‘I"0Z|‘ 0, uzrrr .\I IIAII 8ln—I prov.-II we come ofyour I. D1A.\’ Ill..I)0D 8‘: IIUI’ and used It for Iilleullntlmt. A all It cured Inc‘. My grxlldlllxlilmt also used it fur Llverncou llnilli with Ilse uuai. beuellcllll relulu. I -mull All illluwn. ‘ vm. Vlmw. Illurms 00ll'h“I’Y. Bro. want _no better Jlguo remedy Illall your recoullllend II B .L0i:A3. Dl8E‘.AS)33 03’ THE 8T()).lACLi. .‘.v'rLrlIuz0:I. Iiooxzs cm. 310. nIIAnsm—-‘I‘uIuuI_o_rerIItytint I mm med I-ml INIIIAN BLUOII l.~\lil}l' ::‘lulua.cII Ind been (rally Ileneuledther ll . Ilulu-In all in lam II II Lrlld. Clil LLS AN :5) Ior L) cranzexncut «lime LI*JA!\"l‘llA ‘IJUUS. .£’4fJ’*"3. °'.l’o'f.‘“’I :0. xi: '0. .\I' . are your l.\'nI.I:I' llI.ouv m"l:u?- I cured mo or Chill! and hi I recom- J US$131! LIUIIIHI. P3. CUIIKS NIIZUIKALOIA. nrullamx. uooam (:o.. no, Dun 8I1l—!"or 1 mlmbur or yuu-a I had the .\‘cIIr|l. uztillmld some or your INDIAN Ixuuon b‘l'ItUI'. Irolu your lixout, mall in: relluy llulwtltall recmlllu-lull l!Ll‘I‘3RklllNl NIP. FE.\iAI.I-1 C0 iIl'I.AIN’I‘3. VAR liuuls. CA.ll1'l2lI Couxfl. Mn. mun Sm—-Till: is In ccrtlrg; Illut my I-rite wu Imm- ml vvllll l)|iI.‘u‘|I3{| lccllllnr lo , or your xrulu l.\ IAN Ill.-t)4.)IL_:I\ II&l‘I' cnrvll ller. ' Imlnles And I ullori Irina! K3 hl.‘U\|LU n‘k“Si'l':I'riIA CURED. VAII litrunlt. cAII1'IuI Co UNTY. M0. 11 sln—'l"IlIu II to ccrllty that your valllaulo IN. IILOUI) SY |iUl.' entirely aired me ul Dyusapsl dl lmuenn be - Jum:"l5 (,'lIA3.’1‘f‘C.Al:"I“l.‘ll. KIDNEY UIISEASKI Kl\"I’l‘.sVIl.l;:.x I,'lIAIu'I~o:I COUXTV. If Ens-6 have n ISYII I‘ In: Klllll have Ioulld It Io mow cvnlpl-‘dull. FOR '1‘l_IE B1400!) AND IIIIIEIDIATIIHI. . 0. . yuur excellent INDIA! ' J! and Buck lnsusus. nus: be A a I.Dd_l‘\IHllllQ n-molly to: JOHN COX’- ntIlvII.I.I. t;II.\lu-rou uomrrr. no .1 had been fur I: long UIDI ulllcied vma i=5’-W-357" -W" "“:“':.':::.°.:‘:'::.':'“.*1'.:::'==:-. In I g‘p!:»':'“l“?l‘l,J:.:§ufil‘:’(}0I') urn Ul‘ I con "‘ lu1lL.nd§:2l“:Iy|I¢ Inba vvll eluded to rural lint II curzd ll‘la,‘:_I):‘Inlflt8ullIo I . Y e :1 Meal with Illa ’ITzin.l 1).: Ann: um ant vv I 1 1&8. MAIiTt1AJ- COYI C1Ill..l..S UU RED. uxlug It bu never been Irtigmod 310, cu mt. I.moot.N cotmjrr ,, 5;“...-1'he use ol your IH_DIAN BiA)0l) llyu. nyd Igzdlllllfegf-€|Khl&f oi L,-gills, ltmlr nll pillar Ah I CBOUKE 1‘. (zllllmi NEUIIAIJIIA. Itlnvttn. I.Ixcm..~I Coven’. Mo El —-3 no In; low noun time with ‘V I III ' Dffilrtdnged {Z ulna our rut I.‘II)IAI\‘ cl‘il.(lUB liUI',nnllol1II'ltlo whit: eompletel )C:iIr.r!Il_‘I‘I‘)O- Edi. LA: \ DYS1’PZl’IiIA»sk.\'l) I N DIG ES'l'I().V. vIIl»:m:II.II:xr0Wx. MADISON C 0.‘ 310. —'l‘Ili:l in lo ccrllly Hut yulxr I.’\’I)IAS IU llu cured me of II wpellsll. Iuivwo 7 nllllcled to give II L t: . JOILN JOKES ". cIIu:I.s Ax I)‘ !‘I'.Vl-fill culllm. MARQUAND. lulnlsux co . 3!». y(‘arI' exnerlellca II III yon la ml:-l|c.Iuo. ctfrcwlny Jun-. uuulusulx. 3331- )|lI:‘l:)I(!’INI\2 Izvlsll Imiil). . ool-IIII HILL. 0SA|’lI£C\).. >15. IIY—-|lw1’i.IV': IuIt;I‘I“ uxmlisllli ISUI ur . -an ' ‘ » ldauluyIIutnaIicIt,m:c1i 0 am’ “ W ‘.°."l;'.'I:.l*“ I .A.. . ‘ II ' lIl.~r-rt, am, [nut flan‘-‘-‘l‘:u still)!“ to tile! lirulltclle in: illegal‘ Ill‘ gudgnl N3 in ‘In mllara me III: II I ....;.l ,0.“- II I Iliad every tamed I uoulll gm“: «.1 it ~ » . ° I AIil.8.‘l'J. Z?IlI7°G§l'lI"5gI'?§f" WHQLESAT-E.‘ AGENTS. 41 A ST.LOU’IB. MO. " ' IUIIIIIIDBON tom. 11!)" Nb.-III 3I'AiI'u_ ‘ ms Iill . .- A. xxnmxlosmfauug ' N "W" ' ox: IIIt<_):'3.. In-II. sI_mua,u,. at. max. - (o ’ . ‘III _\_vuIlIn}o'.x _;m'.. 3 t. " * V .. -- ' r -s...'...x ..,_-must.-.nasu 1:. "" i‘:‘*‘.i‘fi°....."“”'i‘e§‘fe‘$‘3al‘.':‘:§?i?r‘:"”°i””‘”i‘“°*f“ ,5,“ " '{-“:.‘:',?PL.1‘11-"¥‘.?°"?¢°*.**1#1&§’%‘¢»'=°'}‘l ‘ 1 ' meanings’; brim "id: ~“:u.s*.t ' K1 t ' ' “Yet 1!: ' an a min" 3"°§‘:‘£°§l.‘7"7"“i‘.’i‘”°‘§f;‘il."' ‘com’ a 1‘ 1'1p§‘R“‘“ 1 '4 I 1 '- " - 5 ‘ mo‘ wywue f » ear - --.6 m+'m- ms t n-:ov.:mw-«- 1 V » -' '. e . e u . . I . -V i ,. ‘ . — I "1-"' " " " ' W ‘ ‘ I" . .. . . N , v _ .. . _,, -V V = - - ' . hfsunou'o1ruhnndod'meb:x«d.)11iennt*5t:T 1 . . - , _ . - —_ .. . dla::mition::to ;a.IliIst:‘})mttIi.tiug.~Rittt!t!ni.S‘in P9“:-V.|n4.»1l°WIDd. 11!,“ taking. l-b°.Prl°B 0! “-Aaguxliuo. .'.t'lmo'mlfaIot Paris never ahodowofihe-Bpanixh dnnoorpusedoutfrom 1'1"’ ‘.‘.17°“-"““."“’.'°' 1°-1‘. “N ?”‘.1.‘.=9.°~¥.;°‘ *1)?’ 1!-11.» Auxusliutrpliot who axtldihu onud is’ on the V. .- - A _- r , 71.1: - '- . " .1... gr ._ , . um. ,~_ _ . .- 2 u-out can in boo dec1;u‘' . :' 1' p . ‘ ~ "~’*°7'D1"111."‘-11.°“'7'.1.’” z.‘§13‘.3'-','-'°1.a:u§11‘1' 311'" 3'3 r:t“t‘§‘Iu‘;z‘t1 wx?§nhti:'e;?§’§r: |’:t211l:x:11o\g1-;, ggd xfiégataoéfiunggr-orztfifi ‘17‘I°lIi’l'1)l.>t‘ii:lr-Illlgtpofitoflen hit.” — I ..' 1 ' ’.B.‘ri'1.i:t'B"nsed. 'A'rthui-’i.1)Ici'llro'hxd'bnoti ixrxn1x‘:glxx:?bor<:‘f‘hots'o¢2'oué’;80<l:-h6ro‘wiu um,‘ o;1tg:l3t%i‘m::0l‘?;0fgl'e:1-1:. V ,gtnt.’I"«-.-_3bIVi1_;I llrvtitilotleftlillllldri -'nf_a'15'or_ito resort. when-1hey'u'ér5'honi>Vl'£'.0, ll)‘ . ' —ufl« ’ ' - -» ~~ PV 1? ad, 9 ‘ ‘ The wero,lir;iit_iv:d,ftx'xoro'nl‘itats.'oa'roe‘ himg.‘on.t o-linoin the Salon, u.nd,ttohn.d-oft» .u.t,Xxns‘n.i titty thin" 4...: incl. 1ri'1l*botn‘s"t. 1"’ ‘u°“%’° .1’1"“‘°1°“*”‘1'.“.'°111I1rl¢nd31 . - .z;t-__—:loo:uo¢¢r_.u¢-Buteurtnt. thowoi-id; _V'.:- 3- :._x :-:-A‘ - '- ‘ _ sflfprtr .hls:17lP_¢ 1l!§‘1_i_=rfi1!b- Vu iu,~ and’ ,oonvcuntion'.turnn¢1»o¢;,,a.rthur loner tlmthit wifo know saunuu-ed bj'x"m_>n‘- Twain next week. semen! the prominent Jachonvlug,‘-1:lIi‘nEx£b,én:.”;:“t1Und'"‘flm”' . ' . "- I " _ 1 ’ ' . I_.2ie.:.:.§nt‘i"’x..‘.‘,‘§.‘3.‘3&'§’.A'fI.‘€‘&.s—li..;. _3o's’-er §,§,',','.-.1-,'.§27,‘§§.7{;’§,,1§,f,°.§“L’;$§,,‘If;{,,‘§.§'.¥1.{, 3§§'§§%%u§.3§3“§.3}l§§5'§i‘1‘i‘.?3§.‘§?.?..?.2’i::‘.°"‘ §§i§‘.’fli.23§ Si’.-.“.l"‘§'o.‘?.‘§‘ ‘Z.?‘ii‘§€°i?°~§§.°§3.‘§ P°*‘°m°"- '“°1°<“=u= *l°*"°°‘ -9”“! M - » V V ' I ’ *‘*‘ *1 ".‘-3:1-‘.‘.‘.°“‘i.i".i.‘“..._°°°*°uL¥'°:¥.‘§‘.€‘::l.°..’?:‘: m«a...:..... um: ..;;......D°.F.:*.s:*z.;;.*::'.*2=.*::r;:.‘::**z.:u *.r...““....°.=.': ‘Jr -:::°:.:“°*;:;....'*::.,...8.r.. *2 .3; * “r*W> ' 1 1' 1 r.'4- ' . . . ‘ I " -- -» ' - ...«.‘ . . _ . ' - v0 .3: n " ‘ . ‘ ‘ " - - ' 1"‘ much I1-1° mmwry 1’; nu!” ' wgubfi (Land exnoty titted-token _ PM b0l(l¢3l’~'1(l1er'°n thchotllcrnrdl Wouldhflc dmito mo'nn orenvhelmingdeslro to see the for had beenmnde iorlbo "Goddess of Mono 11"‘ ’°““°“- '1°P¢1“1 5"‘ 111°‘ 91°“ '3°"“°1 Th°T""1’ *1“: '1"11’“1M-ion! of 8-New -111,15-‘3.‘1‘1113' 1‘11‘7b9‘m1"-‘= 111° w°tm ~W°'-71?‘- I1: ‘$.31. Bill -"of. hm varied, an beets. damn-mg {mm finnoylaf nor cyjan in ball at the Buiilcr. ‘_iVon' her no lug.” but Amy would notion it go-—.it bad ‘1—1_.,’,’:"_"1111’°“”’°“‘V 11"’ “‘-"*‘°“°"' 1"‘ 1“"‘”“ O'1°‘“" 31"“ ‘"19 °W“_,¢‘13 '1'r0\xbl-o-- . ' .070!‘ "1110-m1¢'*l"‘111_‘!.°‘ 1hlllK3ll1?,1'31'°.°r 1‘? at-lowpriooe. .Up’tl$ ibo time oi.’ thaw‘! '1-lb ml rad, “,1 an an ve bwhdn at m, coma to-night? ‘No. one. will reoo izo you been her wedding zifrfrom her husband. 1,“ ;m,:J-.1°,,“,'° 1:3," .,,§°‘,’5:_"'J;'};,,,,““-i5§:,1’“:1,’,°: '°"‘° F‘11“°l ' . od. '1 id on. ‘Politics roll ‘ionvnud run position this reatnurnnt Witt! re:iciod~ovnr'b 17“ . ‘ . 1" '7 under your yell; and here are oixigi: strong Spring has come again. The Luxembourg 3 ” ,1, °'’ '1 '\ . ' 1’ ‘ . , _ ifrolnlha 2«'WO21ouu'11u:u.1 ' In no 0 ' ' E " ' ‘ ' her lifoiu-th ..1.‘11“—Q“"11¢1'~ 811° 3"” ‘1°¢‘-91'“ W113‘ 119‘ men read)’ to 1 eel’. you. Wu are all “Pint:-' illlwicnsu-o flllod as before with (EA! er0‘i\‘ds— 51:“ clogs? wugxnthtfgda °t1t:1tm~ 353 11° W” 33-91“ "'3": “'ml- INK? sole-nix ox~‘ ;1 3 * . . .. , an and um who-‘bud umrj _ _ - rot V_ V ;l:,°.-:;1,§g;::,u.1:::;, ggg fgnifd ghee," -tuadwho died inuhor . soot. behind the tie oopy of Lailruycro. some sixty year: old. Thin): of all tge good American foil;--c ergy- tJ:e'.streni£ of Paris were be.-tutiful with flow» mom vi l wit ’ ul. doubt be tcrlor. and an no oemo up and took his nine: . . cllir. Under. care it was the moat retired. ,,h ‘.3, ‘ ,1, men onuidaancqnsawho gotounfxnollla, and era. ‘One nlornlnzn min in an oilicinl at-cu lanlmlalh’ ltmamltlnx: othhr ornot fluid mug. ., .1 g cm. tbetr cltlmio exintouomb blood. There Is; mri peculiar restaurant. in Put-is. Ewsrv- ml“ V one.‘-fin 51 mu ‘ mmc’ when ° certain! tbistinuo worse." broughtofoldodpa rtoArthur echo workr 5- “'"11’°"1 3* 1-°““ 1' '1‘ 3”“ '1“ ""‘1“‘."‘1‘° ‘me my (‘H1 M B” "cm 10.1% . - Y ' min - - good ‘nu than two. ant“: 1108?!‘ 9. burst of light lnugbtcr notfaxfiirotn M" @130. and m nul ""10 h ta. an Gambia “ulna n R W um . 14A manor. Capt. Stone on Satnrdo i0rwn.rd.- day! 11° 1°'°“ed‘51'*1*1K11‘“5 3311119300“ duflfli no good thing-without tt. But therein one, . m ii“ , I hm, “I, so man a, mm M oumemm and - ed 3' h 5 “ I 1 th 2 “ , Dd 3'' S i h_ - m 1 “,3 “'1” 1‘; b on two cltblezrumu to 11:. '9.ndel'i‘nlt colioctiou time. somehow the conversation ‘ _ , bl _ ., ._ . . .-h will the writer, V or tm.-nty— to years oxa , _ _x y _ g , ‘ consent. . be ad uocuur ooricxo e 11- your woman. rot nllnhosvita, cg! nowmgnmpo advhln Mm OHM woudeflu m.m;°“" .°‘.~°t;:1°“1'€’1;1"3“"“‘r‘_:1: £3” ‘:2 pcrieuooiutho various an itaJI_.$='1-Zuralpc, ;,t;1nao:u,u;;g1ngm¢,¢k.;1-y that 511.; xmmmn. fatirfi mulch had [perhaps g'ilv§ the §loxcoul':l‘.tej1etntt~e -uucau. Will Monsieur pg.-go,—mm¢,, 0’; we ,§m.,,_ and ,,,p,.,,,1,,g ‘“";‘°b:°“'°”4o F-°‘1*1"3°1‘”°110Vf18W€lW4-‘sun icon stmon xrcx, ‘ _,_nz:o B C116 owuyutero Vncver no.fuly,ioin' to e V or. u,,1- 1-, ed,‘ = C3 ml n -_ oaithy out oolt u n n «me the no. a complaltunoo income botho oor a._ du-tre to exhibit lie! at st. Louis. 8“ nan town them about soot ruoouoe mph» M *~ tum-1uTh~~b°'° -='==b°<"°d 3.: ’§‘iill‘{3-it ':“....“*°.w.:::°" .§.m‘§..m£‘EZ. km nu... ma ma . §"iS?fi.l’;°.§““1?§¥.‘;“i’:§“l§‘..:"$“:°.€§’:i‘ii;3li.?.’§ ma; £2 ::*.‘.:‘ *:.'.5:*5 §°‘ifi“.’.".‘l'.“*.'-‘.3:.“f«?»"l?.‘ *":€*°"°*'- 111° ‘)1 ‘ rr°"°hm‘“ cenm“ 1”.‘-'“°nd“m1 n¢3.<. unvamimd tables large wlniln nnpv girl --porhnps two or three yearn older than that. dwarf the marital viniou of moi-o rolmux- Paris with the gemonzor stop lug only‘: 31" V‘"‘1"'1’11"3 °"‘1"'- 1“ '00“ N Clilliv “en y°u's°"u°m°n' ‘ha-1°” 01 mum 1'” ‘$5. *1.“ “°“’° .1“ .:‘’.?..‘'.‘:‘°' "“‘ ‘”""‘..:’ “l“*.:l3'“*;*‘*:.‘2“°“*‘:'.**;***‘“ ‘.°'*=-rm gm; ==en'w.‘-an -um meuewon »r:»ns==e»- “=.:.‘::*:.i*:.“°."“‘ P"'°1"i.*““°a"e*.: ‘°“""°"» l:'°"::':“ iv: .‘,;*"*.‘***.*.‘°.° "N - traiti€4.‘::t.‘.:*=su%‘::*z.%=.'2.:*l::.::m:::.:::. :‘..‘::“:°:::;:.:- .‘:.:.;..::*.°.r*::..‘::':'::’:“;‘::,1:’ “it t opleuél,‘ 0 ft n ixme—-rVeI1‘K‘. - 0 s nga. l.i'l on all: 0 ‘cause oul s_zo, ml 6 y out or pro u on. at corrup- 0 ms 11 o 5 an n emu ‘cl. 0 mo m,m,_ .5 ’ _ ' ‘ bio. '.i‘-herein noorecd or'1’uhlon.,tl1at msrlu country wine, the freshest: or eggs, -tweet 1’°‘“1V-1”‘ 11' V” P°“11’1° 1°11‘ “"°“"‘1‘ 1° 1”’ flan could then! be in 11 bird sllllientfi’ ball '1’i'°Y 8h°“'¢‘1 111'“ 1'3"’ 3 “"“"1 "«'11'“‘° “’°“‘°“ [Mn W. 1!. Bhizoock. of Canton. 115.. “'‘'‘1‘’ 3t'l;:'1:\1'l‘t° 1:-' nt.“o§]g°io:1toc:$?1°i“it,'t°l:o ‘tnoroliittinctly the various phases of into. butter and rnotheriy attention ohemcterixoci ‘Alla Dororcst wknoivlmigodtohcrsolljwith fotagiri who hm wci'hod t o problems of lay ill of consumptlonin all its stages mud in no own: the Oflilllfl tmttcr in the 1l’\'>n°l¢‘l'fi.’ and flu n‘i. it jfitniclo oi belle! la 5 condition or habit. than-the catlnx » low: at this realenrnni when kept by the lady sbovn .‘ggn;,g.,.p.ng_ ah, 1,3,; , Profuglgn gf pm, life in her own mlnliau found tho balance in it cot nearlho window, whore the spring xuu- colt Georges Somme. is years old. by Guvorllor horcnlter or tho §-survival at the minor.’ wk ,3.’ gumnd and ruining am . 11;“), mnnummd. -1511,, “mg cab},-mu on_uw..¢wmj chmiuuthltr “km of ‘mu and mam lame fgvor oy {aw um} or-dc,’ V )5 m gg.m,_uued.oym- bu, 1,5 [Quad Auxugflne, 8 rnlznouitun by Good lice. This colt ntnnds For puro_, ininliignut hig_il-tninticri wlclicdv liia, uwiifo trodes,‘ Drofnssionit, nndluzi- door, xgcaohed byn nlyateriou»-looking: mun ' — l ' It was a not: and motloy some their on- I IHOYB1! W"-11 the lu‘<'0"l>¢*9 01' &Pilr0=W1li"E } 1‘ 1}“..',‘,§" 11111:‘; “"‘-if‘? .1“ 1‘1’"l"“,"°“§ if“ 311° ‘1 ,9“ “1 ‘W’-‘"0 ‘U3’ form he“ even. ‘ MW uwh..p‘h°m,’ mfiuumum M, _ were resumed 10,. fM.m.e.] ‘M315. mcny liquid eyes, it nerfectly developed ngurc, and coumm-ec1...g_-m ,- and common or ucc(2x5iiy— u iirltlzood, but no ion vcr the Joyoua goddess ,°.§;‘fm,;;,cu°°‘,‘t',‘Dg;‘,:::, '”;.‘3';in‘“m‘)‘,‘,‘wn,‘,‘n ‘ 3;" “"1 M 1?“ "ll? <~‘l'“'¢<! 30“? h°“3¢l 01' 13°.159"'-°""°-"-'- 1"’ T501‘-° ‘‘.'*‘~' ‘ 11"‘ 1'13!’ “"11 V1"-".1‘11"‘5}"‘~ T1113 1"“'“‘1“1"‘“1 “'1” ‘n undum-mg ""“""',’.5 $01111“ wmch am um. 1’“1""m1 “"11” 111' 11511“ 113111 1“ 1“ 111m1':1’°m ° ““’”'1“ 3 “"1 11‘ W‘ 3' m‘l~7'1°- 1“‘”3°"“3'°‘1 tguncuinr dorglopxmznt anhwiixlo o.ctl|<‘:n. in tho and unbotugdwbnlzo it;;‘tl::‘:lt:1sc¢ril§.):z;‘1l1-.11: 115:‘: 33”’ time when 3 cerinin restaurant gore nucoor a tarorito canker in; old time: of a circle of 17910“ ' 1° W3 Glrfifill -.1 vjI7l8- 3116 “'51 imr- of tho city had its-poop . uy R.-linsford felt woman, it loan 1 to was almost ended. Inttor mupzeoz being no exact counterpart of 1 can tell you-nodes about mu cu: um 33; to nw.m_,ux,.,_ in ma “,9, at a.;ww1, nnoup, W.-nu-3 “,1 ,mm,_ _mm.g..,.. 31u_.,,,,m_Dum3. fccily wL_*.ll,drcl1lu.-ll ll» \_1 title Miss Do Forest. Miss Do lsnrost abriuk as she clung to his ‘ ‘I know you would oouu-:~—-you were always his famous ulro. on Tlxursxtuy morning lust hn mighty inn-ti. to bcliuvc. I've immvn that cat. and A chance of I plea of men: for 1 cent; tbo father. .in;:n-.3, Dniarocho. _Fi:mdrin. an 1111"" °‘'"1 P°11¢‘F‘- -“(Nil 91° MP Y mfidlllm arm. 000. I wanted to son you. before I died. I wuu timed lntlfnmllo in 1:09, the vcrioruumce gunilenlun, omm to take a sex-l«w.¢..g,~c, mm 1“ ‘ma um, um ‘mum _. mm. can run mm 5 buudmdo1hm.3 “em “mum imnucmcn bggwccu Cmcand dg ht‘, chuumr “an: E5, “W1,” [5 mo mam...’ 31],, no yorut) Am ovoid 'ou when iiefi. you, man amt. iwouid In-Jog nuthontiuuuu by several rt‘l|n~ IllIii(;l’flW the closet dom-in order to get it: tho‘ some chance! forrvcentn. his chosen Mecca of thcselitilc olmxnhers. Strange to may thnt d¢"l0l'-"115 314 1118114614!‘ W-W76 01 Whfllciel‘ you afraid?" Itava led for you; but your love was not lot fiifiwggd °l"-""l’°""“‘ f “‘'‘$’‘- 11" 1"’1‘1‘*g’- ifs"! .13{“f'::“‘ '“‘° ,1‘&°“"‘“>‘ cfiuilhl her. one 10; “on. or mud“-W, man, 1, muted mg. 3,, Am¢,~5,,¢n.1-mm Mgcmgnn m_._, - “ womb“. nntionullty, the girl who suddenly rfonfronted “Lo; orig not-ry—on_l‘y sorry for those 002:‘ .m::—-3 modni——n sill (hsuccr. I was \_\‘iic.i in nomad an "-“;"xhmfi,M 1 gm” ’“‘1‘:‘3v ,_. '1 “Pm” hamg;"é§;n‘:nu:_3nlz;m°:‘gI81100 woriliy ‘bin tlloiiiontparnas.-;e Ibiihvny stuuon. and of this fxmouanzrnle. .Ke.was.thc only one M1‘-»Wl“l-M-Fm Iiiwllv 8fiMl°° N1 "W001 ~ in. -I on’:-think hsvcatnuta for i>sl-- -dirvslmtrmlafwr Ml» 0"! .nml0l'-' 1 it'll’-41 entillis mum nssortuumtitwen the nrsfiiul re.-nmumoatunn m)‘Pazor'——fn¢(:)t1:,-lX"s°‘mo{ . . . . . ' n « - - .. ' ' . - ‘M-"1' Miingx tun com-farting sign of . thnt the writer has owe: heard of who become 1,130 Q5311‘! 01 1,1?“ V3! W'l¢11! dfiflfiflblfl» pal on after all, Mr. Raiuaford. Vhrlrd to Lil! myself and 1 mo suc..oo<le(l. mile that ho was uvor driven. Viowoo in this n in every Court tlouno in the. tnmu. HI“; “V-nu,-,3 ¢,,u,.0Rxm_au mm.,m,u). d1,.Ku,m,_1 Wm, ma -P9111393 of mg “Slit: is notalnlly thought aIllsrl‘Do1<orust; 5:1 dwugm mo sight of a. little would euro l1 lib my limit aiwn of iilnesx canto dost-rtion light, lII(Vp§il“ff)i'1|1lliIt‘0\\‘ll£l. indeed. a gfbltld aim dIun't' lot no see it hit of peace- Imappcnxtnozo imlidowd nutbearxumlleh country to gather together nsmnliiortuue, 3$"13*3“°- W955 ll’: NR1’ “"3 19810!!! P3131; Sou. If women In general could see 3ou1n- and poverty. '.lhe day 1 WM brought here I one. The col: Ima,boeu.ahiuperi to Ctuatnn. sIm'd guulzo the children. open my unto’: ncarcrreintion to its true character than its leave his friends and country, mid go-to Putin ¢°°I"9““1t 101' 111° mil“ ‘¢°°“11’_=“'-l"'1“ 11111‘ tllllllii 0‘ “f0'lh03’ ‘Would HOW 1096 that morbid had li0"° 10 30° Your Pl‘~‘1“|‘¢a “H1 1 1°“ 40W“ ‘."1““"’ 1"’ “'1.” '''"“‘° ‘* ”°‘‘’‘‘’‘.n,1‘3 ‘"6 °fK1f'i",‘,"°,,',;.°,,1°“1 11"’ 1°“°"7' ‘."°v°"1"' 11“ ""’*‘ namn;‘evcn'tbln is star la. ' rbaihs - rlxnl- to-live tholifo ufamttu oilntwnl. and sumo H’)-the man who raised l1in,hl\Vl.u‘thoui. dm ration xoriustncss which troublns Innny 1"~“'“"3 1‘-” “""' 1”“ 3°” '1'° ""“' "°‘"‘ 1’ W" 1 ' " 1° ‘"“”"“"1"“‘ “‘“1' ‘"'°"“”'- it I3 P0 . ll , . ‘ _ »- - . I've watched not actually alum’ w in hero 1:: tive. The knives nro handily Iliacixed to the. chorito nut for all his country wall concerned. °°11“8 5‘ 11°’: ‘’"'”°“ T=1,"1°0l°*‘ °V‘3l‘9P".l-‘M1 0!. them All the?“ '3 Alllillfifiilll ‘1=ln‘=lD" 11° 1”“ 111“ 1.1"’ ""““.""11111“‘ “""111" 113311 '11 W“ . 1°“ 1-1", “"1 um um 1m"—{m‘9m kl d« :6 1 ublt-.aI by little chains nut! the lo:-kn keep Ho had lived 'iu Paris for more thou thirty N9 53“ '19.il3m°- 1031111’ ‘=1 3l1l1°1‘~‘3-l‘ '¥11l--WEl -1116 she in quite riliforout from the ran. '3 ° ' her thin fingers; aha tool: them up and c:ll'csn- ‘;vQ1u",1,’f,?‘,;:,.:f',, "ol:'“:ir¢".l(x'l: 13¢‘)-§:n'mi‘l(l‘lnE§)I‘ii:viY)nl«‘ iii?’ l..l'§s‘i1£.:‘llo.1.°';;'l:::L°m1,'9"'n";“{'|3“:1ffl;;({}1°§i them onto any. Ziaraklns are dispcnnr.-d with. years before he was over rnoognizcd _byv:m illlllldolfhlj-m°U!fiIlI *0 -6-ill! dB Foregh 5b6l_m1 The party forced it: wey throu in tin; crowd cu‘tllg ilnshy 1c:l\'cu. . {urn bK‘ilIi£ fully tuttlnretl. um: um clmncc.-mm the devil over and got. into any living crouturu Regular‘ realtfsst and dinner courses are. American. .walking through tho Paints 0'6 U1‘ “B9811 0|‘ 1110"! 1 In 8 Tull‘; to within nfow fact of its a 'e. n the apftun « 'iho_v nrolllce tlluso I used to galln.-rm my tlmt nu will not be put in training for at-oumo in-gutium um rut. Itrlud mtzln lmr till I Jtnwover. terrod. Thovoourue for breakfast in ilocfnl, one-day, ho cncouuioroci e scbooimuto. Walcl:od't‘l‘:1e ebb and flow of his nlui, left for-the dnncors atood it a :1 wly girl, Vwith chiidllood in a. little villuuo runong the mount- of ;.'u-m-s.. ' _ grub nick of it-elurd aodro ll bullnt suck so must. tnonl. and vegetables. with -very ordl- so was mounted by him: PM God, O»--, °n°0l!Wo'i- him ‘-0 11°‘? 8110?} ll! ll 1111- hot-fair cbeatnul. hair roiledb gh above and aim. iwiai: 1 ball nemlzcoxuo to l’:\l'i:s. liut ‘n1‘_1:)“lil-‘(\‘<!¢!‘r'=iil;‘:1rtt1lltl)\ li‘ullm:r a|nt:nR0‘-H3) I143.‘ o4lt’:|<:k:‘l'I_I;r,)V:ur ego.‘ I’wishl ‘hind bronrht nary wlno. Tho dinner does not vary in any lthought you were dead.” oyhood. re- ll |Hl'~‘l1l= 1101111» BN1 shares! Mill him the ubotli her head, herpcrfuct arms null shoul- Ihvn Islwulll rifle!‘ IMVIJ met :'<m- Sh-' ls 3‘, we f,',,'2,_',',‘, ,',')3",,“,' .’,,,,,‘;,f‘, 1‘,,,,,,“‘,,,,,.,,,__‘,_.m,¢,‘ ‘W, 3, ,,‘§,',',‘,f";h‘n:," 3’f’1,”°: eueuual particular. It was ioruicrly the cus- mmnimmcetl were talked over. n glass of wine 9 ewlre 01 his IU0°lMe8- '1 N 11543 3'0"“ dam hated and adorned with the am ulna of Dcnullflll Mid 800d. 3'0“! Y0}! nzz Wife. 1ll|H'|° uim. and have nu.-re tolmm-rm} rm» time point. but cut. “* ' 1° " com to ermlt the gas ' canvivlnllstl to select drank. and umlr.-r n proniiao um their menu U between them a 00l'||l‘3d°3hlP which on her the Pnlnia Royal. a smrlnt. bodice an a short beau not love you as I dlul- ‘laws! I um b«=lI~2r- The ~ will in n on Friiin or Salurtlxt v of this --w.»u entlluncn 1 f r - - _ _ . . . Li haul i ‘til! ‘ hi c1~ 1 ~ 2 . .. , iv‘ it if 3 .1! . nmamlo reormln an their Ln sea, tot-lu nu plates. but the snloc~ lug gahould be It secret, his old friend bid him 5 0 1' Pfinh 11 0 “Wei "8 WP“: Hm skirt. of yellow satin iiounccd with black lacn. 1 crlmps i may ll\n—my hair has not cbzutgcd; wt.-u . 11... trunk in 0:na.1mls n bull-unto, nu: rcrpurltuz for eternity in she grew older, she gun W“ 100 Pgrmgngggt, Them -ummlls am $004.53, A; an, gum 03 um um may pm. on his had led to tho thousand aubtlo marks of There was a. touch or Faint. on her ln:<h(~:l and you mod to kiss it once, kiss it now, unly is bald to ho vury good. nciillm worm Itml worm. one morning not hold out-. and the more lusting inn for tgiictrlm there were persons who had onion at P|'¢1'=l-‘0fl°0 111“ mil’ T110111 30111111! 0" WY‘ all artificial depth 01 60 °|’.°“M*‘1°V°1Y°bE0K'- "“°"“31'° “'1” "W,-1‘-“‘°“51"-‘ 11“ had W“ "0" *1 "M ‘1'“"““" “.11 ‘"7 ”1‘1‘'”‘ “"""1’“1'°‘1 1'1"‘ °“‘ tho pI‘u}'ll')it'.i.0l' was adopted at incur ng them‘ erlltbie for morn than titty ycan. - thin . And whzti. in other men meant. Tue cgminetg milled 3. site curved not 5;-ma whole }‘cut‘_. and 1 have iluug'L-red and lhlrstell Itochefis Turf lnlxchnuge. "1 1’f"1 “",‘1,f““1,"‘1 1'1"‘ " 11"” ‘"11" “““‘“ 11"’ tnttm iublls. The general interest. r the * AIiY.'.\fAliK.AliLl'. cuuucnm. 110111 Hg. seemed in Arthur Duncan above our head and twluklecl her light fer!-. 101‘ M01000” 0‘ V01" Tl=“|d« ’ iirl litnu 1: -nci macs :o.m.- Wmln -la.‘ {H'"b' "'5 '°" "””‘"" 1’°""°° ‘"° °'°""" °’1 m 1, - I . _ - to mam eve [hm _ so much _ - n _ _ _ _ 1! -V 8 3. V 0~_ IT is odsi 1 went down and so-curt-ti tho to» re net ofP.~ir ntau_ l'Eil‘lilLll11ll. life i run to An Old.Yi'D0i-rcadbr of is celebrated print- 1'3’ R__ swaying her little body to and fro, till with ll-<.ro-wmsarunllo of dmvor) in the nth and mm. Com, ,,,,m,,, k,,,,,,,,.,,,,., -;~,,,,,.,. mm". mm,-on. ring m.a“-1,.m;.—...u.,,...; my ihoioulcmtrds md ihu Latinuuurtcr. The tag estnbl ihtlxctliclose by bad uovcr takoun -0 WW Amy. G8 1‘°l‘°=4l- cl°'ICr- her in . pnlo hem! aha looked like the b<=!-'cvnIlw|>eds.nnd AInf»>1n-'»<!tunld-twin‘ d .' "' ’ , _ ' wiio tuuitm: at: its an‘... and sworn sun in x ti‘!-I fl-ill, 6!‘?-Z! lKl“ll.l‘-. rich K0.~'4iii . French? meal an.Vw'hcrooeisa during 3 1-c9m._,n¢° 1,, self-possessed girl $3 the wall, bud comelo round it y-cup1lwa_vingDl1 tho water’: lsur- lit-rllush:1ud'szaitlelnller )l2tt5k (1i'L*§'-lV:\iliI ill?!‘ “5 “““1"‘““"‘1“5'- 1°°1‘ "91" ‘’‘‘‘‘''1'‘K‘’ ““1 mun't llispusr: utuuumninmlinmum wnysturn .. -nrgumcnt-, uutr:m:sluinble wit an two-edged Paris of nearly forty years, nml had bison out “"070 '0 91° ‘M01038 ilm-101311111100 ‘in 910 face, to which Miss Du Fort-at had that morn- sweet young nmtmnlmml, with flt)Wl.'i'.i,’\’livII'is; Ihrmmll the <1-Y-_ Conllilllmlnml Sntlmlul‘ mud pack up and return to nor tlulmrm. Sim tmlng - “ram,” mm. beta”: 1,, gm rcm,m..n“, when, M the Lana qu,,m!,.bm_ mqm. Ht, we,“ crazy suhume of her future life of this ono figure. lngeomparcd her. In this front of the crowd and hcllotrupus and pale rose»; in her hmuls. £33) all on wimun-.; llcxeua for $1 each. ll Wuum" "1 ll‘-'1‘ ‘Hml»_1 \*<!|v'- 011* lllluflftlllllilly itudlrmilt of oil kinds urn the sole fnaqutmlora. and tiled in :1 hospital when the roetaumnt ODIV Tcfiterday evening they cut. long togclllvr stood Arthur Duncan, towering head nud Thu sick woumu |‘:ii.‘Ii.‘(l ilcl'n'l:]i. ——-————.-o-———--—-— ,1,',‘,',"’;.‘,‘,,'.:',“;,_:"1:::,,"'30$':fé,.1(§;"fi',‘; Bludunts of law ‘medicine tixcolo“'l'tsucI Art ell.-uxvczli inxmis amilost llmrcby its old-time 11”” °“-‘1”’‘~‘“"''5 °1'-11° Wli1°W'1N3°W '-ll“ shoulders nbmwzilis tlcluhbora hi» hzu ll.-umc “You lu:rL‘~lIlrf\\'lfol” - . — . . , , _ have ihttil’ °110s1;n pluocs oi cnliz4gQ MP ins’ Cbtlrzzictar. lio' was it‘ most runnarlmlvio mun. ~1°°1‘°‘1 “P0” ill!-"f§=|1‘dGl!9 Of 1116 Luxembourg face ntzlow. his eyes brilliant st-ill: exoiicixtlexlt “ll ll-‘M )'U\l W110 l:="'0 Mill 10 me." will S101“? 0“ A LASIA“ “Y' mm“ “M “ 50" M 1‘ wmkm "1" 0" Mr cnm" their entice, exuol-zing their piper, in i g L cl! Suture had cllliowed, him wuh the 1-0”. while the lam s nprnng into light throu vb tho and eagerly following every curve of tho tlnu- Amy in the wit low llultrs that the )'L~:\r’s luvu teuauco, mnuaiuiz bcl‘.wli- with some ui the - uuttuns ui luv poor L-hiili’a shirt. Wlmu Rnfuol Arrnlfls ’i'orribio' Expcrionoo in “Bock.” an di.«:u.»+slu;_: the tuastlouu oi the aivht of it liner and his ud mom. of hu- dl“*'1‘l‘“Dd W 0'" he “'43”! Kim)’: 910%"-1 Di! ml cerhnnotinn. had brougluiutolucr Voice. . _ , sllu saw mo ulm shot her buck u) about 1 day. 'l‘hosc glows are aitueleii in the immo» mim nature was: "nun-vt-.lou’s nfild unnrrlug. ¢DK3E§'°m°hi- in 3 Yl’lt‘nl1’H Studio. he hill “Hod "lie has forgotten that I exist." tilollxht “You were ixralolfl 0‘ ml! “M0: 311H1Mh¢=»" ;““;1‘." ~'{\1.:‘f“"‘_“§'-|f"1 toil} the i:‘ilIorl:1l,xt M” ,, mm, and g,.,,Mcd 1”“, n hum‘ 10, Jun, ditto rw.-iglxhorhood of the various schools People npuoered to him All any to read tut 3. 11°? 113N110 1119 ll)?! in tho darkness and called may do Forest, hlucrly. and also irulnillud said the dancer. “You ll.-lvo no need to fear 13"’ “G D ‘‘ “"3 S"°"‘,m mwy °'"“““‘- 1 11"‘-‘W1 ""1 "W l"l“'"'- WW “C11”!- illd l«‘0”i’l>'°I- crystal was clear to me through. It was dun 1101' hl3'b¢t1I3I' all Tel. from head to foot. ‘ “Patio mo homo Mr. now. ” v 3113 . ult ofnust ‘It-ownc -- curt. us: ° {‘‘,'(1"‘:1,'‘';'"':,“{,1,"’d 1“ ‘"11; 3w11,"""“.J11"',‘ ’"'"‘1“'3‘ ' 1 The most upproiouiioua. unnnticc.1l2lnout- muchl.ot1xitun:m’:tfaclllt)' that tho chnrxcier T113 H171 M‘ 31' “P9 Mid 0 -"Gd 1710 L3 liainsfonl. tI~.‘p<.-.-lk to iuzunmu. plcnne--the An1i'1‘dd we flmw” in her hmm‘ 111.1311 we‘ ".1. ‘" W.“ . ’* L139-ro uxlzinlt-1:11.114?» Rl"i’Il6l;“tl'il :11" 135:1‘-1:-‘ltxg '1 side, luuztllou uni mrnsi. memorable inside, or the rcst.1urnnt..rcllI:sincL1 no ext-cllcnt..!ur so 11”‘}'°"= “'r.¥“1,“"“'° 1111101’: 1103" l’,<1|‘IuKM 0! nlr hero is atllllug. I run sorry to take you will 'L-t wvll llgulu, and you will lmvc 1’::ri.~u ”‘"’“‘ '1" M" “"1 s‘"“' um. Tnnt cvnntngl lnlux n large: Illlflul titty: lo 1-. cup.-1.1.-ll: ofn omnmtinting the lurunsl. number great a. length of time. A political or it JcsA- ‘-110 0'4 W“ 5 ¢ 111915111 30"” “P01! bl‘! =13 3 nwny, but 1 do not foul able to st:nul.' ' and vu in the country among the tlo\\'crs." Th" 1"“ 0' Ul0~‘'-! Perm?“ 1<'I0\\'n '0 1'17“ Ill!" me man of tllellllual.-, |.m¢m_-_u .. big chum. (.1 . of pm-non; u the gmmlip.-,1 amount. of 3-pgw, mg 5” W” dgsco,-ed on um 1,,,,mm’ and mm touic and kept out: tho starting tenrn. ’.l.‘ho (jugv imlnururd ionic Mn. 1):: Forest nnd her “Alnollii lhc lluWeru—-yms. in my own t:o|ln- vivod the wreck of tho nieauuhlp Cit)‘ of Yarn ircsli in,-ui in line nu r mm the our wtn tllorn im~ nlw-.n.'s fullest, with room-to span.-. was nature of tbo frvzuuuntors of tho_ rcxuuu-gnt lives of her man friends outside of her moth» dang nu: home and than rt-,i.urncd to we Loni], tr}'—-up iu llu: llluillllziltiti wimru thu lilies cm; mm.-..u1.. um. my y..,,w.-.g.,,. by ,,,u_-",..,. xnuulntuly. '1 mm nlslleu up mid gr-umwlt “OLD xf0'rl.u:ur:U(‘8" were read iii-zoabnolt. Asnconsol-uenco halt er’! dmvlllx-room did not concern her. she Out: at the other man told bin: that Arthur row in the streams. Uh. yes-1 ah:-ll go w.» Arruuunlii}. i’. sum, pltssongzers, 1"” ‘”“’ °‘,,""; 1{3‘,",1‘,‘,“ "W 1”“ 1”‘“‘V on the Boulovurd .M0lll.?)iil”ilIlSrlG. The poor _’p4.‘h9OLlii wow not wt-lcotuetl, and mo yer. than ill-: bu‘ 3! W53 hlml “Mi Aflllllra Duncan looked lsirmlgcly troublull whom he 130131" H01’ °l"'~‘5 SWW llrléihlu 119'‘ TM‘-0 mm J01". come“ m~.,,,..,,. v1~,,uy ,,.u,,,_ ,1,“ u, :,:‘.51,':1,hw3,r,,, ,,,,',1:,,,,,"‘id,,k,’,:',: u°,',“:,,°‘:.1,. ‘ devils who ate "tin.-rr: col ed it lo the outsidl: sisflult in their mining. were givuu t.o Ui1d€!t'- “‘11h 119 “'11 °1“ll‘m11°n l-OWIXNI ID ideal and was informed that Miss Dr: lv‘orc.<tt.V had gone null-’\||l. 1'0!‘ 0110 lllillllll KM “RU? “Hull! 1110 “,0 “mm of A,..,,,',,d,.,, 3. gm,’ Jab" iilfiy inside. but I 1.-non-mi ii 3ll~9|:t.Il0IlX.1'|?l.lti'll A wurldmttzc reautumut of the gr.-ind cotiagu " island that their company was not.m.-cessnry. 111° °1¢W”°l1 0’ 3” flb°V¢ l°l'l'Ul1 rm-liwlg M\'a\'lli with the atuulspluare of the place. Amum of mu Qlmruun $'"m°“13' “"3 °l'1*'~‘1 . is mi: ill \‘I .1 l':i' ~ i 1 -1 : 1 _. 1 ' in ntcuiufl of tho mm: 5:.'I‘a)'-yt*.:u'cd timers; ior xtt'ml\.'~:cr: of ‘mu: mL:3‘l'A.i'.'lt.t.\"t‘. ““°“1d find 1115 1“-‘ “"11"” 1" 11'" “"111 °1 *1 Whom the drmcu won over Arthur niollenway "i am cimallln -l SOliit?‘\\'t\il.‘i'i My mudi: 1'" *“""“'“1'° “‘°" 11'9"‘ “"0 '3"¢““°"°‘1 ugttu-cl In‘;i'fi:il';liI‘::i.l‘1:¢‘I1:;ill;":1l1i.||l?“a1!ll:JriiIqililfl when this restaurant was lu:xu¢.;ur:tteu it WM It was Known that his client and his friend R’|'W!W9- A"dl'¢19 ° Wllld "01 W-‘"110 Mm‘ to this door of the lia'ncor’n tIi‘eii.~ilfl8*i()0lll. °1“‘~’1" 3111.1 11'“ 11° ““"”“”'” 1"-"W 1"1‘”"11i’?‘- "ml" °“"“‘1Y ‘"11" 1‘°l""‘1 1° "*0 ‘*1'“‘-‘' ""l“" “X '0“ '14” ll D~“'"*1“l ll"“'d|'l'0ui “N0 betwm.-u four poor old walls, nlluzlted on the the keeper wroto down with great miuuteucsu “'5 K1171’-“R9 1’°=“|W“l-‘W0 B Wbllr0'|‘0UlIt1t‘J and whitctl to take her homo to her rooms, Arthur l)liill.‘.’lll cau;V;int her in his arms tllld um.-ms made by Mr. Owen rolulwo to '‘''*‘1“ ‘1'‘‘'’- ""1 “"3 1"“! “"1 “W W" ‘"1" “'0 ~_ b.u-x-vi. mlilmi un the inn. lmu-d in bulb in uno gm,,,“l w,,,,,m,,,_1“,,;V.,d for pron“, “wen” “mt,d‘ Tm, “wk “.“gmm1,yW“1 herself wt-reu.mnn——. Sho close the book upon uy mo sarbouno. Thu exercise and cyexmct Arthur's. ilo touchullhcr hnirwitl mu), vx“‘u“.° ._,c,m“.d ,,,,,,15. gm,,,,_,,,, gm §‘.‘,‘{.°.'..§§‘3?‘°.I}Ii§'.fif}§3l'33‘l.‘l5u".il'35nT§3§§‘I,‘f‘}fiL§ plzsarmro. 1lcsl.sur:xuls thus situated were t~.x- to an temirrcni, wz-{icy and mu nq dou1,y_ In nbru lily nud will the old bouquluisto for it, nu, . , ,|,,u,,, of mo cm“-d 1m1],,,g ;,u.,,,.,| his ii 5. The bcmtilful hclici full back on his , _ . . -- . out it trtun paying oily dui . Tilt: ancestor of due timo. st-,3 .1,¢'wr.lrid ln’print, ma it-in um! I mu ttnrnnd up A long an-.uuo that lends in-.r i)t‘1.'l1ll1)' and made her absolute)!’ :|.7.‘I.llIll‘,' nl'm,pll1o bmulliful xalmuitieru that luui onca: "°"‘°” ‘"111 11"“ 1’"1“5‘ "*1 "‘°C"1""1" '"""" :1illll{l)lO\[i’ilti.:llLl{likilILi lllfiilfii£137.:"t§§lIl‘ll?..‘5ii'§§i‘Z.5,'?£li '- an; E._,g;:‘;," Ht:i|‘i.t‘(lI lllllumblu l‘(7lSkill.|'- hnyig u11n;.~_r.-.-5; mm (gyuu in umso “clung put tholntltheon tolho gtlrtlcna of the i.ux- in nor radium, lmallh and youth. ntmue hlmvclllo scarlet bodice in thcllnuuo “"3 3.1’““‘~'l'=¢- 11° ¢10~‘"“"~“1 "ll" Mr» 0W?" leup tm-,: trill: cut-in uillur in tho realms 0! nut. 1:, n:_ nalze. with thuinureaslm: for- do not memoirs. Winn. a mine or llmmg, ombourg. bun liked theta?‘ minions betu-.r zmllm-, lmklng .1 m. 31.0 3,1], llli‘.:l:iL1l‘u \\‘l"i'u <.‘.ll‘)lilt‘L'i with u. suarlvi that cc-ultluothnm am‘-cnd«=dIllenIxH'.M hr: clnIm~ air-cc-tlm cut--Hm cut-c-m-cludz-:1 that the tunes 0 the family until it ht.-.cmne “Tile ills n-51;-,u;-,mt would hm,-g, hug go,-nlncgmns than the stately alleys of tho iullcrlcs. Thcru over her §L;:\'_ucr 1-inking: 1]"; ma wing, ncorcimll llu: white liIll:H on in-r lm-:1-:1, oven *“‘-"“““'_'-‘“‘ 11”’ ""““,"""-"“"1""?-“1 ‘“'”1"‘-""1 1 ‘"3’ 1”“? ,""'1§"“1 1"’ 1"” 1" """’1‘ ""“"““' ' Gum) (;o“_;ge‘)I 15”,‘ mm nu Mrlllly Hung“. or 3 Cmlkflumkl .l.hl"w ‘Ewe NWHKNL The W“ mom M um flavor of old pm”; M,,,u,_ um,“ mhm hm. mgmf wnh ma hcurw Mum‘ 3,, pm“ had bugmcd um um.“ wmw my 0‘ with IIOJJIIH!(Iiléf)l7Ili‘%_3‘liC1i“:.Dl()lI;:J, one of mu w‘u]t.ldi l*.l.‘iI?1 turlntlcman, lukm-if tho troriimt ...:_.' thorn was no certainty to the forluut-H oi the rolilckin life and laughter of tilt: sitldcnt of 11910?“ U16 Brcond cu} lro-tho Paris of be done the pczumllt tmturu she ll:ui'bron-ht bur lilo. ' ?i;::,,',',1,'.}‘.‘,'::",."3',,, {,.T,;z hliif: ;.7),,,,'.‘-,1: mi“.-.-',‘.‘,1n',:fi 3,-....',‘-n‘,(-..'.'~3( I'\'u";:.l‘I-‘Ki‘i;Il?::"u:1-|:J|:::I)}:'0r‘;"(’|::££ A family" or in tho uppvaraucoofthn “Com: ll." flue nrtlsiuuz token the p'lul:e of the elljoyublq Mussel. nud Balzac. E; in liked the tbrcudburn (mm ml, py,.0m,,_.,_ {on ,,t_m,,gab. we pathos,n,' “D dm,b,,_\d an 5",”. M mm“ M l',0.',mn "mh_.. ' '. Tim walla ofihu city were extended an the s.f.illncr.-‘s of vilolmings who in former days ate 9“1‘1"“1~““'1”l N131" 11001“. ")0 kY10lH 07 lF0W- of the stern nocumwily which c-mill mxt this C19,. .,m.,, 1,, .-q . a f 1'» -e ~!lw1~luur-r-trers llmi ‘1"‘3'|llll>l‘Ul:l! in twin. lll-J Slowly the crmul fllml mvuy. will when the coil.-.1l:u uuvo wit)’ lo a more prullmtiolu nlouo their ulultml-chop. zalixpcd their coffee l"ii'i!ll'|!. the bounzeoino mother»: and nllrwlv poricct crcai'uru.Zhls1_v no oftho world’: youth ' ‘ 1“ ‘ L” " "*1 '1'" opinion was that ulnzn I-In‘ Inuit won: by the lust mm luv! dl'I~nrtc-l, u fillllv nucll R‘ ltunmu-1 bumu.,g_ 1“ mm rm,-,,._.r of it mu Emma-,d’ glnukedumlr ¢:Arm0Pmm(,u: pipe,‘ and mm} with tho children playing around them; the and mm-fling um)“. 1“, mm whew, 0; me Mr. Bic.-oliy _opl-nvll mm of the rlrqclli ttlcci- llui.|i‘tl it lnnuz ovurtllu Rirln, amt tlw Ittlnlp tnluilt mire uruilunml of but never pimeoci n.n— up to_i.'a’?s":, Lilo snug little l’()Kl.aur{LnI. above um imperial at 1.1.; home of an ¢gulng.hmm,, old men, with rt':d_ ribbons In the butiouhoies ,3,-..,,, duummun. Tim chums M um lulu: at lxurliliuslll, M:ls.~4., by azmm.-:. -Let l‘«'ii()(iIf1l\rl huge 'lu!\|lt"ii linfltliot B|t'ii:)EOi‘lii(1“)lli]). :_‘l|ll?:ll,dCl“1-'15‘ ::l‘.;til.ully nvttr um put mun.» monnoulzd. since the falling fortune of tho" Death and Bi. Hillitillilltill tum: tniten the beat 0"~1't'1l' 7'1”? 1»‘l'03ll°l0lh '~‘4>5lUi- Sorbmmo struck tho four~qunrlurs—~soft, 1'11"” 1"5="' ¢‘§.i'|"~"~=l'-ll 01 \‘v'l|ill- "10 ,IVNF'~1 ‘VIM ;1""t“.l‘,:,°°'{;r‘,',‘, "Hm ,,_,'° ’,',‘,r,;‘ 1‘‘,, ‘ “‘i" "°‘ 1"‘ ‘”“‘ “"15'"""‘“””’1’““1‘“11‘1”“”°1*° tzuuily limit so l‘i‘(1ll(.'1*(l its limits it iii cnlind by pane: Lho ruluuncu out of tho l'.uliu quot-tor. '1‘1“’~3i‘-"1" ’ “'1‘"1 '“‘°li'i- ‘1°““1 ‘$110 M'0nll'~'-5. swoot littloroicca. In nll this nllur—llfu.whcr- 11”” 1"" 11*‘ 1" 111"-‘“ ““3"”"l='i- " “"1" 10% m','I‘,tL' '...1-m’, :1‘ ,‘w,,,‘,‘,'»-‘ ,f'_"',.,l,",,_.,,h‘,.‘d' ' the more motlu.-rly iitloof “Mere icing:-.m-.’s.” lick‘-lllf‘-ll Sill |11'“W3l''0l10l‘U|'0Dl "10 nlflfkul of ever he found it guitar, his hand iilSllllll!ilV(‘lY “wed 1‘ nmumme Mmmm°"1"’°°1'°”l“11 1“-1" is n(;t.hin"' it will be 01w-rin un lmur." \'\'o.- isllitil 3153‘ N€‘"30lI'B 13l|‘l11‘P1fl00- .Abisoluu.-ly l‘.iJL'liil:'!|'l_V, you many lmiievo, in tho . . - . 5l- b'l11l-"¢6- Ml-‘N D9 1"01'l3Si W-‘lnlluffid On to struck tin: four swcl-L, little notes: and bcforo 13'1"“ 1° 111” "("11 1’1‘”““'l'5 F"'°“1‘“”1 1'”-'1'“- W11“ soon bv n"n'our 1.-ouno for llmmnn." cm-nvll A-\ to mu tlucc and «into of um into Min \'«:lt- , F memurlc.-1 ofmau upoor fl-llow struggling to 111° R“_bb" Q"“,”fl°,“ 1",1""“1‘md’ "bl-‘-3‘°"|° Kill-‘W (“Uni-R111 5131103: 311” drlull. him roses Vliilflfl ofn wont-.m cn‘s'cIo1:u:d in 1“'°‘1"-'1 11311 "W"1"‘11"“"""°1‘°"“""1‘15 ‘V”'«‘ Ilmu-.:lut Hm! in-th Clint. Vun Si:-o null .\lr. . '. U, U 1” he . H. I d I, -, V . rjgaiu it plane and firing in the great uiaelgu-um them the .\cw Xnrk l.\orlti.] _ Wm, um w;m_~”h;,,11ow as-N» um rugkwork of nufimm. “fir [mm mm Mme ml,“ mow making for;;ivcm~.-s for bl-int; an ill-i'lliiill'l'(l in Harris was vntullod ovmbmlrd by um t-zium "‘"‘ " 1' ’ "5 0‘-3 . Au: gm ) at y- at-V S-I)! outside or the hioutrougn gate. and tho rci- m.-erytilingubuut the persons dull the xu:.unl:: “'M0l"“'}"V‘m“1¢W.VP¢1=l'3- -P9711-‘l if liht‘-. high up in one of tho old house: frmvncri b::tlle'xzoor bell. The in~1t-liullln-r ;«,,m_ vm, 3130, They an ,.}~.,.,,,.d mu, v ~01 l-':lris life». "Win-n once the old lady‘ ltnowu “1.DDi.ll)i.1L‘.ftli 1uut1Y'i>t,~p4otu-s luwu been PU'£''ll1 ills basin. nEI€1 Sruon. wot boards drl Pint: nlmut lmr islli)lllt,l\‘.i':iy tnui lzlrgo teyle: just 11"’ P““- A 111111151" "111 1"’ 1““1 ""“' 11”'°“’“ “““" mm 1'1"‘ wm'1"°r" "1 5" P‘°"'r." s‘1'""°’ 1‘°°d5' .' tlmtzt young nnllsuraitly boyis tryinzto work by,tim_cx;hle. cllspzttcluels nhoui. “tho llIil‘t.‘..~4 null about the 'i.rltonu and NI.-ptunex, un ivy 10m._),cd Wm, s[,m,bm. “R, we “re,” pal‘, away his oriunial siitdllxs, in which in-. lirlil fi,[f“";,_F}:‘;:_V°‘i1“ “;.“:;‘I?m1'°"’]9 ‘I1’ 11;“: %‘1l"’:”‘3l 13“’~ "11"" “°“1 "““"°-" °"“'~1"“*'5 .- hln \V‘:t}”iip pa lug when he can, his credit): rufirblts bill,” ml it has nlivaul:c(i throu-,:h throwing!!! nrma out from tho crevices of “go;-gflng .;1;,,-_ been too much lit-votml, and was going WWW“. TM “gm; mum, w“_:"n“',';u"“.“’1u the Nan, “wrt~t_)Zll?.'xl)nih Ann ilrown; lu.-.r - good for I an sumo sum. and his hnari. at i’.u-ilauuuu. As the diélilziiclles hlweirtdlr:nt4:d, their sh.-apes. and, ovorhmul,- llcwlt-..1iltt[:,‘ trees 311.... no 1-01-.~.,m»l.|1.~_.1 mg 1lLu(\]oflm{.)1[ow- hum“ 10 Work “I ""3 i"|‘i’“- U"°1”'¢‘ Win‘ mo..u.. anti rcintltllul. who unuru:-.«:n lllfn null fuumr Willi nii.'tl\l~'Dl~ll\i\lii)i':\\'il0 iur nlongtlmo n-slut] me most lultlllrhllig;n that can Eugllshlnulilord-.s liilti tmiunts have taken an cunlingntoudertwillght upon Uiequiul. place. in: tltiy, Her eyes wen; {mm-y, 3...; (13,); lull 1101"“ RC0l|lt‘*!l0|I £‘0|l<‘-¢!I'lllHl: 51 0't’rl=IIIl 10191)!-0\‘(}I'hlII'l. 'I‘m- young mun wu gzrontiy m._,_.,,,_,g._.d “call... ,,.,,,,..,.-,;,,|,.,,,_ M M, (,,,,,y onnoy ntlamilitiuus miml. lisbztd ennu 511 interest in tho !0i'lilDt‘S oft-ho bill cruel to the The voices of-citiidrqll cmuo irum tho mull! sii.\(lnwa pluyu.-d about llmm. She, too, lmd 11311111111111,‘ dune Mm“ 3 clerk 1-(Mrs H 0' "l""‘“”1' 1'“'‘°‘“' "1 “ “"""""1""" 1"‘ '““1 “ two’ nun ovinculi u. strun- -nation to it be-h«.bt1n.-;ry|tm‘wlmru, but hungry in Llm-ti, iumn-,gL t;lk.~.u by 1:11.113“,-(1,, N g,3,_,,u,u Q,-._-nun; M15; 1)., j-or-us; s;_.31._..1 1w.-,-,-.,){ 0,, hc_u.d um 5u,b0m,,, chum.“ m.ik0U,L.h0m._ tlno brother said he had here received re [0Ill"-\Vt"131£'fl urmrtlu nt l,-om-«I. Ilia skin was r ‘ 1 ' 1" '1’ without friends, him at slgxxiticmma that mm across the Irish Sun in the com it-uauxtlou bill. the edge of the lnuill and looked into the shah A llmmgo :,.,c1,m_;.,n 15,1 1",, to M,_,h to we dhllillui, scuztnltc. inloiltglblu do vrcus of m-- Human and burnt, his body mu covered with stage, and one night. after almklm: hands but-n ll2s:ofl »y the river that passes The bureau and ralllzlts bill do: 5, of couruc. low water, yuliow wlththn dead leaves in its me p[.,um.d mm um, [ml dun” M, M, muL.h llgluu, and to was yet at tho foot» the stairs. :"'-;‘l_‘_<'3Hfl|*Jl|;l)_ “_"‘l1I"“ ["’:",'|'w“"‘,':_‘(’m§’l'h“”"‘:‘ 11T(:;!£'-‘ll-I"~u:lll|; thruu--it it. um.-re served ill from 10 with i.lll.‘..‘.ll'llill:ill§lil(.“i.‘tlt¢5(.i b ii.~<_titlu diffcr- bed. The ruliuctiuu of her own film: (mile of 1,,“-m, \VI|un aha saw 121., Vginjroug h[]0'— A ll=|5i0|‘ lllllllllllfvil 1" 11111‘ 1"!" ,0i“=ll0 ll0l.l!h- , , 1, ya 1 , ,1; m L 4 , 51 , 1 . 080152-J 10 il‘=\llCfi. Mill"-‘TY T110113 ‘J-3 ‘-‘i’l|l5- 45». "lg 1“ 11131 T°"i’0‘Ei- ‘Wm I 0 Irish ‘bill of canto back to her framed in tho sln:tuow- nut shape.-, \\‘ii.hli:I1f0iltld('(l outllnbs l'I(:ilill)‘1d 1’°““"“1 "111 11° 1W1 1-""1" “N” Y (19311 °'P'|‘"' (1 l‘l‘u\)Vii(7ll I euwlhntthn shift was gnlnoaown " o(c:t;:usi)~“liTllrta-out 3...-.‘.‘..'.' 3:‘ ltgo..o-J<:1i,lI‘i’llg‘tln'(: V¢l‘.V' “iii? 0115 Wli1‘1 139 "1’1l“1i9l1 13)’ 2’1V'l-ill; ‘V’ 101‘ ‘ ‘1°l’1"~‘1t1°'1 “7°5“11Y ¢°ml“l“1"l‘-0 1’0“$1”- ‘ by the limiting drapery. this long. fair hair 1'9")’ 01 WW» “"11 Twill’?-"N"1 11“? P"“)'l=l'“ 01 W0 heaulll. "i tool: my wttu und jmnpuu mm t It! corps do bullet in mm of the uscu-o1mli-.un then- unmb. “(MM ‘,0 we 'mAhN'whu mama mm“ to a hmiwqulo womb“, becmhu um comvem Them had he“, mm,‘ whcu 1“ brmm bin‘, curving mmmg me “mum. um yovcyy’ sc,,m_ bruillrcn that be null his church nmy beqlllclb sen. We lnul got nnly ubnui. twunty it-1.-.t mlvuy tors elm unuln her find u]'Inc.nrluu:u on rim nmgo tiiully whcnuoreuary. wmm an “mg ,0. suilon bill was axiuni. on the ‘rig. The num- oyuu ilild(Ii.’1“l‘..iLi.‘ Oillliiltiti tuul scanned to her (jug mm ..¢,m.,,,._d mm‘, ,._,.,,,,,.V5,,(_.,,,.,,, “"4 dm,.. cm-.d. Mr. Moody l1r:n:s:tld: "I think lt’en when umshlp want um-.u in u grunt mm-19: In mu "ll)rknlllro Luna. fit-r «rout muurnl errlvnd his pic of tho burns and rm bits bill a, to flllnll tho rnqulroumuts of be.-1uty,buI. now inoss of it drlmn she know that aim could ",’°'~1 1‘1'-'3 1'" ‘“1“1-‘1‘='’‘'‘ ‘-0 '191U0|' Dl‘=l)'i—'|‘fi~ ""““"‘- 1‘1"“"‘°““‘11 "“‘1 "“ 1'1'~‘-‘3"""‘.‘*""""’!- "'1°"l° “"11 "'"“‘”" “°"". .1’m"“"',1'°r 1",”) rum" Mxmr. Ar True Ar-':~'u'.u. rm.r.m. rnrmm shall hm pr-warm protrct crops darkenedhythur1ccs:*lnzlenv«=u and \-‘ill-nu’: lli:\'el'h0 amm.'lwuu this womicrftllcrlsm ‘l“*“V°“'"""“"“‘ '"""“°" """{{l;-,1 ,,";,‘§,",°, 't‘.'.'.‘3.l.x1l..§’".ii'."Ii'..s"W5. °'il.l§"’§...3"‘-‘Ill’ ln‘.§.‘t"'.l’.'.'y’ 1~1Ir«»°-="".7.".i§."r'.13i3x°".3.?&'“JlYfl:lf3€."\«.'l§§.'§. ‘Lll’n1:“.i ainw student his first prize. ornwrlter some ngrunzlt their great cuclnicn. How and at Wbul. memory of tho splcuditlcrmtlltru ulna had just cure. m ¢;m,g,~,,,m;,m,.1 M,-_ ]_)m,,._,,, cm... holiness back of their lusrxucmn. (Ur Mm," “mm lmum I “W mlmmnf mm” ,m.,.““,,.l ,1“, N,mm,._,cd K ,,,m.,.,%,o Wm,‘ unex lrcted ioriunvr, i[‘W:t! than that tho tlmosou this i*°“'“' ‘hill be exercised nud iiln- Mira rising 11910?“ 1103'» 1N°°m0d‘ll1"0 llIlD0>f- cllally on the iilil.'.ct‘.8i| oi‘ his work, and wont 119911 1‘ 11"“ 1° 1’1'-“‘’ 1-11° 1"‘-“'5 °1 W." 1“‘”“°‘“ nno cluurht them. but it Wm! nut pmuibte to iwrlnn nflmi‘l| Le-o. llor 0n|.'~'€'-lIlld.b0!‘n mnny . good any race early and sought at tho gum iteri, xmd _iInw lamilonls who dmlre hunting sibio thntnny man could ever negarti bar as name with It l)1'l3:tkiztgil(.'M'lrv -41" mm to me our ]'”m'°""" 1 1”“'° ‘*0’ km-u tlmm, tho (-01 was no rmlgh. We were years nun. mod in tnlunclz Miss \'r-llnun nuvur -. mm-1.,-gt for tho hm: iurltuy tho i.¢!ni1(!l‘t."!i[ aullssiaootmg Vivi],-.,., 0,, “wk. mm ,:,,mt._.,,, bmulmgi, . “yum, Mt 1,um.;,“‘ that M.m,]ng. wnk ms ticed that thorn isn't us much talk unrior wulor about llulitllo tllut. innw, nilitln rwtmfin lmr unnvn town. but it wns known ‘ V, cilickl-ta. or the piuxupust duclc. to give zest or who let his pr V'“i’8'3 1“ °“‘“' “"1" "10 "1'l|l'6 llhillicfil 15930‘! 3! the best Worth was’ to Autzunl.lno's rooms. he found bl.-r "°“' 1“ 1“ 11'“ 11”“ 1“"“”"1>"v 11"‘ “"3 1"" ‘‘''‘.’’1‘'‘’‘''‘‘'{}‘‘’,‘'"1 ’.‘‘"“”°'‘“ 1‘'"‘"°"”‘'‘ ‘““1 w'.".”;"“'1.':“8"dm”° 11° mflna’ "M1; 1"l,"1.‘f'm’ E1," -- nud mrllfort to n c.-clcbrullon unequalled in farming it-nanus are at the some timu to tzl:- boring ” eho tilougbl. wlthaiiuia sigh. Atul gone. Sim had moved away that morniur.:. ‘'‘''‘’“1’‘ W“ ‘mi’ "W" “"’~‘13“ 1‘-"1-“~ 1 ‘‘''‘1m- :‘|(’"'';'",',,;' 5,‘, ,_§:;‘,,;',',1,1.§’.,;"',‘,1,,‘,1,'3""1“,1v""HTum‘ 3',3',;:,,.:’,',1,.‘.f u,"1\1:",T,,",'.'l"‘.";," .11,‘ fix," ,1: ,;“,"):‘;‘u. 1;: its ¢en_luymnul.. These: wt-re occasions to lug cure tile.-wprlvilogcs, nro tho qliozstiom which then I no thought runny things that it in the gallciergc uall1,tltklng ovurythlng with her. Y0“ WW 10 1-1'0 1101110 11 lW!“fl$:b‘ 0' Scrip‘ u:,"d';‘,’,. Em, ,,.,,L.,, H mm ,,,,,_,,..',’ m>."w“”u“,$:: u,,.4,;,.,,,,.§-;v.,{.,.;L.,., p,.,1y,b|,,- 1",”; 51,191 now retllelnbcrt-.<i. It Wu.-9 not only in caring for Ire undertaken to be solved by the bill. xulght think, under the cirouuuslnnct.-.2, ut on the 1,“-cg_.,1,|c,,; 3,-lmm ,1", ma 9,“ nt sup, ture to live by, for some have ('Xpf‘t:.K'.'((:tI to me m_m,l'M ,1/cm mm “,3 m.,..,,-,,',.. 1 gm,-., 5...; ,Khi'!iiilt‘iIlIulI would imvu nu‘... mulled (Jill: the stomach that Motiusr i-Eugene was oxmal- Ax luixllt have been Expcqultl tilat pools fir! GOWII oulv ill flllt*.g0ry--tho per the night before. he fouudnuoue ud- 1119 1°” 11”” 111"?‘ °‘""1 11*.“ "1’ 1° 111° 11"" llpokuu of l was so much ulum.~u:-ll than I ilurmmlu-r. to whom Mill uinmlcu-.risIic gun- J“- I\‘.iii.Hnd ihoughuul. liar oounstrlnmi M.lVI¢0 the bill has oazauzlonod and Prolonged world-old probolu of tho two women siru::~ lircxacd to hlulscli‘, and \\'rlttt'm in lb:ti.l_l.'1li- '1'“? 1““"’ 1“"“3 ‘''‘“1‘'°'1 0111- 0"“ 01 "10 Pill!” sunk Iwuh . Mul rt Child Iluw-u “Hun! runm m‘M'll"-‘lit’ “l'0“'0*l £300“ 3’¢=M‘WlI0n !Hrtun0'I "\ "2 mm ‘mm’, “mam mm._ um. km“ W“ am~,.,,_.,,,,,._.,,,,, 9,“, b,,(,,.,.,_.,, we l'er.ent. and gllng fornutbor Ly over the ton! of the cue 1c‘.-ouch, ).,,1r.,~5],;m:,.1.1._1j.,m,.,m.,h hm; ;,,V.,.,, ovuI.~t of Chrhliiun life in [ills any is it-Hing uptnr the claim timo icou1«lu'tau:n. Br.-rg,-. t:Iil(i1)llsitc:llltboruxltllflutv L0\\’lu'tl ilcr,in still ,‘ always up:-and really to give whatlnzoro tlnlu, tbeiate nlluintry but antoug the Li ~r2ll them» mall, on old as history and lo§:cud—’l‘nnn. 5., (gflgcflvg mlulug (mm “gr mu, red up,’ stories to raise it laugh. Amid izobiuos. Elli!!! warn bluclé. llulri mn|ll0flFfBRl¢fl0r£llt|d g\l|nsz'. tllldurunit ti; ‘iuxtgu nix)! i:l);')|:ituud 0: . — one poor follow has never rot-olvud from it szrlvu. Untbo one hand llmitntioua upon the lmuscr bound in the: chains of lupus. willie n11d\\‘a:Jll0le>l~' so minspciton pnpur. 1111"“ “N1 "*1 1101"“ ‘1”'‘’’v 15111111” 11'“ 11"!“ hf ",,":,’,§,,1::“"§,,},°:;,,,,,,°;lL,':,"§‘:(E,:[:° '}2{.""’ m‘.',.':§'u(.",y.'h,,,,T5"f,:';‘,‘{, ,3“: “’:’:",':_u ';,f.’m,:,‘:,"'.‘(‘;'i' :10 ‘X Inotlmr uni what now: but I )).I(>iilt.‘.i' oould llltlhll.-‘JKJ1£llCG‘0fill3i"t.'ii and rabbits nro objcc- his chute .lrlliz,uiu.-tit awaited his return. All Mon Arm: Your picture is iilllshcd. You ""111" "'1 '"""1~ 311110 Cllilllcfl _lll Y0“? ,.—u,_, and ulutltlmr ‘I.-Moral’ isltlorffl Willis?! l'mIs :a7.ll{s-usxuuuiuxltxtt I110 iuuurnl though ' ivn. iuinny of the most. honored muuosin llounblu in soxllolaxldlordst audio all sports- munsalvolifortimmeivcex, and nllwomnuln have no further need of mo. lnm tiruti of °1““'“11“"- 1 1‘‘“'° “° ".‘f'"3P=“=l| WIN! 11109") am gm, ?- A; mi.-umn 1 am nanfu pm‘. tow l-'uu.m: um I.'i‘f.l\Vd ‘wnru nwuré oi tllu _mm~.l. at-rate mm for man, boglulxlrlg when men; and on the other hand limitations on the one wt: or mother hidu the issue oflt. . the Qunrtior, the artists. tho dancing, the “'11” WW1 1° 5'0 °“1”1l1";“‘ "I" 0 lllfcll (0 lit‘-t Lel‘\'I:!'. it wtus turn iron) me by um mum: incl." tluey coulruonliceu their toilsoma nsmt-ui, to flower to set aprllng-traps and on the mpply or Miss )t:,FUl't‘>al. fell to stuliylngiuzr (l8iilUl)'- b:1dc(p:ykl|)g. I nun moved autos: the st-mu ""0 ‘UH! 1Il2hl=|‘1”,t‘-’ hm)‘ lil "30 Cllufcll Illld wuv-'6 Hm? cltrrmil Ins’ “"0 Mvnr. Mtvr . hl‘m~.’s suuuuit and closing only when they urea and rabbits for donursllo cookery xro glow.-d bmtdsuxtlmy lay on her lag. and 03- lntonhigllci‘ IS morn, mun cllcr. Do not try _.llelppuril‘1timt. how about thesooollfmmlom. swlmminginr l\\'0Qh('lllI'il n-ltn_uut n me me. A W” in mi Om ‘nu , S" ) er ntwlrd the comforts of Ago. It was here that objectionable to the tenant and to some t- asscx ‘Y)i'.(:lit.l|)' tho plnno when) last mg L Arthur to follow mo; it would be uaclcss. I do not 1,! thu sin as bt‘C£il u public am: the confusniou NE‘l'\'L‘i'. I liuw ruin“. Hui. ‘ll“iiill£ tfiitilsllltx) lhmmr ' ‘I’. 1 - 1 8 i i1 « 1D;‘,TC» caum. often so poor that bubad to of cunsumt_-rs. ’i'ho mischief which the bill . uuu:~u1’nli1,ls hall rm-l(:ll. A zslmdow came cangggou my 3-nu, _[ [mu deceived you ,; almullibo private. lwwwlu.-u you get down :mf"'_‘h'l‘"{’1"§;‘_:’n ‘,'l‘,0‘_'D'I‘_"‘_’w‘,_‘,(_‘f’I’hf*“-IIH ":|b3::- . "'0-“'~“3111"~i”l'1"¥1-3“CV1”-1 . borrow olotilos zirom sumo brofilur ariint. it aims to luillzuio in swine p:trilr.-ulanx, and in between herself mid the sunlight. beyond this thousmnd tixnes, us you lmvu that pquvrv: pctftc “'0'” 11”! "lllulll Y0‘! ""1-"i Gillie?-I 10 ||1¢¢l- the 1 W, 1, 1,.“ ,,.,_,,.-,,(,,g ,0 ,1“, plum. 0; “m,,,m,§ '11‘‘''“ ‘"1’ ‘1'"°" 1“ "'0 "1" '11 "'° ”'““" 1”’? 1 was horn that ho nppa.-urvd on ills rlsturu frolu. othsenl wholly to destroy, urn gvnunliy n«:~ trees, nnd. glancing ug, the new bl)fi')|'0 llcr doluoisclle we met yu§I,(3rdny_ 1 a.;;¢.,.-13,,-,1, if llevli nt tbu loot. lou must watch.” m...,,k_ Mm. ;,,,,,m,,, 1., 1; ;..,~ .90.,‘ M” M, \'¢’ll!=n M it‘-I‘-1"!‘-U‘ 85“ Irmll ""3 "9001 Mllliliflir - thtatlrjt pulilnliu: n-ls-clp‘':ilat‘3n llHi3'l1i’l:?, kutwtvlodglrtl, but ‘til: l'f.'.il'll\‘il1iil}S uroshalsl Ullfillllliln sxho ]lI0$;c‘l;i. t behlolokntlh ntxtv nt hiin me were your fluuccmh You Bflltl: No; but b()ilr.ttlu:nl1I cll;|tl0lf|Il(l;|ll(‘1l‘tl!i‘l'ii)a(! ts'3vo,wllilm oruwltcllupnn him. it nnythlnz ilnppons to on w sure 0 was an ige 0 ‘ rs.-sun n uumuruus as pa an mm cnea. .. rs w -lawn on gl y om: o \\‘I to out - iastni ht i'n:nv hrrati eliuillur. Uutlurlwr _ , . . uwep mm 0 . i00'(H uroun Vuu suwtlmt ,, e,,.m,,,.;,.,;,M um, 5mh,Vw.1 ,1“, M tlmg:-amiooutzlnxeoi LouiI1’hiilppu’x tfiue. there be full rent and no g:una or 5 game clsmicarned from the book in bar lap. 1 _ vullthlé grunt. tears were in her eyes. Silo 11"“ 1° "°°1‘1’"1"‘°" 11‘°“1° llwlillrv‘ hull lllifll>W'W‘-d- -‘in bli\'rH-ml Um : on , 3 .mm, ,, H , ,1, (In '., Q 11”- Paui iluboi-1., now the [§f'95:Llk‘.lll uzulptur in rent. with liberty of gimme, and how in the "What cbnrlning wvznibur, is it. not? Tlio loves you, mmmigo, 1 can mm m.-_.,.;, 31;," llfromino New \‘oxk:5un.1°. ' '}Hl:0l; ‘“‘°l‘° Kiln!‘ if!“ 5"“ 5l';’l’i*:i‘i“- Tilt‘! D9!!! “‘1f°;‘.'A" '“ u “’°' ‘:1 1" _d"; ° °'; 1:111"; the \\‘u:'ld, air: for j'l.‘"3 at M,0lhci' l'2uzuuc’s, (lsulmgo door: by ground game to forums and niris full of sprung uouudl 10411)’. I have her nlnltollerimppy. You will ul.-v<~r do t 115-‘l-‘$0-\’l>Nl’UliT, N. Y., Sc slaulimr I2.- ‘".'.{’,‘—., ';’,1:,.'::,§,,,',1.';£,,.1'3:1,:;,“::,,.,fi??%::;f7,%kh cm“ ‘ "W Wm" "' mm” mmc ""1 1' not bccouao he was ohilgzui to, for be had at crops to be \'1lllle<l..mul who in to be tho val- bet-u wai|nn;:_:t long dilrlauco.” "while 1 ;-cumin fllinf you, {or 1 mu-o um um” Seth Green tu_l_87«i,- lint-ed 60, fry of mi» N”, "c,_.,,,,, -1-,,,.,, M, 1,,“ ,,,,L.,.y,m,,2 uh“ M: GNU‘ 10“ 11"“ ‘W1 l‘“1l"“ 0'1 "19 ‘W015 “N1 "5 'fortu.u0., but hot-;zluw he enjoyed the lilo of uer, worn nlnong the rum! perplexing qucn- “Alone, hits: De 1"orest»i"’ my pow” over you; gigs; pom» M que )5 mun trout. in lit-ukxt ztko, boar this lime. in could cum; co. 01100 in at wlllltvuno mmxu mm iwlfllilo 1"“ 0" M3 l'“ill*°|’9v “'0” ll ‘WW1 01 the plnon. .i5oaltlv:s many oftlle more emlmmt tioml with which the cichnm dealt. it was “You; wh not; I much prefer wnllting m’erwoh:.’" 1875 be t.urncli6l'z,()0O more in. A cw were out. 'lil)y5. lmwamyour ltwns nmioltx be- int:-nut agony rcwuml-2:1 tin-nmzh the hull. lrtisis. there were ul.~.o a. crowd of turn of stated in dl-halo that there can be no hi rh alone llllltills have A very ugrceablo comp:tn- He read nnd reread tho lottor. folded it and Ni?" ‘l-‘"1"1'°"°°k “"1 11”“ 1" ‘1“" ‘1"“~‘v 1"“ 1°" ‘"’ ""“‘."°1"““""1' .1“"” 1" “"1 “"1 11“ ‘runntirigmn-1rmullyrusm-ti to the door, and. lifts-Sill’ uuki. All Ate on st commoniootln-‘I. farxniu;.'.llpoll',:an1c t-sl.ut5en. for lmuanco, ‘in ion. and you know i. am not at delnoimllo put it. in his locket gave one but (lance nlmug, after atihorttlmo noun Lollld bo cmlght. Net *W°‘1‘“1=3°° f1°‘,31"1‘.;'3" "k'5f1_“- ,“"""1‘1‘~"“‘“’1*Y bchmd mm. mm ,‘c,“.1,,.,u,,, _dmdoW, mm The ztrtl.-«l. whoJlmdu_cod the work, the wor3- tho leasitril coullt.y'_ of ..‘wri'olk; and that, iu~ fruncaisc to bo bound in ion couyennnco.~1." the room. \ ban 1. in chlxnmg su-uuk mg qua;-_ iiahcrtuuu worn the only ones who cnplurled :‘1l"':d“"‘I‘,"‘r‘:_u‘;’ “,‘u::_’m.'.‘,f““_:",‘-,",',‘:d J'§’“§"‘,."',: wllu mitt.-o~ unu frmuufuynuloms. “Tuku . " man who repro new it in plaster, bronze or deed, sumo of the Norfolk parishns are nearly were the-so two people, lolklrlg the lmmilest tcpllour, he started nu from at dream, and M11110“ lI’0\ll- 5llilP0'~llU-‘.‘ lhlit W33 the only u,,,,,'.-.[,,u Tm, ;m.,,;.,.,..,, w.,,\, 5,, ,..,,’,,,g. f’,,,’{, u oil?" ho slmulod, nnu mmla at grain nu. ma‘ tn:-ubln, ib.o’pa.iuter nmi the fraxuc-mllkur alt: thrown out of cultivation by we ravages of of small lnlk, the two who bod artcd tho mm: downzsmim out into the night. He W3)’ 10 8131- 11“"1“» 11"’ 3‘"“‘’ “‘“' 1" 11”‘ 1'“‘|""3’< Ioould not got llllottgll nno baforu auoilmr Wm» ill”. llllflllltf it. Well! "H Wllll the WW sills» by side-—not sslwuytt, ‘for the artist. was intros and rabbit». Ones uakur vllthltntlwd thxi. night buforc with the look in the r mncliug strolled along tho quay, ioalmu down um; um becaulo n dmul ll.‘i.U.:fr “"11 1°’ 7‘‘'‘”'S “W! lmllc 0Vt'.l‘l00k mo unllmlrtutxtm Um Into the sea ‘1‘'‘'“*‘' ''w“”‘’”" 1"’ °1"1“"""' "M ‘““"“"1' t1l.‘té!ll‘li.‘.(i.Ulli(.1i’3flC9.‘ to uloro sclectczotnpuuy, $1,500 worth of drainage ud been oc<::tsluncd eyes that makes speech usoltmf A shadow rushing watvr thsttnct-nllsd tube.-n-tim bunlmm bnelx rapidly inking out of tho lake the ihtll mzuln. wlmnl rmmlmtl tho land I mu cmn- “l"'““'“‘a '-“W” 5' " 'l"‘i'- 'md- lllffllllbt vtlzlic the other rcuntiutui I WOH-Zilm-ll. in one your on I f.u'm of {>00 Biirlfli nud he had bad oomu lzetwco -,t.hcm—tllo llhutiow of n of wear lmtrta down to their rosiin laco in will ‘W1 W0“ i’1“‘3‘3d 1“ 1‘ WW1 30 ""1011 Willi 1’1"""1" "‘1"“‘“°"' 1‘ ""1" “'3' ""‘“‘V '““1 1 cimm .h"~“-k 1" R .1113” “rm"' "0". rm . V _ N. _tu1.\‘z'r's. _ known 6.000 rabbits to ho ltilh-Id during one woman with limpi eyes nnd A alutpo like 1 mg pm...’ It great guy hung over 1~'{.,1¢{;-.,p1),..,..,, and expense. ;'V‘ll3&|“§¢°‘;_ 1“"'(§‘|!fl“’f'L}{1°1'1““’,’1*(‘;fA"=~‘l1°Jallllillllg ' ',',',f‘l1,}",‘,"l:2.133?fi.g‘}?,;fi':ff,fi'$:L1f,};’,§E}"{',f,,,'f'{3, litany of Moiblzr I-.’u (m¢:’ii)0a.i'f!t'i’9, semen Mfiultlfl on is form of 700 across. Another pictured troddessl. Tlloro was it moment’: imnlwut nxuistondy. Wltlcltwau itlikc, Au. .i.niltw1:ul< Mr. Green rnmo down to the W113, flu‘; ‘WM ,,,~,.,1‘—”,,_1,,.L.,‘,,.\.,_,,._‘ 1 ,.,(,fi,;\, urmm tnlli.-sitrut with u.lmumi, i1l'l(lrN'l‘\?lllllli||.f on tires)‘ could aflord i left. tlerlullubie fore cited the cue of a farmer who-us mat silence. Ablrd ssmziu the tree overhead :1 gusiine or Aujv--)oor Hula Am' who had lnknto simwtho ilnherlncu born that salmon . d 1 H , u ,0 . rm-um lmolinc-it. enuh-~ldnusmntnutxownrlln and woollen tables and’ wont to “’u.” was $2,000, and tho dmnltgo nufforszd by loaf whirled down into the translucent waitlr, watched and trait: nod for him. nllyllnoousclmls ‘Wm 001114 ‘*0 cnmchl 011 1113 h001i- H0 Wlml fill“3uJ2.'§L.§“;Tllll“lrcu§f’ afitlhlhlfig "'3 ‘‘‘‘‘'“1‘''1 '""“1l‘- "Ull. l'1""Fi |-hu flrIll}?n." on a l-trout. uonr by. At tho latter accounts him through lmres and rabbits ltntl the drum trickle.-ll from the green board of the of Augustine's existence? Tllut chapter 5: out with at party In u boat. llaltln his book not-an umllu limit :1 noise that. i was still ntfnuu. he rolled, um! with mm Ila-tlllllrlllit "“0"1 11° were loft on :1 slate, ottne former on the cup- sporting was $1,000. Ont: -.\'ol-folk furxucr had w:.tcr- ad. his life was closed. 110 wondered ‘whether it WW1 5 )'0""l.’ Kllllkery ‘I0 305 it 9|“ ion dvpth Wllllo trylnu l0 "H1011 “II! V-OP 01 N10 Null 1 lull “‘“"“"“ 1"? "””"°' “"1 11°‘ " °"' “"1 “'".1' “ board door with: piece of white chalk. Style instilled imforetbo Parli-.uuL-uiary committee *"\V§cn will you come and see tngcpicturc, wmtilwa he but fell‘. for Augustine, or the 01 ml! 913010? l1H'|’<>- '1'?!“-'1 118 "|0V°¢1 it UP ‘1""”' }‘ ’“‘°,11'.1"‘’' ,f‘{'“ “if l'‘’"',”-‘'' 1'1"‘ "’ .‘.‘§'.I‘l‘."sfife";iiiJlfifii’$1‘.§3}§.??x'}{iT‘?.'I’..l'”x‘?.“l.l§l'i.' is mumthlng, eveuin kcopingwcotinill. l{.\uu- that ho had tmuni that th-rm: rabbits oil: or as you mainland?” sensuous admlnuou 0: mg nmguc mmpcm. and down by pulling the line. At almost tho {;;‘:{“iu{“K1‘g‘_d‘:)“g:§ m°;,.’J"' um} _“’,‘,'l“‘J’)§'§ ,,,,n,,,,_ ..w,,,_. 0", ,,,,. the ,,,_.(,,.,,,,,u_.. ,“,“,1,,,. tat’: land 1 VBM. tuzumut of _alyio when ¢:o'ul- slmilod as much as would km.-p onozahoop, and "\Viu~.ncvv:r tnmmnn will go with me. You menu; Silo had been to him his goalie,“ of limit. l|l0Vl!ilicl1l« of the bait it largo salmon Wm, ,0,.d,,’.1,,.,,,,,_ lam ,,.,,,q,,;o,_.,,’ 0, c,,,,,,,°_ u(il'(id llmtrnlrlyg ''i'm a (load mun." pared with iurnmghbor. bond want better, tult ho would rntlutrlceop om.-aimouthau four know [can not omynur studio alone." mm-ning,onll evury fiber or his aoul mm trout seizedit. and wa_s secured. Opening ,,,.,'.u ,,|,,.,; l.,n,¢1¢.,1; 1553“, 1,[u..K,,,o 0,, ' Tim uIllnlilm\hv.-uni b)"llll£‘ilIlI:II (nut in the . prim» higltcr, and credit easy if properly hares, and that ho but piilllilfimlifi of wire was a istiuct, lmuzhty ring in hot‘ been filled with the divine impulse of creation H10 M11 Mr. Green took from its sinllmch at every ,,,,,.,.,(,,,, b0._gy_ \i:U0<.i-‘sliii.el(I‘."l"()ll ‘f‘Ii{'l‘i i{»ll9"n"“1““‘H in ‘I'm 03- ,_ .res:ommenl-ind. film proprietor was known ilanculg to protect certain yortlous of his land voice that Arthur Duncan had never bcml -——s|luf was hill piuturc, his life. himself. And number of small llsll mulled nlowlvos, tbnugh ".\b0ut‘ suurtsb Igor. up and ntnxuoretltiown : 30': i: :~o*i"-u=;ml'4U1[9 llikmmfilbolrlfi 0' J"? 3 . tobuvo I small irropcrii, and ‘what made it from the ground nurse. Auotiwr testified before. . yet l ‘mu: Always of Amy that be had thought horn they are known as “luuv bt-lllen.” ‘Plain I0 "I0 lM‘|1Ch- 311° W1MW'M “N 1-fl°~Wl"l-l VOW)‘ ",',“1)’u‘;m‘u In in so“ “ nu,” mm “'3, "‘;,:"°r‘c"M ., ', doubly interesting to e Aspiring foriune~ that alnwvlult. he he been compelled to cm» “I am going home." she said, Tlriliifi. “i wim he worked, always her vote; um; fish is the iavorltu food of salmon trout. '1‘uo 1mm’ 1, ‘Wu ”,,:;,,K'_ “Ind; i-ft,-dxuly cullu. I um“ mm‘ 0" m “men M “mm "mm. “Oh -_ .- oeeklrr. 3. very pretty daughter who, Mi things lost with uwilcltor who claimed to hold e um tired-—i have: walked too far. W i you scum ed in Illa ear. spurring him on to eilbrt hike in Billie W1l1H|1€W1Vv9~ T110? l"‘°i”~'*“‘-' 5° .'.'.‘.‘.'y TiJtlIIl;:‘c1a.t‘<:)lilliu|)l1*l\I1ll$'v':1‘I ti§un¥.§,.:n.',; Iliiil lllilli" lto null). "you !l0lllilit'l- boll-.-vu'; go ln_l<‘nmoo, would be solo heir. IN) little shooting license. from the lsmdlorzi although not come in thin evening?" mu 3 mean, no pagwllimr bnuga and 35w 4. tn lg tlmttllc food they eubltlst. on .1 nsuf- mm, m “M m,.,,,, gm“ ,1", b,.,,,,kL,,., 0,, um emuo illuuio~uiu', nonmuow or (>tl:(-.r, a bug tuxiety in mnuilested ll ncertain class of hu was successful, had cunt. him :51, . beyond “Thnnits; '1 out Iorry, but! iuvro made an imnn of willie in tho moonlight among the 11L‘ |'- 10 |UiIl>°fi' NW1‘; “"1 “WY 010 1’? 1116 bowl). lsoon sun-toll toward Illa nortll, walk! WW '*'l“ll *0‘-1M0'1l°0lt1 II HlI’II Nllllwr. and bouders to all at the tab 4: nearest the desk the recovered cools. On the 0 er luuzci, the engagement. which loan scarcely break." fiowora or her balcony. no would go 1;. and thousand over year. The Vetemu angler lug along the beach. lmtoccimounlty gnlug 9'1""““0"m°1‘°'"°""dW3‘ "°"‘~ ",',“-"M11111: . where kiln Keiunt team the account: of the nulintouauco of warren: an the riggbrof "Ah!" ' tell her all. . tool: the slew vice he found in the salmon imotue wood: auutylmz down torou. Ilmu Y0“ ‘1°"'”"‘“‘‘ “'1"‘”'"‘1 ““1"“1- cabnbiluhment, Though 1,4,, “mung yam, ma ghooiin entgred [mg mg 1904 quggugu vary t-_w,[,,y 1 take you go yam» dog;-1 trim gmmt. He found ha. 510”, “mm: on 3 low chm. uomlg gfinlngggn “.1 used umm for mu, no nolfllnx to cut. ll: lion niuhb catno on I wont --—-——--------- plesuslnfia manners have drawn many ouuimu- essontln liv, for according to an ustilmtto of no full of students and all kind: of people.” xulong lino panties and bl.-iiotropo ‘and early trolled deep with them. and in A very short. 1“f° £1“ -fifgd‘ “"11 ’"“1""1 :111;1;“°"‘1‘.’;3’ “‘‘’‘”’1‘ 1“*“'1"9- *3" 1?‘ °i’1Wl'Hm lilmaurei of the law, it Lord MI mcsbu them were actually pm~ “Tbt|lklt' I turn no fear. I do not think roses. 'l.‘hey talked upon indifferent subject}, tluwholenlled nlnetueu salmon trout. '1‘helr iafl-m§“m w:°,‘m'“gfi”n‘;‘;J‘g'm;y ,m',‘r‘:h1““‘i mm 0ru.l',.\.\’§, sontcznber 19.-—Arrivc-.41- 13 “V791 “OGWWM upon whom lhfi colours d'uot-ti ior lood ' 000 tons of meal from hnrcn on one will trouialo me." . m .3 m1 mom mummy n u on 1, lnzgregnto weight was ill} until: an average . , 1 1 ¢ . . Elesumlhlll Wntldurflr. Dollie‘ IND Cl‘)! 0! 1308-‘ , bo$a-peciol regard. tier father lookullkes and rabbits, atatgraluo of xbout 17.‘: r ton. gluing that nvenin in the tenders ring thzlr bouts. At. inuglrl?-Arlll.l‘ur ::l,Zlc,”$?1 of six poumia npieco. 'iPl?o loool ilsborxucu 2,’.'.§"’n'f.’.1°".‘l.».§’°2‘}§’.:§i§?'".3:.m. “"9 11”" Y"”‘° b 19' ,. 1 5 ., Judgrbeapeakn with much gravity, sod bu whllenton of muttmrwae war One twilight among the gowns on their: oony. hoard ou were at. tho Builier last evening, were agreeably surprlxcd. Thu 51:14. was the ration. I mu: uiltile time WilikiIlg_V.0Witi‘dlbl\ 1"‘“’ Y‘"“‘- 3“l"'*’"‘ °' -""1"" W‘ *‘ P4 '1. tznvcr on known to move with any ufulideu of the Parliamentary wags caic’u and that high above tho street, with a boy-grunt on a Miss I e Forest. " finest or its kind thoy tutti over on oyod on the norm. in about 9 o'clock I came ucnm a pool 1'}‘,',’)‘51r‘3',;""’,‘5’,§’,§;o,,,,,o, w.__A,m,ud _ Smmuh tn illity. m.chnreIu|t‘niIou the relations at three or low stoolnt her tort, iookiu upiue sort of "Yell. Mr. Raimiord ersundod momma 1510- '1'1l°Y1'“°N1 11°" 1° '99 1- 1' 11” 1"’ °”r°°u m1"‘wm°r‘ 1 d""',‘ "1""‘°‘1“""”"' no livriun. lmm I.lva« mot. ‘lie wok. Jwvb. 5* llflvivfl krxe both ways, four rabbits to one sheep which had been ut adoration ut the cloud of an den hair that wall to go. I was eager to ace Filo original of you: against. not tlshin ' in the lake in enforced. Mr. “'‘‘,1‘''“,''' 5°“ 1‘ 1".“3, 1" '5; ‘,’,'{','f"’,"““ 1 “"1 K Qut.‘.i~;$1M‘0W.'l be l8llrl1D0|'19.--J\l'l’lV0d:O|}'n1- nmi while he know: ever] he motor of they in ovidexloo would showavsluo of about 52- _lik¢_a halo above her wbiie‘ gown. Amy do picture. Shy is certainly very beautiful. It 070611 Vllllfid 0i Er 111'“ 0*’ the lake. and f" 2.13%,“ ,,,:3’,:‘,'‘: ,3}, Wm ,‘,’,,,,_‘:,',}1;f,”“‘,'.',' nIII.1rM!|-\'“W13'°1' - - restaurant, is not Always certs of the dlii'cr- pinned of about ~$‘JU,0(l0,Ci)0 tgalnat ¥<;,l)i1J’0,0f)0 Forest. asked her young page if ho had new was the same man I saw you with yeatcrdiiy Wl|0f|=V¢=1’ he W03‘ 50310 "01 1'3“ 1° 011°“ 331' rumti which looked as tuguxu it was 11"V'.‘'‘« ''’‘‘-1“‘’‘‘"’‘‘’ 19''''‘‘'*1‘'‘’‘1 "°*“‘“‘1"- cum btytwoeiunotehrtto and n beofute-air, at of ’ burn: and rabbit meat. . ho-.ori;:- Arthur Duncauoi'l:1ti:. morning, [lb uk," ‘ man trout. At Kouic: he delivered nu nui- nffuaggn go ,,,,,,K .. ,,,,,,x, on ,,, M3,”, irtilluimw ‘éfnriz. me 19 T‘ mist so for u oook,ln;; goes. For the stitch)» ins] bill, which was introduced in the ‘ ‘So one sees much of him now. He's en- - ‘Yes; lilo ha: loft tho Quzlrtlcr and goon no dress 0“ 1110 hfibllfl of the 5511- ‘ I thought that if this was so. ummvbody would ,m‘f,’,”(‘,'.f’.f','“,",‘:,,";f,:,u,{,,,,,;};]o,§°,':;,§‘:3‘°°,‘;,;}:{‘;(E“’ . ‘unlit: cuatomer, the doctor, the successful interest of the tenants, lute been much gs-vod. this fellow: an ,in some sort. of frlgiit- one known whither. l3ho——-Amy will on mt Uflulhiflflili 10 K0031 MR0. Hr» Grow 001116 lrilfirolhfiilllltlltlullflflfl UP Hw1umn- 1 1.”, . {.n.,,,, W“, dm,,,,,,,, ' ’“' » .» ' Iniaie, the uliirll-S luurn-aiiat ‘or met. there unleaded in the interest of land-owners. and tuiiove atinlr with I £i31xtil<4ll girl who dnnow on end to all my doubts and faiiorlngs \ til Md MVN‘ "011 “'0 fl1°“‘1V°3 "Yr 1-1° hill‘ 31' "‘‘’‘”11'‘ 1 ‘“}“1‘.1 1°11", °\','.‘,‘,"‘,§',°‘ '1-i-',':,,'°,,L,1,’§‘§',§'i -. 1 p 1"‘ ....... -' is provided l2f0¢_'I§ll£:;p {touched from ilwlitr en irrriereot member ofthellouse otcom-' .nt the iiuiller. Singfpoumi for the piclura he on ictmetoilyou thnti love you! Will nu “'8?! WPPOWG W6)‘ WW3 ll*‘°1l"‘1 1“ 1“‘1‘° .'.‘Z.€'.‘."..‘i.‘.“..‘.‘li."...i’l‘.’..f’rmul2 of J dun tluucumo A Curd. ilo ncauritylrti. it or it waiter a boy who mom: said that when it reached the iiouae, of has just. tluishod. ho ioilumi say iii an nW- a mi wife us you lliifll ulwayn been my be ter 0|WiYl0rN|d found 11105!‘ WI? *0 "I0 Celllril m,,’,,g.,K gown um bench !()n‘nrtl mo. 1 seized Tom ,,Am“, 0, an m°,m,DMm.m, lmslnewr boon known to fill no order micro Lenin, if it did not tlmm share the few of tho fully cleiver thing;-wuure to ml in the Salon an 2 P! ‘ _ l - lakes by nu uullergrouml passage connecting my uluu mu uruvo imu off. Titan 1 saw a uunm _ 1’ .. _ _ ~ it been ogllod for six timoalmsus_>maslon., irinh com mlxsatilln bill it would he became’ zmxt year. no call: it " be Gladden of . “I had fnnclcd;indocdl'hnd been toid,timt 1310 ‘Driller W1‘11111°1“‘-1°" ' on the top at tho hill and av wmnuu rItuu¢.il.. $13 LOUIE‘ Npiallilmr tlf. ‘ihéilzl-3‘"l'*!|'mi’9l“<;I' ;— _ ‘limiting iuzimuasliy‘ upon the some persons its provls om rntlmr lucid with the home than Mm-ulu ' ” ' _ on were very much in low with your model. - ouialda. t'reuy 000“ '~ "ll" cw"! Omé MN §fi'}‘;f“,‘é‘,‘§.n”&’,},'“fi}_§‘,}‘n '‘,’,m‘.';‘,. {,’,,;.,,1,', 'fi',,‘..,,', Ibd fnmlllarwlth the oeztzstafll F011“ 01’ 10183.1 ran with the bounds. ‘The diactmion. and . ‘)’r.~.s. {hot on the name he had tolliiaer. « on can scamsly lovn two women at once." . . - - ' 1 ""°°""1"°‘“'"" “me “mu” M "m M "1 ulna’ lit.-cl élleértuued .1.‘ nuts nnraull no pun. 1118.53.42: wan A continual grin ‘and be in tho xmmsure in qtioitlflll. -are happiir of only £0 it wu her rival tho had met ‘c-stormy--n “iibo baa gone iorever.” ‘ ' '1 1”’ F111“ D°i3‘°*‘s 71-‘ 3 Vllflfllfl 91‘-‘rliilllml V!" ‘-'l‘“" 11°‘’‘',‘’'’‘‘,';‘ '‘'°"‘‘’ '.‘,""“’.""“ 1° 1"“ mnolt nmt dutirutomnko tun foliuwlmg unto." know): as the grinning maroon 0. itninetha. blamriczl iotereet to the American. fnrxtior. paid dancer nt 3 st luiett1I' ball)! But,’ cer- ' “And i. am the pit alirr?" Tfionkn. ~ '"‘"‘°‘1 1111191’ 1‘ °‘"°d- 1‘ “*5 W1 1hl’°llKh0lll« §“‘1 1(,?'°",“° "Elf: 3,1,5, d%‘:,': [,1] ,,,'.,°c::,’.'3?§,. 13,‘: mnu't:' '1 The russeurms proper in the resort of the bop who possess his own bare: and nblziis hill in a telnir » Arthur Duncan’: nrtisotic imtincln ‘hilny, I never iovod'ho'r--ll. war aimpiy 1”“ 31315 “"1‘11.m1|’wlll0Il1l ’p0WVer to cure dun n1r’:;n_g° ‘(ad “u, 4;.‘ ",0 .....,o 10,- mg 5,", W“ TlmJndruuoxit was for $1.700. Ind 0"‘ 101' 397v W’ films of «minis. «mini. 79”“ "W-Ira.‘ committee oftho wbaio with bl: dogsanrl Arum: me’ 'not at fault. for the girl was .1ni-tlml that slm mm the ideal of my mature end. the °'*"“' A1’1""1°”‘“ “'-1‘° 11“ '““‘1° ‘"‘ 1""“1‘ poor I56 All I110 could 011%? “5 W3! Hominy °°"' " ‘“" "'°°° 1”‘ 1"” '°'"'"" "‘°'""’ '=1“d*=tsl9 WW 6“ Wiiwfl I mm?!‘-9* .l"'4'Wvl'i "id W6?! '11:)‘ ounces and children‘ in thc“(‘rui' imm-ua.te of momitr dew ml to‘: cloud um; WET!) an as one: in my ulinll that ioould 911°” “Wm “"11 1"’ 1' ‘‘'°“l1‘”‘‘“‘'7 1"" °‘ mad Saloon As I wan very weak we started “"09: “'“‘ “‘""° 1"" "“"' “'15 “" ‘’'1‘’‘'''“' ‘ ml rum see, and n‘ rioltling of wits nod it-at lurk enlluy the gnrnlmk :ml.innch-tunes; and vaptirom sllnllglg . it gafe h¢_,rp.;,,3m».;.;' W. ,,c.'[,,m,, u,,.,m,,.,,,,u 3",‘ ,m,, olectricltgk which strongly only.-ta nervously nut to, anti a chicken to make mo Iotnu 3'{"}l“:’M'{,.‘m;';',f}J1,£’.,mnd ,0 be um,‘ W“ «M, M? on the basis of any amount *..llu.~. wk gm, 3 - }; wgtgurmg at Hbmmy I .,:,mk, -, _ , V , , - », -,- , - , .- . dlwrdero Dltlllil wit wlwm he come: in brain. To t a chicken the hall to walk tllrco ., . _ grwtqone all most 'l'ari.£:l inutxiiio chorlcier at or o nhbit','u1d etllnslsyWo1i:ifi1fc£l£.%fhth‘o“:a:€ u7:»lr.”"2” ‘mi "um f|'n‘é):‘§fit,:lft‘ht::)l:\‘?l‘iIr‘lti:‘n‘tl “§31lo»$3dulIo.h‘3§l3 °°”1‘°1" 1 "1 M111" firmly 1‘"’"""' 1111"’ M’ '“H"' W“ 1% 0" M? ‘M “.1” W" M" 811"‘ §co“;l1z|":‘l’l;l/“Z~::rxi;(;:1l§)l:‘l;(rinlil‘>’l§.u 1iI'V‘3ll.§‘11|o‘¢|‘i’tlii‘:', its ltosutmiltn of my in Yuri». A llltlo lower tenito which his imrmwinga have -under '«‘§'ou mvn mwl:r Keen to the ‘nuiilcr .oi Augltatiilo llotsel rev B41". to me.” And 1'1‘ d1'°'”'u7 1"” GM’ 1" ‘“'w°”‘° mm" who 131:1}: 3:11:11: ‘gifts:-u;’tIr°i' “:'t1i1{lm W’ J‘ G“'"“"T‘ " -‘1""‘."1 ‘"1 11'‘ “‘”1*'’ "1301 1' “*3 118" MW? 1319911 11101-11"3!"“1 HWY ll! 1'3l3Zl8li43- course Mine De Forest? But it great. ill’8il)' than he found llerthoae portions of the dancer’: "1 7”“ °1 P'“Y“1'v “"1 1"’ 8’ ""1" 111' '1'“ €153-.1l¢.:. nauté that ény we .2‘..’..‘Z, .....;'.?; ~'- ' “"1°""'. ‘*1 11*" “*7”: Ilhorml it Duwilmliis *-* ‘ "-*--~--- A Alma-i<’ girls do 2'u-llmi~':r veil, of course, mm that couooruocl lion-nlf. . “'11, 1’, "’1“‘1"3 '““"°7 1°’ 1’ "’''1°"' 11' to mull hotel at I place c-{lied New Smyrna. Tur. tumor of resident Grswy. of Frnnco, W50 393135 0033 54‘-*7» W13 2 “M350 "T1413 13 Mfiullfnl Wefiilwf." film olmrrv-v'.{ and well urolcctr..i." Amy pondered long over it. " She did "not "111 ‘‘‘’°°P‘1‘’°''1‘11‘K 11"‘ 111°‘-1 ‘M1 1°‘131“K- From that we wont to DAYW“ 1“ '1 '°'”°"‘ wen n ht-no iorouter. living ilenrttie market 3 . M4 13507 twirl. After dinner it is nlwltis u ma-,« tmfifi ‘° 1°“ 11”” 1"“ ‘“"'“‘" "‘ "1" ‘*1 confess i have ulwoyx Wu-lied to o. I've: in-lleve the dancer's word that she did not TM D1103 111011" KNOW 1183 WAY. IN! V"! NW0“ ,0,“ ‘,1 “um 50... vgudrgyi 1,, 1,“. Jun noun. . Gwwdffid W1‘ fl'l33*J- ""“‘"” 1"“ ‘“"""“' ‘'‘1‘‘"‘’ 11”’ ‘"“‘ 1" '9*‘*"1 nodoubi. if I wore 1 man. ilsbouid o n very cam for Arthur. that also was tired of tho mQ'"‘§1'y.1°}9§‘“""d “"2 G,1,1,',“1:,'“,2“3.‘.f.°...'.'.“'& :1,:‘,1,7,1':,‘:f’;3",§1,?,";’)1:,°u§‘,;):,:”,:§‘:,‘g g;m,:,m1J,"'1.‘._3§ $1.55, gnu aovenl puraons of the some nnmg ; . unngca.‘ I . ~_ tbonumm-‘tr. "V't'eil,wo kinda‘ eniculntonot h.‘ , -, _u» m _ 3; | 4 u, 1 3 5“ so .. - V . . . _ , ,.,;l‘l;:w:,w,wg ,m.»= «;,=*« w» W’ .°.';:*...:.‘:.'..‘;*.‘:'*"....:’::* .-".";.°::. :2: -“ «“-i.‘.l".t‘:?«'I‘:’. wine. x>erbws‘."«~|d um. $3‘sll.- Sim .?»%n‘lu§i°:3«« ?'»'1»i"iI’«»¥-°n°’«a- ‘.**:.'.:°.:**.‘.:’::=.“.':.*.z.:*.:.:’.".:'.':°:.‘n:;..l:t°..?.§*:.°: -§:!.?.'i‘i.:l;“‘.'i.‘.l.:".?.i;’.:‘..°iii.'.i!ii‘.;. 3;‘“°';f§‘;§§;;‘;;;;§;‘;,,’,;?;:;.‘;;*,'*;,fi?‘g;‘;*::¥; '. . . 11° 1- V431 W ‘"3! 64 hr’ 'v lamb out '- o‘ ' i th .rioet- “but 'oitWM1klI0oli dance-rh tiun. And afterward she heard in _ gm, 1 g ' ' t 1 u r lvoynnce brou G °'°' ‘ . f ' ' NW1 _3_ °;3D33‘2' 850.354 key: by I; '1u¢'ls;,I. yfirqo :Z2’t“.,.°.?I?;..’'- 1,“ W “'3 L? 111 oggffiiwlg is ao‘f‘righll‘ul1irtuonoton , tonxootxglosu uiud_lo_-talk, that the “.tipu':izh ,::3t1:r:.1‘n’:':.u1:r‘t.aoind‘o?>':.I?:§x°t‘t1to:.1". 00”" _g.’uutt<)x‘§t1.°.,t':gul;:tl'x:o‘:“:rti:m°f':v|e worn «rod 70: V in tho allocation oi hlntbroo cons. V ., N . P ‘ ' . - . , . ' . 1 . I ’ _- -. v ’.».’m-‘...:... us. my ' bx.’sjsc'21tr-_var $re51e._..-. us. .3; pix cnuum.~..‘....‘.I_r....;,.............*.. ..'.8 R :6 _ .Ilr_'Im.II,'vl1lIb¢'IIl 'fiu‘ndIY..._..-.. ..........v.........._ 11 9° nmévn-‘._exIy no on -W1-nv:x1:r , ~. p »ésy'zJsuy-,‘.euiabIn.¢.a. pa ifilc ‘ ‘ ' I _ _ 's1mi-wlcxiili. ' 1'¢r‘annum.....»......................-«I.----— ‘W:b2E1$,_x.1’... 4 j “ I‘I_r!;:;:l._....°.;..&..:;.....;u;;;.;;........E;.%m” ‘ 3')’ Ihepobtlchczs. . p , _ spin» up» merrunurm: on ;.ub;IdeIHoII- & Allnbrcripdonr on p£:‘I-'Nn- 7 _ V!“1°'- "P 55531. gun, 1,,» ,,,,,m..,,-,[..-_ arm. or runmna 1seuzr,.m- ggfiugfl ,u-4| mjfl phfahll I0 15¢ UlDQQ.rflI\15U 0955' S'Il1, llountln. . ' _ ‘ ' RZCWS -'DEAI.1EH.!»' . w u” 1:: urrylupplu-d. Andrea m'$h_1'_I W Ila 91’ ggffiwu nook cm: 151 urn combini- . ~ ' nxau. - my null an new ecmr. I70IIln'1l1'il'>|“- I‘ nlm: ulrnuxcc with all brglcm. ' 3.“-Ina mine W-'.:tx:.'I' 61.011!-Dlsl0l.'lIA‘r n the H10 rtlccnu par um ucbinnerdou. utml l>1!¢11' ¢°‘"“ 15.11:: ptper» Eight vrords on as urcrsgo '3-mks 1115'- llouct Iboul-.1 Leooumtnr ucb cdverulscxuent. I.1:‘l'I‘.Im:-. commnnluuonn. Ielezrtphld “ limit! whnber on bnstneu or Intended or X“-1D§1_¢!l-$01!. W . , mum pmpor attention. would I.» tdllrflwi W W‘ “axon: /r'n:x-mzo (.10.. st. hauls. Ito- Inlcrcd It the 1'0“-onleo II at. Louis II «can clnu miller. 'l‘o Postmnatcrc and Agents. rostngo slumps of dcnomlnnllom longer than tnreo (3) ccnus wIll- not be -rceelvcd at this olllco In payrnent for cubocrlptlonl. SOLII) FOR HANCOCK. .Conaldcr whiz: Line: and Jncxsox would do wcrc they 'uIfvc. TIIESB ARE T_IlE [IA ME I’II'1.V’(L‘I.l".l'.L‘.5‘ I-‘OI? WHICII TIl£1" FOUGIIT -FOUR 1'E.«IIl.5‘. Ile- mcmber the men who poltrrtl forth their 10?: blood on VfrglIu'a’s sail, and do -not Izlnzndon tlemnotc. Ilcmrmlacr that uawu your note deprnds the success of Ilia Democratic ticket. ...[\'$'.mr: IIn:'tu'T0:~‘, at Slauuton, Vxs., July u.m'>.v 15-rs::x‘:sI0:x'u.1.::-1. " ‘With the present Dam.-zcrattc Housa, I"-"1' .n'a'n bills do not have mucla favor. It hos be- cmnc almost i:npos._u'b?¢: to yet consldcratzon of rucha bill at all, and. WW" I307‘-‘I-39'9"‘ "5 chcmcc of passing flu: Hmryc isrery rcmotc. and the 1.‘:-be] Gcncral who is at the head of me p,-mim. (,'cnlmu'I£t'cIllIIu1 bbnatc Is still more averse to ullouring such bills to para. 15 would not In‘. at 'uZl probublc, thcrrfore, that ,, the bill will be got tIu'onyh."—-—[I.x.-tlcr from Udngrcssmau .IIcIl7.b'ouI‘t-r (I)L~umcr:ll), of Pchnsylvanls, to II constituent who nskcd for n pt-nslun. G TH E SOIFTH III U51‘ RULE. 9 I‘ I am as polsiticc thcftliaucock will I): elect- ed :1} I am that tlxcrc in a God’ In the heavens. You any that Ice: is a Ilzulrcc. Well . I know that; and I know. we, (hm "his award has picrrerd the brmst of many a gallant man in gray. But u.-hat are we to do? We can not put In one of our own man (Iris timc, and hare to cake a ‘ Ymul-.’ That lacing the case, let us take one who is less ‘blue-Inc1lI'rd’ than life must oflhcm. You may rlrprml upon it. W‘: that, ‘funk’ or no t yaM_‘ , /'_f rlcclcd the old bdyb of the .’>‘autIi will sac that Iluzzcock (toes the fair t}.r'n_q by flatga. In other words, he u:I‘ll1-ma ms machine to suit llmm, or they will nin the filing themselves. '1'Jaey are not going to be played -wit}. any longer. If you hear any man say that Ilazacoclc can not carry all of the South, you 1::ayputhi::'t<lumu an a <Z———- fool. ' ’—-[Ilobt-rt 'I‘oouIbs’ IL-ltcr to II friend In Washington. The zretzlllkcr clofirtsl fa-day armzlmr or partly clrm»-jg. I)I>2)IOClI.\C\' In Virglnln is so hopclclisly dlrldod that tbzwc In no In;-:Illng olulmcnt In the bar'I; a whole bngsbcod wuuldu’I. do any jrbud. Il’I‘l(1S smaon ls over, but no one who has wnncsscd the It-at of the great political Icrolml, ‘I31-.u Butler. In explaining to n Pills- burg sutllemzo tbat the Dcmc-cmls wcrc Ibo real protectlaulsts, wlll regret Ihu rullrcluonl of Barnum. ‘rm: rain y.~sv.e;llas xtcuunu “partially 10? the diminished attendance of Democratic slnlccnurn at the corners; some of them had rcnd Cunklln;g‘s .\‘cv.v York apcccb, and passcd tho xuornlng In the collar with llmir bends bid - in me ssh-barrel.’ I Two fucrullcn of flu: notorious Gully fum- II,v, of Romper County. Illlsslssippl, were tried Int week for the fimrdcr of D. IIlcuubIi- can rfimcd Gilmrr, and, sat. nutter of course. they wore :«~quillt~d. About I year ago an- otbcrftully was lrlcd for the murder of Miss ‘Chisholm, and his gicqnmal followed also an a matter of cmvrsc. Ijlllmcr was murdered on the day of the Cblslsolm massacre, Ills offense bclmrllmllre was a Rcpubllcanfandafrlcml ol the Clllsbolnns. No womler 3I'isllisslppl be good for 1 Dcnzocrailcz majority of more than 60,000. ‘I‘; of tho clgbt mcxnbcra who rcprcscnl W\' In the Hound of II»(.‘]:|f'rtS(:III.alIV‘I:8 of the pmvcul. Congnsss urn .I)cmocraIs. An cubes! 4.~Il'ort is now being made by the Ile- publlcnnc to elect a full list of Representatives 1: the .IorI.b<:omIng clttcxlon, and lbeir success In In from lmorobnblo. By making an enm- eu canvass they will cerlalnly be able to de- Ical. llr. Dcuilcr, who is Is candldalc for to- elcctlon In the Follrtb. or Milwnulacc Dl.~strIc:., Ind Gnu. Bouck, also I candidate for re- nlectlon In tho Sixth Dlvlrlct. Tho Stale In counlod. as good for a majority of Ib,000 for Garfield and Arthur. . Smurox m’..usx’s tear or additional fusion funds In the ‘ 'f*.xr,»oIl' iiaduwukn region’ ’ seems to have born unwarranted, for the re- turn: show quite concluslvely that Gov. Davis but been re-elected by l DIIIFIIII] vole wblcb 1 Isak); less than a hundred now of being I un- Jorlly. Lucr rclurus may gm: Dzvls r. ma.- Iorlty, but since the constitutions! unend- mcul providing‘ for clcctlou by plurality has been adopted, It rushes" little dltfcrence wheth- cr be secures 3 majority or not. The victory 1. gay n great one In any scan, but It In so much better than A dcleat that Republicans can nflord lo rcjolce In {mild my overlt. fierufter Ibo’ gubernatorial electlonl In ’. Hr-Inc will be held blenulnlly. K ' -Trista is I reported Increase In the demand {or «silver calm, the quantity shipped dur-_ ‘ Sag I.I.\e'pn't crock being more than double: (but nipped during the corresponding‘ vreelf" of last nu. 'I'bIc lucrcuu‘, II II. o'ocIInuo_,~ w_III so , pr‘; gallon nu Gévverxfizmcns or its scucuy, I.‘ 1 ’ IN: .'.°°V 2 ;in:_gn:‘.p<¢;_ntggy;'nx;q af’=msrkcI forjtvbe-In In con- dollar. for" w'.lzs‘I_Ir bpys'fo'r.les'af 90 cents‘-.‘ II-In not thcprovlnco~otI1io=Govc‘1_-n- more than In othg_r- oomurodltfu, The colu- 1goof'rlIvcr'as well as or "gold ought lobe gold. If 8'.‘ my In‘ Illvcr 1: to clrculato as a dollar, than who produccthn silver ought. 1.oreapv1hc,bcne'flL oflt. It Is the Govern- ment’: provlncc to "stamp" monay, not to buy Ihcmatcrlal and msnutucturo It at It profit. If It msy buy silver when It. It cheap, It may also buy It when It in door. If the relatlvo values of gold and silver vvcro to ebaugc, tho Government must Ihcnoontluue ,to buy ulvcr nu. premium and sell It In a loss. This would boa business ‘vlblch tho most. enthualnrtlo conllnucd. If the Govcrumout must buy tho material which ll. colnc, It ought by all means to sell the cola’ at cost. The Government was never Inlcntlcd lobe uspcculatlng nnchlnc In the creation or money. Itbu nothlug to do wllb making money cxcqpt to certify by its clamp to the wclgbl. and fineness of tho metal out of which money lsnindu. . A Sl‘A1.WAR’l‘ BPEICCII. IIoscoeCoukl1ng Is'by common consent of Ihclknlnrlcxu people the llrst of llvlng Amer- Icsn ornlors, and though the use of eloquence, like Ibo sgc of cblvnlry, In past, such a dis- tluctlon II it higher one lhnn aoyruward of ollicc or trlbutc or power whlch may be at- tained as the prize of pollllcal life. A deeper personal lnlcrcsl. utluchcs to the presence of the great ox-President and e::~(lencrnl. whose dclcat nl. Chicago was :1 greater vlotorylhrm tho nomlnnllon Itself, and who.-o name by Ila ,mero mcnllon snvokc the enthusiasm of the crowded Ilnollsaluls w_Ilhin Ibo walls of the Academy of lluslc In New York on I<‘rIdn_v night. lI‘uIGrxnLIs not no orator, nndll Is something more than It mere coincidence of Illness that he nbould have for his advocate the first omlor of.lho nation, and that two of Incmosl. brllllnnl. triumphs of his champion should lmvn been the brief but wonderfully uucccssfulspcccbln which ho made the Chi- mgo nomination and tho claburznlc argument In dcfcnnc of the cause with which he and his candidate are so proudly Idmzllncd. No other public man could have gathered such on audience, and no other man could have rewarded the prulcncc of an sudlcnco with such a speech. There have been two golden perlods of American eloquoncc. The that was whcu tho Infant rcpubllc was still an unu-led cxpurilubrlt, and when all the wisdom nndlcarnlng and patriotism of the men who had rudeumcd II. from foreign rule was needed lo-xsvu It from the min Lbrcntened by Ila jarring and discordant uicmcnts; the second was vvI.u'.-n the life of the nation was threat- enccl by that discuss of slavery, whose sccds, huplnnlecl In Ill! Constitution In Its blnb. luui grown with Its growth until the struggle was one bt~t\vc(:n life and (I4-nth. But. neither In the days of Adams and llnrullfou nor In the days of Clay and Webster hnvc American patriots‘ listened to truer cloqurncc or taken warning I rum dccpcr wl:-adorn than that whlcb nnlmnlud the opening calupnlgn speech of Roscoe Conkllng. and which has held In xnpt nnd umvcnrlod attention an audience wldcr Ibnn any walls can hold. I! mus a snctlonlil npeeoln. intensely and bit- Icrly scclionnl; If this In a fault, the blzuuc must rest with Inosc who have made the cam- paign a sectional onc. for no speech can be gerturuw to Ibo Issues at stake In lh1scmn- palgn thin in not aecllonnl. Oslenalbly the contest. In bclwccn Inc Ila-publlcnn and the Dcmocrnllc party; rcnlly it is between the North and Illa South. with we lines not less clearly drawn, the opposlllon not less plainly marked, than when the llm-3 were milllary sud the opposition rcprcacnlml the clash of arms. Tbo vnlnra who control the Democratic party, xvbo command Its ready and unques- llonlng snllnnlssion, have Icccdccl from poll- ticu. In the full, fnlraud free discussion of dlflorcuces of opinion whlcb nnlmnlcs Ibo polltlcnl life of the North they have no share ' at All. Prceclolu oI oplnion is something they do not "understand. opposition they do not tolerate, but huvlxu: made 3 solitude and called It pence wltlnn the arc: of fliclr political jurlstll.-.u_«m, tlmy have massed them- dclvcnlna wild body. with Ibo purpose of Imposing on the rust of the nation that politi- cal sulrmlsslon which prr.-valls In lbclr own Slates. Ila who does not rccognlzo the Inner- cnt scclionnllmn of tho Southern cause falls wholly to ‘uuden.l:md Ibo sltunllon, bus no comprehension of rho real Issue. It was not to be expcctml Hm. an islnrewil A Icudcr as Coukllng In defining the Iculurcs of the polit- lcalsluxatlou should fall to give due promi- ncucc lo the leading feature, to the one Mulch confronts Ibc most. casual gaze and Imprcsscn, Iuscll‘ on tho most cnrcleu observer. ‘ While the South ls sections) through its own free act and cboluo. lbc Republican party In socllonal only In defending the vvbole Unlou from the conqmzst of 1. secxlou. just as it was seulloxml during the war In saving the Union. But In It fought for the whole Union then It laborrlor the whole Union now, and while Southern aectlonallsm sdmlfn of no defense. thclbr;-publlcnn party needs none. If It but not been free from the ‘faults incidents! to human naturc, It can lately clalrn that In Its long career It his had fewer Insults than so y Ad- mlnlstratlon In blstory. In all conullutlonnl blstory there Is no record of 1 party so sorely tempted by the possession of obsolnta power And rlxlng above the templsflon, as It bad risen shown the temptation of revenge; no pxrty svblch, holding the desllnlec and Ilbcrues of tho peoplc In Its hands aluaoet without opposlflon. has maintained ‘morn liberties unimpaired and ncrvod thou desti- ulcs so devoledly. 80 {but to-day there Is not ucltlzen, ngr s commauweclth, nor my In- terest or entity of my kind In all this post land whose every right, privilege and liberty Is not wholly secure and uuinmmclod. To contact the record of much ‘as party wltb the record of tlzo . Solrtbcm Dcmocrscy, 1: Senator Coukllng has done, In A cold-blood-ed cruelty which nolhlnfibut the’ urgency of the situation could Iustlfy. But the people no |I:out.7Io ob-ooh which uctlon than control _ no':ilgt:in<»naS.” "Ari: coinc- -Hi=rié'.hi.‘th’e riunrc.‘ -me‘ iix-'<m:é- ;fi-us‘: y.1u,-1.'n.o:';s.1.1;e Irma j..ieino.r:.‘..:‘ geulpzi ' _I.hc sllvcr dollar-into umn.ju_.s.._.-.' I_1‘ Ibo-Gov.-. crnmcint ‘vrould’-_ simply sell -them. it-ooat,~ It. siae§»p:.1§:.;.;n;sxu‘ej;: n=r_z_s,;:n¢uz.oun:ara,ou:.'.- " ‘proccadlng forth: Governmcut-Jo ‘charge as, 'xna1-it-I3 spcctIIato,In.t'h'c preclonr metals, any. rce, If silver Ii to nervous riioney along vvllb. flaunt would probably not be wllllnp: to see‘ . sf tlrmls-:1xitei_1 hr-N11» .h-aidlh -men.-n irirwenwdow cm‘. -..Scldovm"._’bu .,u:¢.‘~"oan‘1tr.-;sr' —- been‘ "pm- -tgntcci-", to Iocclbly .ma In :30 uvr -vvbrdz»..:n's'f In the’ plsln and convincing, ;st'atcmcn't_x_.dt _su1gm:c,sp¢e'a._. , It bristles‘ [with fact’: of which the Accuracy can nob bé Vdujnlcd‘ nor ‘the meaning rllsputcd, and yet. ’I.b_e fictcvaro presented xvllbout billi:rncss""6r'V - mall-co. It isImposslblc1fo'z- sn_b&>ne'rt Repub- lican notln Ice! a thrill or Indlguanl. resent- Iucutvat tbs presumption or the fanatic and -uripatrlotlcccclionnllsls or the South, at tho Idea thumbs Ignomnco of the country should. rule its learning, thst llxlpoverty sbould;oun- trol the ocnbérs and retirees 0! ‘Its’ wealth, Ila patrloflsmpatxs under the domlnatlon of Its‘ dIsIoynlIy;"'but In giving expression to this scntlmcut. Senator Conlrllng Ins gone no further than tho occulon demanded. The speech Injthu best campalxn. document pct published, and It wlll_1bc road vrllb cp- provnl by the whole body of Republicans. Its Irsnk nvovval at atalsvnrtlsm, its dlsdaluful ‘rapucllatlon otlbcl sham reform vvhlcb uso: party strength to destroy party nplrlt, Its un- rem.-itvcd adoption of the bloody shirt, and Its vlndicallonvof the Rcpubllcan rlghl. to rule. ring out In trumpet tones-sbovo the feeble and vaccllallug suggculons of trimrncra and unw- scrvcrs, and nummon the Republican hosts to that vlctory which they can win only by fight- lngon this ban of battle marked out In this able cud “‘~"‘*!valed Itnlwart speech. v;..(. rrtt>f"1‘n:c-rnzvu rue: mccmoms. In his spcccb to s. dclcgntlon of colored man who called on blm st. Pltlsburg, on Saturday, Gcn. Butler said that lie had acted with Ibo Republican party sluco tho outbmula of the war In the hope that I-but party vvould extend protection to tho colored men In the South. The dcalrcd protection had’ not been granted durlng tbouc sixteen years, and be bad made up his mind that u change was necessary". “If the llcpubllcan party can not enforce this protection In slxlceu yours, ” mm the gentle- man from Massachusetts, "1 do not propose to try tbem hvculy." Now, If Gen. Butler were on A stumping four In favor of tho Greenback ticket, tbé country might suppose that he really believed wlmt bu uttered In his Plttsburg spccch. But he does not appear upon the rostrum In the present czmpalgn as the prophet of s. new and untrlcd pollllcal organization. He comes bcforo Ibo country us the special champion at his first love, the Domocrntlc party. It Is to tho Dcrnocratlc party that he would have Ihc colored men of the country look for the protection which he says was Wlthhcld from them by the jlcpubllcaos. What kind of protection will the Democrats extend to the colored people, and against. whom‘ must they be protected? 1!. In :1 Incl. patent. to cvcrybody that nine-lontbs of the colored men of the country live In the South, where the Democrats have full control at local legislation and adlululntrallou. If the Democrats are so willing to protect the colored mm: as Gen. Butler would have his vlsllors bcllove, why do they not protect. tbr.-_m now!‘ Everybody knows that It In local opposition on the part of their wbltc neighbors that denlcs to we col- ored cllucns of the South the right to vote an they please and to have their votes honestly counted and returned. Everybody knows, loo, Ilizu. uinctv-ulnc out of every humlrul of those svbllc neighbors are I)r.-Inocnla who do- ny the political equality of colored with while citizens. Does Geo. Butler, or anybody also who is III to rblnzlln outsldo an Insane usylllm, suppose that the elevation of Ibc Democratic puny Iotho control of the Gencral Government would lcsscn tho prcjudlcef of tho Southern Democrats, or decrease their detcrmlonllon I.h$I.'UlClI‘ colored neighbors aball not enjoy the political rights and prlvllcgcs uuaranlectl to them by tho lblrtcenlb, fourteenth and Ill- Iccnlb amendments lo tho Constllullonl If, as Gen. Butler ssscrtn. the Republican party with all the power of the nation at Its back was unable to ’properly protect the colored pcoplc from the malice of their white Demo- cratic nclghbnru during the slxtccu yeara rlncc the war. what hope would thcro be {or the nee which Gun. ‘Butler meets to love so tcndcrly If Ibo 2s"uIIon:II Admlnlstrnllon passes into the bands of man who ayxnnntlxize mm and are controlled by Ike Southern Dem- ocrnlal Such sopblslry 18 (Ian. Butler ultered on Saturday hows the povcrty of bin cause sud‘ will make no convcrls to Dcmncrccy. The world knows the history of the colored race In Ibis country by heart, and no cunning of ar- gument or robustness of asscrtlon will ever be able to convlnoos any intelligent mind that tho Democratic party bu ever done a Irlcndly not to that unfortunate race. From the tune of Its formation the Democrntlc party nude Itself the especial champion ol slavery. It guarded that altered lnstllullun In the South- crn Slates nudj slrovo without ceasing to ex- tend its blessing: to the Territories of the West. Finally, when tbc public ncntlmonf of the North cried out ngclzm. the exlenslon of this rellc of lmrlmrbsm, Ilm Democratic party chose to dlxmcmbcr the Union rather than co any Ilmlt Iggibe extension of its fnvoribe Insu- Iutlon. And since the war cm anybody palm to In single not or utterance of the Democratic party, cllberln the nnllou at. large or In any Slate, dnslgued to buttér the condition of the colored people of the South? Let the penal luvs of GcorgIn,wblcb have reduced thousands , of colored men to 3 auto of slavery under lbc-1' guise of legal punlnbmcnt, answer; let tb shot-guns of Mlsnlsslppl, _vvhIch changed E Bcpubllcsln majority of 33,000 In 1872 Intel Ilernocrxtlc mA1orIty'of62,000 four years Inter, mower; let theptlssuo lnllols of Boutb,Caro-"- llnn, wblch In 1878 sppsrcntly snulbllated all but 213 of the 91,870 "Republican: who voted for Hayes In 1878, nmwer; let the cxodnr re- ply. V During the period of sixteen years so Illn- psntly alluded to by Gen. Butler, the Ile- ‘publlutn puny gave the colored people the In- valuable boon of freedom; gnve tbcm almon- nblp, the ‘clcctlvo franchise and Absolute cquslily before Ibo law; gave them free Ichoola and s fnlr shut In the pub: of pros- perity cud progrcu. Durlng the tame pe- riod the party which now finds lu loudest clxnmplon In Gen. Butlcr appeared with all In mlzbt the gmnung of each of these gifts. If some at the good Int/enllona of the Itepubllcan party rezurdlng the colored people have been thwarted", the blame must, rat where It. be- léngi. Tho b_ull1‘dozcr,s.llIc red skim, the while lluers, the ride clubbers, Ibo‘ tissue bal- lot trusts, are all Democrats. The prclcotlon -fr$in"-t"*thv%hinx1-e : iidd~ir-ila-I .t.I_£s- . . -a;-’; ~*.-Vb-°m’°9v ..1i$ulI#rl'v9u!¢-331-69.;-»°f llié R'sIIox;il.IGovarumént." Eslbmiy I>o'_ that (ha- 7..Ii£:pubII¢‘r_t_y:.Ic .nuab_lo_lo .x_mIke tbulprd-" tga-ctlon as complctc an-It‘ ouxhl."Io'be,.but. 'lt.Is_ '13 certain asvfbe‘ prcc_'c9s_Ioh~ of .thof_ cquluoxcs i'm_i.,—.I£cen,~ Buue‘r?#.— iwnls in the ‘pm- -eul. context’. were vvllllvbo no prolectlon Jar the‘co'I'orcd pooplo "at all, so 1.‘: as Ilia cxcrclso _ot .Lbclr‘_po1II_.I¢_al‘1-Iggbls is concerned. We do not bcllevo tho country Ix prcpsrcd for that kind of I change this year. ----—----1--—---.-- . OO'UN‘1‘1l.'\'G_ THE INDIANS. The rsrloul statutory cmctments under vvblclrthc Ilrxt ulna censuses oi the Unllcd Slates wcrc tskcn oontnlncdvno provislon for tho enumeration otplndlaus not taxed, and so It hsppuna that we are In -possession of no posltlvu Informallon regnrdlng Ibo whole number Ilving within our borders at any given time In our history, or the‘ r_cI:\uv_o strength of the var-Ions nations and t'x"lbcs.. In 1870 a. partial enumeration of tho Indians living cut of the Mlsslsslppl and of those lfvmg on reser- .vsl.lons~ in tho Terrlfm-lea and States of the Wcsl. urns undo, butlt was fnultyln mnny important. respects. The wild Indians of the mouutulns nnd plains were not reached by the enumoratorx, and the gucsslng In rolatlon to {belt numbora was very wlld, to any tho least of It. The estimated and enumerated Indians of the States were placcdfat 111,185 In the cen- 5‘... of 1870, while the Tcrrilorleu were glvon 27‘.2,ll27, making at total of 888,711’. In the whole country. These figures have occnsionccl consldcrablu dlspulc, some boldllng lbs: they are too small by from 25 to 50 per cent. while others. equally uuluformed, Lu stronuouIIy,In- slat that they are loo largo by oun-tblrd. The settlement of Ihls question of numbura — In of considerable Importance, because II but an Important boning on tho great. Indlnn problem. If Ibo Indians are dying ed‘, as some of our statesmen Insist, the prcxeut policy of maintaining them In lclloncu sud pnylng Ibcm for dolug ‘nothing may be con- tinued, as It Is only a question or time when these pensioners will be falcon offvour bands by death. But If Ibcy sro Increasing In num- bers, as many of those whosc constant Infer- course with the wild Irlbes of the In West should render competent to judgc, hold, It Is lmpcrntlvo lbnl. n rndlcnl change shall be made, and that soon, In our method of deal- Ing with tho Indian problem. It is to be do- plorcd that the Importance of tnklng an no- curalo census of the wild Indlanu was not recognized sooner. If the law of 1858, under wblch the eighth and ninth conzuscs wero taken, had provided for n thorough enumera- tion of the nntlon’s wards, the question as to whether those wards nro mulllplylng or dlmlnlshlng under our guardlnusblp would be anally ucltlcd now. II. II, however, better late than never, and pcoplo luleresled In the satisfactory dlsposnl of one of the most. vexstlous questions M. present demnudlng settlement at thclnmln of our statesmen wlll bu glad lo know tluu com- plete prcparnllons have been made for the taking of an nccurnlc cnumerutlon of all the Indians wlllllu tho boundaries of the United States for the ‘present census. Tho work will begin October 1. and Wm be under the super- vlslon of Maj. Powell, Dlrector of the Bureau of Ethnology of flu: Smlthsonlan Inslllullon. The country has been dlvldcd Into four arc.-It dlstrlcts, and 3 apcclnl auperlutcudcut has been ssslgned to each. Tbc census will In- clude vital stullstlcs. furnished by the United States surgeons on tho various reservations, cducnlional atntlstlcs unthercd bvlbc lcacbcrs ot Iho rcscrvallon ‘schools, and lnduntrlal slntlstlcs colléctcd by tho Ingllnn Agents. LII). Powell cslltnnlcs lbnl. fully three-fifths of the Indians are engaged In Industrial puruulta, but unlcua ho Includes In tho list. of Jndmn Iuclustrlca the pursuit of white settlers and Government troops, we fear Ilmt» he will find till figure: too high when the returns coma In. Nearly two-fifths of the Indlnns wear. of tho Mississippi live on’ the reservations n consldcrabln por- tion of tho year. and In large number never vlcll the rcscrvallous at all. It In the Intenllan of Mn}. Povvcll In send men to the camps of’ the Irlbes that do not. report. at the agencies, In order that We cuumernllon msy be as l_.‘0lll- ylctc as possible. The agents at tho vnrlous reservations will be required to nsalst In tak- Ing the census of the Indlnns under their Im- mcdlntc charge. As a mnllcr of course, the value of mill census will depend wholly upon me zeal and ellluicncy of tho iI.I[)(:f'\‘l30I‘8 nnd ouumcrntrms. If It In taken no more accu- nloly than too census of St. Louis; or no more honestly than Ihn census of South Caro- llnn, It will be of no usowhntovcr. If II. Is Well lnken we will be better nblu Iojudge after. bearing 11: results whether the $7,000,000 per Innum wlllcb we are now playing on account of the Indians Is yvcll spent or not. CIIAIJIING TOO MUCH. The Indlnm; Democracy are developing an Intense tlcslre Io pcrfccl. their fusion wllh Ibo Greeulmckers of that Intercstlng Stale. Or perhaps it would be more correct to any that they arc bccorulng fearful!) anxious to Innu- gurafcnfuslou with the Grccnliackcra, Ior lbero appears to have been llltlc, If any, fusion thus hr. Tho Democracy have scri- oualy compllcnlod tho Illuntlon by l.bcIrIn- sane pnclicc of ‘ ‘claiming everything," facts tolbo contrary notwithstanding. Tbls lrlnd of polltlcal strategy wlll not work many Ilmcs In succession. The country has not forgoflcn tho claim that Colorado had gone Dcmocrstlo four years ago, for cftccl. In Indlnnn, although the returns showcd a handsome Republican ma}oriIy. But the country Wu not cxsctlv prepared fortbe claim of A Democratic ric- tory In Mnlne, where Ibo Democrat: bad no csndidntcsln the fluid. It. was well known that the Democrat: bad no Slate Llckcl, snd that they had no candldales In the closely con- Icutcd Conzrcufonsl dlutlcu, and It was not supposed Ibnbthcy would Iprlog upon tbe country a laud-mouthed claim of Democratic trmmpb before the votes vvcrejcouulcd. But In pursuance of their peculiar strategy of claim- Ing everything, they ballad what. tbcy sup- poacd mu nareenback victory as A magnifi- cent Democratic success, and the result has not been what may desired. II. has made Ibo Greeubackcru ronrlng mad. It would ban bocn Ion Irrltntlng had not the Democratic candidates for President taken I hand In the prcposberoul bualncsa. v ‘ Lllto tho’ Bcpul.-llcans, Ibo Grcenbuckcrn mlglu. have nlmplylauzbcd 3!. the Fnlalafllnn delnlll of Democrntlc prowess Icdulgod In by :_u-xuxjxlpn,-tx_le-_iuixn?*u..ln;sl.é* .cdu‘ifiimlIy » cxarmeci. lpxendla -snug,-I In 'a1s¢'a‘w 1vb¢r.n‘_uot' mom one-Ientlrof {be ' vole .~Dcmo- .¢I'1d_.|c. l.hc- Grcaubuclterscould xlfdrd Wsmllo. But when Gun. telegraphcd Io‘ I’l'aIl'*' téd um we lmtozy '-‘mu Inspire. ‘triads svltb pconlldcncc nnd[aIr¢'uktheu' than In‘ the -prc1Imln_u1y"buIIes whlcb zomalii elsewhere, Ind wb.l::b- need} Iorccs, ’ " the‘ patience of the Grccnbackercgare way. The Green- backcra havotoo lively s rccollccllon ‘of mar, victory In Alabama to scccpt. such delicate st- tcntlonz from Hancock wlthout «motion, and they propose that hereafter their victories shall not admit of any more flclltloua claim or ‘partnership. ’ The Indians Democrats ma now makxng n strenuous effort to come to terms with the G_rcenbackcrs,but the latter are In no mood to listen to term». Their Ira ls cxcItod,_sud Ibo rank and filo are no longer at the disposal of tbclt-lenders. frbcy do not proposc to win a._ Democratic victory In Indiana. The Demo,- crals are anxious to obtain the wlthdrimiil of the Greenback Slate ticket, and fl concentra- tion of the Greenback and Democratic van: on Laudurs, but the Grceubackcrs may emphati- _c:dly, No. They do not want any more con- grnml.-Illous from Ilnncoclr. Tho great. bone of contention la the Indlnunpolls Congressional Dlstrict, whore De La Matyr In a candidate for to-olccllon. Tho Grccnbnckcrs demand thxt the Democratic cnudldato sbnll bo withdrawn and the Democratic volo thrown for their dlstingulabcd champion. They will not llstcn to} any compromlso which does not give them Ibelryfavbrlte Congressman, and It. so happens tb:u.;Do Lu Mntyr is precisely. the man for whom mnny Democrats will not veto. But Infithe way of. any armmrcnncnt Is the Greenback determination to force that Do- mocrncy to recognize the Greenback agency In the result of the election, wbalcvor It may be. They do not Inland that A pcrtlnl Green- bsck success In ].ndl:ma shall be cl.-slmcdcs our victory by Hancock- It was a very allly thlnglor Hancock to tender bls congratula- tions on the result In nstale where tho contest Is almost cnllrcly between Garllcld and Weaver. Besides arouslngfilio anger o.f Ibo- Grcenbackers of Indiana, no has undoubtedly nclucd those of Maine. The Greenbaclrers of the latter State have been thrcatculug to put :1 straight elccloral tlclcot In the field, and lllnncockha superbly brnzcn dlapbtclnvllluol. xunko fhcm more conciliatory. Perhaps they might. lmvc cndurcd Inc crowing of the Dam- ocrullc press. but Hancock’: clnlm of u pur- IIOIIM partnership with Plalglcd is something which appears to be beyond cmlurnnco. Like his Illustrious namesake of basty-plnte-oI- soup memory, Hancock has gone on’ at half- cock. LII: preposterous claim of a sbarolu what turns out to have been a Greenback de- feat, appears to have effectually barred tho way to any further alliance with the Green- bnckora; and unless some cbango occur In Indiana before the 12th of October, tI1cuItl- t-udo of the Democracy toward the Greenback- eru sftcr tho Indiana election will not be one or unmltlgnlcd frlcndshlp. TIIE LIBERAL LEA?! UE. A Lively Dlscunlon by Ingersoll and Others at $ul:urdny I\Is:l|t.’s Session. CHICAGO. Seplemburw.--'1'bo Llbcrnl Lcngno lam nlglu. discussed the proposed plullorm un- til uf!.o'r nxltlnlxht. Cc-1. Ingonoll wlsncd to substitute for the muck nbrouuungtno Com- slock laws A resolution um Inc Cuuaunlltco of Dufoww, wburon.-r It Is clulrnod thntnpq.-non has been Indicted for what tbnl person claims to have been an honest qxemlso of Ircodom of thought and pxnrcsslon, almll lnvnutlgnlo mob euro; and If It nppcnrs mu: no has been gullty of no offense, tben ~ the com- mmuo Ibull defend him If be Is unable to dnfcnd hlmulf. Ila mid may wlantsdlt undcraléod that the church power must not smother Ibo llfcrnlum of lllmrnllam. They could not undertake to defend all mu slun I that is wrflum In this country; may mud not lime to 60 Into the qucsilon of what authority um nltcd States may have over the mnlln. In uuc house the Iiovernmcm nuuredly had me rI',:bt to any who: shall go Into tbo malls. Unlll the Christian world would 0:- pungo obscenity from tnclr book. they would (lumamd that the Iuwa ngnInII:n‘l:bcI.mulltorn- turn shall be: executed nualnut tun Illbla. no bad conndenun In I.bu1*‘n:derItI Couru Lorry. these cases. Mr. Wnkemamln nnlswm-In;r,«Imlarud Ilml. ull such trlul shall be In mu Slate UOlll‘IfI, und If a jury In a 5 mo Court found nmnn guilty let him *0 to hell. A lady dole 'I1I0 Inquiring what the oaguo had to do wltb -II. the speaker unusu- mu.-u "mo otcrnal bow»-own." Tho dubnto bccxunoquue warm. Col. Inge-rsoll uromulng that he wins Ir Inn; to Iuacpthu Lcnxuzc from an uru;-Iug Imsl , to knock some Homo Into II! ca. . Mr. Mncrnckcn odcrod 3 maolutlon demand- Ing cucu modltln.-zulon oi the Gomstock Invra Ilmt xhmr execution will pmleus cltlzcnslu tluulr rlum of froesly nxurclsnur lllclr opinion» nnd nprondlnu ll)-em Illrougla mo malls. Col. luxur- cull and .\Ir. Gruen declared that It lhoorlszlnnl resolutions were nrlnplml way would wlthdrmv Irom mu Icnlzuc, which statements worn area I- ed with npplnuno and crloi of :_'uuou rid- Lhmce." Ilotlx nmcndmanta were mun voted down and the rcsoluxloua reported by the committee worn adopted. Col. Ingcrsnll Ilmn announced his rcvlgnulon ns Vlco I'xr::l<Iont ol the nsmclunou. The ma- Iguntlon was accepted, nnd Mrs. Juli: II. Sov- uruuco. of Milwaukee. was elected In his piano. The rusulullmxs IlID])I.41d In ndulllun to moan nlronuy mcntlunvd declare It cxpouloot for tho Iouguolo co-oparnlu with political panics to accomplish the ob acts of wt: platform, and to nominate (mm mates for oillco us’ soon as may hm-o nufllclcnc strength to mturo such nominations 1.-Ifocflvug urge that In 15%| Ina lcnxnonmulnnwnvrosldent whom tho unllro league Blcdgt.-5 Itself to mp- purudcmmnd slaw and ultud Slnleslnws to defend the llbort of the [man and annual: and allow Iron clrcu zulun through Ibo mulls of publications Irrespective of mllglouu or ollmr vlowu may cont» n: declare that they do not duxmmd this lo ubon nuv frauds, Iuuurlcc. ob- wcnlty or other wrong dolug, but, on the contrary, oppose the alumn- nutlon by mall of obscene lltcrnfuro, Inupli-ad or nnlnmlrcd, and call on ma Gbrmlan world to oxpnngc Ibo Indccont. parts of tho Illblo. Bucb odcnscv, however, should be punished through the crlmlnnl courts nml. not by persons rcspnnulblo only to nruuumr acfnl-tbcolouical criminal soclutleez disapprove the Coiuslock laws, which are Irnuglu with danger to the rluhu And Ilbertloa at me peo- ple, for rosuonn folly not form, and urge flmlr repeal an nuconatltutlonnl and as giving Improper crlinlunl Iurlsdlctlon to clued States Courts, and In brlnxlnx tho In- vlolnbmfv of me xngxllslnto quustlou. While not npprovlugtbo oltuusca by Lani, Train. Tuywood and Bennett, -yet may rcgsrd their 'con\'IctI0n and accusaflon nu outruxos Iar ox- cocdlnx mo otlousou. Dolnxs at Dubuquc. - ~ Bpeclnl Impstcb lo nu. Glolsc-Democrat. Dunuqux. 10., September 19.-Charley J. Rogers, 3 brokun-down Democratic pollllulnn, left for Indium this evening, where no but been engaged to deliver ccvcrul campaign Ipaocbas. Roger: I: a good ulnplc of the true Bourbon Democrat, and orcn In this Demo- crmfc utronabolu he could not secure tho omce of conunbln. Tho Dolnocruis, ho wuvnr, any he will do for whore Info pedigree Is not known- III. Itov. Illsbop Ilonncuoey, of Dubuquu. lanes for Rome the In of October. Baforo III: dcpxrture 5. OOIIGOIIOII mu be taken up In all oi the gburabos In the dloocao to be prusontod to ‘me. one. - A man nomad Durg’elB"II8 stabbed and killed or subnln by a rntmnnu. Tb: umrduror was arrested. - " A Belle of the War. Wlisnucarox. D. 0., September I9.-Gen. Wglkcr, superlnzaudont of the Census, has re- pued my. letter of the Uonfod-into Gan. Andor- aon, who returned to Gen. Walker nu sword, captured from bun aux-Ing the war. cl. Ronni: station. Gen. Walker cordluly tbuumd Gen. Anderson for an generosity xnd Ibourrbtfnh noon. and um he would prim Ibo srcnpou all tbcsmull fry oltpemocncy, but vvhbn Gen. uanlmozv because of In Luster: duct nu vu.;u‘ tho 'D','GX‘1-Il_>In"a.1:I¢_ M".-.:..'_ Wi!¥¢Ii°fi°':1im’+oa;1wonl t.-"562: I goodnocc. ’ .,~" “ ‘- ~17“m'°°1=’1‘_" . . . cla.bl1lry—-Aloe’): my drink. . , V G.Inn_:x-'mo:_beré are very.-careful In-trsln,Ing' their chndron to-good munuqrs. Asmr: min. ran "through an unwary ace! of wild turban on In sicnrallxond, l:I1lfn'g twclvc. - ' _ . Pastor‘: vou-rs In gtnlno don’: no Ill"-11101161. what: It is exam: mom from 9. Dcmocnuo ubicshu ' :1 Jun wndunu-a. partner with cub-ctpllvfll can more Is money In bin bnxluus. Tbotrouble In to go: Itout. _ Jayne M. Iuuoau. oI~.‘PoIt.aIo1rn, Pa... icbo In aoyenrn of area. cm 3 rumor that bu bun In- tl:o‘fatnlly goo you-I. 1:031:01: will ban nolblnz more to do with the bclepbonc. 8bc,hu dlscovnrcd tun: II_'Isn't A thing to take bums In. — ‘ Anon: slain. says tho Boston comm-ctal mal- .«..,m.vm....x your furnace and go: your an soot. A good dual of old. Irony about this. ‘run ‘ Boston Troméilpt says: "It Is very ‘much the some with secret societies as with Il- .1ont men. They have nothing worm divulg- Inz.” . nxv. Ilommr COLLTER recently caught; a nbtrk at Nantucket. and caught blur by tho tall at that. wlth n mp-noose. Tue cbnrk nu awfu Iy=nnd. _ ‘ Ax elaplmnt. trnvcllcg In at car noxt Ibo loco- mollvo on so Indlnna railroad. opened the tank, nrnolcnll tho water, and no compcllcd the traln to stop. . Tim Rev. Jasper. of Virginia. Is not only eon- vlnced tlxsnho um move: around the alarm, but that be rm’: Invented a. way of prcscrvlng watermelon: unlll spring. G!-IN. Hnxcocx, svhllo unndlng In a’5‘IowYork bowl bar-room recently, was heard to remark, "Another an-aw." 1: I: supposed that woman who ukos votes on mllroxd tralns Inna just come In. Cornos llfa at Newport has been very ex- trnvugnnc this your. psrtlculnrlv In tho mattcr of oubcrlalnmcnu. Ono reception cos: $$.bb0;, on 0:10 dinner $800 was expanded nude. plcnlc coussoo. A Kxxsu paper end: It marriage notice: “1‘lm couple left for tho Enstfin the night mun whom they will reside." Newly-married folks Inuosomo queer Ircnks,-bur. may gcnurully rc- sldo In a liouso. _ TIL‘! years l1,',,'D the numbcr of persons ur- rcatod In London for twins drunk and disor- dorly was 21,625. whllo last your II had In- cronseu to 83,831. or by nearly 51 our cent. The Increase In oaooclnlly rcumrlrnblo In the case ol women. Wn'.'nI-:f.\u.~tA HELENA mantra. _M.uu.\ In tho vcrylong name of mo very llulc daughter of tho King and Queon of the Nctluarlnnds. Blue In to be called 1':-Inccns Wllhelrulnn, and as It glrl can have no pretensions to the throne 01 Ilollnnd. Tunonomz '1‘u.1'o:4, his two dnngnrera, Mn. Laura 0. Ballard and lira. Curtis, bore 191: Germany for Paris, where tho .\IIas'na '1‘IItnn wlllromnln this winter to study French and palntlmr. blr. Tlllon will shortly return to the United States. - Lnvr. the corngtlst. Isa. atrlcz temperance man. This Is largely due to the fact that whlle ho was learning to Dlny mo comet. he Mild to lump his wine about him to Mold being assas- aluntcd. The force of| bnblr made lllm very temperate nvcr since. A oonizusronuuxr who ovldontly never loomed Into an uncrclopodln, wrltv.-5 to task In what. country the hog orlulmuad. We have no time to nmkp a critical Invonlgnlion, but If It did not orlglnntu some where on tho 31lnmlBo1.- toms It probably |.llI.1 In grouse. A omno any: the best. writing Is to be found lnlcw.‘-rs. He says: "'l‘n‘ko Llxolalfora of nny one of :1 half dozen xzlrls, and you will ind tnn Eugll.-all In clmrmlng." Probubly, but what sort of n fellow could ho be who could have letters from a hull down ;zIrIs? ' Tun was u very pointed rmd. possibly. u very wholesome bit of unrcusm whou n.gnntlc- xnnn tnrnod suddenly on acoxcouxb who had been mnblmz hlmaulf oflonslvu, and sold: ‘'31:, you ought to bu Ibo hupnlcxt man In Ibo world; you are In love with yourself, and you bavo no rxvnl." -' A YOIt.\0 Indy, not accustomed to wnllzlng, at the earnest sollcltntlon of n If-lend made the attempt In this city recently. when Ibo muulo ccnscd another friend approached and mid, gnyly: Wall, I me you Izot through all right." "Yes," was the rupxy, "but It was It Ilgbt cquoczc." . 1111. Joux Itusszu. Youxo, who Is now In California, has just recovered from It pro- tracted Illnau. Iln cnugrln. a cold croulmz um Ilockyuounutlns. For xhlss rcnson no has of hue boon ualng nothlczln journalism) or Inn polltlcnl cnmpnlxn. Illa wllo Is crltlonlly Ill wllb szustrlc fever In SAII Pmnclsco. _ LABKING. MEAD, uculptor, has just shipped fomnurlcn from Florence, Itulv, the models «forzbu two rumnlnlug branzo grnupa for the Lincoln monument (I up:-Inglluld, .lll. Hols now engaged on studies torn stnmo of Gun. Butter, tlm Csllfornln plonccr. at whose mill rzold was first discovcmd In that stole. _ Tn: Austrian Crown Prlnco Ilndoplb and his Belgian bride wlll pm: the urn: ynura of their mnrrlcd llfo In one of me most ancient and Imposing cn.-nlcn In Europe. the cnnllo on tho Ilrndsclxlu, that Ilse: abruptly from me lllnldnu and tower: above the City of l'rnguo. A part. of the castle Is helm: remoclc-Ina and band» somcly mfurnlshod for their rcccpuon. A lI3D1(.‘..\L journxl In San Francisco, which mu among Its editors om: ol the doctors who waited on Mayor Knlloch after no Yomurnlnot him. has published an article nsmrting that Kullocb mcclvcu notlllng more than a flush wound. and dv.-colvcd bl; fumlly. Ibn publlc and but ulxyulcltuxn In order to carry mu clou- -"llon. . __ ' PAM! Inlno plnco for nowapnpqr men. A Inurnnllag of moucruto abillty will earn 8100 5 month to bcvrln with; at the end of sf: months. ‘II no contlnuo well, no will earn $200: monkb.’ nndlf he "gets his name up" he can znsko his ovrn‘"cb'mll1'lons. Allhomth people do not. generally think no, It Ia 3 bouorprofosalon umn writing for the stage. é Wuuu you no an article In the editorial col- umn of It pnpor headed. “Tho Polltlonl Onl- Iook," look In the bottom llno. and If It can "hold by all drnsrxlnts," don'l.rend II. There In such an Item golng the rounds whlch In so advertisement of n pmanz mcdlolno. It In I conntorfclt we-II calculated to deceive. Don’: run It polltlcnl nrtlclo unless the owner’: mum) In blown Inthe bottle. _ A Bosrox bay, whom family are It Nnwnort for the I-uuuucr as usnpl. wrlfcs to his youthful chum at Mt. Desert about um fox hunt: "It's nrcgler fraud. Tlioy Itlckva tame fox Into 3 bag and lozlalm out, an’ sllruu aflcr mm on horseback. Then Mn’: my run! bunt about It. It's twice as much fun _cl.IuIng cells over tho buck fence uptoour homo. Tlwy try to get away. and duller’: got to look out or he'll break n for: or not llckud by Ina muckars If no run into Charles nlroec, an’ Ibo:-0'5 some fun In II, but this la n. 5;. I would think tuoxn big follora would bu III-ad of It." Tutu Is an anecdote ol Mary, the French author. III: will known that the vuliferslnu Frcncb rd-Mouton: will Innrlnbly rcply "yen” to anything you Iulr tor, and ellhar brlnx It to you, or, on rclurnlmr, Mun with sorrow Ibnt thls Joke on once. and pmomptorliy ordered of A wallcr I Ipblnx I In bfueugo. "Sorry to any ‘II have no more, monsleur," replied the par- con. "What, no man gpblnxl" oxclnlmaa Mary, fulgrulng usonlsmuont. _'Iha cutter low- ered his voice. and murmured In a conlldonllal whisper: "We have come more, monslcm-', but.’ the truth In I should not cure to serve them to your my mm: gum Imb." ' ' V 1 0 .- Union-Jfllitcl. cum. :o:; 10- ' - ., Psopulorfltoig. ‘ A grey send 1!. home. unfortunately tboro II no more lots. Mary mod . w....... N5’ _ 1- - V ChIn¢s§.- emu... an. mama. to-.:uux“n$r1n..o..r.. cu Ono. lsbccm Dlnubeb us on Globe-Democug. N3WY9lK.5¢D&0mberI!.—rnlms:o prucbut _ Io-dnyon the Ublncso qiaudon. Inxux: ya 7-“kl! 3. 19-"‘W'ho.. l's,my'iIeIghbor2*’ Among M1101‘ ‘Man. he nufd: A keen lander had Christ undo: the areal’ a. full croaA-c:a'mIns- HOD. and tbls was one of tho qncmlona In Mind. This answer which Obrltt savann- Inrgod vrondcrrully tne Idea of neighborhood, and It bu over sluco been onlarglng. I: soon}: a figure of speech to say that the pcoplcon Ibo other side of we earth are our nclgbbon, E513 ggegast‘, If-ides . mxda dlnutbu modoj In nets on nave - I earth‘ 3 nclzhbm-hood. an 0 H‘ ‘mm. Is a. Olnnnmnn 1. _ uclgbborf Doc: the Chlnnmen belong: Io lbs ‘ taco? It be at brubeor Is no a mortal? Blue: no no welcomcor driven back? There are great uesdona and must be Answered. 1 want I xrouxh Ibo Oblneso qnarzors In San I-‘nmclsco ms zmmmnr. nccoxnpnnlcd by flvn srcntlcmcn, one 01 whom was Dr. alcnru, President of an: an rmuclsco Board of Health. I saw that won: and I: was drendfnl bnough. But under- Iund me In New York It 50 per cont sroru hm Chinatown In San Frsncloco. The whlta inlqnlcr of our mctrobolls is worse thin the yellow of the west And Lb_e vllo o_dnrs or Inn opium were not no of‘- Ionslvc to ma u the -ranch of New York whisky In. The Ionomon: houses of New York ax,-s_ MON cmwdod And more cbomtnnblo thu tho, I: In tho Ohlnoae qnnrulr of San Francisco. 01 W 001' fcmlzn population none no more Ifidflfilflpus. Sober. hn‘d-working. hxnnloss, genial, courteous and oblbrlng I um um cm- nese. I have In my possctslon many amduvltl which Icstlly to thclrlntcgrlty. love of onmm um xwovstnr. v Tneyrhavc ncrcquals as lnumlrymmt and an bousn-help. I was bold In Sta 1-‘mm.-I-sco mac n .x cmnnu: u would do Ibo work of thme other , mrvnnl . It has beau objected that may work cnuaply. I re ly Inn: no inch vrngca nro paid to domestic In ror In New lfork - as rm: mud for slrmllsr sorvlccs to Olslnamcn In Sam I-‘rnnc-Inca. “sgca. are bl her In California thanln any otborfimto of t In Amcrlcfm Unlon. and when we bova In these clnslor of cities 30.000 or 10,000 ublncselabo rs wagon will be bl-..-her, bccnnsotucn w wll have tom-or are millions of people. Agni n, In: objected that the Chl- uesc do not spend their money hero but that This Is fuluo. Tncy my auto: and run: In San Francisco to the amount 01 I?-400.000 ycnrlY- The people ol Brooklyn would tulnlc that amount. 9. handsome nddltlon to their revenue. As alr-ss to Ibo sum Gov. crnmcnt they pus’ ovor $4.00D.000 annually. and moreover, they pay £9,400,000 yearly us cus- toms dntlcs. ‘Knot monoy all atuys In this country. Bcaldcs, If they do Imucllbclr money homo, who can blame them? "They 111001. with Ilme buloun-age andlusult In um conntry. Than Iris stud that tneyscml thclr bonus back to China. If you or 1 were lrenuul as may are, we would not want In bu bm-Icd less than 8,000 miles away from the country. This cry cornea pnorly from no. Thorn an thousands of Lnmlslx and Amorlcnn mcsrclmnta In Drunk, and we all know what they wllldn wlm Inc-Ir money. llusldco. we have been complimenting mo Irluunnd German molds who send Ibelrmnnoy to tho . ow romta AT mmu. and I think that what In good for one nation In good for another. Do you know that this parents of man?’ of mu Llnlnnmon who are In Amerllrn urn act 1, and that much of the mono which Is son: to China In for ;boIrlI'bcrnI.Ion Innva that statement Irom Is mnndurlu blurb In nutborlty. Another obloctlon in mm tho Chinese are nsxnns. and that they want It pccullnr dress. 19 II the queues? George Waslilnsrlon. Bcnjrunln Franxlln. Jolm Ilnuaock and your rent unmo- fathers, all wuro qucuu, and unytlx nu umt they did must have been (eminently rlulu. up you want mctochooau but-wocn amllglon whlch Insults and n pugunlsm vrulcb endures? II_so, rilvc mo pngunlsnl. If you bus a superior rc- I salon, preson: II to them In nourlstluu wn7..' '1‘ 0 people who give one penny for the support of the Chinese: missions do more toward Ibo Inlntlon of the Cblncco qunsllon than 10.000 orator: lmrnngulng about Its evils. The Chinese urn either our Inforlors, our equals or our ad nrlors. If may urn our In- fcrlors their Imp dlty will ncvor ovorcoxnu us. 11 they arc oureqnnls they no untitled to equal rluhtc. If they are our superior: WI: cnn nos allordfo Ill-iron. them. Some) oI them bnvo duncendod from men who have forgotten more than we ever know. Education In Clunn In much more mineral than II. In hero. All Ointm- mun rend and write. wllllc many an Aunorlmuu, when becomes to alga a logo pnner. mu to make lulu umrk. log. the coxnpnns, porcblnln nndIpnpcr-making nuo: boloro olnor nntlnns con :1 ever guess them out. Conluclusuntlclpntoul nu: 001.035 nuns. 500 years before Christ. I wink the Chinese are God‘: Invorflo ncnple, for be has made morn of them than of nny other on the Inca of the earth. It Is snld that the Chlnnmcn In America. arc thc slave» of the nix Chlm-so com- pnnlcu. '1‘nI3Ia false. The companion pay the Inn) OI the emigrant, and he agrees to Day I! back when no em-no It. No more lmnoruhlc bur- knln ever made. ‘Ibo Cblncso Hunks In fho platforms of the two political pnrl as am lying frauds. Tlm (lhlnn.-so scare In the grnnlc.-I numbing that Irma ever bean tmscfcd. There are not more than 20.000 of thou: In Arno:-Ion. mm there are lower now slum Llmm were two your: arm. The whole eplrlt of the Cblm.-no Gm-eru- men: In against cmlgrutlan. Tho qucotlnn rlhonld never have been Introduced Info pull- : cs.‘ '5... . \VashIngton Whlspcrs. Eptrlnl Dlapstrb to Ihc Globe-Dz-mocrst. IVASIIINGTON, D. 0., Scptemburlil.-A num- ber or employer In the Government Prlnlfng Omens bnvlnx bccn suspended IOl‘IIII'|t of Innuu. the Democratic lenders are trying to mute It appear that tho auspcnnlnns were on account of refusal to contrllmtn to the Ilcpubllcnn cum- pslgu fund. The Government Printer has pra- pnrcd I autcment sbowlugtluit the Dcmocrntln Congress rofusud to gfvo hlln Ibo appropria- Ions necessary to continue work. A uno 1.: st. A movement Is on too: In tho dlllcrcnz excep- live D(.'[?Al'tf1lellI8L(|fl(:CIlI'8 I1 II»: of all appoint- ments mndn durlngllm preuent and but Ad-‘»j 'IfIm Culncuo Invcnu.-;I prlns-'~ ministration of )'>0I‘lICInR who have taken tho". modlflcd oath. . It appears that oomn of these parties who are cnjoylng the patronage of the Itopuhlloun puny, and rufuslug to and II, are acct:-tly at work um! contrlbunng funds for In dcfcat. It In understood smu. tho Ila: so to be published. Tliurn In It dlsposltlon ulnonp; some of tho omclnls to aummmlly dlllnlnfl some 01 these Ingrulcs who are wllllng to bite the baud that lends. wast:-nu A nmvu.. II. J. Brown. wife and blind, Arkansas. Jefferson Jottings. sparlal lmmlcb In Inc Globe-Iiuluocrat. Jurvuusou Urn‘. Mo.. September I9.-ll.-In- dulpll II:x!lxnoycr,n;;ml about If yours, younm.-st can of Col. Wm. A. Ilnllmuyor, of this cltv. the nominee for State Trz.-xmn-or of tho ltupnhllcun Ilckct, was very norlonnly Injured to-day by one of his futlu-r'u hora:-c. stable to got. some onrn robs to kluuluullro with, and It In supnnm-d that In cllualmuz un to this lead box be sllnpcd and full untlul‘ Um I1orne'cIoroIcat, and tho nnlmnl lmln;: scared struck mm wnhonu‘ Inotlu the right sum or the mud, bndlv Iruoturlnglho skull. ca also re- co'lI-odnblow onfho right 1:2,‘. 1:. mm It.-nred ct ammo Inyurlcs worn min . but It Is now thought he wl I rrcovor from It. _ ' Gov. Phelps Ion Io-(luv for how ‘xnrk Clty where no will attend to come business in Fund Commlsslonur with tho Suuo aopuslluxy, mo Ilnnkol Commurcn. and nluo ho pr-uncut at me big Dumocrsllo blow-out on the 280 In Ilmr. ally. Altotrmv Gnnornl Bmlm nccnmnnnlcd bfm to 5:. bouts. Llculcnnul. Govcrnnr Brock- umyor wlll nrrlvo to-xnorrow and keen um Inn- chlncry of mo Exccutlvo dapnrtnncm in motion anrlmrtbo Govm-nor’: abuonco. wnlcb wlllrbo about two wvcelu. '' ...__....__._......_....__.. - Cambllxmmtnry. [From the Jcwlsb Tribune, bl. 1.onIs.l _'1’bc " grout rollglous daily "—lba Gwal- DsxocIu'r—knuwn no distinction between croedn and icon, hence It always does Instlco lo the demands of all.’ '1‘nIspapor nubllshod Tun lad want to the _ Ibo Iullon. and most accurate report: of our div ’ vluo urvlcea during the bollmyn. Auctlon Sula”: This Day. Bchlou. Ilros. & 00., 30.3 North Fourth street- Dry goods, nollona, Iurnlshlng goods, etc., at 9:30 a. In. Black. Tyler st 00., III and All Plan Ilmct-» Dlnmonds, watcbcs,,Juwelry, 0:42., at I05 Norm Fourth street, M 9 n. m. ' A Fact. In-mu um Iudlsnnpolls Ilerulchl Tho" Owns-Duxoounr of last Bundsy con- tained hm unsu ndvcrllaomcnta. In man. any‘ the merchants plnco Idvurtlumoéu, when 11303’ will do most good--in a live newspaper. """'—----:-.--—--- = In New York. fspccm Dlsmleh lotba Globe-Dcmocnt. Nun’ Yoax. Séptembqr IIl.—Jolm q’, -Prluit. member o: are ne'_m‘omu¢ Nations! Oouiuallo m 10: Itluonfl. 1: at tho lllth Avonue. , t r ly,n.I}Iviu'I’[ Hxstn Say';,g;,-mg -"lion oi uh "yi!)'iN')ii tiokin fiepiédaiiiiset ~ .- T ‘ The Pccplleil{liliirnicd.'V..'Aet*'.’{increasing.’ rune}! Up tho'.N_ittlvca,o1 . Iralande Another Minhiizerialycrisisiin on French ‘ ' Republic. ’ ’ The cabinet to be Reormtnizud or Quoe--_ —.'Ooinsp's in the Old World. Eel-vie. -mulre umrnxsm nuiosrcos. B|2i.'KI'I'..LUI‘.', September 19.-A bend oi 300 Stir‘; ‘vi-in brixsnds has crossed to the ilunmrixn side oi the banana. A bntiiadiori at troops-bu been ordered to bar their -way towards indicte- rior. Muehlalnnn is felt among ttiti trader! 0! Westernserviu bicaose oi the recent large ln-- ercnse oi band: oi robbers.’ ‘France. ooxsrszsf’ Lrzrvxa. PAI’J.fl,, September i‘.‘i.—‘1‘iio letter of Gen- Itttns. Minister oi the interior and Worship. to the Archbisboos. tieikiing to accept the declar- otion signed by the religious nirstcrnitios us I substitute for the demand to suthorizutiou. "ya the Govemmout willingly" taken note oi the resolution irnulirexied in the declsrntion to disclaim any solidarity with political parties or psgeious. but as resznrils the how exlircaeed hy the declaration that iilo Government would allow communities to continue the work in wliieii they are engaged, he declares lb..\t the object of the second decree oi liiurch ‘:9 was precisely to put an end to iolerutiou which the commn iziuc desire to Ice maintained. and to uubstitluto ior it nreium to s iexui aisle oi minim‘;-x. ‘rm: Ll'iRll§'i‘ERiAL cums- rccommoneed this morning. because oi diver- stcnco of views between De I-‘reycinet uud. (lou- Ihms reiuiive in the nppiicutlnn oi the religious decrees. President Gravy has ngsin boon obliged to postpone his departure [or the Jurs, and kill preside at‘ n Cabinet Council to be held this sitcrneou. Jiizsioszh. Ln France states that Ii’rom'lor De Froyclnct has definitely’ tendered [ill resignation. _ ‘rut: zunv<.r.r. IP‘.s.rus, September iii.--Jules Ferry has been charged by President Gravy with the iormutlon of it new Cabinet. V in: rxitrcimrr has sent the ioiimrinu low-r to President Gravy: "Alter muinru rcfluction imrve come to the conclusion shut the Cabinet can not be neoonszituied usit wan yesterilxy. There are serious doubts oi its durntiou. Iiev tween new rai oi my oolieauzu es and myccli there exist ’ divcrxuncles oi opinion which leave nn room [or hope tunl. ao- tord maybe mntininincd oven at the coal oi mutual concessions. Such El. autw oi things, ii pro ngod, -would be iniorioua to the interests on P:-suqrliillty ni the country. llclieving my reiitoment will uiiur the most prompt menus oi solving tuo crisis, 1 be; you to accept my re» liguailau. ¢ M3C‘Bi'T|-‘.0. _ President Grcvy on receivimx the icitcrsurm malted De!‘reyol_m~t. end in conjunction with UBYGFII other ulmiuers tried_ in induce him to recall his rt-»i.:n-iliim. but 1):.-Freyciuet refused. and President Gievy iiuuiiy necepied the mug. neilon. semi Ethel‘ hiiriisicmi Court.-nu, Career and Fevre had :4. long convcrnzltiou with Presi- dent Gravy. Uliinmtcly Jules Ferry was charged with the im-nmtion oi uilaliiiict. Till strtmnx cumna. Bmznrdinx the sudden change in the petition oi uiiuirn since cnruriinv. when diiicrenceq. 0! opinion between De I-‘rercinut und his eul- ieuguou appcurc to be cnmproiuiscd. [thus transpired that ‘e Wcycinct hadn iuriiirsr cun- oulieiion with iiilniaiers Continua etlcl Connor, flllflflx which it became mani- iost lllitt the mrccmaut egiublisir ed at the Unbinot Council was unreal. and the divrrl.-uiico oi views between M‘.-Dc. l-‘reminet end his collcuszues was irrecon- cilabie. Ti: _.s'o=ir -my: Jules i-‘crry bus zxi-ready nKe :nluir3‘ at Marine so Admiral l i . . Si-w.-ml litipiifd consider the Gnbiiict ‘o crisis will m.-ceniizun the early uucmbling oi the chambers. I ' ire-Iinnd. Psuxi-'.L'x.’lI sonnxss. UUFLIN, Eepieinber 19,-1-amen sddrcscnd it ‘rut meeting at i-;-mint iurmerx at Ennis, sun- day, and new iartb the line oi policy he wished to we carried outiu order to occur: on early Ieuiciucut oi the land question. The main ieuiuros oi the proxcrernnxe ore unanimity oi Action uuoug lush xuembeni, intiepondeut oi all I-Znyiian puiiiicni puriles, the raiuzui to pay more than tenant erimidcra mr rent, and social o.xcomm-.iuion- it turn) iron: which number has been evlotc tor non-payment oi rent. - Turxev. - nu»: bltl(n§$'iitATi1iN I’(IiS‘l‘P'J-.‘II:D. laoiibauti. September ii).--A liturusv. dispatch says: “to uuvul demonstration bu been post- poned until the Ciiriaticxxs can lento liulclzno, so u mwuucte is tuned. Vi'::i.M!l.ii will be unable to keep iht: motion soon, as aiutuum uterine will begin initiorlixiizbt. Admiral iicymour, In 9. di.~ipet4;~.b we itiza i’1ui'r.i, iuiorms him lhnt be will be hniil. responsible lot the live: 01 inc Functions in his li.ii'ir4i1l;lLl(Iil. / Rim-“in. Tux 'Z'i2K'i€l': nxritnrriox. $1.. P:iK'i'i£i-iliRt7ii(l, i$cptcini)nriii.-The (Joins, r1!l<:i‘i‘I.'.i;¢ to the secrecy mxiinrrdncdiuregerd some oiiivzctsi oi the Tekkc expoclition, ears: "in new cl 1$nxium.i'u change oi policy, the exception oi Rnyaisflc .mt-cniion in i'I.‘i(lti'd to limo he no l0I’i,‘.'(‘lYE neconenry. It will only be )'.lf:i.7:‘.i3iMlr_\' to km.-p put: oi Ilse steppe as u wiu'n~ iu to the 71‘cl.'l-are in the iutute.’ The erzlcie com-iotlcs cu iulinms: "8-Znnuizii of I 'vlv.:to-'ioe nut! uunetuiiuus; let liuuili devote honeli to internal developments." India. AYOUB xiux. Loxno.-z, September ill.--".i'he Viceroy oi indie N.‘}*‘£fl})lll that Ayoob Xlniri is two marches beyond Gin.-hic. on the road to Iicrut. It in rumored that I.emindnw'a pt.-onie oiicred to main him, but he rciuerd. Tho telegraph line iron: Candttlmr to India has been recioxed THE F! HE'.O()RI). in has Vegas. « out, he: grant of 95 cents. time ‘x i)r.xv'r.u. Cor... September 19.-A are In East has ‘vegan, this siternoon. deuroyed I uhoio -biocir. including nearly hall oi the balloon portinuoi tun town. About lilty people are rendered iiormsiuu. The ion» is ettiuleim at t25)0,€uw; nu.-erigr sii heavily insured. , urea Ilnricsui. Dnsvrzu, (£01.. . sepieiober _i9..—..Lu.g4,r gdvicgj horn lint Les \c4;:u suit: the ion tmm )('.§ day’: lire prnblibly wiri 1.0! exceed $00,000, an the biiildingfl d«'siro3'e:<l.wcre -ncarl all sinnii and clteikn. The number oi’ peooe tendered homeless down not exceed Silt). Among the rin- cipul buslnust ileum: ¢io~i.myed were Mar lo’: may , Wiiiimn .'vi»slbm:i':i sud-lie shop; tree! is 8 ii.-cites’ candy yuan, \t'i:uc-tier’: nwiv. 'l‘iie-.~0lio:'-t'I dni store, I-. H.-1mmn's store and mimhouse, liclnu-as -weir)‘ store, no-enih mi’: store -_ Boston (Hotli- 'n' Home, MrXlae'a hmczl, ooper Bro.'e gummy, ltupu A. Castle’: lumber-yuds Ind. onlces, Mucus’ snore. Poet (mice, 8. O. K. Wale’: imvclr store. Iiaiirb0m:’l shoe not a 8;. Louis Hot , Denim street 'i‘hc.ntro, Ward 5 ‘§'.otmsm:'l billixrd hull, Int».-at market, and scvv mid saloons‘. Considerable women And other £:firixddesuo)'cd. liousoa nearly all huviiy ' re . M. [inst Seginmv. _!ssr escnusv, mam, aoptemocr ta.-'-«flu iotmery me‘. machine snaps oi mm as Hozrlii took are this morning: and mu totally dei maxed. Lona. $35,606. insured tor 319,0“. origin at are unknown. -w-'-~ v At ‘_.'inshviiic,- Teen. iiswvzum, 1133;. September .19.-0. r; and I. TL 9148!‘! (iii: tad flout’ uuoi-rouse, tact ride, his tea in tsasxh use three stories huh, urn drsznrxéd by fire Wrdly. tagutlscr with have hard: oi tour. the tmthcin at virus, A ion_olItluz- iembcr scnofe.i:~".,g ‘.I.t§tbe.'time. «F3-'>,0.‘li0¥.5N‘1l,“_“¢‘“.-’ ‘~:' ' 7- 41:}:;;i~1.'4i,1"i_s';-i>’o:i,r:(.*.s.. - . -:. pilinekii B'r:i'n,i.vve1i.' ' - spacm"Dia’x>aues ta‘xiae'-aioheanvmaent ' . 1icnr.u.'o.’1‘i.' Y” ssotumlrer 19.‘-.'rhe death oi. ton, sudinoved vixen very -young into Heuri- mer County. N".-Y., it-hero-h_e‘+ursx‘notcd iorixis sports at the time. . Iie enlisted in the war 9: mm, sndvniilced ninety miles to join his re - moist, etutioueti_._ut Seeker’: Harbor. Mint in oi he zvcterncu._.1lo:ne on loot, with A Alter it short is sci out iorwcsiern .'iicvr'Ym-kou‘honus- bsclr, snri-in max: 1.110. where he has lived. labored and voted ever since. _ During the early history oi-Buirnlo homnkn prominent part’ in mutter: oi public ini«croat‘.. lie wee’ ideniiixed with the lending men-OK thus time. and in return urn Ilia’ recip- ient oi public run: through nmciei promotion. At the time oi the construction or the liniiuio division of the Erie Urinal he held the onion’ oi’ Oocsrebie, tmd the piece it: that time was no sinocuro and was by no menu: ireo imm dim 1'. lie siso served on Deputy aneriii. and he term was distinguished ‘union: other things by the practical part which he periormcd in udminih terinx emu uxiice to the notorious Thsyers. As an curl my be was ior several roan Gei- iector oi ' axes. and inter Harbor Mruter. and was ior com time in the scores service oi the United lstntes in connection with Cll6'c01li.‘.0H0‘i’il of customs. and still inter wu employed prominently in substxmtiei improvements oi the harbor. ‘Followed to the Grave. specie! ‘Disp-ttch to Ibo (lieu-«ilexnocrnt. Jxsrrsusox Orrr, lio.. September 19.-‘rho iuuerel oi ox-Mayor Fisolicl‘. who was killed yesternny by the explosion at it aoooruior in his soda. and cciizcrvuttor niunuinciaory, took piece this afternoon and wusvcryiargoiy at- tended. The remains were at-com Qimicd to the arrive by the rnetnbm-I oi the Olty uvcrmntrnt. the Fire Dcpurtnziient, the Unpitn City Gluardls and the omeurn oi the Cole County Arzriculturnl and Merciumie'Association. of which he was tholirmsldent. 'i\’odr:nih Hillhiifl occurred in our city [or a. long time has been more deeply regretted, as was ov-dun: b the unusually large rocovsiou that loiiowu the remains to their rut i;uatmlz.piuce. .. ‘ is She is Fraud’? 51. PAUL; September 19.—-A lady named Mrs. S. S. Ilerrin. who claims to be the author 0 Bouiimige and other popular novoll, injured byaeertlnxe nccidcnt here yesterday, died at Bzaolo-night. she came Went irom New York a year M10. There is a mystery about her iden- tity nnd noihuux can be loomed oi her antece- dents or nonnm-tinns. it-..-hulvee of Mm-loll Cole iinrris, suihur oi iiuuiieeue . do not:-ocnzuize her, but au1om;iu.-rgnlu-ril is_i-he mumuscrl t 0! an onxlnitshed novel 3' Mary Cole Herris.w ich appears to be genuine. N. B. Brown. Bppglnl nivpm-.b’ronm ulobe-imntvcras. CEi)ARIiAl’iiJ$, 10.. September iii.-’i‘lie in- notul oi the late N. B. Brown was largely et- tcndcd. lie was buried under the rites and ceremonies of the hiitaonn. L. 8. Foster. NORWICH, Ceivm, September 19. --‘Lafayette 8. Foster, born in Franklin, 001111., Novcmv her ‘22, 1806, and it direct descendant oi Lille: Standish, died this morning aiturn brlci ill- ness. [illuminating (lets. iizw Yoltx. fierntembcr i9.~—J. Elolslty. a merchant oi limdiutti. I‘u.. died in Crook's Iiotcl liuhnixiit iron: inhaling iiluzuiunuing nu. CUA I: I 3'I'ER!‘.’.S‘1’S. The I’cnnsy1vnuin. Comptulies C'ini,tn They can Not Get. ’1‘ransport.ntlon \Vent. Special 'DiwIir.-h to the Oioho-Democrat. Imrr.u.o. N’. '\'., Scptouiber 19.-—'I‘he Penn- sylvania cord companies are complaining oi in~ euiilczii-nt int.-iiitios for trmmpurtation to the ii-‘cask. They never have been any too well set- uiied with their arrangement with the inuvl: lines. and the immense lroight truffle" oi the prcnent season, may claim. has blocked up the road to such an extent its to seriously iniericm with the coal busiuéu. his alleged that bore- toioro preiunmce has been given to other kinds 0! ireiglut, pm-licuinrly izrnin, but how much iounduiion iheremay be tor the allegation is best. lmuvvn to the parties interested, her it in net be ruinc Inbcrud til it 1. grain is currlr (X l-Zuni: on the trunk lines while until more: West. A promi- nent Pennayivrinls cool man said to Ibo corre~ egoniiient oi the G1.0iiI~DI'!40(.'ltA'l‘ vesicrdny t in the upshot oi the nmiter would be enuw trunk line. The indications were that the igckuwuunn Uouumny would build one from Buiiuloin hlnulmlntmt, but ii they did not use ilttotio it mine one also would deco. The Iieuding Road, which is coxmnctcd with 8 ri-out ennlemnpany. had long been dceii-our oi oi)- luiulntz n ucsiero outlet and had omen con- sidered the ndvisalnillty oi cxtnmiinig their line from Wiilinrnsnort to some po at on the ilniizlio, xew York and Phllltdnlpliin Road. The ilunucini eminirrcssumnta M then: compa- nies W(’ii.iiiI,0i course, ti-1-lay any new enter- prise oi too kind, but It intro clement xmung the uioolrholders was anxious that some such two should be taken. There was a movement- nn loot to Meet Mr. J. W. Jones tolhu Prosio doncy at the annual uwetiug next Jitnuury. and it wns "well known tlnul. Mr. Jones represented the pm;-reasivc faction. . This gentleman is now President oi the Piilaburg, Tiiucviile and iluiix-lo liomi. and is noted int‘ renmrknble snxxclty and _ enterprise. The Leisiull iiitllcy imnipmxy were also desirous oi oimtluin-,x no outlet. ‘their line now rune to Hum.-vu and Lyons on the New York Central P.uiii'0iti.l,i\'.xd on extension to Bullnlo_tvouii1 be easier ior them than ior snyoilmr company. Eiilnzr oi the great coal and risiirosd conmnnies could unlike a trunk line pay, and unless they could Viriusilly have their own way with the roudsnlrczxdy constructed it new one would soon be an iwcotnpllsiied iuct. T H E W P.‘.A‘.l'l1 E K. !)aiiy’1!ullei;in. __ Wu i)zr"r litmus. alumnae. ii. 8. 4.. am. home. September 19, I830-lo: . nu. ‘ Bu. Thur. \ anther. Bolus City, iiinho...... 30.?! lhl iear. (5AlI”i'J, iil......... .... ?4i.itl (Kl Li. ruin. Clucngo................. 29.593 68 Ciouiiy.{ Oineimmti. i)llio....... 30.09 76 Cloud)‘. ilztvenport. iowu...... 80.07 iii) Clear. Denver, 80.39 at Clear. Dc» I-ioinca. 30.13 bi! Clear. imtigo City, tum....... 2'3.il6 78 Clear. Fort Gibson, 1. T... .. $1.01 (59 Cloud)’. Indinnumlis. 1110.. .9‘) Gel Fair. Kcoituit. .. 30.07 OX3 Glen. lacrosse. Wit-......... 80.01. 35 Clear. Leavenworth. h'cu.... 30.»! 61. Clear. Louisville. iiv.......... 30.113 73 Cloudy. liempilis. '.i‘1enn........'1 ii0.ii 7:! Cloudy. nuuvilie. ’.l'enu........ 39.15 ‘Ii Fair. New Orleans. he :w.i.’i ‘in Client. Omens. !s'eu.. ...... 30.1? 50 Clear. Hooho. Nev............ 29.91 in Clear. Pliiflbutll. l‘tt...... .... Slim 13 Clear. Sacramento. (Isl... 29.91 67 Clear. cult Luke Oity. U. T sic. ii 59 clear. Ben Francisco. Cal moi M ' clam, shrew.-short. Lu. .. 30.19 ‘:6 Fair. Bnrinulioid. lii. .. Sluts lid Cloudy. §t.'l.oui:, |(o........... 80.615 67 Li. min. 58. Paul, MimI......... 29.9! 6!! Clear. Vlckxburp. Min...”-.. out 75 Olen. Virginia (my. aunt... 29.9: (3 clear. Winnamuccu. liev..... 30.07 it‘? clear. ‘horizon, D. 'i'......... 80.19 50 Giant. Local wemm Report. ltiliin. Onmu. er. Lorin. £10., Sept. 19, ieao. Wind. lime. ']l1e.r. Thor liusn """' Weather. ,.. it. Vol. - . 7|. 1n.,2fi.0ii ‘:1 ; b0 i 8. I6 ziA.ritiu. 2p. 1n.i79.9€'-9. ii to ill. it ms. ruin.- Eg. .s_o_. __se“l__gs__,] W. 9 u. mu. cums. 9393773 fihi $.15 §,._ 1.2, rum. luzimum temperature. 18:. iixiznutts temperature. 66:, Bainisil, Lid inches. ' J. 11. "W sergeant signal Oorpc, u".n§.‘l\. _ The iclver. Rvsisvrtxm. IN!)-. Se iembur iii.——cwaa , ‘Warm. Mercury. 07 lo 3. iuromcta-r. iii, . izltondy wind comb. drawing to north gm: norihcuur. River 62-it leer nsln'u.- Purtlm: up-n. . mm, 5 n. m.; IJievrii<l.i:t-9 .12).; (mos. liiiiiur end hIll‘K9il.- :39 p. in. mm... 1-hborudo,' ‘Ibo Jone L. iircuniord who raised yectt-racy. and has gone to Psdnoeh tar II‘) n Phineas Bx-intwnii, in this’ city‘, closes at lop‘: sud‘ eventiu] iirs'in.ms1ocsl'i:istary oi liuiinie. ‘ Heitris born October ti. 'i_'.'ii. in_8uub‘erry,«1ii¢~ » dlesex'0ounty.~:in§:..ioerteen miles iron: Bola - size and streugtli sud his success iu‘l_he_nt1:iatie. rrivv.-din ilie-village oi Bu!-, . - -— . '_..1’o.nn<Iu.- at-.Woo1-' .- flew the’ Wiley TJi‘?s_tioes.l.':B'sniE “first anus. ms _Wuteis'sd.inii may run 1 ' - uut'cd.Oeqe£ iii Psirops. ’ , ‘.‘''..’i'h'e wxyv oi/tnnuzro'ssorc is hsxd.!‘?psr’-. ileum-ly the trey or those who ti'a"nsgras‘ the ordi‘nery‘o;nd‘ accepted -rules oi msrcs'ntiie‘llio,_ ‘sn'd'aiiii,mor’e onticnlxriy the my ,ot_‘ihose who trxnuttjess the financial commandment oi the bani: that mrmnm its moueyvou their bills oixlsdinr. irsrehmise ceriiiiestes or other busi- ncuipuper purpoaiingto-convey the dwnorrnip ‘oi goods. . - it was for e well-known citizen's mint 0! caution in regard to his dxisiluira with aiooei bunk that the Four court: yesterday noon tur- xnisued one more item with is “business his- tory" win. A prisoner was brought from out the‘ intro the presence 0! Judge Osdy. lair. John D. Johnson, tut counsel 101- the prisoner, ofiered b i Judge Curly. Liter some . , .- Accepting bell in the -$4200, with I. Mr. Brooks :1 security. "ém prisoner then drovooii. Attor- neys. Judge and spectators rapidly dispersed, sud nothing had been done or said that would throw any light on the xvenrincts or the transito- tiou-between the secured. and the Judge. The Juliet, who might be etippoegd IO know something. hnvlnz hsd the-mun in his custody, mu asked tor iniormstiou touching the an-cut and release on bond. ALI. ‘till! .'I.u'i.23 mixw . was that itvms minutiae oitue Peace onseboiore one 0! the '1‘u'uiiea, and that as he believed the chemo in the vvurruntwaa the rand luycenyoi. 60,000 pounds oi wool. The Ju ier didn't even know the prisoner’: name, and the deputies inside the jail who were questioned Knew scarcely as much until in the combined in- qullition oi Jailurh on an. the reporter it wise uuccrtuimsd thut t :e prisoner’: name was David Trolbcr. A misty roiercnce_ lo the Directory showed thutlir. Dnvid '1‘:-clbcr mu ll partner in tho iirm oi Bienenslou. Trainer .2 00.. commission merchants, oi No. me South second street. and that he lived It 703 North Jeiienou nivonue. A call at this last nmnuor simply proved that Mr. '1‘. did not live there. and the occupants could not any where he did live. inquiry tor Mr. iiienonniok allowed that he was not in the cur. Thus was the clan "No thoroughfare" qu cltly erect-ml in this direction over the sp- pronirh to 1 most enturi sminx item. The next cterze oi inve.-atinatlon showed that it was Justice B. .1’. Tuuiie, oi Eleventh and Frnuklln avenue who nnd lssuedtho warrant for the arrest oi in r.Trelbcr, and that it was his veteran Llonatnbie. Jae. J. iipeuididg. who had xum ‘rm: Atutmrr. The Directory sziid 31.1. ‘read’: lived at 918 El- iioteveuun. He probably dot.-s,when at home. but be was not st home yelsviorduy on either oi the two occasions that the re or-tor called. The Directory likewise in slilcd when it said that air. Constable Bpuuldlnx lived at 2:11’: I-‘renklin avenue. The reporter stave n vuiiunt by stander it quarter to hold his impu- tiuot steed. nod clsrnbered up udnrx might or claim, only to wring the icellnsra oi so u derly (iurnum iiuiy, when daughter, in bed. had to do the mixing for her, some client that air. epnuidiux used to live them, but bad gone away, A [active youth on the’ uidownllc said that Mr. Si-muiv.iiug’s wnshwoninn lived on '1’wu-nty-at-coml street. and could tell whom he lived. The reporter did not hunt on the wash- woman, but later in the nl ht, when too into [or any use, he learned t not Air. Ei|>uuidi_ng lmunted is luillowed spot which was either 9.629 Arsenal street or ‘&5f.’9 Gravols mud, hi: iniorin- lint did not Know which. it was with I greet sigh oi 3-ciiri thrit the re- porierlesrued that Since’ bntionni Detective Agency mm figured in the ease. Lie resolved to eotunxeml the agency [or its onurz ' and skill ii he could only got titisliomin niupc and with this inient firmly 11106 in his min he started to hunt up ~ Di:)'ltC‘i‘iVH A.i.nutr J. s'r_n.i~:ii. . 3li'.B!H¢:I at us not in his oiiloo. ‘line uircetory sold he lived on Locust sinvut, and once more tlxebluz-ciory told it most unbluabin falsehood. A bocond cull at the onicc oi the goncy was e-quail)‘ irultlcles as the (int. Finally A friend on the street gave the detective‘: address. The rup0x'l,u1' go! on it street our and went out in the vicinity oi Lulnyulte Park and ioumi Air. Eiillcl oi. house asleep. Alter uuiiiclont limo bud elapsed to nl~ low oi his in-rivinp: M’. it stew oi iuii conscious- ness. his bedwooin was cnrrlmi by storm and a variety oi qucritiouu Prnpounded. without clie- iilng any iuiormnt on whatever. hir. Stiles bad the unbiushiui: uiimiitcrry to remark that “he didn't give uwny his ‘patron’: busiuesn." "All right, ’ suggested t to reporter, "now give nwny ihc puron iiin’isteli.." "'.\'(>t it give away." said the sleeper. The reporter not out nnxrier lhnn s hornet. ii is:-cimd visit to this Your Courts gave the inuulsiior the ngme oi ‘nil: V' NATIOHAL BARK the wmccnting our: in the The sori e' called at the Liudell to see Mr. iluiimuu, the President oi this bank. The colored rter wasted ei ht minutes by the cloak climb up upvltl-till‘! to r. liuilnmtfn room with the :'s3pOi’iut"il curd. and or his return at the clerk‘: desk said: "The xx: illuxmin is notiu, sir." liemumberinx that Mr. Chester ii. Ktum was the nitnrne ' oi ihe Valley National, the NECOOI. ill Clflfio newspaper cud hunted up that gentlemen at lilil house, 2733 Wruhlngion avenue, A young Krum—nuutoulino—said the Judaic was notin. Mrs. Krum utid he had tzonetoblc oiiloe. em Olive. Tile oliloe was visited stud iound empty and dark. Arncn,ui-0 ihouziit he was Imsrt and wasn't, said Mr. Ti-cibor ilvcd utsiii Morgen. There tau‘: snysuoh number. The would-he inter- viewer called at 3l3l rind naked nicer the health oi every man wonzsn and’ child in the block, but ound no Mr. 11‘:-eibor. lioioaizotl inrabli, and that number is not on the sweet. He tried $341, and it was Ilu: house he wanted but Lin. Treibor mid iilr. Treiiu-r was with is nttornc . Air. Juliu- arm, st 80:) Thorns: street. [Th s we: about the heaviest oi the ruin storm.) Mr. Johnson was called on but was not home. lie was out Visiting with his wile at Air. Eimitlrs, on (Jnrrisun avenue. The buggy was headed for Mr. H|uiili'B. end there the searcher iound Mr. iixcimrd M. Jollnson—-it was John .D. Johmon the reporter wen mistakenly huntln inr--just snying "Good night." Mr. Richard oimson. oi Urlenial celebrity, and better known as "Dick." said he was ME. 'rxmnItn's COUNSEL, . in the sbaenne oi the Governor, meaning ex- Gov. Chan. 1’. Johnson. r'-'UhiiI‘H0_ was out oi town," and uenerul‘l{ left him ("luck") to nt~ (0iidC0i§Dl1l0ll§’{iy R air in his absence. Mr. Johnson doom t have as word to any noon: the mac. iurtluer than to abuse the Gi.on3-Dz:.uo- diuvr mm for is "revnriuting curiosity about other people business," but would go over with him to Mr/i‘riel:er's and tryto induce the! party to talk. The buggy pulled up in iron: oi Mr. fi‘rleber’s psiatlaimmulon. and an omcious policemen pmmpily came to the iron! and questioned lilo driver in to his buionxings, lot which he was lnrtly reprimanded by the nttornoy in the case. l’ Mr. Ti-inburniipesrod, but he had nothing to say. The trouble had been expected. and Gov. Johnson had advised him to nmke no stucrncnt wluitcvcr to anybody. linthoiwueu Mr. Tsiubcr and Air. Johnson mid ll puny or two who siutll be nameless-it being expllc tly understood that two more calls at Judxe 0. li. Ki-um’: house and another at his cities were equally iruiilese-—t.iio iollowlun iscie were Iiubetnntlniedz Tilt: Mars. ‘Thatihe house oi iiicnemxok, TflEbflT&c0o - l-uni‘. su! oomnlisainn merchants, dealt largely in wag] [ad hide». and luui bucked with the Valley National Bank. Tnuv weroln the habit oi uniting ndvpaicoe on hills oi hiding and warehouse race-pt.s.nnd wet-eaicemcd good on! miners. in some any or other the blink crime iotixe conclusion that there was something wrong with the firm. and Detective i-lilies went to work on the mailer. Aiseroonsidenblo in- vesirizxuion . tie discovered :ncts- which {untitled him in melting stmdsvit to be larceny oi 150,000 pounds oi wool, oi the value oi about $iil,0z)O. lilo iucis heiu tint certain vrsrehouoo receipts tor wool had on lint hypoibcceted with the Valley Nuiionul Blink and uivlnces obtsined on them. liter which the ‘nun oi Bieoonstolc, Treiber ll: Co. bad man ed to obtain . ssotelon oi the wool sud sell 6 toolbar purties,mon oi it being shiopodmzt or the Sula. The bank’: agents also trees.-d other pro ierty, pal-ticuiurtil s. lot oi hides, which hm ‘en soldsoJ. . A. 1VIin6i"rllii1 these were sought to be recovered by uteplevln suit Died in the Circuit Court on'lut. The broadest mnenient made on bah i oi the Prosecution is tint mo nun’: indebtedness sill exists. end that the assets oi iiieocnztols, Treiber 4200. are V 41.1. mm: ousmnmto. 'rmnm. however‘. is denied by the detenti- sm, Tn-lber, who suits be will, on his ennui» nation. route I series oi revolution: touoliiu tlnrnrm's trctmictionn with the bnnkvtbst wl lane 3 very aiiiorent huh on the whole naai~ r.‘ west’ Hmsiblilf uornuzt alas. it seems. however. ’tlmt the nrm had been dome business with thellhilcy liaiiomtillank ior over two years. durin which time they had obtained lows item that mtisution. occasion- ully amounting iron: 810,006 to 30,000. The best security was nicer: Riven. the ueymenin were rem 8. cm! the ‘tlrm rarely experienced our ‘limos U’ in obtaining what funds they need: . ' in order to get the opinion or the calam- oi the. bank as so lhO_ tiuencisl sledding oi Meson. iiiensnutnlc, Tniber & 00.. the re- Hni once more. in I hate hour, we itiu OM, Hr. kneel B. Iiofimsn, and Good Q E . :’§rl'ii'i’nt‘t'he‘I:indeii.‘ hr , ofivninnr-_-a ~'. .prnred,a.vuno- to. givin‘ an raxpinnntion oi. cur importance to. vsuxz-ent'_-tile? publioution or was sw.s:in ¢ieuui.».:;; ,. .. . _ . »— =."'1‘‘3ou_v.ttn¢hiheblnme for , , ‘ prov upon.- reeited-the incision: iriveu. 3 0 said that two sxoibe bitnlc _-oonelnded iepleee a. mun: it’ the goommiasiou ‘house to look altar‘ in inicresm, ‘and ‘Ioiected c.1renlicmnn- in"- ~“=ttle- employ of" Henri‘. -Bicnonntok; ‘rt-iebcr '&0o..'wbowu made (to undentsmd that ho- mbre-p:trtieuls'.riy=to keep it Tizggsnk‘ e . the property wnich neared the sink - or tome advunccd. ‘Ibis mun. nld lit-.._ lioiimnn. (osmium hlma, either became very negligent or heir ed h , trust. '.l‘licre- vrurno doubt‘ that use shipments -oi wool were mule: iroin the -house previous to the discovery oi their movcmentnvbieh was on use Thurs- lihr and Friday. A: to-bow-long the shivme-nu had been gain on or novzront iheywcre Mr. Eioli'rulin‘coel -"give no positive unwrcr. lie said the firm was indebted to the Vsiioy i~Tl.~ tionsi Bunk ior-loans amounting in the eggro~ gate to 510,000. or l2,030. 0! tnizi amount the bank would not _ ably not so much. lie oonsi the rim: had acted in-bud faith with its credit- ors, no he ielt instilled in causing '1‘riebar': lir- rcsi, he oeimg the only member oi the line in the citv. In unswerto the question what no- tiou it any. ho intendedto take against this con dentin: ngerit, he replied that it Wsl-lllldib clued. He intended to prosecute Treibor to the roll oxbcnt oi theiaw. not scrunch (or the bnrpoee oi recovering what loss the haul: might contain, usior with B View oi making an exnmpie of him. How the Arrest ‘Was Made. The wtrnnt in the urine was sworn out quite late on tinturdny night, and Mr. Treibcr being a small man not euily discoverable in It recess in the dark. I: was deemed beat to wait till morning beiore matting thosrrost. Tile house, 3341 Morgan. ‘us tberciom cereiuliy watched. both iron: and rear. till About "M30 it. :11. when the duienduut 3llOl'(0d liimsoli and was ur- restod by Constable Spuuldius. The oiileer on the bent who saw the wntohurl tells a very lean utory oi how no imagined there were burg srn "piping" the house. and how he watched expoeliug to . catch the parties in come over: not, but new-nothing to warrant arrest. Alter spnuldincc lied cap- liil‘¢d his man he was when to the onion oi’ the Stiles Detective A cnnv, on Filth and Olive. and iron: there to t a Four Courts. where coun- sel came to his rescue and gave bond. i-Ivory efion was made yesterday to suppress all mention oi the entire clue. but the nitcmp: was only ' partially succuasiui, us the above interview: will show. Possi- bly lurtlwr iniormntiou could have been obtained could the reporter have iound Judge Chester 1!. Krnm, but a call at tho ircritiemsrvu house about 1 st. to. showed that be had not yet reached home. Further developments in the case are ex- pcoied to-day. .......__?......_........... BUiCl'Dli35. Ended With Arsenic. Bmclsl Dlsmucu to the iilooi-.-Democrat. ~ NDRWALK. 0., September iii.-‘Min Anznnte. Wells. axed twenty-live, committed suicide n: the home 0! her parents, on Marshall street, sat night, by taking o_ne~buii an ounce oi arsenic, about 0:30 o'clock. She died at 3 o'clock this morning in great agony. No in- quest. will be held, its there is no doubt the rush act was premeditated, although its ounce is unknown. She purchased the nrscnio last evening, and wentimmodiueiy to bcd,leeviua part or her clothes and her Aw.--iry on. Alter her death a note tvriucn by er was found beneath the head oi her bed. uddrossed "My Dear alother." init me con~ icssed having taken poison, disposed oi her Jewel an other property. and gave dirocionu in to her iunctul, and urged her molhor to be em-eini in caring for the other children. This as near as we can lcurn,ia the substance 0 the note. The pg. rents oi the deceased reiuso to show the nnze. but any its contents may be mudo public alter the fnunernl oocurrin to-marrow iii‘. .‘2o'cioolr. Min weiishae rigurc prominently in several recent iocsi soendulxi. . «F .41 Bullet. in the Head. Bpeclni Dispuicb to the Globe-Duniocrsi. MIDISA. 0-. Beoioinber l9.——i-:. O. iionck. at tailor oi this ohtce. ieit his inmiiy on Friday morning with the intention, on he acid. 0! going: into the country to buy her. Bis body was ioond this morning in iiookv iiiver. two miles out oi Medina. with is bullet hole in his lcit temple; hie revolver in)‘ near him. it is doubtless n cueooi suicide,” he lied eticmpied it once before. -—-—--—--——o—————---— St. I’utrlck’s Fair. A number oi the loading members oi St. Patrick's Ifcrieii met last night at .-5:. Patrick‘: Hall to make preliminary arrangements ior the usual snnuel lair and icsiival lor the bcuciit oi the parish. Iiov.Jumos hicceiiioy presided and James J. IicGurry rioting in lioorelary. ‘Father Mciluflrey announced that it had been decided to hold the iesiivttl In thclanre hull oi the purlnh building, the evenings oi Tuesday, Wcdnucdny and Thursday, Octoocriil, ‘£0 and ‘ti. ‘rickets would be oniv 50 cents each. and in this would be the first siinlr oi the kind 0! the season, its well its the tint. hold in the nail slnoo [ll renovation, the result ought to‘ be pccuniariiy proiiiiible. The speaker then divided the psrish into uiucioen districts. to each oi which two mem- bers of the Parish were unsigned, with nity tickets to so I in each district. The iollowlnpr in-lies were appointed to ink: cburgo oi the various departments At the icir: Iuairoshment tables-—.\iiuo.s Mnuzie Green, Mary Guerin, Jessie l’J\lIiil01‘€, iiiury Cannon, Mary and Annie Smith, Nora Builivun. A. ' Bupper ieblos——-sic-sdiunes Den Sullivan. Cnl~ mun, James, iloylo. Mon-ismy nnd Woiii, and hlissse Mary Dolnn, Mnuuio Doyle, Joslo lin- imr, Maggie 'J.‘rlioy, Mary hiccurlny and Annie Donncliy. Wine teblec-hire. Kale ilullivnn and Minor Kittie. hike, Josie hpunonr, Marnie iiixlmrninpr, Mary Kelley, Mollie Uostello, Mannie Donovun and Mary Cummings. Iamonniig well-dilsscsllary J. liciialu,.‘:inry Lailv IY_Id huiie Doyle. Flower-stend—l1lsseo Mollie Ind Lizzie lini- iernun. Wiieei oi Fortune—liiiss Alice Miller. The Inentinu, alter the transaction oi some minor bnsiuusi, Adjourned. Gov. Phelps’ Visit. Gm)’. John 8. Phelps arrived in the cits‘ yes- terday sod is qulrmred It the Planters‘. iiy u pcculsr coincident Senator E‘. ii. Ooclzrell. Attorney General Ewing, Charley Mrlnsur, Democratic candidate for Congress in the Chillicothe District, and several other distin- guishod Democrats, arrived at the i‘io.utore' Home about the same time. Divlning that something oi gt.-uorul interest was on the Innis. IGIDDE-IJIIIOCIIAT reporter dimertoolr to in- terview: the Executive Denarunent, but iound /it so ni1no|utoi,t'¢!nuug(:d in an extremely social conlnb with Licut. Gov. Dorshoimor. Circuit Attorney Normilo, ex~8enntor Armstrong and two or three other dimiiturles, that he gun the attempt up in despair. It was naonruuued subsequently. bowuvur, shut the conicrenoe related to the atom canvass, and the Governor was simply on hand to niier an gnzntiunu. Senator ‘ocltrnil, iir. Munsur and leave on the early trains. willie Gov. Phelps ll expected to remain in the city severnl dnye. .........._.—...._>....___..._. r ice in the iflorth See. SAN i>‘nAi¢cieco,8epteorbcr 19.-Capt. Nelson. at the trading‘ schooner Western Home, which arrived yoetetdey,soventeen duya lrom Ainslie. eporied the Arciio relic! revenue cutter Thomas Corwiu lying at one oi the small ports unable to proceed on her voy- ena. ovrlniz to immense lions at ice which but her way. On t. Nelson iuriher says the 100 this yesrlitd 0 mod more dimcuitios to voyager: oi the Northern Ben. than had been known ior years. It has come down earlier than usual, and packs lhielu er. Tliem in hope, however, at the Corsvln helm: able to proceed in her search ior ilio Jeannette and the inissin wluslcrn 3 won as it break in the ice occurs. t is zener I believed by whnlerc who are laniiiiur wi it the peusgo to be taken by the Oorvrin. that wnenuvcrthe ice peeks and comes -in early in the nelson. A breslr occurs allowing vessels to proceed beiore the real cold weather hucotne on. - ' East‘. at. Louis. Brian iii: an Inn lodged in the police elation ute‘rdn7 )1 Deputy eiscriii iieaiy tor uic, cop mt. ;1‘n{ersin yesterday spoilt [several projected on as. . . _ D Omeor Kane on: men or description furnish-_ ed by Alex‘: the coiore men, who was robbed tisturd y night, yesterday arrested Patrick uinnu the robber. Itiu listed that when to was attacked by Quinn and his compen- ionn e resisted and would luvs been =ncooss« lei in driving on his Iissniinntc had not" some 2:‘.€.‘i.°'.i°""'ia-’“."‘.o‘““"‘ """§$l’.§.".:‘ ‘ii. ‘:5. are an own . o us than openly boasted yestengxey slumber helped -‘Quinn it) evade urns. _ . ' ‘ man shoals conch emulation. and ‘de- cline prevented by lelifiiitteru. .muue’nj.»bn',the~¢:oun_ tmitit.sru not;.or'suni-“ \ —nuc.“- are re owed his place to the bunk, n.nd- sun there}- ’ye'upen* ‘ r. l*‘.‘vring..¢ , '-ruin;-undue lin!ni“ up-robe. id , 0 . V° .!‘31\h»i.>¥.=FH<.=i Q‘-tiion.-. . , , 'yoa.rn oi'u:9'.' residing nit No. we 1':uion'nve~ . portedubcinx injury destitute clraumstnnces. ~ . .xmr.x Bl.l‘iil’dfly.1'nn‘rn_Ii’i$! Louis Iountr. Sin- lored. at .E1n§‘nisnvJ.I"erit'iwoi1 at 00. 't Machine ‘ ‘ho . caught ls'hs.x-id innco -wheel.‘ Result, .3: r. Reilly says‘. one an .r on and soother ‘.W!N.\.I'.lii‘ prospects oi nee leg amputation. r‘- Amx iuxxznr. ‘s workman iu the cooper- shop on can street. between Picotxe Ind ‘1‘rudeuu,.vrh ie piliercflstevu esterdstv morn- ing we: injured by the entire t er-fuiiingmupon him. He received udoco and painful cost: in the lei: lea. ' ' « - Tim 3 ml: at the suburban lice cm- tionq comp sinoa ostly ycsterdnyo the sine- born manner in w rich their telesrnph immi- ' manta worked. 1‘ne¥’cmr-in and I-‘imi and their cubs appeared to be wholly without telegraphic connection. . Dtitrz, the butcher who was stabbed early Sunday mornin . is still ivinstbetwecu lilo and death. Iii! con itiou is almost hopeless. i?.nhl~ man is still eoniiucd In tho Mallard Street PO- lice Station. being held to umiit the result 0! .Dieiz'e injuries. mun nnnunl meclln oi the United Hebrew Gomzreuuiion takes :1 nice at himmoie Hall, on Sundu. next,‘1or the» purpose 0! election 01- ancers or the enneiuglenu. The Con rcziition oi B’nni I-Ii. aleo meets in annual use on next Sunday aiternoon. Tint postal clerks on ‘ten iron Mannie 1: Bond report that 3. number oi enterprising cit one 0! Little noel: are makin arrangement: to char- teraspeoiultrnin on i at road to Iccommo- unto about too person: who intend visiting St. Louis during Fair week. Arrxn sitondinxebeli in Otirondeiot. Jim Williams. v. negro. living at Eighth and spruce streets visited the Dlspena ry nbnut 2o'elock yesterday morning to her Ix iour-inch aonlp wound dressed. some one at the bell had hit him over the head with it skillet. Tn: Fair Grounds were opened to visitors yestox-dny,but no indies or chliiir:-ti nvuiiod iiiumseivoe oi the opportunity oi making the regular weekly inispuotion oi the ourimiiiics oi’ the 200-200. The ruin iniiod to keep nway tho sterner sex. many oi whom were recent and ionnd enfiouyineul. around the tn ion in the House oi hlie Comfort. April some or the temnstcrs oi this city and East St. Louis formed ilicnneives inm nn orznnixntion with the rather long mime oi he "Teemateru' 1’:-otcctlvc Union’ Aid 804.-let. ." Yesterday‘ afternoon they hold iimirlnut mout- inu, in Stolie’e linll. ilxirtecnmcmbernpresent. Alter considerable srrzumunt they come to the conclusion that they would mind up the nifnirs oi lhe eoclety by then and there dividing the mode rcmsinln rid the treasury (£45) equally among ti cm. he nrllcers oi the now dc-iunct organize ion saw that this plnu was carried out. The ' were: iiiichuci Welsh, I'rosi('ie«.nt; Micheal (erect). liecording Secretory; I-‘rank lilc Luughiin, Treluitrer. ‘ Jo): WAITB, e-young men sbeuteo cars oi age, crime to the ’i’hird liluriet Slut on ntli o'eiock but night with a bruise iiboui. the size 01 u walnut over one eye end his idea mid clothes covered with mud. lie waiuted Jim linwrmy nrronled. Watts‘ story wns, ihntiie was sitting quietly nunr Brondvmy nni1Aelliey street. when Downey came along end":-at on" him. Wntic objected. when Ilowney re- peated the pcrlormzsuce nnd concluded by ihrowingdoo out in the street and kicking him in the eye. The complainant mu seriously dlsnppoiott-cl when told mm a. warrnut would have to be obtained. and that nothing could be done before morning. Jscou OABXIHKYER and Mrs. Boner Finns emnoiuto the Third District Stpuion nbout no o'clock int night‘ escorted by n couple nl pn- iroiemon. hire. iinnt muss smilln and oily looking as ever and giggled like it s ooi girl. Jncob rule couple oi scalp wounds, mm oi which exposed the bone, and his ciotbiruz was stnenred with blood iron: bend to loot. lie olnimed to have been transacting some busi- ness with one oi Airs. Plant’: boarders. when the wolnuninlcricrcd by liming him over the head with something he described as "about is foot long, with it big: knob on the end 0! ii." Iliinr the panics luui pruiered cross-cimrges, Ocsiimeycr-'u hand was dressed and he wins loaned up. Mrs. I'ln.nt was bailed out by her buubunri. Tiitziu: is much uncertainty nnd some diapuie in Lisbon over the uuthcnticlty oi the bones in the Cnmoens mtrcophtuzus which lie: in 'tue Church or the Jcrony-mime. 91.01115 3‘l‘Aiil.4l.. 5'1‘. Luillis is‘I'luiI.t".. Iltnnd 1!: N . sixth :1. no And on N llthu. LOUIS C. 120HLE’S I..ivor;v and I I 0 nrd in :2 k§3l‘n.b1es. r" 111?: lincsl Corrine: in ms City furnished etlowcz prices this) Any other rltqsbiu. -Purly ca.lls..........Sa0o huurilsiis. .....ssna imiiiux. lsthoru-.... l lid. All succeeding 5.. no <.’.In'iIilesior P‘uucuia..................... .... W) ..... ...................... ................ W3 ;).ouguo§ Llie llemnienes. Bpecisi siteniloo sivlnio lull . UNDERTAI£EI?{. I luvs opened so Undevulter Estsbilsninent in connection with my ‘chalet. and am prepared to inr- nish Fuuersis with the best quality oi goods. llcillllo Cues and Collins constant! on hand at low vrices. Also 1 sun supply 0! mil u n uppermo- lnl lo Funerals. Lollifil C. B01110. Globe mid St. Louis gtnblee. ELWOOD’S LETTER F I LE IS NEEDED IN EVERY OFFICE. Bui1.i13apr_s_i1g&co. JENi{EN8—1'um rni services of W. F. Jeniecnn. son-in-law oi James 0. Essex. will inko plnce ll (fins. tcnsry 3!. 15. Church io-day st 2 o'clock p. m.: thence to lheilcionislnc. Friends invited to sitrnd. _)iO0liE—iiichsr<i Moore. .dla.-ii, Sctiiciuber 19. Funerni will take place Mondny. Sept. :3. at 2 n. m.. irom his late residence on Florence avenue. north oi Bi. Chu-lu Itock Itond. Friends ue n.-speeixuliy invilcii. ELISA MOORE, wire. ROG!-3i'L%-—‘siurd:y. flcpicmhcr I5. IP60. at his risi- donce. 201': Ulrlsiou I-ireo.-I.. R’. W. itogttrl. sued bti ycsrl. III!!!‘ I llugrrinr illness. Funeral Monday. September ‘)0. {mm mm Division st.. At ilztiil o'clock. Fri:-nus oi the family invifcd. ii‘i'I-:'1".l‘ii—0u iiunciar. 84.-member 19. mi 7:30 1. m., Clurlns iiiciin. at his residence, 812 Muriel sircui. In the mu year at his use. The tunnel will ink-1 place Touiiny, st 9 s. in. hicudn are reapcctiuily invlied Io aucmi. MILS. MARIE S'l‘l:3'i"’I‘:l sud children. Fl NERAL NOTICE. TlU.‘<'TlSGT(lN-—Fuucral oi Air. sud Mrs. N. Huntington‘: child will isle plum Sopietiuixcrwili. cl. 2 p. in.. iron: 14:3 iioriii Ninili street. Levison'& Blythe Stationery Co. i S'1*A'r1.oN:ieRY, .In.sN:K BUDKS AND Pii.IN‘i‘lNG, 2:9 ouve smear. . THE OCTOBER SCRIBNER. A liuniim of Grant Zuslisncs, Completing tits Tenth Your of Scribner’: Monthly. it wu said or the em pert oi the lite oi Jean Francois Millet. which spy-esrcd in the September Sciuernm. that “nothing liner has been seen in nu American msguluo." The second pm. not less in. ncoompmicd with illustrations repro~ ducing. by French process. more of ifillevs muicrly sketches. The number oouininsspnper by Sidney Lsnieron , TEE HEW SOUTH; ,. so srticie, richly iliruintcd by "Burns and others, on "1’orpul.u-8isootIu5"; I paper by ii. 0. Banner drscrlbimr "islsnntytown" in the upper district or law York, with sketches by Blurn, Lungron. iibirhtw sud oihen. I-Lev. Wuhicxtou Gladden ceniribuies I vtiusbic poliilui uilcie. "TO BOLT OR 30'!‘ ‘IO BOLT": Psrii.oi' Iir. Bcbuyict-‘J "Enter an Great" is" Itil.|hld,00V0flt|§ the uriviiio oi Peter. Bunuol Pawns, In. zlvo: some useful hints as to‘ “Seaside Lttwn Planting-3" "Ono Hundred Miles in mammoth Cave" is described with lliuslrstlaus. end then islsuuuilon as to "A Fmo Lending Library (or Nsw term" Phillis Bourke Mouton eoninbuiu a bright short siofli, "rho Grandiuiuus" is eulsiml. and than an other cr- dclcs, with poems". full editorial aepnmnoisis, «in-. sin. The number I110 eonuinsihc ,.. pectuilor the coming year. y-. ling nuiuy untuusliy aiitccilvo iuieruie be soon published. ‘ ‘ rm It untoriar sale everywhere. ‘ scimisnz as oo.. my Ierie 4 .sceIr.ossmo°s.&e . v._' ~ .. , , j _ . _, , . . - j ' V . your. .‘.1ies.!i'v:no;x!s=duogurerwssnmnxvhoiamn. _ '-~‘ V v~ ' . ‘I Barrie"-"Overrun with ~-'.W.1I.t87-I50.\‘A-..'5ehitemher1’~t41fi!T9..K :5 I ‘..0-shofiep-°?9=°°1!W=!°t?=°!:=I*?'?I*?F°4 s*h*°*= ‘W’ '“"‘-"’“""" * ‘“-‘° “""'““"§"u§§ ‘ “$05 R“""-°“"'”‘ $‘‘'?‘_’‘'. t . i v °*°*°**lv‘"*'*’****“i’“.“'*l*°°“'t1l”°‘.': ".3; r . r . é*“sr.2::*:.*s...........;...,............... ‘3:;=:*.::.::°~?—9£%#=° =9» .w*=~*.° .6_W=.* §,u<g;«;e;;,=.=;g;r=;;g=,;t;;,gerchanm — ' ‘ ' ’ V ' 1 n'x'1:iilr*_i<?" iWl19'¢’,2""&.'»D""’_‘°'3.7‘-"_"!“'_."“‘?‘.' " " _' .. _ ., _. g .. _, _ ' " ', cu-ie.si_i-,eeueiiybismehi_o "ssid1ir..1Ieiimsn.'- _. £,:u,",:, E; "Va"! ii it consists" —. " 7 " '— - '"- I - «. 5 ' ’- ' inure‘:-.o':‘.o:v.t.s' building,‘ ui(i- horned yilarrcs '/The Dispute _Bein'g_*'l5_0 000 ‘ =;h\_fIil‘;<&t:nn;!;§;§s‘;fi; is“ “Q ;”‘-tr‘. .“o'u. -wile oo*:ou-3:: s;§ams§&:.u3ugnwr as '8I1«t‘<:‘s:tt $2: . iiMonday,nsve’pt~20th; j'iYe will otter nt'our ‘citicsroom. a ‘large ?-ikue o_£.2Dry" Goods, _Notion's and Fu isliing Goods, consisting of it fine assortment of Dress Goods. Caehmerps. Aiimcne, Table Linens, Sheet-log. -Cambric, Tow- els._Napi<'im;, Sue‘ coders, Hosiery, Blankets. Umbra; ins, etc., etc. Sale will commence, at 0:30 o’ciock aim. aim . ~ ~ SCIIL SS BROS. & C0. 11!. STERN, Auctioneer. Grand Clothing Sale TUESDAY, September 2_1,wo will offer at our Snicsrooms, commencing 9:30 o'clock sharp,‘ in In e assorimeni oi lion's, Boys’ and You its’ Custom-niudo Clothing amounting to upwards of $80,- 000, an comprising 0vercoats,, Sells, sets and single pieces, in Doeskimcloih, Beaver Cnssimcres, Cheviot, Snilnei, Flannel, Melton, Chinchilla, etc. iiuving positive instructions from our consignors to close out above goods trilli- ont limit or reserve, the sale will be per- emptory. , ‘At the slime time and lnce we will at- icrf vriilieni. reserve cases 3Sen’s Boys’ and Children's little.‘ just received direct irotn ilio best of Eastern Manufac- turers and consisilngjoi ibeiaiest1«‘uil and Winter Styles. SUIILOSS Bliils. &'CO. H. B‘1‘EliN'. Auctioneer. BOOTS, SHOES AND BBOGANS. VVcdno.sdos'.' September 22. we eimii offcnut 0:30 o’clncir sharp, rt first-cin:-is layout of prime fresh mud scnsomiblo Boots, Shoes mid Bro nus, just received from some of t a host mzuiutnctnrors in the country, nonmrisim: full linear or every st. '10 ifilld variety known to {be int c and too numerous to do- scrlbc. All samples will be sold. regardless of invoice prices, and dupiicateti freely. ' SOEILOSS BROS. -S2 C0; hi. STEIIN, Auctioneer. BROLASKI & VOORHIS, Genet.-ni '\Auci;ionce'rs, 514 Pine. Specai sides oi Groceries. sxlouc and Furniture music at short notice. &iDANlEL LINCOLN & C0.. Fl‘G1.‘P-|:5(!iLfl 1'0 FAULKNER. MILLARD & CO., ‘I iiifii-Iithi. AUi.'i'i0l\'i'.‘l-1118 in-1 cull.-\ii.\iSi0hi ' lil£l£Uki.iLN'.i‘z5. .\u. 619 sud Mi N. Fourth st. LiANl.i£i. L.l.\i.'0i.2~‘. Auctioneer- W. 1-1. iiiuiiiinrv & son, Wholesale Auction and Job Lot Dealers, 510 Wnsblngtoin Avenue (Red Brunt). Goods or every description for C131! oniv. Aucilom ten’ and pcd-lieu‘ supplies slpccluliy. Price Lists tarnished on sppilcuuian. _ .. .. . __ f.".‘..§’..‘f..E‘._E..._“,I§.:_... POPE’S I UNCLE-TOM’S CABIN. JliONDA\'. .~..i-:i”I‘i-l5li3i:R ‘:0. Prices 25, 35 and 50 cents. Two ncrlonnancc-.s usllr. Mniluccn oven‘ nil:-moon at 9. Every evening at 8. REAL 3: iiil‘.Al‘l-Zli‘S A UNCLE ’].‘OEiI’S CAiI-3I1‘I. Dom. Donkey and large bun! oi Juvenile Singers. Remember! Maiinees Every Day! Li0.\'i)A‘i'. Seplaixllnir 27-100 Iironx-llsvcrirs Genuine Culorvd lllmtroll. OLYMPIC THEATER. MONDAX‘. Scpicxuner :0-every evening during the week, sud bliuniny Muiilieo, GUS. VVIIJIJIAMS’ IN “ OUR GERJIAN SENATOR.” l\‘cxiweek—-.\ir. .1. n. roi.K—~-s’o1:.\"r1.x-zusn mun NI-;\'.\l).\." GRAND OPERA HOUSE. Un week oniy.conum-uc- Mutlnvcn Wulncvday end i g Sun-iny. fir I. I9. niuuiay. i NI ‘ ROBERTS’ HUM PTV‘-DUM PTY' I Alidlgoinhio Ei cialir (.'0i'II[IIl),\'. 3 Three Glow 3. The Shell C.-lneduuund Vocalisi. COO]. livliiilfili. . Tim licnuilml (.’oliuub no. MISS .l.. '1‘ 1- (iruceiuxl li:rlu~quln.l5|i.\S. ll.\lili\' i.l’..‘il.iE. Hit! lit-rout Ninxnr: ‘Hominy. Bepicmber :.'s.—J. K. l.'.iK1ii‘i€l,|Il his new iI')il‘i"I.. MlTCHELL’S THEATRE COMIOUE Pine street. heir:-en Third and Fourth. Sunday. in iionibri‘ i'J. iilill. Matinee and Nlziit. Msiineu Hum xi’. \\_'r-i_u(-sdny and tisiurdny. lip. on Til}: 0 'l-'.2~l.‘wli Or I'll}: Sl—:J\S02~. A Most Pronounced and lirllliant iiucceiu. Never before In the history at the hinge has there comm: mod in one ihozicr such a vast array of supe- rtenm .-ill. Thlriy I-‘Ir.-ii-(JIM: sum. PICKWICK THEATER, Wmzhingion and Jefferson Area. MORTIMEWS MYSTERIES 1; Monday I-Ive... September 27. SOCIETY NOTICES. ’ g i.fil:l8 (Tm-i.\i.\Niil<iii’. NO. l.-K.‘i‘.—- _ ’ i. . uni run.-mbly this (.\lomlay) evening. '. int 3 o‘ciuck. E. ii. COFFIN, E. C. I’iiAi.i.. Recorilor. ~ . V_ ED cmnuiuuiuuon ui (turner stone f3.".i.<nigt-. .\o.2r£i. Ii. i‘. am . . . .. V be held Ibi» (.\ionvlay)ni B p. in. \Vark,|u tile ii. 3!. degree. slumber: and viillimz brethren Irv: internully lnvltcvl io nllcud. iiv i|i’iI\‘T of line W. N. 8'i"A.\ii'l:‘Elt. snc'y. au- 23:‘ E‘ A Si’|iAL'i‘UM ’i'iI.E3-ii‘or paving tirlatvaiks car- riaxa homes. but.-menu. iurewerieo. vceliars. Tilt“! illcs no unuie oi pure Triulciud Anphallmn and crusbml stone. iiiomuxhly Imeorpuruied imtcilicr while but sud oomnretseii imo shape by manual pow- criuiinsclzlnerv. .l‘her no 8 inches squcru sud 2}; inches thick. They are laid on non. the suur. no brick. nmiiho cost at line psvcuucnt is buiiilliemoroibut brick or owiinsrr concrcia. They are solid. line. dur- Ibin. waier-proof. r:i- vrooi and absolutely unntiei-.1» ed in heat. cold or met. Ooulrncloru and pun.-rs supni no will: the tiles delivered at my past oi ibe city, or cstimstes tor the psvcuu.-ni. isld comp etc will hmiurniibeduii nu» )I|(‘.\iliIil. iiauuyii-.1 unit when re- quested. _ .ASi’ii l..TU3i Pfiiiéi. U ili.i)i.‘K Co.. North Third street. no i he BOUGHT AND SOLO ON COMMISSION. _ MAXWELL BROS, 1:01:31: 42 MULE iIARK.ET, I422 and I424 Broadway. GARTSIDE GOAL COMPANY _nr:si.t-.'ns IN Alma, tame and Bit liuiiiiioal, 213 Chest-nut. Street. , Merchandise for Exc'imnge- Ihnve for ueluuspa Two thmrired 7honnud.i)ol- mlzrorila oiliiupie Nerclu due, All vilioiculo cm} ' 1. utggm’ A full assortment of i3%.- "'13". for text Ci?!‘- o. _' -«n':’érlhu'z:a§;‘. . . :. j A i c. A...CO0P.E_1t. thin‘ day! every suturing,‘ ' . D_z:I>eiIriII&Qntloggfl.y’¢'a‘o_di,sisk‘'IIiIt. put at uni. 'orient.i.uctfon;iiald;ofj$ii0 1‘ 01'!!! or: lliamonds, riifaic es :_ ‘C1°°k8.'-Bronzes‘&i§'ln'eJewe ‘O . The old and 1-ciinhio“lrouee'.oi_ .. mfli.--5nd:1i)v§hNr§d?1geB§§'l stock. therefore otters at‘ auction‘... for 10 days, selections from; tho- 1:ian<is.omesi; ' and , best-selected‘ lines of line goode ct-or offered at 3 Pubiidsalc. ’ . . This is. no bunkru c sate,--but g...‘ " absolute sale to ‘re: new stock, as 5' statcd.- Goods open for inspection (ram 9‘ :1. gm. to,6p. m. yeachday. Money rctunded .I,in'..evc1-y instance ‘A where goodeare not strictly as rep. _ 1-csoxi’tcd;"a.nd for convenience oi .: those, who can not 'atten<1"by any, the one on sales will be run in . evcnim. onl , opening at above number Mom ny.» Sept. 20, at»7:30 o’ciock p. 111.. continuing; at some hour each any for 10 days. A. COOPER, Ownczu. , T’ O. BLOCK, TJZLEIE at C0.,ui_uciie2mcrs. POLICE SALE. Special Auction: Sale. Oi all Unclaimed Property new in Hands. " of St. Louis Police Department. On Wednesday, Sep-: iember 22, , nrexmixxa AT 10 0’CLO_CK, We willseil at ourslorc, Ii: sud ill Pine street. ‘for account of Police l'tcp.-iruucut, an immense n.u:uiuu~ iationoi unclaimed properly. consisting oi Wni.chcs,'1‘ruuks, Clothing, Boois,Shocs' ilarncss, Jewelry, Pistols. Guns, bloc-ks, Pictures, Silverware, Furni- ture, eic., etc. Terms Cash. BLO(IK,'TYLEIl. & C0., Aiictlrii. CABPETS. We will in it few days announce an iunncme bank- rupt snlo oi Cnrpcu. counlsllng oi Ex Supcrs. Tspcsty, Body Brussels. licxnps. Cotton Ch.-sins. Wool ruu.;',.., \'cocu&nI. Wool iuxnins. etc. Bcc p.:r1.icul:rs lntcr. BLOCK. TYLER & C0. At Private Sale, Second Floor, Elcxun: sn-I mc<lIum in ruiiure.otilce clocks and chairs. book cues. rior um! cinmber sulia. ryliuder book cams. table . niaurcm.-s. sprlnm. pier sud menial mirrors, all new and -ii best make: ll nrl*:('.~1 lo Jmuiy an Cull buyerl. BLOCK. ruzu. A co. Buggies and Buggy Iizu-noes. Wu have. us: private ule ottlr. Timlu-n‘s improved spring side-bur mrxles Ind doctors‘ phuzioue. oi the. wry best guaranteed work. 12.‘; in 5 iii»). lion‘: i.i:iltlmorc mil:-tanned leuiu-r mg;-y hamess, $116! up. see their goods bcn-re -on_bu\-._ ‘ _ Bi. Ch. 4’) LEW. .2 00.. 412 and iii Pine Ii. Chromos to the Trade Only. We claim to be wholeulc heed: usrlers ior best Icieciiona cringe r-ire. gilhiralnu c rumor b.C0fi in nioclnpsrlsed in crates M20 ouch asserted; pnccs lI‘l(‘|illt'd sccunilur io qusuiiiy. sublccis: mud- Icspcs. Mu-lue.i-ruiu. air. _ BLOCK. ‘i‘Yl.F:il .kCO.. ii‘: and ill Pine strcel. BLOCK, ' DEAN & C0 General A- " ‘ta and I‘ ' ' Mu. Nos. ll.’-, iii. ii). l'.i1:udi'z3. earner Filth and menu. xecoud xloof. \\'AL‘i'l!It P!.?\'.\'ll'.i.. Auctioneer. Pins Pcrcmptory Trude Sale of Over 3,000 Lute Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, .Fuxmishing Goods, Hats and Caps, cic. '.i'UF.Si).\Y. September 21. commeueln’x at 9:30 o‘:-loci.‘ prouxpi, we wlliscliit) iho trade. in lots to mmeul pzccc.-an m.usImercs.]cAm am! cum.-n.i.'em silica‘ and misses‘ clnnitmwo dozen tell and ceisimcre skirt». W3 dozen gents‘ iutcy rhiriJ.620 dozen L. B. shirts. 1.11) min brawn. gray. blue and while wool bisniaci.s.‘m0 pairs fine Isa.-e ourisiuv, 50 pieces Nailing- bnm incc. 800 dozen lsoc tliilus. 2ic:ut¢sumiu-ellss. ruining: and im.-.iTnnnc« isrc. coiniortl. quilts. cov- erleu. lsillca‘ and misses‘ sluwlu. exin size mgilgtu wool Jackets. nu:-ins. LIN dozen umricd indies. mines‘ and children‘: hosiery. gents‘ socks. cic., W lnu gents’ tics. suri-' Ind sill: lundkcrcbieisioodoxcn boys'; youths" and men's mupcndcra. we dozen imlicrs, cuilcry. silr('r- uied knives. lurks Ind spoon-, wuluzcn xvi ins. ‘ gm-5 isnisiion combs. indies‘ buck ciimb , clc., 50 lo I cnilimiilc 1 IN duzen ii.snm~l and i‘.'u.\1ilii!i'd nvrrshirti. Li0J nun lmiics‘, Kenn‘ and children‘: niilrls nud drawers. ‘I00 dozrn nssarieu glow‘: lild linndkcrchicis. towels. collars. a.uo gr-nan drcu buttons, 0.0 down useried lute and cups, tie. BLOCK, DEAN & C0. 0. J. LEWIS & CO.', 417 NORTH FIFTH S'l‘REl'I'l‘, General Auciloneersér Commission hiercimnix S-Ir -is.ys—-'l.‘ueulxy. \i'-uiucuisy. 'l'ilumia . Friday. Agenurll usortmeot oi woods siucvsst or uiuals. Second Auction Trade Salel r Boots and Shoes._ TUESDAY, September 21, no 0:30 n. m.. we shall sell in this solo on nssorimeutof first-clnsgiioote and Shoes, complete in every va- riety nccdcd'by the closest cash — buyers for city and comxtry trudc. Our present receipts in- clude lurgo lots of the very finest goods. Also, lines oi? the best staple Boots and Shoes. ALL CONSIGNEI) GOODS. Our stock is the lurgeni: nntl most": complete over offered at public Hitlc in St. Loos, and worthy the attention of cyery llvc merchant. O. J. LEWIS & CO. WEi)1\'i§SDAY 8: TLIURSDAY, Sept. 22d and 23:}. Great; Two Days’ Auction Sulo. Wednesday's sale will bemn promptly at 9 o‘ciocl r ,.» with ciiy retail stock of Pine lieu; lilo. l,i.€0 dorm - regular ilsis |u1lCeps; hill) do: Lldlvs‘ Clocks: ‘M00 dox l..uiies‘ and Ilisze.‘ Knit Goods in Uiiicro. Conic. Surfs. Nubian. eic.i li.w0 don .\ieu‘r. Women‘: sud Children‘: Hose. Prim», Chevims. (llngmunt; News the Cuslmcrca lnr lallors: l.0O.l pea lismburgag largo lieu Late». Lace (locals. Ladies‘ Underwear: iii cues ' Blilris sud Druvcnx 100 «I It (.'m.ilg:m; iioodez White iéhlrisz 10.‘! dos I-‘inn Sill u 100 carinn: silk sud Bsiiu Blbbom; we do: liuspéutlcut 1.000 grim l‘nri Bei- ions; Dress uoods. Fil.uncII.L1nscys. Jeans. gener Noiiom, tic. - In Wednesday's uie, at 12 o'clock. wiiiuil 200 Rolls Carpets. /» 200 Rolls Floor 011 Cloth. _ no will be me hcilllnfl or’ Csrpsu use on moan our sold siysticiion in this market. . Tuundny, at H o‘clo<k, will NH 2,000 Don Table Cutlery. 1.000 Dozfocixet Cutlery. Best English sud American man. 0. J. LEWIS is co. .- J 0_li_Ny R. :SCi_)TTa‘3 _ _G}é.ne;t‘_‘a1V-:V .Auotibné'e - No.‘ 811 Washington Avenue. filer .i.i.ili‘b&.'iouid ..’..*;*..‘:*.,..:*.*::..‘;*:.:' a....'iii'i..:”... ‘V ,.'.. -,'W.h.'C..l:3lT£l.'.&- A .‘ . P‘...:F..A,-KEtEHEB~&.-.C0.. *- B;A.N,B2ERSj. arid: _ '3(>l!S;0l1vo St.',"8_i:.2I.ou1x. Defaulted 30. _ . . . . . Gmd lfl\‘.¢¥1!fl¢'lt:5°¢llf!tle5,f0r.=ale- ,l_pney’la1'.oau.—: "‘ ‘ ‘ n*is':li,1maa» [ad was uu's'nb1ie on yumm- 3M»dtI'bt1lI1lt and loin on suuxlm in "New Turn. _ iLlA:i'§'t:Z‘I.tiiul: real canto in aims to stiff} it 1.0115’?-" "5 ‘ at lnturcu-i'and’_I>uIi or WYmh_ y . y 1 _ S. D. PORTER '81: God‘ 1 ' _ ' T acnjx. xxxutlt-vketk u. 1:. \§’_2'.Bi:l2... 0. LI'].“I‘LE82:—GO» ‘ 1 B:-nlzei-s iihd Brokers. ‘V £13‘-N’. Third Sweat St. Louis. . I _ , -leuullomia. §‘mEnl.y rmu-‘la. l Munlclgll Bozw. » limo»: nouns. , Town :1 lumnv. .Nbm- sufdufluu ductlpdou. _ in CI 1)! 6 Oil * - ' ap.-cu: -lnmauon ‘xiwu lo".:sccurlucs.rl:nliiun:.Llis Now York block v_.x:lu-x£¢o- _ ‘FINANCIAL.- Sr. Lmm, Sun:-day. fsanlumber 18. The steady lncroullo 0| bunk clout-mg: _ln 5:. Il;.ooi:_;iurins the pan: smnmor onus?!-|'0‘1Vml {suit year is as pretty iulr mr.-alluru oi an increase In the banking bnsillcna which prnmlzwn to glvc sour bank}. will Llmy on do for the rust oi tho -5-gm-. ‘file-bunks, huwqver. are in guod cunnil- ’ iron to rm-at any dcmumlu on them. and H1’? H1 clouu in lzulsinuss will have Ibo added E_.§I'll.I:1fl- éniiun nine: u8.l.lllllz any gxcoaalvo §lrlnl§cn¢)’- :1-0.51;; mu been clmrncwrlzoa by n incl)’ bnninouu. Dkacnuuul now an 8 pfir can: on innit notes. and not much lower on any pnpcr. Elm noel: marker was lnrilvo. 5:. Louis has-Jul: in- vonllud huavlly in vcsu.-n1<ly'a decline. Locul "nacho flmz and in dlmmnd. New York ISI- chanxo ‘:5 cont: 0031 discount between l>:m'E:I. 1:. 1:. .11’. nun. nu North Third. sum. tlwtel iorcigzil cmchmlgoz ' -rrirrlu: bankers‘ isLerlllin:,«l.ii|l!«{lN.f>3,‘.’: com- !n6i‘<:iIJl’-19-L‘ll\}'lIt&'rllll|{, l.':1?)(<N.B0: commer- olu. dcmund. vim.-ling. i.z'2}{-iM.&‘l,\'; commer- du, ¢;o.du,-g_ gmucu,::.&};;cumn:cl-clsll. mm“ ._1_ mm;-,5, 5.-2'7_\;-a.-5.. 3 rommercizil, Gil- dxy1..tcil:lnu marks. lvTv.’s’@95!>o'i °°m"“-"‘\""11- ucmilml. lJ‘.l}£C$'.‘i; coxnnmI"-'lu'- °°-dM‘-- 11"‘-“'* ex: and norms. 59.‘l~a'fli‘-‘.‘5- blllrltfl II£‘l1'-|)'- ' Locu. Quo'n.rl'lo.'<a. Lucnlqnlnznllonn curuwwd dull? 1%’ |’- 1'- liclulmr 5:00.. banker: and urulzuru. 305 UNV0 urecl, 55. Louis. Mo. n'lA7':-'- an-hm Rsl. mi:..:_:_ij:i’stcd.*ooug'l_:t arid sol}§.J --. . . .. .‘Drafl:.on_f-llfdpe-"l$o¢l‘ "111" 5nd :old.~ ’ "“M_’0I1e‘y‘ Ito-.I.oa.11i,.-:l.f .18-‘l9.— 2 €‘.¢f°.*:.f'..?.-.»* .!s‘x;_oo..-.-. argon: H .' ‘ 1- u-$5. -u- . . :{§..2f:' flu-:.Ju1rI ‘Vulcan Sibel Um.‘ ..;. _ Apriilllocll _ Kbpgiiocguégaa f 1 _ .Il’on‘a§y§’l:z“8u'1'vIorlt_..v 7 . ,. _. .z_u‘xw. _.1'on.’vx'. 's§puunl5ar_' 11!.’-llunoy '_':lc3_;t 2 r;oi1t.': - Priuxo 'inor_\':a'1§:llc ‘vapor ,&);'35X. '1 Blar- Ifna mt ‘ .. I uflghfl ‘sfix. _'.~ ‘ _ ~ 1\'wvv'-York .5:-wk Miziooc. . How strong.’ jllnllroad bond: madgrntciy active. Slate oocuritlcn steady. -Syluulrfmnxlccz upsnod 11rm,nud in end: .doalings_ guncrfl 11:: ‘ad- Vancovi K to 1 nor cent"; _ but aubscqnomly de- l mined-M to ix. Went--tn Unio_n'a'mi Iron Moon-“ niu allowing muse wv.-ulnww; Ilunmr the alt.- ornouu an advance oi X to ix ‘mu rcomtxlcd. ' uxoaps in Ohio and Bllsmalppi which ML oi! 1% per cent" but an -ulna clone thou -vault. :2-action oi kax. Nmlllvlllo and _Gl:nmmoo;:n do-cllnod SK chrlyin um dz: . ro- oovuredi, and cloned as: a. reaction 43! .i>or cont. 1-1111-ufmts 01 those. Innis and 13311 Prun- cinco Road inczuusc‘ $19-.000 tor tho mound. weak oz September. Tho Umomerctnl now: ‘No no inclined to "hollow that ‘oolll uhumuu or‘ Ilunnibsll and 5:. Josenli and ‘both classes: of Wnouh -will bu highly: nnxt ruck‘. Wuvhonr that tho unplnauiuzneu lmtwoorl the Wnhuh and Ilurlirlgwu and Quincy, lnvulviug tho flun- nlblil and tr. JD5l‘lDl1.‘ll in course oi I-.-ulc.-monk. It is node:-om:-ud that Gould hints:-ll bu inter- vuned and insists thus the Wnbul: shall not continue Illa war. Fluctuations in ‘Leading stocks. ‘Sr. Louis, I-remember ls,'l&‘o.—'l‘lm iollowinx are the opening, hlzliuur, lowest. and closing quotations 0.! leading stuck‘: in New Tori: on rape: by 11'. 1). Curtis. Hmmgur Public lllock Kxnllango, wants 1‘ . 1?}, 123 and 131 Chuuber oi Curxlnlume: 5 ;'tpsoltl\.blns’-.'n6nu; ¢un1\lr.B-I8 bu; sorult L ‘ wreck." llllln;w~d.u,)'J.- 1.813;" ‘_ ‘Yank; ,sopl.uu:bér.;.118.—-Government‘: 5; :3; 335.01 :«nunio_ euk.1l’u_§ '£89o0'1m;. ~ .BAr1o3'--ili“upe‘ciul‘.b'i7:u‘3;£l,D,;,yt<‘)'::J aisxv mu. -.’“W‘-I ‘ IMF 1r.0°k'5.57!_bu;' 5.4‘!-ma-rook .1u€'1',°8-V _'13.f.'x1_"bu. ‘ , _ ._,._._ . gfflt‘ 3I~.H¢lI!I - Nnnles 0!‘ Block. “""““‘ m"h’ "‘°"" 01”‘ lnx. is-.-:.. est. lug.- }\orihvrtiu-rn...............I 15:3.’ mix 1325.’: 1633'; 21' .............. ..... til); -2 91.‘; ill}; (‘almost ¥0lllll0l'l«|... —- -— —- 4 .-— M}; 95 913:‘ 94% _ al 8! my :1 , lent; luv: Nu It-h,‘.( IDS,-‘§ X01. ' 1015’. llmg‘ Q.ul«i as}. 3., as 3:» I-..r1e ._1:-um: 3 2:4, E, mlz .. .IlI ".... Slli H.-5‘ Kfll i 515;‘ £321.. 1.. and 11- 90,‘ 90'.‘ ll-4,‘-5" an}, . . . me: :1. - '.':.,».,» my mm m). L-.52: as.-.3 uh. Wnl2.u:dl'u.......... ... 3'7 3'15 l -‘W-3* 57 ; ................ 44".‘; -W5.’ ' {U331 £05 \\.al-an xxrcluntd... ras: 1.7:.-I «am (4,. ‘tvnrn-actions in X.emilng Sim.-luv. 'I.‘rlln.uu:lloml 1::l.i.'0!) Ih.\rl!.1: 5 Br1o.................. 17.!!!) Iron Mountain 8.fi_fl Luise Sborrn... ' liorrli-u:.~l............ 4. Now J:-rut-y 1..‘cnu-4|. mm l-it‘. I'uli|...... . lI.Ll)u Western lIulon......ll.UiXl .V.'u'llVllkl 3 (.'llll.... Lat‘ i.,Illlrx«............ um Walla:-ll l'uc|i.h:... . “‘'l'““‘ in )II Dian!‘ York. \vlu.-u ‘lube nu. inn’-x nu». in-.:y lmaln:....:....-..... «mg lhtynbls. nun! Lallllvlia. umrlu ‘, , OI! - . " ... §3. 3. cy. :g...'.lnn. .1 4lul7. i._ ' ‘ 7”‘ 1;‘ . r.. lung: cc;-.I.lau‘.. : Jnly.‘N, fi,¢y.Ba lllQl»6_£¢c§'...-130.3 July‘... “ .9; _ ll re)-...Jl1n.-bdnly. I24.‘ F. 15. l 531.. . l:r_1ll.u:xr1u.... Jan. A.J’u1y.§l#‘ Wm.’ .- 7‘-1'“ “H 1'.“ 1” '"‘“““"' grflwglym lll<.n|‘v'.;u'l,} ' . ..lc1 ulllnrlofl. \\'.......... 21% 1:. E.m7vv ()4,-1. l_ml lncom.... 1Ir‘l£l7--- “J _; 01, Tennesaac-lza.,*: l_lur..U.ll.:ml 5.. . B-1 1. ll. new =lu.. ml in o:olu.... our car yr. ,g. ,. ;.-.,m,",c.:‘l”. nemm I Mm“ pm, 1.’ "H . .1, nnhmmln 5r,4':axul'rIhA- l'lE“V‘:::"“" it .§§:??.\"ll.rl.!.‘.l‘l’ICieti . .. 32% . u. h‘1,......l" sum Cuuwlv \\'..l:l.l..Iml 1‘.u‘i.. «,5; . ‘1i"‘°.......“fi'.'~'lS-‘:‘2.'éz‘.l‘.§:.'l’.§.f.'£.'.'a...f.‘3........xi!» rs _ m.......l.. u. ....l .51. .-' ' \\ mun aim 1’-cum. m-=iorroc1........ . 3:118 -- mill 12):"?!-.‘..l hi 1\ wuu um rncusc. wmmon...._.. .. -$4 Gnu“ ' ‘ml KW“; &"*b ‘R 22"“? lculuulu in mm. M. 1... la. b. .i_uI! 1 v k. - ~ Q -~-- -- horw Mlumm nu:-.urun.:e*u.cuvuncy .ll§;,‘.,,b —- Blnhlnx i-undo. all . l. 1.. Jz..._m ll‘. 1- i.. [.,,,..;p.mciu lumurur. ca mus-1l~...... -— 9 1’7.l( ul D0-«_ "ll? Y---- , - litmus Punnc 11-iluon...-inn-a sun lien... 12!) ca - U» bl- In Ind 3‘ Kuaun r-cum In 0rl..l)n*lvu'cI-uu'l.c1.Il“."'iI - Kuunu um ‘Tex. - oz. lauu, ntol: tin nun) mu 3. II.ocx...... flu — I-I. .1...l..\l. um 5.111. n.or:.u.............l .r M. Loulu 1. ll. :.‘e.i murl. In due 1lM.. 1-»: u- uo. do lvl'I1er'rw.\!m:nlna 2... . :9: it Llu. do ' an o M bl . ..,‘a C817»: and l’ullr,»u in mm-I. Tu l!!.*1.. .. . lil'iul4.f? lliliu ill 1-XIIIL. _ ‘=3, . .....l-'11 H - ;$in.u‘ox.&~‘ll0. '77. 10 ‘in —- .....iI|6 9 -- llluu I49:-ls. HG ‘n’ - .-.l\:69v' "“ ' "' “ . ‘!.'l,ll'/l,"i'—\' — (xi 1: — flu, An)-lmu or . llvcrnlly I-at - llo. Innmmv.-. due .1rmam- I-‘ll - /‘ -wow 1. " lillllmll. Mrlnuy mi Lail _. I/91 cum. ' Lulll -ll:-no-ml: in-1 at-<1-‘a my-or «N9 3‘ .-.:-,m.. oulvime nltcoullln. um’ mus"-.-r. .. in Au _,- cam. lmnrurz-I lru «Hue pe4.~ur‘zueI...... 6-A 11 Hcilut. H . L’.-L'll (.'l‘l'Y AND ('01: NTY I|1'lNI'm. L31 M. gvhl. hriazo LP.‘ 48 - us) 0:. mid nunllu: buunn. lllk‘. lwli ...|l‘I 11¢ - .( 1:1 or. rurrencj ..............................)09i to _-- tlly uuurr Co". We lb81.............. .....li7 krlus nv so. vvucr bonds. dune luau. 1201.. .. 11'! e - tfonntvfas. lmld................................ its is - -Llmxnly 6.-. guril Lmmi: dmv. l2I.h$.. .....Il'«l EA — l'otu:t'r 2.1. cnrvvucr ...................... fill '‘ Ell)‘ 3-", one r._w. luuzreshlnll. & July. u= - 113‘ la, lu-‘J1. May and N01. ll4iw¢sli........h".$ Ev‘ - lnunsut to sum. , LAX!) w,um;.\1-3. , ' , Buyout. billing. [And Irurrunln. Jmurcu. .... 13! ‘.. land wl.t‘rs.nLI. UK? Icreu. .. l-'3 fair»! vnal-nulls. ll.-ucm~.... ...... W .... Ivnlruutli. Ccmws... M‘ 5 . .. t‘.l.lLI.l.\'(4l8 AT 81'. .l..0l.'l.§. lmsunu . . " . (lieu-ma; vr . . §'li.lL$.'1 &l:n:1x.;;-1 hm wart. 211.1;-;l.7»s rrunpomllux went. ‘5.l.iR‘-ittiifl .l..ooul steam and uuudn. " (Zotrctk:-I by I’. I‘. Kclcln-r at cm, lnulum and hm- larn 3* "3 > . Inn. 3 2', g 3 1.131 mvlmzxu |\ ‘rho _m'1<:u arr, § E E‘ The dIVl¢lL‘lliI! .66 llllll)‘ dnllu--' - .1‘; . 1 on aioclsp an.- 3rIllAr\<.l1-rkhpncw ‘S . I 2 rellumle-I on ‘V1: 4:! Lila par 3 I : I iniuu;;:;l_u<1u3l- 1 Au. __ I Z 2 xx: Ill. ~ 5 . I t 2 Wk 0! (2-mnmo ... we :92" :52 .....'July'bs’4.l$'gic6lu . ‘hlruiuluvr la‘-av - ‘ loo lol .....!Jul;r‘§’J.l cm ill) .\s .1ui)‘nZ.5 .r.'.6lu loll) no in’ uiy'o‘1.1 git: am no . ill} 50 in ..... {can}: mix. l!‘l:. no ml on ’rnnhl1u ilauk... l'J'l‘- lé-3 E ‘M Q:-era‘-auIfi4v.1iul.s M 5-! -l7 =3‘E'.l‘I‘hAI1 Alofirifinilg l ‘ mantra’ on .1 I) ' 3 cltlunb‘ B-Il'I_.l‘1) 1-'.!) ‘IN _ My 1. _ pc nth. IlsIxxk.nM.§ 30 36 5 .July‘rA-,i:"pi.~ vim iguulanaosly 53413:; lull luv 76 Jul; 'w.l‘¢'c em , Mi WWI ‘la . v- irus ....... )3 K!) ..... ..... Jan._":'8. to l.’-in €UIlll‘:l!l(iOi iv-J} 7D 3) July c¢J,..1 .'lSnl ‘I9! mxlti I"!SI{1r1il‘1 . . lln M lulermllvnli mo in Lalxvr-lie llnnli. ll» 7!) BC. .?lHun.ll H79 H“ l ich“tsl:v|ll1n1 -14- “ ‘Fm ‘ .81 ‘mm ‘x-on“ . -ls ..... . ug. .,.*.f§.e&‘xn pm-._ca_nnml Ni lm ;ll‘.‘.';. Jul."-‘ml! rim ‘(wed an-umm.'.. mil 109 10!) um; -1uly‘r_4__-.‘.l cl‘-in [union an. AM u be an i ‘av July‘ 15.5‘ urnxn ;“:al.i:‘vs:L:.,.; I00 MN Ila}. .....-July av. {pic laud ‘slut-.kl~‘iml.1mu:"‘l‘.v" mo low so . 3;!-'l..'ARAN’(.'.l‘. ll"l'f)CK3. rfo:-3: Court.) 213 2.‘: 5118 July..‘ll'l.a‘ fm ‘ium..- loo am F:-mg July ‘((1.5 icflzrvm... Ki) Kfl ..... .. 1Hlu’uu ..... 509 M‘; s'rruu':r\n irmctln. . HI] 3137 ... mi’?-c rrm-Inn .$"“l‘Z«'3 :::: .."‘ 1.’.‘.'.“"’.': fclpplv.-‘ .. 59 W as .... n _zsD.l in [over Gxvm..... .. . til 3 ..-.. :lly.”w.l em :34. I/;nl5....... .1 ha .ii. 3 Jung nton....... uy c ;m..¢. 1.1....-.1. M l . ;Builclsmluux-...._.. RE I-N 116 .... fdkltgrflln Jul. 33' > 5 H3 3. - g 3 } g 3 00171021! ;" .. g . 3 -can-xwxum _ IIAJIIJ. 3‘ a : : Ii‘/I‘-flied lulu» ‘ 2 v : tutu uelkr " 2 5 2 ' "* Gnnvircy. . - ¥oaoz1((;&t7--..... la. );}!.«_l‘_uly. mun nut... .. 11 I av. mun ms. u-’.?‘.-1343-.iy. 131-lml _ E‘-ioy-la s_ .........r lab - -.. Union Plrllic. 1:152 Cyhirnl Pnclillt. 7;! horuwrn l’au-,luo- ... S«ll_‘{ horllmrn l'.nrol. My Lmxih. and N. ' , Nluhviilaaud . all . fills; 1..nuls...'*«‘..\..i: t.ll.ui-l iii- Nullllivu am! ‘i'........ IF: it. .E Ii. llrnnuc. '. U. 'I‘uI.... .... .... mum 1'.‘ ‘ol nx. ulr. ([1. 5'... mad (3. BXIll1\4.. lurmu-...... |’a\‘.lfl( Mlll. ... ..... 40‘. Lair: lillnrr A-lnim. Elli). .... (fan. uuuh. Inn-.u Iixn-~vn.. llkll. uuutu . Aulcnunli lune ..... ....... ' lane. ‘Ir:-Jo! Scurtllweeuiurn ’qul......-......... . z~l.l'¢l.......... 1 $1. Paul and Uumha. 12".‘ - V l'rel‘¢rvml............. . !)elnv'ln'c cum 1.. . 9"'.;' Hm. an-i i-;... ll" Uellwlli‘. an-l 1‘, ouurl-':........ .. 5. J. l.'venlrnl.... .. 1-.‘-,’-x i.n~.-lu:.\',$epn-mlu.l ill.-fflxlnnx-la. 9713-!6;n::w 55. llX>};; now II-gs. Ill; xu.-.nv L-1. Jlllfi; Illl« llnlp (lutllrxil, H7; I-Zrln, UL’; E. I". U. 93; lie-lullmz, lG.'..'. _ izuus. Supwxnlwr ill.-«Routes .‘L'wi. bfilsc. COMMERCIAL. . Proviulonn. Pork was nlrugszllng snlunlur bclwcesn $1.’: ‘:5 an 83 tor islananrd. Dry Bulb Alenu sumo- wlmt 114.-tier, and auto 01 round lot oi wlnlur, clciw rib and short clenr on‘ private terms. llucml fllwlu llnmsr. and 11 round lot of clrmr rib uml whorl clear mld.hul.._ rim nut. mulls public. 14111 uunluuixcd. Fullc) my tire ycatelduyls lrunsmzlmlm on Tlllimguz ‘ > 1’urk-—-kialcrsz l‘.KHll'I1lll(.‘l!.l at Slfi ".'58l.’l 85; on 0l'l!l'T.h ul £10 25- l‘.:scon—-.$.4lo.<: £‘;‘4),<?iXl lbank-aurrill mm «hm-t, cimcr nrlvnt»-i_v; Bu burn izkzur ribs 3). 3.; 17.’: pl.'g¢: ulmu!x‘.crn6,'s"'¢6.1.‘.<-. mm: crlx-:1:-.'J,‘..‘-19‘J.:l<)«.:, Clunr rill: '.l,'~;-:_ cl-mr lmlrs v~’;«-’r‘.*.l3'-u‘. n lmnui lnl lam-e. mu-ulzulnrs \VlIlllir:liI; on m'<lm~.9; nhould~ er: 9}.’«:. clcmr rlhs 95¢, elvnr til’-ma ilk.-. We qunm 1:. 8. c. llillills-oui11llll,‘l' llkf-aliuu; \-siniur .l‘.’.‘{’ul3i:. . 1). b. Svlltllll-(‘.vli,C(l(l Del Hnnl. wink.-x‘ clmlr I'll) «ml mlmrv z:’ln.irml p. l.. Wu qunu-: Lzms-I‘ imm- in-.:r ll|Ii)Hl(Sl11’.\ia'v}{(l,~(3‘f)'a1' nlul |$|ld_’l|'fl;{_ alum’ 8.400, ulnar smla.-5 .\‘.8llu. ’ l..'1rd—t4nlv‘s'. 5170 Ion cnrrx-ui rnnkn sir:-tml, lull-1!, '1. l..; ounall lots n-line-.u ll-cnzu on orxic.-:3 at 969 'c.-' uurrom mukn .s:.-mu Is Worth 7,=.'u. .l1rm|klMI! Ilnuuii-l)i'uA‘lnll uoau; m:\rl.oL Mumlv at llultc. Jllm-.i. etc.»--We qunm ex.-'.ra men at 512 V brl; prim: 11193:! $19 in -V nrl; lmnlly nl. 1.7 V hull l-1']. ill-lull lllgeliu V I. Iilnnkcd lunuuos. ' fmvvll. 14 75613 V Llnz. '1‘;.llu:«--—l)..~ui:lml lulr and mark-cx r.-n.ging ui. (4)926;-; prmm nml;.' ulumu ul. 8,\‘f¢4'»o. 1.3.’:-.551‘-—I$rOIl/ll -la-l.*.‘c; selluw -‘=1.'.{‘-'ll,‘;(~; with}: .'o<a'i':c. Cotton. - The wool: clou-:1‘ éniurdny on a tnmavline of lhlil-ken. bash huilm and (oral-,m. lvm-pool wins quiet and nnch:m;.:c(l, vrllll umdt.-rzslv dc- mund. upon nah: of '.',(KiI) halos lrrllxg rcpum,-u, Now ‘1’urkquio.-csilwfur 8'],\()I, and all :14» 1% minus on iu'<.. lie-me umlkc.-.L 2-luvr at nun-'-r rulanlfr? halal-1 of spot W231!) hold. “'0 ucrw: at. 1.01113-—»lA.w 0Ydl1Hll’S' 8‘-sin: ordinary 6,5,’:-; “mu oniimu-y iazn; mw mlxlullng l0,’{c; inkl- mmg ll)-;c;guou nmlullua 11,-go; mldullug lair lie. 1-‘ntuws-—lo::0 ll. m. Call--J5lilll£\l')' 10.42!-c hid ' 15;,-1,:-....r\' 10.5.11: bill; .‘¢(m‘0h l0..4l::bl:l; Aprll lama bl:l;.uay kJ.0)fi'll.lXx5:-‘ivspbo: ulnar l1.D0<: bid; Ocluhur ll.-.434: bid; luv nhcr l0.(.0 alamc; Doeulxilmr 103351.» hid. Mvlrlual. weak. uni»-u flitobnlcs. 2:4) 3). in. Call. Alter Gull, sales we lmlra tlclolzer at 10.406. mm 1‘urk—Mldr.ll1u¢ 11%;). Future: IERDY. lsales iur inium. 89.000 ullurt. Jallnnr)‘ 11.05:; I-‘chruury ll.2i)e.; March ll.3'l‘u' April 113:;-; dctplexlibor H.670; October l1.f‘C: Eovelnbct manta; lncemlu-.r I0 5154:. itncctpeo at other -—,l'l‘o-v York - bums" now Or1¢i\tu€i.l5|I Dales: zmvanunh 3.1M bul-nllxlvuulexalnn I We lmlm: Gslvva n 1,441 lulu: lliolxilolfiilo av; Wlln-mgum lbblaug ziunnaru................. Sn Kl‘. bagn................ Tu low. na................. 'I‘u(ncc(l. mun Wimu lelul. ll: Rem-lptil or 1.:-.mi.lng Ar-ilclul_ fur the week ending Sutur1lny,2!L-pimzliberlll. 18310 and mini I‘t>ci:lptu ulnco Jnuutiry 1, Nlu. and lot the can-nsl)onuin;,v umo. um. I: reported by tho Mu:-c.lmulu' Emilmugez -. ‘I’ Week ending ‘rnlnl since Cor. Sxtunlay. Jamlnry l. Lima Supt. 18. ‘all. lsau. 1571. Plant. &-.7‘-=3 l.wli.‘.'iD l.l)l(l.Hi ' IU‘.'.l)67 U.-"l9J€.'4 ):i.l.1=i$.'.'l7 8\5.|l.0 l6.N9.il7 V.L'f£.lr|'.l lnmln 3.1271-.576 $.7ll.:~l6 1 :- .~l¢'.r: 457,267 114.221 $6.321 714.37: l.l.<Rl 1:.:.m 1al.&:.u L210 u.5l:5 Ms. :-1| 71:3. l-H ll..m 1u.wl 8.lzl a..:u 30.10) i75.l'»'rl ll.r<r. main 9 -an 0.166 “.9 211.401 1.1-.-4.055 luaxmcuouu or ilrnln For the Q1 hours ending ul: ll as. m.. Septem- bur H, 1580: \VImsu-—.\‘n. 2 Merlilurrnnunn. 10 cars; K0. 3 MI'lllH1l'luI-mrlll, ll curll: .\a). ‘.1 incl \-'_lnlel', la aura; Nu. zl I-rd Wllllfll‘, 2.’ oars; .\u. 4 WIllH2l", ls cxxnl; l‘vJul:k2d winter, 94.-u.x's. ‘luunl. ll.’-i Cil|'lh Uurn-—N’o. 2 whit», '5'. card; No. 2 whim mixed. Ilnzxr-; Sm‘: lllixxld, 31 curls; l’(v1I)(.'ll.‘Q. soars. '1‘--ml, U _(:;.ll'lI. _ ()ur.~l—.‘4u. 2, ll! curs; rt-jrecixlu, 1 car. 'lolnl, I9 mus. llnrlcy-30. 8 sprlrur. 1 car mm 1 l-urge; rc- j<:¢:Lu(l anrlng. 1 cur. Total, ‘.2 cum nnd 1 pun-Ego. llyu-—)\'u.'.‘, lcur; n-jut.-Lu , 1 cur. '.l.'oul ,2 cm-n. ll:--rnpliulntirvn-—Wlwnl. IN curs: corn. {'2- rtur .muu, 11: (turn; lmrlny, Sunrs until barge; rye, 3 can. 'l'uiu.l, lb!) mun mu! 1 lmrxro. Ciululng Mnrkulu lfurnlllliml dully by ll. ll. Frunuu. cmmnlvuolon rmsrclmns. Null. 253 and 1015 Ullnullmr of com- flH?l'l.'fl: Br.i.num.3in..fiI-ptamlal-r 123.1 :00 n.ln.-Wlmux ' h 0.’.‘.’c:: tn-plnmlwr '."2,':;u.-.; Octo- h'u\'cmber Wont; llucmulu-r iXS<.~; Corn ilrm; cash alililzzhojllceilxll-:r .\'uvc-Jnhor 3851: bid; "l'r-urlr._§c. liellic; Uctolzcr 3!i.‘,.’v:: l.)c(.-L-nllwr‘- 3’4‘,'.'c; ‘ll.-nr 3,51: bid. Unis ilrul; L-nah 2:13;--; z~u1-wmh--r :."l<,'.’c; llulxnberfizilzl-: Su- vn-mlu-.r '.’1lc; 1):-ea-nlmrffiu but; Your 2.5.: L-id. UlliL2.lnl1,8uuuvinl)t'.r 1.5. 1:00 1.1. in.-—_\$‘lnv.*nl hl;.-l.<-r; ti--ntcmha.-.r 1121510; Ucmlmr 93* r n- vr-(uh:-r'.h,';c, Hum lnulun-; §fllJKl!llllr(.l‘ 40*.‘-'~.: number w,\'~;x|0,'.'n-; I\'ovvll1huI' 41".‘ higher: so lwmhc-r no,-.'«:; October ‘:0 \'l'lIXl1l'.I" 2'.'l,,'¢>. i'urk-ésr-plcullwr $l7 £4.94 (rclubur .117 70 bl-l: .\‘ovcmlwr H3; Yeluvlllil I5 llllsud; .ll1nuul')'Sl.' ‘J5 n=1l.'¢~'.l. ]n1|‘‘.lll- h--r ‘7.:nl'uT.$.So; Lmc us‘ I;— lntr's’:I'u7.a'.','-;l:; Jxnu;u'y 7.3.59‘ 3. ’u. Shun 5.7;.‘-; (I-..-i.u1u.-r ti,.0v:. ill.-maullon3—Wlu:n:, l'.".‘ curs nzprlng; I2 curs cum $.54 cum; no 31 cuts: (mu 136 cars; an um; .' ":uUL-.1‘. $102-_l'."al L9; .\'u..-‘.3 cm- trmzu $1 i‘i.‘.='.‘i.‘l (ST. LTVuru——.\:-. *2 .’>s‘.v,'."uv5lc:‘ .'a‘n1l~ iollnln-r..'»a$.’ra.‘llc: Uclnlior, .’r.-'-'a*.’:‘.',*.;1:; .\ovenl- llcr, .’t.'i,'-..'f1$.’>' U llurr nbcr ls.--Wlmnz qulol; spot, 11' 3| (6‘.{; Ucloln-r, $1 01; 2\u\-mull . [hl(.'.I-Iul.)¢J|'. SI VJ. Unrn mggiu-r; :11 1, ill 1. suplumhur, .’-i.'(c; Ul.‘lUi.u.-.r, 0.14:: ‘.N'u\'c-lulu-x‘. hi. ‘1‘ox.r.1»o. 3 . 2 mil Uivih 9736: Nuvmxxbev mi‘ Nuf.‘ 1:215!) =I$:\;4. N-1V(.‘illlJ(:l‘, -flu. 3|‘..’L'.. I 1‘nu--uuuuru uu 't:uungu.:eyi¢'.n1her I8. 1850 l(IIII‘(z\lUKfl£l(DX1l urn ior lulu [rum Ural numlo llllll'!iH olhurwloo ammo. in Killing small order: hluhermms nave to he nu! ,Uu Knilrl in (lio- Vldor um Ilnwlr Dis)‘: Inn nnn b6l'|‘dll.\'U' awr- ugc. usual»: munl R1-l)|‘lMI|l ior lnoclal u1n.I.I Fl4"|'l!l(l-2 MAIQSBTII. salon srwun in usurrvznte. not in ordurlnnrle, nllctumllnxlu in prlcn uulud In Immmloo ny- lulwlnn: H(7)ll|’lN‘() slzssln.v—-SI l. M. to 1 I’. X. l inc. . ,. Wluuu. . l Sup-L“. ; Oct. Nov. ;:I'.'(!l'l‘1lAj'. cl-“:34. l ‘D173’ W1 -11 .0-enec. ...’l ‘ . < " Y. cl '91)‘ M I 1 8» To-dz 1. l u . flmlrvxl uivlrn above: but irunnlwlamlu worn VI.'1'Y light. 84-pt. soul at 1!‘: En rm Call-nmhing dmlu in It hoinrn nr uiicrwurxl; Ucl.ranxuI.i lmlu l<3.'\’u nil in 93¢ early up to 9‘3.'.’fd’9$,’.’o later; Nov. :1: from ‘M-‘gr: lo 9 c uux-1'31, Illl"ll8€ 9i}.‘c, Iuluu qnnnliy illivrmwtu in 9.:-’uila,'~.¢:, eln-im: M 960 bu\'cr:I; Der-. sold at 9:4: down to 9(>,';u and up in also mnrlv, at 06!.’ 9964: inter. closing at we huyur.-x; Your sold at lr.'},'c no 92,‘,’c-lnuur bid as clu:-lo. ‘Bums! (lhnusnmiu): llvrpc.--is as ll-1,"c; l'enr—6 at v2,.t;o. lo 3: ram; Ucl..——l0 as 93¢, 23 3 ‘I33-,-u; .\'uv.-—l._5 M 9l}.’c, 7') :1! U1/.'r‘. 35 M 960, lo M :k‘1}£c' Doc.-’-6 ul1l5.’{c, ll? ill. 'J3}{'¢il6o, ‘$0 at 960, 5111. only . unluunlmr 97 1.1: : () 1l~‘,'~.’n: ; Detox-mlmr $1 005'. uorn llrm; ,:.~cplcnlhor 4330: '._(.H.‘kvl:(!r balm; Umu nluhurg No. 2 cunh din! Ysor. 91., it Com» lsopi. net. iNov. Ill-.c. lau- 'Ye.suu:rdny'.el‘od?n‘§ la.‘-.'-8${‘::§.l)§‘ Fvamtv/an 7.-4 n-4.555 25- '-«~95 0 no ’|‘o- -;I:.l$,*. b,:u;-5'2 l.szs,l2~ 4:’ an Kermit 8.04 balm; Mennnnl.-. MA calla; imlu; Pllllndeiplrln 2:11 blllcs. ' - , ‘cl t8¢elp£I rm .1 any were 18,470 buoy: 1:390:18. :l,:t.’.0 bales: nwuk. l'7J:i.ba2\ halos: receipt: for mu-.9 any! in: vault were 16,646 balm; rooclpu tar unto dun in: you 11,033 balls. - . Liverpool q'noti.t£onu—-Upland 7 3-mi; 0;-. Mum H-um. lulu: 1,309 mun. Mun: lax. v Q“ sunasovu warrant: ion or. (.0015. _ emcllon nu........................................ ma: moan innanuo am in: vut................. 4.151 1 Ac.-zrxsmui 5:11.:-res! to atelier. nut unr ordinal uoclulrn Alb uunvmns ' . _ , , ' lsmalm since pusnzlaer l. bah-1................ ll umm»i.l..s2vunou amcn. 1.K:,:?;.¢;i¢u;-so b¢.l«.. ............ (.351 H ‘V . M. 3 '7' on Mum: ._ .....»...........-.....-. 1-3;»: 2» r» 175 u-«a-«us-... .‘.‘.:‘:’.i!.‘‘.‘..'...............:::.::::::::::::::::::::::: .23 ' l 1 we-a as -: . 1 ,,,~,,», an ‘ihf?‘_fi(_,,,” W ___' ,,,,, ‘.1,’ 5.”. voanuuvn c nun! tn’ 1 . . .. .r n: ,_ u§,uL.;..:dc*g‘;..mam lea ”" , ' l’“_"?"§“;;f ‘ .mfi- - . :1-' LS3’! mm 4, can m£f‘}j<:’{£n§}“-tk;m.§m ..... ..... .........u....... ,_“d"_“___ '33; ugfifig gm guvw. £09) ..... ......;.....:....- grk 7 iv»? L.-,.,‘“ w;...,....M..m.;‘ In rev it» -'-um.awr- 2.. “-?.f'.‘°“'.3§&g.y:’§iu. in!»-1:1 . 2-‘ < ~ , 1::-.n'.¢._ my-,...§l€n W ..... ....- --.-1--.........-. P‘ ~,~.,3.‘,,,, ‘_ 55*’; kw ‘ V ' ellullroaozsi, ’ MM. __ "u, _. ._..... ...-.. ..... ronrvnann ......' wb.‘;.,,.xo_g y ;g 3- 0, V g. 5 “*3-f'““.:f'1N‘ in M ' noun 6! uulnhiln lscsaln-via‘. 2-m:m:1.e :3.” « N-1«= K gm; {(9.} ,as1lm- .ll5.3md, mm: Lu; " ' I . 3» nun -uc-an n‘-one-9 ' ‘ w‘."., “rm ga “M, rug" 3313 g‘ *3 30.. 3_ ‘Udall’- - (ll lfil - lav‘ Jaw. . , $1 . .; J1-all ‘.UI«iiI.°- , ' ' ' 4-{fir-sve-13'»; Hlmmr: supusulbcr held at $60, with Sfilic um; November in 89;: earlfiito 32990: later, with same 8t'l3('n bid. our-bar no us-dxo up to 3830: mu-iy oil‘ co axe and sage lower. but «lawn llouer as Sallie. llecemoor sold at 3736550 no 3180. Your u and n flue, blsl 8'l3(o. Scion (thuimanmll October-—§5 at 38140, iv in Iii}-fliifiiio, 0) at 3330, 80 It Inigo; Dccmnoer-I30 313630.10 318730- Y i‘%;'clouII‘A9 lfi?{lolrrl‘.'?.”°' gig’. ‘OR I n - -“V _ >_. ' § ‘ I.’-::l:;‘:..r::.;'i:l*:.f-‘. ‘* la .2 l2::...: all. Your bid J-(alto honor at i.3}.’o to 1110 later with 28302830 ukod; Dncombot olforocl 321,- bit: Kc lunar at Oolobor ainady-~ 10 one on sold as 961:0; Nov robot in hluhar-— s loo bu ass-me; Bnptolubct mm Ii-.2910), mm zéxo ma- Law, 5,000 in: xovombex -om um Dewar, at 2.94:. Byo--.Bid5_c1 fie sapsambar, 83540. October, 330 Nuvomhar-noon ulxoxvyl. 'rwUn—n.u"‘l"‘1'iu" ° fins. rm uonaxnl but en- ggulcs. iletler ruins zolunz sum: fibrin p. I. I n . . mmpwv 1'» tr» 15.1.12!» 2. Ir. am no .5054» re. min: B. 1:. $1 dli. 105 g _. . on sun -mmo mslea. g “’u.m.a“ flmglfixfl c:o'y““0ll” “£91 ohoiou‘ ' 0 150130: hm“. M06“ 11 I4 I guns»: :3! 1:03:63 oupomm ‘ . KY3 VB--«Quins had stood]. at. a V ileiwmllllonon ordcnlslfln lg or. V 06 of our V‘ “ HERBAL--H am,-«maniac '_‘.9I.ors'1;a_aI‘Ij$¢llI$‘4liD‘1t:';,Il- ;. . N £20 nvO‘9G1$||,l'lIIlX‘; nvnmunu on-ganglia: in-tiuigl "VII 33. aguuumzlu-hr luhlli. no :w0no¢_ lry. 'thI‘llOtflunu'.I.‘-ulinnak ~ - - , ,-sllipmonll .l!£'l’!¢l..Ds ‘gr-nil. - ' ‘ ' ‘ . urr. A .'....... 1.2% r. an L an-in-.u..puxs. r.m- 1,181 . rug ’:.m 1.1-}! ; ».. .... zhrlcy. |n_ , . 'im....... 1.01! am . n................. on 4.22» . an :u.'........r ' in II - 40 m.......-.... .... .31 M-30113-52 - I ‘J mt-uzn.vuu.. .... 1.329 — .13 . ‘ ,: ‘_ 98 350 1,001 all .... ' ‘W3 Ml. 752 - - «.3 .§ 3 § . .,-.—..........‘ no - loo 3:: la . .»<JllDI|. ou«.............. $71 1,021 (33!) ‘$6 med rrun. pun. .. no not 7,: ms Mum. gig .... .... ’1mu'. oru.. 1.11:0 H.150 12. I-.lrcuu. M... fit!) 150 40. llxllwlnm. brie .... .. . J25 .... .... ..- ¢£+................. 1,918 .l.‘;‘l3 J8” . -173 _;i-orsu and Mules. none 85 2‘! 73 Am .1cmp.bqleu............... - so 4 «Hum. hu.................. MJXI 13.82: 11.01 aw ' ' 1.479 .I.Iw 1 ' Shiny of 1.33 .... 490 860 (21 '3) ‘.2’ ll’ ' ‘ hlzh. .... .... . Halli. un............ .... CIA 1&3} 363 2.168 M uu.............. .... 9.4‘)? 51-‘: Ml 414 Uwmnoutr. un........... H.502) lo”-Jm ---- 3-013 Unuom. uxxs............... 731 ‘ml H3 379 Urn. Iron. um»... ... ....... Till 616 2) £0 )1'¢l zinc. lous........ -.. I... .... (ll .... fitlrnn. tons... .... ml In 22% ‘art. brlI'....... .... no .... ‘J lulu. on .. 2:.o.xnto.Iw a.-:50 18.!!! Iioau. m...-................ 16.91) 131,119 IN.-I50 25:1,;-rt ' ‘onions. In um arm... #11 am :87 vol ‘onion. in bulk.......... ‘ - KY8. In su:.K.I........... . :7e.1a hulk. Il........... Lice. pur>.................. tmlla. i>m................. .u “' m-u-l>r_~r iii.-»\\‘m~.~«L niflaviyz .\‘n. war: in. . . brln; inifymonu by I . -none"! a.wuluu'uaaa4 us'l:‘n-- shi inni:t|..b' , <1-'ra,il1lIpIt:ckvnnd'5 moi; itoclr. 1. .'u1‘.'1.u’:- . :8:.mploa—3lnrzn:1l'x-an lo: ovary!-h ' olorod. bur olecaudnohlghor uxou I ' looluu. ’ Elihu’ In '-iv :.| II-lot A7’! .o using - frhozo. , _ ihlp ma urdur doma'x1d.IorJKo.3nod.. which no fiohixhar thin nine; andupcojsaxo !!4intnldo.:;‘ 0.’ 1 vu_-uh-on -and Xe 111 hot. ~2«'o.'j3 lied was in brink; In: den: , '- vvunctou lfilxe.¢ sold lxo N ller.1m-- milling. Gnuiu.nlon:,lo‘unls’o. I ro¢fiB.‘{o;.€ curt. mgum: nd_1il-.000 bu flint‘ is man ma tlctlytmsh minus and 17 can strict! truth East 31110,): o; 3 cars 0.3- Rod ;|,nd ._st. u;. 1-“: Dam:-nl 8‘1.':c;~3~oars 41087, 0; scan: at. . B1Ko:.l ear. 3: nine Ilka; 1 car do 8150:; 6 out - 110830: 1-carnoaalkoysousdofisxc; Senna‘: Bike; 1 car No. 4 regnllu.-Mo; Door: 5:. .-and -Genital sixo: Scan an-icu -iroih Contrll 815:0} L can lieu: allele Sc‘ 1. can milmzrnnean Uh‘?-llfill 95Ke;- 5 out this side 9.‘.xo; 8 cars No. I lio<liwtranon.n- Denu-ml 37164:. lio- Jected East side 7% bid; No. 3 will 900 old. we asked: No. 3 whim Bic hici, 880 utod. sample salon: slcdiicrrnnenu»--6 can nreclnl him at 88058 6900. lLicl!l—4l7 lkl E0c' can spccinl him 3:41:81 um um; la: 5-1c;l.’«'§ assau- 1 our Lust truck and :37 aka at 884:: .1 our special bln um! 600 alto in Na; :50 ska at ilio; 4&5 at 929; El al_ir2,’4a;83O 3: 93¢; 156 m. 9lo;‘ll.0.M me: it at 85510; 90 fxmcy -noon; 133 at W0; 53 utkic. Wliho -rimnll lot at ml-5'0: {Claim 1:. C. Dolzln-—Uompurv.uvo opening and closing out: prions: tho. 2 mind. I lwkflcfl. I50. I\\’. Md. -W 1'“ °:°“l-*‘i°" . A . ’ " ' . , To-<15); . ', lax” 55 2 u mm s meculpul saw: hunillglnanu b rnll 1335):! and 7.:xx$bn: utu<:1:n'l1,fl7 11. um as--No. 3 mixed 80ld»n101'é1ll’£.'($I_V in tho spoculauvo and order lnlclo uxd nu xl3.l.'o advance, opening at 38,'i'c and clmlmz ill zlsxcz rejected quiet and _ un- changed in St. L. at trlic, Exist ride but! 33:: lud xlum! ullcrou: rcicctod whim mlxud will lo in on go lower mun yesterday‘: old at sane: Km. 8 while mixed in light ollurlng and vary little inquiiy. Bn.mpIcn--Ciluluo 33. Charles whim saulblu at £6-847a. Gnulo sale.-5: wears No. 2 mixed spot, 8 euro do trash rogrulnr and 10.000 bu do spot :11 Ssxc; D 000 bu-oml 7 can regular sage; 8 cars relented . r. L. 31,\’o: 2 cars nrjocu.-<1 wnlto mixed at. 1.. 3il,i;u; ll curs Sn. 2 «him mixed 1-but slide and 2 till“! do this side 393.’-a39‘.\'c. On onlcrn. dai by doalanliu new ska. nnxud 450400, wllllo mixed -ill-sfllsc. F 0A’l.1s-——colnpurnlire opening and closing cub nous: No.1. Rekclcll. No.2 Whllu rm. ‘open. Claw. Open. Close. liven. Close. scplm. 25%; ‘I»'«.'‘.' 21.4 2! . . are-.sxa'ylza,s..v 21--.311. 2:7; 27 3| . ;1(lX.blv.l To-<1-y xxx x 1 1: :1 :11 Receipts 2.4:: ska lmd1:i,600 bu; nhiglmonls by run 611; iowuk ,.. bu. Grntlnil--Elujuclml scarce and xn hulumhut quiet ‘ No.2 while sum 3:0 butter lluul ycliurr fly’; bid in 310 in St. 1.: No. I In fair local and order request in ..*.’n advnnco in at. L; ollmr rcculpu dull and lower lu mall. Grucln bales: 1-I cur: N4). 2 xuuullu‘ to sit. fr. at. L. M ‘225.?£n. lcur n.~1v.=,clo<l do in 2750, 1 car No. 2 whilv dn M. 310. l5umpleav—Dcnnul(i 5l(lil)0l\’l1l|Y. l1npru\;c<l lulrl uric-as ruulizod Kw,‘-,’c butler. silica: in new nkv-1.013 aka luir to prime. mix- cd nu namzszazc. 475 ska clmicu do at me. Govks do while at. 33510. On order: do! by «haulers- prlmo mlxud us liill-‘£370. . lil'ls'.—llucc.l1ml 21 us and 50 bn; shlpmonts by rull as ska and 1150 bu; stuck 19,513 bu. Grmzies -2\'oLhlng dam: in No. ‘z—-lcollug wank. Bic Did this oldl! and 830 um‘ Ii. sluts, hold hlghx.-r; ra- juc-ted in duumnd and firmer: 1 car rugulnr curl '11!-lsou, lear «la la. glue in Blc and 1 mr do do ls ,\.'c. .‘suun.llv.-.4: ilrm-—-9.5 Mil! win at we. and bi) irks pi-luau us ctiu. l.1.\1‘.‘LE l’—lwc-clpu ilil uks and 22,700 bu; Illl])1il(.‘|lL5 by mil nuno; stock 3,819 bu. in Lle- umuu. sullen: 1 cm Iowa 700; 10 cars Winona- uln lo arrive: at 770; 1 our Mllllltfflulil at Me; 1 car Nullrluqlau lumty rm (1. I. 11A!‘-lleculvcll 1,013 halts; lhlvlmontnl by lull 519 lmleu. Rlurluei aizalu rlalfiilu V tun lnvmr und slow M mu «incline. Slllflflt This i.ldo—l cur hmoy plnlrlo nl 5950; 3 cars prlluc to uirlelly prim-e Linwuly $111 ‘Z..'x'i3l!i 50; 5 l.'ll()l|Z‘0 to strictly ulmlvu $H'ItH 2.‘: L051! b0; 1 izmc)‘ Sh’). Ens: sldu m-;,rla-.-led. _ !llil.l.r'l~'.)2l)——IJIlll and weak, nilurlngra largo nmi uuluxuui light. lsnlcsz ll curs hulk hrnn i. n. b. 1-2. lrh‘ 470; zmclmtl——d cur-1 at city Lullls Ho, 10 undo 534: L’ do do bile. nlc;uuh.\'i;s~.1n demand and steady All 3113. Snlus I10 l;r_ls_ l‘1-2.\Ollt::5—1)nll and weak’ nu order in! uiry nml,-d lnnnldomannl. {Salem 9' 3‘-bu ms: Mi.-dlulll lu chnlcu cm: In 2.'»‘¢l(lc, iunnll do 15v 203. um-(lluua ll) chnlt-n we-1-imuus uomon. .l\I’l'l..E:9-llI.1l.‘( llellv ' iron: nun!‘ by. and murknl. uulul. and trunk; nlr to (rut-lou I10")!!- nmu will on order» M 51 $01222. umi inuuy do 22:: V bl-1. Shlllillfllltl (lull; immll onion in flea $1 V url. l(l|'li’l'l‘lIl»l) in: choice. l’l:2.xil-5--Lnwur. Snlus ul flllclllléfl at wl!14£.'15u V if-bu box, and $134 50 V In-1; 5¢:ckul:1i'11.xluc; .11 Hull 7.'><:_Et$i. I).\.‘.l.s’{)‘{.-5-Sui: dull and luwur at .".<l=.: V }{-bu u ’4'1lcv?l*-.Sl, null 2-bu slum! S6. I.-'lt.\l —(}um.-urxl in lur1:u ullnrinir and dull in 235010: ulluicu; l_.‘nuuwblL 54:; Virginia used- llul: ‘.".<~; in-luwnrl:641l0L:;i:lmcunl (un ox Ll:-rs) 33 any 2--lmslamt. , UL’l:\’Ul<:.~.—-L‘hn|(-,u slnnnlh in dvlnnrul «L 400 ‘ 9 _l.;-bu bu.‘ anul H 50 V lzrl. ‘ 'lll()l'l(.‘.‘1l. Fllllll'—-llrnxigcu-—Lm1in1nnn now (fin W V, mill 58 V brl; llulll SH V llr‘l. AllIl(IlI1l35‘3-5 on V box. .lJununus (Ull urucra) .51 us 50 V 1-mlizll. ‘ ' Dl€J.l:}lI l’l(Ui’i‘—Tlle olinrlxv . , although more lllmrul. lunl romly Bltlil at full priced lar apples, while pom-hull won: at slhiulu ilrxuur. clnluo (ubuul 250 nkuel iipplva nmi ND heuullcu wllhlu lnllowlxm rangu): Apllun-~1)nru 1341‘; fair 30 liku; k‘Ilul!,'0 3,‘."m.i.‘ic; mney :l}i33X1=: ahead {-3 5c; rluuo blgvduc. l'vnr.:lu:s—-.\iu.ud 4fll,*.'u; hulvs-s i.".'fc'Il,‘{l: to be, top ruiu iur lnnuy. Ull.\NlH'Illl(lIi?$-Cllulcu Wlecnnrln in delnulld nt§SV‘brl.l‘ ’ , l‘ol'.\1'L)l~.:-2-ll mum receipts oi bouom _ rosu mm m (ilk-{:00 V bu. _ ONION .-.-nun and lower. sales: 2£O bl-Is cllulce luwu rm) 5:! :35 (ml. ‘J50 do do in 5.’ 33K. |LU1‘AIi.\U.\a--50 1 ml nrllnrn ill. fl llfntzl V llri. ‘(.1_Ll.l-;li1'—-l~'irlu at Jéflliw V dam. lop nun (al- I’! |0|C\.‘- ‘ L:.\llllM3l-2-—li(:m>.-r, at P3 25 V cralmm orders. I l'sAUl'2|l‘li1£.\U1'--‘dliy on unit.-ns {(-50 V Lu-1; loll an ‘ . lll}‘.l.‘l‘ ‘Zli-—-Ilnftolplu G‘3.0.‘.5 lbs. 'l'nl;lu amok in gnml Alulunnu and min; 1111 also qulul. null uaaie. miles: Umnlm:x'y—Clmicu 2$‘l€i30u; fzlIIu)':ilI-‘3/.l.*z:; n-ucolids 374'r':o‘n:. Imll-y—Uholcu 25&'£2x‘»o; iuucy 271:; lmulluln lli-'.-£150; mum 2llat‘.*.l-2; luw grudo l2,\;(¢l(u; mmuw l0’<nl C; n-cur-by country 116 L50. U1l1.'i:‘.81-1--l»“irm. Wlsnomoln lull cuvam 15¢; Hlllluhl and Ohio do i30lJ};c; purl. skluno Du iuc; Ilarli 1-kllnvo Mills. 1‘§(J(il5—Ht=cv.'l u:f‘.'J pklzel. Market uh-t and unulmugcd ut 5Ll§lllpllol’l'L’Ol.illl, no lficuau. dlucl. ' l.lVPIP()1‘l.TllY_—l)lill mid eouvior: ntierinus very lnruo Inr bhlulduy and demand light. Salim): aprlu o_—3umll 31012.5‘ nnmilumsi 505': |7::;clmluu 5' : funny 53 25. ::i—Um:lm $l 7h; lnsxud 3: Z'»5(150P.0I‘il[Ilgl0 the lI.lllilu.u- ul cock» 1.. 4; coop); lions 2‘: 50 lor lllnnll and $‘£f15f.*::i ‘£5 lw-chuxnul-xr.¢I'.; £I.'I!~!0 8101. top 1‘-ill: iur lull loulluu-ul; turkuyn $167; flunk: $1 50212. (:‘:A1lF.—-llurkct. l.lni.‘!ll1iIJ,'0(l, ullhough this leezllnu Vlnel wamak. blllullll-Ull(>l(‘t.9 lwlnclml nruulw $56500; wu<>dc<>uk S_(_._; wild lurk-oy was pa; «mid and N9f1lllLl(Zl{ :1 1.14122; mallard $2 50; ,_-amen L)ln\‘eI' ‘:6; I-Ulilll lslui lulu-iynlluw 121: do 5069.30. 111;;-r—~i:nl'ons»(i1 may-; vunl-ion (saddles lu43l‘2,|(c; ‘panama, not wmliocluxltll euilurlronlzuanlrrvlmniruhl1ll.8lllfll7t5. ». \.'l'.'.AI.~5——l.lvosb6licV 3, top mic lot amnll int. l '1‘()llA(.‘U0~No public snlo lo-dny. , All-;.\ll.'—45uullly tuul dulurlml very light. Wu quote: Umiressed hazing’ 81.1591.’-0; drussud heli|pfl75"J2'2-33fll.10l'l4! 31 mile; llmllk low 375 Vlon. BAIJNU 5fI‘U1e’F$—llA mg in light nupply and mm. We quuw in Jo and urdo.-rluiazdule lmugiu M. ll,N/,0l'2,:.‘(c, lucoomlulz lo wohglng flux nu uxixmi ilux u i0}sQl_ln._ llesmp twine 1131-pielfu. lrun culion 110: 5:6‘: 20 V bundle. ‘ l.:‘2‘ALl)-1--Ill (‘l‘o_l_1!;nnd usuu, but with noun of- or e‘ on . . W00!’-fixuull lat. black auoa, 7 aka No. 2 at 432:, 10 about choice at ibc—:ul lull; also. lulu: goqa. medium unwashed at 294:. We noiu: "ub~1vmlhed--ch\aioo uxouluxn 13130650, 1'0. ‘i mudium at smulllo, low and dinlry woman, lamb 31-’&S¢1c;nn1vni1o<i-choice xnlxud comb- lnz 28£t2‘J~o. course no !4628c, oholco mu- dium wane. low do 2362413, I! ll anamorlno cram, huav llne merino luallic. hurry, black, oouo , I:U0.i'll‘0l.l‘I I to lac? I load. Buullmrn hurry tel ac 11}-£6130.‘ illulnifir-Unchnnuod in price. (al‘0GIl dull- dry unless. he Yuma: Dry illnl 18¢-—damI.3l3ll Illa; dry tall. 1 o-—dumlm0d lax»; green malt 9§¢c——da1n mi 8150; unuurou al.0-dumnuud '.'xo; bull And nlag— root: uooxc. on 11150; cull lzmuxc. Bruu lo per cent. loss than .80. l. l'£A’l'ilEl'i£1—¥'lrm; in demand. Prime 1). G. told at 470 in lynx: elm lo we in amnlluuz dam and iulminr IL in 144:. U111.-edlli M to loo, 01 ac so 1.50. chlolum so to 10¢». Taro, 3 pct cent on an o and 10 per cent. on mull backs. B .83WAx--Prim: yellow nulls M an. 1100115-Ginmnx 81 LS/31 55. Sauce; mama. Black and mum Flag 13. 1‘|elmlI;7 50. May Ap- ple -Ilia, Goidon soul lmaofia. , DEER 8Kl.NB--AS 450480. 8111-:l4l'1'l£i.'l‘1~1-We quote: Green-lnr c 800 900, medium B08750 small we, lamb :37ac, Illeurlinu amass. ry-~1llrna 6163700, xnodlum hlld lamb 558500, uhorsrllnz loam. . . wl>u1‘.n 1lKAM1—Oounu-1 very scarce and nominal usl new $1 40 according to qunllly. Bantam hlzllor um ilrm, with johbln and no “lot al. 31 M for sordolwrl. 316001 tut hon -nicked, 51 anal 90 (noluimu) for unity. Demnhd lair.‘ .. Ol.uliill:'.lLRIi§3—-’l‘ha low on market rim job- blw from now at 81 to S3 V‘ 011501‘ Wfilldm. and u tor Mfflu - V01 mm-some neolvaa, but ryully no sale ior ic nor a prim auotnbla. bomb cm: H PEA8«-Jobhlnig only, it 52 so V bu ll-on oloru. . . . **.:.~.°=:~.':a.:°~° 1°“ '- n M Q no . 1.-la1_§u°rs~sumy. w. qqom an 1.: meme. r l'll‘A.«"A "W" “gt-°ééllln light! by aulm only‘; Yleaiorn M "lute. Eu» 1331553. _ '—s.u:rzca. U‘ ' .oouzrrnnmoe5its-;i_ :éa"oiSb'.' -a" '. . . . $2~qolm-xom.anul§_y<;cnhax5::'{;oa‘3:1;lr u.h~n_ xmdseuuzx .° 0' H 9110.: : .' I ,A¢l5.50‘Vbri'Ind'w-f-$11‘;-‘ .- « -. ~ sollflélhullnl-—Qul_e:._ar 15¢ lurluicriur so 906 ace. - - ' fwc. quuu: 43:: mixed, so nnd=‘b vrn?mkec1‘lr)4’ brown- , '5 m3'x;1Fn.3=’zl( licmnn om: ixaa§:9§umumd»' 1 §Fiai:cd(oxmu' ' " _ _ mtlom. stoaldy-«-_:x_:x.’b_laclc . ailxoz xxx nine): xnixoaasasxo; xx. bx-own -mixed ‘lifxozx, rnu'_ mixed mace. _ . -l’l.ulx3l:l§l£l~—-In demand nudwtancly. at $1 10 on 1: on hula-of num: 2 can .880 is couple jsuckea ‘lots mm onmu. _' _ - ' — ‘.‘OA5'1‘O.H. Il.8a\)lS—-l’rl in brltkdomanrl and honor in rice; poor am full: slow at $l 82:0 $1 :5. Sn. on were: 5.300 bu old in $1 4.5. 1 our -cholcc out ii. I cu-in prime. part lonrrlvn. um nlontlz) at ii talcum an 81 t , 73 I1oI'nnci‘1 our ncantgvrirnoat §l 35. 1 on fair uh-$1 32. . lit P5330-Johblnzonly 9.1511061 no. - KA.VAL81‘0lLI$&—l I n n rst_Iu1nds]-—-"Basin bloody -11: ml: 1': unsb-D..I-land‘ 2' S1 90 G 8100, -f.‘....;.”-.&-- 3..-. ..._..- ..*:...‘=..°°.-.....'“ *1 ~- It» an . xnavy Dliohflza. _ . . 131110031 -G0il.l\'—Swa<‘ly.' Crooked QGGKO. inlr some. prime lo. onoico green hm-15fi51;o. . SAL'1'-«Storm . Domestic in _ ‘demand 3: 512150150 V hr :0. A. nomin . OO0l"El1$‘I'U1"I'l:l-_-We quote : 8:.-ire: (stead?)- liuchlno dour-bx-1: 0iu:.'Sl 6001, 75; elm--So. 1.u.I6 5097 .00. No. 1, so 60; sol:-wood howd- iurt llloaxo V tot, hlml wood do axealic. Tlxhv stun. all dnsucd ready or use: Whisky-hr! (wltll iacullinal-K1'ccn sw. dry $24926; hiooskli» £10 60812; hint £3024, dig ‘Ill-llbdl 8153121‘ tiaroo-an-can 514. drv SJ :beor-Iu:2—dryln oumnd at 524656. Lzrenn slow as 316. Slluvucl noono—liour-uarro _v.s M57 00 lot linoaim: . and B [or cooper; Sign uuli—l:u-«.1 tlnrce 89010. ctualt 316813, b '1. Hoop ‘toolos .-flour or} 965. port 310011. xlorou 510013. lhd 515615. 0OO1'.|l1ll.AGE--.‘l'unlinnl;‘¥nrlx In-luooassn 3 lord to: S1 15; K-l.cs '.'0c;lmgxL5 we; him: to: nmn1l—- t‘.0c;1nrsru70u;hnconcalu :1 6001 70: 3;-canal-Ila in Don; .nonr-hrlx—cuunt:-y Joaxzo, city 330, hall-bris 96¢; produce brls Mafia. liACl{S—Juw corn bum.-':l,I{-bu lsxo. 3—tlu 15¢; both 15-’!-hu ilu, Ex bu 1!}-In. 3-bu nu. («Ian llxc. bu ii,‘-§o.'6-bl: 13¢‘; rmmv-od tnnnleu 15¢; cotton aoamlu.-3 206110; floLu\—9d~li 96 10c. 200-lb l8I828c; wool 32l‘3£‘3<p. ’ SUIIAI’ nmrz. E‘i’U.—llurnt 250. aluvm late 6120. blow 83¢, heavy mini, 95:‘ wruuizhc 1 25. I.l_r!xsI3zsBi:;cnnncr $13; zinc . E.\Il"1‘Y ".\l{RI‘:L$-*COl1|'Rl1d other light oil ba_2-rcln in Si 20; limeerl arm llonvy on do at me. It-\G_$~—cnuntrv ‘mixed at 3322-: 2.5 V 100 lbs. .B().\l£S--gmlnblo at 515611. - - a. a-.- 5:. Louis Lire Stock ninranc. 81-. Louis. SATUIIIJAY, September 18, m~3u.—— The following warn the rucolpta um! olilpumnu oi live stock at llllil pun lur the 21 hours and- ing at 11 u. m. to-duy: v _ Hone: Ant] . Cums. Non. shew. tlulov. Recolntl.................. «'31 2.551‘! IE1 n Bullmu-.nus.. L-5) 2.17? 4-50 OA'1"l"l.l-I-—-'11m nxccipus of iméh ouula wcro mnruly uumlnul, and with no lncrcmlo In tho t1¢.~mn.ud nothing uccurrud to induce trunnion: which was um pn.~sL~.m wyalcrduy. Conso- quumly Llxu min-kol drug-zc huavlly; n for un- ............ llnuunimi. aulcu wurc mudo, and mo»: of mo clulln which wum unsold yesterday’ vmm car- ried over usrnin until Monday. Qll0'1‘-KT! OX5 . 9 no 97 2'» 3 W bi? 93$ 2 El 52-! 0-) II U0 EM I Colnnlon co\n.........-... ‘I00 («"1 9) (load cows an-.1 hulk ‘: 1.0 er.‘ in tin-mi alum-»s........ am 52-! up Llglll shipping users. 8 in 61-1 2) lluuvy shlpplugnlouu... -I -ll) 6-I 81 1‘21xnunen................ .. 4 In 9.‘: ‘I3 (tunnnun to {stir Irv: Tuxauo 1 61') 6&1 :4: Fair in good urn: 'l‘ux:n»....‘ R 31 «-2 2:; Good lo chulm an-ma 'L‘o1:nn ll ‘(.5 as 15 licpre.-mnlellivu snlma: NATIONAL YAIXDG. No. Description. _ Av. Price. 18 Colormlu nu:l.:x'l1....:.. .. .. ..1.’»H$ $3 :0 Cl ilolorndo »!m~rll.. 1.1’ '.' 7.5 ‘J! 50-lllim:al l1ll1i.’I.l ' 51!; ‘A klluckcn. 2 7.’: W liluck-.-rs. '3 18 ll.0iLiS-ih.-<<uipl.s tn-any in m llmllmi, mid mo dumuud hllvlug lll:l"l1 ulluhlly llnpmvnd, lilo market ruled more nctivn mm a nlludo bellur. llu: iuw choice lxuuvy hug» were among the olleringa, nnq sullen- mon wunld not sari. umso mil to leull nlono, but lmm mum in top out lllulr1m(:k'lng gmdu.-t. one huyur clnllllcd llmllm wins will- l1l;.':l.() buv good buir.-hr.-r lungs in $5 l-5. l'lir1k§1l;: null‘ York hugs mny be qunu.-a ubuut Olo 10 cents hlgtllcr, with prulmbly heuur gnullnu than ycnleel--lay. Wu quulu l.'lln|vm null Il(]lh(‘lull llllllV§' S5 ‘.’.'vi2.'l (5; parking, 51 lflllaé 15; ‘iurlcoru and llululnurms, $4 9005 1.1); gm.-swro un- cllnngml. lioplenmllnllvu 9111-91‘: 7 O .2» _,.‘ . -0 . 1 ‘I P 58853.58 2.'f.'.‘.'ll<l. lw....'.’.u....o 12;: —U.;dur n.lnn,-an nmninnl rt-.mll1ul.:l mu nmrkcl. n :1: qu-ctilml suuuly, with as lizun du- ing mi 1.5 cmmmm on Snluldnyr, which In roul- lI.v Li nui. fl lllnrkcl LL17 for sl-.u-.-p. Ql.'0IATIO.‘l'IL N Common linubo. ‘ii In-:ul...... ....,,...3l E R1 75 Fair lo mnul lulnll! ya hi-ml ' ... l is ca‘: 15 (luoll lo uilulcc lnmlu ‘[4 head. .. ... '1 33 fuel -1.) (,'(llIlI1I06) io ililr lluilrc B31013)‘: :1 c\vl.... ‘.‘ ‘.'.1 ix‘: 7-‘: Fair mxmmnnllve sheep in cm........ 1 7.1 and is uoo-l Lu clnulcc nulvu sheep. is c1rl...... 2:‘ 1.: u'J1.~> .umr::~'nA. _ Mr. Nick alnmiy. al’r.m' a prolonged absence. was ulmu: (liu hug iluusn lust \--ack. Al. um Unlnn Yurduxln-ru has bean n tlmroupxh rmirx-unu;uxwl-:11: nnd l|\'L'.l'|IuIllllI;: nl llm lllxlv-I nml hur, mm the Il‘lIV(1llil' can be rcgnlctl nml rt:ll'(.'nIl1cl.l by tho clinics.-14¢ \'lllIlll.Slillll,7‘O0Hl0ll by tho (lnlntll.-sl. drink-1 wlllmur lunving the yards. Tim (rouumny lma lliklill cunlml. Amuu um arm-la hug-1 whlcll lmvu nrrlvx-xi drulluzl 10 must. luv: lll1\'3l. Dl!Vl'|‘l|H)HllL‘hl‘8 lmvu l)(‘(.‘|1di:lcclt:l.l wllh symptoms 01 fllalzllxu, and lmusllh:-llumilngg lllu zulung l.mnplM.lnn to buy, when they nrv selling so low. uml int lmgs luu soiling so high. we an no: lllmk it ucivlmbln f(lI’lllIl['l1’ll:rH to uasumo um risk oi hm only la-aim: largo prnpnruuns of their purcumleu, but of also nil;-lrluulimr llm disease tllrouglr out their imxnudiniu nrigiiburlioml. on/l'lmrul:sy evening, $cxVll:|lIl.ICl‘ 16, 153:), an the n-.-mlcvnm oi Mi‘.Gl-u|~u1- Sillllclhlllil, in Hint at. I.-mu, Mr. Julm W. llcusluy, iur scum: rimo innit with Kim mm of U. M. K8\'(‘.S A200,, wnsumrrlml to Allan Jc.-xmlu 1:. cnlllnn. Wnextemllo chum the hourly con- rnllllallunzl and unit-ivh-I-ml of the number- uxu ruuucru oi (ho "llvo-.-Hock column." By Tolngrnpla. Cluoulo. Snplclnuer lu.—’l'lm I)r-oven’ Journal rn mrm: 1I(l‘.Z.1-li.l:c(:l0l.fl 10.000 lxmul; ul1iumout.s 5, luzml; nun-kel grancrnlly utmug null |!.L!ll\‘0: ullclmnucd; uI'2u~scrs $l75’t3| 5(_l;-rulxml xz;u:kln_x: 11:01:25»; light 34 95%’: I0; lznmi In choice mixed $3 luau :31; Eillccled hunvy $5 (05425 60. Cnil.ll.z-- flucl-{nil $1,000 lluud; lutul lur llm wank H.000 huud. the lalrlu.-ul. on record; nlnpmunln 2.500 hmul ; uxpcu-in low».-. higher at $5635 lu; good to eholcu sllipplnl: $4 Witt-i 15; common in medium uruaucrsfi zimii--\-c-ry (lull, sudwu lmvur llmn IN. the: llrnt. oi the wank: _lmlclu-n $283; 5:41.-k. on plenty nml dull‘. \\m4icl'u Tuxuns w«:u;oa lmvcr M was 15. blwoxl—-lit-oulms 400 llifml; shipments cm lmml; unclxumu.-d. lx'A:4M.sUi'l'Y,&in..l§o|ll.onnu¢rl8.-—'l‘lm Covlmer. cm! ludu.-mar ropurts: Uxutlo -- llcculuul all hand; ahipulunlu 1,39! llcud; umrlwl. weak and slow, nx-cop: lor lcodunl. for which the da- ‘flgnniill iv izill 3 prlcon umu-.l.l1o(l. llozn--ill» einu U52 lu~ml;slllx;1nonta -154 howl: tutu-km. fll‘llll‘l' mid bldlillu l||;glI0l‘; sales nlxuzod at 14 boa I 75, bulk It 54 mm 6.’). k5liccp—-a‘1o rucoipul; no shipments; nothing doing. (lanorai Marltuu by Tolegrnmi. Kzw Ymm. lsnplumhor 13.-()ul:lun-Futures easy; Septexnlwr. llll7»-100491183-lull; uc-lobar, ll ll-ionic: sales 811.000 balon: spol.u:ond)'; mid- ulimr uplluul ll!£c. Ylourqmel; pricua gunfir- nlly uncllungoil; 1-ucelpu, 17,000 hriu. Whoa:-— Wlumr. modoraus trade; ulo No. ‘I I wring 143 Xxx: holler; iocolms. 2‘.’.'l,ilm hu;_old 1 0. 2 6m- 1: u, in atnru and allmu, :1 0701 llb‘.'(: unarmed to . lIal10'l.l.'; lxo. 3 do. 31 N!(%l 04):’: uaumer do, u: Nu. arod 3107131 07.15; ho. lwlxilo. £1 omol Lwlllif lnzofdo price in Iture 1. o. I). ‘am a llmdo lnwor ruoolpls. :36 000 bu: un- guided, wxeolxc; 'o. 2, ,60}.’a30,'4o; No. 2 while. l13,\’u. UM! utuetllmi and {ovarian closing ‘mom steady; receipts, ‘ll, ' mlxozf Western, iilflilic; with to do, 450500. I ny, Boo. flupu Quin: and awruifi; hllntcrn and Western, uezloc. Cation null. null: dull Illld lxonvy. Alolnuou dull and um.-lmnged. Bloc Mandy, nlodurat-n mule. l‘utroluu_un uron and higher; unm>d,9sxu; crude. flltwf. ‘o: no nod. no mo. Tallow small and inlrly sci ve. It 6306 7-16¢. Rosin 1 00¢ 66. Turpentine ulcodx Run 11); . . llfllulflf-4-llfiillloclt sole 283-2260. Wool-—l)omosKlo iloece, M0485‘ pulled, oaolac; annulled. i543:5o;'loxas la-'8. c. I’Oi’K quiet; old moss qurotod at 315 . Book one used. Gut meal: quaint and llrm; I. c. m.. a. 83.750: 3. o. In. 9}{c. Inn! ulronfibprlmo nioam.B.22}§o. Dlmur (inn lor choice a ’a3lc. Ohoouo dull uni uncluangaa. Wh sky nominal. 3 ht!/1'i)(()B1fl Boplumhor 18.-canon firm‘ mid- flllng llxc. flour firm And unchanged. Vlflu-.11: — lower and aull- No. S Wt'ti.ern win- mr red I ms um! 80 vfmnbrr S1 otmal 00):: Octoberfl ,'(a1WK; . member 81 cexal 08, ; Dcocmbur 31 £961 09,\(. Ccorn-Waste)-n dlu ; Wcluern mlxmispo: and Beplomhur B1146 um; October ncmxc. Nuvomberbaliaiul u; Onu firm and uuicl: Woewrn whim Hal 5. Bye quiet as No. Hay unellnngaal. Provi- uloml uncnamrud. lluuar firm: prime DU chulco Woslom packed. 1Bli20o.- sigma higher :5 196100. Pnlrnlwm xlrxn and unchanged. Oulioo mot and nnuhanxod. no I1‘ men A non 10,313, Wlllnlry quiet. at £6 . nlzlila unchanged. Raoul ls-Flour, l. llrlr wheat, 73,591 buycom. ,ouo bu; mu, 1 an lzu; me, (who. Sh! nlonu-Whea.:, H9005 bu; corn, moo bu. ua-svnm. mml ha; ha. lllmvmxn napalm‘ ill.-—!1om-quiet um unnlumuea. Wlmuqubouudnrm No.1 and corn, 38.- mm oululoézllo. la ngou 96¢; No. 2 zgrlng out into; No. -gazing say; No. 4 ms-ex-; J 1 no-.9-..;.-_.--a. .%§g{c3unsh.fl_flxo=B?!c’;)’lécr;Tfi 6 -. 3 31 n u- ¢gVB_llld‘il..'&ll :- ' .o. Joxn. one-' 1 “‘ " . .. , . . I ,fi§-‘_—‘lj;IbGf?VD';‘l'O;'1_.;K(l'§*_ ' , t‘la'){—F1l'lnt\t'."lnd. ‘_1n",1'.I.i§§domnnd;'1fo.- S : ’. \' " - ‘ -1 - In . '. o; in 0-" ~ . - - . _:e:-and November‘ 1iux:fl—1I.ln:nrmezns4.75. -_s°h°m_3 150 COVE?» 0H1oAoo.rx'8om¢cmoov ,l_8.—‘lcoc¢.~inta—rloux-, I ‘ V. . . . ._ . 1 5,581 brlI‘;',vih_I‘tB.‘ 15.01‘! inn‘. com‘.-‘unfit’? bu.’ ' ' can 13 , .n.w lm,;‘bcrloy,»8l.§l5 ' . I I on‘ '3‘ fin.‘ 8l1lpmonI$’!*lour,t5.ad6 rlo:vIheu:~. 54.970 ll: _oom,1Bj ..bu‘;ou_:o.‘78.& bu. 2.177 bu; ~ba.roy .. , . on. non: Inn at gund nnulumxed.. When ‘olive. firm-and): .-¢ll':.No.l rod lvrlnmz-'83 nsinz’ XOR! up at £11 1, , Ado hlzhcr; -ioxo ¢luh,i0'/,0 Ocmbc Kn -Novombar. Gnu strong and hlzhnr; $0xO803(o cash. 101:0 Sop- ,‘ 29.1.-a:9xo October, !9}£o'.Novan1boi'. Bye cute:-.1: mxo. ’Bn.rloyou1ui-atllc. ' I: '-O'Dtions higher; cash lower: at 17 anon $17 15 Savlemher.-$17-£5017 . October, 31: on: November. Lard Mendy and unchang- 131,317.81 o cash. 1.851!-7.8‘i,'{o xuvnmbe Bull: :3 .nr¢'nnd unulmngod. Willa 'lltouiv.nx$1l3. - » . ._ 1'.nl.ujn2u'un. so tambor )s.—Pluur uulot: Iilunccuta cxmu. our good to choice 36 500 5 .5, no struixhtialflo no. Wm.-at ouicr No. 1 rc<l—-aupzomboc in coma. $1 cox axed. .23., non: Malireonuo. Corn quiet; yellow on trunk Nor mixed 630. GM; unclumrod. Pour--mesa lséxs 50¢. HAm.u__—plckJod sxmox. 1.3:-a- nrimo alum 8.'wc. kculli B.7.':8S,’£c. Butter ilrm; Wuternv Beoervq extra mean. '1'.‘ 5:: ocuoum amaze. Ol.lco¢o.l1rul;crnulnal’? 13 lac. Petroleum antlrcly nominal; no oil-arloxt. Whisky stand: at}! 16. ' Louliivxnu.-Beptombet lB.—Co:ton Itcmg: middling lxo. Flour dull; extra $363 : y usual; choice mucy seen 7:). Whom: nun at. 886900. corn nnn; No. 1 while we; do mixed llxu. Outs: ilrm; Eu. 2 while Isl. ‘Owe; do mixed Sivlllll-co. Rye; No. '2 ifllfc. any at $1131! 00. Pork quiet at 1215. Luna lair uuznnum pi-hue nbomn awe. hull: rm-his dull;.aI» 6.500: cl:-nr riln Sling L'lourl!.10c. Bacon quiet; slmnirlora EH0; clear ribs .9.40c; clout 9:50. .lInms—Sul;ar-cnmd 12.\’0l:l.\{o. Whisky nrm at S! '13. KAN Our. 310., bopmmber 18.-—'l‘hc Cows- Vmzrc,-ial Indicator ‘mporld: Whoab-f-h‘.occ_lit8. lmmll um; shipments, 15.431 9.111.; in mm, 85,- am bu; uuul:-.-1. ilrtn but quiet; No. 2, was bld:h'o. 3, '.’3,‘{o uni; xo. 4; Tlxc Geru- lieculpla an bu; shipments 3.890 ha: in more 42.317 bug market nr-in: X0. 2 mixed ram: bid; No. .m-lane mlxod saxc hld.0atn nalninul. .l¢)‘o--No. 2, 764:. Egg: steady at 1343 Der duz. lluuer-—liecuipu lnrgur and market slow on mo in single package lots. '. Boa-mu. st.-pwmbor 1l!.—l»"lour woolly: win- tcr when. 6:. Louis and Illinois 535065 a. Corn in but duuumd; mixed yellow muwc. Dale ulond_y;.\lo.-2 white (Beluga. Ilyo mm. iinlwr-Weislcrn otiolce cx-onlnuriea 2133101. (.'lNOl.‘l:u'l‘X. Be (ember 18.-—Go:ton firm; mlliclllnx llxc. ’lour aloud '; lnlnily «ova 6 Sb: lul1c)'$.5'.':>ra55.$.'\Vhnnl rmor; . o. i lun- berwo: Nu.2md “'eliLex'll93c. Gum ilrmer; low mixod -Mxaibo. (lain amudy; Ru. 2 mixed 2130. live quiet‘ Nu. Bkleflo. Barley '83Sl(.'l':‘-"0. 2 iull sue. l‘urk dull at am. Lara dull and nominal at 7.8.'ou. Bulk moat»- Sll0ul(lcI"u,l,"g'O; clenrfillaxc. liuonn-4muul- dun axe; clear ribs Ellie; ulnar llxc. Whisky $1 11. Ullttcruulslcr. but not noinbly lower. ling.-r-l.lve xtoauly; common 3: loan 75; light SI W95 25; pncklng $4 9363 35,’.--buwllurs 25 85 Qcom {niriy 3 - cm (0; reculnts 53!: hand; shipnwnts 806 llclirl. l..lvr.uroul.. oepzenlbur 1§.—0ouun quiol ..nml uuclmngv.-ll; sulus 7.UuCl bales; cr- rlor: null upuculuuun 1,000, bales: un- lnnrls spol. 3-loll; Orlcnm 15-xsu. }Jl'Cfl\«|8lUu.I unclmnguu. Flour vsraill. Wham. ——-Winter. 8: 51.1533‘! 711; spring ‘is uneven Ind. Culilornlu nvernfruax :idfl‘):5«.l;-club bslclflllsila. (:urn-Iiouru lit . Cliocuullbsl 023135-436. Park 708. Bee: 6:: Gd.l1ucon-—-L. a man: an; n. c. in. 453. Lard»-1'. w. as. ‘follow-—Uoo'd to line :l.Sul3d; p.y.c. London 36: GL1. Vlla.-culpu ol corn lur mo pus: um.-o days as Liverpool, 15.000 quurlura. Nxw ouuzuls. Bcplolnber lH.—(.'orn meal dul and lo-wr, at $2 2116') 30. Sugar dull and numuml; YVHUIV clni-111-.-«J. 0,'~.’c. Ollmra un- cimmguu. 51:11: uchulluu par; smrllng ax- clmugu M SIM. 'i‘ul.1~;lnu, auplonllmr lzl.—Wuuurlinn:-.r; Nu. 2 red \\ nllasll spot Ollie, 5L'|.Ilc|ul.lur 92:-(c. Dew- lzurvsxc. Curulm.-ndy; hiigh mixocl -H,‘{c, No. 2 rpm. lillfio. Souluulhar 43,'(<-, ()nl.obm' -121:. Om.» :I;l‘i‘ll); Eu. ispul Blxc, Soplcuzbul‘ 3.l)gc.():l.ol)or . (. IN1l|Al~'.\l‘()i.i5. Eiunumlbur 15.--Whont qlllul; .\‘u. 2 (‘vii 9.‘.*.‘~:‘.l.1-:. corn manly nu: lolafitilc. this ul4;n<ls.' us :l0}{€x‘3i}{c. limos-l.l\'v r uiui in SI 904:5 ill; rccz.-ivI.u, 2.000; llhlpments, I .w. ().~m'l;uu, Soplolllbur ls.--Wu.-m slmuly. Cum quiet; Duluclzltlu. ‘ Gallon. (i.u.vr:r.’ltu:<. S--ptolnbur 15.-—Cnttmx mm‘ illltlllllm: 1l}u’c.; low middling l0,‘..’c; good m~dinnrv10c' in-I rucl.-ipL1 2,457 |.Il|lll5; ex-, [.‘Ul(l! cuuslwlw 873 ‘£5.78! blllllfl. Nuls‘ 01ILI~1\N8, Soul:--iubur lll.—Couon stead)"; uusldllni; lljic; luw mldrlllmz llliu; good ordi- 1(l}.‘ . nu: rum.-lllla 2.11:0 bllllza’, guns ru- bulusu.-1|lul'lul.o Elva’. llrlluln 3,- ‘ :5, union 1.1.0?) Uullzlli l-Inuk:16,.";‘.’3. Ml-l1ll'liirl, '1'l.‘h'N., cw uuuzbur 15.-—Cnllnu firm; mldllllng 1l.'(u' ruzulpis l‘;&'1l)ulos; unip- guiulu H1 Lmlua; uulcu fll bulc.-3: Mock 7,1131 LI cl. . bnlus; null.-o 8llJ bulua; nlucl; hr; ipnmil. NKW Ymm. Sonwluln.-r 18.-—-Jul-hing trzldo r*.oul.luu¢-.3 iulrl ' uuuve: null cuxuulhsmulu lluusx-H uru dolmz is lair Lnu.alnc:s in cotton Puuds, prlnlo.v ulnuhzuna, an-as ‘genius, ole. (lotion gnodn uru armor in ilrol. lmudv. Nun's u-our wuuluna cuulluuu qulut; iD[nellLlllL§~1ll lull‘ ru- quusl; ill uncle in eunuly (la-Iuund. Thu !luI1(“'l our-‘a -.'.~ pieces ulllz will he sold at auction nu-xi V'a‘ 2 Mann». . N1-2'1-v Tl’lllK,Kupl0lllb(ir l?.—-.5ll1illlli\Ctllh".d cop- 1-r i|()llNIIl|H)' um-lmnm-1 ;lm:nLl.u.ho l7}io. l‘l;g 'oxx-sculcll 5:! H1625 60, _Auu.-.riuuu Sill D0823, lius:-in (slu-tel; lllaalifau. .‘usil»—Cul 3.3 1.'mt;l 35; clinch H was an. Petroleum. mn-_-muan, Smllumlmr lzi.-—-Puzrolcum quiet; cr.,.~.cllnn at 51 1:55.’ ul l‘nrkur'al tor Blll[)|1it.|I‘ll; rullm.-ll 0.1. no, l.'lIl1:sill:I[lll_ll$ d¢:livur1'. Aurwxiw. tsupululbor hl.—-l'ul.ruluum scm. Tllflllilllllltio \\’ll.)ilN(‘l'rn:t._ Septunibcr llJ.—SlIlrlu3 turpen- llnu ilrulur in bile. A Horrible In-nth. . [From the Purilunv! (On-5:011) Ilul|:=lln.j A allucklm; ncultlullt, by wlllcll Ml‘. Wllay Wilson, onulnour 01 um tug lup Vun Wlnklu, loullllo lllo, mnrulnir. Follow. lug am the plullculnrs uf this dlalreunillu nlinir: Mr. Wilson lelc the auuunoruold Dust. of which llvfsrus onyzlnoer, a. low days slung, to ‘resume ihu uunu ptlallloxi on tho llip Vim Wlbklu, on which bout is was formerly employed for two ycuni. AI :30 o'clock thin morning he boarded the tug. rnlscd storm, and about 3:30 Q. Ill. _oa.-_ct, loose: the inulunlmzs nnd llinried dowlrthu rlvnr int 8:. iluluna with Mr. Juim-.n liucklo. Cam. .1. G. Harlow and um ¢1m_-.3 deck lmmia, lmlsidus Wlllvon, on llmml. linrluw was at tho whculcouvurelmg with Mr. Mnclxlu. WWII llwlr attention was ex- clicd by ulnnd nolso, m<-milling that mudu by :1 lnilim: ulunk or a collision will: it llv:iv)'ob- J--cl. llurluw 1'l1l!l)l‘(l irnm tho VIIlN!lvll0u16Il1 lime lu mu Hlllllll issuing lmm the engine» mom uud email in his arms ilm ;rhusll)' ilguru ui Wlluy Wllsrm, who was «bun: In lnllmlhu deck. 'l‘llounloruu_lntu mun resuuimlrn alck. unimg spo>¢:lm~lu, bcluu Iiloml y lnrbnilmi and mo flush clrmlplmt In huim mikes mm hi-4 nrlus umi body. Tho akin oi one ul his lmmia, ilmner mills and all, levied mi and drupluzil on tho cnbln nor. Wlltlon was con- uclouo, and gave (ha ioliawim: vnnnlon of mu unimmunlm: 110 was standing in um ongino mom. {routing the one but, o.flerll:1v- imr lurmui on nu-,nm. in answer to is last ball, when the box or boiler exploded. ruuhln uirnlgllt in his men ovary particle 01 siunm am mum: in tho holler. Tho cxnloalon took‘ place in um mlzldlo oi um river, opposite Greenwich (look, just buluw the oily. He had zmnlciont viluillylc-it [0 walk llllumrll the cabin to uni ulmv oi the bout and around to tho heol house. whom he mu 'lUBlI by Oupx. llnrlmv. livery inch of me poor iellnw’u body was ncaldod oven to the I010! oi hluluo¢,ln1n Mon and olocnlmn Imvln to be cut nvruy. ‘Iho moon noxious lu- Jury, mvever. was cnusod by his luhllllng lilo sh.-nluwhlcllburnlllls tongue and palate and iulnlly lulu a ll!!! internal or imitation. Wil- mn mu in lorrlhle agony an pileously‘ begswd that they would cltncr klli him at can llw frightful mun ho nndurcd. "All l am sorry for," mplrml ho. “Ill Hm: I was not kllloti in- alnnlly. [should «lie easy I! loould only no in our wile and baby." ‘lie ambled boat was wwod luhoro, and the wounded engineer oonvuycd to 8:._Hucont I llmplul by O-lpc. Harlow. Mr. Wllwn al.1- lnluui lhntha had ninety pound: oi steam at iho time 0! tin explosion, whereas he won: al- mvod lo carry but olxmy pounds. The Qfllcoro, howuvur. all nxrrcn lhut no must have had 100 or no nmla at the than at llln lunar. calculation. Ila navv um boiler’: capacity wc_ll, having run the IIIJIO on no for two yearn. Vhlion lln area till 16 o‘cloa NIIIIOINBIIODII, wliuu death it mily ended hi: sulierln s. The remains were tukon tome roaidunra a his father in Hunt l'<)rl.lnn(l whom his family, ronlden. Decuueod wnu signal ghoul gs vents. and van the non oi Mr. Wilsun, Illleitl|N:1'0KUlO Ens: Porllulld lloarclol'1‘ruI~ leoa. ’Au inquuu will probably loo hold on the d v. — (bgurga Ouhol, one oi the’ dock hands oi the nimnnur. Ina M50 several)‘ oculued on the neck by tho escaping uuxulwl. . 'I‘rnnaportution Stopped.-. * Nzvr YORK, sopmuaber ls.--'l‘no uenmcrn having a comuos to deliver military sud in- dian lwinht, havemu Willi A dlilluully which tiirnabona lo Imp tramportsllon oi their IUD- pile: on the wuonrl. ‘rlionovernmenl nu romovod all-' wood-ohoppora (min um. portion 01 mo river rnnninujhmuszll the Indian coun- uy, nu than in no incl 10: the hula. '.I.llI ntoapootu nulilury and Indlluu will have be uuppliaeiby vnsonsrsnnpgzuslong - _ E61775‘ r.‘ 31 A mutation r'u;-i;..u‘una‘nu‘ fur :~‘...m.,.«" Fanlnru Adlqlud ll-or: Europa: Eoioh- . Probable 0asi«—fiov- It. would Pry." .l1"m1n use new You-x mu‘-Ru.) The proposition to build 9. hotel in New ‘York on so grand 5 scale and of such vast pm- poruonx-lhat all the oulizr hotels, not only hi." New York: City, but on the lnlerlcan qonu. neat, will ho more plgmlu in comparison, may, pa ups, strike the American mind as 9. chimeric ' scheme, but much: sclmuae in roally on iool. and In much hands that would it actu- ally be undertaken it would no doubt. be car. tied through to I successful tormlmllon. The origmalox-.0! this bold idea is Mr. Bum: . at Ilul-nap &ljcKinnie. mprlcturn of the au- hauap Bench :ml 0 emu! Hotels at. Coney 15 land. The unpxrnlleled success attained. by Mr. Bumnp in the management of tho Islan- hailsm Bench enterprise within the last three years is sulllcleni. guarantee lhab be under- nlaudn his subject thoroughly. a.nrJihaL bin ian~ of buiidlnu a. mammoth hole] in New York is ml. a wild scheme.‘ bill. a sound busi- nusul proposition. Mr. Burns does not con- sider hllnscli professionally 3 ‘hotel man." 110 says that “hotel xncu"‘ have not usually been uucccsrful in the manazc-nu-at of 'l‘eal howl enterprises. The man nlllu: hczl , he thinks, must. be a sound business man. 1!. man of excellent sense and judgment. and one whose equilibrium is not L-tally dlslurbcll. “I ‘tell Mr. Corbin," h llltyfi, "if I I-hnulql dlu he must not gel 3 hole! man to condllql these hotels. He wants something more tlmu a. ho- tcl luau.” . “ll. in no uncommon thing.’ ’ said Mr. Bur- nap, in ouuvumilloli with it Timos roporler last. evening. ." hear about the nlagnlllccut ‘ holels we into In this country. and limit Vxuit suporloril over all the other hotels of the world. hi-.1 la a great mistake. Our not;-ls, lmo as they are. are uol. am not Nupurlor to the hotel; of the Old Wurl , but tllov are so far behind the best. Conllnunlal hotel: that they are not to be hauled in the sonic breath. it would sound like gross cxnggurnlinn if I'- wcrc to anv that the best American hotels colupam with the great. hotels or Paris just about :3 Cable’: compares with the Oriental, but such is the cum. Thorn in fully that much lliiierence between them. Any one who ova: lmvulud lhrough Europe and l.vud' in the blzltl hotels on we Continent, known that the idea that our Aluuricrlq howls load the world is mere l‘l0l.lx~'Cllli0.” ' “.\'cai-ly all the knowledge I had at the ho- lcl business befuru 1 lu.-gun nl. Manllnllan Beach,” Mr. Burlulp coumluotl, “I gained mm: the great. howls of Paris. Wucu I‘w:s a young man (a very young uuln I mean, {or I mun younsr 1‘l1.'ln yul) and was sludyiul: ln .l:':lrla, _I lived for nearly six yours in i 16 110- lcl du Louvre. That. was a < unrlcr of a cen- tury ago, from 18312 to 1"‘ , when the hotel was nearly new. Tlmro was then in that. building near! over convenience that can now be toun ‘ in i 0 best Alnurlc.-ul ho- tels, including many that we are in- nllucd lo cumvldur dlallncily American. There is the elcclrlo V bull, iur l1lsL‘ulC0. Most. people lu Alilctltlzt think that that idea orlgllmiud hero. From the day it -was built. more thnu 30 your: ago, every room in the Hotel du Louvre was connected with the olllcc by an electric bell. ‘ '.l‘he hole] was then In nvcry res eciiar liuperlor to anything now lu he found :1 this country. The fact. is, our howls are far behind the ninrk. A quarter of A century ago there was not the wealth In this country, nor the refinement, nor the do- luandjnr ln.\'.urlou.s appolullucnla that lhere is now. New lllcre ls as much wealth hen: M in many oi the Eurnppzm couulrix-ll, rind as much rullnemunl, and pcuplc who can ullurd ll. dczllm lull‘\'c1uxur1uulsly. The: country was nl.-var more ‘prosperous. We are llomlcd with guld. and a most every man is n prmiucr-r.’ “ll [mu loll been in!‘ wt id:-3," Q11‘. Rur- nclp (.‘0llllllUI.‘L . “lo hull a hotel in New York llmt shall iull ' equal the Hotel du .i.ouvrc,i.ho (Lirund or the ‘omiuonial of l.‘u.rlu, tlw l{ ho! ui Berlin, or the Midland oiboullon. All these llulels nru Rvmuch In advance of any- thing w‘c have In this cxzun an ll. is possible lo conccivu. Tlicru isnol mg to prevent. lho i-llcebss oi such as hotel in New York-every- lhlugm ussurcli. You must !.ll1(li:l'.\l.‘l1lLlll. will inku B vast zunonul of mono)‘ to build such a hotel. null cnpllnllslu lnulsi. lake hold ut the Iclllllnll before it can bu carried through. I have not ycl. approached any capitalists on the uhjccl, and shall not do so until I have my plans fully mn- lured. I have consulted will: xrcllliccu and bulldunl and him: some ;c.-loam eslilxlnlca. Tho hotel 1 have n my mind, and which I Dc- llpve can he built ml snccc.~.-xiully wmiuclccl in -.\'s:\v York, will be the greatest huiul ln_§llg world. (“And lh.-it in s.-lying a good deal. 'l'hcru"-.\ York. There on; many iunlllies In this city who arc w‘ilIln_ lo pay almost any price for nparlluunls It l 1l'y can only have good ones with all the surrpundlnga in kllcfilllg, an there are more and more of me WL-;lll.hy families in New York every year. Thry do not want the cure: otlnuusullcuplug, but prefer lulivc in a. hotel whore ovurylhlilg is in tho best. possllslo hula and style. 'l‘hu_r wuni. pulnilzil acoonunodallons, and are able nud willing to Q51)‘ for lllcll. Thom urn examples oi ml: in Jew Yurk every day. Every one oi the llrsi-class inlnlly hotel: I)! full and pl‘0§[N'f‘1llg. Wilt-rover the llxlllllxaulilfist and limit expensive apartments are to be had they are quickly lahon. '1‘helargc new apart} lneni hon.-«c1115: finished in in central part 0 the city is a good example. 'A]i.hou::h in 21 B001‘ location. and in many respects undesira- lc, it was crowded as soon as opclleli. and its proprlulors nru nhoul. to build a large alldillon. lia lluuceu luv lJOL'llI0 great. lhul. 3 lillllllill‘ hulilllng is noon in Do erected just. across the street iruulll. ll. zsuccucdcd bocnusu ll. W113 wullllullt, lire-pruuf, and oiicrell flue ac- commodations to people who were able. to my for them, and who did not care to keep Dllfifl. - “The hole] that I propose must, in the first place be llru-proof-nulilrm lroof tn the way uf bu ma 1| ‘slow-burning’ bu! Lllug. which is ull um. :1 large nuluber at our ‘ilrc-proot’ bulldlu nrc-but ml allsolululy illju-proof. from cc law to gnrl-cl.,n.a iho 'l‘r:msllry llullulng in Wluilliliglolt. It m_usi be utterly indestruct- ible. ll in to llll one cuure hlock of the cllr- ilni. ls,ln~.lwccll two cru.-s nujcula and two unz- nuca. Tim blocks between tho numb;-red ul.recLi an: about 1:00 icut. and full blocks bu- twnen the avenues 800 feet. This \_\'0l.lli1 mukotlle building 200 by 800 feet, with n grand irunlngu or 800 foot. Ills lobe built of brick, alone, iron nhd glass, without much nllculpl. nl. nrcliilecl ru! display. It is lobe nine stories lll5:|%,‘llIl(l only the upper stories are to Do arran ~d tor the acconuuo4la- lionoi lrnuulanl uoala. It will be M no.-lr perfection as pass 12-, and perhaps too expen- lllvc to attract the onlltmry lrlulslcnl cu.-stmn. It will be built. especially for people who do- mxmd and can ya for palatial nccomlnoda- ilunn. It will be ulll. around three immense court-ynrdu, lutercunmmnioaling. It will he conducted on uvo (.’l)|I(',el\'a1Il0 pl:1n--.\1ncr- icnu, 1-European, lltlnenial, or what not. Tlwru will he a table d’hulo fur them who do- -slro it served In a grand central din- (Hg null: 00 by 40 feel, and 60 ice: high. '1hoso w H) prelcr II em out in the rauiauraulu and onfus, or which more will be nevcral. supplied glib dellcaclea by tho boat woks of tho wux . This is, 01 course, um onlywn to live. At. 3‘ table d’huta ‘cu ink for hcc sunk, and you Kola plcuo, lull co. In the real hotel. in the restaurant, when you ordur a bcomunlr, you M. it cnllre, with all its odors and juices. '1 e coiling: or the that floor at the hotel will luv 2:: teal. high.‘ This floor will contain tho oillccn, cafes, reading and writing nod other rooms, and rows of stores. The second floor will be 23 feel. high the mini 18‘ and all the other: twelve cut. The an-ooml and third iloora will be tilted up almo-it entirely In mag- nilloauksulleu ol‘. sparuuonul_for ilunlllcs or wcallh who desire the ho-lbaocolumodallotin obtainable. These rooms will be furninhudlu the moat. luxurluuu nlylm with upholstery and wood-worxe llllltolhnl. lnilla llllclll: private residence». "ho upper alone: will be do» voicd lo the tram:-lent custom, but the ' will lm .quilo as ellglhlo in the other: aing reached by several elevators. A: the llulldlng is lira-proof. they an: entirely sure. ‘ “Suullnlloiel as this,” Mr. Burua con- tinued, “can be will in New York‘ lull made to pay its owners A hnndsoluo prolll. I have _lhc 1) an in hand, undpxpcct lo devclo ii. I llavuvmy cya now on an eligible silo. 1 at can be hdllghl, and ii in one of the bell. hotel site: in tho world. but I can not name it at prcxeui for obvious rcmsouI..- '1‘ land building and iurnlluro oi the hutoll.’ vp ulgncll would oosl. - ,b00,000., '.Aud [hbllavu this time is not {Ire svhen_NewYorl: will have, umlm hotel vngliio build-—‘-the best. hotel‘ nllm world. .-''‘‘l‘'’'. ‘'1’ 5"“ When “I008 “I! ll_ IcO(|l’td,'|l.'W_lH tulle two ‘R-ll, . _ ,.- __ is nbumlnnt support 101- such I hole} in New ‘-\_ K \=. I, §‘a.n’1onr- Eldfiper ' I-xvgnrm.-(I . o:al"2d#. which > . . _1=susbx;:g. ‘ftp.-3--p‘,Ellt‘&t-‘E-0’l"d{‘ Daflde with ’a—;Tan‘<.... A ~ ~ -.;: Wily -1‘:-_IlE _ Donor: Their Party. ilha Greet. --".l‘nrnouat’ll: Gjlinloll ol"il1e Rosult in ‘Maine. Davin? -Plurnlity About 25o—'r"2m. rim-. ‘unions’ Diuy. " .t'rrram:ua. 'Stfpto'mbur la.—G¢m. lien}. F. Ilntier and Col. Johuw. Porno: ugivou in the city this afternoon and _ mule their headquar- ten attha 3:. Glnlrlcr Hotel. About 3 o'clock Paul J. (ts:-econ, u~Depnty llherlfl, together wlthre.-number 0!’ other colored man. called upon‘ Gen. nmzof. ‘sir. on-son wu. npolceumnn, and in brim ntatud “tho: wished to pay it - tribute of respect to one whom tho: bnlluvcd I. beualnctor to their moo. and to whom they ,_ ascribe the mum at unnnmburud 'pu‘la1ic I¢‘.l’TlC-80 to them union that: mm and innate wax in n ohwtlu alate. lltr. Butlm-, in rcnponuo, said-ha had done nothing bnt what he oonoeivedlo bellls duty In I. werwnloll who not begun for the emancipation ol the slaves, because, as all would. nnxembermt the nut procilunntlou of Pxouldont Lluc0l.ll,Ilt‘OOpI'3‘dl1I called out to re- tllko and reptllltoul the United state: property. whioll um been-Mixed from thump 100 W ‘*1’? tartan the lawn. Alter rmrluwlng hit career lrum '60 to ‘$5.116 comllmedx "1-‘uralxrecl: your: uinco the war I have not- ed with thuitvnubilcen putty. in the nopo that they tvould extend that promotion to oolomtl mun ileum that I. “earned ought to be done. I tried to ut ltdnno In Gongfronl, but is who not done. taught tho csunpeszn Ior Hnyoe in N76 "to have that done, un or it pronlllle 0! platform and leader: that it uhmtld 2 W" ‘'30 rvnult? ‘rho very lint not at lleyon‘ Ad- ministration mm to turn over the State: 0! laaulllnzxn and South Curolinx, where it we: clnixllud that titers were H.(!|)|llJlIt‘II) govern- ments bigoted ll ' noum‘voi;o» (or also lluyus was not elected). 'hore that was the [not he xuvn um so 5’8i'nll)GltlA no elected over to the Demo- crats, and truth that hour for tour years no one lllliiz nu boon attempted to he done in behalf 0! tho column men. uor'lmiz-ed anybody ulee. 'l‘hl-re mm been ,1: in true,n littu ulttuxl at to aim) the Illicit clblllllln at with y and brandy in tho Suutl, and I. low mun ll.'i\‘(! berm ennui»: and lot mt. uuld homo mun heme been killed by lawless tlltllllure, mu] their mzmlerera lmvn not been punished. wthuttlioru hm not been proxmrpromctluu lor the man wimllru «Jon-u tlxuru. Tlmt hoslmruo, In "tho but Inter;-ulu of tho téouth and the but In- latent: orlllu color-ml man. I propose to have t. tillluzgtfi. ll tho lllvpubllcllll purty can not uto- vlnlu till: 'pl(lH.'Cl.l(tn In Iixluuu yours, I do not propose to my them twoln-3'. "l_;..-n. ll-ullcuck hlul Mlltl that ha will orumrco the lllltlexzlnlll,f(ml‘(e(!nllI lulil Illtomllh IIIil(!ll(l- ln(.!lii.:l In l'.ll(.'lI' latter and spirit. Nohmiy who liuut\‘lll.lll.ll will doubt. that be will otltnti by that It oluctull end glvuli the putter, lulu nolluv.l)' double tmll. tho .111-,ulocx'llt'lc rlltrty lulu tho honor to llrottrnt the Ilt‘»Kl‘0 ll tlflay get Into power. f1‘bolr great It‘-Mk‘! liltfl will he will do no. lpronosu to try this oxpariuu.-ht zorlour Eletlrll, um} thzlnil tho lmxllucruta elm not do utter than lhlyuu hm Llano, 1 shall tum ruliml, mid llaip kirk Ilium out as tho and oi lllu lmlr)'em's. Ono thing is cart.:irl——~I can not in: more nowuerlo-an during: the next hour yearn to glrotmlorctl man uropcr protection than I and nor): other umn has bison in the put.“ ~ LN ‘rut: )‘.V£.NlXO I Itcoul—li‘c.exx' nu.-atinsr was held it: the old Cit; ‘Hull, and lully (.000 -Dc-none warn pruscut. "Them wins I ur-and loruhllgbt Xll‘0(:v3n- uion outside. and an ov¢sl'liowin.: luaethlg at the loot oi flltll nvuuuu lmltbibortv itrool. At 8U’cl0ck..Hlu Voturun Asuoclntloll eaoorlod tho ominltulslie.-d. writers to thohnll. where they were rocolvmi with utorma oi applmno. lion. Tllnrsllull tiwltltxweliiur vrlul elvtctod Chnlrnllln. Onu hnndmd Runubllcnu Ilopporu were munud ior Vice l’ruair.Ientu, amt the ini- lowlng telegram: lrqln Ben. llaucock Will rel: . Nsw Tons, September l6.—Gen. A. 1.. Pour- mn, .I’Itul>urg: l have not hmi time in answer by mail your letter oi the ‘lull inst. The ocean- aion "you write a.b<=uI will be 01 special inluwlt. Tim rompoaltluu oi your tneutluu will Indicate that the romaine pl mctiunaliam and bitterness rm: to but-loci: that living . issues am to be-grappled with, xmd that we have n fit-’owlnx pnrty eovurio all sections and um- ' dyinu harmony. (me out o! oblnion and hair ex'preu:i£n tllzoulzh the ballot box. (Sign W. 8. lI.L'i¥’GOUK. uun. Butler who then introduced uld spake ll lollowu: onx. BUTLER’! erzltcu. Attendance in such number: land ontnnsinsm thou ins. the owuion is appreciated. Tho flill.llt1Nll§ is to mlect A Prsuldunt oi the United states. tta only In this iron and happy who- try the privilege is llCChl'(l0iI n wvurrigzi people to orient a ruler. Ho would euu mlidu rsomll vltuuorlltlou. Eotllmu in glined by Kim word: or mini thing: or his would have dead long IKE). [Uheu‘rs.] no this as the moat uecuptnhlu than [or acllnnzo in mints, as long continu- nmce in power bv the ltelubliuunu umdo H10 putty corrupt. ln H900 w ten the Democratic lu‘tydl‘Irl(1t‘d tbelvnlon wu not dlvlxlczdgmlm oi uh pnrtles hacked to the trout to protect the ti:r.:. IL uubm an-. lunch: the our. and nthlnccd alu- tixtlw lmm-1...; that in cl3l'H!ll).$0ilUt¢X‘ll Suites tile IillIui:I.!1" nl uolxiiara in -1133: Union srmy :t.~3,o-lo. In the same Mute» were 2%.‘ 000 lu-;lub.i..-a.u votens. The balance, he cou- C.luLlI:t|, U!llli0ttl.'l.ll. The In.-uroex votod lur l..I.scul.s‘u amount) ltl.ltt:'t'lo.1 hm-sea. (an aid ho); ll. lode no tim_e to amt‘? Vote: a c {or the Lmi-un, 211 lm bu- lieruu vrhenllo ‘mica it-r ilnncuck he will bu voting [or the Union. lie dict not luig the no- tiunxllry or religion oi those who taught mrthu U..l«m. and hhould not null: those quuatlonu ll boon tlmyvutu for the Union. Threw .Kh:l0u'l wont. 1||Iv0Ill6.WEl'|!S thocuuutrrbcnll, but it ma lutrdw ct itcpublioana in alter the ill-mo crate ll uhown the way. '.l'lmro worn more lin- rlublltznn omoe-laohiernin thotumy. The li.up\tb- llcnuu any it will ha dangerous to change rulers. lat > them show the dengtsr and me will ulnrcll hgllla and Lenoir Ill-am uuu other lawn: in pntriotlnm luul loyalty. Itlheutn.) The Mietyut the Union duuendn upon the Demo- omuepu-tt'. lt maybe: onion oi the h'ol-ill and south lulu .E.mlt and West, and it will be an gwx-mil u the sun. ltepubzlenne olulul to luwn limught the present pmupurily, but tho I oallwr Lllouglit. unit Pruvluence lmd urotccted t u Democracy whun mu plgrt)‘ aid notuku eel--9 0! limit. During: the but, live )‘¢‘$ that crops have been so large wo ttttvu boon ioouxmr Enropmlend moo:-v hm boon Ilowinx rapidly inloour collars. lilo ml- mlt d, [or thumbs oi amnmr-nl., that the lie- a noun ttitrty gave them eropu,t2u‘t asko-is -Dlii may destroy the harvest: 0! I‘-l-|I,‘0t”J-’ M1873, when the duck dlyl oi annucmldlm trms In.-nu hurunlnx the pronto, the impun- licall party was pulling lagmlutlon In not trumps (idle worlrlxlxmun) in the .l’EIll~ tonthsry. Four years ago the Democratic party oluuo into power, and there no no tnmpl. Provtslettoo hm: overruled Iflillflblllix given prosperity. The people huvotot ml: the Republican party only tor bankruptcy. which made trumps. ' *‘ OK 2‘)!!! GKIXRBACE. Qllltlflnll bu glue it the in-putallcuu fury claim the glory I0!‘ bringing it, who all make the uhlune of bringing It down? (Valco:"1‘lle xtzapuhllcnxx pun?."1 lie said, mntcad oi Democrat: 3‘!!- ma. mg the tutti! laws. American labor would mom xlmtutod shun evur, ma ll Hancock is elected than will be it bureau 0! Labor utxhlllllzed In Wlullluztmt. The llapubllcunn Imus I0 17-‘? in paws: (.0 promo: the nazrotl of the south. The have been in power sixteen years without 1 orsltng thut pmtucetion and urn not to be trusted ‘any kntgrt. Replxllllcnll Iluueunen men went south, not to inltnlct nun-oes how to vote, but how to oouut. Maine had creole-ll Plululud. but he in to be counwd out. He hoped lhin would be done. and ' ‘maps the hoopla would rise on It omum two at the whole, and denim-e they will not longer sum: It. It will coma bulk on use llcpuullcnn party it Plnlstod is ouuutod guy“ n=_. gqvvuedad lltattl rixhu. and closed by 'cxpmi'slng the hope that it would be this mis- ulcvnary country which the tomxatlluru pro- ‘p°"a' 1.. rnwlzr 1 it an I long! up‘.:-ooh that which the: tgtsgtzxx a3}:-.1 rngd. The pairty ids on the ll :2‘! train in: ‘Toledo, Ohio. ~- Mnlne Rota rue. _ I'0_7:'l’I,A_‘,‘{D,flE. figeptcrnll-er DI.--Y'all"! hundred and ninety‘-suven towns KlVO Di!-‘Vii 73.'|Wn r;u.:su-,:l 73,0-:0. scnumnz 33:; Dana’ plurality- il6.Bix towns to lwarl:-out gave lost your newts. oz - 2'-mlm. 11: (Sue-clan. at; futon plwrallty or 5 ; deductlnisthu. Daria will have a pianist)- to) than oi I. mxtorlti. I'flDD€?!l-r tun no tuuher gains or loan“. . . The Presittentisl Party. . , lux i*'iAxcuoo.l5eetelnbur ls.-—1*la'e fructose: and flu. Xlsgrer this afternoon revtived the school children on Vnouess avenue. The name: our time Sonttanod torhours cnrryist¢'I9cot.o- his to the count. the broad avenue Irutinod 1 rl.-he"1tll'dron ‘:1-Oolorcli Should ' flu. cont:-udonl thin. .DeuiocrIua Ind not _,- Iide T.-I ' = .» . _ ,I!l'l"’h1Ill 1_rItI'r.'€¢lll:'¢l'i‘ "_olIlu|';the-v(ehioIo»\ritI1"nowers. ,.'1‘ilio evening. :{"l’v3ll;lio-rueepllon;wll1>.oejxl‘ven ~-at‘ the-1’t.lttoo' ‘. _.. , 3 _._‘,,. __A'mLnox.ox n‘r_..iczrv6'.':4:jI.-.l.~is xsmm.-. .!.l3!1rxlm_=‘...»‘.l!n;=r.v=H.0?.V!: -. .4: -. ,. - ‘ate _l_xl-a. Belgian, ,N0l)>f€l_1lfil_*‘,‘??-‘.~'!1«I tour‘ "in how York--lfrom ~Wenl1th -. ~_,1.‘orerty',',(h-imetuatt it Felenz:-Death. ' Ilium tlleaxnr York .H¢i't1d-l . Seldom-Io thurevlonntuovujn In romance, no fltrtnko ’§:-hisgtary ottilrt ptje mnngolzo and two. week: ago ..on"a pnnltentlnrrnnllet. For yearn‘ ‘living o_mong_the worst chin-uctorll who lnlabtqd tho metropolis, eud.rtoepad~-in-critne on degply u Lily of. tlzeln, it tru only __when-tho “gnu-o ire: amen ‘upon, mm tha_t‘l1'llltru'e1ann-‘ tlty cunello light, nnd-in _p..nlneku-all’: Island convict was found to have sinned and muttered I Belgian nobleman. Tnehur.-:ln.r, Iimrryllowe srd. ‘whore death. mu» recently’: announced,‘ he t at-nnxn§.b_gon-known to. is-oritninel-nose‘- e aloe’. but It--an Itltervhe hl\t1'1Deoll but-led that tllefiwomen who had ahnredfonr: all hie cilantro- iul fortune in his revealed bu secret. and her it -being put into the bandit oi tllepoiicu to go il"l"tod,,tht_¢ following ntrxuge history came to K - ' - ;t‘lltoen_ urn tum, at-the no at 83. the Baron zierulau nlieiil’enber¢'Ie£t home In Bnum.-it Bulgiuxn. and with it w¢1i«!i.ile.l pocketbook" nn 5 stood haul: account bohlull him tundra in thin city. Huhnll an ngreosble lace. lint-l'lI'!!l”I or A genlluxmtn plonty oi money. arid n rosi- ztoneuln ltrnue lo-‘that weepgmlmn at M. smar- vai. Ill: relative.-in were-noble, Ind comprlved tho besl.'famil.iu oil hienntivé town. In a city into this one can muduyfumg with wlmt aru- copcton each A-mun wool‘ moot. no was loud.- nnd purlidod In the best socit.y',nnd equita- dared hirmone and enjoyed III: ell5‘l’lteotIll.n~ clan to their txllout extant. In til he who joined by a circle of lrlonaa whoiroln the nut lormou n. litilo court tor him. no but cou- rexIctl‘hla_ title at Ilamn and Ilwnmed the name - oi Loulsde Lama, tho mono o! n lormer coul- cmion at his new tlclul. lt vtctubiav title mono W was known, ma he caution to hold it until thotlmo at his «loath. [I18 ugtluunon. Atlnlorvule remittnnu warn received lmxn his pmportv nod quic y-dispelled at by the Baron. El‘-hreuyoanv alter his arrival he made the acquaintance of n. Min Annie Sm.-any, and alter a npoodv courtship tlloy bucruue mm: and wile. ‘With his brldo the young: Ilnron trnvelod nil through the country. and. returning to Now York City again, tho ounpio wok npnrtlnen to in ll hotel on town: A. your after their nluniuge at boy was the trait ol their union. 5U(ltItIll|] there was a. stop In tho rcoviot ol lumls. Letters and telearltlns were cllemilcheci, hut inure was no neply not any funds received. and Du Laurie begnnto learn tlutx. be bad roechnd the bottom 01 Mi msouruoll. \ .i’\'lt‘.l£ilTY AX!) lJl‘<0lI.Al‘M,‘l'lOB'l. Bore was lullltmlmn. Illa lrlc.-nun and Inullly tell-sod to contribute on moral to his extrava- primers, end no mus than I)‘ Iett without u cunt and lu doht tor llll bounl bill. He then It'll. mo hotel and look up quinlor |l_tlt'llJl‘d, llluponlng ot valuable: to sustain ll u Imnily tor thu limo being. Tim ilurcln Iml lmioucllclly oducntnd, opouklog nevorlll llui uugml, nod be next omlreuvorofl to tum llll-l in out: to some: nctilunt. An ntlvelrtiuemont um» placed in one of tho morning: pup til it BOCIll'b(l him ll xood position, "but hu llnti no aoolmr obulincd this than ho llumul Ilulllts bl tlluwltliom-lam which wcudilv led to I'll: dlselmrgo. Prolrl this than he lllulmlly went down-vurtl. Tim low ya.-an Imulo :1 terrible change In his in )pi~:sr- nnce. Ono would not know in that wr nklell I ace and uisorxlerv.-d the former my nod tlsalllrug chuvnllur. Ills will: I too. had out um beauty tllut cllul-n.cL4.-rim.-.11 her curly uln- lzuod. and lzlul Inllvn into Lllu umnu llubita tu her llusbnna. In uvt-.l:y short wllllu their llutuu was the ucunu oi the greatest b¢.~;:;:nry; but u'\'cn in In--ir dz-gmulnllun inlay outed [or tho little child Louis. I In thin mi}: llmg.‘ to struggle, until at hint. during A protrnctud will-cu oi both the lllllillr and mother, muy won-u I-l i turned into Ibu street Idr n<m~pnyuimiv. 0! runs. '1‘ comllxiolt now could not be [my Iovcor. They hull sunk to tho conllitlml bl Ilcggxlrs and beeoulo drunlmrdll ol the "lowest ly lo. _ t was while: in this l1ll".‘\|l that the ll-iron ap- ponlutlm Mr. A. Liu llnmkuluur, I'l'on'lilollt oi the Belgian .Itcll«:I' Ala-mclntlon. at .\'a. w Wur- rv.-.n lstreuz. The inner was urqualntod with ms onrlfi llistory, nod. nnd known him llllll ‘hill llsltl yin the old country. Illa nympalhy with nlruuuod, and he lllIlll¢ll.llflI¢lY lltlppllcll [mm hill own pocket the necessary wants of his cuuntrylnrln. lie nlsoerldeavornd to ponulruiu him to return home, wlluru his relatives would mko care or him: but to all his eulreutlet the man only rt: ihzd that no would etnrvo nm. lint the app lcauons tor relic! booumn so im- qucnz that Mr. De Brnulzoloerwu at but omn- pullod to rolusc any iuttllur-lteulatuneo. The wrr.-toiled connlu were then Ilvin at as Mulberry street. in the very center-of tile: teiian quarter. Do iinurlo boo-nun known to his lmllnu neigh- huru an at man 0! uducation and it llngtlillt. and they Kepthlm bully, what: not drunk. writing luttore tor them. He was always kind and courteous. oven In his mmlt. drunken moulunlls, and lt’ltBVl.\l‘§'D0]1lIlIll'fll!l0ng thew uor peo- Klo. In this way ho llmultgud input n two or is but your: 0! existence. until nnully n worm chlulxo came. = in: ni:A'n.( on nt.\t.'ltwm.I.'e zlluxn. [in formed the acquaintance oi danger-one chnrnctom. and ll-wanna ll thin! and at burglar. While cuuluiltting a burglary ho was onoullt, and under the numb oi Ilnrry liownrd was sen- taucod on the 11th oi Juno hut to six ummm in the Penitentiary. Three months nnor his conviction no mu mlceu alclr wan consigned to the hospital. and illud lltroo day‘: later. me lo .~'1'l'rr ltl:v:u.z:u. A almtllu Daren up!) in tho Ill-raid, announc- ing the death of n cmavlclod bur lur. mu tho tlrar inlunuutlon hill wllo had or II n deuth. Silo was aitorwuril lluuuuouoll by Um-onur Brady, who hold an inquest. but even to that onlclul we ucsver mvunluii the (loud muons mouth . Silo next called upon the Balyrllm Goneul, 1'. Mn)! u.h'o. B65 lllwandwny. and Mixed tllnc tho Iumily in Belgium bu mntlo av nntnteal with tho uurticulurn oi her husband’: Mill. Ind ar- rantueruuntu be made "L0 dlahltur the rennin: ‘nun iond to-um back to the old country. Tho Conan! vl'tl|.ul.‘.~t‘d to do all in his p()Wi3)’,t\ll(1 rel-urruvl her to Mr. De ltrsckoluor. who halt hour the Ollbtl in hands. lllrrzxvluw WIN! rant. on .Rl7uCKEl.itICH.. Mr. Du ltrnclcelvor sold to tho rooonor tint when um lolormed ol the death ol his Old Irh-ml ho dlil not credit it. but tlmnullt It «no at tho aluvlucs of lilo woman to extort ulouuy. llo conauztotl with Mr. Hull, and Wu lrllowu tho notlco or the mun’: Liuuth in the Herald, when ma anubu wuro ell-mud. To nmkc sure, hmwvcr, be mailed in the service: ol lieu-utivu Adamlu, oi Pullou lloadqunrtors, and the lunar lu\'o-«tluuu.-d tho cums. “ lllx ltuully in mm of the wealthiest and moist innneutlel in lsrouelu." said Air. 1lu.itmcku- . " and will Iuol grunt pain upon hearing 0! thin." “ What causal him to leave hln comltry2'" mixed the reporter. V "2-"billion: that I know oi," repllorlllr. Do Brnekeleer. “It was not policing nor any crizxm. but 1 think it low ior ronulimz mm ult- ial nu-.d habits." ‘ n mpl to tho qneullon an to what action he m>r.ll<I In a Mr..Du llrlwlmleer lzllil that they haul not denim.-<I as yet, but the caeo would be brought bolero the stimulation. Ito him said tllrlt morn were lwvernl trunk: oi tho doc.-owed nobleman, coutaininlz uupt.-II. eI.c.. which would be opened and examined. "There is," he added, "comrlaurwle urovorly still belong- lmr to him in llrueaols, and this will revcrt to hit Illa." 1’ARUl..E’B B..!£CEP’1'lUN. How the Little Gelding was Received by the Conoy island Jockey Club. [From the New York World.) Amen dotixutlul any tor racing could. not have been but than yesterday, which the Conny l:IandJ<mk2y Olub profited by. It ms: t purtoct Autumn any. which in saying all that on be mud. The track was nearly as good its plitlelxs lliborcould make It, and that lives ' iut the time lnade tor the turnout the day timers. The attouamlee. considering that the card via: 1. light one, on vur large, but many were no doom’. extracted be t Announcement that Hr. Pierre Lorillenl would show his iemnue horse Pnrolo. The time oeiectod lot this wall Immorlilltoly alter the wound race. and Ill the "old-huhionod xentiehlen'lwes wen coming round the three-quarter turn be was instantly rocoxuiznd and the no llmuo be- gun. At ilrst the applause mu like a putter- lnx ol 5 nuuxmer shower, but u this lxorau onmo up the Itromh at it slow gullop it boolune gunerlu. ma {or some minutes the bone oom- umndod. the attention 0! Ill ‘present, even to the tutperlslml col buulnun at poollu and bet- ting stands. Palruln looked wonder ally well, big and strong. with here and there alum bienn- lahoe met showed tun: he had been in the thick 0! thelucloe whore lmtiloe wrru lost and won. Another pletulnnt tenure of Pu-ole)‘: ma mer- amzo mu um prnsonoe oi Barrett :1 the "cherry and black" on tile old favorite’! tmcir. Altair Pnrolo mu tent to England liar- rett lei: Hr. l..lIl'lDIl‘d'l olnplory, but u Parole lmd non uoerly all his American honor: nudur Barrett‘: xuitiuwo it was indeed like old time: to new the two weather. The hone Ap- pearfld to¢/ulzethe bomand in Hill] touted over not! "Entrust: Purely’: neck ho niustimve recalled to hmell, use he did to the spooutonv. the sun triumphs they had you together at Joromu ark, Ivlomnouth Pun-tr. Samson: lmd Bnltllnore. mu caocv.-tally at the llttulr place, whom be conquered the man mighty Ten liroeck nod. the swat Tom Ochmrga, .u'ug_g amusing pat» the steward’: stand Bnxau rouzht Pmmlo back In the knot 01 the stand, wlzuio at wcowth oi ‘flower: I'M placed round his neck. He: we: then gnllopod a. mile at a Iulrlv good pace. in -doing which he showed that he was on [mail sad as Ira in his rnnvelnento on n umeeor our-old. when he met one oi the . for the next nee be Instantly In- creased late pace. on that it took :11 Barrett’: strength to hold him. The cgzostlnn on to whiten Paola vlli run can not mail nmvmrod. but it he can be twin condition than is nodonb: $- zféxncxrooci, -Saturday" morning will nfieolln. , - lulu! . . . _ .dfl)’. loo lugjgreattly ltnglrovociln tsenltll. that he will you both at Jerome far: and ltnltimon in October. > V . Jun‘ 5:. 13.15 ..ta‘ajmlhlso£Lw:u mild" in n‘l_:etIulc::.t.tho_-Llnuell t_e'-du*.’“- - \- 1'.‘ 3.2:.‘ .‘ I ltrtl I in 12' ' ml!“ .. Y oparai on sew: -n..7til_:‘lx_utnt_J,a;». bu tone lost-?¢er%AJrent1o1 the D. ; {M 99Iucs.:3s;1a-rwogmyg nzachncrnlwdxungor kiuz'rutu'~\vllo lot: here I_:\‘i'. 2:. .'M¢§3XLIl0.V.Vi¢lll't'i~ headed frnln-dlapalchut u iptrom lflora Sntmdny. z »l’t.‘M‘. :(o6it:l,'JoIet~.u-ant’ of the Rut-bound u‘ I. returned trout Itewfroric sunr- llle 0. nnu;.\z.. rm! J1‘. J. Jswls'rr.Prceiv.ient_ot the Erie roadnrho bu beou..rccro_uIiug .in-.Burope some tllrtgp; months, is expected home "on the steamer? 3uyil1in'thIs‘e'o¢ilc. . ; - -11‘ in vary-eommlantlllto o!.ttle,Genoral~1’lls- soxllgir-..L'¢untl.<l-not fltafrftlfl uo_t-one limb of up .tumulIqu‘orou tlxetrltlu tun lmttllaa-syna- i$ldlyf()f.1§'iII'Yu(k"‘,;.;> , _ .‘_" ‘ 'W.‘D.l!.ixJtoIrx,-'~9onernl Agent nnd w-.‘l::.’ Ommpton Altellltlmt flu rinlcntlent. ot the Oblcaaro, {lurlIlnrton_ and u.lnc)',a1*a-ba.clt‘lIDm. shoirtrlnuptltcllno. ‘» ' ” ’ ' Tim General lnmlght Agent: or the road; in Indiana‘ and Ohio will mad’ at the Gram Puino Hotel _ Olllcufzcv, to-tiny‘, be secure I vnllorm clusulncntlou. ~' ~ .. I'll: Illinois Midland lived hm baen seriously orinnled-In in Business through 'lx¢l: or locow motive power, _amt=tho oouztt have lmt-rttotnd goculvex Goals to purchase (our new locomo- ves. ‘ Tm: Ton-ra._r>ool ration-have round out that J. 0. Gnult. Sonora! liiennuor or the Wnbulah. «unfit him at their sharply pumnod halts. Air. & lrtoo clear-headed to bu bamboozled by am. r Irv}: of the anus: Pullman can in America are now run botwcerl lloulou and Washington over the Row York and Keir England and the Pcmia lvlmla lines. The run between the two clue: in xn_l-trio In liltoen hours. . _'l‘llAcIt-Luxxto on the Term: and Plulllc-IL-til-' way ha: been eniuonrlell for the time! balm: at a. point IS) miles west of Dullaa. Work lute tn.-on onmlnonfud on the live bridrgos across the aim- ons. It will require 5,000,000 toe: of lumber to mid them. Tm: lizrio in: freight lines announce that they wlllrecolve no how Ellgland buslnosll for a low dun to oomo, tmnlu over the [loosen tonnul mntqboiuu so houvy that thorn is it bu»: blockade at the tunual. It will probably .tnxo a week to rullmre ulutulra. Tins Exooutlvo Comrnittoe of Eastern and Wcaturnmllroadll has 1:-rlulud in -n mourning- tlppod pamphlet the eloquent eulogy at G. B. lllalmhnrd, oi the I-Zrlu, on tho clmrnctt-.r of tho-tutu tin}. John E. Sim man. or which asyn- onala bu intently boon Puloliahod. Gtttlzmu. .'ll..l.u.olta '1‘. J". I’o'l.'rxa, ol tho Chl- Oluxu, ilurlingruu‘ und Quincy, nnnouncml mo cumulutlon ot rm 1-xtelmlnn oi the lllt. Ayr miles. W. O. Gnsamnr. Liltlld Pnnenger .A;mn= or the '.\I.t.vlouri, Kmmni and Texans. polnus with pride to the nauziilolue nppuhruucu oi tho otllco uince its rt.-cunt‘. ciulullnu up. .1110 while: and ceiling hnvo been clomlod up, now xllctums Inns‘; and n |,:ouantl‘tlouorntl0n 1.-out oletcll. Thu olluct in very ltltnd.~ou'lu. ’ Tm: Poorin. Dccntnr and Evnnsvlllo has con- tracted "with the Ciilcago Itolllug-mlil for sov- ernl thousand tons OI stool mile, to ho uuoa in ilnlnsninx their lino to I-zvuml-ville. Truck-laying: will huuln u: once. Ami It is axm-ct;-d that trains will he rumllng through to Gmyvllle on the want bank oi the Wnbzwll ltivur. in-. om January 1. IT is said that tho men who own and mu thn Louisiana \\'L-Morn lluilroud will umuhw no man who drinks intoxlcatlnlg liquors, flll that it rule’ of their crlulloyru are known to enter ti tlrln -ins: saloon. uuluss on this rnllroud omn- nnug-'a business, ho is imxm.-dlulciy dlnunarlzv.-d. Thu txuuu rule was always enforced on Mor- mm'nrullrom1 null atonmszzi lions, and Hill Ionzu on lhu onllm um: 01 I urttllruud lruul Umlllrc to Hon.’ Orloxuls. TIIE lmlillulx, llloomluglon and Western Comnuny decline to ll(:L‘l:].lI. lhu no-lgxllut;lolx of J. W. lirovm, (it-llcllxl ‘thlkut nnd lhlnlamuz-..~r Auollt oi tho I.nLli:tbh, Iilooullnuton and it cut- crn Itoml, hut; givo him'lllls3li)Il to time uuuhtilllulullt may ruqulru Ior him to look stltor hie bnzllnolu at ljoloulbus, Ohio. Mr. Bmwll hull CCtll.9l)llU‘d to such all nrrullxolllullt, and in tho lnumtuomzrnt of tho [mar-enyxer du- purtmuul: will bu luxlutoll by W. ll. i'ruuty. The Atchlson, Topeka and Hunts: Fe. [From the New York Hc.rax<l.1 ltin reported 'in Sun l.“l'nuci»uo that en ar- rnngumont had been entered > into by which £250.04» are to ho expanded by tho Atchloon. Topolm lulu 8.-tutu. Fa Railroad company be- twuen the uremnt time and January l, next, In building a road outward from San Diego. Jlccortliw to tho mmu authority, the main-yo metroool in to be made the wogtorn _t-crmimu ol the Atolllliou, Topeka and huutal-o bromi- izauuo road. It will at llrst taken northenswrly direction. utrlkln near Ooltou, on the line at tho 30l'lIl|trrlIl’acl c butunllko tho lent-unimod mull, will not nmlco in way into Arl1.«.m.-l through the sun uargonlo Pass. The precise pointulontrnnco into the '.['cl‘tlK0 is am: yet made public, but in min to be uturluluoll upon. Beyond tho SIN.-acorn bo ndnry line ul Arizona the mud will be: con: uctod on um thlny-zilth pnruliui, and will connect with the branch Il-mu Gunswnzla, llexloo, nmv undur cauru nt construction. A portion at the a.ul~oo- moat beinre momlom,-cl is that I part: 0] ma hltuotory oi lllv Atohiwn ‘rapt-kn and annual Fe Compnny ehuil organ ze under the Slum laws or Culimrnlrt. The principal mover in this Inulortunt work on tho part at tho pcopio oi Silo [Diego in Frank Kimball. at the National Illslloh. who has lrlvun 11 greater lunoumol lurid Iur rullrmul nurposou in. bun Dlouo Count than any other person. At San Diego the Mo lison, Topeka and Sunni Eu Oollumuy will have the one or about no heme, rlcmued lot rullrmm purpouml last year. in ad-lician. “W ‘”“"'l!0”<= eitlzoua Imvu ruhuul Sldmllil lot the pnrulnlsu ol uucclsuuxy rights of way. 'lhe Chicago Railroad War. Bpeclnl Dlvpalch to the (ilooo~Dcnmcrnt. . CIIIIIAUO, September l3.—-‘rue contempt orn- oxrodlngs by tho Wcoicru ‘Indiana lluxilroad against hlnynr Harrison and other city ulllcluls came up bolnre Judge Jameson, 01 tho Suva» rlnr Gonrt, thin morning, but were continued for one week. The rollruull hogan laying trm.-kn this nlturnoon across Twulllh, Ihu-riaon, Pulls, Taylor null Don:-izoru struutn. ncnniusiun hav- ing been grunwel by Coullllisolonur Wtdlnr. A lqmul ol pollceumn, who were not udvlneu oi this now ordor, llttamltotl tho rztllroall uulplnylm and began clubbing NIGEL A man mulled ’l“l'05' had his hand split with a brick‘, and Olhilrll were more or low injunrd. A lar,co~ mob of rogfiha uuusulhluo. and Ior it tlrnn H.l|l‘lK|| look decluuxily tllrcnurenlugg. ‘urders, however, arrived Iortllu police to pro- tect. tho laborers nml trouble mu nvurtod. "l.'ho trllckittyln proceeded quickly, and without tux-rlwr serious Lroubln. It in umiurntood than n. coulprmnlsu has noun t,-lit.-utcd between the city mm the mllmad lmlhorltica, and um: tho contempt proooodlngu am not to be xluslled inguinal tho Iurumr. I'll“l’fl2.tll will be Pushed. As the lot. or Oclohordrluvn near the traveling publlopezcina to look (or the consummation ol the independent Ileoplmz-our scheme, prom- inent by tho llnltlmore and Ohio Road. Candl- dnloeloreomiuctornhlps have been examined bro. K. Lord, General Pxmmnger ant, and two other oxilcun or the eoxnpuly. here will be I-ll1!'l{ or Iorty conductor: needed. and nearly all 01 this: number will be taken Irom tho Pullman conductor: running over the Initi- more tum Ohio. KVDIYIDIHK la in rmdlnoeo tor the opening of this now independent line of sloeperi on the day naulod. The our: will oom- pure lnvorlshly to the linen Pullman ca.r‘.ex- cent In Inn, A very maiorlnl reduction being "pl-omlaed. The indeveutiant idea in salt! to emnnate (mm the now General Pusoenuur Jlgunt, whose object is to bring travelto hi! mnrl. Armiuction oi Klee at-our mice trout Olncinnnti or St. Louieto ultimo!‘ turd Wuh- inatou would very qniekg cause I similar action on the an of the P lmans. an compet- log linen ooul never curry “$381! allure of neu- plo wrltb higher rates tar1lwot>i z lttcilltiu tall: are charged by I. ooxnpetltor. _Not.’ All Talk. ; {horn (Iii-‘rlndhnapoliq Journal.) A rent-erontulva ol the Journal, while East, Interviewed I putty interacted lugolyln the New York, Ohio and Pnnmyivzmln ltalld (late the A. and G. W.). and from thin party it nu lournad that there was ronlly some ground to: tha runmnrol u eon:-oliduion at tho New York, Lake Erie and Western. rho N. ‘i'.. 0. tall P., and the Clovelmd, Columbus, Ulnciauetl uni lndtnnupolie Rondo. Aiow dnyll ago its early consummation oeenusd quite probable. but just now mnitoraloolc lean lnvorabia. Inge Kn -lull bondlmiden having suddenly shown 8 e :- oppmltiou to mriocting the scheme, elthouar ' it in thouzhll in: but that I low’ mlclu will one below the consolidation ll eilfiaouni, In the Brie and Bee Line poo I It probably eon- cuaon low point: to en ti bondholders. which -urllloverconlo their tlltqtrlnltiou tafiolou tile proposed wmbinauon oi luturuta. -~ A Difllonlt Tank, A movement but been Iiutad in the Kerr Rn- glund states to stop, an int n poarlble. running train: on Sundry; especially in the movement in quiiadcflnito shape in lianuchuutu. Thin mn.v‘do'ior' that state, but not tor indium. nu- Ieee nlur 0! that character eould be e‘nIo’roed in nil the Western States. One auto cam not unit the tide on transit, {or it It tednmmed up at her border: is will go around through Another Snow, and out her mud: will solar. so those who, ' the or nlmiven, are moving for km to pctvennll Sundxy nlllny tutu. must ipmllt there llvlzl the business ilk‘.-‘t'l,I._l_»_lI be some ubnut»tw,e‘:_ .. oulnr ._nnd love -1..‘ ...'.;‘...';m' uxe’iil§i2:T* ‘it-‘;¥i::’ im to :' uuccecea "'N'Q£» -one in an llnndmd at mutiny-' omoloyu~1_vorl=,‘ “last: on filth 80- ’ l?lfno,rlnoi1§..'.K‘X:‘l>Irl>lle'Eilrr'1:liis¢s. _ ,, 3om_'o‘_-,-,tu_ea our. it ‘ iormodot I the , immense ‘ eluted ma;lupn=;u.'-n;ngs- cl :1.» Iron woman itxpreu worn-;3.oue ,1») lathe lint week at this month. ~ The name wreck into out that gnu-ning: from this ,eoux1:e: mam ,l-!l"t8,;a1lov.- Im: an,o! $i,5‘.‘.'a'9_3. or more. than oeuble-thereeeipto oi lutyeer. f1"h§n.1°RI'fl_ earnings were iron the Iron 3(ounYa\In&Kt1- nlone, urhilo lust‘ $e_uur.tho aouthu-n Kxpzeu vrudoln¢;Ittb.roug_bunineu. . ‘ Wnba'ah'0flloerea‘ = 7 Solon lIutn])l'lxuys,2Pru¢_ldo1*lt, ma .1‘. L. up):- .}_;in‘a. Vice P1-oIlde'n:, ol the WIbI.1l_l,' St. and Peeing. will leave Koo Yorlr _to-night and. arrive in .chIoa_go,on Tuesday-ymomlng. They will spend eoveral. any: in Chicago, nndtlmn oonse hem, Under the guidance at J_. ,U_. Ganlt. General Mnoltgu.r._ they will Inn at the compi- ny'n linen went oi. he river). an it the Inn. oi huildiu Into ltdbrufiru 1! ‘ti¢.‘elh0d-iflfl-ll X0» file worlrvw ll booolnmuucud at once. New Stool Rails. ~3n¢¢lu Dlwu-ah to the (lleoe~Delnoc.r:tt. rnnposn, l>:.u., September ls.-8. I. Ran- dolph, Fnvmuswr oi the at . Louie mu San -Franouco Railway. valued through here today Iron: Wichita. eeoonipanled by the‘ madma- Mr. L. ILL}-man. lllr. Lyman. who has immo- Iillue char o 0! construction on the Fayette- vlite blfillltfil, report» six mllus oi noel rolls lnlci. andlllez the road reel is tlnlahed to the Arkansas lino- DICK TUR'PlZ\"S DAY. lt Seems to !'Iu.'ve lleourred in Cal.I.l’or- nlu.-—'I‘wo Sun Frn ciscnns‘~-in the ltuleeor Swan Rub rs. — ' iifmm tbesan }‘ruu:1scoChmnlole.1 The stage road between Olmloucity’ and Zlodie mu mince tile ill: of Msyleat. and no to tbe llth a dangerous one for those whoeo llllllllclfl or plcnruru forced them to make its journny. Bingo robberies have not boon infrequent’, arm the solitary horsemen and I001.-l.l‘(lt'cl8i' have all paid trlhuto to the agents who Inhaled this road. A score ol clmoe between the dam: referred to above the atlxgo plying between the two towns has been ntomzcd, tho trouurc-box titled 01 its contents. and mo pluutongurl intend to deliver at tho muzzle of a shotgun in the human at A mlulkcu robber. who duitly caused tho tnmsmiulon oi the vulunblns lmm the nooirct.-l of zho etnyro oc- cupants to his ownmhlle smother hold him luau covered the driver Wl'._Il another Iuot-gnu durimrlhu proceeding. bcvernl amen: to have bcurl lnncie to capture those two luau, or In up- ponre there wen: but two cngngud in the plus- tlmc, but they resulted in failure until the ml lush, vrllcrl mm 0! tho hilghvrnynluu was shot ti:-ml, and his cmupzlnlon, otter securing tho content» 0! Wells, Fargo emu: box, em.-npcn lot the time beiulr. About 10 o'ciouk on Sutur- dny, the till lmt.. tho up ntugu Irom Carson wag Mapped at e. jlollfll butwcun tlulphur Springs and Dnlzell. . ‘nus Box nnoltnx orlm and the contour: tfl)iill‘>‘J. A llhort. tirnoalteir this rolsbcsry at man on horwlmck was wnylntd unu forced to yield up $.’(l—.-all he Imu. Iligilwnylxlen l-hoau rntrucccl their scope tcnvnrd canon until at 3 point about nine mllus Irurn Wellington Station, wlu:ru they (erected A bar- ricndo um! llwllltcd ilrm lmpcurarxco ol the down slugo, which rancher] the spot about?) o'clock in tho morning. Then: wins. In addition to 3!. M. Tobey, tho romllnr fll)0i.-I:ul)_l7N|vSU|ll{\ll‘, tm maxim guursl. Tom Woodruil, ubourtl. Tulle)‘ was is-nllzlug und trucking tlm robbers. Comlm: upon llltilllslllllltillly on» oi the robbers sum: "‘i"ou'l*e tl'3'lu;( to sneak on us. am you?" and at tho lame instant tirud. the bull striking the all-llcnder in the head, killing him lmlluully. Aootllur Alli)! was tired or. ‘funny, but Innu- nxluiy the bullet lillalszed him. 'l‘uboy tlwn llllll the rubber: to stop shooting and colon on, that nobody was tiring at them. .Al. the non: lllllt) hu backed down to the stage and lmollrmi his gun. no then went back oi the llgimi oi tho suuze, tool: ll me: with his gun on the hind- whools and Iiroxl,‘ l<llLl.x\'o ‘rm: nonuzcrt The other lootpuil on the other l|(l0 ul tho srmzu was Ilrlll ut Woodrulf, who wuu inside of the at 0. obey thou went across, and as he came rom behind tho staxu mcolvod is bullet in his right rtrlu. ehnttoriu one 01 tho bones botttoexi tho wrist and tho 0 w.runder- lug tho arm uaulolo. ‘rho robber then started and run Into some willows by tho rmulxldo, lol- luwed by Woodrufl. whom he eluded, and re- iurnun to the stage. whore he went through the box. While tlolngso ho mu oonuttmllf call!- ing to his comrade, who was lying on l 10 op- xnoslle tide of tho uixau cold in dentin, to come and help him. lteceivfnu no eunwcr, and Im- Pllzlnlug t.t.u:.I- something was wroxp . ho hastily rm.-u the box. overlooking in u hurry some $2110 in coin. _ Dulectlvu Iluxno, In Wells. Fargo& 00': mm ploy recently visited the mot and exhumed the hmiy ot the uca-i road u out, who had been burlml whsere be loll. lumto texzunlned tho (nee oi the highwuymnn, but lulled to ro- coqfuizu him. lull] it search 0! his clothing lat on to revert! Anything but 9. ultuslt, which mu inndu 0! ll uloco at glllxell oil-olutll. Wlmt ever Hume dlacavolou during his nut: that could throw. any Illzht on ‘nu.’ l1)l<l.‘i‘|'l‘l'l' 01.‘ ‘run Iwllnzlls he kept to himwil until he returned to tho cit)‘ last Saturday, when he held the mutter bu- Iom (.‘i1I«:1‘oi l'0lIc<! Crowloy ltml Captain boon, to wllmu he Muted thnt Iron: Iulonuut uh In hie uowuulon, he haul tllswt-crud that the dra- ceused and hi» companion _llnd been Ilvlmz In a house on Minna. ntzoot. Un Iintnrdng cvexllluz Dnmctlvua John Culley and W. . Janet! vlalked the house on Minna street, and in mm oi the rooms they look palm.-ual(m 1)! it wtlisxn, nntchcl and other cliucu belonging to Ill-: ltlgllwnylncn. Them were opmwtl. and It gold which and clutln and other urtlcleu wwrcl louml. l'llotugl'apIto OI tho deceased, wlww nuulo was Frank A. Bow. ttllitn lioalo alias iv. 0. Jones, mare luuml. Dctoctlvo rillvuy an-.l Omecr John Wxillncu mam thcu detailed to ac- cupy tlln room mm -unlit Iuiuru tluva.-iupml-utn. 'l‘m.~inttor, illtvlnltili cane in Court ycstoniny murnlnlr. tvns nzliuvml by John Uolioy. About ll o'clock, wbliecofloy was In the not at (wor- lluullux A t'nl.l.~.e, his was |lltorl'lull.cti by the ringing 0! this uuor boll. 0D¢Illll:'.i'l.litHlO0l'()l thu mum nurllclently to give them A ulllnpw 01 um (rout door, they nu.» It 0 om-<1 by the may ol tho llouam, who recoulxlze lulu spoke to tho person who hurl uivun tllu summons. llo muted that ho had come to ctiectu change of clutulnnr. wllvroupon who invited him to enter. As he came abreast oi the mom whrm Coll-xy and Sllvey were hiding. they quickly stepped out instantly. and grnlsped tllu umuupcctlng Inulvhluul, whom tinny loruod lulu tho mom wlmro they axsnrolled him and touml a pinto), .50olu gold coin marched in it bull. nmuml but wltl.~.t, two curtillulttos 0! do all, (or 33ml on tho 1-‘mat Nu- ttunal Ulmk, an lbouhurou ultllo'1‘ip '1'op1llu- lug Como.-my/‘e stock. A lulu. or m.AxKn'ru which the (allow llllil wllh him at tho time was ununod and another pistol found. '1hlo woupun wan lndolttlllcd till one Itolen Imin in box 0| one ta! tun etc: '13: that hlld. been rullbod. ‘rho than was then nmlculloll uml ulltun to tho Central Station, whore he WILl_ sub}s:ctod to A rigid and lengthy uxeunlxnltwn by union. Lock. In re- Ipunu to inquiries he Ill a must hie name with Lincoln Anthony Bump. A native at Misuourl, and ruled Styunre. no refused to tell whom he hull bean within the put nix woclte. Thu (Jun- mln men the lnlornuu um: within this poriod sharp had vluitcd the c 2. ill: dead nslsoclnto he know by the mime oi ‘malt Kouio or Keith, which. he -mu notsuro, and that he made his acquaintance somewhere about Auburn, where he was looking to: 11 job. The union which Will [mind in hi: room, he said, mu given to him by Keefe about tfivo or three weeks ago. Thin watch hualnce been Idontliled no one thu. mu stolen (torn u mun named l:. B. slum, axon: Iur Gutllnx J cm. on tho mm or June, when I allele was robbud on the lladiu mud. Bherp, during hi: examination, quently suited to blue 3 nhurge made against him. Lie was Iniormod that his unxiet more would be rolitlvcd em long. To be quea- tione regarding his previous occupation nut! whereabouts, he and that ho hfld principally Iollowed minim: in while Pine, Piuche nod other cumin. The money found upon him he said mu the proceed: 0! his llnvlugn. no had been on thin count RDOIlKvK\’l(llY0 yours. and had. worked tor Turley lion, John Allison luui. others. no and Kaela had mono ‘in do all: In tho Elan Francisco having: Un u, on bed nrttwn it out some time ago. Ills mun conumox nova: deposited any money undo: the mime o! W. 0. Jones. in Hilary’: VAHB6 who wuud the morocco mark which he wore: in his robberies. lludn number at pianos oi the uulw materiel [mm which it in tnndo. The Iollowing in a. urtinl list _oi the robberies inmmuralod by male and ltharo In may hunt: on the law or that month they stogpod tho For-out liili (l'l1tcer County) an 0, an rolzbod the muoltgere bound (or fxmlso. They collect nix gold watches and jewelry iron: the fnueongern, vnl~ nod as 330:. and amino saaoln on n from tho com- pany. On June 14 they ouoountelod it otllge ,In tho same place and robbed the oompnny oi 5110, not nzolestinu tho passenger: on this oupuion. 'l‘hey« came isolate the public a on the 5th 11! lluzuvt, _ o '1. booty of $1,500 belonging to company and reiluvcd 3 Duaenlnxt 01 A3300 u'lm:ll. (511 August at the appeared once mom upon the scene 0! their abort. The Virginia Itoge wen midway bemoan noon and Vlrglnhl City when the driver mu aoooetud anticom- mamiod to "halt." Contrary to out tetiona. he did notobey, but dashed 0!. he robber: thereupon and shot alter shot at him, but the driver oeueped uuhnrt. On September I no tne stage was bound Iron: Ounou to Belle le itwu robbed of 30’ and mum Aekrgpea bl nominal value. Considerable 0: t e pr:-party noorered Iron. 8llM' haw boon idontltedb the person: who loet : during the robberee. t is clued the: the amount of money realised by Sharp nnd Keefe {ram their various dopredm over $3,000, boeidae large lion: ‘ was «until u o mining stool: and other vtdushies. Thu- 'l‘llo; " rl:':"'.l'.‘ _.'nz'af‘euliar oi the .Zi"w'-tit ..:l.u'I(9jl¢.“é.1't‘1?4¢£‘_I‘t_".i9‘_1|'l3.~_3 _ ndueed hm‘-. Eitlsoxilzo ".r¢il.n.llle'1?réa_tale=inhfit oyu melodious v_uy.'.'. and thuzesuloli-an in; ; v.b:uu:s;'.‘sru¢xo"a~'m _hls- ilpynnture,‘1rtilnh",nl3'f £peute.Iu- tile" .uumbe'r_o.( mu. tier -’ '_ r. Iidxsen begins his’ in-ticil':' with’ "a. four 1ra_v_rdl.iow1>o have -expressed ‘pittance at the delays in the pertge-ting oi the electric light. ‘rim nelu‘ys' yihlcll have occur- red to cold‘ no general’ introduction. um alxargewle, no um, we no any dofocu rim.-c _disoo}-rered '11‘: the original th_eo;’;;v_.e£ the ITI- ’tem_ in its practices 'VlOi‘I1'l§§1o but tofthi euonnouu mu: or details which have to be watered betore the intent eat: go into opeoretlonpns1irsrq.1oulo- and on us comma» clni bulls in a rival of the exluinreyslexn of lighting by gun. Important Improvements have been hxuulcht _about by those dulxyeln the direction 0! economy sud .3implliIcui'.lan It almost over? point in the lylltoln. in well I! In the dotsillui manufacturing the appu- rams. ~ This trump, the inventor tall: as, has been completely trltuslornlod. To quote his words: “The perfected lamp oonulllu 0! an oval bulb 01 lzlmu about 1170 inches in height, pointod at one end. end "with I about them, thme-quarters oi um -inch in air meter at the other. Two wine: or platinum enter the bulb through the new, supporting the loop or Q-ahapod thread ol unr- bon, which to about two Inches in heizrlit. Tile atom is hermetically sealed sitar theintmduw tlou oi the carbon loop. At its pointed end the bulb torxnlmtxoa In an 0 en tube through which the air in tho on b 13 uxhluuwd by moan: at at mercury pnxnn till. not over one-millionth an retnnlns. The tube in than elooud. o outer uxtreznities oi the two platinum wires are n ‘ with tho wires 0: no electric circuit. and 9.: mo bun oftfie llunp la ll. screw by which tho circuit is made or brolmn at plllnllufn. when the elr-- cnit is mad» the !i.‘.3l.8l|1llc0 ottorod to tho o‘tT}l'euio-- .3 ‘ 17.2 I pusalxgo ot the electric current by tho mubon ounce the loop to acquire it lll'h tom tutors and to become lncan usconr, u; as this mites place in nvncnnm, the carbon is not oonsnuletl. The "lilo" at A carbon loop through which at cur- rent is passed continuouuly vnriol from uovon hundred and nlty to ulna hundred home. With an lutormltted current the loop hml an equal duration oi lilo. and no the aver- age than on uxtlllclal light in used is five hours 11--r tiny. It (uliows that one lamp will last about six months. Each lump coats 9.l)()ul'. illty cums; and when one hula another may no can Lly substituted icu: It. ’ ' Another Important modlncutlnn ol the sys- tem. iuwoducoal since the last lulthorlzod ne- oounlsoi thellght was published, lstiio wu- utltution oi dynluno-znslclunus (or immunolo- umuhincn In tho etutluus (mm which the cloctl-lclty ll! to ho uuppllcd to tho wvc-ml ata- trictn 0! n city--n. chguixu in the direction of Imnuhclty mm 900ll0lD.)’- ' To the question which in no olmn Knléud, when will it public demonstration oi the working of the system no made, this inventor replica: “'l.‘hu.t ltllchn Clolllonsl-rltllull will in all proba- bility be Inlulu ntllenlo Park within um months Iron: lhizuiulo. Thellwn which line olupacd since the preliminary duulohutnsliuu 0! last January has been bymo moans in semen at inaction tor tho proluutolu at this enterprise. 'l‘lmru la a vast null butwonn the moat anccuuslul labora- tory uxporiulent puselblo and tho ootunlizuiiun of tho results oi tiuu. 4.-xpurluu:nt in n oouimo.r- cinl sense. A prodigious mnouu: oi work um: lll.'l.‘(.‘t~islIllCCll by the l.l$lill.lIl':’1hlui1lll 0! luclorleu mr DYDGIXC-“Iii tho llullpl, the xenornlurn and ‘other esescnl. nl parts oi tho xyuunu in lxirgu mumtle.-H, so in to be able to uupply the lllnl ulnanti." Mr. Hlllliflfl noes Into the pnrtlnulnm concurri- ing hlu lump, giving it stutolnuntul In mimo- t:uu.-al ovor gas in tho mnttor of vllmnllchy in tho lrllmlmolne-nt and economy. llom mum whnt has already lmun smmd in the 11: .l4:oncoru- int: tho plum for lhzhtlng the cities. Eallmun.-9 nro helm: xnmlu nl tho cxncr cost. 01 "|Illtl'lL" in they lilllmcllt cities; colltrzltts um being nu- lmuilm.-u lor we manufacture on ri lmgu aciilu oi ululno.-, \l}‘I|l|Iul’D'£, lluups. wlru ulltl lill tllu utlmr H_lIDPllU$| m-oliod ior tho practical intro‘- uuution 0 till; system tllrulllrllout tho calnltlry. TEE RIVERS. omrnn lI'K’.I.l’i’..\ EIOHAL smlvloa tulrou-3, Dally report or the stage oi mixer. with olmmgcl In tho twentv-tour hours ending 3 p. m.. Soxllunbur 19. 1:82. > ‘~ )- 3: 5;’: :3 '§ a-nnolu. 5: _,=' onmcurt. -"3 '‘ 7'5‘ 2 fs‘- " 1 run. 3 run. to. llI...... 5 ll -0 71 2\'lulIn‘llIe.Tonn .l 3,4 2 t:ln<-Inna ll u-0 fihew Urlemu... ll B-0 1 lmrr~upon.ln 1 6-0 lnnnne.....,, ,. 5 11.0 3 l]uimque..... 3 0 1 l"Ittsi.vurg.... .. l 6-0 2 huoxun. lulu 3 .’. zshnvqpon, L. 5} logo 1 Lacrosse l I to jihboull, M0,. In 9 -6 3 lmavenvorxh. 611-0 («.51. Paul. i 2 I 0 Louisville...“ 5 31-0 Ii Y 1 910 2 )lemphlr..... 7 B.-0 7 I .7. II. Wrtnltn. Sergeant lliszmil Corp: 0. 6. L. llniullt 01 water ebovo low-wntor mk.Io It 8 In. Full In ‘.'t bourn....... ... ............ 0 it till. lilmco undo: cuntur arch at br1t1tte....7'a’ It I In. Aluuvxo. Calhoun, Naples. Jun. 3. Brenda, Mutu- Lilllliu C(llIL:\lI‘,Hl. Paul . uhia. Cmlnllorntoallh, Vicksburg. DSPAIITHD. Juo. Diropold, New Orleans. ISOATB Auvxltrl.-arm m Lltllvn. Dora, Ciurlrzlvilln. '1‘uell(i:lys. Thurs- tiny» and Sumrtlnyu .....................l p. m. is. 0. Elliott, Gnu-ul Tmvcr, 'l.'nostlaly1i, Tllurudnys and Suturdnym............. t p. In. Phil. B. Chnicvpoll. Portland, Wednes- day: and $ztturdeys.............. ..... 5 p. m. lluttlo Ilcllo. lloruumn, Wednesdays and l:‘»\ysl.................. ....... 5p. in. Oltllloun, Naples. Mondays and ’l‘huru- C 11. 11:. iv. lsutrmlny, t 1), ru. G p. In. 6 n. In. (llty ol Alum, N. ltuu Wing. Ht. l'nnl.... . , 2 m, Wur is‘.-lglc. lionlulk. . .. .'1'hIu clay, «I ya. la. E. ll. Durloo, Knmsnu K. tun;-gang, 5 1;, m, commonwealth, Vicksburg...'l‘ue-auluy, 6 p. In. Port I-Suds and 1-23. .\‘. 0......l‘lmu<Iny. 6 p. m. I..ibl:iu,Coog-.-r. St. Paul... ..’l‘hle tiny, I p. in. I Bank News. The river in Inlilug slowly. and rainy. Tho City of Allan in tho Anchor Liner for Now Orionml leaving to-mm-row nfmrnonu. Capt. Illxby in her commander, and that in asnurnnco enough that she'll gm Iilromzn on time. Thu rnluhry Jon. B. Manila In tho liluulphin boat {or this nltazrnoml. ‘ Tim War l'.':l'.ll1.‘, ms {lust In the lightning ox- ]'ll"l'HIi. goes to Kcolmk this nitnnloon. The Libblu (.}0llg\ll' In tho St. Paul boat for to-tiny "In tho Diuluond Joe Lulu, luuvlmz at «I. trcloclr. Tho ltod Wing is the h‘m-thorn Lino boat loav- ing for at. Paul to-marrow n.t noon. , The Celhou_n will be 01! lot‘ Zfiuplon this Micr- norm. Pilots Oluu-lay Pnrcoll and llllm Kelly loan) for mu Bast to-night. Weather warm Special River Telezrurns. Cnllo. ll.l... September I9.-Atrlvo<I—cI:uu. Ilubstoclr, St. Louis, 8 p. m.; J. 1!. Maude, Memphis, 9; 8:0. uonoviuro, St. Louln, I n. 111.; J. V. Tbroop. Evenltvllle, 5; Joe. Kinney, St. Louis, 5 . ln.;l"iorunon_ Mayer, Cincinnati. ti. Dcnarl —Mnudo, St. Louis, B p. m. ; Keplnr Now Orlonon. )0; Sta. uonevleve. Morn hlmi ti. m.:1‘hroop, Evnnzivilie, '1; Porter, 0 lie 31‘ Ylorunco Mayor, New 01-lolum, II D. :11. Rlvm-§ loot )1 Inches; Inlllnx. Ruining. Thermom- otar78G. ltoomtr. Mina. . September I9.-—-Weather cloudy; llwrmmnomr 82°. Passed ult-Grund Leko and low, I 3. 111.; hi. 0. titeneru, 7 3. in. River 1-lnlnlr. LA Cnotaa. lVm., Boptmnbor l9.—Up-Lam. barman. (llsde nritl altlllwnter. l)m1n-—-Arken- nu. 0hIu.0hoovor hexuhlo end mill, at noon. Ruining all duly.‘ {River Itntinnltry. Nltw OHLILKI, September lil.—No arrivals. Dtspnrteu.--Iihzloy and bu-non, lit. Louis. Partly cloudy and pleasant. - Plrrsnuna. Buptumbcr I9.—-River 13 Inchon, al'l_d tailing. Glen: and lvnrm. Umcrruun. Beptmnbor )9.--River I {act and (ailing. cloudy and worth. Arrived-—Emmn Gfullltlll, Pitteburgg New Mary Houston, New Orleans. llnrnlls. '1‘mI:~r.. Sentombor lII.—I!lver {all- lng. xleparied--Gulxl Dust, Vloluburg; City 01 Yrovidonco, St. Louis; it. It. Snrlmror, Cincin- nati; Baker and bar 3. Future City and barsms, Now Orleanr. author pleuennt. . September 19.--ltlvnr. tolling. II loot 5 mum in tho oauxl. is {net 8 inches in the hall: chute. Indications 0! min. Arrival: and dnnarturoe-(loltlou lhlla, Non Orlonne to Uln- cinnnu; 0. W. Amlnrnon. clneixuutl to Evans- ville; H.-A. Woodrult, tleiro. A _ . ocean sremras. _ XEKICAN Llfllcior Quemutmvu ~: '- null l.lvcr IDOL ‘ 9 (ml llmlle Lino under the - A can v nuntluipbla um . selling every bonu- trmrl Vflwol. riixtn nllln on alternate eduudaye. * ~ ll'l'ln‘ I onus N.........8aMmllt1. h'0D|- 18 91.3!- . \\'esluuda a Sept. I. tn. ..8-Iturda . 1;). tn. * at. In. M. 2». lot. tn.’ ll eat. _N!:llI:|t N D............8~xiurdAy, YADE It tuber 2. 4 p. m. D............ ~Atnl-d.ay ' ' For raieuol uetiuuult in nnuion I y w 51:1 Thou‘ as 4 . i‘v‘?..".5‘..‘.‘....':.. ..........r "r “W ‘*7’ 7?. .* . ..'.{.; l=llrlén:iaansr'o'n1.t‘rion;:~' i‘ ’ UE28B» L 9.‘ 5 I 7‘ o For Xeotnkiilubooati.‘ am: 3!. font I-r. :.nurolm.. Aunt. Keuhlk Rerthern Line‘-Packet Company. rb 2:" rii " 3|’ ‘u Rock-.lmna' mm ’ :§«u3é.“.$'.‘3:..“c........"?‘ ""i.n..........;....~...."°“‘ B12-« XLILD \V']2d(}...... .... ....- bo xuur. loaves rueoda" ,_ , atulgaxlz. 1“ hot Cluluvllle. llumlbu, miner sud atom‘ wlLl2l:.iaLn........'....'.rbompson.3m.¢.- ‘I Lenvetlm.-u6§9‘. filth. at I It. in. . ‘ ‘gonad-irippgxmrvloxlucneu lhoullilx [illega- 1I‘$0I1I. ‘ I mug " uu:°mh£lT;&:1u.d. Yin flu lid’ 1:". (‘hll:~ottsu,' 10" C 01 3 . . Cull N éazlxlx, umtidltlllgnn, l)(?:u:n:: 12'. if l I GU YR Io lioo '. and any into:-muuomienlrid. at '.l‘lck“:t oil“? 108 North Fourth Street. HALF FARE T0‘ 8'1‘. LOUIS DURISG FAJI1 “V:E'l3Ii. i 7\. Iglxs‘-300111. KA2\'Sr\8.Cl-TY .I.’AC.KI£T CO. For Anltum. Wnsllimnon,.Heru{mn. Porunn-I, nui- v envi am mu inn-lulxs. ‘ Bit. ALAITIE l£SLLli.......U8H. limiter. Leave: 1Vodncsaiayt dud Saturds 3 at I p. m.1<yr Minot. \l'urerIy.Iinnau City and wax nmllziga. Eu. E. ii. lJl}1tt'I-‘ ...............0¢o. Kenn. Llnlleif. halves ttczlnealai, Saptnlnber 1'1. II b p. m. . Y. lJ'Al(i}.\M B/IL. Ahzht. Independent. Pllcket For St. Charles. Augusta. .\l’_uhImrmn. Milk-.r’s. Her- tnuuu. lfortlnml and all Way Lnndil Btr. PHIL £filAl'l'l'.l.t. ' _ w. r. D.';VI.l)'.~lO.‘t. ' l’l-oxidant. D I. ‘..........l$lt\A§. hfntrr. vol Wrdnesdn l and Slltuninxa at b . Ill. Prelgiltroot. vcdu all times. loot o Alorxanalroul. siIU.\‘it &.Jl-INltl.\‘8. G_enern1 Aunts. we N. Cumutealld. OHID. ‘Pile fit. Louis. Calm Ind ,t‘xulocn1l. Packet 1.10.’! 81:. YANNIE TA'l‘U3I.—J. A. liruller. .\_h.<x«er. _ .1. I3. Conway. Clerk. Lcnrcalit. Louis on 5€1llll'\l:!3I «.4 p. 2‘: d {or (him, 1‘ ncah in nu we; 2 lug). ~ :<llUNK .5. JESKJSB. Agents. ___ W . . r _ u°U»'~'m==v , .‘ I ' . s Half Fare, to ,S_i:.‘fl1011is rm **n......'~*';*'*m **~=*’“1”‘-‘~ ~ ‘”‘°”"mm‘ - in-mx.raxu:1u;?:::::smw“m' - . v 7 ,.e>w¢ Sun weal . it DUBWG FAIR WEEK *;-.:'?"“° i...I.iZZ ex. 1 ' our .u . :‘ » . um . noulu§ ' lt}‘r|“‘m3t‘udL)ll" 3% c - lrr. I4DV1l)'!:.'X'.'.4;'lllX'l D‘‘Kl’lV!‘. 3‘ E‘ 1): Sam A:o'ou, ¢a.ll:.‘xo¢ _ 3l_md.t.rI..........-............. lifltt._nt.l . we I._ II. llratdln euuzaiaa. l‘wuda:.9o-Ix. leaves 8:)? a..- an Wivufmy. Ia." ~ lam‘-e—42?!. ha, 8. our-til. . irunn N3‘ I. ll-G Hl\N.,.lh‘Xl 315‘; CID. ‘Ni. hill,-M3. 1 u n . Arnv.‘-15’il3'L1:¥"i"gg}maz‘__ao«ma.-n. . -- grg.‘ 1 us). a . 5:»: ins. cm. me. sxnllm 1 Gmondetu tram: we-dtfl. ms. nu... 1:». ant‘. lmnnm. , 5”‘ UNION lLAIK.W2\f A5‘-D 'l.‘fl.L'2.\".‘l'!' t’.‘£3.\lI'Jt\‘¥. gloom Yaw-I Aeemniuodulou... loci: ‘(uni Aocomlnodhuon vl\:slvA.i.ut LI:-I. " a E ....... .. ....... . J: ..‘.l"f.':¢......s.a...... 3 lg ". 2: ' W’ °' “- -M mu. m. 2 (‘Eli-. . . . -. ~ ........ ...;:::.;:.::.. £3: : Wlllullfl. Kit. bouts .\.\'u 3-mrno itlt t.wA.1' l.iiSi".'5 EASE or ‘r m: Mls5lssi.l‘i'l ltléltlh _ Mimm lL:lvreu.............. - 7:501. in. ...................... I \ n. Aromm tom. (:34. . . !mlr.l.lrnnltux 2: . I ma 3. 3.3. . Loni xxpr-eu.. page ;, ,3, Duty rut Line.-. 9 sgeq ,,,._ ll'lut.\Inll........ v ma p,..._ wzul.\_z'«il. zsr. -LOUI5 .\.\'n PACIFIIJ It.\II.WAX' Pacific P‘.xpn‘.M................. 9 asoo llosedltle Act.-ormnou.uIon..... P 5:55 :_Ia.l|lv.n«l£xDr\~u.............. 9 «ram-on An. tiundn onl .. lion-dole llc. 5llI\dl;0:‘ll;{.. somizle Ill.-commuumm«..'... «(on-alule Accohl.moc.a.llun..... Fcrlrmoll Aooommuumion Pu mm Acnenunoula . p. , I ->_. ... 9 Ontlp. nu. “'50 1'-IPr¢§s.. ....'.......... ’IsL5lt.m wrzsr END N_.\\§'-(IAUUBIKAII no . Dcpomu o.lrut.. one block rut at (‘infill $3.... WKIKDAYS. 1.: s - . . us-.}-. '-ml-ouhiw. N:-lo. us:oc.m.. mo. ms. I .. M ’3 «'9 5 . ;gréf:5;.<_'m_L7om am. am, moi ;. :n.;:t:tl. (:95, EUXDATTIIMIII. avg’ ‘£3-la1V:\,‘?l_geulz nu), ldufla. -n.;lxu. ml, 3.5:. am, ‘x-;‘;rgjf°‘;-:§‘-z::lfnfl_m. lam a..n.; land. 2:12, am. Extent zlumtny. accept aunnlay. J.” . up: Mun-Au. Is-sjl 91']: ' St. Louis and Vlcksbur v Anchor Linc---U. 8. Mail me. Packet (or Clloasle r and (Ira M T-;t\Vt‘.t It-at vi» Tuesdays. TlIllt:nl(lI{hLn’.td !.~'.\’.S, an 4 p. m. It. T..\l!il.\ 0. ‘ i.l0‘l'l.‘ ............l'o~I.1l. Starter. 'aY\'~.s Tuscnlrln. Tnumtinvn and .“atunlu)'n. at I For Cairo. Cnluulhuu, ulcklunzu and Mt,-ulpltia. Sir. J(llI'N ll. 3lo\'!?IH"...............'!lm!s:t3;l. .\luster. will leave llomluy rim-plumb:-r '55. no 9. m. For Calm. KJ\|lIlIl\b1|to. lllcxuugl. Muuzpzlis. urcenville 5 Lil‘ _ ILIMJ Vick . dlr. G0)I.3IONWI-2.\i.'l‘iI.. . ...C.ll'\'l-ll. .\!a.~‘lur. "" ‘Lit. at .‘A ll. In \\'llllea\-e Tim»-a . W. Li. ltUSo'l.‘.i..l.. l\'l-."\V ()ltl.l'.AN$ 1\.\'l3HUl£ Ll .\' H. for how Urh-lunl ruul Way Lnnllinax. Slr.CI'I'\’ Or‘ Al.‘l'0.\'..................Ilixoy. limiter, L(7'.1t‘t:A '.rucnlnr. :2:-ptcmtzcr ' ntra p. .u. Sir. W. 1'. ll.\ L.I..II.).\Y....... .(i0uld. Ma-tcr. lannwn ‘l‘lIursaIar. EIIMI: . at .5 u. In. Sir. {i0LI>F.2\'_ (tl'l‘\’...................lIrsricr. lilutcr, l.c.n‘un sill :ll’\l;1}'. Stllllclllbtr ‘:5, at .5 p. nu. For nelgllt or [sax-«gr: apply on board 1-but-boat root at Sierra: Ilreol. QUILT \l . (,‘All!I.|JLb. (i1'tit'rll rrwizllt Axant. 'l'ickuu lnr uh; at 105 North Fourth strolet. Notice to S.hIppor.~l South. 0 trclzzht will his rocclnzxl on St. Louis and Vicks- .L burg Anchor Lido \t'hnl-filml nflnr 5 o'clock n.m. JOHN A. SUUDJJI-.‘lI, Pnxsldrut. huulmuppl Valley Trnuvpn-ruttlnln culupitnr (mica on Colnunnyu Whnribeu. toot or Elm Il.rc\'.l. um. 11. mu llzmtr (2. Hl\AlK.‘iTlC_K. {I'm-niaent. Vim rnu. &'upt. F011. NEW’ 0Rl.E‘.Al’\'3. Btu:-uct !’Ult'l‘ EAIJS null berxe-I, Leave Tlmrnday, ‘zit. age p. m. For imlxilt nuts to new urleanu and points in fun Alumina all-ul tlrorgi apply to ital. y. lulsm. En: la: Agent. lX.I..l.NU In. ‘ r\—\r\ IL 12:01:.-3 hl.VT§It. rorneudnown. tau-nun mud rcurls. clllcaxo tut Xreixht lino. Bit. ll. W.O0I.3...........................(lrnr. Hunter. Leavca Tues-in‘. Se tclulxzr Ii. at I ,,...a‘ g. an. Iron: Uolupauy a wllnrlbont. tout Iarket IL _ l..lP‘. U‘A_KU.\..\Hl:LI...,- 0.8. noolclzu. R. Y. 5a\b5. Anentn. Preallxlelll. ltE(lUl.A1L N.-Ll'LICli P.lCKI'2'.l'. Blame: UALXIUU S........ ..... .. . .......um_I;1. Mmler Will lure Mundnrs sun in nan)-I In1m‘t3om;lnny‘I wharfltoxt. toot slut.-ct sirec . C. 5. It0(}l-ZiL".4.. Sopcrinuemlt-nt. Proposals for Improving Pass C9.- vnllo, '1‘exns. llxrrw srmru l-::<ul:<r.1rn alrmnc. Iilzvo-l.n\' Ilulnmrm ( Tunis. >:upxemm»r ll. l.-‘co. P‘.‘Al.l‘.ll propu.-gala. In <|li(IllL'l|lt:. will in: n.'v.‘\:l\‘:' at Illll oillcx-. ttnill I2 o'clock. noon on the faurlceulll ul Uciobcr. I811. at \I'|t|L'll limo nu plan:-x tilt-3' will be opened In |lfl:.M.'llCfl or bill-Jan, tor I.‘0uItll'|lx;XlilR une jolly ul bru-ll Ind none or concrete, tor Improving l‘z.u Gunilla. Texu. Ann «gnu: amount available 0! the nyvpmprlallons oi llfiu. ‘Fri. '7‘). ‘ill. lor thin won: Sloxuo. IHSIIK pr-maul: and tall in UTIRIUOII will be far- Iiloltcnl on Ippilcullou to thlulnlrc. _ . M. .\IA.\‘Sl'il‘.I.D. ltajm-at I-Iogincon U. 8. A. Txmliiim“ DI TRLIZTC RUKKING [1110 I'll‘! UNION DEPOT, o1‘. LOUIS IUXL. Ranmm are rrrlueued to null or on man I :u the nmnlng ui train. the can; luv kobtounucz. (.‘llli.'.<\(:'U.-.U.T0.‘i AND KT. LOUIS Il:\ll.!l(l/ll). '1‘:-elm. In-nut. (‘Ilium hiormnx rtxpreu... ' hit. 1. ln. (;lnuxoLIgl1uun¢l!.x' rut"! ‘.'-.:»u n. m. in. U. and bslllurtlln 1 1 .. 5:65 A. In. Iunsucit and Denver x. 1 3:0: mm. llncvsn Keoltnk ‘x Ex. this ulncyl Kookuk Slut Ex... - ncluo::Vllie&l'eoriL Icx.... ‘ tn. ziprlnxnulul Aocomlaodalkm. ‘ 8:» p. in. I011‘: A: an. L-‘l.llt:Au(’)d rrmcouuu J..l.‘c'i£. VIA V‘ANDAi.lA IND: AND ILLLNUIB Cl{N'l‘llAl:. Chi:-urn D112: ......... 'u.'u0 . In. ‘1 85 o. Chlugolilxht yl;oo';'.. u. it 'l-.~.-on. gi CIIICAGO. BUKLL\iG‘l'()N AND QUINUY it. IL Mlltitclfwlll 1: st. Paul 1-'u .\lal nod Iv.xnrnsa.......... ' la! n. m. Om.Iln)ln.I.l Indz.xp.......... ° Emu. Isl. ltock Island sud Lllllurnla 7. 1:17 o. In. 0l1llth.XNl[lI¥ l£xpreu..... .. I ‘M? p. m. Cnicnxo and Pearl: Express. Ill? p. m. UAIKO tili(JllT 1.1".‘-‘Z. (‘giro tuu nmi Bi. Loni: at: i 7:46 v.. m. ' Im a. to V‘nyExw.:.u-1 rut Mail. . .' ixltl fl.ll.. t.1vh5p.a New Orleanralaxllinlllx E 9 am p.-in. 9.0:}: :1. C 10 All D 81'. LOUIS IIAILIIOAD. nu: Tlcxet once. but walnut nnot. TI.A.D|’I 9£t'LI1‘a ‘IIIALIII LKIllVR~ ‘ Gllfp. III. ‘ 6:11 p. to. 18(3):. tn. ' 8:11 3. B14 ilrnfi. m. Mr Bpnta all» Call-o 3peo.§xl“d‘u. eorn‘d'n.. Km. ‘tone. ll. ‘sans. us. t.l’.outI. ‘Iran. m. ‘noon. in 't:0op.m. ‘$2003. to. 5t.l..'u)la.xn. ‘omen: tl..l.l1\()l8 lulu u'l‘. Louis ltIuLluu\b.. Bell-vlueAec.omluo«.tulou..... 5:15 a. us. link‘. A. m. 1; 11:0) 1. In. mm a.. m. ' 2:01 pun. map. In. 5:35 o. In’. [xiii p. to. inns. in. 8:35;. I. Ie1lh1...‘... .................. N95 9- tn. 5:50 v- . IRIIIANAPOLIS AND 81‘. LOUIS ltAlLIl(lAl). gnyzxpven ... ................ ‘ 1:10 5. ul." l'.:L'-9. nt. ewYork i!xoresI............. I7-asp. In. 1 awn. m. A ulnodltuon................ 4:459. Lu. ‘ 0:361. tn. ILLIN 013 CR:\'1'IlAL RAILROAD. Day Expreun... li.vou.m. than n. m. tlhlugo Exorevs 1100 1:. ha. tint p. m. SZOKUK AND 81‘. Louis LLNZ. (315. X... it. AND N. W. nlul.wAYl. Rentals. }‘.xwnu......... ‘ nm a. nu ‘ still 3:. m. l>'.lv.ulsuk Night Exp:-ese.... 9 921! :2. I1 1 6:35 e..,m. Ul3YlL!.Ii‘."ANl) cusllvxnnn ll/L[i.l£0 u-- m . S'i‘.LOUIt<ll)lVl:slUN. ". 817 St. Charles Street, St. Louis,kIo. A reninr mluuwc of nm tlmdhzl (‘-olieccnau new test?!"- amt lc lg» Apuclnl unalmut of allvnnereel. SI.-.maIa.nd ':::-onle Dlacaeee illnn nny erhzrrbynlclan in at. Lao:-.u mg :3! ulnar. uhinlield renidnntn nor. Fllfliucrnvyuh-r1. y :13’ Gonorrhea (gloat, $tr:clur'u. ol‘¢hIll_8, morons. floaty all _run:‘r~;P3’e.a9fI an-i'd Segphul; C mm unto‘;.:lth.un°;.‘:‘:.‘:l°Il‘c:e.l°n«ru, on iuu‘\ Eéigugo ;.rlr.c.l|. Bgenlliy, privately with enl._Irv.iy rate «ion. See me Sexual Dobiht and lmgoleocy, la no Mad: 5 «M8 in ?'&lU.,lEK\| exrenm-I in ntuzn-I ,7:-31'-.ard.ha¢nnIu, and u prvdnac wnanfulw Kolioiln W3?!‘ —' f I‘ to IV‘ divzmlgl duet] 111.9 I c . 211:7! Etfify, HD0010!) 9 . I‘ o slit. 1 otfretai;-v.':u;«’tua2ou ol Idols: loubclfpwxufl Ic.. ~o~x-vnxiulrr e 1ro.x'o¢unl\ §....3u;m-1 (J<)llfi‘:'fl|llI.'.nx utysliy talk or tuft;-I.%l°3¢‘°“3 rouvlu. Wtun ltuinneunelcui to vlnitthe nil} “P "M-'9'“: tudklm.-A ranbrunt h] unit or orpnn-.1 ovtrfihcru. Clunblo um: guzutwd-. than dsnhtexlala It is that 7 auml. flaunt s A. ll. to?‘ run, Soul: .1: u. to 1 r.u.mP::: hlr. 1:.-rllu, I 8'4: ;ic: Wants. I .t=p- 012:2 boll, fill‘.-.: lvlhnmma 2 £23.. ‘ GUSDE. Elegant cloth and salt binding salad for 58¢. ‘in tumor BIXIIIEI. Or-7 any vx D 1-Mtavu,u'u to flu,’ article: on the lolzeuiut tableaux Wbr I-u tin“ of col .u.1nu under-I flntfi bcozu Ia rmlvd. will be bananas: in any one. D JAC UES '°° °'"-W 8*- Svslnt Lenin, Mo. larmioeul ex .nndAkm uihh one ever aloe-lna,ln-40:‘: Dr. J.t?‘LMu1orIa-.atl.her.lA enlabrthcd onion. 3‘;«vr1nI-IOPTSGL tlnuiul Videos: and form: 0 3;-ybml, Gonorrhea, Glut. leoentu-an hat hyn. Atilfltu Ginsu: "uwmuga" tour fol tauuuleIlnor.i- Bibi‘! et dunno ' can an llesllnlnuaent enrrwher-1. ran Baa hr in fltccitp. Start, 9 i. " to P. 11. llnxltr. has in t: . ‘N1 er Write. ‘ ' . IH8‘i‘I’I'U’I'B,tI19 St. Charles st,, 81. Louis, Ko- &1ul?lfl‘¢ gseteou. S 3"-lu......“*u.“:.°*.:.;,*.;.*.t°‘*l.:':::'r.....°.:"'=" .... .J'°‘f(‘;7.'|\Ili. Inc. 0 pmlurlne lo: sum “.3 aV‘IIfAI nvtlllq. Imps-any. ¢tr..exlr| n-«tern ‘I.-t Fe-n-." lniuu but the “ 1'9-ltlrel VI of tlteuvbo have dz-atzoyrui it by Ituul unused or «vi nuts‘. in mmrfm to term tree 1’ tune. I: Ru been filed 1 ll" Dr. In kin p rate prutlcn , finonr Ihllzzuxgrnl nrrvr kmwnto in rurlnlnmth in um? um. ' It 1.-in-I vlullty‘ nmllm -cncru -ur. won- derful other be than uni-ids-Agni mm in re fuel I uukneu bo- yonfi loci: yran. Young ill-PA Iuflrrll: {mm the ouutqurnttt ofihul Ilvulllullj drutnu-live lulu: (1 Fnllulbuu can use mu mvdlrlna with the usurau-to ofnupea-d and l‘I.IllL.\H‘! one. The patient gain: rlnfrgth And «In! yo! rplriln at once. u it out dim.-aly on that puts mural ll I otxllhing and button lnuiu end nmdyee to the relaxed Ivmlnnl rnldrn end In-lulrd dun iznputlng power ma tent and tutoring than tiucfihe ‘IIKDI u lftlu fill Milli and never beat lnanlxrd. I to unit rnlura a nu ere Ihnpla . oi rulnxu-buk.I. mob. lmhs. cu-. Ilul ua nnpn.-lflu in: II: shove dinoou. ‘ orrdre Pin Dollar: rent. with nail nation. (In, to my g-idnu. For rule only -1 nollnnurs ultra tx1uIti'.. No. h'.'l r]t_I-£51. comer of Christ: name. 5:..I.ouls. Ho. lane- 1 u . . I A “nrvalln an Ppmlnl Dluua“ vlzlchuvn a clear do.-Ilnrallrm of tho vvmplomu. I‘Ilf'.l|'ll atoms, am. of BIZHINAL WI-:AK.‘!l2:-‘§, nu, ma nun: so my uldnu. upon I-erupt afoot gtullp. ' lloln.nnnn‘a Fife filxnunrnf‘ cure: Lhe smut man of file». no nuztvr vtut Smut or but long n‘..andin_f,. In than Sltobdllp. Prletoue Delulr be: hip ting ‘hen Dulinru. 0 ll illl.t.\’NAN':3 lnttlfl ‘fl’! E all North mu won. 3. w.‘m....-'.‘a Chriau Avwnc. Sent to uv amlrma. Loci: Hospital, ea.‘ Isetlpg the rural hone I\=r pntirem A book (or the million-liu IIltdlI°trtll yeuuall met one dl.§’I. vnohnba-alxgnsarrr. In a n . nova no menu ::lnv..w\?ou burnt. out.‘ Loan.'t p.m.: Rnehyfilltall. Dr..hae1 l:¢)yu.nelu¢-L. Rubber Glnlslfi?-i-it iii‘ "°"' ““"‘ " I prrlrox; tifur 5 POSITIVE CURE Without lnuiicinu. LLLAXWISOLUHLE NEDICLTSD “.’.”".““.‘n-.‘.'.‘.‘.i'.‘f.‘;’.‘.’°.§a§. J.°3‘.l..‘2“S.".Z§. ' (K. '5' Nuzvtlleure tho awn elmllule uamnu inn-at of how Iona: 5 gpcj be! . c dbl. of «I10! romai- «gnarl. 331:: gertalftfillrultwqsnmwn '17 Saw!‘- lag ow eoaunatn ot urn staunch. eonn at £1.14 nnnamnre. oz’ lnufied on ms: t of price. «bdrm. I53 John ot.. lkw York. we otter $.'.m‘ruurd for Lu one they will not con. Quick. ante. and Inn cure. ..~......... .. . ¥4 o......_... .mI:z*ruL~‘ R Eu-‘l H l Q’ £11 “wxté 3l"l_l;t.bW0 I -1 $1|}3§‘:ll)n(§;) I tn ..u§5”':;m nnlee Ifl1 ‘ W ‘M ‘ nr.u&nm': zlgeglllln t~;a:‘.I':mh A can runway hr .9£l'U.\A mg I Indlo¢Io¥Davtot,cIusM1 b ladnlxtnocu Eric» D?- .iI§)lH:llndr:‘LlOI. I1. lieu!- -sorvhilsstrut. 35-'1-°'“% fig- ‘ Guru etor, . o. 15 ........ :.‘~’:-.~:*‘:.°..:r..’;" '°'~ W 0 ru.\6ull':%'onle 5 '9:mp.ta. fltllnlu. Iluhrtileilelli Ixcugt it-|xx‘aci‘.;)‘v :m . in. I.-m'n.ln. Iluooulal in sand: .. )5 lmhwx . 1' mug. in. 11:!) p. m. 1iI3$DUfl.I. KANSAS AND 'l‘K.XA.‘! RAILWAY ‘ Lbonlland Texutx reu.. Dim . .lf em . Eiluourumi Kansas l£ureu.nll-15;. $4 llflg-2 no no all83(.‘l.lRl l-'1tUlH'iU it-\ll.WA‘t . I .2, g; : Hg we it::'§°oc§‘5‘!Y.??3?3.......I..-gm}. :._.m.... ‘E. w zigzag. 3. log:-V: ‘. i W 94 ocuneaqeuveuva o I I 0 0 H24 .112. mans. £::'°°“.<.%':::*3.-.’.:':*'..x... 4...: .. I a wooq . In. ‘H33 )1: lrkwqod .,.,...y.\. ..u«.uo 5115”). In. ' M159. mo, \ ?§fi‘.'t': . ‘u Ur. uinwaer will bums. ‘ ‘*1’.-,°,“_‘i' .... nmmoon ‘RESTORED.M. " i l I art! llnm-he coco clunlug norvour ‘”‘3‘33’.f§:§:‘§'.i?...‘l‘;f’ii;°l‘l;;....!.§l‘.‘:.’::!...£‘i.::J.’: 1-pi, «K! J. H. ltl{r’.Vi‘.S. &’i‘i.‘lutlllnln M" N. i. '1')‘1¥.'.i DZINSBE E‘. El, Ninth" Street. 8!. Louis. and ‘ 415 N. 80 . ~ -. - ._ a local . »' “’”“‘R.2‘.‘.Y."".'.‘.f:..‘;‘i.."?.‘.':‘.i..... ‘W 2. care we ' Id toe-la: 31 flunkuy other 7 , .3: oul'°.'~uul 'llouul qr _- _w’:’:n~ .« llundgx to 13-» m.. . .. ' A-rnmuun,_eam¢ H. r n = Eh.‘ sr.::::. a.::.'::r.:’:‘z’§‘;*li.:§a‘ '.W.l.‘i;‘z-.2 8- mi cu-I;-..?x“. ‘V -mu .‘I . 7 "un5:::.*c:§g.='. ~ 5:RTWHlTT lE:P:~ W loauoea mogrlisorm In-I Nil"-I earl? ~ e meal by lurl d $; ei1nn.!$°g?¢:‘ru§?.:)rt tea. u§u‘§“.x wo,nk°neuu“lbr.t‘ ' , _ Dr. JAMES,:.-.. .,,L m.WhklI in: will ten-I iron iollls (allow-sullen;-' ' - 'flux::’-on'ltond:o'.- » (1 ‘I ‘(l min. . ‘cl *= _i:/:‘6.ttt1i_7l_¢i:uricr us ens-nxIrdAthé1§ V119‘-'~ ')ruzz’x.z-ind llreeeli.-l_o'idihx'_., $h0'‘K°l"‘v”.‘‘.‘’’ ; , xlo nnd double. iuvolveri.‘ 8hobt1nz'-35135-7“-P‘ iittr_mtivs‘sto¢I: at low uricedz - ;c. .t'w.tIcci3é'Vn.‘- - . tia‘~:t..1i'tir'h-street. ......._.._.......-.o-—-—-‘---— _ I . ’ cnxnpgifll. ' _ suit: me tortilla-I. mu. ynxon-covers mim- rtiniins. Titus‘. bioiuisozi. 1193'“ ‘F . 1);. wart-riiut. in rreimm’ kfwum-, 0.37 3‘- C1mrio[|trc_eG,jll, for threat)?-17|Y° V931!» ml!’ re’-round txoiiiil to 'i=duiiy~,' when i-cmiiricehle g.-uxu‘:ng.y Deiiild oi mood diseiuem: -111119043?-v uzeiita to*mruerln:e. etc... tttroasonahic chit:-gee. . lnienienlciiien; cnutulrsticmirce : .cc.ii or write Gntux.-ti: iniportosl Dalmatian 1useet.Powrisr in qunniiiihs to suit. 0. ‘W’. Horst. 1‘xIth=ol~r'v'=¢$ end Yrlnklixi avenue. ._...__....__............ ’"-Protect Your tires. It in useless tor snybody to me rm inferior quality 0! meet or eye-giasics. whereas you tiiu-cm: omioriuixity to use Prof. Hi:-schbcnrl improved dixxmocd Ig'ecs and eye-glasses. Call and examine the sitmc at No. lo? North Fourth street. under the Planters‘ House. ..__....._....._....__.. DR. £’.0W)i.\.l¢, dentist. bu not rnuiovod from Twenty-elglilh nntl igltzuat streets.——....__..:...... Vienna Rolls. -V Irosh twine diilly. i5 emits a tlcizali. deilrcred lily part 01 the city. Vienna Model linkers", Eighth and Walnut. ' Sui: has the complexion at‘: face powller rlici it. ———--———-¢-————---- l5a,tou lmpriivnri Howe scales sold. Iiocdcn Erllt-cilia Co. . 61‘! .\'ori.h Third street. cl‘ :1 pegclt. Ponzo _._.._._....__._.—.—- Du. Ri1:cr.'& Cream. flnklilg Eowdcr is un- equitlctl. .. —---v-—--—--— i‘itt)ri'.C‘i' your c mm by ushur 916 motil- vrooi iiuweii carpet linlmr. U90 only HIM mim- 'nlnctut‘od oi t:Ol.iK)i1ai‘ii1 vapor. American Unr- -pet Lining Co'mpiu‘iy. New York and Ilostoc. For sale by all tinrvet dealers. _.__._......._..._.....e... . “vim 40. aura Boston and lfrovidnxico Art Furniture in fit. ixiuis at l'fli’i30tIiliJi0<]'il‘ic{t9.4. I)iuinir~room.tlm.~a lied-roomxi. tervutiI.‘s room, kitchen and parlor or sixty hrildufl. tor 5356 «iii. Call and see them nt uuernwy, Jonas .2 co., we North Fourth street. lttfins given next Saturday in this pa»- per. Catholic Coionizzttion Society. A nieeiing of rne.l.r1uli Catholic Colonization Society ms: held in St. Patrick’; ilttllyrst¢r- tiny tziieruoon. Fi'ilii0l‘l Dollar and Aic.CIl1my were nuilmrizuci mate to the colony. in Kitlllll. and pay nil taxes tum triiiiunct anvil other busi- ness while thugs us may be 0! interest to the colony.‘ Mr. Jami-I Brown. who had Just returned from the colony. min prurient. and gum Ft very onconr-ugliig :'1.'D()l’f. of its progress. lie said the colon ' owned l':,0<l0 norm: of lnnd, and that the groin lined wiimilia larzmit and iiiiott he ever tmw.- .i-Tour iota hm! been donated tots public sclionl in Butler; ft church was in ),im;:- TC-‘I8 of erection. and cvrrryttilng in it hitppyancl noiirisliiiig rzoiidtilrin. The colour is locutod tn ;l'niiiw.-ttmiiixd f'.‘min_v. Kvll. R-.)Vv.ii"Elt(l 1-'ntlioi'u ilutlnr umi liiccnilrey will pi.oLmbly imird today for AU‘-ilibull. They will reiiirn homo or wear of Suciuiin. in order to be present on the liiteieiith rtxinivursun-' oi the ordliistlen oi ltcv. i’. W. tiralmiu. um event which will be nvpruprmteiy culennited. ....._._.....—-——«a»—:——--—--~ .IIriritforrl'.n Acid Plxospisnta in .i)_y-spapnla. I believe iiciriiioiliw Ariel .i'ho~i|ilust¢n‘s X1 villu- cliiu rtniiedy in miiny citrus oi Iizyzirmitlieiilniuid C. C. iitoulrts, bi. D. icugo, Ill. ._.............. Shot by His Futiier-in-iuuv. Jonrduu Cutter is it colored imtn who had a. little mtruniirruiindlng, about 8 o'clock yes- terduy tnurning. wltliliisisthcr-in-law, Andor- ttriii1iro‘olts. '.i'iieiritto.-r hiid came in from his Iiomein w to "illicit a. bone" with Mini. U. «trig in delicate health, her butt- bimd nbjectcdlo the old lit&ll'ii ionmrdiiess, and this wit. the oriulii of mu row iiutiremi the two men. iI(1iilUit‘.l‘~ifl-|n\V was riropzired for the trouble. iii: had it unveil-iiliooier. 2.!- cnllber-pistul. and at the vuiycouiiiiencouieiit oi lihatilitius he whlppi-.d out the trenpmi and began siiocvtlng tit tho -')'oniiii: mun. tie tired three !iilt)Yri, but only one tool: otieer. Cnijter rvevrulvmi the bull in the nmliy )‘K')rli(‘lil of. his right fore-arm, the woumi being hot oil! sirsrlmis t:hiirm:tor. [in wont to the 1J|l3[‘.ltl!lMBi‘}‘ and had the bull cxtraotod, and uotlileo ilitwmtnty ailIll0l‘iI1!1!I0 look out for mid ni'r<'iur- l‘.i‘0-aka, the lnttcr having returned lmme niie.-r this rhooilnx. Carter, who is oni- }>io_\‘«-ti in at 8t‘(’Oii(l-Kill?)-1 ntovc store, i.i£‘iil' tho cm-iier'bi' h':o;u'4.-ntit mid W_rtsh rtreetu. lives at the corner oi kliglitecirth ttiid lmrtii Marital Ilifllbib, where the vlimiiiiiir tool: place. ...___...__......_....._....._ For the me (it the mesa. German remerly, “l*\‘llbill'g Drops, you can inuliitulu good diges- tiun. "” Liberal lleazue. Tho regular meeting oi the Liberal Lengno was held at the rooms on Wusliiwgion avenue yesterday utter-noon. The i'rcsi<inzn't's desk was firnllod in crime, in honor oi ius lately do-' otriued or-.r.-upunt, John Green. Mr. J. J. Jaclisou, Vina Preiiticiit, called the me-.-tiiig to order. lie-slim he realized that in wits not coinpeteriat or worthy to fill the posi- tion occupied by this into i‘i'esii.leiit. whom, lil fsbaikapmru [states it. mid iron: to that houine from whence mi trm-eler returns. iin could only nsyilmt .\lr. unseen was ii. friend oi hu- manity, oi um willow will 01 the orpiiim. lie writ I. b|.llll«iililK«Iu’hlfI in tho truest sense, and ii there was it {inure he would got him l'i‘W§i'i.‘i. The mcriiiieijs of the 1.2.-ugtie prdaont than lane ‘ ‘iiniue, tswwt ilume." Mr. (}u.l¢:i.~u iiiovim that a cnminim.-rs be 3?- pointed to hrrnmre for a memorial service ii lionoroi the line i'i-mmiciit, the R€l'Vl¢4.‘8 to be bold $uil(i’.i)' alter next. The r.-nmmiuoe mu than k)>[K.'vii’iI¢(I _iui iuilnws: is‘. '1'. iuldrcth, At. 1.. Klulumnu, William Busch, Tixoiiias Curtis, 34:. liiccliiiior-lr. Sir». Annie '1'. Anderson. Alexttruinr tloliiilns. A Yxilniliflail oi ihimicu to the newspapers that puhlisliad notices of the tuuerni of the late I’l‘(.‘fildv.'I‘ll was panned. Dr. J. G..iisil then delivered in scientific lea»- tura litoiiienluiir cxtoiiimr Darwin and (ex- pmssiiix rur also that the romhiul mind. could not ooinpro: mud evolution. The inogou than Ldiotirimd. - ......._-..._.....-._.._n.. ..... _.. Cimsitx by an iuitzieisse ui:ilnrliy—-Dr. Bull‘: Cough Syrup. Price only ‘:3: in bottle. .h.MUSi':M ENTS. dt.ri.i.ric.~Gxu Willinmll bepmn !til~engn|;o- merit at this: house lust night in an unusually iistgge rsuiitiuy audience, and nlmseli, his coin- pnuynud his ploy. Our German Sountor, re- viii ~d. uultttgeti and otherwise‘ iiriproved, mot vri. am aiitlmsinrtia: reception. The songs, rrcitauiona, M0,, given in Spruce limcrii eitim are-aw: tim wildest delimit, an Man. J. Adolph Di-lkie had to uppenr seven or night ium-.s imv.-.~.Y<-new ioeucoire: beicre his nudi- £1‘-t‘e_W0ulxl at him go, urden.-rt than there Ina ‘quilt’. nrianiizmus tipp0.‘.1iKil)i1 to zinitiiilz with - his xisiezurint company. Mr. Willinmu‘ prawn: cv:iin;vnn)"Sn the MLDIB on last. season's. Ueironn (senator ihll evening ngnln. . {harm Oi-"mu. iiousn. -.ilmuy_ty Dumpty. with ii: .mulilnlle'ity oi clowns, nntlquity of Our _ tritlki, and variety tide-show, in hers as-sin, and the children and the nip talk! urn accord. imzjy maxim‘. hick Roberts Pxntnmiuie ‘nag ., um. “Q04 lifl any 031’ the tom. and the specu Ly nrtlbto who idrnish the variety entvnrtnlnineat ii ICE ovriedgrsd reputation and s all pignaw.‘ iluiiipty iinrnpt is the bill? F43; mg 5 outiio we-at-u‘ the Opera ouse. POtB’l.—«RiD.l a;.Dr.ap.-.r'sdoeliic clompsuy in-' ‘gins to play Uncle Tom's Cabin It thus toaster at up. in. to-day, and will givo tltoriwots cud ‘evening periuirmnueeo every dnrdnrinc the manic: 11)!’ ‘merit. The muuncos um speolttl it vinyls I. lluliau and t'kiM1l"0fl,l-O whom source of great txleuu -. (>mu‘Qr:r:.--«‘i‘bo now bill It ibis’ house was untliuoiaiticslty roccivett last night. Billy Ilnckieyy, we arcisatria Ethiopian comedian, myie a neat bit, sad Huoi:ixes~ts:r_ ind Jen- ninzs in tiwir aitirrpiuca.‘ 1‘iis.0‘-lk-11101’ clflb rleata, bad we house in tone the uvboio Lima. . . Hap»; School Children _ hrs than who set a good.p:e'akc.t-knife and L liaising; trawl: b"oxst'.Birn'mom _lludIm'o Coro- 1iiée_c‘s'taorI_xlir .-the othhrfdiir 23631 3?3‘-Ig:fi' ' i1__ ULLY : FUIKN-V ..ix:jm'u,i..g. .. V _ __ Dori: ‘riorse. ~ ‘ : any "rot-lonely lntericrec with the Sunday- sqbomexoteuet at -The rain was every good thing tor the streets. in’ it tuned the tvntormeionx-indA"a.nd dead .cr.tI out of the gutter-nnsams ptrlces, and formed bant- ink ponds inf:-ant or nwerjteletn in others. Ind-1i\id*Ilieiiiill-fl>Vc]f}‘Vl"ll!i'0. ' As mucy oi we ‘use oi'wnter,- either mxtarnsliy or internally, ‘anti the second-hind umbrella stores were closed, the attendance wits limited and the caucuses ‘brief and linrric-d. The most con- Ipiououn figure to bnfsoen was that ot sziru-on cocitkznt, _, who had just srrivud from one of the rural dhtiieu, and was shout departing _ior_.ti1c Southwest on it political tramp. lie idols quite ooniicleiit oi being returned to the tflilllfl, but thinks it prudent to rnnire assurance doubly sure by stumping the State and button-hating the grnnaers in his best Cockrclliun style. ~Iiis mtrtner, Crittendcu. he hits not been Iur scvctui we-eky, b'ns.hciti’d thiitlio had been doing good work among the Hoosiers. "l3iIilil.H)t, ltlu repnrted that you cams hero for the purpose 0! persuading air. \'i"ellli to run for Congress in the Second Diatrlct, sad that you have succeeded. Is that true?’ ‘ "I. out ri.rnv.'eo. this morning. and have no: loan We is. I did not come for the put-_ io-ie of seeliigliim, and do not know is-lmiliur in will run or um. All 1 know about It is that it man munoii Eitlics told me in this car, this morning, tltint an-. Wells would consent, or bud cou- seiited. to run." sitrurroit rI.iJ)l’B, at Kansas. and War-horns Armstrong were in company with senator Oockrell, and the war- itorau oiioicd to take the two Senators out ridiu ms soon as tho shovrermusod ever. He will show them the illuininptec signs at s uuini:-ere! keno iioulscs in the princinfii thor- ougbiams, and point todozctis oi dinurtutlatl urns, and millions of scuttenid buttons, til evidences oi the urowess of the police force nruicr his ¢Olh'1\l\iid. Ila could show them the dltcixiboweietl Mi 1 Crack newer cut a suuullc oi St. Louis engineering. and drive them thromrli more mud in un hour than they could find uny- witero also in n wcelr. "tscnntoi- Plumb, how do you like the news izoin !tlalnci"' "iinlnu is all right. Jim Blsins is A hi-ird man to best." “You went: strongly tor Blaine at Chicago. did you not?" ' 'Yen; he wit: my nrst choice." Mr. 0. iii. lihniiur, cnmlidctu for Congress In the C atiwii Dlttrlct. rsina down with senator Cockroll, but being hidden behind an Iil'l.lbl‘0HK as big as ll dirt-or. umt. mu not interviewed. was lecrnccl irom good uuthorlty.hon-overdlist he felt so L-oiiflxlcnt oi bclnx: elected that he lied K\Ii’t‘bHl|(ii} copivia or Ci1B|linR'8 Manual and Min- ..ter Schenriiz s great work on "Draw" to in to quality hiimwil tor the duties 0! the omce. mt. J. ii. ci.Ai'iion:ns. candidate for Uunizrea.-s tn the Second District, was ukediilielmd Lulaen buck the vltuporiv tlvu mmniks mule About Mr. Well: at the Ar- gyle avenue nu-cting. "No. uir-eel I nuvcr wire itnnwntotnku uny- thimr buck in me; life. “ituit3\'i.iX' 1 any [hold invseil respoml la tor. wliutovur the conse- qnuiizicsniuy lie. I dill not mention Mr. Wells’ risuie in my speech at Ar yin avenue. 1 snokn of ll ‘clzu-it norm’; but if .\ r. Wells should allow hliiiiuli to beuouio B. niiniildnto, txitur whutiic hnli ru ieatmllrv iiilkl. than my rumurxs will up- ply to rim. and not otherwise." "Ilia you know. iioti." amid n wild-eyed Cori- fcuerrtts Colonel, known at the corners as tho "Talker." "that soniri ioilmu who pretend to be your iriilliilll urn iminiz burl: on you? Tilers’: um-ry Snyder and Charley Gunter and sum. Poppet‘, and boron otliern. who tlilir soft saw- dcr to you while every one of ‘em belongs to Wells, soul and hour. loiflve got around youtlic worm. lololpo iticiil dead bums that ever lived. I have some respect iur at highway- zunn thutcrmnn 9. r-Nolvnr muzzle into your mouth while ital , as through your pockets; but ilieiie poilticn thieves and out-throats who ,.'str-.11 your cniititlonee, and Hell out your iilri.ii- ‘right. lor ltllilllt at car ttuitoto. 1 hate Ironic than the devil." Tile talker proceeded tor an hour or more. ring the details at the Argyle uvuuiio meet- ing, the umninntioii oi Tildun. tho cruimnlgns of Joli. Tiimnpson. Prion and Kirby Biullh, and wound up by misuriiilg illuiimrun that certain iiien professing to )0 his lriontls miulti no bunk on mm the uioiucnt that ii clis consents to run. The discourse was interrupted by the BM!- iooirlng intiu onliirur Mtteiitiott to the grunt speech oi John 1. .\lru't.iri at indlrumnoilui. "it wire the uriiruimit cliort at his life. ills decor‘??- tinnufiiid battle at Cell 'SiJi.iI‘g. in which It) led the lit.-ti ".ill|}.Z0i‘2|, inn is the hair oi the au- .<ll-mce stand (in unit.‘ ' "(';e'.i.ysbiii'gl Why. he (-nuli!n't describe a ring-ilght. ills mu rt baby valmn thxitbuitie was i'uu'z.;lii, and could iml. lmve limsxi them at all." crtizttx ‘vim-: told all about his recent visit to llmicock, and how lieuiilixliiuitcd the Generni in regard to the ha;-1n.I‘l1ih‘(|i'i(1 system of St. Louis. The Gen- .-.1-ul gg tprnmd oi hid min to iimko the rztilronilit pm‘ I.‘ la bonded til: it at the city, keep the nu-etetti in mhztir. nii<i foot the and Dilill. (liti- izmi i-‘ink him the bra-m-t of his coat wnddeti Willi iunnuaerlpts, I'.9‘i‘i:l|"iiK with statistics gntlicrod during hiii trip tn the East. He will appear in the procuitsion oi the Veil-iti i’i'r.mlict.a in the cltnrxoterui s cur--iiorso xiushiuiz it bub- tuil with his tore leer. while with his bind leszn IIB l[)l‘r3li(lD gruniw 'iliili!ui|i\"l.i-iilti keeps the dies at! the passengers with his zuii. int. Jlibliis L'()i.i.!.Vi8 1-nu asked what his tiicmgltt or the Veiled Prophets. lie i-mid he lli)dt!l‘l6H)I'J(.i the B0lii'I.i oi luiprdvelncuta mmltl turn out on the oeciuiion. with it our clu-ryiui.v B tmetiou of tho Lilli Creek ‘Qwgar, with it HA2“iii:z tho inricrlptiuii: "tiiucd I was an early done. for. .i wonder whit: Iwiui hngtui tor." iiuuii meiiiht-rol the bourtl will carry a oniitccn litrnmiod to his oliouirlor, hiiiflutd "Wst-er-tiielnr-innsisum tor Incas- uro." 'i’lii9 flower CDi’iil1li|.|3l0Xl4.:i‘ will rafnroscnt in-at-cutclier oi .i'(il'ii§, !§iii'i\i‘i1lg how tie tux- xmyui-ii are sitlmied imsteiul -at the rats. Mr. Collins isiii invnr of sanding Wells illicit to ittiilirress, on the rroumi that the horse-curs run niord l'0Kiiili.l'iy during his absence than when he is preiient. bin. ttiiwllltb BUTLBR cimio out without hug umbrulln, and took his stand in the doorway oi the ctzursioro, where he rutzcivvad the liutnnge oi the piusin r show. "ii 1 It-:mi't in .iuiericu." lie nsid, “ ‘d thick 1 Wm‘! in Chiiin, there‘: so many lanterns goiux "Wile do you iutendto run !or Oonizressin Nil! district, Mr. Butler?" "wall, tiles hu '3 have got their minds made on in lnvor o in certain man, but it Wells i.‘.i licks his whi and gives the word, tlicro'u be 3 ntumnedc n the ranks, mi turn its yni.i'i'e born. ‘they any itownbiatr has gone iniao the tiny liusiiueus, and sold it land «-1 Clove; the other day." Ami the Iilaclwinith inulzbod, and brushed 3 mimirop irom his riots. ' Hi-i. war. .5. run: but not heard that he was the dark horse on the Republican side as it C0llill’08Hi0ii|11Cflhlli- note in the second. lie had been out to Ver- non t.‘-ounty,-wiwre he owns! the uncut [arm in the Static, itnd the coutmnplitlion at his wrivliix eoriiiiteicis, smiling ineltdowl mid iiendinlt fruit trees imtda liiin lei-gut politics, and thinitoniy oi ’l’linrnuun'u seasons and the grain market. lie has &li~'2i\’3 been 1 pulille-spirited man. Ind it his country uliouid nail him to serve her in the item or in the halls oi U0ilKl“i"n8 he will not iiirnnaenl our to her ciumsiid. Tue unpub- iicans can cxtrry the district with eitampruvidcd limy manure the imiuor with prudence. Tho. D(l|ll0t.'t‘II.4l are in such as snarl that it is impos- bible to unite them, and it good sound Bopub- ilcsn can win with it ulilzlu etiort. nu. Jt‘i’.iU8 itaiiiauraqx the ex-Prnsitloiut oi the Dem. .Au.. lied lust re- turned iroin Eureka fiurin 1. and was about to iititrt. ior Vicknbnru on but next. He was won- deriuiiy irnpmved b drinking the unmixed Inter at Eurelm. on now many pic who hn<.i'been matched irom the grave by Hi!) all- headlug fluid. liiou of the maple who go to the s rings urn Deutriomia, all (it vrhmn are tmm. Lou by the use of the vuitar—-with tho ad- dition oi a little tom. itorcit-rorcn. Hr. 5. ii. Lenin had been so rejuvenated h his six weeks’ tram in the But that he in. 6 ‘mm 5 bn , and in the ruin without Am ‘um- arellu. iolxoes tor llnncooit because he deals un v or. - Bgifllfipio Finn thought it ins I but dnv ior inneruix. lie wished the election this over, so he oouid turn over his onion to Minion. or ‘rbotuu, he didn't care which. . D. P. ltowluid. who ant for the original picture at tnsfielled Prophet thought the re- oiprodity treitiy betvmon 51 no um Cnnldl flight to be nhrogxtod. r. Juno; Tiei-nun, of the "Vaughan," on irioiinod to think, that the Analyst‘: new de- pnrtum would result in at failure. , Kr. inn! iatysii, the ‘Veiled Prophet of tits ‘third Ward predicted that well: would not get the ooniinhtiou. "loco I hand you can not no and iris n'tlt lmr him: either." _ . _ esltti Uominin one: fractal; was iuiormoa thus oormeiirusn Tillie? was in trstmnz tor tho onion oi iiinyor. iu'i¢_ ‘Ii thou: mixing it ig_or‘d,.hQ jumped into his bugiryuud wsiat mat. . -. ; l'iie.lim has ‘been in Map mourn- ing time the nomination oi Dan Able as his 'i‘i‘3‘f°w...‘ 3.,'rlioia:mm. nines" hi: failure to ‘get 3. nomination. but turnad. is nu-lotto 1§.t4in.tizm. flu bad as rmnfni of cowvboalu, Ef....“"..u..." _"’, ‘i‘si.‘.§.“'i‘..’z3 ‘&'i.x".‘.'.’.‘£,’ "i‘l‘.‘.‘"‘«T«ei.X‘.f.§3"‘i‘..'§ ecnooi B05211", -zimm to fore! nutter-Bounty‘, represents the fersu are be was salt; Eng coiuiiinofi ézinnm as y'¢sui-- \ iitxuv Dlll 55'tcl‘estnen-hnv'e never been accustomed to the ' H90. Jo - re no hnvtst/ba'boud,ncnd Hi:p..gnw 1 oz; ' ~blr.- !'.~ R; .Br'it1cr,‘.ths ‘xi-sat yellow-pine. in‘- demand ‘1’h_e’Demo- xinnii_1x_to' use white pine tor their : . -; -l_;',,-:;. --C ~» A. -. , ‘_ - _, »~ )_,’“-Li’ J, " lqggqg )1“ ‘ 30 1:103}; Zito»-Ktmlouu. 31140 W’ "“;:§:“Y‘!‘r:'¥"”‘ hwy V »wu'unt our Ix]:-s7§niA=§i’a:'s"é)t‘i'°,-;_t‘l§‘¢?.‘¢‘a‘ .'.'.‘?«“.i’3.‘}‘,’?‘é"... nu antaxicain‘ order.-’.,'_ l_:jarlu.t, It ‘mile . ' '» , , .. '8tL‘=Lon1a:is1mskin . .:.:'- ' - _ . ‘ _ _ '- _' _ ' , » ~ E‘".»Wui::jrx:.1snt§lhsr£’l nst*e:,m:.‘i’i:itzom the ,..V....-.. .....‘-:.-la...-.x.»-,-.~== 9*. n. :_ - V w ~ » i‘ .. -:3. ..°°-‘i “ ., *. =’ l mm” k,m.__,_‘_ww__,M9,wn,°, ,,,_,,, .i§gnniq_.:.coci::oii 1__.mnV that ,;,--n_ .. oo .. m. .. Demo- orxcliorpine tlson tho_.dcc'limr. fimiun , '. . ' . ‘ .' lit‘. :H'm”.'Oinrnson‘s'tntcd iii“ the rims-nine mnrltot‘ Il.$.Si:flYa" sud" price: , cm" expected to OI‘. : . . ' i:ir."I1uxh BrM.iy..tho'“ntn pimy'vrlth fienittoi‘ Ooclrreli. lie ward for tlib_'S¢insltor.on-rim ilrst I) 10:. 1-. moms Sicvensltinotitictllflilo srrivsl ot Judge Miller. and said Juana Mccrnry -iii-turn upon ndny. - t « - - Mr. in-ii.’1’rath¢r.rruu-I Pu. Wabash hut-—0n6 that -,liu_boen passed-st-ound xneeiin of the Vanguard. -- Mr. . ii. Ariiutmng told Bonutnr mum that Indiana ‘would go tor Liancocic by 16.009 ml- iariti.‘ The Kansas senator did not call him 5. _ 2: plain words, but he looked it nil-the sumo. -- - - 3Ii‘..vR.i0i.ii\l‘d Ennit bss-at last round out why Finn was detained. and is dlcoonsoluo. 1k‘iiio-tnnturot the members or the biir will Jvtutc for Titnmplon tor Judge of the court of on 5. r " gr. Lucien Baton since the defeat ot.Ei.1tch- cock, hiis looked’ ii -Dr. ‘rnniier on the for- tielh cinyvoi his-turf; - . ' Mr. E. 1‘. E r.'is§§a‘l.)¢_ area that Thompson will make 3 ad.) V _ Air. Jo n Greeil',':l2c lawyer, says the Iiniirlm no the moat Induigrrlous and orderly clan oi people in the city. so they are. Dr. Iioburison, of the Dispensary, tironehecl hiu horse with rnimratar "yesterday. Air. W. Harm.-r and air. Ford timllh walked ' nrtn-in-arm under one u cnbrelin. It was thought that they were trvinx to drown ouch other out. Mr. Curran reported that them wus ,. the dance topay in the Seventeenth _Wurd. The auiuocrius them aw lighting like hlikouny trit- us. The absence 01 air. W. ii. ii. Russell was Itc- eounthd-ior by the statement that he find no to Indliiiin to speak a. piece oi $0,000 war in regaiy to ltotcoe Uonitiing. , ' ir. Gus Priest says that Judge it lclrhsi-n had nntliitm to do with the Orirtcildun rxg.:nr, ttmi will prove it in clue time. Case passe . -—-———-—o———-———- TRIENNIAI; SYNUD. Session or the German Lutheran Union uud itcrormcdchurchcs. The German Evnugclleul Synod. oi America, embrncingtbo German Lntnernn Union and Ileiorniedtlhurches. is in session at St. John'- Lutbcrnn (lhuroh, corner of I-‘oimeeiith and hisdison streets. Representative.-it iron: the Lutheran Churches in all psi-ta otthcvuiled States are in attendance, and the convocation is thclnrncst usembimm oi miditcrs oi that denomination ever convened in one ulcers in the United States. The Synod meets once every three yearn, the last meeting below heldiu Chicago. The following: are the onlcera: nor. 0. 8. Stcbenpiuliiei-, Itocltaster, N. ‘L. Presitient. ‘ , Rev. John Zitniuettnnn, Burlington. [0., V ice .i.'rL-sident. itev. Ulber Zeller. Iluiinlo. N. Y., Sceretnry. LIBT or uiinzdnzs. The following; are the delegates from the tovurul churches throughout the country: xiii!-i't 'l.iizn'itid'r. itcv. T. Bunk, liutinlu. N. Y. ltev. '1‘. Dreli, Brooklyn, Y. ltuv. '1‘. Platter, lluliiuiore, Md. ltov. 0. tsclieitlcr. Uiiio. ltov. C. 8cliIld._Bu lo, H. Y. Rev. V’. Kern. Eric. :1. Rev. E. iieitcnall. sricurm msrnicr. lilev. Ji. Schurry, \"iiiuoiiui~a. Ind. Rev. G. Ziiilnieruinn, L0'liiliYiil0, Ky. ltcv. 1-2. '1'. ituiler. Ciimboriztnd, iu_tl. ltov. Prod. Weyzold, i.oui.-iville. hr. lies’. ii. Quiiiina, indinnnjiolis. ind. nllizv iJil$Tllii:‘l‘. Rev. G. liau. Detroit, Mich. Rev. '1'. intuuur, Mir.-lilgisiu City, Ind. Bov. ll. Gumiert, Alt. ‘leuiens. Mich. Rev. ‘1‘. i‘ii'unurt. Aiimotuii, Mich. ildv. W. A. V'i‘n.ltur. iiuntiiixton, ind. lzuv. '1‘. Tull, Mansfield, 0. ' )‘UUit’l.‘li DISTIIIO1‘. Elev. P. Goubcl. Alliunibru ill. ltov. G. Miller, St. Louis 0. ltov. El. Kiihiiirilioelter. ulncy. Ill. Rev. Dr. John. Ei.iW(l.i”i.lit\‘iU6, ill. Ilnv. T. Pit-.ilh.-r 1’_unn, Ii Rev. 0. seyliui . Unseuiiudo. No. Rev. A. liuzluuiller, Naulivlllu, il ltuv. T. liuuclr. Aim-o, Ill. — f‘il’l‘I| uuirtucr. ‘ ltev. W. Kampiiieir. Pukln, ill. iiev. '1‘. i-‘umol. Burlington. Io. Rev. Z. Iihfliueismr. .i-‘reopori, Ill. ll:-.v. J. Zuniiinrimmn, ilurlingiuii Io. ltl-.v. U. .\iixtioi'mriiin. iisrriiiuton, iii. lief. ii‘. Knuzhcn, Iloeoimr, Iii. Rev. 1’. Kiolii. ulilcngo, lll. ituv. Schnub, Uliicsixo, iii. Rev. C. Kruiz, iioru. Io. ctxrit nisrriicr. _ Itev. G. 11. ilunck, Milwaukee, Wil. Rev. 1''. Bioecicii, Gormuiitown, Wis. Jim‘. 0. iuiiizuisn, ltuclnc. Wis. Iiov. T. D. .lit:i'gua. Whureliiiu, lliinn. aiivrtrarit i)ifl1‘iiliL.’l‘. (J. Ni-ntcl, tit. Joseph, Mo. .2‘. Umbucit. Culiiorniu, Mo. 0. .Ki'rtlft. lseditiizi, Ala. F. Guoliuur, Pilot Grove. Mo. i'.aA'.rt0itAl.“riv:s—i.Ar DEL- ir.o.\'t£s. First District»-W. l’t-sc_l-er, Ilulfnlo. N. Y.; 5. 5t‘,|Illi6l‘, iioolieuter. N. L; L. i.a_\huiiuin, Erie, X’u.; 1'. iluuclr, iiulluio. N. 1.; 1'. llrnnui, tsyrscuoo, R. Y. _ lsucond Di trict-L. Horels. iiumuin sihurg, Ind. ' A. He mkninp, Vluceiines. im.l.; §.V/our, (zinc nncti, U. ‘l‘liir-.i District-F. Iiofinizttr, liiicbi rm City, ind. - l... unobel, iiuutimqtou, 1iit.l.;V . stungo, North Aiulienir. 0. Fourth District--ii. Wicbtisiz. St. Louis. Bin. ; U. Bl‘inXt.lI6$'(li‘, tit. Louis; it. ‘rolls Quincy, ili.; ii. lilermn, lit. Cuurlcii. Mo. ‘ . ii. b'i.'1ici- tl:-r. i~.t. Chm-ids. him; i.i. Uboriiciiusn, um. cteiii, bio.- nlth illstricr--ll‘. Borges. Buriiluzlon. 10.; J. ilcrgct. Petxixi, ML; 1;’. sclilld and 1-‘. ilurtiing, Clilr.-ago. _ stun District-—(.ieo. Martin, Milwaukee, him 3. Selim:idci', Monroe. Wit. :5c1y'tatiii.ili‘..~itrlct.-—li. bowing, California. lilo. . and A. Wurliuinn, illugiiittvlllu, Mo. ‘iflie intuitions of the by nod In to discuss mitt- lmta relating to'i>h govt-.i'niiient 'iAni.’l dlsupline. 'I'hers are rcllirlons uervicoii in the inrcnuoii. Hfitifflfioil and tivciiiu ', at which regular blifilloiiii urn pn-nclierl. ‘he service: are carried on wholly in tho Gtirinnn llllitillliltzil. The ntteiidiuicu is very inrgo, unibnicing protu- lmmtueririnu citizens from all part: or the country. KQV. C0 N0 ...¢................... Politician Peter in Jail. The notoriouii Pete Uoionclly ex-convict and imrcl case gencrnliy,sinnds an excellent chimed to break rocks uu_ about the time the spring viblats begin to bu ugulii. Pete is only twen- ty-sevcn years old uud mi nilegucl boiler-maker by evocation, but ho has msunirud to develop such an aptitude us I crook that his honest trade is seldom thought of. lie is recognized by the police 3: one or the "bad ones" who no never long at 8 time outside the clutches of the law . About 5:30 o'clock "yesterday rnoruing William Aluilmll, a butcher at Union Market, uiiw Pete smcrge liiutliy item theoyatm am-in kept by Clinics Xionuiti, in the innrites building. miupci.-ting souiethiii wrong, he went in tho it-land, iound itunar saloon and united him it his cash was Itli right. A hasty search reveulcd unit the till had been tapped at its couieiits, nuiounuiiu to uh’: in silver unit some our tickets. ituniiing out or the building, oflicera Bliurpenbursz cud Jlarcuu were iounti close by and told of tho niiisir. ‘Ilia patrol- man at nine look 5 turn on cliristy uvcuuomnti nnding ilonucliy between -Eiliil and 5eventlt,on the same street, walked him uptoibn Third District Station. On basing sesrciied the exact amount of the low was found in his pockets, minus the cur tickets, wiiii.-ii the cunning ihlui hm evidently throvvii liwny. A charge -it pout larceny was preferred. mid, as the evidence is uraigb Pete will prot ably at the strong and of the w-—six months‘ iiupr wniueiit. When tns prisoner Wail brought into the stcuou, wine one dropped the rornuriz that the counties were rotty heavy ansiriiit his voting at the lull alarm its. rate turned tinirply wit is knowing lceraitd the remarir, "You can’: hold me 6ov.;i'iibo mulled this cainpuign, mm." Vvlisn asked how he came in the oystur stund he told the very imurobsble Iior: (but he went ln,to,eot an o_ star and the nliooniitu would not let him nish hilt inea . Subbe- quout in oily revealed the iiucti st only as laid usxstur uyiiltenioon in at family now Pate out bi-l0l\'i| brother slightly wiili it pen-italic. n * The Weather. A fit. Louis vns yesterdu visited by it copious rain um cooled the Ittritoaphoro and tvsnhod all the surplus dirt at of the sidewalks. The rain commenced only in the morning and con- tinued. one ut short intci-‘vsla, until nu:-iy niianigne. P.-iamnlm found icuiiuioimom vooiant to fiirom one place to snottisr. but otherwise i rain was considered vary .4. capable and -min aorta several giiounsiid dol- lar: to the street Dopurtmenta lilo thermom- eter, that had averaged from iiiwvto 950 im- seven! day‘: envious, tell to 659. with u proa- reduosd math: 1. in tampernturo during .d;_y, . _> __ . . . (lint me the 8iuken’_5aru arms in M... east to sit otlieu.—-0. A. utluetto, .D., H 4' firm i;i:iii.u}ni'i-ah-aid" V‘ , , n-on V-nozose. rm .\I;’..»0-glonnolil, tlt0_fiNonfi0Jca0’;l‘$'iIi3‘ 1'" ,u,wm,_ 'Ba_i.iroitd, iuuiio.1'.in_cuii. lodged" irequeutly at the '¥oi>ue'." AIL, .‘in-at’ shin '.=.¢’.°‘-D tr. ir..nqs2, _Li.ue,xosr. hatttie 14». ~ .. 1:1. ‘lx._-iioemi. J21, u.-3. ,A".,"t_i.'iit ftdt:'§i=!1_ig}.~ . ‘ca; _ ii. . 2inuters'.‘ ‘ ‘U.’ s‘.'— flxiuion cocimm. tin ,.‘?lsnters'._ __ ~._. - .. _ - . > > . .II. 1!. counrxionr, Kanhahvgity, is stoppintt ., it! the Lindoii. . , ~ (Iva _Wu.u.uu and John Itlcizoy. ii. In In 3: the Linden. , - - » Almox 8. Blrxxxsr, zstchison, Kan.-, in rekin- tsrsd nttho Linden. -. - _ V it.',I.. WILUAKB .M:tarn'a)' xn.nuss\__I_’nclnc 0. II. _ll1i¢S_Ul, Democratic cantiidnto lot’ I Contmiu. is at the Pis.nten'. J. R. no it. 0. Fxriaiulnb and W. mun, England. no nttbo Llndeil-‘. W. swurtut. N. FL, or the Amsrionn Union Telegraph company,» is nttho Lindcli. Giro. M. S'.i.'.ti¢ni§i'. "Kenna city, and John 1!. Eye, Cincinnati, 0.. arc,:tt,1.iot¢iil1arnuni. Bumiu. I. MOCARTNEY or Fsirneld. Ili.. Bunnbllenn candidate for Attorney General, is at Hotel Du: mam. ' ' Miss ‘Luna Clinton, I.e.; ll’. '1‘. Brewster 1’i~o"ry- 13 ' iii .l\x..nn J1.°‘E:1I!3‘B:igt0n,°(.iuJasbu°l":,“i.'il.. ir‘e"nt {he La- C G B. ‘ Giao._1Iri.r., Baton Ron . I.n.; J. A. Ware Jelierson cit . Mo.; 1!. .Rlch. Boston. on Altair Minnie lixgin, Cincinnati. arc t-czistoredj at the Laclcdu. M. ii. M.iNi81'2R, N. Y.: Sol. Deqtsh, am An- tonio. 'J.‘c-xiiii; ‘A. J. Mono)‘. Boston; A. N. Smith. Terra iinuro and W. '13. Onsnuisu, Tcxu. nro nttho1.inclelL C. 8. scar-r, Keyfesvillo. ‘Mn. ; J‘. A. Smith. mini-ibnl. Mn.;8.’l.. Painter (Jnrrollton. 1\io.: L. Solomon, N. Y.; iii. K-DOad.N3Wfl?k. 24. .i., glad John B. l-‘it-id, Chicago, are at the Plant- .i..l~:. Wii.i.t.4.»is. Iloulr-lnnn, ‘him: ll. cham- bcriin, Stnnberry, illo.; A. J. Itinckicrtl sud wlio, illinton, 510.: 1.. Iiurliort. tzincinnsii. rind John I... snare, Rochester, N. 1‘., are registered at Hotel linrnniii. J. N. GtLuntrr,.iinItiiuorn; L. 1.. Mills, Chi- cago; O. A. Cooper, Boston; onus. Kiev and it. D. i-‘roziv.-r. Vicitubiirg; Wuitar ll. Si'iil[\'r'i0l'l. U. S. A.;Jolm ltnwiitigrs and A: D. Ponce. Wal- dron. Aria; O. E. King. Cincinnati, am in Bli.runm'ii. W. J. LWINOHTOH, Windsor lilo. - Ii. 0. mil, 8:. Joseph; sutnl. W. iioiitwick. iliver; W. O. lilixvwll. Hurt Frrtnuisco; '1‘. A. iiryunt, slur- shull. lilo.’ J. B. iiomgonicry and wife, 0:- WP :W. iiert. Bniinn, Kansas; .1. Wear nnd w :2. Chiciieroj Bud Niolius. Lalsyetw: 0. J. Merrick. New ‘ark; W. F. Jiiuies. Obi.-uiu. 0., are at llurul/s Hotel. A SU>il1i'P.Il oi the li-lends at 111-. Moan Morris, nyoung ucntlmiinn llbmit to einlinrlt in bim- ness at ie1unluii.'l‘onnL-saee,presentedhim with iiii ell-glint incite: in which was not A large mid bezuittiui diliuloitd, ii itllt from his St. Louis friends. Tim prcceiilatltin, took place in Fou- aam.'u indies’ rnoiu )'eaterdu?'. mm was ll. com- plete nurpriso to the reulp unt. Clinuinnguo null other good snlrlis prevailed afterwards. ......__._._..._____... Jon: Fitssizmitfi. cine of Uncle Sum's boys in blue, cniiio up iron: the linrriicku rcsterdny to hiivn n rrnod time. Ho mm succeiii-ful in getting iulloi beer and whisky, and bot-utuo jubilant to such I1 tieuroc that be coiclirliiecl the event fl tiring of his nliitnl in it hallway on fiixtli and A urkot. utmutn. Ollicer Burke tool: the warrior untiur his wing and nxtoudcd him iliu hospital- ityof tho Chestnut 8treut.i’oiii:o Station. Parties advertising in tnnsé columns and having the answer: addressed in (‘arc or Globe-Democrat. V-ll plenum risk tor check to enable them to get their letters. as horo- artcr none will in tlniivnred ucept on pro- ncntnuou or check. All answers to mirror- tlsements should be inclined lu envelopes. SITUATIOSS VYAN'l'EI)—.'flAL%. ‘ii ItN'I'E[)—Sifuatioit by 3 young man in I liutcl rrsiaunni. to work in pniiiry urniitiin -rnoin. or unoulcinaxuilx well recommended. A-l..‘-2. il.thiuoli'. ‘ ARTE!)---A situation in iinv capacliz by in com- petent book-lieu.-per. mshlcr. rim: 1 gears‘ «x- porieuce: not afraid of wcrina.-salary no o iincryriir ref:-retire given. Address lllmicl .i. Punk, tliiii ollicc. 1-roirmtr Gxrizxix. :._"r..' Sxrrfifil itiiififlv ' 1 “,,....a G-IIA ND lilinseif. BALL 0 “FA_MoUs.”i _ R'.Ii’.---'1‘-lie lireml “V. P.” dc- aires us to state that the - _"5ii'!iLi.OW-'.l.‘AIi.i::Il COA been reduced us :1 com? Gr.-iiiiemeu iii to iiilemllho ball will mi" . And he stated to us.’ mi 9. - .; D matter at STRICT : DENCE (igccp 11:" dark) that’ although :1. great many imrii:u.~ -~ tlons had been isstxedior the that NO ONE would be admitted unless HIS DRESS COAT had been ninuumctured at Tllll Uisiuni llllllllllllllli CONE-I-~ Price on ms...» iffiai ‘an Inteiiiaii listiiiairi 4% Ann. Emrrmir i.TT‘ii.ic:im7E.i We show e..o'De.§zgjzis in styles a}.d'the'g3zwtce.e't'r'abrzoa of Foreign km-«Z Donzest-z‘o~Jifa1mfacmre‘,_ and invite‘ all to visit up, confident that we can please the most critical. raw. HUMPHREY & 00., _ Nilll’1‘liE.iS'i.' CORNER FIFTH ".1549 PINE. J — ' . cm Di!‘ down. rexxuiuder In one and two months‘ time. on J. 0mlo.v. st. James Hotel. F01! B.ILl.E—-Jon printing nmm. at tel (.‘.lir-stunt sold Foil SA LE--A 170 It. SAL!-—-M ISCEIXLJLN E0113. ._...~ FOR EiA!.P:-Chrnp-l\’ew (how canes. manutsrluh cub I.‘ kiss. Lange. limit! :1 in number. oi’ «micr- psttcriu. aningir nrln lot. at closing out sale. Ap- st Sn. l'ZON. 31 at. K. “.i‘ieuuma. UR 8AI.'l1;—i’tsho-S2.'.0 will buy lnrzent Ii?-ll. Hi’ tin-iym-w. upright piano. popular mare: st. liusincis esululishc-i:otncc fully stocked’. V1“ 50 low. thoroughbred Alderizey bull. $112!. Foiirth street. ' Ei0itSM;.r.‘.-—Clteap-Large Bale. s till? Clicstcut ll. Finest immrial T(tR........ cents s Fine-st Young rigs-on 'f‘es..............t0 emu s iflncst i.’niipow_ c - _ 1-‘incsl Japnn tents it Finest liiurri. Fired Japan '1‘ea......._a‘i cent! I PRICE LIST. r're.s............ .35 cents I F5” 1133 Fluent Uolosgz r-a.....................-:0 ttflll I “men; to 1:1“;-.11, ' llneiilcrssi :4‘: cent: at ‘ Fiur toasted out ti ‘-0 «trill! I 0 9399“ Fhtcni. (aimed Old Santa: (in ‘H ctuu I Fluent itouitcd Old Jan (:ortec.. ‘zscentu it Please re- 1 .71 1810 Curr st._ V HELP “'AN'!.‘!§D—-F1:‘.3!.rl1.l‘.‘8. -D»-——\f%..i\/‘.9-§44\I‘ A» ».»s. ffi:N‘rKD—(lenns; EH for gent-r.1l housework at o ‘ /L:\"l‘_[>:i)-."r‘i wouirn :1, Clymer‘s Prcacrviiix Coin- psny. lillil liroad way. rrferuiices. to ii: no it. "‘v”A.\2'!‘i’3i)—-A iirsl-class: iilllliiirffl fnr Mondays ' llldTlifblihggilipliViflllleiliiy. Applyto-41.-.ty.wItu V AN‘l'l~2i}—Ycii-iir Kiri. ioutilst in general house work. Jam Olin: utreet. ’ 'VVAN'i‘Ei)—--Sober and industrious hemin small restaurant; pay weekly. Apply st iixl iiroadwsy ANTi>2l)--A good girl for general luiusewurit at ma Armstrutig a\‘c.. near 1.322414.-tie Part. V" have reference. ANTS!)-—.\'uisc girl for child if your old: man 'lIiG Morgan. V in the city and l7(l|llilr_V. TllN'i‘i-Z0-iiiinieiiiuteir. 150 city and counirv xlrll infill cpl:-.mlIxi situations In tnmilies lm N. Nluili street. and hotels ‘. llvringn. .\rir.; Iimi wt!!! prild. tlcn call on 8. Menu cl. ilunvs lioxcl. Tuesday moi-niiur. ltciwrou ii nmlil. s. m. ‘ANTI-Zi)——A nut-class mllliiiur to no lnliot For info: im- Alontiay and ‘V ' A.\"i‘ l-Ii)-A girl to cook (white or colored). for I. iiinsil inmlly. ni Slut.‘ aiorgnu sinrci. V we Carondclei. 176. l\.\'Ti‘E‘l‘)-:S]l.(‘-lllllu hands in won: on cu-loin cnurr walrus (rum $8 to $10 in week. Apply at VV‘A.\"l‘F2ll-4 dining-nimn iurit for ronntr,\' hotel‘. lfio fur No. 1 iii uslinun In the cur, Tuxaix. liaipui nod Mliitouri (pincer tree). its is . islxllt -1. Mins- V iurciices require-.l . .\_x'rtt.1)--A good cmik. wiulier -uni in-ucr; rc- 3t3ll tlthertuut Vl- 'VV'l\l~"i‘l-:l)——.\'u. lrooii iiitmsll family: while or colored. at 3309 Liuileil srcnuc. .i\.\"I‘i~‘.D-i) xxglat kl F. ii I . G . ‘V nod I>’n.-uciiT‘wniiiii silTn‘xiti‘x:§ Atliglih. ‘M. ‘V A.\"i‘i-1D—liy a youth 11 ya-i-rs old I Kltunilou ill : wlioloeulo limino. for eill-re work: writes A mid hand: quicker ii men; reference given it requ red. Address A. ii). iii omen. V A.'N'i'Ei)—-A youth of i9 vnuitii I nliuslluu in uillvrc or any bntinesnz writes nfsir hiniri And is gnotl at filturys. References itinu; ulsry no obluci. Ad- druls L. 8. this nilioo. iv 1:i.!£LP IVANTEJJ MALE). l\"i'1'.i)—-(load 1.... Ihout 15. .'.m. n-imuca. II Fret-nun Iiouu.-. I-'iftii uni Ilnrgsn. ‘ /t.\"i‘l-:0-A (ierimn (niale) ieitclier. at Clark Audciny. 2830 Olive. “_ AN‘i‘J'.i)—Good iontmnkcrr. Vsnuth Fourth st. .V'Tl-‘.‘D—Ai. ism Wiuliliixuiu n\'e.. A good house her or girl. -.5 f ANTEU-—A Iobcr. industrious VV Mcull the Tnilur. man at night tit) Unrrlson wutcliniau. 71‘-it N. Sltlh st. 'A.\"1‘i’.D—A lirutvvilsn cook. at IL\rolil‘s l‘lestsn- ‘ AN‘ri-Ill-aimoicar >-niurrs: )0i .. I d X ".2... Apply ui 3i. 0‘Kc<:f;o.(nl:;.m: ti). E00 the country. Apply to st. Jiiiiiei lioicl. “_ A.\"I‘i-ii)-A good man that can wall and bake. V ' /i.‘l'i’l»:l)—A ocilnmi boy as pm-tcr. eve. : iinr Ullve st. Carr sud iii-ondvray; csn work night or clay. ‘_ ' AN‘l‘i2il--TWO K00‘! hell boys nt iioivi liarnum. cures required. Call only blcnuay morning. ' ANT!!!)-/2.’; lshon-rs at Uruiinn. lil. ; wnxen S l on C4)ll'il'k1li)'. “VYA.\'Ti*.'ll-liriciz-will linmls. lneli smi iinys; nlso Grounds. ‘V”ANTiCU~J..'ar1ieuturs. It resr ibilt North Tenth M. W . U ‘VAN'rl:i)—iriiIiicdlately. a man with a. small Amount 0! inont-y. totnlm n third lnicreitin I rt ‘ nail vi‘ oodirmtxn t I ti ‘I’fill‘;|I':)u\‘t. (‘.‘|rifan€'. M. ‘élnfk. 33162:! '03:. 0” In limit (j.'<mnt Mo. A-ldni. . I l i iooi. l‘.. C. i.ocklnn«l?'.‘S«2c'1. No. il’f.i.5.i‘:ii|rl\’i C” P" ruin & 00.. 9:5 Pine tit. VVANTI-II)-—-A number of strong. hmivv inch. in l‘.xclianxu.iUs.\‘.1iiist.. on clouds)’. bet. sand lou.m. Kennnril .t i5'4in.1. 1:0 and 42*: N. Fourth I 'VV‘A.\'l_'HD-l"0iluIIl'y inborn.-rs. Apply at Slit N. _W A2\"i‘l'2i)~—~li niivvrtinlmr Iollclinrn. on ulnry or cmnuiiz-ulon. Directory luau preferred. II. A. lltiiitinzton. i.‘ii8 “]'.\.\I'i'i*3l)-—.b'Xi woorlchonperil. Will [mg 90¢ . lxtli rant. -we Wsililuxton are. mJ'i.NTi£D-—A mod meat iuui piulrf cook to go to Apply new North .\iX|h unreal. "VIs2\"i‘is‘.i)—-.\ iii Western Hotel. corn:-r Sixth and Wuhinizion avenue. Refer- ‘ per any for good men. Apply in ()rsl'tan Qulrry nh0i‘t:lI.'tS. Union Prue Brink Wot-kn. hour Filtr- ‘. ll utter. nxinll but nrst-class traveling tliasicr conxrisiiy: no ex- ‘ ' ANT!-iii -—A party with diamond drill. to prospect "‘V’IL.;§TEI)—-’I'w-only laborers. Amity hionrisy. work in lllnlillfl‘ ysrdt. etc. Apply at Mtaclmllc-l‘ ’ ANTfiD—-Ten stood Ihftlill men. Anni!‘ to J. '.i‘lili-wt ureei. ‘ Pine st. cord for 4 feet wmul. Anni)‘ iii {till it her i. upstairs. llnhiilelhune. Contractors. . ' ‘. TA?\"i‘l-lD~—l-ixperie ' it man on scroll saw uni am on Mr» an. in in N. main in. up-nu-in. A.‘c"l.‘i~1i)—(loo-imillwrixlitssmicar ionlcn. It - ,1 ply tu-J. Wlllsoii, 2ili! lhiplu It. ‘ p ' AN'1‘i'.ii——'1y il|J0l'I‘.‘I'l.. M tam-.5. ml the lit. Louis and 'l't.-xii: ltallmmlz wagon tor iatmrvra. S17.’-; mrlminw. 8360, iliilin [iiuily of good oisiion wurit: CHO to iesinszcrs. vrnxea 3'Ib.lifi0l'Iii|lflt1h0li”d. Ap- plyafur irsmportuliun to John l.ieizii::n.i?Jliiirnndwn)'. or in us :1 Tyler. ‘lens. lismilvllla. imwilug .§ (.30. ‘, V, 'A§u:'i:‘4i;‘i3;'-'iIl‘i‘v":.g¢‘>:.iiulviuiop keg coopcrs. at am: 1LN'.i‘kZi)-ilteuly srurk lo I stood niiittressninilcr. Ayn-ly to ll. liurgin. 691-9 :1. Sixth Ii. AN'l‘i£l)-—A '¢IfiYlIeiEY tar ndvorililux: -i imit- PnnJ.'I‘l;(0>‘i)Iiiin on y need apply to Hugh it. iilldretii AN'lBl)-Two rnrpeittarn on ceiiirsct work i-it iii count . Amity to I-‘i<:d. Juilnn. .\c. ‘:1 South Msiu strrc . “ .IiN'i'i£l‘)--(A0 iintlrosd Men-ivsxes Sill per dsy. board 58 per weet: my one every we:-it; bestof srcunurio-lotion: iur iueu. Aipply to 1'. W. iinueti, 81): N. Fouiih st. ‘_. A.‘J'i'i*1l)-I00 error to F. \V. Fox, 8!. Harris. Mo. VV'A'hi‘I'E2D-l or 4 nrst-rius csrnciilers by the vliultln. Fllout J (Jo.CoinpIay.foot or lirsmen sr. ‘VAN'l‘E1l—-Lsliorleis—-Near Gonconits, lioliur Oountnuiuiuippi. lluvo LL00 ucies oi’ lamsi in cotton and com. to be picked sud housed. To :0- (‘OilIl'n9dlIl white and minted laborers .i have in c trnmchmisex. with brick iireplxcen in each, Vigil bl-ribs an-.f mnilreuesin eseli house runicicnt to ac- onmmo-lstonisrgo nimiln-.r -ii lnbeircro. The house! for white: will be separate from those for colored in.- borors. -rm highest prim will be paid (or good llamas. Wm. M. Sledge. vs lDiI its nah s. A i Biddle street. 3.: iii. u..i’.'.§.’, VV A-.V'i‘i-Z[)—-(inmi bnItonlmic— wtirnz'l'n sud binders on Clisllilll resin at ion; N. 'l'hlr:-ceulli st. .,~..s.-...-Va ......,.. :\l 3 i'l'l.'.\'l'H).’\'.‘§ VVANTIEII-.E"k331.\Ll’.'i. -s/~-\..l. .-.a~.r-..»-a-.. ziph-mild um.-rtnicnt of city and country ‘girl! with I[‘l.'iI‘K)\'t‘d rrfomtincr. can be («mini «is! y It the "V':'0rL|iu.'wuIiisri‘va Uidoii.“ I li!‘..\i|‘1iIK gumi servant girlnni invited t-.c;.lI.ul('.1 .\‘lmii street. ‘. A.N'l‘i'.‘ D-Siiluilliiii-ll work and nursing. 1) lid floor: no portals. do lioiiscwurit niiri vs. at A pi)‘. tor ailsrs. 10130.’. ts. mil. El‘ mtg lrl; In willlnpr lo wss ling. or _limm-- V iisnird hi nnawt-r. lianzlwrllixix. Aiidreu :3. 10. ll: \\ AI‘t"I‘.i'.'I.I—Cl..l-Zlliiti. aA.!..lCS.‘il£.'.'l. ETC. .’..»\.,\¢...~..-\,-V-..;\;s» A.‘iTl-:[)—l‘iooz-luwiierand cuslilerln wbolmaie house: yrmlig. hriitllt. llrst—cl:s< man not ntulix of work. having umlouhlmitriurscinr aiiil r¢~fcr(:m.-cs. in oliicc: own house. ‘(id rent P situation Illplloanl hu in-‘bi. ‘>ii}'i-\N'i‘lJl',)—A uiciinnn in I mercuntlln nlniioucry (7 Box tail. tiailnu whet V" Frilnltliu Irv.-mm. Ah'.['EI)-—Untg tit-.t'k. Anni] 10 H. mars. 1113 buslnc-in which will of half pruais given. air: in Westcsrn Mina-iiirl and come well xl‘C(lI|IlllI'.li Blur Adding 7.. Oct]. ’_ A}."[‘l-2])-1 Wllil iriweling Ili(‘|I. who an em- nlny ed. eltiier on coinnilimtill or NiilIi')'. in wine not ronillct with mtnm, to sell on cmnuiltslon ground calico. npicer. lvskliig pmrdicr. etc-.. cic.. to the country gnrure ‘ trade; nomxnisaion . this uilice. ' A.\"i"l*2l)—-A mun vli:o ihorodxhly ttmicrslsnds cnhiiiel orlr-Mia and 11 is good uiicsimiu. ll) oper- wlili wunn; nuni. be Nu. I. Call on or nddresa it Cliifll. 913 mm ‘.114 Olive st.. city. or it. 1.. Foo- tur Son. Iisrrisnuviilc. 310. V V liUAli.ll AND LIHJOING VVANTKD. imam. mod. rue: rimsll ismilil. ur rnomn for ltoiirciiecning. Ad. Y. 18. this oil. ‘V .V'AN‘l'i-Ii)-1-'umlulit-d room Ind bo::rii- in prlutu family for gentleman and «lie. tint‘ to exceed 530 per month. Ail-tress K. it. this otllce. )tN'l'F.l>—A lady vrantii two rooms. with bnsni. (.‘houlr:nii and’:)'cll.c Avcuiicii, west or tiirtcciitli st. Adoireu A. 35. this uilim. V V Adtliiiuii. IHIIJSFJS. IKODM5. cc.‘ \1'/|1\"X‘PZ|;, A..\"l‘i-‘Zll—A rvspomlblii family with no cliildrcn ale ilrn s housv at ‘i’ or ii rooiiit in l.-limiiisrii Add. Will be permanent lcuxnl. Ad. ii. 7. thin omcc. AN’I‘iv2i)—-ily it rciiptiiisiblir-, iunllv. with no small children. latent I furiilsiied home in filmliiitrd Apply to John 5. Mellon. wit Chestnut st. ”-’-"Z§+"i;”u1T.";......7 slams Ircrsgs dsi y tlciiiuiu to u.. H9 Pine st BU5LN'J.’.5s WAi'i'1‘Ei). ...‘¢.,..—.,. in A good neighborhood; nics anti auiouiit of block; I.0ll|Dll|lii'2'i{l0!l! strictly coiillatctitlul. Atiii.'eu pgr. -. .. , ....~..~ ...-s./\»~..~a\. V ding 1,. carpets. ' Va iced: best real. KIVBD. 2IllzK.‘l'ILI.A.‘1' E003 WANIDJ. ,.-.,.,vV\»¢...v..,.~ l‘\'N”l"f'.D--’l'0 buyaocon-1-ham! clothing at nits. oiicloih. stoyun. buelotuuls Hui . rlh Ninth street. ]AlV’I'i'.D—A 4-ulnnril lsciy wishes wuhing and ironing iu lulu: home: in-siticnicn‘n w:ulilni;pie- ferI<e.l'. no 0l7}t?t‘ii1)li Io an-ti-ncc-; i\Iii:'i'ICiiI)Ii"1;u|(nu» Cali iit mo summit u'o.. iii. bod- Louis. 'VV A'.\"i‘l*.il—-Tleknnr 3 i'n.. mrrchani tsllrm, Sixth snd Clheltuut :u.. solicit your nstreiiiurc. V Six A\"i‘Ei.l-—'i‘o buy Mo. Luv it:-ports. Iammae-iiui m nudtutlier xmni books. Joliu Llnnhnu. 1&9 .\'. l0‘10 N. '.i‘mzlftii st. ' A".\"l'l~:l1-10.!-bi tons r.-rs luiiice. cl-:.: send for Di’ celist. iron. rep. metals, A. it. Meyer. J_ V fl€‘Wi"i\.\- . hourc vetiieum. W. lMl’itO$' -Li) (Z TY l’li.()l'F:2’l‘\' -1' SALE ..-.,....,,._...,......_.... .-e .' ' s e—.\‘ew‘ stone-trout N'N‘)li\'~3 .$|"K|9 I'll?! ' CVEI‘ - £4.._s-riitvi-:s.\.~.'r. ins Mali. :3." slinlc from. price. Kin rg and terms int writs. with for title at I bargain. Eli!) . . . I it (Successors to 3. 0. Porter ll. Co. ), nil Ifflit HAl..i~‘:—.';.'.'n i.ii-dell avenue. six rooms, new, all nmivunleiiocs: 3"!-loot ioi; low "Foi:sii.2c—:.'.<ii oiiw n.. 3-Itorv lirltix dwelling, inximurd roof. ii! rumus. hall. .19.; all huulern iilIDl'tIVL'lneliL1:1'cr)' -:iuinv.bl_e incnikill-_LI’rl . cc 3 60.. Plus it. I Vi . I‘. NFZLESSN 8. C038. 306 N. Sixth U. FOlt SM.i7‘.-i?r1inklln an-iiuei property-We have a iinpruvemenu. on the hnrtii line oi‘ Fnnkilu ave" bot. Khliii in end Nirit-tcciiili. AN at (20. J. '1‘. D0.\’UV . - biz N. Sixth st. 111181.. ifiiiii B!li’.1:--Smsl tr. Missouri. E389 F0“ HA.l.l‘1. .mWVvw~ ' water mill: -dz-mu ii. Aug. Jseuba, Jseobstnii. Cu\vtur1Yt.‘oun- won 819.1)‘.-At ririuis uie. n ilrstorlns and exam- plate iitocit til fumilurc. together with the good. will of A prosperous lmnlticso carried on forlhe put cigigzcn nun bythulsio Frederick W. ilnss, tis- on . City and country orders solicited. Good: 0 I'3.eA)..IIid ntlsiscllon gum-snteed or n . it done mil my to use inferior good: when the but msr bu hall in nbmro. :3. I lit ices rtali sf:-El ul- 1 me all 4.4 1 504 I Ilrst-ciua beaming houiéi$ 17 live Ihrulibv.-ry. mouth. 0. . , 304""! hm‘ s“°c'.’5§'i'c’§’s"ii"r3:‘i: &1lilWSfl. No. 218 S. I-llgliih tr. .\ii$hll~‘Sil’l’I AV-—A new 3-sioi;y.siena- (rum h0ti!(.‘.0|1 oiiiic I-nf=|7¢ lfel JFK . 1110 staisiliiuhla neig:ilI:.g;1’io:i4i._gJi I;iII‘)l'1'l; room and u ' - - '" "" mm" ' L-ivizxiiizii e uowsic. '.'iii N. I-Clgtlth st. 1>1_\'1-:,3'r,—.\ very rieniralile house cili g-mung. ham and xiubie: vrell ndsplcd (or N r mouth. _ L5 "kill. .1: iii!“ SE. ‘[13 N. Eighth st. "' I-2)\STO}.s' )I'I.Il(.'~l-2-Just south of Ll|fI.V¢'”° 0[l’nrk—A heuiittui pine:-. lurid FIN‘ WW‘ name ‘J moi:-a_ _snd tutti: Sm per CA\'E..\'l)l-ZR &. li0W5i'2. No. 213 Ni Eighth strut. 4 t 6 C u.\3ii.ii..l>.‘. A\’.v--Rrnom-:Slim-rinonth. 2.3.58 ‘ ' ‘N ii-zusl iiotviiir. C“ L I :13 >1. i-zigmiaix. 3020 trout: in perieci order... 'I\'.\iIir large real - in plstlcci. orule-r: hood {rent rery loiv. .LiU ElI{i5!ili)A!~l AV'.—-Stone-front. 9 rsomn. sll mudo.-rc lxu[Irofi{!J_iiI’rtli)ll.;:‘_‘3_|>Ail)7-'9' N361 G1’: Olive sit. FOIL ilr1NT—A two-story hrick hour: will) nuuscrd ]'u4'.vi.l|Ilifl i'oums. halls. gait. ball). hot smi cold in good 3.¢i‘.'ttbor- Di: .1 VV .-\iir:. 613 Olive at. 9 2 "£521 810 1... alrntic ruonia. '1'w.-:31,-.,¢,¢.,,..;, private family. Ad. 1’. is. this ofilcc. P012. 1!. E5T- K()U-MS. —e N. FiY'l'il-l’ien-nut fIii'il|§lI(t\| front we in I by day. wear on zmuith. (:A'1‘ALi’A tiT.—l-“.14-gauiily furnished parlor ml beclronin. at low prices. ' 1 t)l.lVl-‘. st‘.-ltuoiiic and «meet at low tutu. .1. 4:2 limuim of Jsuiinr. nn nreinmes. C)" .3 W ASIIINGTON A\‘i-2811?:--A '* ‘ 1 from room. well turnlnli-ed. ’ I c|[|.;{~i'l'.\‘[l1‘ 8‘I‘.—2cl-story irnnt: immi- sotuoly .iur.: never used: terms reasonable 12 Fill! 'itr:.\".i‘-—An elegant suite of Nomi. second story. iuloiiu tract. iunrhli-. utnnltiis. and omrr -le- Pimlai hoard. 0llv.\ .iii-cut. WM! 0! TO LET!‘ F0 IS ll US! N 533' EU It l.'l')5 I18. ~.........,\—-,..,-V‘- S. ’MA’i.:€‘8T.--'i'nird and fourth flooritnione-H0111 IJUUIJ .1: ' ' Vii Alli‘. build . _ 61;’ Olive st. 1 ing. 2 N. Tilillll S'l‘.—'l'n-u liu-;:c. light rooms on wound floor: uowiy re;-am--I. ‘ I) & \\.\i)i“.. BU]! til! Ulive street. 13 OLIVE ST|lEET—- Part or attire for Rent. . Fl FTII :'i'T.—()i:<-. side of iicusoxihu Music I ).’.linl'c.iDt'iiiIHll show win-low sud large N viuiii. iiltxiiire within of 3. A. Benson. 6' 6 7 $3 F()il .itF.ST—Tm) rem desirable stores. eeulnlly spousibility we offer lnducainsn {9i.lVi>: 8‘l‘.—l'in-tot amrx-._. uiiublu for real estate uilice. in-uilru 712} Olive st. located on Franklin xv. To good parties of re- : . 1.!-.U.\'iii."i.i.& 00.. (linen.-mm in ii. I). i'oi-lcr it 4:41.). bl‘) Finn st. 1p0itlii2N'.i‘—i-’Irat Ward ilouic utloou. But St. Louis. A-.i1so::lix.. ~.-s/xv-V- & ..,~..—....,~...~......~ 1)'F.'ilSON.i\l.—-bisdsmc Anne, "tile fortune teller oi the \\'c.vsi." ‘ll: Waliiiii at. Fee. Si in SE. penury It No. an N. bcveut i€it:<i0N.\.l.—.l)r. Wood. the eiuineiii specialist. has returunlixithgi lily‘ .‘.\ll‘Il will open his Din- l 5 u free on auiillcsuion. 8. Fourth ti..rit. Louis. Mo. , i’.itS0}Mi’.—Tlcknor 6 Co.. merchxiit isliou. l-'.llBONAl.—-.l nut AI-rived-Aline. ileniurl-st‘: ite- llaiilu Patio-ru.a for bill and winter: catnloxxics sent ..\d. (.l. A. Zclier. bookseller, is birth and Uheslniit 515.. solicit your patronage. 1)iiit$0N.\L——Aiii:iteur printing xireu-.-yo. M3. nip lies. Banilucu iiuui. do your owuprlutlnz. Aflll )1-Zlti-iU:\'Ai.—&iciilnuey’ii linlroriel are the hla(:o1 typo Ind Wstilcm.-. 325 \'ortli ‘.l‘hlnl iiircet. to get xood bi-end. pica so-i cstvs. Fiuniiicu serve-i Ii ilicir i|Dil|(‘I. tit-mi postal card lo 241.’: i-’rnukiln:Iv- emie lliii 9w Motiiil} street. prices to city mutuinnrs. fire. and {iii Iiicitinnn Trunk lilnttfzciurlns Cuinxinny. )i'.llb0.\'Al.-Almir lA(‘.lt)I'Y. ‘mu I0 :iil1 Morgan utter-t.~ve retail trunk: and nit-hula at low I i'rlncipai ssleirooiu sin! n - N. ‘third sirvol. in-ar rust Uiilrt-. Thu _)i".li:'.U.\'AL-—_il firm are stnlcisxi with I pvlvitte ~uu one no tour. 1 nnbcer. 415 5'. Seventh z.t. .) 1. trouble cull, write. an N. Si lit-Aukllu sv.:b--anllng dur. coulluuincnt. Killh. 1889. EILSONAI»-i)r. .'-imiih tresu females only: liin xiccnlh IL. near l)li‘ilz§0.\i.\.‘.--l)r. Jnemu-.3 irivsw‘ dllcuu "mt s-ivlea rrsiln. Oi-I n:t‘n-.c. 7=.‘- l.:lu-..1iuut. [ill Inn 51‘. 1)i'.it:90NA1'.—-'i‘wo families of ten grown ’ A full upper ili. Sn‘; xolri tiliings. 5!; olive: llillugs‘ teeth extracted. with or without mu. me: till work rnulred to IIVO 5lllti.\t:.U0u. .1-mm a will- bourdlnx with shunt. resirlin izl it'll (litre Iircrt. Wtliiitl to my in very i oral hI'L‘G and int.-t: in)-léuuiy who will will li'.*8 Olive iiirect. Apply la .1. Aime .§ ilro.. 510 (hire at. 1 box ,..... .—.....».. ) .\.‘:'rii sr.-simonoiiian H.tlei—h‘.IogniIt mi. ‘.1 story {rout mom. us: and lst-rirut ruiitiiniit rd for nun and wife. cheap: «in ii-uni 82.7) per wecii: tun-lent 31 I dirty: main ui rm.-mi St I week. 1 l() . !vZl(lil'i‘ii 8'l‘.—i-‘oral limiu--Terms per 1 vv‘k.$i-z lsbio Iiosni.33;trsuiiltni.8lper or. 96‘ (.'lil’.iU‘i‘E.\U AVE.--Ftiritltiied rooms, Ill coiivetiieuun: mu iilnnc r. ‘ 111 I'M}:--—l2irgsnt tut. rooms single or en suite. with or without Dean}. 1314 OLIVE 8'1‘. ~l,-'uniishr4i or unfurnished rooms. with hoard. Day murder: wanted. 9113 WALK UT ST.-Hi t r rut nit.‘-cl)’ i and good board: strfglnrinlf dxiredg rot. z3.§I'~ a ir'i'iTA.~t um l.. - .\'ANCiAi»-Moseyio kill! 116.7 sum it per cent on;-lty real estate. in wins to suit. at from one to nuycius. alone)‘ result in soon u p: n can in in 0., ii. A. WOLD _4: Cu..,litb st. 4 The '1 act: will be told on rruonnbic terms. an oxgyy 1,, 30,,“ .; ¢’.,,._n ., c M on C" , vi the bullmin .io which the bntliicss has been tlrritfa M ‘ ‘ pi -0 7 5“ “' Arm 3.31-4 , . moi mm taunt. W. 1. itl..3(N.£c0. ,..~.:.v..«.....~E-?—Au ' .-.....- ff, ;:¥“"uu‘r‘:':gd:g“ P“’°3"'“" “,'’““°‘‘' ‘°‘' u ’ \ lioaftorth shtthsircei. A.l~i'i‘Ei')-islx new srtleles unit will ull° also )iItS.CliRli3'i‘iA?l ROSE Atsliionucdonlur ltu i re id in - ‘}”°m$i.i;pIiiiI5:i¢f‘t7n |.l‘:;:ni)’l'I1 ;s"vnfrii‘¢i!I1‘I‘.‘ iN.'°iflv [.llcliiisld.‘lli. AlIiliiIIi)l.i'|Ui.X-I Cable tevms. send pc’>|stsll:‘lJr'~:alna'lti.z"Ifi:c:'rg 5.214 .l!i"nr0 'W’Aurxn—1~~ogmauuvamu. to won: a ponw xii-muv.u.s. ‘$§,“,‘,E,,'f,3,,I,1°““ "“ ‘‘°'“‘"‘‘’'‘‘ ‘‘’"“'‘''° ""1" hr Ind paying nchcrncz chance {or good ..,.«..\,.-.,-..«,V~.-4,-.,~.—...«..—..A.-,.,.,«,e»..r.,-.,.. _ ‘ N‘ E-um“ lg man. Gallon rinrk oi at. June: i and. I zsiovntz-The ofiico ‘yrs €litI:l:1111.cr3c;n Cggflfjg 1... - ' . ' unneo ‘ an o . ii . AWN!”-An mm to «*1 vmoiinx wb-M to in..i.'.. .1 i.....§’.“i. ...’iz .. N01. 4.: ..’f:'.'2'i"l’>li‘.‘..'.'fi'3 . 1'0Lm0M« ntxtttndc nouns loaf,iwiat-mnnrt. mam '},,,,,,.,.;, oauplw 5, ma 3“.-1-,,._.,.,, ma - ‘W’ *"‘5°"“‘ “"““""" ‘W - 8-to eimituouivanr. ~ 30. . . LMPAION DA . Capos‘ Torches and nut. at ANTIED--Agolits - _ rmimi. - umanun-s. hum.’n N. nun. _ V dc to hmliigl ;'°l;‘o33:' °°m°nfl'ad “mil? It I ' 01! im. §ocovio'|V‘tn 0.... box mu. §'i‘."i}>«ia.°Ll.i. Wfilgéxiboqocu All over tin Uri n tor "Buitlu irisughist nlupuaiiicii y tvventy-min npgusugvs “glint in min: maintain the Ahient twirl‘ n is do inins on.c! the nitric Y6 futamu 9 n . [III ' : ih allot d 21 boo - ei‘.§.i3'a cam‘ i'o‘ry.”.“n.3nn.‘r"3ioiun'a‘l-?'§ll lfllfllfflos‘ ' ' 'eareiulIy tilled. from 3 xndolnwrozmn. —-.a~a~.a~.-.a FOSTBit‘§ SCHOOL-l'or boys and young men; two oonrIeI—tn¢-. cismcxl soul the commerelnlglm siructlon thnmughuttsclpune ntrlct: attention at iotno mnuncrnmt menus or the Du us. The r.l :::.2.°:.*s::°.2°.°: ’.’.:”‘.“"i' Slur-“is. . 2"." u. on er-.v . . e . o. ‘”3N-Nl-h 5%. tit. Leula. lint-sre:zo5sirl&v.N.i‘.’ ix. :Jmotc.s. luv. it. l‘. inrrtx. rmt. 0. 31. wood- ward. etc. 1108833 Ali!) VI-.‘!liO'LE.'§. .. Ai\3"1'§D-A in] ‘visible art); tiiesirzz-.5 A node for I I E¢nI PIX‘, K W0 " U 0 d . Address or can stlfili )Lll$I‘Iix .13.’ §l':'}."" It z'iAl.i-2-200 new and second-lnmi carrinxcs. wupca. baroucitm. jump-rest rocluwnys. surrsyn. aide-bsr buggies. pbseious. excl-slau w on. traok :‘IJ"|:Z..lVlVoI:$-§!.l'}knli.:"31i:i‘e.G-1, spring wsxons. 'cli:u3es +‘l.‘l.§"li:’E;§?'.‘lli‘.‘1'.§’é.l’.§i’.‘:.3““““' W» R BA.L.‘R—1\ ban-lscmc con ecorocraway, with movxhle glass front. suitable or one horse or inc: lit lint:-clans order. X.t.2:.i-d. Scninih and Chestnut sis. FOR 8.\Li€-)‘ saddle-horse in the city. Lewis Cos.-xr. Llcicde llutei. ' A!t(l.lI.\‘S in second-hand ,,ic!. caches and roclilvrsys. that are sis in tin-iopo r. can Iiruys be had st bitl0i’fl.i0‘l. 13:! Morgan stream {OR SAl.'E}—Phiwtcns. barouchcs. vm;miis.2 sud week only. Li \\'0ltTii’B TEA AND (Ji.‘l!‘k'El’.‘ PFFOIEE. 4-MI! Iuriteyir iirmrnlsr. '1'iiuitiu Whitney‘. Coop— mu 1&8 E‘:-sulillu arcane. St. Louis. sic. atlétlll-'béi"fl|eti;‘.::Rl{-§g‘i\§s‘J&"il?l!;fi&.;u0Il.i:n¢ilt. lair "x3't't'*i?i"."iIi:u*. uousus 1:0 Liar. FOR8.\LE~2 flue side-bar buggies; ~-.~V%«.—,. vvvv 3 doc.” puma”; AiiTt.'3iN 8T.—5l.onc-front house inlfoo-I 1 int‘! W320”: nelrliborhuod: u‘s- 0;‘! serfs; ‘Div, rising gum co bgx buggies; . - : in la: ’ 5 rial“! "LII: :»’.‘r".‘x'.‘.:'.’.'i'i'C° ca". 8 n~m:.'Xl{£K:\¥: II-1l§.n.!: l‘l0\\"51: ends into! Iecoucl-hand vehicles: {or Slit cheap. imi male Agzciits. ‘:li3 x. Emilia. . )‘itP.‘il. \'1’lAKl$l.. - 1538 and lxwi South Second st. . (Tl{0U'1‘i'I.\lJ AVl‘3.—-Smite front. 5 rooms oppoglis Lsfsvette Bull’. ’ 1.081‘ .\..'*I I! FOUND. OU.\'D——'.i‘aitco ‘Up—A In'i.1iid:riv.-brown cow. with . horns e.-ct iuwiinilv and rope around the neck. The proper owner can ism the -..xn-in by paying ex- penses at I’. 1icormnn‘u. 3:131 Thercas sve. I OST--On the Rift incl. 3 pair of bracelets. A suit- .) stile reiurd lsorfo.-red by returning nine to [011 N. iievemn It. L0$T—0n llundn morning. on Msrket. between Fourth and 5111 51s.. or on 4 Lllioulcnn svo. csr. nnoiitnire diamond rtn (wild setting). The finder will he revnrded byluv ii st Couxdou 8'. itolciicn- hsch I. our. firm and Mar et. in lV.l USICAL. I3ARIiAi.\-'3 in Pianos. as. 3:... sm. ‘la. siou. 3125 3130.517: etc.- ilurrulru‘ Piano VV'Ircrourni,cor. 1-‘ erenih and Olivc. IYIANOS ANT) 0ll().\N3 just received at iii-.imin‘a Music‘. Palace. 801 N. ilnli isl.: thlrt besuti!-ii phnossnii s in lot or orxznsau-.1 otter mods. whit-.h l or cfll lower prices than ever herons. can soon for I! bargsliz. PIANOS WANTED FOR C A 5 H . Pl.\_l~«'Q3 ‘ml. received at ll:-main‘: ){=uic1’slnce. an .\s. 1-!!! I :t.i '26 beautiful illlnun at low prices. sum. $.*.’.'o. S250. S175. saw an $1'5lJ€lCii. (,.xu tm. iuetilstcly for A hiirgslii. friifl new $1.000 prvtmluni lino. sisndoul nuke. . elaborately C3i‘1'('.d and in lid with pearl. war. ranted Ii yrnrv with olush stool uurl colder: cover Im- salt: at SIN: 5 9o._ ileum and origins at 335: S35; S83; and Slit) at ho. ‘ I Locust st. ‘Tutti’ 3 ().\iii'. lllzscil till tlllvs timer. Are mls smut: for llrcunu iiims. Cnirtxsiiixo and MA- riitviiiiitit Piiisos anti ii.-i'ri:\' blitlA.‘1fl. Llrgest aiocu - —L0\n~.iIl nrices niittnuiuai terms in ms cin- ,l'1tui.*i£»§ui:m.t.. Q lS'l‘it(lL()(ir:R. Cisirvnysnz. tells pui..Jm:.umt. failure, caiuss rpm.-iiy mnrrinxv.-.s. curcsi lscues. rcuiovrs i-rll iiuencu. iriru irnod liuzlc. semi 5° slumps for (iuldc. llr. Alieou. 5lU N. Teiith street. ' ' it. Wlii’i‘l'il-tit. catch. 30 )‘L‘Ii'!i: cm-es npecallisll priv. ililfoiclt runmxniar. all 3:. Charles. ‘all HUVIN 198.‘) UHANCR3. Ii.1i-r¢:irsii' Plano ‘\'al’t‘i‘0(inil.C0r.Hi(i\‘ct\iii and mire. '- non wcoieulu sud reisil axtr and [obso- co store. establlalicd vluce 1&3. in one at the lien: l0l'.ll(HI title! of ifieutriil Illinois. h.-ivluiz I imi retlll an-i wliniussle mitmln. with prlrlleu o lease on building tors number or ycnrs. is ofleml tor sale in cmir-uquence oi iii huith oi the owner. For further ‘iiirliculiirs imply‘ in or ntidren Tlios. ilelniugur. No. in Market st.. St. Louis. Mo. AJAX: ti0it'l’8. _,..--...~......,...~.....-.,-..~...,....~..................... rluciistilt 3. 00.. merchant tsilm-I. Birth and Clwniiint nls.. scllcltynur patronage. Li. those who intend 1'6 build. send (or Iiluatrau-d I linlidlnx Unide. coatsluliix 1! Plans. nubilshcd by A. Druldluir. Architect. Onion .'all. 'lce. Price. loc. Flilifl lnotru--tiont xiv--n iii pslnilu to all who nuy Greenwood‘: ready-mixed pxinu. .'1lfrsnl:iiu isv. ‘I lti’..\’i‘ nhtugttlerln rulnu.oIls.urnislics. brushes 1 us. stc.. at D1‘) i-rankiiu ere. RIG Ii'1“:i Ni’. Pi.iJS Ui..'ritA Mi.\'CE:D 3m.n'— dlmcise of the right and title for is royalt . .L' Esiuhllniicai in l:‘iil—’.i‘hc mun uincturer desires to with the prlriu-gas. C. Edwin Wright, Eprlux Garden st.. Pluiudclphin. HillilP£T price mid tor ladies‘ and cuts’ cut-off . ciotlilnit. hr llii-a. L. LliliDfli'!.1‘H .'. iiiil ll. GOOD Chsucc—l?uruittire. ‘iClllr('.l.mll'i'0i’§ sold on monthly psyuicuiust ilit:.'lcliol's. 9&5 iziiirkct. EV’!-:ltY1lf)D\’esn do their own painting by tiring , Greenwood‘: rudpmin-dpsiIitI.l7‘::l Franklin xv, JACUB.‘i ii’: hi it I i i‘ t~ (1 o clotlilnmggiyltocitzt. gclfifl p(li’s'i:ica‘rEi. C“ 0 BOHANNAN’S DRUG STORE B the cheapest {since in town to buy «lruze. Perfum- cries. soaps, i. aunt nit-dlcinea. etc. l'i-eacripllous rcsh dru-rs. at oiut-ii/u.r dis usual char es. in "liu laiI|'|li'i'li tlhcnn Drug store." corner Vii: And Chrissy svs. Cslloud rave money. ‘R. T. X b1‘l:l’iiE.\'.'.i' UiiEi(iOAI EYE _ i4A.i.V§. introduced and vrsrrsniui bi clisrleu. ulowarfu. in 1551. For nlc by wholesale Ind reuii druxxuu. tlclisnhon £00.. Agents _lit. Louis. lio. hone ,,ttliU in without the name of Vi in. '1‘. lliuvv. * VANE CALVERT & C0 . I ii lloildkv-)l1lX¢(1 1.“n.lntz's, All. i)i.U'l‘I{l.Y PURE. Unlrornlly SIMN throughout the antim Welt. sud fltiisrlilielitiiliilfl the but rn.lnt.iu the United cum. Sunplc curd niul yricrllsttcnt free bvddreulnr v.uti-:. um. iciir a cb.. Alisiid 101 N. Aislatt. DIAMOND S, Wlioleuls and retail. Tiiel ll’ out amok in tho Wort. iliamoudl of entry the in nullity. llii-unoczia. wslcbes nnli cwelrv will to all ricrls oi the country 0 .0. 1).. WI h prlvlltiw or ex.s-nliiaiion before my- nuiur tlioin. urden by unit will receive prom!» ab- suuuu. _ I . A. txlillfli: t. illunond )ierelnmt.l-if\'i N. lr'ouriiuu-cot. A Sure Cure Foimti at Last. No One ‘ Need Sulter. A sure cure tor-tho iillml. illcedliiz. itching smi Ul- cernied Plies has been discovered by Dr. \V'iiilarm (sin lnliinri rexm.-d)‘). called Ur. \Y|ili.'iiii$' imlisu uses oi.’ twenty-tire and thirty rests‘ muulinx. Nouns nee.-ti suffer live minutes nfto: npulylux this woivlortui l00liiiillln(!<U¢|i16. I.ol.!oiu, limnnntiits and «lectu- ariel do more harm than good. iwiiiiunn‘ Ointment absorbs the tumors. slimy: the ini' iiclnlngrpmic. uiuriy at night alter gelling iuruiin bad). net: at A penllice, gives iiiiilaiit and painless relic], and is prg. parul only for Plies, liebinit oi the private part: 311.! notliiux em. Thounnd: or cured patients uncut iu virtue. Iilil ilhisicinxu or All schools prummncs It the greatest caiuributlon to nioilieiiis or the lure. it insi- ten not how ioria or severely you have been nurturing. you can be cured. ‘ _ Bend what the lion. .1. ll. ljoifsnbery. of Cleveland. uyn Ihiilll 1):. Williams‘ luulaifmlo Ointment: ’‘'i' have and suites of Pile cureii. Iliil it siiords inc pleas. ore to say that I have never forum anything iimcn rue Inch inunedlste sud permanent relief as Dr. Wlilimu‘ iuiiliiu Vila Ointment." For nls by Iii dnixxttit or rent by unit on recaiiit or rice i.‘ I . iii-.‘.Nl:lY , ml: 2;. ' Protiriv.-torn. Cleveland. Ohio. - H Onto and corn cnusmmis Oouonltsl, huitlhla hunt for horn! ‘ E kmsziettlua whole gnu. iknti for ma _ofp;tm on I it.Oouoh1 den p-lidhd.w.J.Andouon.c?:'.‘i§..i'i-3'§iiu.iilci...$ , r .; I V e 7 ifenpzn 0;, 9 ae 01. ‘ct :11 their 0 erton my Ointment. Ailngie box has cured the worst cltroulo ' ‘t . . -v, .\ 3
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St. Louis Globe-Democrat September 22, 1880
4 Blues rive “osntrs. J , . -n. E. . , 00., -. BUCOESOBS ‘X0 :l:R1oM.En. Hmlzzod AND ($0., iii‘ illiii Ofi’er Tfleil‘ ..E'-m‘,£reZy 20+... Stock, ofthe Hand- somest amt Most Sliyl-(sh Goods of the Season: NE Mi-Wool french I‘l:Lll1, 44 inches 1-rlde............' 15 Black iiiciiiezlue CI) Illicit Surilh 8ilic...................‘... .......... .1 75 Black SalluI.......................... ...
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4 Blues rive “osntrs. J , . -n. E. . , 00., -. BUCOESOBS ‘X0 :l:R1oM.En. Hmlzzod AND ($0., iii‘ illiii Ofi’er Tfleil‘ ..E'-m‘,£reZy 20+... Stock, ofthe Hand- somest amt Most Sliyl-(sh Goods of the Season: NE Mi-Wool french I‘l:Lll1, 44 inches 1-rlde............' 15 Black iiiciiiezlue CI) Illicit Surilh 8ilic...................‘... .......... .1 75 Black SalluI.......................... 55¢. too. 990. iii) Sixruii Eali:ul,sllniwlo:............................. 125 Pluobcn to much. llluk Germ.-ln"i‘¢-.ln:lI...... 125 liaridisurclilci Suila—A superb user-lmeni.«i Bill: ‘y'cirei.a........................ 71! Mm-vuiiieux to mulch. mm. Silk: oi the most celebrated nukes. xugxim cm.¢...................) 3:, :1 -ii). All slum-a Ind iiiuk All-Silk, Eaailn and Groa Grain llibbou. No. S. at... ................... All-Silk )‘a.rwy Billln Ribbon ll1..................... .1lxii:ul Fnillu cull bandnumo qnaiillcn Sula luI1fl'(.ii’0I Grain Illbholu. Elegant Bmcalied iuuboua. fixquiuiiu Pimp jizibbom. Polka Dot Hanliiicrcllluinu......................... l3ugUruuncnl.I........... Nobby Iluiu urn.-mlcmu. Cloth i.‘.in.-ulua........................................ limit ilellillflll lniportcd (hi-menu iol'1..n- dim and Children. Violets. pcr llm.eli.......................... ........ iianlisuuw i-‘nziuud i-‘ioivcr .‘ipr:yu............... Iiluck French Ostrich Tips. bunch 0! 3...... Simimi Onlrlch Tips, bunch oi . Long (‘ialricb I’luums.............. .....5'l (J). S! Fancy Wlnlzn, with limia‘ iiiraila ............. ..... ll: udsuuzu lfexilxcra ox all lnlugluxblo kinds. Owl i.|t-.1111. Ilripcuz liemin. for Fcli 11315.... ............... .................¥§c, Soil rail lislu. trimxnmi... Auicrifiinflcavcr Hull... ...........!DC. I23 l“n::lch llenvcr ‘I .70 Robby ililu lot Clilillron. N pvelue-.1 in I~i'¢eci2.'vu:nr. lilartlm \\’:lrlllnixIa>ll i.iaudiLerciiici's. E5ilk1iauc.iile.r\‘klll:u. llfl 00000 iiiii * . lip Merit Will Win! Startling, Headlines Superfluous! Ster- Our Reputation firmly established with the good people of ltis a maxim with our citizens that for something “C.OOD’.’ in the Cloth- ing Line you must go to - F. W. HUMPHREY & (30. St. Louis. CA'.iii’AlLiN at We simply desire to inulmsme that we pro ready for the F.i.L.[. 200 and 2022 N. i.4‘iqi'l.l1 Street, Corner Piiile. STOVES We have u. flue si will he found in all cases th_c lomagi. Stove will:-ll we are selling lot 957 ii": 18-inch, 85¢ each. I-Iczulqunrters for Loxv Prices in Stmms uiui ’I‘imvnrc. . _ 1:...‘ i . .,..‘ _.,..‘ , . . AN1.) RAIN Czxiulzs 1+ 013. FAMILY USE. eel." of stores null l:.:m;os for anal rind Herd Coal. We have in stark ll nice 50. 7 Coal Cookitu: 1,000 '17-inch Con! iiuds at 25¢ each; 1,990 Our prices COREY B.ROS., Blue Front Store, 807 I1‘i'iA‘NK'LIN AVE. SOUTHERN BUYERS Will Hill] It ilecilielily to 'l‘lieir Interest lo Visit Bowma.:0& mover. Wlllli MERCHANTS, FOURTH illll WALNUT STS. Cli.‘i'ry 8 Large Stock of Wl'ili'_iiili‘1.‘-i, ’BliA‘.\'DIi'JS, WINES, and Everything Handled by the Trade, AT LOWESI.‘ PRICES. .'E}LY, JANIS &: 00., 512 3h<>.<=‘-"rTs;'1* s;'.vREr«_:T, i WHOLESALE DRY GOODS. EXC‘LU8IVI*1LY CASII. CASH PRICES GUARLWTEED in UHIFOIIMLY LOWl_'*.‘.l£ T111173 'I'I1iIE HOUSES. Special attention called to our stock oi WOOLENS. FLAN2i'£~:Ls and };LA}rKE'1§s, BEST, STOCK CLOAKS IN THE CITY ‘r. I Iliad-amxsdvmvlnuipuaadclzcdan V Uur'iis&Co. I Sli in 819 iloriii Second Sineei, St. Louis, lie. and Oren-Cit sun; wuu-in onion in abhor and Lullllur 1!-clung. Film. lihudrcln. Our: Books, saw Guxuurao 0‘!!!-Ioumnd id! Saw sad I'Inah¢_fl1lil i-Supplies; lain If-dualanu of Lqcllvnodh Puma: fluted 03-rwlariisw. EVKRY SAW WAIZRANTRH. W‘&nEli situation it: ran!) vat Amalia: TANITE EMERV WHEEL Outlwvllluuzatodflatalogzxomaliedtrooonuppucauon. and GRIKIHIKG MAl:il1IBIIilR‘Z. ; Twznrrisrn Lilli Fair BIOIWAY, October 4, ..A.ND CLOEES sl0000li,;00i0_lo0_0 0,1000. PREMlUMS$5ll,li0fl RAND SHOW of Honey. Ciliilu. fiheep.8wii1_e. 1“ gouiiry and Dog: from this couunulll and im- 1; . Ci'>N'1'.ES’1‘OF' 8l.'.EP.'D IN THE GRAND AMI’!!!- 'IlilCA.’ifr:1: even lmcmoon dilrilllg lilo week of rm. fiT'.li.ii.‘.ZO0Ll\§ilCAL OABDES. conisiuinx I hrxo ‘“ {ANIM d:lgbe.lillILz.:!l.\N'£LY ILLUMINATKD h eiocirlo ii; La 01 bEi.ixxi+l.<umlu power with beau in] wool upon Groiion, Wuiernli: uni A:-uuem cues. GRAND l)i5I‘.IlAi'8 of Agricultural and ‘Mechani- cal liaehll-wry. ‘rcxuio Fabrics. Fruit: iilld Flowers. '1'!!!-3 ART HALLS will coubxln B choice collocation oi’ i’)ll.\"1'lk~i(iB, secured tmul Artist: of mu country And Eu rope. . Oi-MRI) l~iirm'r I’AiiJl.Di£ 0!‘ THE. VEILED 1’llUi.'|li-;‘i‘::l OCTOBER .5. ALL RiILilliAllS&STEililBllATS lcrmluaiiuix 1'1 8!. Louis lure agreed to ('A|'i"}’_E_I.li_¢n~ {era to line 8'1‘. LUUI5 PM at uiLi'.'Al. rm:~ )UCI’.i) i¢A’l‘P:5. ~ Lcrurra dlrectcll Lu Lbo Sccrcury will receive yzrolnpr. attention. (I. 0. KALB. Ciiiiiiiiiis GREEN. Sccrclnrr. President. Til (El SPRING VEHIGLES Arc now used ll over live hundred Cnnjlnge Bull ers. Springs and Genre (or sale by HENRY TEMKEN BUILDER OF FINE CAIIILIAGISS; IOI0. ST. CHARLES STREET. .\ (LL, March 31. i‘.l79.—'i-‘torn hnvinz hcen in- llmnie for u nmnbcrol 'z-arc wiill the pmprlvlurq nf Swirl‘: Sypiiiiilic Rpm: lie. I have knoirn much 0! Nil nmnniaciurr nmi llii unc. urv men in the com- ilmnllv-wztll-Rlltiwll c|llI'.l'm»—who were victims in early Him in fiypliiiia. uni aim lure taken the H. il. medicine. and my mum now. i-ull J iliiinralicli. nndm limlrnwu Lu-lit-X. M trro [mm min oil discus an lilo iirui mxn. rresli lrnm ilm in.-ulvie M iii! Maker. Dsiirac-' X--rhlvin I:-t-Ir pl romln-mvmiuiluns of mm mevlirlnc. but ilun uiiowa-xi lo refer llmakepliu pri- rzliclv lo {Imus who will lncilirw ovcrylhlnu lb.-u. I all bi‘ A1 lulu izsrur. J1:-ills: much oimmmi us tremo- mo-ulii‘c;.' wcrcl. rcmcdlco. II is Willi ilrsllnlimi illai I uiuvch my name to ii-in article: but I Ksosr whriwof I iii-«Bid: when I any that our n<:|i::H::'. lulu not yet uuula public it conxlfinslion equal to this for the purpos: lu- viicclcd. ‘l‘. L. M.\.S.‘.li-’.NIii?i'lG. PH. (5 1'!€fbI“i‘.d uni ‘ by Lbs E\ln'lle‘i‘ .~'l’l~2l.'ii-'i<..‘ (.:0._. Al- i:;nlA. ('33. 801 '1! lil(Iii1il!li:‘,0.‘<' «Q C0. Ask for copy of ‘ounx Man‘: Fri;-n-l. . lieelimmi », (mm Juiil Attics and s....u. Mn 10' vmum wril-Joutr xx- '1‘R.r\CIL\u ‘ 'l'Il’l€ Gill? EX'Ill'BlT10'N' ITALY. will dnrillk the ' ST. LOUIS. ‘iVEDNE.SD§Y MOZR_b;T.fiING. sEP'r:sM1:{:EB 22. 1880. st. 0000 I] E Mfl.l.ill A noyaifpugchasolo~r10,000 Pieces. 9.... Single Bid of ii-F’ 0 ll ' FETCHED THElVl.. t.i0iil0r0la0I 000000010 l0E0lii0Sl00i AND SENT HOME AGAIN. THEEPUBLIU W J. PLEASEESBDRE illlli {VICTORY FOR THE IRREPRESSIBLE HOUSE OF” D. Go. And will before the end of the week mark down on the Credit Side of their Ledger 21. further Big Balance in Grateful Thanks for the Immense Amounts in money that this House Saves them annually. ' ‘ All Fresh, New, Clean Goods, this Season's Manufacture, Beautiful Patterns. ON? MONDAY MORNING, Wi11'be 0fl'eI'ed: 500 pieces Enibroliierics nt 1 1-2 Cents ti. yard; worth -10. 500 pieces Embrolderles at 3 1-4 Cents a. )'ii.l‘(i; worth 5c. 500 pieces Embroiderics at 5 Cents [1 yard; worm 8 1-3c. 500 pieces Embroiderics at; 6 1-2 Cents :1. yard; worth 10c. 500 pieces Iimbroideries at 8 1-3 Cents 0. yard; worth 12 1-20. 500 pieces Einbroidcrics at 10 Cents a yard; worth 17 1-20. 500 pieces Enlbroiderics at 12 1-2 Canto :1. yard; worth 200. 500 pieces Embroiderlcs at 15 Cents o. yard; worth 250. 500 pieces Embroidcrlcs at 1.7 1-2 Cents ll yard; worth 300. 1500 pieces Embroiderics at 20 Canto 9. 5'!\1'([;“‘0l'i:il 35¢. 1,000 pieces Embroiderics at 22 1-2 Cents n )'(u‘(i; worth 400. 750 pieces l'£mbroi<'icrIes at 25 Cents 1». yard; worm Alfie. 1,000 pieces Embroiderics at 27 1-2 Cents 11 yard; worth 500. .250 pieces I-Jmbroiderics at 30 Cents it yard; worlzll Brie. 1,000 pieces Embroidcrlcs at 35 Cents u. yard; "worth 80c. lfifl _L. New Silks, New l)ress Gnods.New Milllnery.Z\“cw Suits, New Cioalts. New Hosiery, New Underwear, New Corsets. NOW OPEN AT LOWEST PRICES, At the Popular and Progressive One-Price Cash House of 23., Crawford 83 C0,, I.7‘II.7"1‘I-I 3'1‘. AND I‘RAN.IILIN AVENUE. H. S. / l ST- Rlofiq-rfiBll‘l‘iJli‘rll’il5ilJ0’i1.,.£ QENXRLL COKHIKSIOK HERCHANIS wauxloma, mi“ ‘ma3:§'35! ooiiiiu moot, - - . . u U “Go . Emgggn given to iflulia 0! Poultry. cum, in ST. LOUIS PLANIING M .L, FALTER, Proprietor, LI 111‘? U I3‘1XCTUREI?. O I!‘ SASH. moss. BLINDS. M-0 _ MOLDINGS, BRACKETS. CEILING, SIDING AND FLOORING, SO'UTI-IWEST CORNER SEVENTH lANo MULLANPHY STS., LOUIS, Mo. HJME MILL AS FORMERLY OCCUPIED BY LESLEY GARNETT c9 00. MUTUAL‘ FIRE ms unuron AMAR INDIEII ' ' Universal] prmc'ribo<'.'o the Foo- uilgfi-A hxxlizo. Bonwhin yuud fled- loa Fruit. Lo ; for the mmodlua mile! and oifacm ours or Conallputlou, , cuiAcixo,Buo.l1anl 0 ac. ‘rus- sr (unlike in; uni the usuzipurzuivea is ngmcab a to take and never prod irriullou. I. <liur.r.ox,§z Bun lumba- arls. sold I: Alloheuanu. FOUGEBA ‘William Bunch New York. pun: sun ' Mfiawn my &“‘c'."fl5"'. ‘M Kumluip u I0 DI-¥3a?35"“ -. inc. 1- W ?«‘1'*a‘l“;h1‘i‘=s]-°‘I‘l,d'4:ilu"i“5:l! l" liar. d. 32 01;: «'1? ‘ ' ..s.u-zpuxnurrwuu = - -.**.?.~.*.s.v..=.°.2.#-*+.r.'.:..£.. ........ . iii .. tzogu (gamut o'.r'uo$. M’ I 2%’ _ uuuul mm: mu 0:; we (Joann olflldiuula ‘O.,80}in;ill ‘ . FUSIOE. AND oouroslos. Tile Maine Greenbsckars Indulge in a Queue}. ‘ A Split ilihlch wéll Hurt the llancocll - ‘ause. __ . ,..i- ' The Probzibie Result oftho Recent ' Election. Coercion Proteated iigainst by 0. Texas Democrat. Poiltieii Predictions and-Congressional Nominations. Ponrusn, 3113., September ‘:i.~—-The Omani back Convention to nominate Electors met this nlternoon, 46.’: delegates being present. Chas. A.Wbite prelldeu. lie denounced Gen. Fllicia , and said an uuderslnnding mu entered lplo to divide the Electoral ticker, and urged cal-‘ryiust itout. A LIYIELY Di'1lJAT‘3. » B. D. Ilobnon presented resolution: in- dorsiniz the ocllim oi the State Committee rocommundlulza. {union with Hill Domocrzlu. J. B. Ounce, amid green oxollczmonl, protected. I-Jliiott King moved to accept me report/and resolution». and to name a. joint Eleo- toral ticket. J. 13. Chase lnmio it mollon to amend by nominating seven straight. Groan- bncizcrs. This was received with applause and planes. The speaker made an appeal (or 21 lair ncurlnx and argued against (union. Tiioro were thousands ol (irlunliilcken in the State who voted for the rest 0! the ticket with rlalntcd. who will not vote {or Fusion cinema. [in pro- tesled ngulnnt giving sway the iuluro Grain- back party for iour Womw.-r electors. II. was ilxelirccnbuck oandlduto and pluziorui that car- ried the suite. Rev. Aivub Slroul. F. M. Plain- tou and oiinora mlvooalcli lusion. alter wnicn the previous question was curried. and a. reso- lution i0 “E‘uno" adopted, though more was conaidcmblu opposition. . rm: JlE5(7l.ilTl()!i ix PULL. Tile lollowinlz is me resolution in full; The election 01 Gun. liurris 5.1. Plnlated lo the onion ()1 Governor by a vote unprecedented in line history oi ll.\|)b'Klii.0, and the re-elcot-ion of our H.--premlllutivc in Uomzrcns, is an unquog. lionubioimlon.-omen: of our principles by um Slum oi niulno. We met ii.r8‘.il‘li'.I.'llltI§ when arty preiuulcn uiiall no longer control our lc-pnbilcizn brelbtcn we lsiillll show an ovcrwiirixuinlz xnnjorily in invor at national prlnclplv.-3 which will be responded to by uvury State in me Union; limv. tile nation 0! me Slurp Comniluoo i'¢!G0lnil)0l)i1- Inn on nrrunxolunnt Willi the Democratic party tor Elmo and Prcnilicnlilli Eiioclnru wns l'X[)i)(Il- min, and the National-i.;lrcc:ibnck ruuty at the till!!! 01 Maine in convcmiprl uiw-lnblcui lien.-by lmlol-ans limt action and ngicoa to support. us mu Preaicioillinl cicctimi Solon Cluwo and Samuel Walls for cundlunie-is ior Elector: in Largo, null John J. 'I‘urncr. Iiouiunin iiunicor, Cims. IL. \i'i1il.ldon, Win. A. Cronxwoli and John i‘. D0ii\\'ul‘iii, us cllnnillulcs iorblulrlat Elect- ors. us recommended by me committee. iiolln 5f‘P.F.Cil~li'AK1!s'G. Copgrcumim liuroli made is bl-lo! upocch. Ho beiluvml orory lircenlulcitcr know his opposi- tion to Fusion in the pass. in: believed lilo Douiocrallc pariy was governed. by high putri- olio motives, and returned llllxlikl lo the Dem- ocruta ior nunporlln-,: blur. Tile quemon is, uhnii seven Gm-iicid or three Hancock am! [out Weaver Eluetora be chosen? lie was free to my be prcicrrod the inner. Speeches were also imuie by Solon Chase, Congressman Linda and oliiurs, utter which the Couvenlion ad- iourucd. -rill: s‘l’iLumi1' ricxzr. Ailor the miiournnmur. oi the Conlzroon flail Convention this ullernoou. this straight Green- brlekcrs met at the City llllil, Solon Chute pru- nitllng, and A straight ticket was nominated. as ioiiuwa: Solon utilise. J. 2‘. Turner, 0. ll. Wliiddcn, J. H‘. Hnlwn. Tpos. G. Burden, G. W. Wooster and E. 1!. Fry. Seventy-three dcl~ estates vololl. “inn whole nul.i~i.-‘union strength was claimed its iii). In lilo Congress Hall Convention the straight Grcclliixxekurs adopted the ioiiowlnsz: For the call lilonmant and encouragement oi 0urGrounbnc brethren In other timlcsnlvo. Ibo nlraiuiit Urcunbnckcru of Maine, in C_uus'onLlun nasoulblell. declnro sum. ilioro is as U|’|!LiDDllOk Dfillr in Maine plodgoti to tile iuwruuul at tho who u pcupio; (liar. iuslon and ooniuislou in this time was due wiloily to the exiguucion of sum issues, and mat. in national luallcra we vgzo win; our brethren oisuwlwru in N10 U-lion tor Weaver and Chambers. ,. The Result. in Maine. i’0n1‘i..uu‘1>, MIL, Seplomberzl.-—All but one town, fllxurldnn, received, show It plurality or 17910: Duvis, lots 20, which Sbcrillnn gave the Fuuionlata inn your. Bur. is pnrllul compari- son made will: the returns made 60 mo Sect-a~ In-y oi Suite Illovm errors enough in the tele- gmphio returns to giro B olonr plurality to Plulsiod. Thou returns will burn to be com- pared with the returns to the secretary or State in order to establish correctness. and us soon in tile Secretary in board (mm the comparison will be wloxrnnneu: Pinning crrorsln mo tclo apblo returns to the not amount or lvm-tent is ol l per cont, CODl6I oi the omciill return: have‘ been cure- iully tooled and compzucd with the lomlngs rccuivoliiroln Augusta. An error in iumm ui 100 in the ioollng up at Pcnobscol Cmmlv. Seven lacking town: are added, and mo mm nsauitin. Davis. 73,lilD; Piuiaiud 73.811. Plain- iou's plurality 174. ‘rue ucntmrlng were not on glxuotu received hero, but U10 Augusta looting. ‘H5. is probably correct. This Bul€_ must no vuryfilonr, uiihuuuli some low I luv: Illll not umcia.l,und the Democratic Slum committee, nlthouzbtllolr tables Are not complete. agree tlinuhoy will come on: very near spin. Al- though these figures are irom oiiiollll _roIurnu lbs oiiloiui canvass at them in not mule until the Legislature moon in Jnuuurymuu only that body takeacoguiznuce or errors in main. The plurality amendment is carried by" a lame majority. Bosrox. Boptembor 21.-Trio Journal, of Au- luln, illnino. Iv.-iclzrupba as follows: Qut loot- agf by counsleafilvor Duvla 73.579, Plnlstod 73,- , sculierinizi V . Davin’ majority over 1’lnlu- Ied,l99.’l'iiero uoqevou lowml orplanutlona to bu btmrcl item. Beside: the uncertainty about the vote oi the towns ya: to be received in do- termininu Cii0.1’Ot0, more is R possible and probable inucournoy oi tome oi the 11 urns ni- rululy given. Also questions about 0! or inim- uncles which a poor ‘in the returns, Aliot which with u c one vote, renders the result no doubtful llmtlt can only be determined by an otllcilli canvas: 01 the rolunn in. tile opening 0! mo Legislature. ‘ Further Figul-on. Ilsxoon. him, September ‘ll.--Complete ro- lnruii iron: the {earth Congressional District, oiliolsl, except to: live until plantalionu, give the total vote as 27,291, on inurouo oi 4,28l over 1878. Ladd bu |i4,065;Boui.oilo X8338; Lucid’: majority ass nguim: 5,515 mnjori? two year: ago; Republican not gain about I000. Luau‘; vote increased 1.1“ and lloulolla I 3.13‘! over ms. The French settlement: or Aroouook give ova: Oooirusiou maiorily. Joy in Jasper. lipecili Dispatch to the Globe-Demo p... 0AxrruJlpn,I.(o.,8oplembur al.—'.i.‘llia ha: been a field-day tor the Republican: or Jupor Oouncy, the occasion being who Conntpcon. vontion.‘ Tina ioilowing ticket was nominated, nearly every candida!-0 being chosen by no- oilsmation ma unanimous vote: Representa- livo, D. A. Preston, or Joplin ; Ooilootonlnrry llubnnn, oi Barooxio; Prosecuting Altai-noy,1'. B. llonxlionut. oi Outhnxoz Bnnrlfl, 3.1!. Robfiml of Joplin: Truqurer,‘ Major LII. 001100. or Oartiiagln; -Auonor. .1. ii. Burton,’ 01 Union; Pub lo ,Al1n11nl8t¥8iO!', Inna Fountain, oi Oronogox Coroner. . Bark: lirillow, oi Joplln- Servo r, Time. Elliott, oi bllnoui. The ticket in t then ever to- unlod some voter: of-Juror Oonnty. an the Convention the moat harmonlouu find ou- Withlil‘ ulvo okmp , go 4. v - 1 I work "““’° 1‘ °¢'h Wm liar. mo-nsgnmno Republican: 1: their us cox-ouilgng m4‘ cos-lion Imd panda. Ho allot: was xnutlo or as ‘ gum: ulnir. yo: inc 300 Ioxuhoq uuwnnnoruu were placed in linen: 3 for minutes. use: morn Juan zoo moi-_a_3 were disappointed in not lqourlng zorchel to _xns.roh vim _ their,‘ tailors.‘ An onior tor 300 torches morovrlll be made to-moi-row. Compared with the pnnldo Io-nlxut the limo Democratic squad pnnldln weakly horolotoro looked in- nlgniiloank tor the oliuropen. Home was throwno nnnd z e»gru.n«ioas meoliuzoti the season he d. Sport 5 , on were undo bile 1'. Connie bum, _o 8:. Louis: Jud Bpoucer and Col. ion, or Joplin, and on \- onv. Several patriolio songs were sun: by the ‘loo ciub,, and it comical parody on Democratic Golden slipper-a" was -rendered by Col. ’i.‘ruoy.o! me Jlanua-. Tho Rcpublioiuu tn lupi- ll-ni. and victory in in me air. The Kansas Fusiouiata. Bpcdnl Dupaieillo Ibo Giobo—Democx-at. era: and Groonbuci: sum Ccntnl Committee: assemble hora tomorrow. to oouvidor the quaszio“"ol tuning upon it tingle Btntotlokol upon sn In condlxions as can be armed upon. I: is moagm we plan will be to wimm-aw both the Dounocriiliu aim Greenback cnudlolltos lor Governor. and pin up 3 new man who win». acceptable to bolt: parties, and will at lilo sumo limo receive tho straight Rnpnuiloun VOW. whlciif [HI claimed will not go so Gov. 8‘i'..J0im. lie ioxlou will also exxendtotho bongrossiomu tickets in the Second District. The Douwoi-um have already indorsosi um Grconbnck nominee. and (col quite coalition: 0! his election. As the district oh.-pied 3 Demo- "M 1011! yours. and u Iicpubiiciln won: in on 9- lllnnllily row two years inzo. xiii: makes I close comes: in that district. In the First and- Thlru Districts me Ill: ubiicau mniorit in so bu-go um: no comblnnl on Olin affect it. but is is believed me Denlocrnla will withdraw their cunuidutes nmiinlioreo the Greenback nomi- ucos in return for this. Tito Fusion Slum siokutwill comlst princi ally oi Dumocx-nu. Tim pumeuoi Jul! 0 0: 3, ol Mcnlson, xnd Chas. lloblmon, oi nwrunoo. have been sug- gosmd for Governor. Returned to the Fold. tlpcclai nnnmn to me (Jiobo-Democrat. , Osnuz lulvibs, io., Sol-itombot 21.-‘riio Dav buqoo Time: will tomorrow morning publixh an apatiloltcr from lion. D. G. Goodrich, odi- loroilbo Tribune, 01 this cliv, to 3!. Moon, Greenback Comgressional candidate xor the Tbircl (Iowa) District, mnounelmg greenback- isrn and declaring his return to the Republican party. Goodrich was is member oi the Elev- onlli GeperuiAucmbiy. For several years he ubiiaboq lilo Gruunblu-.):era' 0rRan_:t Wen nlon, luyolto County, and iuiluonced the oloeilon oi nGre_enln<ckcr to the l.egl2iuturo mine Hours ago. iiluiouer will have a spicu- 'did u net in tile Tllird District whom lilo Grccuuackcra and Democrats ii I. icy combine could mnku it rumor um:--rluin for the Repub- iicun Con res.-aionui omiuldnco, Tom Updo~ unlit. Goo nch, in substance, say: "Tile ‘-337 or the greoniraclz is past. The issue 01 today in mi surpassing itnpor:unuo——al.lnll we naive rebel rule or A live country." The People Cumo Not. Special [)lapalcil lo the Globe-Ileiuocral. iilu.\"l'o0m:iu'. Mo. , September 21.--‘rho Dom? ocrsts made their second grand inlium bore lo- uay. For Iovoml weeks they have been adver- lining that Jmnu: 0. ilroudbezld. Don Siorriison, »Ilobn:rs A. Oumpbuli, D. hlclinliru. U. B. Poor: and Olmnip Oiurk would speak in the Fair Ground Ibo are: may of the Fair. liourn. Campbell. Poor: and Clark camp. but the poo- plu czlmq not. Messrs. Peers and Clark, inking utllo imuzuiou ma glance, lcli. on the nut train. air. Campbell dccilneuto spool: to empty acute. Speaking in the clay was announced so- Llzpm hero to umku Doruocrutlc spcucin.-I pegg- lar. Grlmpboii leave; for homo to-niglnno - mocr:luy don‘: ratiiy (as: born. I ' Wide Awake and Willing. Bncniai Dlmalcll in use ulnoc-iielnncru. VANDALIA, In’... September 2l.—A rousing Republican meeting was bold to-nighn in Bunk iinil, miter which 3 Gurnold and Arthur '1‘olv- lino Campaign Company. numbering over 100 members. with aiuii corps oi oilioora, was or- mmlzed. Telling speeches were dolivereti by lion. Fred Romoun and Dr. 1". ii. Honor ‘of this city, which were vltcii received and antim- alzutlcaily apglauocd. Arrnugumonia tor 3. complete out I ‘pl entire new uniiorma wore mule, and the order will he nonlin immedi- lxnziy, :0 Shut. iiiflfi may be here forum next Frluxly. Tim Repu Ileana hero nra wide awake, and are pumligiunn ovury cflnrt to promovo lilo woiiuro nuggucoesa of the party. Idiotic dens. Bun-ill iiirbaich in the uioxm-lnmoernt. El‘!‘l.\'UilAK, In... 8cplcxnbor2i.—m!n. A. J. Sn-cuter. Ibo Greenback candidate for Gov- ernor, spoke here this evening to uxuir-sized. audience, composed mostly oi Domocrula. Ono oi bin principal atuiclunnu was that in win the deliberate imantlon at the nlilroud companies 0! Illinois to gobble all the lurid in ma Slate and nuportlon it out to cucir employer, thereby reducing the-.xn and Lilo banner: to more saris. With such been in this up umuucd ill! uucilouoo lor ncurly twoyhonrs, until all, except the dozen Greouliuckon present. were hcanily tired oi bim. .:r ,_ .\ A Rouaer. ’\ special Dispxlch lo use Oiobodlelnocru. Fnxnorml, Kin. .5oplember 2l..—-The gmnden rally in the history 01 Ibis county was held here lo-nlgbl by li1a'l1opublicnm. A large torch- liglil procession paraded the illuminated otrcotmhctlded by the come: band, with sp- ronriulo banners, umid iiurmhs tor Garfield, Elaine and Davin, the ringing oi church bull: and runrlnsu-l i-.nvlis. Coming to a bun. Ibo purlicilmnu listened to curring speeches (mm A. Glilct. at Em1oriu,Ur. 'l'uvior. oi Lawrence, and others. [In lieu the Democratic ruiiyxmnny oi lilo lluilcl honored lilo meeting with their presence. Thoroughly Amused. Special Dlspucll lo lho Globe-Democrat. 'I‘L'sc01.A, lLL., September ‘.’l.—-Hon. Jaloph G. Ouunon. Iwpubilcan cundillnle (or Goluzrcu in this district, dclivoroxl A lmlsturiy speech oi two hours in length at the Opera lionso but night to an enthusiastic audience. The lLo~ pnbllcuns oi Doliginss County are lboroulzhiy aroused. and will give B largo vote tor the sum and Nutioixul ticker. Mr. Cannon will spunk in Alelropoillun ilnil, Arooiu, on Saturday oven- lul; next. The Democrats in the Dumps. Bbccili Dispatch so the Globe-Domocrns. L:1.1.~rron, il.l.., Sopsuxnbor 2i.-—-lion. D. 0. Smiiu Inokoio one oi limim-goal; crowds to- night at Wilden that nnrusombicd in the county this oeunptlign. lie in doing oflcctlvo work, null will give Mr. A. E. Blevonson. bin Doluocrallo Con roulonni opponent. n mu-in rune. Smith will 0 oluclcti by an overwhelm- inf majority. The Democrat: are in ii bounti- iu minority in Dewitt Oounty. ~ Coercion» Condemned. Spec-bu nlapulcn lo the Globe-Deluocnt. nlAu.sluL:.. ‘mar... Bopculnbor 21.--The bulb- dozlng oiemon: in lilo Democratic party but bud their wheel: clogged bore by a card than Dr. Marks their county Chairman, ngsinn coercion, belle: known as bull-dosing. ‘Till mascot of me people oomllomn the practice, but wins client the U1iairmnn’I ndvloo will turn on the rinxlundern remain: to in loan. _ A Monster Meeting. Conmmus, 0., Boptcxnbor 3l.--‘1‘hu Demo-I orsiiu meeting to-night, addressed by Joseph ‘mcokburu, Gen. Blxul, Ben Butler And others, was the imam mm in ms city to: yours. An immense tonhllgb: procession god the prominence oi the speakers drew moun- tgdasoun mom nth many iron: adjoining nun. - No Nomination blade. DANYIIJJI. 7A., Boplolnbor Xi.-—’I‘hI nopublh . trio: mot lo‘-‘day and declined to nomination. Tho maioni. of the Co van in unaentood to be liner: is to the election‘ ulloudjuator candidate (or congress.‘ ~- ; SD00!” Dilnalidi to the Globe‘-Damoutu. night, but more um loo many counter iulruoo can Convention oi the rim: Congressional Din-_. ' I site - . _. .r '. For GM-i!e1d,'Arthur and Lynoh.~._ J _. Nmupz, £135., Beplombor :1.--one mono... .iionns"ol:tho city, lull their um niociinxlo-3 " continued on.liaoona.eugg,- - “*9 tiiollu-Ito am in: ucom1>ioa"':n ts:-‘ cup. ‘Io:-nu, E.l.~4., September :i.—-Tiao Domoo 0' ;\ I i3'oat~:lm'a'n Creidlled .iii;tttiirt.-4:-lsejétg illite- * . --‘ofihe‘_§’_ear.. - ' '1‘-liTtavI.~‘;zi.vorlt»:siii.o.ixi.l.?1‘l:e'i,r Frlénds Como to (§'i<.l2:!. 5 - 'L°ui’, fig1§_'§"_an1E%.!;l.._,Pi'GP£1§11g'_ for it Till. a.i;"e. Traps. \ -. v «m,_..x,-.,'mt,.g Bancb Bhow and Bpcirtlngw -Bundrios. J ' Sfldtixlflltllnlrbrlfltlll tliolmvnstn-tent. ;\.'2'w TOEIK. Eiwptenxibtrr '11.--‘1'ho first mtitzl ¢lt)"a racing at Cuties I-ilttnd ttmitiy was good. Tlit: trat-.11.-tun: vtrry liwt. 'rrt'-tns were main tho oponinit tcrlmblu of live lurlotnze (or all ttizus, with allot-mtioeu Ini- btratirn lxm-tum. for rt mtrotr cal $500. Rllllllfi ._ hrnogiit mo in tho ponlsvtu 2!-Emir-lslntix. S‘-‘ll tor ' "I35:-ttto-‘ilt’u_v. S‘.'0lor lit.-.dm1n and 3&0 [or Dluna. §C'i3f1VKi»1'El1l1i1llUiK*t)llc9, Emil? 9.. B1nL'h1~'I'. imtlao G'lli'_§‘ni)E', .\<<:rt and‘ Rntilcllntul bririxlctt $16. 'l.'::e Itu-1"» was wry had (or ‘so snot: ti. mtlu. 51013:: balm: W0 I-angilisl in -(rant. and most or the (‘illicit IH‘t1li'{( out, with 11111010 I161“ $0‘ the print. 5:!-J11! keni: his legit into tho'itmno— utrt-Itch. bu: ])r'tlVl.!tl'0I ilillo wlirtli Iii tliolliinl lurlulzitz. llltztpl-tr rmi wall. innkittg up-tlw ilrt=II1- l«“u'.l.tI\'lllH.’t).ZtJ of the sutrt, untl. _1l‘.A\'Il1K'Hlt.‘ land nail illtirluiitz from the t.-ti-fl‘. Ml’: “'0-W3’-VVV‘ ""3 too iutinh inr him at um’ wttlgim, tutu lty--rim war, with only invent)‘-Illvtv t*‘<m"=l1 0? '1" but.‘ , iiilttle ta titzcluivl: rurlh. Wllllllflk U3 1'‘ V‘-lmflj [pr 91 11, length in .l‘:tr.'.,¥.‘. ltipi-lo at-won't. hint!) 1*. ll clout: intro, .\’t.-uicitui-.-I ll K00d“Jl1|"llt ztinu: nll.'li_ rind Iludttmn, lllttms. ,L0\1|='0 titryunc, Bluulier and ..\.-lclm.-rt .lul1mvlnlt- . , THE s1:t:.u.~'D hvnsr. "rim sowntl l'lM'll was utrce-txuiirtnn of a mile {W -;..5-,_...-.,mg, with militia: nllciwaizcna. Adxt -—.x.'mu;tttt s-.~.-.3; 1lliis:,‘$‘1‘.'5; llurrlrmw. . . wt! ;ix't'1,-1tui' t.-mt, tlttli zsttwuor, lonxiurly iltimltu, 321%. At the atttri. lulu W113 it ltnirmi in from at Ann. but the latter imtltl citiituit tin, and the mo teat. sitter in attic, with non aawimr at-low tltlttl. Ittttoru they reached tho 1111'-it-i had etitiiiglt at it and her rider lt3c‘ll the .,.,-,-.m [1-m.t)._ gulls ctullo Away truth the that witli the fll‘f)lt(c5l»-638%! nod wm“Ity_lourluug1Ii5: iilowriiiiitti second, Mubul third. 5|!-WW-“U“‘“§ and 1111.9» liiut. ' nit: lli13'l' as nncrmo. Thu tlilrtl was mxu mllo. lot it ptirso 91 $300, witii soiiimt rtllatvxtiioiis. klvo rim. \\ atrltuld mild lcir $100; lirupp Gilli,-((15; ill-Ila 0! tin: West 555; lltnxetittixtiii. S.’/J‘. ittttt taiiaqtxt-lmttnn, sh). lo:tt~ttitmu took tho ltflld unity in tho men and kt.-pi. iztln-ougliout, running ttt ex dnus puco. lie wuixl1§'tltrzsn ltingtlls. ‘ll Ilrfluhl I4.’.L‘ultd,l3i.tllt1lll[Il1t>“I‘l§t up ttruntty chitin: in tlllrd, n tic.-.t:k lieiiltiii W.tril«- d. with M!!!)U0- lnutuu aching Iuunli. hut tho_ ludu-mt d(}Clt:l‘l'.‘d. l5ueq’l.ll!ll>lllilm third. 1-t='11l!l‘I (um \\‘!13V1llSlo .l‘llu tltm.-—-1:iu.|~.'--was ttiri boat on rut.-urti in a ram. ‘run l.l!‘l)t5t.‘K beat it, but tlt-.u.' was it mutcli tagzxllliii tluiu. Till: t’le:.\'1‘l,l-this! !lt'D1‘.Il8. Thtelotirtli rrtuu \\'ll8Cllrl.'(.l-q|.1|Ll‘tt!l§ til n mile for all rotttio. lot it pttrmsul !‘.’.lu, with llglit wol- ter wglglitu, tu't:lity-t«.i';:|it ;<1s ixtldttd; Allin- tlmnimrl<1t~ra_rtlltio¢:t1 sewn tioiiniin. Miro rim. In the 013015 hittgcriilt bx-ougiit $190; .\1o<:urntor, $75‘, rnciiin. £66; Iirlllsll Lian. 51-0; Jttiict Mur- iuy, 550; "Ultra lion) ,'$-'1); «ml the thrill. CtJl1!~l-tI- ingot tlustur, l\‘.tr flutinnxj nntl Ptttrlclun, $35. Illtustcr gut ttwily drill. hut wits soon tnmllsud by Iiliiizcraoll, an-.1 lm uuvur lulu‘. [IMO It-.t.tt1 thou no- qulrctl, tvlttnltig lttlitdtmiimiy liy l'c\0 lurmtlis in 1:15. czttiollunt tlmo I01‘ titty, $t'i:'l2hll; Juliet Dlur niy'wo.-and, fllltfutl liofotp lirltluli Litm. Muti- unttnr iourtli, '\l'ur iliititicr illtli. l‘ttt:lilc unit, and Jluultll‘, Ultlo Iloy and 1' trlcltiu lullowitiic. Ttix: lt1'2.lT lurch. The last race was it liumhuup uwc-eptttttlroa of $30 cw.-.11. with $250 added, the uwmtti I0 rut.~t-lvts 5150; nine lmttt... '1ho ittatrt WILD rmunut and )'.'uud. T1Il:1‘!: were ltlflht :iL.-incl->t——l):i_tt .'s'pm‘l- in-.: tat-S-I'.1.5. Anti. lilnnn tit two. Dztn 1t. at -$111, ;l~:-twin A. Mt 'sl~'.'0. lltthy nl nib, 'l.t:luitmclitu ut. 1511.5. Jutlultn int $.15, and Bowstring at S«zlu._ Aun juluun wan t-ho nrsi. limit, and unit it. was .-urcond. l.lowtst't'liig ll. it:m.'_th ‘bullllld itlui, nan. W lipnrlliiiz luui't'h . u A. 11!‘. ii . lluby lilxtli, Jo.-rltzlio seventh. and .'1‘ultelnricliu.-i t,-lginh. 'r1l‘l1|.!"~'11*",‘('- In {no acctitid httltl. when this that lull '1‘oloim_tt>liun land Adm Gloria: rah-it itwity in lruttt. will: 1-.dwln . A. ilulcitio ililrtl. A-in liieiin could not 1-:4.-up up thopticmriitcrliiiltiiiutlu hzut been run. mid. 'J.‘t.~1nl.tiilt:limt mitt mitt-in A. louultl. lot tho lr.-it-1 up to we l|tll!lu~II(.)'t:l.Ul.1. Tin.-ru Dim iiilnrlln-.: chutes up with in line snow at upon-1 unu won tltnllmnt lti 1:12: Edwin A. second, '.l‘oiomiu:huu third. Ada Ululln eutnu in last, huvmg uum xiulltsd up whom it was oteair that nine mu!-1 not win ttin limit. flfliti betting wtui ‘lliJ\I‘ slut! Oh.‘ Dim Sptirliiitg to $130 on Amt. GlL'l1lI. Dan. .~ip:tr'llim took the limit t.-u.vllvlti1:t-t.l(. nlllmugli Ami. iiluiiiihhtl hottn tltnmd with o\'l1l.'.iI(y in itdt.-upo.i'ittu uliort to uinku her win. , Tho Lotilsvllio Meeting. 1" \l.ot:ixt'u.t.i:. Kr. . .'-‘émitnittbcr ‘.’l.--Slttlllcli tit ‘tin: Jut.:xt=.y<.'luhitrt= Ins: llillni: tip and 'tttucl1 Il1LI:.1'(1:1t ttnd hiitliu.~l.'.stti is ttistttiit-ate-tl lhl'0ugl1' , out the Stuto 1.4) we L‘~l1£'t| lllrtckbtirn tackle lrouli colts of the lllnti uruss section in the .\‘t. Leger and Athllluli litiiltrso. Witli it good titty and dry trttclt both riictrit will attract tliuutmnd-.ii oi zimsctliturs. ‘rho hotels are helm: rat-idly 11:19.41 with z-htitlwrti )' wmi iristtorttllv tnlcc in tlutzt L0l1ll9t\'l|1¢! Tlicresl on I‘0\.lLI! to t11('|l' ilomvs. '_l’nt- rm-otlitt: r,-titmtitutm-.~s_:-tttunltty, uncut tho tut! amkt: will iniii-.:uut1\ltttbil1.llunt>wnJilin- vztr, 1.1"-Alt: ltztilltt, .“tll-lltfltl, .llc.iututlu nntl ll-tticrmt. untl [)1'l-Iilliui to D.» (mu oi tlto beat l"s(.<.‘i.".$1)I the 5 ”= Kaxxsrts City ltticcs. 2;-_. ggicclsl r)1.VX’iHCil its 111:: t.llt-tsr-iltwii---t,r.\.'. * i{;._:.',-_._ts (ft-t-7, Jlu., Ssluptmttbt.-t ‘:1.--.-at the Ex- 'pt)nll1(lu Lixuxitid-t Icmliiy Fnxililu llubinisnu won tho ritce in tho 2:33 i.-hut.-, Vultuliu .H‘.(‘UlI1.1, and Wm. H. ltutt. 'i'u.t-.ui-ts wtui ilrot. clmlco in puma, llllll Dun Mt-too mill l1..'l' lint-9.-ttnvu Vty.!Il1 Ion liy tili>iwi.l.. in mo 2:“ l“.tiZl) lttnu >-p ti; “WWII ‘ow. y. Myiilti laktiiz t-txtztitttl mm . 3:'1)l'1".f1 “.1 itisd "I|[)(‘[ql are on tutu zrutmtl t iii are t:i'llL‘l(£J lur ti apilltlltl ptitic on \i''u~t1-.. r. The ‘1'rutntt;g Que:-ti. (;x_\~ci3;:urz, (1)., .~'=t-pr-:znl.ir1' ‘...-.\ILiud 5., the now at:l».'.nowlr:tt;;-'v.l q:n.ri=ti hi the tort. will |‘l'l1lL'}I litér limiiu tit Chuill-I‘ l‘utr1.‘ to-marrow ttmiuliiiz. win.-ro it is tmtlt~rsttx_u1 who will ris- utrtin until tins rt-tum ni .'\lr. ittttrierltlit, he lmviitg cntiit--1 Layt. liluuu lo walnut-nw l-or Stout lilo turf. The Ring. CA$l|‘'Ll. }’!t2lll‘B run‘. gp...—_t.qi tint-ntcn tn the tjititsza-llmttmrni. l.xwvtLi.r..Coi.., st.-puszttnt-.r ‘Z1.-*Tlld light bctvrc~uxxJohu Mnrmty nnd l.l§i_rney Citruobell tttilud lticztiiio all ii!" lthton, .\'. 31., this iiii)ru~ lt_t;, as izcnlnally cxiwvttsd. A 8|,lt‘.Cll\| dispatch rracolretl make this itltortiouri . frtiin this tliiot Mi- lotzttyd tor this laitttlu ground. isuutu tliiit Joliti Mtirph;t', tiioi lmnrlvillo cutittutantit, Arrived llir-re with his lrlunds. ‘trunks: and miclgut-ti tome‘tl'mi: tv;o,. Iio is forty yours 0! Ago _I|Dil in prime IXl't}tl;z\11 and health. 11!: opponent. l1.irnt-ycmtipbr-ll, in from Pittsburg. 1%.,-and out well izttowtt inuwtilntc circles to new in- trmtuctiuii. llltmi both nnimaitad on tho ‘groulirl this murtuittc UN! lieltlux W1: trim to our on Cmttpnuil. but tho mitts worn not ttttzatt. lluzh molt wens 1n xznu-,t'l: mutil- tiu.-t. Tim Whig’ lug t.i the coninunttm mm done mu tint ntncn r.-xcltctncnz (:1\ut['b\.'U timicu the ballot at has strong. and Murplty at at RIIAUII. '.l'lm roixult wits no toonur annaut-ct-d than t;uuipht:ll's imckut bi.-tutti to kick at the nlleglicl it-intntuge in Mar lty'u supzsrltrr we-lnltt. This \VYliAg(:h(:!'.1UY nttti uiou tontlt-arm l.h0l'1:at1ll. The than anally moi: t:n.-tr rvlscos in the ring. W31{‘.!:l.ul\ lhoufd ncotie l'.l“0i‘Ud"’§l|ld tlmumvtir rloxutitsruum into 3 ptttlul litrcxv. ullffilif. still delmnriln-id lmtl llll.a.lt1U3 tar tlltl irny. pinned nbuut the -ting imtm |v.:llll)', ts-iii VJ cniiipboil iti- l_(irI'lEWI.'Il ti. jug o1 Bourlmti tn-lti:‘».'t'. cttmpnt-il"a l'i.tIu1:l', 111$ in-othl-t-, mu. htlcmw.-ly til-tszum-4!. am). ux'|)roa9i»:rI my belief Inst: thy battle would lain! been at birth lmmlit amt tutu all ililmzs umw rixlit. finally; it wtu tuirt-.:-ti to it.-xvo the Qumtlun or weight to the miame, lmtwliiln ono mu bet-nit lintttetl hp, (:,uupg.t-.u‘ti tri-.-tad: uindo ts ttottitlve iuitnn on me Jams} three poandt rind demanded» I ptmtntinctnottt ut um tight. Alter mu-ch delay ltitl wzxiuiouas tttlir this wits named to, and tho mill this pmilpcinod in atvuioittdt-nitliu tlitie, '.l‘no adult I'll is hiziptidxouuu and that specta- tors. tliorrmxbly voted and dluizutttmi. roturuod tn ltatvoii aim will unto tho mtxt, trulri homo. '1'ms oiitmiuaia 1 trliiiiapltttir Lertuc1lM,a.nd uutllalttlr, stare ‘fight min be had. Hnrpliy will oonalnly - .l‘Efl‘fit'fled not the champion.- Tits trigger. c<).im\'a_, am-3. ‘ The apomtnenol 5:. Louis mtldlohu quite I. marry mm xxtmng client: in weeks. ..1n ad» ._ dltkm to sit» iutportuétt ‘flhldhfil teltlqli have s1‘r¢s.<l7 boon ,n.t-rutgoii. than wlll he stup- tiitlxu shooting tutti‘: cn:’du‘z.tag .t1t_¢ pmguu V -t1"biI‘.‘."'f._l\x'>.i1l'ti'_ ' . , 51811.! ¥qu,..E_uguqg _ » ‘moo '11-o'.~atllrtistt.riii.tro$ttlrtégdyvitlgnlflqdmzmir. ' - tin li1_ru1re». ‘ t-I. .ttino._ It Smilax; H .3519» ;'.‘an"3; tifixtrr pt-¢S'tnin_antTm1trltl lntentigttjot riaiftg "m'r_:'ate"ttt‘ The ’:ri-t_—at-_jo£‘tta_.a' lifséxhntchtis. that bet-roan Ln”.im‘d;1’:lc‘a, oi‘- noncr and mu,‘ l='I:~'l-ouiii. Itil<3.'the lltiizttrttu-tog. . _ _ H?-k0l=Dl3ct9 on at 'lIt1tl.$"_lIi:;l_€;,l\l1_¢_l.l1:tl- between me cliumpton '-ttt.utl.-'~!iismrtttt,tt. an, October _9;-j Nuxcutlktlflnil 1It3l1'l,i.f ‘lor~.a- mtttoh he- itraen 1't1uw,xm'l"ni_:_a._o "tliu.ttmttt.' ox ‘at-t-.1ooii.l‘ -"DI1uII,j_J311’£JIIIXJ‘1flll=})IédKe(lf hlniu: .“I.ovtu:-' hill: tt_n'- ’iil:'iihd:i'rt;.’_o' o!—1llrIt.~t:l‘utt. birds, and rare t-portmiiy tiurnntlcigntled. ' ’ ..- ' -Patna rice and Luémt. I Lhpoudéia ’is;it.¢opy-at-inc t':httl1u:e=3nut: txmed 3_ 1.o'thtl st. Imus ct-salts by Pm‘-nu, the ex- clumplozi: ' ’I'o'¢'2ttil.oi' ot.titn.Ct:1i:szo Field: A ‘J-!£'1'uci_I1', molt. beptvlttllur I-3. 1580.--.\lr. t-_11nrl‘¢s Lincoln tr ten mo lrutn st. Ldniq tint: M r.- bv_1ynue1’rtc<s and Mr.’ l.-ucmi otter to shop: tt In-‘let-‘M b‘e_tvrl.:un 1lr.,!:‘.. t£.,Gnlrm7.ti mid my- srtlf. Mr. l_.iHllll1tl_l-féllll me-lit: mu.-r not the tibia to go to this St. Louis dot: isliuw. flu that as ltznuy. fripoclln $011!!‘ them my- wfd.urlug that weak, 1 wllf imam: either at Nl0§t$~k0nfli:l1ll.lt1. iwuni.7ofi'ro putt: at birth. and filly Il_lt:;l0 n_ir-ts, Enginit ’_ for -.-W-. l1l'1'l'lhKtlhIB Fair we-.t.-.l:. Air. ulilrntui cm: come we will ulioota tour-' liitmlutl ttttitnii anon tho uisuiu tortttii mt aD01‘x?. lflie $:Ulll‘.ll:‘.l'lIllIn \r\‘lH‘].1§l.'Jl«1l€S 3-tl.fiM'Gl‘ tltrmitrll ilio Uliluitgo.1E’i"cld ll tlilti pruposliloxi outta. rt: 11 1111.3. Patna. Base Bull. .1‘: cti' 'tl.l..- t2lxic_ngo..............0 Lo 0 1 1 I 1 0——5 t..'mt:iouuu............l o i-,0 l 0 0 9 I-t .tr Pxot'um.\‘0is. ll. 1. . [’r0‘l'1l1f,:!l¢l!.‘.........-N 0 0 0'3 0 1 0 0 0-4 15t‘1litull.........a.......0,0 0 U 0 I) ti 0 1.-—1 .' xx‘ \S’lJI’iiLl£$1‘Z5ll. ‘.u.t.-s. V Worcoitu.-r....t.-......5 0 it 5 1 1 ll 0 0-11 t'oy.................. 0 1 0 O. D 0 0-2 A!‘ (:Lt:vIc'r.Ji:t'n. 0. v(.'lu'vnlttnd...L.........D 2 l 1 2 0 1--11 0 2 U 0 0-4 11uii:1lo................1 0 0 1 The Uttr. , rmtarzzn cuannzsa K3 GOU‘.l;‘t2¢1‘.T. Sm-cinl uiaplut-it to iliu Glut»:-Democrat. ~ NEW 1'o.ltit, $npluitiboi- El.-Frv.-t.i~at'it:1:'1'litisi:t: has ulittllenguu 1-I. Courtiit-y to row is twosmllo rucelttJmmticg. Itsty. within twenty-one days, lorssooaaltlc. llu nu depoxlu.-d a. Alorielcoi $2510 with Win. Wttlntvriglit, oi the seaside iwuso. [lac kuwtty Btxucli. Local times. A LITTLE OP |3V£llYTl11'!i0t Mn. Joint D. Joltxsmr. Pro-ldunt. of the 50- ciot * tor tltu lfrotuctiatn ul 1-‘Lilli and Giulio, will nru twl ' bu the lit-pubtlcun outiultluto {or the Circuit Udi;0.Jll‘D. 3111. S. A. '1‘ ll ‘paying Sis. Louis #1. flying Ylplt. no Kluludlfuulurdu)‘ that ho would posi- tively rotor-ii an tnlwuhiitxd. in tho couiltig shouting toormitnont. Tim 3!. Louis lit-mvn Sincltings returnotl It-om Lotiltivillo yo.-ttortluy lllIIl‘II|1)*. Out-lucked In that city. they tvtsro bteiiton by it won: oi" 3 to till. dT1lu r l1t:.‘£€L:t|i110 will be with this St. Louis I: it. V A. Gt::~r).'iui‘.. !I‘H‘ »- of tho 'lct0i'ln. Cricket and Atuttitto Club .~i to on hell) to-marrow eveii.iiit¢ iii. B ut the Iliid Linn Ulun liouw. }‘1'lt:iiLl:si)l um ])l‘i’ili(.lBt1tK orghiilhiuiuu am hi- vltt-tl to bo 11l'l'!.Sl.:l1l. Till: Coiiiniitioo at tho St. Louis Ktnincl Club liitvu l1t:l."ldti|.1l(I!.'X[l‘.lId this time lor (tilting ou- trlcs for tho ctitninu: UL'l1t.lLl show until lllu 27111 in-ittttit. owirii: Ln :1 ixruut lllllllbllr 0! letters and telt-urttttiit ['t.’t:L'[\'t:l1 iroin dill:-ruric ultris ul tlin country i‘tmilyitii( tur mlzo lllitti. An tliucliib uestro to mnktt this it mrirusotitatitwi iiliuw oi tho boat du.t::i in rim t:minti'y. they littvu duuidud to give the extension in time. BU1L\'I!\‘G .l!'UlI.tDI;‘iGS. Ilm I-loistluz Works of the Providence Mitre in A1!1l(.‘&'-Fllll1|(‘.S Elil(i\Vll0I'tl. .\'l-:i‘it.D.L C111’. CA1...‘ '31.-3_Thu llfllnllhfl works at the I’1‘0\'ltIl.'.l'Ic0 1i:uoCnm- inmy burned to-day. Durlmr tho lire an explo- sion 01 pzlhnt. powder blow tho burning boildlntg in ovary diructictn. bio livers were lost, the ex- plosion occurring bet-we.-tm shifts. Loss tibout $t'tI),fAlJ. At Brenhitzti, Toxtiii. nu-cltl Dliimtcli to tho lilotiwliceinocrnt. _ 1.llu'..\'l1.ui. ‘.l‘i:x.. st-ptemher 21.-—k‘lro startod in (iuorxo Balaton’ but-roam at 1 this tnornlrtx. The lnsumnco. $l,l.wJ0, lolly covers lilo lain-‘cu. The mioit-ll tlcxtroyctl lil.-i oatttbllulmient on- tlrvly, and ultra the following lnnoiucuca: J. Jlll\ILl3cll,llI10t3hllikt2l‘; 1-‘. liunso, grocnr; Gen. ‘ltcltz. bri1'l.i-.:r,; Mrs. Smtilitm-on. (lI055I1ll1kt:.r. lttatirunco itggrt.-gaitlim il.'.’tl0 ltilly cavern llitvlr loaumu. 1t. 1.. l‘ltiulur'ii ltl012k oi pmt.-erlnu was 1l1U8Uyflu\'UU;ll1)ll|2<llll'ltl1L'0. E. Knitm.-r. rus- tnurunt, lotui small; mi iriiiixritiico. lttct-.i.td1~ drum to the tsiippuuud cttusc. At. Toll City, Ind. t.‘.l:s'cl.\‘.\'.t'rI. Seploiutzer 21.-—-'1‘l"io ntoariicr Virgie Leo, lmrn Evansville, brings tho lli-at iti- lelligunco 0! n l1l3lllKl'0lI‘l llre at Toll City, 1nd.. Saturday night. Tho Uttbliwtuinktirl’ Union iurniluru ittctory and lumber, toxotlior with 3 nutnuor ol simtll dun.-llltiirti occupied by tho wot-lttucn. wnru donzruyetl. Lutrihcr vuliioant £.'au.U00. The steuiiitn-‘it nlll-curs could got no rulitiblo esstitntttu at tho tutu! lotus. not they iilauu itt1i.$'.lU’J,D00. Al. Bozicml. Mitita. Itrtsrtix. Sv_tttotubci*'1l.——‘l'hteNurtlscruirniglth IICILIPSU til the llusmiittitd .\ltl.ll|L\t1fi])OK, unt..‘:ttx«u=;- may iitrorat, Wm! itlniottt etitlruly dczatroyotl by ilrii this r.-vciiilig, ll'l\'(|lYini[ ti llitls on t1ir.sln.tiId~ lug tutti lrelgllt storm! i11a'l'('ll'l int pmlziibiy $130).- 0t‘0. Tlmlomimi tin) litiildirlz: is mtiiilitctla: $50,000, upon wnicli tlioit: is lull lnatirnticu. '.l‘no lroiulii: L'l'!t|Jlll-'lI‘(l (>1 KI'K|(.'I'l\l iii»-i'oii-ttiulsm. '.l.‘wt-he cit:-luzttls oi I.V'.‘|lll'K.L*|1Il'UlgIlI wtsn: stivnd On the .\_tmi.nwr Alszttlti. .\'1-2‘-V 'l'nltK. Eflillallllwl‘ ‘.'l.-'i‘in.- Attx.-tmr Line stctxttmr .\l.s:uLt, lur 1..-.nttlun, wltioh rt-.i.urtt«.-tr inst night with ll0l‘(‘.lllll on tire. in oxiu.»cict.i to sail nutuu to-iimt-rritv. '1|‘:m0'lll(:t-1'1 nnytibotti r.r~vt-.ttty—tit"t2 ion» 01 «mil wows bill‘lM5¢.l. mitt mt txxriiotutiii tiviirlv lifted um l)lll'ikt.‘l' Hill! irntxi 1-llt'll‘))-l~lL1tI:|:4. Tina wits stntlotpztttul (I41-:11! tu- :it.l: (.1 tin: tlrtr, '11:-t bl1.‘(tl'l'll‘-5‘ in not dnti-h,:utl. At ('3m.'iu;:l.mi. by. Cl.\'(?lN:\'.\Tl. U. . smitt-.t1ilmr -.ll.—-Tito Nlntli tstn,-(:‘. l'rt:it'l1ytL-riitiitfiliitroli.In Cavititztrbn, 1{y.. cuutrltl. liru llil.-i ttllurtiutiit ftoin iflpnl'k$U01|!lIl| ui.ljl)l11|.l.l2 plztiiltig mill. mid wits Lturnnd. Lusas, ' $l’t'.LILt1;inmr.utuo.t,Sa,u(it1.t-qunllytllvitlmlnniunu iht: Multlul. .\Il1-viilu, .\'x;w J1!l"'l.'j‘; 1\l'il\toiilct~t.-, 3.1».-tzlrttttlcs‘ .\Itr'iiiil; ::t. .\‘l.:liuliu. New York, uitd UOU_|l(."»'. ui 1)-.tyton. At. Burllnglott, 10. llt:lti.i:<r.'m:t, 10., Sena,-iiiuur 2l.—A ma thin tntm~nlir;: gtiitud tins upper ts'.r.ii'ios OI tho: City Mllla mid dttiiiuxml ititu-liluury rind tatoclfon tho lower noon. Loss. 512.030; ixntiiroinrlu, §9,iXio. At. Gt-nytowu, 0. T0t.i-mo, 0., septetnber :l.—.I. 1l‘iirrtttl:1.' amvu rind ht.-..1<ilnt: hickory at Gniytown, 0., watt tinttrrtytzd by flru this ioretioou. Bstlimttud ll'l2'.\l. s=:o,voo; lnsnrmic-~., $8.00-J. Tho llru crttight iroui it put: at litittilni; rullrmtd ties. Show Uuiverrtlty. The State Untvurslty mulnn uaxmi on non- dtay. Tito number at student»! entered to unite in 410, 0! wlimn 353 lift! ttcttdomlcfiti int.-dtual and Siblutv utudeiitn. The utimber ontorctl at sumo :1-tuii lortlm §‘m1l‘l9 mime-.1 lmtmv was an rul- v-ws: 1:118. 211; .1817. 21:1: 1875. 24.1‘ 1 , ; 188.1. 410. This» number or voting flttllmi who limo tintarad to dam: in ll9. a total n.u.entl'— antic oi midtems during: tllb entire amnion inst ')'(!Hl‘ was 481. It is exrccturl that the iitimllor will usual: also during 1 I0 pro.-aunt sot-laiun. flitzlily Honored. SD¢€1ltlDiIn1l€.l| lo the ulotac-liomncnt. 1(t.oitt;’x.Iu..t.*eptosuiber 2l.—-A tolegrnur trom Toroiita,Gitnuda.jun rucelvod lo tlieclty, Itntezt that #221: J. Leech, or this place, has -neon elected Dcnuty Grand. Site 0! Sorttelgn Grand 140031: 1. U. 0. 1". This hcinorf which is the wt.-(mil highest in’ the order, will innks him Grutid 5511'! two years hence. Mr. Leech but been it liurtl workcr in matter: oomioototl with the order in this guy. ’1‘elogrsphio. ' Raw Yoltx, Seplembor :1.-Itlit anmaritlly bo- llttvetl that tlieuanuatts ol tha.Waa'tcrn Union 1‘sl198I&vb~'Gotuiu.ny tau bean obtdlnod. aub- jobt. 01.603516, toradacattoit at the October aluctlon‘. by I party which believe: in II! timing. bla tram-o . IITIHFSIIGGJIC with the Aniuiriann Union Tale Ipll company, and inrill ctuiso no surprise it I turn: out that Vmdtsrlrllt Ind. his loliotveu an in ncooi-ti with puty. . Rav. Franck Tliornton. .- Lotmvxoui. sdpvsmbcr z1.—-3:1. tuners Tliornlou area as his liotndln thlu city’ 504611, and «B. in tout boon ln’:ltn tntuitttry ltxty. rota yotm. in in bum in ' neauiehunrkg Y's., and us x-utldadtzz Louisville linen 1839. "willed t_luclina_d- u'bout_1.oit:¢ent, inn Burling- ton swjtl--Q”tttncy...»hlcn kéxo‘ {affected llyftit -_'.'I8/!1l_B_ ¢ttopes.-- ilmlmsh c_pc'netl lower 1.5. !."i'}.'.. j3I1t:=tgtt<-tr selling or :5. .<Io¢iinetl.tot 37"l3i'¢1t:rred wk! -'~ .6?.¥.ntxa.-clam!-ti; fi(,l.!t;‘.!5_t. -Jumpin--do-5 . elliitrd , in ml; to 35:; flfld.;j)_t‘1‘.l41'!'!'!t'§d__utl‘<_7l1¥ .to' 32,15, I'L|D0_- lluritmttc: ’und,Qi:lm‘)'. lull; ‘o to 13i..~.1u. cI1t:!1t5tt')e.t.llit'cioalli2€tw'ila.thn lowest. tricolor. 1.116.-r1:J V Tito am-tit. it-nu nixed whit mtiinrs.tit=1-oral" . .¢ntt:auLlt:1i2ml.r.1»:tettlt:monls, of "lOdlHE?.l'trDEfi1'H3t17§‘t.‘!I!Il Ilium cottnrtv-1-tn. ‘Ra-itilonniillott this Il‘l.'(E(.‘.l\‘O\'1 at the 0 6173 In thin cltyto-tiny. Iclallktziv tint: llunl ltrt.-ya god ’1lopicitt'n. or the Wnbitatt, vtlto it: t liters) btiildtty night, rmiy confer with oitlct-r-i of tho 0lhEl"c0lu nnim, but that was nzittlwclilu1nla- iect at the r\l'uitcet:ii=trltx. 1t lmnot prtlbttliln amt. tlitry it imam titty «lnjx-go t_:oucot;- ttlmu * tur this also of pcun-L~._, .1tii- mortr .12: - ‘rttgurd ‘to . .-‘tltu_ control‘ at Wdltern "Union item also exneocllnvly tnimut-- ours. '1'l.l0'O0l1|l)111l)"lI books: wma'nsod $6.5-1-Ill‘- du$'.li‘tit no 0110 nmloarii to know on the mock tstiimls. ‘1‘hcqm.~:iluii was to-titty an ex- tzliltig topic: of cotiimrtmtloti, and by turtu)'.it tutu uvlduiitly bu.-l1t;«vctt that Uoitld lint! sccttrml control. Aloro tlirou rniu butzn lttétl uiwn tho itnaitur thxtn ltls rcnlly wot-tit. lltv.‘.' tlotxiti tn- tvzutlotl to ctttmtm the tzntmnttty. ills.-plains-ould tint ltzivo bout: lttimrn for it xnutitli ut mlvmtv.-<2. Ytstior auroral weeks he has openly uollcltttd proxlzs lot this cl:-ctlotn. frho lniprt.-iviv slain that lit: aottzzlll. to o_<intml hits bi:-on fed in every pusziltile why. ']."1lL‘I‘fl.lilai boon H‘ utfrimnu in this which will ban shown won. The iittmk DI the Aim-rlctttl Union Company wlllho plncutloli the Halt too marrow 315- Llto-rctgtilnrixiuutiiitz til the Governor!- of this Stock I-Ltchiitigo. On fI‘liurstlri)' tliestorilc will in ntilihcl ' dealt In for iltellrnt time. and hrrunuotncritu have: lit-en mail»: to give it u. mood itciid-oil. it mu hltthly nucv.-ssttty tun:-tint an- llclputitiin oi irlonul relations between the two oomntinios ultonl bo lotitorod, mill. this pl'|f.20.-1 of telegraph tracks slioottl be -iuttlmxtitwd. 'I.‘kit)),‘lL|I'[}OBU-I would bt1Kt.‘c0l11- pllnltod by this tnezitts. Thu now tshtck would be inurltetod no 81 3:00 pi"lc8, and tho lino oi ,_"tliortu" in the oldtino t;onld_ he lll¢.‘I'-Lulstlll. Thu new Itocl: couulbo mid without imperil- -intc the inxuat.'otnon!-0l.clzo ootnpntty, thmzild with im turnout. absolute oortnltity 01 it lu.r-go prom. Thorns has been thus (M no vigorous coiiipution in rams DBKIIEHI) tho two com- pttnlou, but ititer tliu now ittock NYIRII liuvo been sold the war in rates will be {allowed by it lively tmobla in bout iiioclm, turd nrobubiy in the general iunrkus. which in nltnont over- ripo. Control 0! the now cntnpiiny can then be reiritliied wllhmi; dltllcult ', and the ration: miinrigetiimit ootitiritu: without 8 rant. [low tor thin flit!) will be llnnlly wnrlrea out events itlnno wll II‘(lYt?-. ’1‘hauucumdnty in regard to Waaieni nlon ulection, the lib- iionco oi" Vitnt1urliilt,thtt cnmlltlott oi tln.-now compnny—-all ctln-mlro to the stict:e.ns 01' the scliunm. Western: Union onenod to-art)’ at 102, iI4:I¢lII'-9i‘- lull: at the close yt-mental‘. roses to ltr.:.‘.’. -. .1tt,*.r anion at 1015.’. closed at lull’. !:‘u\l.'l---‘:tait<.xi'n Rtillrotiti lioxitla were tuoru m:tl\‘t1 L. . t’t‘r.mii‘ prices. :\H‘J£§()|l1’l, Ktumts utn1'l.‘axuu we t3'Jri iurtitur tlqclinuo 1 per cent, to 633.5. '1‘-no openlnsfr l.-rico, 631.’. biting the 1IlL’lW9‘ tor the day. Uunsoltl ttlw dm.-lluort ,1: to 104: Union P.lti:H1O Ilruu wnro at:-tidy at 1125;, tmuxaritiunu am(IulIlluglO$l.lU,lKJO.‘ Knnuu ruclllu oonsola l.‘]lJiN.'.11 }{l(1vrt:1'. M97, rim.-r lrtivlug mill at 97%. DLII-0115!, Duniror Dlvleilon. t‘t):H.l to 111 and ex- cou 111 to 1025;. Irutt M.UllIlU1|l1.13$Il03 wort: lhli ; Ill‘i'<lt:5 at 117. seconds lncoruo ii: 811-:-—n. gain of 1»; put‘ cell: imui reit- nud Uztlro tutti Ftiltoii ilritlu tit lmnlliimi in 1)nnvur rind [tlcl (iriuidu mats in 1073;’ mid in (.‘0tl:1i.Ill! at '.‘-SM write Il'lIlltH, but pI'lCl:lI were 5;; and 1; lower. 5:. Louis ttmi ban l"rliitcl>s<:n iitxcriritm. clues ll. wore tin- oliiinuod til. 'i'9,*.{ and 19.1.‘. and llniitilbitl turd Ht. Jmwjili cniiviit'tlliltsu or.‘ li'.3};. '1'hta llllifl-7'35 clowti". .uuliiiinraet in Slim: t-ccuritiod wits :ll'lll\H lllldv l1'lllI1Lu|‘1.ti'il1l|_L{. 3H=iSt'llll‘l 15-.<illi:5 wnra quottrtl ill1(ll¢.'l'. G0\'t.‘l‘l1l|1Ql1t Druids wore dull. '1'ranu.\ctiutis, ttiiimitititii: to $‘.’8.i‘.O0.i1l1 4s,ttc 1lU!~t" for coupons ittfd itt. H19 itir rmzisturctl. lttus tut-is were reduced 3-; to 109 mnl no. The market. olost.-tl qulut. FK|l‘I:|,',{T1 uxcimitgcs wuro strung at previous qtiolntlonu. Alutaoy mu llrmur 111.23; iu3tt:-r t:unl,\9Ill1I much u! UM: bualttcu in tho lilglittt run.-. 4.! Phlludelpliln. tin»:-ui llltmtch to may t.ilooc-inatnncnz. !‘lllLAl.)l-:L1’1.lIL, .l‘.t., September ':t.—-This was ll very qulv.-t day on this Stock l.'-2xclinnico.wes.rl- some to tho native Ipuoulttlur and unuvonttul for tho outsider. Plltnburiz. Tltusvlllu and Bull.-iln llullrottd stock was the moat: active at tho npoeulntliro 112:. it opotuetl tit 16%. do- cllllct! to 16,1; and closed with 16,-‘; bio. nitcr dmsllnga In 5,516 nlittros. l't:illlil§’lVt1lllfl Raul- roau wits very quiet and was triidcd~ in to tho extent only of :1.1.'19"a1ini'e=l. tit from (ill); to b‘.i,4;,clos1ng Yl1lI15’9,‘»;" firmly bid. The mutu- tticnt for August in daily expected, and it is bit- llrirerl will lslinw ti lavorulile exhibit. llmitllnst lliillmnd opvmed lit 15!‘ and tletallned to 155: on transnctltms in 2.739 pilntrmt; it closed weak at tho lnttor nritn. ‘ and with uvcrytndlt-atiunoi it lurtltcr decline. It won ruinorud tlmi. the lioldt-rm ni uivltuunisl mutt- grigu buniis on the coal trnota gt-.iit~rully Tllllllli-ll to null lliv.-ir t!0lt|)t)l1B utthu nitt.-s bid by the re- urtlvertt. Loltieli Nttvlgutluts stock anon-:41 no 35 and tell to 343.1. oltt.-mtg with )1 salts nt tho int- tt.-r prion lllIcl'1lt.):|l|l3{i in Ell‘) .-iliurttz-; 715 .\'ortli- urn .Put.-lilo Itttllmtt , (.‘l)lHl.lI()lI, '.l0.u‘s)Jl; lm Nurtitt-i-ii Pttcirio ltulli-om). pro.-it-vtt.-ti. Ni; 91.! Llslllgll .\‘ltvlt:t_ttion ItI(Jt.'X, 3t,I§'t't;t'i: 21 Nut-Iii Punittirlvoiniri ltitlirr>:ttl,1S: 4 .Ntvt~t-l.-wgvti limi- runtl. 1t)‘.‘,\{;1i)SI..ltil(i Sclulylklll It-iilrmitl, 4’i.‘(; ll Ctxiitrtti T1‘it|1nl.l(iI‘llxIlt'Dn Uuriinitnv. 60; I19 l’eou1u'u Pn:m:n,t:r-.1‘ llzillwity Uoiiipanr. 118 NH. and E9 1.§\!TlT|EUltuWlI 1’:tssi-.ngor llsiilwtty l.‘.ntt-pithy 6‘). (rho ualns oi Ilinrcu as tho Pitiltidt-ltiititi Mittiitz léxvlituttzti mitlit-twoci DU.’ Amie tit 577435‘); (0.) Al':l’t'l1l, ENDS]; 500 Uriah- u:.l. Elttfitltrd; ll:-‘sit: lain. (5350; 600 lliivk--_t'v.-, ‘.’-.13 21:01.0 lit.»-.1ln(Zhl:<l, .50; 1,.’/J0 lllimtn, 13; 5.! Unli- lornizi. 210; not) t.‘(l1Ht)l1tIit[('ll ltttgte:-inl, 81,50 cntit-ulitlutml l.‘irt:im:t, allu; ll.loUl.i;rItlnin-git. ll*'t'z'-'12; 3,201 l):iunii~.iss, Htfll; 1,345} l<‘nlrvir-w, (3; Tu) tir~mri1lo, lti«.rl;'; I-‘U ti.-int l'i-tcvfr 7* ion Grntiil Utiloti. flfmtlll ; :-Tm l(fst':t (iri|t:li, l.(9IIi.h'1ll(2(‘(1li:p(:iIi|:t1t'4l. 4.’); 1,. an ,\itt;_v:. , -l-2‘; ‘Ii-l) .\lt-its-v, -:9, Kill] .1 .0 mu. -2- lliit-, loll. Mmu-y wit» hit [)0 ll.'t'.l mr I-lin n~|.'trnz by ttll'\\'lIt') litn.l lutrly pwail Cbllilllffill zit 32:4 in.-1‘ tzuiit on uhll. ‘(€0- l-Ipeclxl llinnatcii in the (;lultt' t.‘iilt:.i.t'.u, §0]\lt7llilll.‘L' ‘:1.-ir2ei.tlui'ii Oixcllnllgfl hoettvrvilli city luinlui wits ttltlintit tiitiwnttl cimtigc, shim Llvltlitl ntiule AL lino tliseotiitt our 51.000. Tliuro wusu. Inlr tit-mmttl tux‘ mmioy. Itllll the cutititur btt.1|iit::-t-t at tho lmitlrq was hilt‘- ly active. 1Jl'(.:l1ullll‘LtlL!5 ti‘tIl'0 sir.-.ndy tit M13 pv.:rcuntniicnllniitl 503 ])‘..'I‘ (Will on time, clili.-.i1y nr 7 pt‘? cunt. (j)r-:li~r.4 lvl.‘ currency were h1ri.{I.:l‘l.luIlil'I-lll ~(‘llIN1l'llli(]'lCllllK‘. but mainly l1‘’\\'IH.‘.'tt dl'§1l’l(.‘-Iii. l'l(!:tllIl;(r| oi tho mt- :-nciztiutlliuitlczl l5.l>I»t),00tl. Ull ‘tfiizinvn vrltmtt z-inglilly lilizlicir. ‘l‘lu:i'u in not tutti. i iltllllg In oarii. -t)u.u ttlixlitlv l«'nwt~.i‘. l"_;ilr, inrd. tutti rrliurl ti‘: nlilcu istmntmr mid llltflttfil‘. Ii. l~ clnlmtgti tliztt tllo hntnu titvmatmi (or {limits irtitluun, l.’:|p!€('ll|U}‘f(y[‘|||u1“[|_(t[-I hug Illvl it-ton otlur lur yr.-urn-. ‘Ilia: rim:-Spin ti! flllltl wt:i'u£l,|0IlJutilire1bytttmul. lint! L215 our uztil-A lt.-rttll, otxtnruolntz ':t:T husilell at wittmt, 70;; brisiitrluttl l.‘¢II‘ll, 1'11 |JlL§I|(:l!l uf mun, 35 uti.-molt of no and 511 lmaltttltl oi but-toy. sultan on tho muck llmn-u \\'4‘I‘¢l io.ou0. 1.)-strict oi tlulumoin 2.135 pt.-.rcr.~tit 11011115. mm l:.v.:~1. sailor ‘.tu dnvu, '.r.),*.';-"rt)i)(}:tlo,tu:r.i(.‘lt_vlioiitln. Ix )lt.<1’ emit, duo laud, lulu. : Irtéilctitilt Unitllty Lmurls. -I}; pvr tr-eni.tli.m II, at lt’::.'.‘; 1n.ut)0 Cl|l(.’:ii(u, Mll- WlfUlKti('[|.l>(1 at. 1‘:tul lmnvlsgl |)1!r(‘Lit|l;7 lntknttt llxtett.-elm), at 11:1‘; 60.009 U_lll(fl1!.'(), lliirlliigimi and Q.tl11k"_\' ltullrottd lion-ix, 6 par ¢.‘17llE,duD 1919, in t's‘.l.".'. Boston. Boston. .‘5epiontl:oi- '.ll.——-Atclxlsmi and Topeks tli-at la,-11:9; land grant 7.1, 113; 2d 'ln.l‘1o; land its, 134; ltouon, lltxrtfortl and Eric 7-, £0; .K:uIll.‘l‘1l Railroad {K4, wk; Kau- nas City and Lrtwruitmsla. 9i;.l;;"'luiitsuti City. 8:. Jon rind Council ltlullti ‘ls, 1135; Limo [lock and Fort Snitth7tI.10‘.'; New Yul-k and Notv Er-gltihd 7.4. ]10,!{;Alt.'lU*flfl and '1‘opr:lrnllnil. road. 115; Criiciuztl, lltiilinigmii ltllfl Quin- av, 13%; Ulric-ago, ljlltituit. Iluliuquo itnd M‘iiin.,t$1>;‘; Olnclittmtl isuiitltulty nnd Cleve- liuul, N,-*5; Euwrh ltnllroml :1-‘lint and 1't1ru-~hIlu‘qnFlle, Jiffy": Little hack and Fort Smith. 55.l.';?t'ow Xtmc and how Engltittd. 573;; Utgtlomtburg and Lttk-i_ clituupliun pmlttrruti, 7il;ilo common, 23: om Colony. lldzllutlnntl, tirt-luriod, 2d;do coimxinn. ‘ix; Allmtez, new, 5):’: Cal um um) _ Ht-cla, '1:l.'5;f.ltila-lira.‘ ix; Uoppnr ’u.lla, 8; I-‘rtmklln, ~12; Blrtdlbon, C4.-‘flier, 3:_ Low-able. tum. lil; Quincy. ‘:3; RI as, $9.’: tltlver lnlut. $355; Pin’-.blo and Ar- kltliiuu Vn1lt7}'. 9.3. mining :5!’-0t:l{n. ant riumcntco. septetnbur ‘.'l.—-Mxilm, 59:, Altn,3; Bach:-.1. IX; llmcn-st-.‘3,'{; llolvltlm-_ is, 7-16; 1125:‘ a llolcliel'.10x;Bodle. ix; itutirbtt, ix; tluitmr. ix; ualiturttm, 2,14; Ullollu. ,1,-;; Consolidated Vlrgltiln. 31;: Urmvti mint, 2; ”'xc'nmucr, Ml: Umlltlk \'!nrr\‘.5; Grand Print, 5;‘ little & Nrimtots 534; biuttttnotli 13-111' t\l.ll1lUl!.n,1}‘: uG1I¢&'fl. 115.’; aloha, 1%‘ (X901): day, 1;Rox'tl:!‘vrn Italic.’ 111;; Uplitr. 9 0:3). 2;‘ Overmatt, 1:1 otoxf. 23;; >nv_mm. 3; :5 turn No- utmi, 12; silver hlttg. ll; Tm Top, 6; Union C0niolllllttt:d,12.‘-F; ll -den. 15.’: Yellow Jtsclmz, IX; Gooduitnv. X; Jupiter, 6-16. . Quincy’: Budget. Vl9¢e!Il(lMll1Ilk'.h to lho’ otnm--nemtoam. _ Quilter, 1_t.r... 8cp'tatubct- ill.-Mr. E. 0. Van- Aortlsu.1:o’wn sppolntod agent at this pltce {oi- the Kookulrflflorthnm _Lino ‘Purltet 00.. vice‘ Ell. Iiotohauu, foqimtod. The hitter‘. tvltli 1.. Harris, rm talents 1 tau 0! tin‘ Quincy norm, V viwovtdod. ..I‘.I‘l.t1'.lI"!.X'¥n1‘lJ!.l‘_’lni3‘$t.3909hll uo¢'lt_o,_ _ V - -. 1 - ‘ e. ’ ‘ . x: 27- J 2 try‘ __ _ v'to1_i:;" ‘§v:1rcntnz¥tfh7uoiin1tr'(Su1d. . ..-l’ ‘3li!.9'>.j.8f. M.t.h¢‘¥l#i§ J01!-1-lbw’ ' ‘ !1i€'?l_t1l¢‘ 3* ovd'or.ttr,‘uua cat ollo7p¢tnu.- his-an 'u1'lccn' to 5t.‘;bla.ryf.u.;1Impil.11, it-hero alzai -trill bu Igloo camel. _t__'_ .Ca.SU1-1I4.!'l!§8. . 5 : .~ ,. ‘Grutiltod by7t.lts'=Cog‘3.~ -‘rveiml-I>t..~¢>-ten is .999 <IiI~¢»h-I.>:¢3!“.>¢r+=’- ' _ _ l.«'.l!l’l‘1‘l,.l(l8,q,MCl... 3{i:'_[)fiB1'l_}l}i:t 21..-A. .hor_ri_blo agcluctxt occunod:-isstexduy at tltg cltr Mills, in out city", ‘mtwmcn c.ut'mil’:32c<:i_nt-2 rm his . mo. oiling tis‘e.~m‘nA:txix_t_ox3_°-. ' when but cont cn‘x':;fni.-1tt;:tl:o' x_«ertt-’ tunnels: find the was an: W11 in and his~til_p"tmd abdomen: mulled al- umni: to 33:11)’. Tho victim was one or the belt and most lit-2111: l‘i:liIIt‘.¢.‘lI!d. colored mon in thin’ D311 at tho i‘.L|!.Ke. -Bflfllflf the Jtttvswt-:1: ho was owned by t~.x~Gtiv. Jltciurg. «ha xtzsvo him lrwtlr-tn In 1361 when Cuxttoil antitml in also ttrruy'oltlio1Ini'nti itntl nérvo-I with dlettliictttm tltruuizhont the war. ~11ls.death in it lost to the cotntmttiltv. - _ - mint: Kindly Cured For. Bpec.l.-11 lllsiiatcli to the t'1lo!ve<l)¢muqni. V A3:‘DAL1.A. 1t.t... floptemhcr 2l.—-.\ young Ger» mttrt, anliwdrltig to the name 01 Cornelius Po- lou. was found this afternoon by to gang of rice- Lltm men. about two nillmt trust of ttilvi nlttce, in mind condition. He stated that 1'll"{!V'l0tl! to inst Sammy his mid gone tour or am -lays wltlmu: mud, mid becmiiitit: lulu: and nick. my ants-it by the l't1Ul‘0W.I and '|\'lI.E§ exponent m the\‘y min; Btindnnz rind Sunday tsltzut. Wlu.-.n iound. he wits almost uncumscloos, and avemlmgly. nrnlyzetl. Pit rs iftiuliti on his pemrvo ahmv t mr.1lt..- lit at tut or by trridti, and that his rtzlntivcti ro.i.-liln in the old cciutitry. lie was brought to this placn tlioutzlit no will Ltnrdiy recover. - Cut. to Pieces. Er-INA! llicmlrlt in tho t-llou¢«l.lettmcrat. Jill"!-'El‘.8(’)S\‘ll.I.1¢, 151).. 3001-(?l11Llt31' 2l..--‘ti-'m. lluydosbnru. nf UIl1.lUc0I.'hl‘\, 0., was kllltid-I-his ovttnlng ut'i'o‘clpck. Tho llizcciisoil had‘ been * worltitipz in the rimldinc shop 0! ton Louisville and Nashville Railroad, and. having gult, wan going home. Ho climb to this city. and inhi- tnktm: inc bi-ldira lreigm. tor an-otitgnlng ti-ruin. tmdertool; tojutnp air it while the ears were in CV!!!’ hint. cutting: all both legs, mm arm. opening tliu-alidomun and causing; dt-atli with- in an Iiottr. Ila Inn: as mother living‘ in Chilli- oolhe. Ho was «god 233. The Fata of A» E<‘ztrri:iei-. Bpcclxl Diapnlch In the Globe- Dt-mocrxt. ‘ 1!xtowNarott'.v, 12:11., Sclltonlbel‘ !1.—1’mtat'- dny ttitornoon, as John Robertson, it inrtiicr 1lvin;;iieurShloltl's Station. on the Ohio and lllsnlsalpnl Lltixllroad, three miles Bruit. 01 this ‘platen, was driving a span col mules dawn tl ltlll cloud to his reitiuettcn, tlmy rim imny. tltrmrlng badly that he «lieu it-iihln an hour. lit: Will! the wn ofdnmm ll.ttl.tut'uir.m. only at Ul‘0WlI!lOWtl'$ most prominent cltiztstizt. Decrxttt-ti was about 3'2 years 01 ago. mid ltenvt-.3 K tvllo anti clilltl. Dead Among strangers. Fr. econ-. K.\':t., Sctptctiibor ‘.‘.1.—C. J. De- lorrovt, lrom Phllttdtilpliln, 1’:t.. arrived in this city one any last week, and stopped at one of mo hotels. where he wntt tilzcttt sick. The pro- prietor of the hotel nnd Olh(.'l.'I did 331! possible lorlilm, omtiloying the best ul iiimllcnl talent, without «wall. He tiled Stttitlnv cvniilntc: ills lriointlsiii Plillittlulnliltt wt.-m tnlmzratillltzd lur. liutiiritiouud. nu trill be buried to-marrow lorenuun. . town ltmtis. Elperlal Dl.-patch to the Globe-Dmnocrat. Dulllralm. 10.. Suntutllllor 2l.—Jolin Burns, or Tits-lor Township, Allrimzikuo Couutv, was killed by lightning to-tltty. Kittiu Scott’: bmly wai {mind to-ditr. Tho little girl was the tlntitmtcrni Sienutbnitt In. spectnr scntt. tutu ttccitlntitnllv la.-ll lroni tho uimiixmr Artutnuu Lain!) severitl days ago. Run Uvcr um! imxcti. “ 13!!--IDPQRD. 5'1-. 5¢l7!ent|ior 2l.—Tlimnns flnokutz, imltuhtnan on tho lltndicird branch or Hm Erie Road. was run unit and )tllli.'.(1 this cronlnz. He was aged 1') and livtsd with his iittreiita in this city. Ashore on Club Island. Owrzzt Scum). 0.\'r.. Ststttottthrr '11.-—-During "'° 1°11 5‘°~'“0I‘<l-Ii‘ morning the propeller Luke Ei'le,en route tram Collliiiztvood to C-'l1lcnxo.rtu1 on the southwest cnrnnr of Club Island. The it-India lilowltttzliv.-iivyirotii tho southwest. A tug him gone to her xtsatutnnco. . Both Killed. slum, 1.1155,, .‘lcptotubcr11.—1L tritln lrorn Glniiccsuir li1'l1t‘.k 9. carriage at Chou: simuc ¢T°351llll'. lltiv«.~r'ly, this ovonlntz, ltllllng the oc- cunttnts Armin zstcvoos and Giant 1-3. Trmtk. both of litivt.-fly. ' On the Rocks. Eizrtiilc 'tfn‘r, Cu... September 21.-—'ti:o slcrutieruttssld '.l‘t:lInlr, in leaving here this it!- ternoon. struck on Rocky Point. She had thirty piusmtttera and ti cargo or con] and wood. Nn lives were lust and the cat-tm will hit mostly tiuvod. The vessel In i)mb.tlily rt lutnl ions. TH E 1’ 1! ES! D EN T1 A L I'.\R TY. A Vlttll. to the Navy Yhrrl tit Vnl1o_)o—--()n to tiiu'.i'uIiiciil.<i——~ Hit‘. I).ty’a Dulnzzs. 't'AI.l.t-.Jn, (.‘.u.. , Soptotiibt-r‘2l.—'1‘lils morning the [’i-t:til<It.~nt mid party fl|"l'|\’0d at Uh) mu-y )’l\l'(I oii tlicmtoztiiitir 5llllC('.HKO. R1‘ldi‘t[l0l'li\llLllllR‘ were ructlttvtl t\Ill.l>t1 salute (II ttvutity-mic gutm. C0llIll10UOT0_ Cnlhoun t:n'ri tho clllirq Mun ..1 unicorn rtt. tho yni-ti new on the dock to rt~ociv.t him. '1'1io mziiltitta wtxru drnwn up in llnn tit prt-nettt arms. ttntl tho bfllld til the }'ci'l!$ll(‘t)lfl plnvted nntiottal turn. The dock wits llnud with Indies and tmtitiemou lrt.-in \'.tlli-in. All 0! tho worlutteu nt hrinil wuto in tho _.lntiillnt:. As tsrmn it» tho party ltiiitiorll they wnlk-ml up lllf! h\‘flI'Il1l1ll.‘i lnr mt i,’.‘otiitii0<1mo (2nlltuun'ti I‘t:lldUIlt.'U, wlinro A re- cuptloii wmi liolil. A law oi lliu tniriy rtroilvri nrotttttl this ward to vim: thoalt;hta.'l‘lic tt:t.-timer lull utl 4:i'«.-Incl»: for Bmiloln. whoru the nurtv wow to iiilm tho train [or tiucrtunontu. Films ti-cm llylnix in vnritonit purl; oi town in honor oi tho tllblllllzullllfld vhntrmi. Tho Party at Ilcnlcia. llicl-'lCi,t, Cu... Suptutnber ‘.‘1.-—'.l‘imat4:ntner with the Prltlllllllllllill party and neutral amount and lttdlm irotultlum Islund nrrivod at tho ar- aunxil whurl lioiogthlu allot-noon. A liirtza and tmtliti.-iluio ttsuouibloga 01 people or noniciu and Viillrsiu tutro prtesent, tutdtho lorry hrouglit tnimutotia dfllfflnllofll lrotn Martinez. The 1'»-midntitlal put-Iy warn met at the what’! by Uni. Mcliilltttar and amt-era from this arsenal 'ttlId btti-rnt:l:.~t,‘ntid wtm) convoyod to tho roul- dmtco 01 this cummantllnz omcer, where is :01- lation mun enjoyed. Altar which oitrrituztrn were ttgnltt brnuxlit into requisition to drive mo nut)‘ nroutiti tho itraeiinl and Dfll'1’l1ckll. Th-3 fit-.aItlt:m. uitnrosuod ltlmsell its hlxlily iilaimati with the nitliutllntx niitl-ulllulont coniiiuiun at D0111 ittrilintns. On the tirrlul and devartum ol the party I salute oi twontrntie gum was tired. AL3 o'clock in spoclitl mutt ounvovmt the l'rt~.itldonI tuiii. party to Sacraitmiito. Tho town. shipping in port, and military polite vi oru intyly decorated in hunting. At the Lengtto Rooms. SAN l‘ltANctM:0, Eotitoxnbcr ‘a‘l.—-Lttst evening, Prcsldcnt linyen vlitited the room: of the Re- pulillcsm ‘league and renitilned £02’ an hour. he was welcomed byox-Gov. Low. President at this Longiie and was liiti.-oiiuood ho tmtny ‘loading Ilopuiillcum oi the city. The rooms were biinduumely dacortitud with nnm, rlowrtrs and avorgreeus. . A CHRISTI.-KN‘ CONFEB.l‘1NCl£; That of tho Utilttu-hm . and Other Churches. EAHATOOA, N. Y., September ‘.'1.—'l'lio Kri- tional Conltirotico oi the Unluti-i'-tn and otlur Ghriulltm (murelws btegun ltu blonniul session where in tho Methodist. Cliurcli this uvonlnsr. -vi-H it in: natal.-tattoo. Tllttopdlilnan sermon wu- RlV0l1 V1‘. W. Clnytloii, no-tor at tho Lottdoii 11411:; '04». and ttruucltor In the Unlturlim Oliupol, Kuntlsittown. The Butter and Chucm Itliu-ket. Spcclll Dltxintcli to the Glottu~I)¢mo«:ritt. .4 HD0111. lu... snptamber ill.-On this norm oi Trad: to-day the regular niico tvero!.93X boxes of chaotic at 11,l.'l3l2c, mid 21,318 pounds 01 but- uir tttsosmxc; irregular uh.-3. |,B€-5 hour» at clitmto and (0.191 pound: at haunt; total isles, $50,493 56. . - Av tinknatm thlcl Itolc nulisd and about $310 worth at clothly Eeltertlny afternoon _ tram ch: room 01 Mr. now, all Noni: filth urect. . . . - ' -7 hntheto and is now lmltiz lrimlly cnrod tor, though it is - niritlcin. Iallliig between tlluiti. 51:: cars purusctl I llliriout (it tho wntzoii und mxtnuiliizliliuso. ‘staged. The show of draft liorsos promises to . .«:,jttmfi.‘t'tr'm:,- ‘d.u-‘ti’-im,. mt-‘.'._; ....-a I-s'm=1!.¢lstb¢...wtmriuxoou :i:ta_ttxtiert_sttin'xm-. limit They ll’ejx‘_¢SlnR’l‘0a.d)'-16 open the campaign:-in it llvoiy imtn-isssr. . » night" The Sevcnteentbwicqngrcssiarm:‘ Dili- rnofim on aim '1"I_)le';rs'1V!l.) nectns to bsmusidanblodlwnlty at Into the Doiiticul outlook in this district - we: give the Vtollnwlnz tattttltir fliitllllxlllxll oi tlie.onicln.l:voi.e'ai: Cotixtmmultn I in the liut-tour terms: Vote.‘ . 13.215 vM'0l'1'l§Ol't'l! tua3ority.......’...-........ ‘. 1,.s‘.‘e§ ‘blot-rt on .....'...'..L....._.............. 13.0915 lllnnknr............k.................. 5.13.3‘ ' Morrison'srnujmlty...........,...... 4.64-S 3Iurrl:ion..-........... 1".i’K>1 Baker. 11.S..... ..................... 15,02! lilt>rrisnn'stnxjotlty.................... 4.0!.-‘.' .\lortl.vtan............. ........ 12.-mi .....; IE 3*:-grrffiflh -nu.-... y......... 19:7‘; tarts § (Salter.J...............................111.1%’: 5lol.n:rly.....................a......... 1.616 1.8.51 3lil1'rIs(l!|'l mu mat-y ow-.r lllzthnr-...... at-sir-t-1+.-.ciu'u ma urn)‘. ovt.-r linker mid Muburly.................. ...........-. 1t will be men that .\.lor.rlsmt oliluliuia his grcntevt ttaajnrlty in 1874. in ls.-‘ti it in 6.007. itlaatioi 051. In 1573 his‘ plumlltv ovur Jtgltn Ilnl-'.¢:t' Will! only 1.l‘4.'i1, R loss or 2,175. mid his mtt1nrit.yo'vurtl:o (‘0lll1)1l1¢‘d vote of U#ll>.‘|Il' and hioberly was only 211, l\ dc».-lino at 3.771 in his tmijnrity in two yo.-mt. In 1575 the l'e\'KII\llitlll ii-rxttzirt linrrlzmn llild but just ctmtlnontre.-tl. lintqt luui the eiit.-ctol rt—tlm:~ mg his nmjurliy imitthcot In lS:F>' to‘.'.33 over all in 1875. Tiilzi mu. an silmuat l1Illlltl‘rtllt*l(.‘-ll turn- ing 01 polltlcxl tables. and mu trio aiiro pro- t7lll“SO1'flIlhOI{llI1 \l'tlllti.m'ti downhill. It in gr.-mrrrilly ulnttmxl that hlorrisott hnd ll tmijsirlty at Lml in 1813. but it willtut !rl9€l|\ll1:|l|»11t1l.1'Il.|llI- ht-r is met-oly lttsi nlttrtillty; his nmiu.-it)‘ over all was only it will thus in: soon that Morrison 11118 been steadily lcisliix ground lll11L‘.6 1574. mm llttu. his pmllpcctts lira 3' no means mmsrttu, bnsimz them only UH the dgiirestil phat r.-lomlmitq. But this is iiolttll. ’1‘ll mvolttttorl ngnltist. him, which cninniv-nut.-.d in .4’. list: now grown to l<trtt.ild’ublo propor- tions. ttanma County, which no lnhivrltuzl. isudllua ulmtrx 0li‘ll€ll,1al1OWllI 01-ienrcb¢l~ liun. and his tnsjurltytlicro will In: r--tluct-ti 0110‘-hlllloll the mast nttidctnto aatltmtto. In St.Clitlt- County, which in hm an<l1ti'.‘tlgit\-ct him 1,000 uiujoritv or more. the llopultlimtmt mmiuilrom 1,006 to 1,500 uiujority for lltty. ti Mridlaon and Ahicnnpln where no hits usually received trifling uiiijurltloti the title in now zetttnz llltnlllal. him «van in his own 4t)ill'C)'. ills Dl'(.‘i1llJ£0 in tune. Tim pcoplu lira tlrttd nl his nrmgturco and fl.§MllnP- tlon. Tlioizrmitcountlvsi oi .\ILlCDll]11!l Ma‘ 1- sort and st. Clitir urn indltztitint. lit linvliiar tho L‘-ontzrosalnnrtl ruprcacnt-ttloii iiiminpollstnii by limo Munroe dmvtiiii (mo tmruor oi‘ the disi- trltzt. Tho mplrliig Drettim:t'ttt'io iitzitntttitstt at the district lira: ;:rus\'1ng -.zr.ty waiitlittr tor Will-A lain’: slice.-ll" T110)’ wniit. to sun lilni he:itun_ this time and stlit,-lved. Tito lirllrti npprtrt.-iit am lntptttlotit, tmd will wait 11!) lonuor. 5-tr. 510:’- rtamt'acnm‘ tit Uluclnmitl wits ltticttdt-tl merely to give him prcstltzo in ltltt tiluirlct by creating thr:ittirirc.ttsit'trtt.iti.i.t ho was ll :1-t.-at man on whom tliot:y:.-la of tho mitiuti worn ilxod. But ms czindl-iitcty dotrelop-.-t.l Just. ¢.‘tt(‘ALli;'h§tl1‘i>‘.ll}{!|l to ttutko ltlin riutculouu ‘at home as well its nbroad. Bliilnc Booked. Encclal lllwalcli to the (ital-u-lirnmtrttt. Plll'L.\DE1.1‘IliA, Pm. soptt.-tuber '.’.1.——l!on. Jntneu G.Biulnu Inn tcloumnnod his 1|I.‘l.‘(3|'ll- tuit.-L-oi an invitation to spunk at the tzruuitl RU|)l'Il)Hi:tLll rttuy wltlch la to (trim plnco In thhl city on suturdtty ovtettinu ut~..lLt. ‘flit: tmrmlu. which in to he 11 [ctiiuto of the (1t.‘l11I)n)1ll‘l1- tloii, will bu one 01 this ltiritoai. whicli cvur tank ul-inn in Pxiilrtilelpliiii. It 13 trul- ollllltdd there will bra ntI:ll'l)‘ 35,000 tiion itt um procctssluii. A ctirlotis thlttt: in C()l1tt0(:HlIn wltlt polltlcnl duinnttatrntlnnu in that the Kt'¢:t1.t tletmind for cqillplnliilltl has L!1l|1r!l‘t.1 B. curnnr in tho tnntkot; tltum who iurnlsli lltetti reunite wliutovur prlco they tit-mnnrl. rind still tho sup ily Ts lntult-.qmti-.-. '1‘ttuI:ntlro procmtulon will in t: ilitcv: on ititmtl sin.-ot amt will bo coitiptiu-.-u (1 two cdluitiiis, which will_uiu\'o in ntni.-ulto tilt-ectluxm. Tutu-o will Do tliroo ititstid: for tho rpcstki.-nt. ' l.11irx-aha for Llosincr. am.-ts1.ttii.lianntcta to tho tliobo-l)emoc.rat. l.x'rcltrn:Ln, ILL, 50Dl(£n1l)6l'5l.~—-Ilfln. P. E. Hoamer, ltcxiublit.-an onndlunto tor Congress in the Sixteenth Dlatriut, arrived liuro nt 10 o'clock this morning, but, owing to n misun- derataudliig. no prepttrntlous had been tnriuo for receiving him. ‘Elli: notions were not posted until nomn tluto in tho ultct-imam‘. .\'otwnn- utnudlng thin itliort notlen, n. cruwdtid City llttll wanted him to-nlglit, mid lilti H}N£¢.‘(.‘]| WM im- qtieiiily iutorrtiiitoil by loud and niitlmuimitlo rtptilausn. Judge llotiuiuriintdn an ttxtrotnt.-ly liavornblo imnxouloit upon this prtop_lt~. On Alonduy next llon. J. A. C0lIl10ll_)', United status District Altflrllks-‘ilnll Juduo Ilusnit.-r will tidtlreui tlin ptwnlo hero. The Prohlbltlonisla. Coxconn. N. 11.. September !l.—Tliu Prohib- ltory State Committee mu: to-diiy. and made nominations lo: C0l'li!T‘ei‘8nl6lJ. Electors and otiiur nlticers. tho mtiut.-.9 oi whom liiwa not yet been tonne puhlio. ‘Hie cmnmincts ttlxo ur- rangod tor an uctivc State campaign. Congressional Noitiltiullona. Cl11CAOO,Il.1.., St~p'.uttilu:r ‘2l.4—Tliti Dartm- crtits (ll tho'1‘liirtlLfmigru-lsluttnl Iitstrlct this ltll"i‘ll()I)ll ttotiilruttt.-ll Pony 1!. 51111111. Jr. llltlll(}l‘1"ul:'l‘. ('.‘u.~l.\'.. liutttetttour Bl.-The U(!l|Il‘(‘l'ttlI (it tho 1-‘ourtli 1)laslrIt'.L nmiiliinttul goo. W. PUIISK‘ in: Uuiagruss, llil oi W. U. nrnutn re» tutu: . .. :<i;w liitoir.-nvicx. .\'. J., st-ptctttimr 21... l.)t-uiurzrhts 0| tliu Third lliulrtot flillllllllllllltlll Milt.-ts ltmtu lttr Uuitgixzaa. Lbtrloziittiu {ruin .\[mi- ltlmuili ulllll Union i_.'tJt.lllll(]!n luit iliu li.ul wlioti ll! rulbll I “K114 lHIl|0lI11(.'l‘( . lltisrmt, .~‘uptciitot,-r ‘Z1.-—-T110 Iloiunnrtila of tliu‘1‘Itli-ii C()H;{i'l9'0;l(Illfl[ lllntiltzt til 1[m-o:iciiu- fll\§KdlIt.llI11ll;;l(l[(lAXIQII¥0.Il'_l)()l‘l| for l..'vll,li{‘l‘U6lll. . l.i(iAit.t A .t'.'s, . .. ?3t:])ll';l1l int 2. .— ’m lltviiltllilicrtnn httvo TtH'aUll|l1ll\l.i:\l ltit:nnrt.l Canv- ry 01' Ztiiiizrmiu. _ lH’.l.l.l'.l-‘()‘-T. l’A.. Sepicmlmr '.'l.——TItti Dunno- urriu til lfuiilor nntl l.'II:!l.ll1l‘l(l Cniiiititsu, in (Iouvv.-iitlott i.vt—<lny, In-itt'iict.:d |l1t‘l|" (Il'1Us.!lIIL'.§ to this Ul.'llI‘Ii.‘l. Cutivt.-.niitm to vnte loroit-Gt.-v. A. ll‘. Cilfllll ior CI)II],'|'E:5B« ‘.l'lii.-3 1ll1<ll1.l‘t'lz! his untu mt: on. on }.’ll'1‘hlllYltG,1’A., Suptentbt-r 2l.—'l‘hti Dunn- crats (ti l.nzt~.iiiu Mlttl |..’\t'Kl|\'t'l1llh1l Ctitititlt-s umniimuunlv ntiiiilnalc-tl 1). W. Cmttiolly,(it'ttuu. lfilfckifllglldldfllfl. 1Ul‘l.'UIIp;l'l\.~l:l1|‘U|t2 tlto rwuiitli hit‘ I: . GRANGEII. Gi'\'l'I.I1*JHl.\'l'}S. '1'h_o llllnoitt Struts Ftili-—-—.~\ (it-uttd sheep. 5lio\v——Fncts for 1~‘ui-riicr.-i. ; Stu-ctnl Dlln-Ilch to the Ulobo-llemocntt. E 9§.l’lil\'UF'1£l.D. !t.i.., scptutnbur 21.-—7.‘lm omco oi the técoretury of the State Board of Agricui. turn is now [1 very busy plane. In in dnlly tlii-'onttt:(l with {maple duslrmia ofinultinsz an- trloa for the Suite Fur. ll tho weather to- tmtimi tzomi the ittlx‘ ziuxt week in this city will, ruin prmiun: inuicntious,_uu one of tho most. succeultzl over herd in tho sftilo. The mat. horoutncn will be well represented. Su- porlnteitdont Moore, who has ‘churgo ol the Hlillll and Fumgo Di-pat-intent . roporto nearly all the accuniinodtttinm in that lino ou- bo vcrv inrge, intmy bolus: importer! from Frtuico and lztnulaud for t-xhiblllun. '1‘itolltira- iord men prniulso to make the nuns: show 0! this breed ol ctmlo t‘l\‘cl‘ brougltt togethoriti any ithow rim: in Aiucrlos. Suvcral lnrzo agri- cliltttriil lttipltirtient. iiinntiincturltii: coiupniiltls 0! Iowa. Imilzimt rind tliht Stntu tiled Applica- lions (tit I])l|.£'.B l'.o-dity. , . The Shem Show. I’l!IX.Alll‘-Ll'11lA. Soptuitibcr '2l.—-Tlte lot-mttl opoiilm: at the IlIl1tl'Il'.ll|0l1&| Exhibition oi sheep’ and wool Ind wool pruducta, at tho zmtln Exlilliltton Iltillding, took place this nltarnoon in the proscnco of n iitlr audience. Alter Iildrtlnuflfl 1.1 (.'omttilsslnnor1.4e[)uc. J. D. William, editor a the Ohio State Wool Gs-macro’ Journal. and Samuel Arc-liar, til Nlsnqmi ~~-} Eflilllslltloit who lormtuty opcxtmr-: 1 N03‘ 53:: o . ' The Macon County (HL) Show. Specm lllspntch to the Global-lleiitocml. D1t(:.\TUIt. Int... September 21.--Tlio Macon County Fair oponud hero today with A grand harbocuo dinner on the struunu. om: mile west oitliealty. There is ulr-may II. this f.US|)l1\¥0l stuck on the ¥l’OI1lldl. and evcrytltlmz )l’0IlJ so flfltilidlfl-lhlll tiou. ‘the weather that is da- itlii o . '1 ha Nebraska State Fair. Bpeclhl Dispatch to [ht ulotm-Democrat. . -OMAHA, lt'i:is.. savtcmbor 21'.-—-This attend- anoa at the state. Fulr_,to~dtty- wan uttiuuiatlly largo tax-'.t‘uuiidny. And cttrpontaro were lion: bitty, pmpnrlng‘ ittltiltionnl nocoinmodittlanl. on rctttwns tho titmmntl lOl‘.lPtt0B~ Evotytliitzg it lined up. and still they ‘ounce. lit the 3: nee.‘ Biuclr out took out tnonay in three §j'o_r_Me.n', Youths, Boys an eds, Cheviote, Nleltons, el ? Call. and: investigate. lt'=i-iliiilllillllliliin NEWSS. The Pretender} Biauclers Arrive at Jacksonville. 0 “x . . . . .‘ \<iNti1.t.l.. 11.1.. . The -.\‘F“'“l’lUK" li:l'l’lt-'0! tsioiiouitty Court til Eslorgnii ..‘.rmniy O)-Clllfil yutii.ou.luy, Judith E. 1‘. Kirby rr‘o-titllt-;;. 'l'hm'o xix‘-1 tsttvt.-t-it)" 9"“ C"“3“ on tho'o:ity-two xl(:t1plu'U castes ntitl filly-tlircn: on tho ulvil attic‘ of tho doc!-'-1t. 3105301 tho peonie's ctw.-at um lctr vloltitmu of tho Stare liquor lnw. J. V. R-:cltir, oi Nitlltiln. Iain. ,xt-no is ht.'l'(' on it visit. to Ill!’ his Ioruler llulaii;-, W113 :t.rt‘t-t-lull rm a. dlnptriuti from smlttliu. }‘t‘la(Ul‘ll:ty, cii:uL:in1.v liitn._wltli litwiiitz ubttiintetl :3‘: uiuiI.~r Ital-in pra- tt.-tisezt t.t unit tilttcu li:It':I,)'. '1‘1nitiltpa'._clt atutcd tint). tltu pxtopur ulllt.-t.r would on wtitwltlt rt neqtilalilmi for him. _' trugllaltlfllitblll ruultcttiattt wits ('l’\'t|l!!t1 on out- at -out this ttiorniiiu by tho ttpptrnrnttc-o oi the C(5ltSb|'i\ll:d Alcxuntltir 5lt>Gro.:<‘lrtsitd WHD. who wore rt-cdtitly<i in .\t:brttnl4is (or old mutt 114.-iioltor ttnd wit-:. Mr. 1-‘t-ucliltlttlt-r, uter- twcr oi the County Pour Lluusc, t‘t.‘L‘-OXIHDMI titmtt -_t.. ,\l¢(,:t-.-tzor amu mic, who were in lilo Cputity 1‘ouriluu.~mduritt;: the winter ul_lii.‘.!. ',|‘iiuy any nu,-y nut-u W_lUkt'.XI item from 1-acu- tuotti, hub. jrliuy tlVl(ll.'.ll.H)-' denim in gain titl- lsglun to tho. l'out- llmmz, ts'ht.-rt; .tltriy can in the wixtt.or.1u )l|‘| utzrc-uiblo lllld pit-not-tit tttnnitur. ltut 113 they um natal’ lliu clan: of <-ltlzons wt: want hum, tliuy wii notaho "tu.l:cn in uguin. but omit un utoir wit - l‘l.‘](l[C1lll{. Hon. Jtutxtrs A. Control! ', . l)u'tt'lct At- tnruuy tor tliu soutlicrxi ll .-.Ii'it:t oi Izllitolw. dc- llrorctl ts imlititrnl ttdtirm-u tit tho Uportt lluutse to uni: oi the ltuuzent lLt1(ilt:llL'¢.1 of mo wasott. Mr. timin-illy'ts ntldnerm with one ol thv tun.-it bt1lli:uit. nntl cuitvinulng that hits lit-en deliv- crotl lit-tum tnultcpubilcl-uh hum uurim: the prmtoiit outnilnltzii. _ Trio Klllllldl Cuii:lrt.~i'icu of tho 3!. E. Church for thisdluiricl-. which hits: been t-lttlniz ht Dan- vilxo. in this ritnm. riecutttly. Among others. intttlti tho l0HUV\‘lI|[( itppoiutmexitiilur tho ou- tmiiii; )'1|:It‘: , Prusidltig Knit.-rol Jttcksonville Distrlct~—l’.cv. Gun. $lt:V<|ml. ntlfldlllcllurj‘ Uiturch, Jncxiottville. ltov. Hot-nco ‘ti . Grttct: Church. ltev. W. H. llhsbalcr. 1!roukiytiCl.ut'cli, ltcv. W. 1:‘. am-nill. Jztt-lt-mtttllto Ulrt.-nit, ltnv. J. 1'. Dlntiiiltt. \\'eit't J:lt’kw1Jl1\‘“1!.’, llov. Wm.-M. ltcttd. Nottli Jll(:'£Sllll‘Vl|l0, ituv. W. X. ltuuedgo. somli ..luukt«tiivtllu,- llo.ttr.1_J.'- U. ilurxuiii. A1101 tho ttppptntcuu tire ‘well known in this cnuuutinlty, and LI()_t.lLllJ05I glvo oiitlro satisfac- tion to tho resident. in-tttlxrott. , Z151‘ lrr. wills. cmcl It-.:nailtuW yr-suzrdhy l‘t5Gl:lV’0i1 ti. telegram gmmaitut-lll mutt rn,.m,., ox rinriiiiznultl. ll., requcii-‘"8 11"" lo at-rot: litlwzud Crowley. who its wnn“~‘'1 0" 5 Vrlinltinl Cll$1‘.'1.‘.'. The telegram two ti.‘-‘0lUl>1°"~*duscrlpticnt at tho mttri triiuted. ‘itizly I“ “W finornoon Oillcur Zimiuorimtn mu across W13 mfliilvn at the Poet Olllce. '.I‘.lio :1.-mite!‘ Mmlowludxod that he wits Cmwlo . K... 3...... in. r...,. ,......o 3.. Grok, and wllllnu ,- uccotiiiilllllcll tho ulllutrr to the It ap- pears that Gyt-t. who lives in bprlngtloln, with an 1118 aim at mrirn-lng, siolo acow belon nut to his tnothor and acid it to as lititahcr. mt. Gyot truceu this tstulun mllcln-r -and i-oclninmtl it. tho putoiimmr xtmdlly giving it up. _:I‘]1l! Ut1l(:Il0r Il1t9lIliW0l‘0 out it warrant llitnlnll 1->'t:% lot‘ (rand. Gym got wind 0! tho turn 01 thing: mid nun, om ~ to ho cttptur-— related above- Ht! will be til on to Sp:-lnglluld to-diiy. 4 Yesterday iiomi a man itlvitig hi: name tux flunry Knoll called at the pollen nutrition 1Il1(lN!~ prirted thltt litt lttzu-been robbed by some train l[lt.‘110!I tho Ohio and M1|IiBalDD1]lfi1lf0&tl. Ao- cordlntx to his 910 . his wok _iuish-,:e on ti. lrtnizlit train at V’ nccunos. lio pnssuge prttvml quiet until the train |'(‘.l10ll0t1 ii. point between untoyvlllo and East 8:. Louis. wliun I-Inch utusct upon by two 0! we britltutnnn ts-hn, alter tiiitlnt: it-om him it vtuunliln (old watch. kicked him all the brain. Another pus- le'.|Il{t:1‘. ntsniud Adam Sitiitli, with robbed by tho tiunuo putting -01- 5 onnll and put. all the train. Mr. Koch did not know his itliaitlltititu. but furnished the ixillcu with an .'|COlll'BIB‘d0SCI“lDU0ll 01 I119 ras- ctil». Uillccrrs 0'.‘lell and Hardy were dotttuod to ittvu.~itixuto the matter. and tmnrohonti the utility uartloti. Alter an hour’: dllltzontitenrr.-ii they found tnu inttn at tho liohi)‘ Depot. arrest- etl rind look them to the sttrtion. Tlioy ttnvo tlmlr uttmcs as Jnnu Scott and Albert ht-nnody. limit or them dcniod tho oititrgo. but on being mm-t.-lied this atolon which was [mind in their iirw-nssloii. '1‘ltt~ were tlilton bolero Jtiutlco utttttttg-_ mid in. A piclluiltirtry oxnmlnttilun. 1‘L'nl1|llll¢ in both being bound civter to tho Grand Jury. In dcltuiitul $302! mill each. HWY wot-o reuiuitd-;:d to the Jul] at Bulluvill-t. Br. tziuttmts. - [litrglurslinvo limzti opal-nun): boldly in the cmittn-yalmttt Et.UIiitt‘il.ui I'IIi.;lll1!.l§'. On Sun- dnv nlcht tho roxtltlotu.-9 of \l:lllutn Bltfklrlfito Willi uutmeii l1l|llt\lill<J1]t'iVIJll'Y mid 81”“ “W1 .~llvui- voin tttkun. Wliun tit» llllI:‘t_'(:3 tlollllrltltl tltuy loll. the duo: upon and a liultvy hickory club uitiiitliiii: lit-siriu it. . izitv. an-. Uht‘bltl't| rt.-nldoncu was nl-in l’lllI~ snot.-ml lIlI(IlUlI\)I.'l10lll§5 bill and nnlclos oi uiiit r Yltltlo. Jt ;:.- I-.‘tiv.-imlt itainurnod the Ulrcnit Court _\'n_4|t5ulny in the xuvutitlu.-r l4!l’i‘tl,WllnIl tlilrtcexn cttiu.-t til the Tnwn oi Klrkwood vs. GBOFKB .\titt:ntultIi. ink--n tm clinnxo or venue tram St. Louis Ctllllll)‘, will‘ be tried. Tlirtto ctiscn iii- vnlrlnu tho'fllL'$Kll0i!u yet to be tried were do-clued. at the mini Jmit closed, rtguinatt tliu low-ti nl Kirkitotiti. uttynr Allied lstomthroukter rind '1‘. 1*‘. Dear- mnit liztvo gmtu to liutnuut City to rttttsiul the Mitesutlrl ltlvnr lnitirovteiiitmt Convention. Judxo \i'tcklnmt ison tlln_billtt lot it. arveoc-h to-nlxiit at Portage Dklll tiluux. in St. Clizirlua County’. L 2%?- A.\1U'Sh:.'tli'.‘.'.\' 1'5. OLr'ui'1c.-Gus Wllllnitis him :3 larger hO|1l(l than over lint night, and Our German senator vnta received with every mark of upprolutlltin and eiijnyttiotit. The contra, rocltatiottti stud lunnyluimi in the play are ltatlcllglitinliautureso and thaw tho comcdiitn tender: in I clover rind aklnx way. There will 1)» no matinee to-dnyt but Our Gcru-inn Senator will be plttyutl again to-nluht. 1’o1'r.'n.—Unclo Tom‘: cribin mom: to have A hard imp on the popular heart. It in drawing crowded house: to Pope’: Tliuater every alter- ‘noon and evening, and nrotnlaett to do an ottormotm bmlnenis at low prfcos (luring the week. ‘lino transformation noon at the close of tho lay in tutnlt.-ndid place at artistic work ironi I o lirnali oi Ernest Albarz, the new pututor tit this house. his tut itlctillstlc calenliul scene In brlgutcolors. and when viewed in the ttlnrool Gm:-.1r11io hi it mvialtttion oi splendor and glory mph unlit oolitmn M3511 upon the nitrate. Giuim Urztu llovsx.--Ilmnpty Dumnty is playing to vary good buutnnu at this theater. Thu clowns. the trick! and tho apoclttlty paoplu "ammo and iiitemut this audience: providing an cxculluiit omurtalunitent. For the iiiuitiiog Ito-d:iy,_tnn'prlcoo oi ndnil.-anion hnvri I_)'l‘.’RRg"'t;x_ tttfltitidtio cont: tho pgr_i'o‘qJi,g5fidmu_ tended npucirtllcy; oi!-" ' . . 2‘, T _ _,.., in map has an unusually nt- crlglvo bill this week, and gives a mittlneo to- dhy......Mlu Addie Llylnmlton. lust wuon cu. xngot! at the Olvmulc, in now playing with the "All con-eel." combination. wlilclttls thinking a tour or litmus: towm......1litm Lizzie Priest, tlia pianist. glvol D/031' grtmd concert at Metamu- tile Librnry llttll to-niltht. when she will plity tmzmt or her most brilliant-neiectlomi. and be Illahtlad. by excellent lutntl -mu-tlcul utlcnt...... Air. Chas. I'oiw.~ol 1’opo's Tlicttlcr, on cut down the unit nee llfiomt. lloronitor tttluilulmt tlcimla tor either the-Wodnuuday at Saturday matinee: can be had iorzli or -60 coma. and re- scrved tents for 75 -ovmta. Wlietlior the othor l|1lIl€!‘fl.WH| join the mnvomant to ponulurize matinee: can not be- said just now. Mr. I’. Biron, the Olympic Treasurer told the 01.03}!- Dnuociur reizortoi-lust ttlttu that the Grand» Opera House and Olympic |DU‘1IX6!11(!nC‘lIl\(1 iievtir‘dinotiuod lowering tlitftlriooa. but he could not pcaitlvulf ulata what might tie tlonts. Hnxuer rtorton to t tho city yustet-day on«l:ual- non. £Lfl(l__lVlll not uttirn until the and at the weak. llunaxnr Bpnldlnz in in .‘{ovr York. and wil_lnot,bo hem until-October 1. Atltutriotu utxrtiittit hauls; Wild Irltilimiut poo-oitd. - wttr would make‘ tho opening 0! the union tfariiety of.éiyles"arzti1'quali. d'Children., in the greatebeft tfy, from. the Cheapest} to 3 ilie Finest Goods, consisting. of Cassiméres, Worst- c'., etc. The best assorted stock, and-at lowest prices of any house in‘ thecily. 1io'm0UBLr.' TO SHOW arm (loans 2, .1‘. ‘V.-3v.1\‘t' Nontt-if1*rt*..-.a.zs::£:t, 3’Ia,.:1a_g-er, ¢¥l‘*‘*““llL'h‘1"|*:tt'.stllist to utnusntwent 3-.n.'.ronI.V ‘ Mu.-elzvl dist must: to :1 4:-1-am Tribune {min l’Ittitburx,;, p-_»._, m..3¢.,.'.?_..,c (,‘{‘§,cp_ teittbur 2o (.\lnna?n_v),'sm at Fritz l~2.~nsuec wig! in town El)-(Illa. ti.-mil: as ttaiiiztl. lit. .,..,. gmcd. to ltfl rmrttt '.*:c-slim: to-nl;;ltt. but tillhough lit: )0 t lnrthtit city. the chttm-es m7u aim: in -will not be an hand. 11.: looks -t-ct-y .....».1T 1.“; . -« . "““*1'-‘—"~1 "flitudt.xn" or played-our com. —----._..-..... Thts Census Cuiiinilttce. Thu mntxtiittceuwnititptcd at )lcx.-a:-.a, slug lluut, Jrtu-.e.-s U. Brnttrllttmn and G. A. ‘x‘lnl;c1n. btlrizei-'!=o amuo mes:-nt to the zwcn,-titty oi the interior and Snxicrititr-itdcttt Wttlkur cer- tain liicti ooiicertilng the comma. rtmi npun whicli will l‘C‘Uli1$£'.d it drriitmd for .1 imw cnum. “'t'u|llIllglOll next week. owing to tho pressing buxluyrut mltr‘n_ otnonle ni Mr. llrmtdhcuti. '11:: cminnlttou wit lm nrtued with voluminous sta- t1u_tl_clI nl Mt’. WlIlli.tli.i3' at-lmnl cumgug in E73, 0 (which it mun 0! one to tire was caicttlutcd ‘0 3*‘ M7 Hm imiitilgttluti, mid which is borne cu;-by the villain! concur ul 1370. Mnny 01.1193: irttrttt xtytl llxnrca will be liroiiultt to tho tttten. Wm ‘"1-“G1-’|‘0=I1|’3' 5I'1lttr7.. and the cmnmitt-ea 1! sanguine that rt new cunsuu will his gruitttid. A Red-Vvhixllercd Slim-pt-.r. For a long: limo pits‘. l,‘nlon Depot hm bean liaontt-d by rt wt~ll-dmstuil, rcd-whlaek-mzu and nlly-tonu'ut~d clzlllldoitro man, with whose tltm.-.t1ptl'ori thét tli:u~c-tlvcs hrivu alum bison lurnlthetl‘ ‘by t-lctirniztzd . it-twcz. rs. but whose itt-rest tht.-3' litxvo been unrtlzln tn (sift-ct. He was licrtrd from again night liclnroltut. About 9 o'clock, inn our of tho Knm-u.a City siuti Xurtliorn Itottd, he met Mr. John Snltlnr. it wt.-ii-to-no {at-tmer it-out Itlluuitt, who win on his ten ' to Cltsirittslon, .\.lo. Ho struck up an iicqiitt ntnnce with the farmer. mud. ttttcr tho ustmi ttr¢1im|mm...._ um». rowed slit‘. :4: pay it lrulgltt bill. tilting in menu- rlty whnt purported to be it $1,000 Gm-erinnent bond. The security, nt course, was vIortl.lmu', and the Silo him no: heart seen tslncu. ’-‘either has the icd-witlsltgzmd sharper. Police Board. Atyectcrd try’: mnotiiii; oi the Police Board it was ordervd th at all or the mcontly ztpiittinwd specials be promoted to the rank at full patrol- man. to turn t.-llcct {tom September]; mm, tlttu all unclaimed property be sold at uuctton this morning at 10 o'clock. :1: Block & '1.‘ylL-t's ouc- tlqn house. on Pine street. President Green, of the Fair J\24S0(.‘lI\!i(Ifl, sskod tho Bonrrl to swnnr in thirty srtrclstl ntllcurs for duty at tho grountltdnrlitgtliu Fair. Gntntod. ' ' Thu qtimillon of filling the vacancy lnr ll Ru. golint in the Second Dutrlct witalndcllnituly poatuoncd. Iv ......____..__........__ The Gundcker inquiry."- It wns expected that Jurlxo Wickham would, bcloru thLa. have published 3 statement con»- cur-ning the means used to secure his nomina- tion totuludge of the Court of ADp0lll!,’|.Illt 8.! yet. he has not seen proper to do so. The tak- ing at dcpnalilonu has ccllsed ior they pnsnotit. And the Juutro hits had no opportunity til b(f[IX'fl nmitd in this case, and therefore must turner wliatcvor tllscrodit mu)‘ attach to him lty reiwoti at the revolution: made. 114: was ‘(not in the street 6.$Ct:1’d!l)’ and taken I! no did not intend to pubilsli II card, and lit: maid. no bullut-ad nnt. [Ia Itdtled that he prepared It ethtenimit mttio time: ago, but hit! lrloudg udvinudlxlin not to publlnli it. mid so he hurl mtnzilnod nlluztt. Euchre. A qmmr .t..\’swn:m:D. To the Editor or tho Globe-Ilernocrltz - .. tn‘. Louis, éieipietnlmr ':l.—-In n tour-lunuietl game til l-Zuchru can the tlottlcr "play It nlunu" utter Illa pnitner itriiiotinneti that liuiwtll "cm- tiiat."7 An ztnnttat will greatly ointm- - Ax 01.0 Suiiscittnsit. A. No. - - No Ono can Breathe with San-ty Air linprognttad with the seeds at!-cveratid nu-tie, tin- lesd prnvliled wluin medicinal mftxuanl nxxltul the rulnutu disorder. ; Tint time-honored and highly uucilutied ptzvt-ntlve. lIo.'otctlEt"I Stonntcit lhlitm, bu won by mfrll tliu ilrist plticit anion; rm-zllcinnl preparations olan tuill-spttnttimila action. and ll pu- tlculnrly Cb1¢l'I!\l'.d in lucitlltltzt where the H‘t>lll'}.'l: oi lover nu-i agile it most H-rrn-ly it-It. A ctzllntt of this bttnlgu rt-mt.-.d3r lttvuinbly rynulu in ext.--llltig all (nice: or the lelanlu virus (win the iystetn. an-i at tlic medlcliie is purely botnulc and tree It-om All tielt.-u:rl- OLII |l'|R‘l'€ldlt*.ll|3. it in tntwh to be prrtfr-rru.i In uitlulne 0l’O|1|nl‘|H’L‘.-(tl‘ll)t.‘l] rein:-div.-1. tliu t-! v-I l!iil\‘.'l ll temporary. mid \t' itrv: calcutzlul tn 'irml-xrn lI1lil‘> tut nit:-r L‘H('_I;}5 Ac 3 ionic and silent: t-u llit' llltlt-n nus Illl‘.‘(|l1>]l‘ul‘-INC. I-iriltyuirt llto aiysttiiii amlttu illn- rzuelnntl rr‘KliI.lllI|R its v loin iniicittim with - t-riatl.iiy Ind npmt-lli_\ . in elite art: not Irnusiiar; . lnit per- nunent and \.lL'\ThI\‘?: .‘z. BITTERS RADE MARl_( MALTT ‘x ‘-. \ ‘ . ~LEF:l'I.l-IL-‘S .\.\'n )ll’.I.l\Ni’lllOLY.——'i’u v union [lIIlI\Ii\.‘?1 nl lit lirlttxs Mluier peace not‘ rest. A'u;t,.i.ittet1 to 1 II iomiru or tukelulnus tutti do- utOh(I('1l€ . the victim to! Imtoinnla pun f(H’llOtlD- tor oilyllu it. for any torment but that whit-.h he an- .*'.'.'m~. “"'l"“‘l."‘l"‘.§’t“l' ":"* ‘:.'r°3::'.°‘..°. ‘°:a:a.*.t:; IAII wu . u it it o : Ilraln on this menu] and liyuiul iforct-it can not,c<m~ tlnne. Win: shttll be until’ Abandnt_t__5l“1-;f'}3t§, temndlet nr 5_ll‘.t!£ll1[fi‘ll!ll|l"'l._};!'7”w/fig“ um ha“ 3'55'“Tl‘7- 3”” '“ '“.‘}?.MI'rfitutl and ninth thened ‘"4 '7'" °‘!'.¢’.Kl\-I will mlurn. And with It c et-rial-. P)'.!|€l'{« calm. o ucampllab lhln gr:-tmorlt no inndlcina or food in the tvuittl no coo» entail‘ contain»: the en.-mv-its necu.'ur,\' to mecca u :1. LT Bl - TEIIS. wh ch ro tenured wlthntlt tqrrneuiittlait from Camtiiaii 11.-\ll‘I.E2 _h'0|1l the o..ti~u-darn urged agaluu malt llquon. Auk inr'.\i;tr.'r l'1t1'l'tB3 pnpared by the 11.41:: Imi- TKA21 tiuniuxv. and me that etc bottle burs tho Trim: 11/uut mutt. duly llfllc and niclotutl in true llnuuuticulticttt. _ Mum Bl'I'I'}2ll8 arc «or side mt -ll llrunm.-. OCEAN STEAMERS. A)tt2lllU.L‘¢ L131: for Qttecuntortrn. II In 98 ll .- 0 “tr L:-W t'l'e Lt in mm t.«?£?°;§t§'I’na“'i‘.‘l§a adult‘ Hug, ‘stun’ gram. min: "on uuriuu Yodiiudnyt. n llTl§;I CRO .‘U..u...._S-llllrdl]. INDIA. A.l.1.(m.._.. .lYeél:‘:o'Ia-1. Ham. 2!. "AN...... ..... n,v.§l:&t..é5,°l '. ' '1: rot: urrw It it wants §%'iit:'l'¢" A‘ID' J alum?“ ' .v¢g§;';‘gu" ;‘l)'”'"“.'..'::‘.xeI3:l*rg:;: km“. nu win int 30 '$tgduuiItxQ§LPhihd§lp§istt‘.(_k‘_. .3 oration of the city‘. pnpnianon, “-11; um 30 ,0, ' MALT And H0111. Anti are {no , Hunt. 15.)! I. in. . . dnuda . . .i§t:u rung ocuiger i. 5 :2 In. .4. > rt within a law ‘ attun- ll otnur intonation Agflyto = ' ea=ho#=mnoytoi1t'tu'_t}l9y. would _ '_ttnd~ht:i:t't.:ii6vIliot:‘tl ttf theta". . -_ w‘ 'unanItuou:_tiy~ . ‘ txhl&u'.1ev$ry-'n'nmMr'.h9m om”-ta Ian. M155» ' . Rinlfntxsd O.-~W\tia:1Iad¥l"m Datum, cdtotltawtsbiattt.‘ . ' “¢mlm'; yrt'n'xji_ly, ,1l't:X:i:t1z_itt_.V mot’ may Jflchml 7 5£_$_c’ci_r_.ln tibnié front-vsumo say£bu¢.a‘;sniai:b.gx‘n+:l£t.u—' . A .. dil_iat:'r-’I_ht-Jt"ts‘iiniil.l pant»:--flutes. ' m-.1-$mll_i-ntit :P!im:}ll2tt H--n-i'aro.iu:l£i\ i.n~.s__t evening in me any wards oompotinx tho Second Con’ g1't:ts!t)n>11'Di:strlot. .101-,li2o't I1:-itltgnttes to the Oon'vantlqu»Io-nay. ‘Hwy wow "item-.ralJy=inrgaly utceuu§a.nnd their uniting ciazsznct or hjtnllv I0‘ tottltin tltemtgpendea report. '.i‘i:o-context bu- "I‘¢6tt'.Eitt3 ream.-otlrefndilvrunia at Aiaaxru.~.Ito;ten- butt and C1’nwIha.!r1rx3-_-ttctlfo-ltt the an-«ma. Ind with the tnrmcr-‘ rxotnal‘-m-at thbmwvirdt-when rival ~mm:tinIrI' were'hu:i<t=unn=covztemng.deic;ttt.tnna uni. up. 3tr..1im.<:ntaiatt ‘would appear to have .uecnrod— inoiudinu the township tlaiegniions lnatruntoti 10: Elm km citaocn in his intercu-{arty-tnrso votes, or one ids: mun 'ttnom:h I9 num- innto him on link ballot. The numimr o'l contesting delegations. whose voice can ttoarceiy be ¢:nmider'ed-until tho Conllnitlgrttorl cxotltmmils and -the Uolwontinn act upon them. pt-otnisu t.o"lt.flti tut intent-Irma .it~.m1.axe to the proceedings. . The (fotlvcntion utmumhlr.-9 at Ttll'i‘lm‘ llltll at ll o'r:iot'1: this morning. It will be comxzosed oi eighty-tmvon tlel_ gates. * nu; irznarxvlnn. , The tnotttlnu in mi» tumi wit: It most dim?- durly Linn.-tnt:l'.tgn. In incl. It could ucnrltniy be cult»-ti ‘Q mofitiflk. Pkttltklng largely in llm_ clutttnt:ItIr'oi tmmub. n which the ctllorotl elu- mout. iurxul ’ pr-rdomimtttsti. At tthunt 8:50 o"ciuc-it ‘Sir. olut Illtisoii, tat tho ct-ntrul Cum- mitwe. unllctl the nwt.-tiulz to unit-er, and mu zwrnceutling to explain the order oi luminous whnn (5-:u. I‘rantit:u,cn)arud, It Crnwslmv mun. utountcal ti tabla in iron: at Mr. ling-tmti and i nmct-mien to tmruugm: rho omwtt and puttn ' numirultlnn lot Ulum-nnxu ui .l )0 muttting‘ lit. Inorntzisl. A large Ci.'t'.$iS‘ll col pol. 0H:l1 people took. pt-nl!M.‘lilIit.ll| or ,-Lin: nlntzol-in occnpimi ‘ivy biv. liiahoif. and Ill txrxltm to west: -at mica. )1r_g}rinc<:ti n rnx.-.i.u§l:e;ll:m. Air. nlshoii -mnxlu a futile attuznptmpremrrn or-lltsr to continuous mp- plug on thn mum in trout o imn. but hug:-mt: Fatal: upin aomnir anti took hits aunt. Gm. .l'h0ntxr'.tuti, another ocolurad wan tur Craw- unuv, gut upon tin: tnbio occupicu by 1'i‘I:ntit.'B anti met-ctitrd to my-kn it spmscil. lie was ‘mine on ma tublo by w. B. uglui, m-mm-.4. u iaunnluu uum, and till tiiren vn.roJ,;,-ylnxto mum sp'wi:t.t.\.-t Ill-' thu ulna time. It tutu clllrgttli liltii‘. n nuuib(_sr oi Artie: nruzts-.nt. were lpotnocmts (hylom llvztl mceru) nnditau no _l.vn1lnt:n at lino mmmnu. This nlmost. pt-u~ tiuocad n collision l.-utwtmn several Attica, which was only &'vorttrti by the protnp nt.-lion oi the ptilictt. Air.‘U. W. Soiltenlztel and uevornl other wllltttcitlzonu ttppeuiutl to tho ltluntlm: to I): mint and _])!DC0l‘.d to htuinosa. but without an i, ill ten or flliiidfl cuiortld man and anv- urai willie YIIGII verslstod in trying to talk at tilt: lama time. Tim tsiutirtutm, to an: out 0! the (lilmtlntn, declurud the mouth: uiijnurnod, and proceed- ed to nnutht-r room to nrganizo tau 1 met, uln- maumu nun um noisy t-ieuxeut culled . nx tinni- Eggt to the chttir, anti ulucted "I'hutn_a:s Nooxlan nlmry. A mtzctin was quietly orgnnizmt in the din- ing hull. w vh air. it. ll. D373 as Citnlrtxtqn and Ituutm. liimhrough all Set:NS¥l{ti‘)',, bulut'0- it notxiu procood to Helen: tI(.‘lt.""fAl(s8 tlm crowd that lmi cmuteti the nruvioun tumult tletert-.-ti Gntutmrt. and nmwtlnd into the dining hall. Ilera um previous sauna: wuru ru-enltctupi; tun 0l‘lliiiot~n coltlrod uznn Wttro trying to speak at the Illllld time; crlutlmttlunxt nnn rtmrimimtv tlons Wm'e1l1dlllK|!d in. and it allot-nl tut.-lue wI.I,itnxntuent. Mr. Dyu metal! [iii ntuioat eu- tloavtmo to [)I‘l5K6I'\'6 Uftltll‘. but lntllull to do an, and nnnouncuti the meeting ailjoutnud until to- day. A nanggorily of this coimjeil men in nttmulunca Itupu t d to be lot‘ Urnttnslmw. but the ltmcn-_ bitttt culorud men npptmrail to he ntlilor livuly. and buttvc-on thus two lnutionslt WIN invtrti to determine which man the mast Illllflflifiil. It will buldlyumrtcd that it numbur oi I) cnttn worn on hand innitixtttlm: tho ,,tnmnit. out when tim than making tins tmtettlm: was cetllml noon to point. tlmtn out D1! lulled to du no. The meeting will moomanc tit 5:30 n. in. twduy. mount) wutn. Tilui muozlng had been l1lIllDlllIt‘Qi.l to he held nttlzu lmpotlai ilttll. Bil Cllritlty avrzuuo. at 8 _:).w. .’l.hout at imli hour attrllvr ll. .1. .i/ux. mtstnber oi tho Comzrueuslonnl (',‘mmnlttcc, called the lzulilerirnttt) order. W. W. l.tohln- aon tum made i‘rctsidont and ‘VIII. I-lllizt i'lv.!ct't:- airy,‘ and when the lmuutlxltttt {wallowing llIAl'l.'l)(‘d. in [rum Ciutrllu Stttrite'u, lit:-y itntnn tiuttuoailul lmtl alrusuly bur.-n utiten. Lonli yelling nud contusion tttmuud while the vottkaz Vl‘Q.'J’0 um-lug Lmtutioti, mu! nu.-vuntl ll;:' BVl:I'l§' chuckled by the puiico. Junu ltiuiq, tzuntnll Culnmlttceumnn trout Kim wnnl, nttompwd to tiiilllb up on ILIB tnble and mu uncermnoulcnlxly thrown to ma tluur. Tho ltmmnhiutt man than fl':t'e<.l nut, nnnonnt~ln;: tint: tiny wonlti nu" urn to :«l.':trkn'u, mad I) l',‘mw- shnw tiet'lm't:ii t:lot*.tts<t,tl:t~.rv.-. iiumtr xmnta "' in the hut. Tho it-llowlm: art: tin. dainuttlea: C. J. Fax. W. V. lltttltrtigo, l-‘n-ti Knox». 1.. A. DL:ltt.-rich, Jttnmst llolma, J. lt.n3"uiorr. uuuh mtmu wliolt: num- ber at voles Glut. :06. ‘Int: urttmz slum. . - Amuch ietnzur uueuuug titan tltr: tire:-Nn.llnx.' wuss ht-ltl iumn.-dnttvlt‘ «item: at Clmrim Sharks’: nioon. all Ullrlaty uvmmu. A llllllurd-tzlhln was n.~x.~d lot-_u tttltuti, nnu Mr. \_l»'miiun;.;tun was elected Umlmnnn and Wm. ?~(u.1roA titty. ’1'lxe ioilowing ilcltot. uIIt'lt.'r:1|00tXl()l)t! tut 111‘).-ttetiblllii.'. I‘-‘(3t:l'&‘t.lil the hill Vuluuf the lmuw: ll. .I.’i‘fldl(HZtl‘d. Dr. ,1. C. Y.-trnnll, Cluut. bunny Mix, W. 5.. Evans and John 'r1t.t7m WARD. The Third 't\'ttt'tl tn-.~otim(. in paint oi interest and spirit. oxcemltid all (".£l)¢!(lIl\‘H\‘)i|. An 01:- tsbxvnr would have iikuntvti it to 1 love-{mutt oi tnn.l'xnnacrttcy. tor it little! run-tnhlmi at math- ttrinz of lion-ubiicttnts. Ifivury inch at 40306 wtut tttitun um. slot: with probtthly imtl nuver buitwc beau uctztt in tin turn were cumtplounusly on l.nun.l. 'l.‘1xex‘e tiara two txiniutnzliizx {actions tho mm udvocatlng tho ltmenblntt lniarcsl nuul the utlmr Cmwsllnw‘tt cnntiltlatttra. ltuth oi them pnckati thszlr Iollovrinsz: Funk: (mnwny, ux-Co-ntnaitimumitteoymlu, Philip atztlnm and Gen. Mlaznt led the .l"t‘ttnIlfln ttvenuu om-pob timtit-r's iill‘Cl..‘tl, and this other aide Wu litan- tttcod by Wm. Lirtcir, Clerk" oi "titer E-‘toenail Dis» Inc! lmliéc Court, Autawst oi .ll'.n.v.en- l)ir1it'q..t'it.-‘rlus, and N!\'t!i'ld youtint. .t‘l'nn$: (.‘uuwu_\'. tut tfuttgrcnsluttatl (.‘()mtnitli-.+3- mlut, mod to call the moth: crowd In orsms, inn: did not lttlly mcueuu. he buzz nmi hum of emlverultlou and discussion nmuntr tlm cm-Ml tmuia I uenitenlvxg noluo. Mr. Stnmm pltti.'.ut1 tit-on-gt: Fmdcriclt in nom- ination in: Chairman. ' Mr. Link numlnntotl A. S. Iinnpptrr. Tim tmtu:-lnnce iucruaauo and uxolwmant run ln,.:lx. Motion nit»-r Inotktu was nnum .m.lllue. ya.-its, cinema anal .lmsm. l"ltu\.l|y a yzvg. Vtxi Vuto Halt I-ttkclt on the nuulttxliliolls. but the conlu.-ion was no greztt that tho presiding omcer on net t|u.iti).ltl L0 ctitterulilie Irllh‘.-h shin wt“ in the mujzirlty. On it ttlvililon oi _ that itouua, Knapp:-r um! ydctrlarod altzctctl. 'I,'ixi3 mu tilt; lint victory for tho Itonmuhllttt intnruut. A ilv-my wrnnala omtttld ovur Hid uwction of 51 ieooxtetltry. but harmony wuss l§(t¢:llI’0tl by M'9ier!l~ imz two awrotarlou, one lruul mtcu uldc~.l':.-tar Berger nnsi Otto Syria". ‘file unzltntzxtion bring comploto the actual buslneua: oi the tnet.-ting crauzttsatzcnil. Ymnk Conway ttuuuunceti thtxt the call ‘int-iueimi tin- eiuctlmx at in Congressional crinuttlttmmasn in xlaeo of hitusoli. lie than ttominntatx Ptlllig) mmm. llollol nutninnpucl Adolph Iihlt-.-rt. Tuna vote wits viva vucn, but pwrod tttt3utt.~>inc- ton to Conwuy and his irlumlu, who tlolntulllmi at 11 vision at the house. -which nueultad in tutor at Enlcrt by, I. large majority. Tun wlcction ot tioiezuta.-u to the Convention win then Imgtm. Amid imuch exnittuctlt. The uymar and coulunluu uruindcncrihui2ic,mtri nuuilmaco tut nuxziy -but an hour,-riunug willch Javorybmiy yoliod and «hunted and nutiuntz mt» l£!.‘t)(;vu!bll:~|I£.*t.L A printed tic-xut which mm boon c:tm.ula.ted orovimn to the opening-.: of tin muting win, upon tnutlotl, tulmi out, being 3. r. liutmfl platted hi» tlclcut in notnimmun. and was lotiotmd by Conurtty. Tim t'ote,wltlcit Hf“ DWI inf 03304”. Occtlltievl nearly" an hour, ‘mind runulwtl inthe olt.-<:t'mn oi the luilrlwiug igmeanbiatt tlelegntea: AA». l(nnpn.,r, 4mm‘ 1;, tlnmtnlulan. Aux. Hohofl, \'l'm. twcilo, John crnndlar. Barnard ztuuer, 1.3.1.‘), pm_;,,_ _gm,,, .8irt:hot , Inuit Philip: ttml.Juhn rut-ry. The tlnnonntxlmcnt ot the vote mu fttccifed with vol-:lit.-mun cinema, that were‘ n»¢m_.m.;¢ when ll::.i::L-li iuvitcti tnu crazed to tuilmirn to ‘Inlet’: uiaota, fourth and Pinon, to partake oi It-;er. -3' . ' Tl'.)t1’u'W‘AIt'rI. , This on one at we Iwboltiat xneetlixn that ooulrl xfoxaibly in hand. It mu milled to ortlcr . 3:5 0 clock by Mr. M. Wugtsnnaau. Uangn-lg- ,.,glm;.al (}oumxltteeumua' irom the ward. llarmsy ',- l)uilc_=)' was ziominutoti Io: phnirtnnn by Mr. , Otto tlolxznoiw, mad Adam Vatebenn l'nnt Onico amgkbw, Wttdvlxlmcd lot the nine Imslllgo by Mr. l}'nli'.', Just ham we lnrui-lo ‘:9lum,tmu 16. tools one lmurtlud I lull to Uiuct I l.'ll-o‘it'man. ialloti. to utwb, nr (lid the nnmlnuiun (-1 Mr. nnnntntcomens to < that Smtrunu » contusion. The the Wcixrr mun‘ 'V0v.'Uf.‘5'&€0d the mu-nu of their ftvtifiwa, and tin: uln ‘be- came (iernieniog. 8:. Daily: uni, Mr. Wotmr both wok tho utmvt tum ettdcuorraci to have the nor.» divided. but tin not-07 trout wauid 50‘ “WV 3073115"? to be txane. The Clair and tluti: Twoaixtl turd: was trying town this tnmi, and Mitttnpiufl to 5 six, but was ma: by arm that has 1v_n.ior_We sun sun :2no~ruIdev.i.. . _ KI. Waite/manna. 1'!» turn in nobody’: in- to;-‘wt,“v_t:;i¢7uu «also: vmvofink, ' ' , n ‘ r.- Hook ‘-9 floor‘ ax ,.tt'ts»ti flruialln We Wheel:-r xautur. Duiieytu lwiui12'.l!lt"rt3, ny- lntt: its but do“ to in ‘times below. ‘rim gmxaaripa‘ hiiiq _:'I‘)_§7‘lilfJAl,§13:8>1I!2.l-5_;.. tiexlegutuaua irom Ibo! foam: and. Inn. ' lhtéfi ~‘-1&:ilve,r¢ . . tlm ntotiony ‘(us a: rretitiant 'u:_twe¢'_1ii ' tum‘ -‘Ill . noflinoan. ’.lL.‘: . “niili'mt 'ChnI'I¢i Dan» :dz$tize(co1orou).,:.ud .:-tit. olttlueyerxxwore . .numml. —'1"no"ctowd re u'.n,BrIwd'»lnto-11'0" - __itrtiu.t. sta'n’tiing_;_xlmnIt.lnc«t‘ z-Mum. uouticrt-*: itti_mz.ttna tauntlnar ttlluh- arbor;-‘,,a'nd voilinz ‘{l.h\tloy'._”nnd '*3Yut:cr.'--‘G.-It tn: lonmi im- . ‘IIOI<tIibie"!~0 cum» to any re.sult.,’n Ginlr-. mttnsne;-mien tlnruthe pniico Dt'elotI,b'tll,I§t: the dtvlslamwnluh ympotlilon was mat with VI1d3h¢_0tI1lK,'t1(5rll!\‘O lnu¢h_tor,nn_d' continued cans 'ur.n!Da"_l¢y‘vl. _. _ .. ._ I. 2.». ;_. N1.-. Wlagonmutut. tau-Chairmitn A(tl!r»_lOm0 dt.'4lfi.}'.'£T! unoo-1 thsttti_tot¢li_ors ism dictum, thatz..)Ir.' tmr was tlhutnnan. :tn‘d_=I.tent thaup. roar hm loom more :-turrilalytitau «var. tho ,.D.5l'llfl]" mun-:'cnilitu¢«»to. each" other to tttotvm’ luxuler proceeding: ‘in ’nilout_l_nf. Wtlber climbed up on At r.-hnlr,'~_\vax' tn Inrhlm to be heard. nia voice being roamed by the uwttl ttolxu nut: hlsaoa. Ill:-nun-.3 wait! 11% that heart at tho} (‘:ram.lhtuwj_ miter; and D1tiloy‘s~-irlenttu-olsjacttld tohtm on that ground" and refused to horn-l n. Attm-tho xlllfllll-|llg.llB(l Somwltttt Iaubuidud. ban Ilurttou, the young colored attorney, wnsrnomlnnwti lar Becrottu-y amid iucrcweti contusion, ii‘ porsllhlo. It was tile-.n,.ttio'wd Altld carried that tullars be an-I ltlicll, tmd,.3Ir. M. Wuguunmnn. Mr. Il‘.ohorl:~ cutie, and ti colortxti mun Wm. Lsvwla, were mmmci. $cI‘tcI?Il.n£-Ibafltlll lit. 4.’: . \t’hec.l1cr, lit. Jtu. Lnwtenuou. and lit. Ilrueggnor wt.-to called our. Tim Ohaunnttn nmwnncted that the tnimra worn placed at the door, and tlutt tho lutllnta would his taken‘ its the crowd pttuttti out but tilt) Danny men relutted to Icrnm tho half. and aim at t.lm_:u captttrau this bttilot-box urn: 1‘Y1ill.10d to allow it to unused. The box. wu‘a.t:row.xht iortt'n‘rtI to tho table: to “Bit. I“mnII: 5.. Wttnumli and mum! ‘to contain about two uuzuu ltutonnluzc tlckunt. nithoutttt It bud not her.-n IIIPII. It \l“.'ill then aunt in the ‘door wzx-in and tl.lo‘ht'llntin;¢ htétcnn, tine i)~:lilc.-.y mt.-it still loudly ahuutlnx that file] would ra- Ltullllt all nklllt‘, but vrauitfnnt: vain. Thu crowd than mutt out oi Um inlll Anti tilt: tailors ulunu buck and ttiturttlmlt hour HlWi1I-1.llCD!l.lllIi"|RIt)l- nolmcteti that tho Ioiiuwiutl ttt.-kt.-L ttmauluozmi: Adam: \l'chu<.r,l-‘mul'..A. Wm-nitnli. Israel Ilonty. John '1‘. linpsott, James W. Wilson. Jntntta M. I‘nl..'h:k, cmirim Iiuiui, U. ii.’I‘mttly, l-'rank lttlckat. llmn-3.-linmkxmr. Lutrionl-zutun. niburt lilo-.i:1 Jnlm Snzllngur, Ollarltes ‘l’ui-nornntt 'i'iut- ntliy O‘.llt'iexn. Tim mil:-gnmrn was lnsr.rtlott_-<1 for Grant aihulw. and the numtlng adjoul'ln.~II. _ .A!~'n1'lt’I5lt Jililfflsti. Tim dtnsatiatlvd I:-ti.-.iltt':l)I. Ilultlil(2l‘it‘l|'..' nhoul titty, muvud down to the mutixusttt corner at 5111001111! and I-‘rltnt'.il_n avenue. smxi orqanlzc-ti hyul ting lilu-nuy Duiloy I’n'u.~tlt1-we .mti J. inn.-in cnri.~.tlu- ‘. A Gmuxuittn-e on its-sulutluna, l5UlI15iIHYl},'lJ! . . W. Wtwciur tutti John llnxtsn, an» nppuinluli. W. ll. S£n.ll_tuu, (it.-.0:-go M. I’lIll|l\‘tSsl« and P; l:‘t:il)cx.'t. wum‘ unpointml, nut! tfllit fDlltJVt‘lnI€ llusenhlau ticket wlus clmsen: Nnthnn U011: Chum. H. lliupui. U. '1‘. .-'lluuiul'd, n‘. I’. mo, .1’. 5. .3ierrill. rs. niulnu--u, Guns. "Helm, I-Tutor .l\‘2lumnn,~ Dunn. W. :'t‘ltLnnp:u'm, Otto ~ mtm. El'll.lll Iiulcknltslur. {£00. ll. 1’lnnkuti., flllll .‘.lnt'lngton, John W. W=ixov:lcr tutti i:iul1ry .ltm1utw~'ntt9r; , nt'1'':~"l'lt tt' Tim iltrpttirllcntut of tho Fii't.t:cnt-it Ward mil: nt St.-lnmltlor'lt tittrdun.-ltbxnlt 15!) persons im- lnlz present. - Tim uwotlmz llntii cnllml to arms: nt8t1't-locttlty Mr. Wllllnm \V:ltut'xt. l'Il.ltLlt')1L:ul of the Ward i.-imumittl-.n. who nnult:tl Mr. John H. Gavundnt lur trhulrtnnn. Al-. lllozxoa L. Wlmlcr wu-1 chmuen secretary. six put-none warn nmninnlcti tut tioimzntcet, ro- aultlnu in the mslectitan ol the itolio-.tiu;z tivn: J. 5. Cm-‘endnr. J. C. Itull.-ttun. 5. 0. run, Uln-la. Ovterlumk and Max. Koutny. Tltu tit-itegtttlnn atmxtl-4 auliu tor. ltotuxllllnit, ant’;-:x1'm:'ru w.utn. In tho Sm-mlt~.u.-nil: Wnrd the itoaunblntt men hull it all tllulr own way. nluaourgit work.- lnxln Klt’.tlIl]lllt'lIIl\’(i lnmnuny with sir. Grntvv ltilit\!"tt >mm)ol'lel's. Thu Illlitil-lily: was hcltl at ’li‘ri-'6 Marital 5 rant, and um uttvended by nhnut ‘luu v«.olcx-4. it .ltll'iIl. O. U. i.utlomnn and (,it:ur;:o .ilurbot'l.' wow trhnsnn C’i'l.ill‘lllI\lt mitt 5('ct't:Iitl"_y rnztn-1ttlt't:ly, both boimt lo: .iloannL\lutt. 'l.‘ho ll(ili)li|:tl'iull oi‘ tlt:it:;:ni.c5 wit: it ulnru mutter oi iurm. i-Zach at tho two cnzlulllntcet ltntl ixtlntltmls oi his tlt.'|t‘g.‘lil0rt ti<:kut.t nimndy pmp:trt:tl, Sir. t)t‘.twn!:nw‘a balm; printout, and 1il0i!l' ui his uppununt btrlltx wrlunn. A motion mu nmun: by one oi the lmliorlty Inctlon to burn all prlntud lmllm.-1 tltmwu utlt-. ’l'tm 1-cm and nut‘: were mtllvd Nit‘. nntl tlet: Unnlr mind that llm tnulitm was tmrrlml. '\\’in:n it casino to couuttnt: the luilutu, li()\\'t3-\'1H', lmmu ui air. ('.‘rnnl¢luu\‘-t in-ll.-.u«ls ttrxtnud ‘mu: tlm scum: (:1 mm ttlt.-cling nail lat'.4.'lI Liutl. the printed lmllols .~.« nut. bu tilxnwn hui,nnll the t;‘lmt'r- mnn_ aw.-lug that um ltmvulliniutt't.~t was rlccluri by n Imm oi nbuut two to one, m:I:.:- lmnitnauzely cmitlstslltttil to allow the mintud imi- lots to be r:t)unte.~<i. 'l‘hn tlllltlgtttx-5 oltsutvtl nru Afilllll lloth, Altmrt i)u1'n~.o, Ii. Lippnill, W. W. lir1:tm~r. (.'lt!trir.'s Moder, U. U. '1.-ltiumun mm '1‘. I3. liuim. Tim mum) at Mr. I.i.l1N.:u Wiul ulw on the Urnw-ilntw tlui:';:t. )cxr.tt1':;t::«‘TlI tutti». litttvrtznn 2.50 min silo voters. W'l)l.'t) and hlucl.-, mfltlts up lilo v.-mm! tiut mu: at tho Wnugu Hume. lfivs-n lndut-u the orunnizntlon it was kl:t‘.ll tit" flll.\l!‘lnI.lI'l'l“‘(.‘ was nut uni_'.' mttzln tin largely in: _itu.-sonlxlutt, but timt the city had in-.un ile.n':lv timwn upon to help out thu wsmi. 1'romuiiyni.llht.~tlI(vt'.k in the silicon nntrlcmis the Linux‘ of the nulnlnlngz mom was tl.rt:t-.t‘n omvn, and in it momtem. tho npltrtm-nu. xv.-n pucktztl lull. whtlu it lurgt‘ 'nu)nl)(:r W(‘.l‘(.‘ l:flilh|t' to lznln tttlinlttctnt-.- ztt nil. 'l‘ht~. mm.-tins: \h'iI.~i r-nlluti tn order ny CI)ltllI1ll!l'(!!ll.'\ll ilmlmxrs. Mr. (2. .’.i. Wnimn ' iml-lg t:lt.«ott.-.41 tthuirnnun illlll H. H. Mills écuetnry by ntzcluumtinll. ‘lfhu up- _[)t*{tl'l\llL'0 ui Um tilmlramsu wnt thu stgsnnl lnr it rui;n) of crmluuinn, in this Fllitilit ni it-llll,-L; n, Ll()'l,i'.l1 or man) ruwlutluns worn i,lt'otrm:d uy llm ciunmr. A (nation to ttmmlnt bl-nsrs. W. ll. .\IuL(.~r:r. Jnhn .\IL:F-nil um! ,i. U. Fuulm-l, Il;Ht|'.'§|‘ mm rlunlly cttrrit:il._ P'ullt:~t:lztg thin Gnu, L, \v;|~,;m_ win) wax htmtllmp: tilts Cruwnlmw ¢-ruwt, movvtl llmt nom: but Rl'Dl.ll)Ht'.'-‘lllri my aunts «,2 to Villa. in the ilowllmx that tlrflllebuilt-WlH.1ltrt1ll|tsIlvt~ cimntt or the Clntlr In tho tmlrrimtu-u. .'l.'t«~l' ltmut- niuie-lnrlitu! t.\onuv.lln_;: on l|l(."lli|)It.‘ ivy tin; Sx:K.ti‘|.‘H|I‘)’, tho tiiuir wttt llmtlly llI'ill'l1 nrtluring um tcllcrrzt tn smtilm lllt'ill.*l"l\'(l.9 at llmulnur with ll)t:t't' inn». into which the Infill wrm tum to ticposlt. llmlr ballots in that‘ nnavwl mu. lttthtr é‘Xt'.ltt:lIil'.iIi. tint! iniinwcd tin: (.‘.tuw»-lz:m- man §|l’.‘f!n|t:l.l to loan thnir litmus, um] nitlmngi) um mills wnru |l[m\’lll}‘ ;lttl.Ilil.'-it them may 'V'.)I(‘\I, promstlmz thn whlio. MI. Ii. it. ilnnm-r wax than nakntl to flisziidi the: l4)lll7i“t. nu-.l whilst two pollcottnm nnd nuvnrni lH‘l|'|t“i"lt hrnceti the <turn'.~1 the t.~.nunt1n~uceul1eu. Uncn tho prey.-xnu-v ut um crnvni mmnltiu inx'ct:d upon one oi the tlouru and nttouploot nnwelcolne ttzwxta tutnhietl tn. .-\ bricsi but uiomilcas cnntmtt l'oiiowt.-ii, during which fll1.':ilti.tutlt.‘l’l wuro ozocivrl. when mp count was Iln .t\lI€.‘(I tho crowd was ronrltlzitted and the result ntmr,tum:<-0, an ink‘ law», the uaumu nil reptc,-tcntlxll! ltrmznizlntt dalegntcs: Che.-um.-r ll. Krum, Ford smluh, Wm. Wnml;mrn, I-‘rank iimwn. John Kirby, Jami: Gmtm, \_l'm. Pit.-illur, i’\rtnit' l. Muni- ton, M. Bpoex-l, 3‘. léimimzx and Wm. i‘«irnct:. Mr. Emma remit-c-ti ‘EU-xi vnu-.3 and Mr. Brown wet; the rt.-tn:tl:ult:r wuru otuzllurt:xl|tt=t1wllll2i)9. Tho oppnaitiun, imtluxiinu the ioilmting mtmzza, eneh rt3l't‘.iV('d sixty warm: I‘. (I. Built- In , .\'cwtun L‘-rnne, A. iimnkcil, Gm. i.. \ rizlvt, .’i. C. tilovnr, Lncluu E.-lion. John Yur- uutf. llumry S. Fmmr, Juim bmirlclgzc, Jon. I’. Ynntlna, Nutlmn Sttavetm. Tim Cltnlrman tli(‘i‘EtiI)0ii_ inilotl to'nnnmn'.<:o tlm utacccuaiul tlckm. but lllr. um. .i.. ‘ltfirlgm jump--ti upon UN! mine And mitt.-rut! his l'll'()llf5!, mttmnncing that. tho _ !)l‘t‘)C(Et.‘.lHllJ:?I n-em lrun«_iu.. 1:.-nt. and that ilm lopnlzlictlns oi tho El,-.{lh gcunzu Ward did not [tl'(?r4JSfl to he bexttcm by 3 Int ui I)t'.tli()()rriIn and tnnunlicans lnmortud Irmn other mtrritt. Ht!" hsltl wen lwoxmgnn inn-la of Importexi voters ririvcn up to the int.-utlmx, mt:-. two. A voice. "Let's have tmotnnr tnmling," which watt t.rr( with darn-lvn trlmnrn. air. iilrzlfull mked ‘Air. Wligglxtli he (\t‘ri;_vnt) had not vr-tut. "font," was this answer, "but" tln{]t:l.‘ um- ia-nt. " ‘ -'\Vrs'll hum ttnothor muatlng and it fair mitt," unit! Yrigllt, which wits iollttvt-mi bv Cfltts (ll "Wu law)‘ at: ion in '01: can“ irmn t,Ilt;()p[ti_1!I§tlfln. Dunn: It i n the noiao lilt- utlccossltti cundltlato could ho seen moving around Itln') the: crowd lcmilnst i)lN."0l'll‘fl[{f‘.- mcnt to his iullowern. ll0.\0ulll5tU. mm at last (‘fiH('ll lnr, land tlmt ct.-.ntirmw.n L-mun iorwarnl with um-peach, umldng in l.-is own lmhatii the mum! nleagm. Mr. Wright ttg/ein molt the Cisnir, and “mm. nnled Wm. it. \Vultmr its Cluurznzn. Mr. Wltlicer tuilmi to rmpumi, and Emory :5. F'_o.~ttor was called for with like rmmlt. an-. Wrlgllt then nunmuloou tlmtille. (lmwslmw d"~""'1I.H‘s would mm.-tnixioImlmxlilztciy at lIIxrlg’.- Hall which was followed by at general scuttle.-:1:n.v of tho cloud. ‘ A QNCOSD MEETIKG. About iiity po.~rzmmt. inrludmg ms-oral pollen- mesu, went over in U_'ltr1g'l where some tlnw was ilastcd trvlng to tttvltaco Chrit. Nun: to it-1. thcuillnvo tho hail. Faiilnx in thin they ru~ turned to the Wcdxte Hausa. wlmre 5 nmczlnw was held. with John B. i"orhes in the cltxcir and Guo. l.. Wriuht clinic as fnzcjrvtarr. Messrs. (.3. H. Ilrudie and J. h. Jones wens chosen Italian, miter which it vow was taken, resulting: in tutor ol . tho Gnwl-alattw tielegntlon by 122 in 2. Just in tin: count of value was begun v. dmaan or so lied it-mixers, Imaelod by W. B. 1.311»;-, came ln to use vylmt Willi going ml. anti uupport N214 Cruwllaati ucltc-t ii IVRCB-st!lti'y. .- The i9llr.'»wln=,t will imnalzzd tlw ropurivr by the acting itvcn-t:ury, Gen. 1.. \t"ri,wllt: _ M I Inwung hold scwember ii. 13?. It the Wedge . cum. to uutuituul I4'1l’=‘A'Vl Iv Ctatiwltliéin to D: belt]. at Turtle: Until. lt<-.m:‘miwr 2?. ital, to nominal»: A an- Await tor Cougizuu man the Beatud Cnntfioutomi lng uqtet v-u einctml by I uuu;«_.nt_r ulklel. Mrwtnn Cum . it. Mantel], .-. L. ttnxm. A, u. ‘lunar man .t.{;uunu.nt. uht "’I“i*’"v 700%-r. John imirid :.1. Jun. l’. 'u» tam» mat lutrmt Mcphuao. t 9 ma ring )3: :9; ()3. won tlclwt and Hutu tau 1 tq up -xllion. _ B. HUI Es. t.'tuln:u.n. . At. (1. L. Wnlctrr. sect-eluy. , Mteitx rell¢:s.{§’; figglg;-‘Yv -. sttrtrztattrlt wum. The meeting in this turd an in-Ilott at" No. am Otutaweii niroet. and an calwi to main by Commotiote Decatur, chairumn oi the mm) eommittco. Alma: anoporsom nm in attend. men. an mgnnintlon who elected try the election of Gmme E. smith. ciutirman. and 11.. G. hrrkar tum "Wm. llenaxnzlatu-,_ 1':-ocratm ? ‘liilnttimcn. - . .- ' 1-Jtzxntx-I-n"1rit1tn-.— ~ ‘r I) ‘D. Flihor. William xii. ». . ‘ Join: A.G_i1lixm- -t-‘.<21Hv~. non écommtttu -' but. ‘met play they no nnqoubte _1J1orjloununtt;- ...~v-1\7otps‘.", 5 ’5.'lt'£:Demoéritio~O4:ntrnl' coinmltieo hut tn» nllltagmgn pxoteu-th’nt'n_dtl:ing~wr.a’ dam. and do-txnuoen_uo-knowjvhntthu--u:et.tot-. . ‘ ;A 'lIx2''_:nw.ttaemezetittg-in to he hc1d_ 10- _‘nl5:l1t‘o:.tltn-c_<1r:ier.oI our menu» and Gnu. .*'I'he ‘pmwnco oi protninett: wtutkorxt is art- tmttretl,-tmtx thorewtti »tionb§luttbo‘Il‘lnrge lt- iim. Gtzsx-.m:rs_szss1xo runs. tho nnpnbllnan cnudiuato Ior Oonzwoa in this {third .Dntmnt, was l§J¥'_Bt'BnIn}:’tIll3 reclpiant at l1'.I£l}Dnl(d0 at _ Jlin mstdnnqc. inlioxiiz St. Lou.lI;,gtvon byltls mantis tutti political conutitnnnts. A1‘ It.lnto.mmtlnt; ottlm Sixth Wart! rmoinct Iltapnbllcancommltton. hold on North Mttrkot stmcle. resolution: wcm-mum culnglatlo at the ‘lat; John Green. mcmber uttha cotnrniuou, whmm uemiso has tmen xtotr.-ti in the Gl..onx- DXMOCIIAT.‘ ' ‘1‘.1ixyY'mtnx Man’: it» nhlicnn Club will hold Atnaeting st Uln-il.:'sl tut Tintrmny owning. Svntpxnxhcr 7:. utso’t:to<:3:. lion. 1). P. _ er. 'l‘lto's_. 0. flotcltor, D. D. Flutter and other ])l”tJ't!llilt:l'lI.I2GnU.0lIlOl1, will be present and un- l'll't:r-S tho amazing. “.11 zsm.-and mm: Garfield Ami Arthur Club nl hast St. Louis held it mtactlx-lg lust. owning an ',I‘rnulml's*li nil. Tho only buttlnt-sit want to tnnko ' '- tturcilnsitlu and rnlulnficnuh out pnrta oi.-ihu city. {early in;-on minim to buy tings. Tm; I-Tiitr null Ward linpnblicanu_xn_«-er. to- night at tho: ~:!Juthwet4t'cm'ner 0! Park and M-t:0:ItI tlttrozlaulut. n\' ]wl'ioct It Gur- ilo.-.ld and Artlturclul) 0r)‘,'tl.I|i1l-Unit. A xlmotrnl nttcntianco oi I'tonubiluunlt_0l the tvltru is in- Vltetl and there will be nttnressezu by ieutiing up;-nltent. Rn-pubilonn Organization. At no timo since the existence oi the Repub- lican plat)‘ is its organization more complete and extended in tho Stnto oi nlatourl than it; in at prmmnt. A GLulm~Dt-:)iUClLA‘l‘ reporter 3'ost¢~.r<izty t'i3lta:nl tho hcnriqultrtcrat at thelsinte Cenuatl Cumuzittoo at rooms 6 and 6.1;, No. 417 Pine atr-oi. lie iotmd tho Sccretttxry, Air. Jim. T. Bench, tutti two assistants. buty nnsu-orimr lnttors from tho interior oi the state relative to orgmimttion, and tliutribntimz cntnmlgn docu- ments, at whiun worn in an nlsundunce on hand. Mr. Iloztuh stsuod that when Prczladnt'ez turned over tho llcpubllcttn or;:ttnlz:t- tluna in tho Sunthtsm Buttes to tho Dc.-mocrzmy ‘ ins virtutniv disintogrnteti tho Iicpubilczm party in tlmsa Status and liost_ruyn:Li its orgnnlxnuon. Missouri nu well its tine other or-xlnvo States suiicrtstl, and the party hcclluxu bluily demoral- lzcti. The new comulitlao had to go to work and inimsn new ilin into it, and to do this tutti 1.‘.'1l\ittl'.d tho cottxlnltttm it |;r.'sltt deal oi lcthor. "What in tho nttlurn and extent. ot your or- ganization?" said the reporter. - "'J.‘nu ltnnublllcuua nro being orgnnlzcd iront one (Hid oi the state to the other. no you «up- posts wa could have nnd such It. Convention n3 we hum tho nihter Lilly union: we W(l|'t'it)i'l?1|ll~ 1‘Li.'(I.’ Tim: is one oi thu rliects oi ts. s)'.'lll)lllitiit: urunnlzutlon." .-mid sir. Busch. “Wlntt in tho hntura ol tnn organization?" “it incluvios Gilrliultl unu .\rtImr clubs, Union l/mguu clubs, and t-vorytlxim: of tho kind. Wu mo organism! in every county’ in tho Nate, and intlmtl to mttnuti our (.1n;nnix>ltlon tn tnwn-.-shins nude-mu tit:ll()0lilli5ll‘it.‘.l:. \l'«.-nnvc cm mnv clubs ()i'L:lIill7.«(l:1. tmti (‘..(l'»(.‘(ft to nun: l,L'tl0 cluin lwiorn tho ti:t_v nt tfit.‘Cllt)lt," “1'imtlt-oksilku blifllilillhti" "it. is bualnu-t-5, and it will allow its results on ting tiny oi nim.'.tiun." ‘l In-ro In M. lt‘ilb'l n cur-lourl of val-nnslgn nu-r. mnre nt tim lz.-.ntdqun.rtvr:4, x-n:in'iu-tm: slum oi nil nimlu. r-prscchu;-., t.Zuu;:su-wicunnl v:n.-tczluunns. umzgzs. Iumtlunst, nutun tor u-uri.'i:t:nlmI. ltmtory (vi tzm l)l.-tmmrucy, Ul£i., much -it which is in- lt‘.l‘t’.i‘.i.ilg rc.u.iln',;. (- Ellr. Aiiru '5 ' (lnndltlmsy. 'l‘i:t*I*o ttnzi .3 good aicul oi lull: on the street yr.-.ule.-.rsi.ty about tint tznutlillncy ui Mr. 'l‘iu-un.-u Allan li’1I'C0l‘ll:'l".‘iib in tho .*.wcmul illstrlut. sur- prim wt-.2: (.‘IUl'I.~rIs‘i)(I lzl Mmm lnstnnotzs that Mr. Alli-n, nit:-r it;,'l't.'l:lliK to no for lhll Smmlorsltip, should lnwcr HL1 slnrttlzlrtl nnd content ll|llt3'.'U with an lull-r-lur pm!llnn._ Opinion: worn til- vitivtl. IL! to Illa nullity mu-.mlt'l: tho nmninzttiun, ll’. lining reutarnlly utulcrsltmtl ivy tho Dunno- crntlo pulltitelans that the (IL-ntrul Cornuzittcu and tine um}; lnniern wing: lnttl lont: slum hurt-all to unite upon uumltur cnrnlldutu. '.\lr. llm-enl-lmt, uha is cu.-dit-.:v.1t¢iti: i.-ulxm mt nsplrn-it inr tho ittsuubllt-an nulnluminu, \VIt‘| 5Ill'i‘tl'i.¢|‘li1tllllli'| L‘(';lll’n(£ gmruuctl by liir. Minn. "llu would lnnizu n null-mile! .~'muntur," Stilt] Mi‘. tt., "but it troor Itvt.l'(~-untntlvtw. ilv would l.-0 tit hmnu nntmng lhn ;:I'.-«tn null rt-vt-rum! i~'il.:'nur.«-ul the rsottnttt. but would but no tlsmrn in tho lnwur lluu-so. ll Iluii, nlu.~r m1r\’iill£|ul' thirty _\t::lrs in tilt‘ Srmttla, nntl nrqzxning thu K"’)\1)[l‘.H-‘Ill 01 it .‘(.’llllKl aellilvazmtu, ttmtt into the linuxc. iur n (:‘¥I.'|l|! ui §'|.':U‘:l. Itlnl mm a tmmuiteic lniruu-. umrt>.' ' “littw 15 till: li,:nt lJL'l!\'l‘$}il 5-cut and ("raw- sltrtv-"."' "Mr. (Zrnw:-intv nnsi I untiurectnml nztch nth:-r pt-rl«.t:tl_v writ. it i um tar-n:inuu:sl lm will support in", mm H ho is! tttnnitllttutl 1 tall! Ann ):nr1.|uilt'lln0:ti t:-'>rtlinIl\'. .513‘ xtmutnutiuu will I-0 n thorn in Int: Isldti 01 Mr. i'ullI7.m-. who is u tmuntoxi mlinw. “ "Do )nn vh;n|~.' Ml‘. A‘.it:n tun uc: lite nmnlmt~ (ion in tho 1:1:-.cnml'."‘ ".‘\"n, i no nut. Many pouplts wnnltl like to «me him in tau.-. mtxtntu. but very new (cunt tn imw him in tho L()\-VIII‘ linu.-u~." "ll ton sh-‘mi-.I um. I]: - nnxvniulztlitln do you think you iffllllil im tzlizctmit" "l cmwuinlv tin.” wlln rm. lturmlzt TlII.\‘ll!. Ii'lr'i|l($llLtlll\' Im-I.:tlIs_:,; Ml’. l".vJ\.-nrrt Built-.r, n jmlitlunl nrtuumt at no mt-.m l’li‘I‘ll.!tIa-lulut, n t;I.nlu:-lJt:,\tot:tulr n~.nm't<er It-Ikttd him vrliui. bu tllcltlgilt ul Mr. .\HI‘l\'i5 ntuiiitlmzy. "I will Ln-ll _\'nn." mild Mr. litlilnr, with I allznlilt.-nnt.l-zlutk'u oi this limit]. ".\ir. Allan In touium. iiuinu tworl mnn, lint. nu llllllillrl no snow. ' ' "\§'lt)' not?" "I will mil vnn wl._\'. A lnrun nutvlber ui ttum who wunlti liu\'t.- nnppnrlotl hint, haul rm cmuu Illltmlrlitlr, Xlfl.‘ now piv.(lp:tx'.l to pmmmr! sauna mm chm, and l:hI‘;T out not in-nurtllll5' vlolntn IiIt‘.H"Dil3d.|.'L!.5. Imp cunt.-aim my w«>t'v.i tor it, Ml‘. Allan will not but ntun'mttu>.(l." it wnarvpurtt-ti yq.-:sturtlu_s' that it cttuvmt 0! Air.'n_iI Itlililfl, in whit-h Mr. J4...-(gm; .\itz]nt)'m, _. ll. 'I.‘nrm:r null ux.not's partltnput cal, was in \vn|t:n ll-. W111 tlut' to push liir. l’niiI1.t-1".-n':lx.titus lnrmird with oil puuihlu ormrtnx , Tho rtxpnrtnr Man itmrert-vixmtl timt tlu-rv urn it 1ill‘a'_£flIltlllti)'(tl l):-mrtm-. 5 who am itI>lt:lii'il( on Mr. All».-n initluzz tilt: ii-~15‘! nultti itlKlt2pl,‘lI(il‘lll‘. cttmutlvtttv, in tho lsvtmt lm lnil-I to ohtuln mu muninntiun. 'I‘-.\l¢|n;: fill thlmm into tluu, ill“ rmlliwul namzut in the Etecnntl Lita» tt1ct.:nt inr «no the l.).~tnm~.l.-lln arc concurnc\.l, Lt izrcomlng inlt:x'mtin~. ’-‘'*«a Judge oi‘ the (ilrtrttlt Court. Ex-.]|;tig¢e Louis Gnttschallt Willi trying nu Ill'i[10l"Kilfll cute in tho l'mh:'.tn Court, and, mm. imz at w,-ry imnduomu lady {or a client. wins in high spirit; and uiuponuu to be omutnnnlcmlvo. lie denied that be him bran worklngurb rmu gm» we nomination oi (lit-unit Jznim-., but !l'ltllXi)'At1[nlllK:I.I that in: wns it cnnuliiuto. lie land heard that Mr. John I). Julnmzm was crmii~ dcutui getting tho nnmlnutlmx, but thnuglll Mr. J. was counting his L'lli(‘llt‘.ill iwimvs timy new lnuullmi. Mr. llurnor, tlmilmnm.-rnuc nmniuuc, lmrt been working Vuff’ Imrtl since he t:uSltl:|l’.'6¢.l on Kim ticlrct, but mlaunt n re~|y strong man. Ml‘. Gnttsclntik imlluvca tint ha is um proper man to beat iir. liormer, tint! will t'ocel\'u a good many Ilurnocialic votrs. ._....._........_.._....._.._. Pat. Kathe‘: istrnugo Suicide. About 9:30 o't-iocx night boinro but I gray- hair:-.d. gt-ny-wliltkerrsd old man boarded tho I0i’l‘)'l)OitS at the foot 0! Wash times, and, after tulking on commonplace uubjocta {ur I law mo- tnttntst with natural 0: than men, suddenly leapod overboard, exciulmimx. "Hero I :0: report ma to-ntormw morning. " itnpeu were thrown out but the stranger was soon no more. in let: bev ltirnl ntiarlc siuuth lint and a cunt: with two IIFISI malls in tin: lu.-ml‘ and I tailor’: tlllmblo lot it inrrulo. 'I‘lu.-ta ttrtlcites were tukou to the ‘third District. Sutton and yostorda wen 'Idu.ntlli¢:d tttllnvlnsc lwiou ed to Patric Kttnu, an old widower. \-how mm: was with his tlnuyzhtier, at 804 ‘North seventh atmut. He had been sick for meek: and nmtbia to work. which unmrtunum ytutn oi nliatn nvldonily ‘hromtizt ttbcut um suicide. Deceased wlu tlayearn old. ...._....._,_._-....._....__..... Bmali Flreq. ‘ .Aoouloli1aznp‘(ixplodad about 7:50 o'clock latvt nltlltt at the residence of Mr. ll. Ury, NM North Twenty-iirfl street, setting are to tho furniture. Au ltltlrm was turned on nndtho Dcpztrtmont‘ cxtiugutchoti the flame: alter about not llsmnge had been done. Boron coal-about in the 188:! oi not, ml and iii: North Rlgbioenth urea ctuixt fito about 1:30 o'clock yestatrdsy nitornoon and won l)urnt~dm tho ground, the Department unm- monocl by an tti-rm tram box 53.baln on ‘bin to pmvant, the names irmn common out nmo other balldln . Tnclou will not exact! , wbtchueqn iy divided among Hrs. Bnoney, Pnsrtok (minty sad 0ilvc2_DtIt«on. No in- Oi; . The following dz-1-mate: tram oicctad by 5 new decisive vote: (‘attraction Decatur, Iilffiflffln ,9 u¢u.tot=t_mti J0htt.'1’Upe._- _t:otI_;=!jioso;x,-:_ uulmnnu _ oi ht!‘ 1n_oacl.inz tut 'nlght.‘hut the voracious-com ~._ . msw.-1 ' 5 T:;O".62‘l NORTH mumn s+Rm-, \ -mwo noons NORTH 03' 01.1)" ‘I‘..OC..ét'1‘IO1\i.A ""“"l)'.N*"I“'()’","0‘l{lI".-i'il'iIii%:.t. Last Nigljlt.‘linn TcrrIto:ry. An cnthnsiustic meeting: was hold at the Conrtliouso inst; night: [or tho put-pmao of hoar- ing IDB rcnan oi use committee nppaintuti at a previous mutating: to tzxatnlms into tho legal bearings oi the Olclallnma question. Ex-Alnyor Joseph llrmarn was called to tho chair. and 31:. (John. at Conn it. Incite.-.e, mm trlltctodsocretary. Iix-Judgn J. 31. Krmn read the report or the commmuo oi lawyers on the it-gill bearing 0! the qucatlon. Till: }tl‘ZI’():s‘T open; by alluding to the importance of own- lng tho Indian country ior suttletnent, and Slaw! that IIiofiflillllllllfipJtflllililltlx of 31-ussnt. Iirutulilv.-rttl, Iirnun and I'hiU_lp‘l, lmd cx.'ll'ullted the points pmltentcti-«l. Wncilmr tho lntllun c-nuntry,4:ar any part 01 it, in oven to aottltuuunt. by pro-crnptinn or llotnmtomi clnlmnutu nndur tun ixtwa; 5. “Flint, it any, action on the znlrt. of tin: Unitml Stutes la nccustmry or t.~.V.'p«.-tilc.unt' to secure and protect the rights of sctllm's,1n eluding; Indiana and nt-grow, in tltut country.’ An act of Jnnt:'.i0. 18:3. dcilnt.-ta tilt‘: "lntiinn country to be all that part at tho Unitutl'Stnto.»t west or tho lliississippl, und not within tho Sutton oi lilsaouvi mu! Lnnlshtun or the 'J‘»rx'l- tnry oi Arkznutns. mul ulsn that mtrl‘. of tho Unm-d Slttltrs outta! tho blisltimtlppt Itirm‘. not within any state, to which the Isuinm title mus not been hxtinguuhed. " Nnno oi this hzrriloz? was noqulroti irom the intilmnt, but nunrlynl ni tt by pnrcitsi.-is lmm .i-'rnnou. "Tho lnnlmxs novvr lltzld. and on not now holvluxnll. Irouholtl nnd jun.-stlictlnn innit--ir trilnti or other t-uum:intlt)n tovuny pm-Lot L::u country within that United Emmi. '.1‘im unr- nzou tutti snvnxo tribe: in this pnmxtry inure always been l$tlli0i'LUi|_:tl0 to tho lamina in whlclt they lived, or to tho 1.. nltoti iitzttma, when occu- Bylrnr territory’ within and llclmnglnu to tim |'litl't15l.Illt?. " Tito Unlkn htntomnntlnr vnrinm mz'rt.>nmrm¢-, cnileu trt-mien, with tho CI\0(‘lil\Yll, Glmrnut-u-.-. Crooaka, Gnicimnmva unrl ntlmr trlln-I, ]'Iti|‘il'lit~ too them to occupy tnrtlmt.-I at tho lnainn country.hut tmltlwr ml ,irv.-.-Ilultl nor the til the lvtnd wns xrnntnli hy the ox-igltml EI5:1‘l.‘(ii'lli1i|Ul ortrmltleaw. Tim l'rc.»1lt‘lL-nt em) nut nytremy null or dlsmmm at the public ium.i.~t, nor nmlco nny ntlmr tlltpasitttm nl tluam. (.‘.ungrt-not it]-MIG lmx this powor. Wililo Wt: hnvo no Indian cnunlry, ttjnimvu no lutiupontlunt lmlizm Nu- tinn or (;:nvcrtunout, contruliutl by ant-ngo it-iimn, or by nnyimily. Such’ ll thing in Illllltlrh tslhzu. The Unltud fitnto.-t constltum nn lnv.lo~ pendent nntiun, rant its :Io\'ert:i,:nty is imnrmno tltrouxzlumtitu nuundurlris, ttllll no iorultzn nu- tlnn or pgovcrntuent cun or will be tolurzttctl within tt. Lturln-,gtllo '4-nl'O( the 2-ohcilinn tilt-lurilnnn who wt.-to 0\\’llv.’l‘it oi llI.'‘lI§lIt‘\‘l:lI Limit t-"lulu.-s with illti rullteis. In it???» the Indians with ttlmm ttolttitm llutl‘(‘l\ illntltt anrrontit-ru-.l nil timlr It-rmur |.'l'ltlli.:1 nntl new ntlnnlntlotnt warm on- telrutl into by wllit-ll’.tlnvtn't' wit-I nboiiullutl. and Nut llitllllil-.1 (‘O-itfd tn the lfnltml Sltllcri, ulusm illicit’. ult tlm ixnllnn C4.IlIill.t‘)‘ nituntctl weal ut tin: liilI('l'_V'-illzlhtll tlvnllt-l_~ oi tn.-ut I(IIl}:lIlll.ll)vflll(I bctwt-vn the t|ttIl.3t‘~l1)tll'lii nnzl thirty-.v.lx|i1tlo~ }:I‘t:0:- U! nmlix lltiilunlu. Tim (jqyvm-n|u¢;.; ‘mg, nuurt to well at tnu tribes cortuin pit!!! 1»! mm Iusliuu tsountrynrstnt oi the ninety-t-i;_:ulll lite- I-U'l'l7 oi inn;.'iIv.ulc, iurucettpntmy mid nut-, omb- incl to the jlll'i!tIi|t‘Ur‘n oi um Unltoct nut:-as. rue 1n:ll..m 'l.‘-.-.l't'iLur,y It nearly unu-lutli inrllnl‘ tlntn .’iIi-aourl, t'.u:1mx-nun trust 0|‘ thn nim-.ty- t-lghtll ll!‘-)..’l'l'(.I umbr:tr:in;{ ]4,(It-0.000 ncro.-t. nud llttttblls tint nxnmmt noun; cast ui ninety-olzzht. The L’lIl‘n‘.‘lll:Si0X) ll|'l‘lVcl.l nt in that the 14,000,» 090, u: It'llzsI., urn opten to pn.~~csxnptlon_ nun tlult. tn--rue will im rm ouniltct _hiil\1‘l.'.t.'l) this t'l0vcrn— tm-nt nntl the n":it|L't'fi; yet‘, as n lmicgunrtl. it in¢l that Ut)lI}(t'(t.lhI clatninllulln Dis- trict if-:urt in tin: Xtllllnn country; that ymbllc Htainools slluuiti be mstnlxliaitoti by tho G9v<:rll- txltmt. Mr. l\'rt;m -mlil lm believed the Indian enun- lry wax!» upon it) ~l:tiit:tntmt this mtmu ($3 utlusr pull: of tho pnlvlto (iumntn, nnd it mmulns tur tlur yinnot-l'tu gm ll). air. G--( . W. .\:nlt-rtmn, the pinmecr. inns been tllt:l't~ tlm-u nr Ionr l|'IIl)~|. nml wns tirivun tn.t. .\lr. It’:-um s-mil he dill not think the Got'orn~ mt-nt would l lur lnrtlmr lntewtt-rmttm. Mr. Plnllim, at tho c(lllilIlN.l4,'(‘. uutti ho coin- Cililfd in Hm conclmlnumui Air. Krnm. ilu was fl1l7l:<lll‘d|il!iI tlm In-linua lmd nnly tim rlvltt oi (N.?t.‘II|):lilL')', nnti this must Lrivon u in mm; Ilutt Hm lnlltls urn Opt!!! to [art-.-mnpl on; tltltl. Cun- ;:rt':rtull;:ltl. tn ink-n lmltt at tho quu-.ttIun; tlmt the time lmu omnu whim no hand ul mun cun i.x't.\p it lt'l‘l'|li)l'_S' imln whim at.-tilt-.tnnnt. Tun intliatn». u ho tcinno to bu civilized must tzo dnwu. em. Josttrlt nltowy will um in-llnu qua-.:<ttun had Mann A hobln‘ oi I ‘it (or _vc:u-A. [in mm ht.-nu tnrnm:lx thu lmilnn .1 urrliury, nu-l tiiu -mu nvvur Klimt» upon a mum lnmutllni lnntl, with rlcllter lmll. liner cllrnulu, or luvuior nnturtti ll(lVl|lillk;;tlN. Yd! it an n tluurrt to us, nut! is ouunpled by n law may in~ umns um: illlii-lH'(9t‘llII, H119 nugrm.-u hating the ln:tt.t5r(Ii the two. lio lnui sum tno lmtinm of Raw itiuxim liviru: an lllutlfl glvun them by tho t;'mrurmnoni, mlnlnlmz tlw lllllllzt $l}’l|I£}ll1l9Hl;ilil§'. We give an lntilrtn nil thn lund ho can ritio uvur in u duv, untl Ilmku tho whim mnn tmy iur everyin-otlta.-nm:uplun. Our lntilau pol cy hm; "Lyman :| htilllrt! lmm tho ilrnt. I-lit. GI-:0. W. nztmttsox, ' ox-momln-.r oi uutuzrosm, built Llmtu win! no Pa. t::i.mnl-nu lllmul in l;Lt volua; ho iuul nuvr-r been ll iriu.ux.l ul Mr. In ttluce his birth; u-mru inn cumn:« in cunllit.-t with tho white mun, he must go down. . Elli. W, W. E11058. ni liunxtt-s city, gave mt account oi thuindirln '.I't:rr|Luly; l.t,uu0.l>u0 mums oi it am occupied by lntiirtna, and tl,0w,Wtl are mmunupicd and open to tottltmwnt. ‘ i-lo was going to the nnv t-tmlml portion hi it, or imot-gnlng lu build up n Eétluo. A t-mnptsny hlvt lmtm oi-lgamlzed in iizumln t:it_\' lot‘ tllujvtlrnone. and it tuwu lms tueun pln¢tt:t.l ztt upltlce 130 miles south of ilunsns City. In tuu apriilil 5.000 man will bu Iseut down. E\‘l!|'Y.Illl|I| thnt szmanmnli get‘, two lulu, n lnniilinro ticket tmd pruttzctlou; 5,000 ntinruu all stock will ho lsmtutl at 510 n slulro, nmi uistr-btttml thrnugli Mir snuri, llllnula. lhtlifllll anti Ohio. 'l‘ho:y expect to pour %\l,000 or 300,000 mun lntu0luaim:mt next your and ntnrt a. boom. The--o um nvu milruzuin Wttltlng to go tlzrouicn um invllnn ’l'«n'iIory to Mexico Illd tlm Gull to can the rich irault: to Isl. Louis.'i’hoy aspect to nuts in an act ui Unmtrms opening the coded lands to uuttinttlcttt. At lent »‘.>0ilIll0|' Vest has it hill to divide the intllmt Turriiury into qunro tor ewctlnnn, to give ovary indium if/J twrco, null tllo lminnco tutu give the indium: this pro- (,‘t.-.0d.§. 'I‘nl:t will make tho tire ulvlllzuti minus the richest mttlonu on mirth-—nnt. less than $;;0,000 lo uvory mun, wtnnltn ttnticulitl. ; us. Join! u. TERRY gxtili it won male»: to buck uuniust tho Govcrnv nmxt, A purtlon oi the country In opt-n, yet Elm l'n.-aincnt duos not niiowit to bo t-cttluti. .\'u must gut timllzrotts to utko .uctlun. Wu can impact no nlai from the Bnst; they have allowed Iloit Iutiilmn upon us, nun wu illillfl. unite and SIOIU ourwlvus. lie ZAVU an account oi It torri- lit) ucnipiniz lit! lntd rucnlvod at the ham!» oi no Judinn cm oranscoount oi A IMLOKJLI tonne ;; anon, time alto. ’.l‘ht: uultor mild the Indians httd A ion-liuuplo to tlmlnnun and would not. give thtxtn up. illr. 0. Al. Jucksnn tpuka oi the ininry done to St. Innis by lilo cutting oil of hu Texas cattle try.-lo by the imlittn 'J.'t:l‘l‘iI0:‘}' being in the way as a barrier. Mr. siurrymnn said he was going to Okla- lmmn nud wuntcd to know the but routo. Mr. N. (,1. Hudson mow-ti tlnttncmxunitlce be nppuintcd to memorialize t.‘-onwesn on this subject at the Indian Territory. Adopted. Air. ’I'en'y niiowd inn following - )illt)LU'l'l0!i’5: Resolved, 1. Thai. utter hearing the mum-t. oi the committee to lnvesii min the Itntus at tho ccdodlntlds in tho inn an Territory. till: the term: oi this meeting that said lunch are by law it an to uettisutout by homestead ttnu pre- empt on. 3. That this territory by vi:-mo oi its geo- nmhloni poiltlnn is tutturnlly trllmt.-try to St. til: at! its tmtrltet (or all in moducta and sup- Elietz thorteiora. the opening of said territory ctvlilutlon in an enter nine in which the whole country is vitally ntotcsttid, and tit. Louis specially so. . _ 8. Tim: than but it commltteo of live ap- pointed to conic: with Capt. Payne, Col. no -d and Hal. lit-nu and those‘ associated w ill them, as to than .5: means ior the cltizons oi m.‘I.oniuIonolng tlmlr Aid to U10 nocomullsln went at this much tiuairod object, and to drum up a memorial to Oongreus. . 4. Tint our representative: in Congress be requcswd to an nil honorable mount to mourn uuuh la lalution as may but nnocautrytocttrry tntoo act the itmuodinte oponiux at all public hum: ninuuui in too Indian Territory to settle- ment according to unsung hatuuloltd and pro~ emotion inn. The resolution; wort; adopted, Joe. Brown, John kt. lmtm. John .i . ':i‘arry. N. 0. Iludnou, J. W. Pxramoxv and--rltillipu wnra Appointed at the connnlttu. Adloutnod. _ ‘ '\ Routing Meeting at tha Courl;.I’Iouse~ I)t3n1nI1(I. for the ()_pt$'n1n;z- of tho i M ilinnra; ‘. l 5 I 2 W .sz*IQlN'l1'«;ns. Fun: broke out again in the scar:-it: ruins at 5 o'clock )'t.‘Sl6l'tI:t& alt:-rnodn, unit tho re-cl item so. 6 W.-xtlngu had the binte. L!.tt~.t. Cosruun). the. woman who was to irlghttuily lmnwu ttt’.’0(i3 Biudlo tin-oi, «lay be- ioro _ve:-tt.trt.ittt'. -mu tulle-vod oi her Iulit.~ring‘I aimut 6 o‘.ciock Inst. twoning by death. Ilxzrz. the man who was statlbcd by Boili- _tmtuln n hnr-roombrmvl inst Sunday: mnrn~ lug. was reported lust night. in rttpiulv stinking, and not nx'poctcd to,lit'o until this tnot-nln';:. O.t:sPt:r:Wn1rrt.m, n homclotts old lnlmrer. was tuuutt almutl o'clock ynsturtiny tuttrning lyinzalcktn the street." at tho corner oi Tenth _u.nd I'i4:l:'.trts streets. lie was rotnovéd to the Uily Honpltui. Txsrnnnar nicrernonn it mad cow tlnsnmi up Onroudelut uvnnnr.-, unit. wlmn nr.-or Mztrion street, pimnmd hm‘ hm-nu into um. n-nmrctwo of Ilorlnnu l"llpoo-‘an gm .nry stunt. Nu dnunuga of nut‘ comsuql.lunuu t:-xi. nt. two broken pmwa. Axonmlt mmlci tiny mu; oujnyt.-ti by tho citi- stomt v}'t.'i§itlt'llitV. A‘ ‘plight! humidity in tho _nt~ nmsaplwr I was nntn.:<::ti:l«.\. but tiw' tentm-rnzurtv wn» t1- hit-ti. ri-IIll,’ll|t£ irom It minimum 0! 536 to 72 .nl.2 :1. III. Tim lllgzlllli norvlco import no R)'i[.‘(:.'tl'llllt!(! oi ull imtnotliltto ¢:lt:tt:l(v:. -"Tl€!£G)ll-'~'l' “'t.'lI.’:il. at tho é‘-lxnnl Sr.-rvlm Siti- llmt, rnpm-tn it tlnn corurn ttluonrilln sun 1.! 2:35) yusturtlny :titorm)u-2, which was visible lol‘ it cnmdm-.mbiu [1t:t‘iuti. 'l"nn Kt'r"‘I.-ttni- snystixztt such it ttiglzt is ran: in this locality, and that its littd not null(fL*l.l the Rjllitelirilllcti within .1 3.‘-em‘. lain. Stn:r:n.t\'. n i:lo<m.~r, wni "h|.‘.it‘l up" by throo colnnnl men on the l.ovt.~o wezqiurduy morning nhout ll) o'clock nu;l robin». 02 nl| tho tmultlt lm p.1».~sn=m..l. mnouutinzz to El‘: 0-sittn. Jmncs Munziy vi .1 .-iu.~v'tt.'itl't1s lll'l’lis1.t:t1 and tztkun in ilm Ciu-lttxmt Srt~.'~nt' Ntntivm, wlvvuo :~ll-u-lmn l'(‘i‘.t')1zili?.i':l him ns ono of tho nnm who, had it-tsistttul ln mltuirttzltltlt. \\'n.t.r.\.\t lit-:lt.r.xt wnrt n-ulstlnzln unlmtdlny: 1tlmr;;uni inmlmr M NH! loot oi .\lyrtlomt'e-(st ‘(‘!|Ol'liIl)‘ n.'tt:t'nnon. wnnlt ho tttisvuni ills imit- np:'.: upon tlm sttulzn-plltltk null {ail ut'crlunut_l. lit: 2-truck his nuuu rumiust n stone In tho mitzn oi tho wit.-lri, I'('~(uiI|Xll{ In It. scztip wnmnl. which rt-<:<-in-ll tin: nttuutlou at it Dis- pixtlaltr)‘ [)h)'sl(!I!llI. 'i’l.\to1nt' i)m.~col.I. wan t‘.‘.tti'i‘_\‘ltt;: n lint! full of l)l’|I.'kt) up nlnrldur, tm Tuntn tstn-vt. l)l!l\)‘(.‘lll\ Wnlnut all-tart xtnd L'|ul'it u\'unu(.~. §‘I,!\lt'l‘tJIIY morning, when they inlhlur iymlm, l:tIl.l.~||ilK him tolttll It tlintzitucn (II lOul'lt'L‘l| it-ct. Ills rluhc km.-<2 WIN bntlly hurt. fllttl he lnul his (:lcv£i:';:llt- ly ucrntclmtl by tilt: Dl'lt.‘ktt which tunlblt-ti upon him. A uli_\'.~alcl::n nt. tllu 1)':=n~.ena:.x'y uttentltztl to his lnjnrl-.-.-t. ._._____......._._._.. Ills Jnw null Eur.‘ Jucoi: Sp:-hr, rt ‘ill-yo.-tr-(nld_ lzul. cntztlnyud to drive cl lmnm!tt:t.l tn zt derrick on Russ:-ll nveuun, ncnr Pnrlt. \\‘lIi.!l’£! n stuvur in I-elm: l.mllt,1net wltlln tttrrtblu znishno yextox-any nltornoou, Willie: swing il!‘t‘tuiIt! with his horw hr m.-citivnivtlly gut c::u;;nl l)'..‘I-\\'tz(.‘l) the drum ttndlmn:nol t-ilo-Iorrl .'. His It)\:.tlt‘ jnsv \t'il§ brulttmnntlhialleit our turn nil. b.-..-ll.ius his lmlteiztvul int-t1 lmnlly l)l'lIi>Il,NI. Dr. ll_ypo,t:tI' tended htponr, untl plonuunm.-ti his lnjmltrs uutmorons. ....._._.__._.__.___.__. The Gerru-an synod. Tho Gnrumn l.utltur:tn bivnmi ruhutnutl its ses- sion ycs:mtl:ly mnrninz ut the usual hour. Tlzo t-.n!tru znurnlng null xtitm noun nlttin;.:s wt-ro tits- vmctl to tho tiI.1lL'u?|1iU:l oi the iicttpu to haul- lowml the pmlcsaore mi tlm Lutnurnn sumtoj nxtrlcaaitltllclr tmlclllnlz-«.. .\'u tlntiulto conclu- sion was rt-tt«.‘i:«*«l,tuni int fiynod u-zjunrm-.(i un- txl8n'<:iu(:lt thin murni:r.;. it~.|'t-Mint‘: mllulrm.-t er;-rvlv-«.~s u-urn ll.-nl in wtm: in llll:tlV‘l‘llii|l{ itt~ lat. Jnlnuu-us’ I.'llurt-ix, ttltwll ntit.-tnluu. by n.nn y poriplo. " THE GREA lnnlllli; IPOIR Ii’aura/gin, Sciatica, lumbago, Backacba, Saranets of the 0I:as!,‘Gouf, Quins}, Sara Tlzrom‘, Swelling: and Spruins, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooflx, Ear and Headache, Frosted Fan! and Ears, and till other Pain: and defies. I-in Prcparaunn on earth equals Er. JALYIBX Dun A gar-, sure atmpln and cl-mpi-Zxtenml llcxneviy. _ A tr Ll enutiia but the comptlmilvcly trifling outlay of 50 (items, and every one suffering with path: can have cheap and y-oeultiw proof of its claims. Directions in Blown Lttngttngrs. BOLD BY ALL DEUGGIBTS AHD DEALERS RI MEDICINE. QJVOGELER 8:. 00., Baflimmv. lfth, U. N. A. NERVOUS DEBHJTY CUHED WITH i . ‘air '**"F?“i3lIl’illIiTl Fl’flRiTi"i'~ rnllrfl our cent of the hnxnsn new are victims to [urtinlor Btllllztidlil ltnymievlcy. Tint ILII‘llixu( A-nun lam will bn ully e-.urr_ot>orstml by aver)‘ lntelltut-ttt plnniician. The principal cause: prmluclnx thin dlteue Areiwilterutlom or excuses. sumo otthn common sfm trnm itru inn 0! vlzur npurrminrrhma. [uln in t :2 vii. tlltnmltlon to xvoiu Iociutr. ltnznor. ginomv to:-eimtiimzt. mantti tilttvnsa. nervnmt tieblim‘ and youcon-tunalfln iemuim). itvxhllltntlmt-ireams. talc. rat no mm mm any nrtevunt the nan-.nt horn wnrnin the child or this mat crli. Hear-at habits are lha rt-sut oi ignorance. he mt.-tilcal ftmlenl-an hst been Almost crilninnlly neitllnent or rat cvmt about these UIIIIRI, in tire tiunutn-is tor accttmxnodntioltt at the in- nm-Juylnmt mnplyatttm. 'I’itt-ra it it well-lmmm prim-Ipla in Animal physiol- umt no nu] ‘cum: can take plum-. ascent through 1, .. .3“;-, 91 um “anon: nyumn. it the uterus potvlt‘ in any organ is tit-nitvtteti. than tint organ is weak. ’l'lt¢rotaitmmedytn the mach oi xtll.onu Hunt in: motithe ta,-st tor ova:-lntlttt century. in. it {-’rr.u. ltmronulvtz nu been tcrnttntu:-i mud in- durteti br. tilt! Aeauomy or .\i::tilt-lne oi l‘nri.t. It M: In- uyumg gpctejnc [or the niuwc. contains no pltomimrnt. cnnllurlulet or mlmr pnlomt: it. it uurely A Vr,(t)c,n 1"ANi.Z.Yr0dttt‘Il|fl no reaction. nut is pcrmnnentin gncct; 4 at utxsm-(atoll rm. and an be haul ol .|.enssoi-a(; mt rm: tichrllcn. l'lfIl(Fi'llIC!‘l. or at Dr. it, In-own hlK<2smmnl.{_»ro€ricI5:ra. A-idtvu itaonvla. \\ urlti ltnilriimt. New in . hunt: genulntt without Ilia Ii nxtur-3 ll. Ii. bllszcixnmzd on side at at-erv box. , B_ vi hr nil druanrtsu. lit): at 10: min. :14. And 1 oi to) lot Sm; lctil. by null upon tweo-suit of ’""" - Cl'.il.’I‘[t-'iCA’I‘i~:. . Plum. July 18. i>t1.l—-ti line tie is Pnlx.-A Sir. E. I... Aft)‘-vilutra you: old. had Irtsuu n widower twenty- flva rynru. uarmus tompcruncnis iurl uttered Jar thirty wear: with u rmztorrbum. and for tm yuan with mtnoun dubi in and mum impoloncy. For eighteen can in tried every known ntuusdr Without any bane I. lie unit-. to we and l ndvlud him In in lticard’I Vltni itettonttvc. /imxr tour monmt ha wu discouraged. in i lmlstcxl upon his: contlnsultut he use gin! in nine in u‘tlét in ya; r€.u%rz«':aioe llll':;l~lih an )f--Ii)! Mil‘! 1 . Ill 8 W - - ,'Eut at It? Dllichlsl treated 65 were curtd wltlliti N dun‘ us in nu: weeks. no bet:-wen two ma three a u an an x 1 ul )fl0tI‘L1::‘Cl DOIVBGII . ‘Y9 "R. '39 '1ubuxttnsov‘a’{.‘53m't‘§'° 4° ‘ ‘°1’2‘. u"“:"miiu . - u - B :41. Louis at - °' drug trade. .9: ’ STYLES! Prices to Please All! ‘We tgnflitlenge comparison in 815 u s. , Scotch '1‘weed S‘uiis,$'.‘.0.$22.$25. Honest ‘Went-lug Suits. ‘$10, :5‘ 2.. Laborers’ Suits, $8. $10. FALL ULSTERS IS: OVERSACKS Equal to Custom \\"orit. ‘ ~ Clllil1l‘BI1’Sl]B1l31‘lillGl1l Full of llolcllllls. ‘Every llouseiloltl in lntve our goods-it Ion‘ prlres will do ll. Izxspuction my speclitliiy invited. - J. M. POLACK, POPULAR CLOTHIER. TAILOR and SHII-.TM/lKER. 218. 2'30. 222, ‘224 and 226 Kg l-'liUit'i'H. .1" IiEW_I])EAS!NE'l I ' ‘ ' " T'.m.t.A_cis at the Snmqwlmo on . : ‘‘t'HE LIVER, THE i30WEll.£'3, . and the KIDNEYS. organ in the natural elong- mn. Iitheyworxweufiacuth , become cmxzod. ‘ ' totoumrmul fimenuu . era um tn will parted: lf they d.Nu.'l1t:.l tiiaveuzcstttt tutu ntaxlata SUFFERIN8. ‘ ,' Billotmtou, lluduhe. Drrptps1:.,Jnm- ' dinn,Coutla>ntIon uuld Pilot. or Eld- nay Ccmpltlnts, Gravel. Disizoia, Botiltnettl in the living, Iilkg, in tiny Urine; or men} unit: Ptlu ud Anita; .‘ . be ill blond! ts6'2fa ; $l°z§°x3a°;° %°mon°”&’at fauna £33: win . ‘ upelicd namxallv. KEQNEY-W09? um mwxo tltahttithgescuoa and all time - bsnllhnd v - :l§#n‘::’::3‘yo?‘t’1.ill‘ilx1‘*lo but to utter.‘ fink“ ' ":*:.l*;*“:=*.':.**:s“.°.:':°.*... '1" . - E nwtfivtfionm more trhddcn rburhurt. Why nutter longer mtito torment ._ 3‘ °{<7'" °°m"“won"° .593... mm con- ; 1 “W33 5‘3‘§*ai’zall}7u't?moanu afdiov I ’ °§:dl-3'x1';.'w'v'3'}n°3:n «':nre'rou. '1‘t7'Iia¢¥' «. “°‘i.°.‘2Z“3£’§‘.‘Z3a.“%‘E’ZL*m»o«uam»c _ - - _ Onurackngzmthuuixquxiaoflodlelut. ,V _ — . ..{L°",..{.?..'".‘.’§'.‘.3 .'..“:=..‘.§u‘3'.'1'r'§£.."§‘s.é‘u.’°' Eofiéifilonln "N[tl1:.§‘f)'clT\'commmm College. 210 um’! 21-: x. . llh ti.: open day and nizht: M-.mi tor 1-lrcuini‘. “I E’ A Ylfili ll lmard uni tuition. ll wllnglon b 00 .\i‘llll:try l_;o'll:xe.-N. J. L Flirt iltti.i) INHTITIPFE. Frecimlxi. N. J.-nay-t lhumnglily prcparvd for the but (‘l)iit';:t-t and tar Itu.-linen. New. A. U. lnunbcrs. t’rtncl|ul. TUATi(‘ltt’.\l.—-Ila imam Lit. \'t-rnun innilttro. A i-..u ilth. lr'runt-hruni I-v-rumu hon «ling: nntl tint‘ arltool or young Imllx-n and little 5.-Inn. Nu. -ltl .\it. Yet- non l'ittm. Lira. aixry J. .l-inc: nun Mrs. ii. .\l:tlIlnml. l'rluclmit. a.-titted tv) in lIl’;:l.‘¢()l']Itl oi i'run~smru. Tim 21-llnnntnxl Il‘J'Ill\\‘I|lr(llI)lI|l1llE0 beptutttbt.-rwlil. CH’- cuinrs mat. on nmrilculun. I’e1111sy1v:n'1ia MILITARY ACADEMY, (Jill-‘.81!-ill. I'.»\.. open: Stqotrttxlacr 8. (Jim Eu;-|. nt-erlnr, Clwinlztxry. ifilnslm nmi Fnuxllslt. ile- itreoa conl‘.t.-rre-I. l-‘or clrcni-.«r.t. npniv lo JON‘ tlt \\ . tr-.uu-I}. ls:-q.. I p.\Irtmo{ liu: .trudvnn'. at ll Vine Ill‘;-tat; iii. Lutlln. or to Col. ‘flu-0. liuli. l'rt-tl-lm;l. ‘‘ COLLEGE OF The Ghrisllan Bru hers l'OIl.\' Ell Eighth and Cerre Sts., St. Louis, Mo. Session Begins the 1"h-st Monday in September. Classical, Scientiflclz Commercial Uuursts ‘Fr-r clrrnlar. cmitailulnx nnrtlcitlttrn in mganl lo boatrtl. tuition. :tc.. ntltlrcu I3 110. J AJVII-‘SH. 1. Louis Uflllfllsll, L'.\'I Hi TIN‘! CARE’. OF TIIK JESUL - 1‘<"A.'I‘I-I Ens l *t:'*""‘—-~ - Classical, Scientific and Commqrc al Education. Tile 52d Session opens on Mon- duy. Septentbnr_6.' '.l‘lta Post-Grntltznto Course opens on iilonduy. October 11. For uhtioguct, ctc.. nppiy to REV’. J08. E. KELLY-ZR. S, J., President. Ninth and llkuhlngtun at-c. .‘l':’x'cfi:-¢'t’-. I’rt)1lo:ntir4 for Impruvint: Puss Cn- Vltllt), Ifexu:-I. Uxtrrn Em-rm l-:.- l.\'m:n nnclcz. ilr~'n 3 at .. . itt:1t.nt.\'u iMl.VIiSTl‘.I.‘i’. TEXAS. stttaiutttlrcrll. 89). qt-2A.l.i-ti) prupouls. in alnnllcntc. will he receive k. this omcv until l'l o'clock. noon. on tho iourivouilt oi Uctober. mi). at which time itmi pizce they will he opium! In nrettonco oi lthl-ton, in! coottruntlnx one 54-ltyutimstll and stone or cuncrcte. iurltnprovlug I‘.-ta: Cnvullo. Texas. Aptp§v'({K:tit* nzmmni IWIUDIMQ of tho ttmlroprlatimtt of lbfis. 73. '19. ‘be. for lhlt wort: Slltr§.U}). lilunl prolm-aetln and int! information will no i;nr~ nlahuli on Application to this unlce. . H. M. .5!ANS|v'Il‘.I.D. Mztlor oi Engillccrt II. It. A. Pi'opmntls for Conat_rncl.‘lon of Public Buildings at Hot Sprixtgs, Ark. , ~' HlADQDAflT£H3 l.n:1~.ut*rm:.s'-r orrnz ilocnr. g yr -1 E K is -4 E .. 4 tut; tfuntr ' 1~'::wrcm'r I3Al:RM.‘K3. ii\'.. -ptemln.-r ll. tum. l'.Ai.El) l'ii0l‘L)SAI.‘:l. in tdhlicale. aulzlcct to this umzl conditions, will bu received at thn um-:6. or at um omca 0! this Qttarlermxulcr at not Slliltgt, 1‘) o'clock noon. on t)t‘inlM1r l. .w. in lanes may will he npmn.-ll in nrcsencu of hit! rm. {wt in cvnntructmn oi puullu lmtldlngu ll not bring». Arm. II iollmvu '1‘ '0 net! oi (fxnlnlufnqtlnrtors. Two win of Lietnemtnlu‘ quart:-rs. on: set M lurrlckl tor (minted men. one luunlntl. luvnnl-haunt. l .\xlluIant‘.t oiiioa. i bnI§c-lmtzn-. outbuildings and tents.-. - '1 no Gmrcrutuent roaervet the right to re]-rel. my in All prupault. _ Pmtianltce will be given to articles at domestic pro: ucilou. ‘ (lupin or nuns and up: ciilcnlians may he soon at this omen. or at the onto» 0 the Quartwulmiar. at Hot intonunllun with rut:-.mi to N tut-nio.x'c;l on n pllcauon and tin otnr.i:l'ltltutkI my nus at -ulddera wi i In snppixm. - linrolonu contnlulu proposals must be scaled And ‘l’t‘0}V(v)MI In wt:-tnlttittg rmbll lmlltllnitl at H35 Sprggsik AQrlt.,“’ Amt ‘ndnlrci-.4’?-2:1‘ glnrhli ;ll|‘!‘|:£' It 03 C Ell! ¢I‘llll- 8]‘ I U ’ I I .~‘“D’ ‘ ‘.a0.t:I1iN)I{gin.’ e uarlermu lr emu . . . . W :0‘ - . (Jilin.-I Quuwrmu er. 4 ii i A SS . Ii‘ 5"“! "09 «.51: "ct, 1'‘ , 3; 2 ~ so :52‘. 5% g3 -‘.51 ufi :6 "2 p6 223 :23 ac" 33 8.33 ‘ . . A z:.. A 3 " . _ If; ‘ ~ tznmmml ‘*- - D aszrepsia 1.t'.’.‘16I* ' _ Diseases Itzcrcr > V - . Aatto, Ifhcuntac I__ ‘ ttsm, D}:-opsy, Ileart Disease- Bilupness, 11r’crt.~ous I)cb£lt:y, etc: _ ‘ The Best REMEDY KNOWN to Kan! 9.0933000 Bottles 81501:‘. 13'? . Zita Syrup possesses Varied Properties. 1: stimulus: the Ftynltno tn_ the flnitvn. which convert: this Ncal-eh. and sugar or-‘(ho lood Lttto_ iueuatt. A. deficiency in Ptyatitto «mu “ std um! Ftonrtug nf um K‘ood.In tho ntouaneln. I! use l1f¢UL'lI1!v It taken lnmmfl. may alter outta; um nu-ucmuuon or road h prev:-ntod; ‘ It Kt‘-I nwm the !’.ivt-r. ‘ ' luocu upon the xtmm.-l 3. It Relnlntet the now: It !'nrit‘leI the Blood. it met: the Nervous Eynten. :3 -t'°'§°§°' 5'“ "3' 4 1 i 9 " A on? 1 en. (re tent: at: nr :55 _ It nu-riu ottho ofifxzzwa and uuzkzgs new It open: the pores or the stain and tmluecq lxonitlty fu-usirntioag It nunlr.\li:eI the htndittry txinl. ct: mines in tin." trio-id, uimh :4-(notalu Sc nla. lfrp.-pulu. and .t.l tit-tnsrcf tilln rintetue: and in rail humor: Thorn an on spirit: vst'.m‘cyeai in IL‘ nxaoufncl E55 M2 ' an be Lvlttm by tho tnmt. tiolieata lubenor 1*, ‘q’l.l|".l1 lath:-. mu me‘; bdng uaaind in aunt: fnav-0 _ ‘Caution to Drttggists. ltt-wnro ofcnttn:-,-_rl¢tI rnedlvlm-. I enmlmr nn tr". chm: agvnto or rmuurn to solicit trzulu iron: alra',.':lsl.I _ -’l‘ES’1‘I.M()NIALS. ‘i_i\’<l"F‘.f'.‘3l.\_ ctnzsn. umwm , ti .1 ‘- '_ _ , , , l'!:._ut Si lt g—-'1:l‘ns L: to t‘(’lli:{|l_l;rlil;? I71‘ "1-901) all-wt‘ nu cowpleuty cll_h'4S me or (‘£1060- “%- i.\'.\iA.\ Iv‘. u.l.2-.1. :~.u. ' 3|-'l -\‘.\'P‘\\‘ .\lAi‘l OF HY“. . znn :tt.\ . 51-. Jllfls umzn-r, gm, ‘.ci;:Aila‘‘'‘|I‘;ts;_-:.\-m“:_:: »: D In lantoxl tuver {or tear _ t O ll~‘l)i_AN nnuuu s\'l:U1'.’-7.1.35-r z‘r3'1‘o‘r"»-lHcJ3.§Y lll‘t‘.|) cured me. i can also reaotttxueud your medl- clun tor ilrct wauuhtlut. ilE1tMAN bZlt:li'rl-zit. ‘ Bl’ I-‘A\ril.\‘ all-‘.i)if‘.i.\'l’.. .\l_.-i:~‘(:m:.« run. Sr. l.nL-‘ls Cuuw-rv, tm, pz1ln;‘1ln:—linx iv;-to ccrlilf tint we have mail your l‘.\lllA.\ lil.()UlI ia‘\'ltl:'i' in our family inr uuno lxllcinlild an: coulldctlt that it it the _l-est inmllv meth- cult: um. ul-.Ullt_iK I‘. \l..\:‘U.l.\‘U FUN. l'n'.*.~'m-:1-.~st._\ /51":-n~’lnrn~:-t1'1n.~:. ‘ n... . — 2' at wo 'e.tu set but po».l.lwu>l::ll-til -i" ' l).\' ..' ' a\’lZt3l- “mi, §'l§s'cu‘ coI‘l’|f|¢‘tilec:’yo:.3trtred]t)t§c‘.‘ MW” 'lKL.\C.l3 A. UUCIISTY. ANUTIIEIK HUI-"‘ERER. mun <ln-—’I‘nu n.3'.’fx"y'L'$"‘.§' ‘\lOlil'\t')n' ) §\'i£Ul'lt2t curmi um oil):-trot-r:Il.\. ‘ A ‘ I U‘ I.‘.\t\;[Kl4 \\'lLLit\.“5UN ron ntt_.tnu‘s~r'z-ts. nztux 8xn—t have usc3M)“t;;z: -!.‘£‘I‘)'F£‘.\'<'0'Iil.?L(t‘}l‘) as) HUI‘ tur lililoamtt-.13 Alid Donn umunt of ma L-tnxuach ADI!‘\il. uni have louml I. to M rm 1: Wlilcwuiud. uuullun: I‘. ltUi~:l1&lL. .Ll‘\ Lil C0.\ll't.Al.‘_sT AND I)Y3i’F£l‘SiAu - 2\A:‘iIlY. 81’. l.ot:ta' t.‘o.. .\(n. _Dl.\n Stit—-This it to army 1;,“ your v;1u_-‘lg. 1):. In/is za‘l'ltU ' hu u-lion--1 mo oz Lite: Cvulplaiuuml Dvspclxsu. or long‘ standing. Milo. Al€‘l‘llA .\i.\.V.l.\’. , ' 'lt.\LGIA. .\‘.uatxtr. .51. Lama $20.. no. ,I)v:.m sIn—-A nor the ltocture failed to milcve um 11' In-.urnl;-11. I trltnl your l.NUl..\..\' ISLUUU b\'l£Ut.' uni I‘. soon mind too. . l:.i.1ZAl1E'I‘ll l!Ol'l-'IiA.\'.\'. l\‘E‘u‘El1 PMLS TO Clll'tP.‘. lwlsut‘. :.t‘r. l..miIs Co.. Ho. DKM'tSll‘.—-.‘\htmt ten year: ago 1 injured on: at my llxnint. which rmult-.rstl myloluu nut: and g]la:ugr¢,_1 my lIt'.l'VU|to tynlv.-nu. I li’|l.'d uuczorn uni tucdlctne 1...: wunou; tilidixtgtt-lit’! until i u-mt -our t.\~ln.t.~l ULUUU b\.ltlJl'. whibh wou_cg)nl[aieie V cnrmi mu. (-1204 UK W’. DUJIAN. I‘.\'l~’.1.'.\l(l.\l.-\ (IITIIED. .\‘.un\‘. 51‘. l.ot:-‘ls t‘n., .\lo. muux HUI-\'tIItl' rename l.\l)i.\.\' lil.utm n\‘2€l}i’ hzu cured mu ui pm-mnunia. lllisu used it to: at lueiwucd -mu mill like tcsulta. _ A. J. \l 11.303. l-'.l'il.I2l'h\'. NA.'sli\‘. 31'. Lmn.-t Crrtmrr. Mn. mun stn—;- um um ullllcled Willi FA|IIIl:l"li.1 iuui hi‘ :l_lt"|i;‘.c'i'I yourn em I mull your i.\'l)lA.‘i m.un I in lti 1’. lmlclt at proved it tvonderlul raun- uly in his ca.»-.-. JUll..\' .l'Illl£iL. ltiC\iHU\' Fill! l!Hl’IU\lATI.‘5M. > .\H'-\ KW. IlI€.\‘TUN COUNTY sin. ' i)*m1--1pr--cme-it-nun ntyour l.\"l1IA!\'lil.t!()Q\_~ - Fl llUi' uni uuztl it (or liln-unuttltm. n ml it curtd me. - 31)‘ gundnmtilcrttlto ti-Ed it to: l.|vet'a(.‘otn laint WILD “-5 I-ltetuost lmttcticlnl rmulln. 'l'iiU,\l AS il(U\\'.\'. .‘-it. \'n.w, iluxrttx COUNT)‘. Ml). ])gAn :4m—.—1 want‘. no II.»-.un:r .\y:ut: rctnleily than your lNi)i.\.:\ l||.UUli a\ um’. I can also rucomumul it lur ilcart ilintue. lntltzcitlont l.t“t:I|w. min and Lire: ‘ CouuIlt.itlt- _ AC 11 LUu.A.\'. IJl.~sl.‘..\:.-l-‘.:a‘ nl‘ Tm-: :iTtJ.\l.\Ull. , .1'rt:Ilt.'tt».)N. llouxlz (In.. No, I)IA.R!_§li'l-—Til55l1l||_l‘l1l‘l|()‘ll!-II I havu used run i.\‘i)l.\.\ lli.UtIlD >ll:lli' torn crnntsmneut uittn aloxlxuitan-I been greatly l.»uncl’l_ie-l_ll_tor ix , llulnu 311 to give it It tri.~t|- l..i*..-\.‘1ilI.\ UUU3. L‘iill.i.:I .\.\‘li i»‘l-ZVFIR Cilllktl). v :‘rul_m wit. liooxx 00.‘, V0. nun gm-.1 have wlnr I.\nl.\:\ itLuul) t5_\ mil’ 3 null, and it inn ciicctttaily cursti mo 01 Lltlllat an-1 Ft.-vur. After all uI|lt‘1‘ mmlxrlnel had fall:-l. Inseam. mend all who are nuliuriu; with this dlteuo to try it. JU5l:'.I’ii ltUBl£iti‘..'l. Cllllrzll Iii-2Ui(.AJ..GIIi. DTIIIXGION, lloomt Co.._3io. pg“; gm.-For A munlwr oi 3_‘ttM'd lira-I the hcnrnl. fin. t pllfcllltctl some or your In i)lA:\ ilLu0l) "“”.'i'.'§‘:'?‘.i*L:L.?.f;i::i'.:"fi.“.llr’.ilfi:2l nr.°":.=;* ‘*5 ’-m ‘ Imam; u. iii-2)"I‘uh‘. ' I-‘I-Z.\i.\I.l’. (!U.\il.’l.Al.\"l‘3. \ as ltumcx. t.:.utrxn cot.'.\"l'T. Mo. 115;“filn-—'fliiv3siIIl‘ul‘Hf:Ulllllly will: «-1.: A-lliict. ed Wm‘ “m.,,xc;. pt-calla: tit ElIhll'I.'€bIpd 5 man 1:1,; 9.: your xru.-u l.\lilA.\ “LUUl{:i‘i\AI‘(‘Llx:§li1;'j‘:{lI‘:|i‘fb. nYltl'i':l‘>l.\ CUIKKD. \'.\.V llrrucx. C.\lt'l‘ll>l (:cn.r:rn'. un. nxlut Slit-Thl1_ n ltIt‘¢',t'l")' lllltt yuur valuable IN- |)l AN iil.Ut.m til ltUi' entirely cured me u! Dyllbcpalj amt ueuuz-nl in-bully. and my In-.lllll has ‘bean mod W“ M... Jbbilb. uuts. . (.Alt’I‘k.lL. Ki'D.\'ii\' DISEASE. i\’t:\'ti.a\'n.t.v. UIIILILITUX (.‘ot::s‘1r._$in. nun tun»! int-e_tu-mi your oxccllettt i.\i)i.\.V lil.ut,Il) ::'\'l:L’l' it-r .|\ltll‘l:1' uni Huck lxeasux, auq ll.-wt: iouml It to be A a mid reliable ren_to4.|6 _lur um” wgugtlniuu. -|U1i..\ C L yun‘1'ill~'. lll.t)()D .t.\‘i) IKIIIZIJMATISII. i(r.\'rr.avn.t.t:. uttltittux uuulrrr. Mo » Dlut But-I IIJKI DL‘O|l‘I4Jl"'Aul‘(‘Ii.l2lU‘llli€ blilflltilod with mu-mnnllnln tutti an ‘_‘"l)|ru‘ee"e“.‘° mtg‘, 00; .'tlt lime: u“.m1e’\‘li’)i“‘::ul‘ll“t3:fi‘) ‘{;)\r'i ill“! wnciuutlicd 't‘o”t;i‘vKo‘i: jtmr . - - 4. _‘ * , I lflli. uni t:.1_:_i Ila) )t..xlt:Lc"ux I3|:‘“lIk¢u';II;.lnli‘lIfln”l|lc lint‘)! "“'°““‘”‘” ""71 um 'l imam \ ’a ' 3 '1" ' w :,"','*.".‘"..{...,.. .-..'.;§:'...-. -9 “""“ " ‘ ‘ mils. AlAlt'l'llA J. Cox’. (Zllll..l.$ Clilti-2|). ~ ,_’ ~ _ - nr . ~ - U{3§:f.‘,.f‘,‘,‘,‘,, :t‘g?¢"fleal‘l)p:1l’l:."|‘ ui cllliit, g:l_i:‘r_nxl_otlm- mgd]ij||cO l|‘\‘ it-lint» . _JA.‘-it Lltuclu; l‘. (.‘L'ill"-‘.8 .’\'llUit.'ll.(llA. trtrlrutz. ms ‘nut Sin. .‘ —. il. "l i 1!‘ sum» 1 txtujv your: ans. 1 7.'...§"‘;«§3lr grant 1? i)lIA.\ iil.i)Ui) ayfluyy ,, wort trhl 0. \. .ut.h sump c)txe'\3h§:_u£:{ls}l‘t.u. Illl?» IIDIV 1)\’.-§i'El'zil.\ A.\‘iJ |.\'IIllGHSTl0.\‘. ntttiat~:mt:t:’r-.I\v:-'. Itatnlsox t.‘o.., Rio. nun 8nt—'l‘hlt in to .ct:rtlir that your l.\l)l.\N m,qu_l) 3\'ltUl' lnu cured lndul llynoctnla. l mlflil ‘“ ’"“"”"( 'mmN W W I’ Fu"at)ll.~: Josl-:5 ' AND ll‘ .V'!2ll (‘UliI§l). (’mLLs )ll\illll1.\r.\'l‘). m.'.......s- (.‘n‘.’3in- .. f ' ‘ . ‘ mum K I I Yul! jlllliis;’V:d?gfiI'.lfi::§arl3‘:Y;E.€§u‘B[.:8f7‘£;r3\'i5U"- I «I-'4-I recmmm:n.: it tun vatuuuta medicine. it eituclmliiy emu use at cunlt W" *""'“". Jl-ZFE‘. t.u1n.tmnt. ~ " . 1 (~‘l.\‘|>2 I‘ZVi’.|l 1588!). r “B3” -"*1-[],.,,.;.. mu, n.-..\(:l:t:o..,3M., Dun Silt-l intro mall nmr cxccilc.-nt~iNi:i.\N m.o‘un xmwv iv: till‘--v¢'*""“.ilJ."$‘ l*'?‘:‘i 1'3" Mac. mi 0-“”“" “"‘ ”"’ ”°‘‘ '’‘° ‘L,-. '1--fl:-:lrz§. ' sttrx ttt:.m.u.-nr: tztump. ;_,;l_-.'c,t:il'K|i. :4::ttr\‘u:n Lotxrrrt‘. no. DIAII But-I wlu utlvltfci to diet. iiudaclm for flilcort 4,». gull itlllmll it I mt-ti tmxry Yt.'liit.'lI)'l anti-l mint 3?’ ;.'.,..m utymiixixfiltolgellove mo umn Invited‘ yam- D is 1 Q Ill UXCC’ 3|" -1"! 2§wx'c?é‘e." '00 Mitzi. 1.. A. nnunnux o. WHOLESAEE, ‘AGENTS. ST. LOUIS. -MO. {tRI)80.N' £013.; TIO Ntprlll Main 1| hit BROS. & 00.. $ N. xloeomi It. 4. I ' MI‘: l . ‘ I A. lilahlltiil. 702106! 'Hl.\\‘lINI|[0ll um. 5 C." _ -Vévtxa nnos.-. in N. Socouti,Il..|. 1 . ': ,, GLOBE, - PBINTIIIG n.:sr.*nco:g_s; ' nxuxrliclfi-Iv_.Ig‘V14=.-!‘r¢~ , ~_:8.13.Ar.i!i¢_o_:91::rv.-.-'_ .. . ~: r.own--t-r-“and. I.s.='.w.*I- - . _ qxaoggggg |{unj)'I_ ‘or denomination-lunar than wears: pp: received as um‘ ' 0156- In rsirosnvfvfsvle-:=fir?¢‘°n!-' ‘ ~ comb you -'HA'1i(‘.‘-OOK. _ Omuidcr‘ whatnnx and JJ.cxso2r'_gqould. no-gm: my rslioe. THERE 4121:. -2fH1r= £4112 mmozrnzs role. ‘WHICH .r'.£mr .roUoH:2>' roan 23412.9. Re-v ’ " member ‘Lilo mruwlw pound forth UIGHWB mod on .Vcrynuau ion. and do not abandon than now. Remember that upon your votes depend: the success of the Democratic N6119- ....[Wsnn Emrrox, at Bcsnnton, Vs., July .25. ' A .- UNION PENSIONERS. " Wills tile prcseru Democratic House, pen- sion ‘bins do not have rnuchjavor. It has be- come almost impossibla to get cons! ’ tion of audio-bill as all, and, when conxiilered. ft: chance of passing the House is very remote, cndihc .l2eb¢l_Gcncral1oho is at the head of the Pension Oommmce indie Senate is still. more nurse to allowing su'.:'h.bill: to pass. It would noilbe at all probable, ihcrqfora, that the bill will be got i}Lraugh."--[Leucr irom Congressman: Belizhoover (Democrat), oi Pennsylvania, to a. consiiiuczu; who naked tor 8 pcnsion. THE SOUTH MUST RULE. ‘ ‘I am as posilioe that Hancock will be elect- or! as I am that tlu.-re is a God in the hcavcns. You say that he is a 1'rml:ee. Well, I know that; and I know. too, tho: his sword has piatcd the breast of many a gallon: man in gray. But what arc tea to do? We can not put in one of our own men this rims, and have to take a ‘Tank.’ That being cl.-a can, let us rake one who is less ‘blue-beliicd’ than the must ofzlfcm. You may depend upon it, air, that. ‘ }"ai*1k’ or no ‘Yank,’ if elected the old boy: of the South will see that Hanwck doc: Ow fair thing by them. In other words, he will run the nmchinc to suit (ham, or they will run tircflling themselves. They are not going to be flayed with any longer. If you hour any man say that I-Iancoclc can not carry all of the South. you may put him down as a d~——— {ool.”—[Irl.obert. Tuombn’ inner to A menu in _'Washin-gtou . The wwthcr imlicuciomfor to-day are part- ly cloudy, will: light rains. ‘rm: upper air and solar wall: Democrats will havola up Abnr’l'li they went to noun- Iair: Mr. Allen. : Lin. Tnoaus KELLY ls ona oi the Rcpub1i- omvs "gentlemen at lunuonce" who iavor the nomination oi Mr. Thomas Allen. Tn: Republican’: “gentlemen oi influ- snoc" villi lmrdly be able to capture the ward‘ primnrics irom Ed. Built.-r's gintlemln of "in- luocncc. Br.'>:non“CuA‘u.Lx5u‘s speech has taken the place of all others Asa campaign docu- xmzuti It ought to be widely circulated, as it contains more solid meal. than any other Ad- drcss of the yr.-Ar. Co‘:-rxI.x'.\‘u’a speech has Aurnctcd Attention rot many finsons, but ins most notable thxngnboux, at in that it. has completely niioncccl tbu batteries of the Democracy. Wu ham not oven bunrd A suggestion rim. Any one proposes $0 reply to it. In the “money power” or this country is anything like as strong on the Democrats have made it out to be, it is alrong enough to elect Garfield. The mom.-y power or this country in not to help ulecube candidate who telegraphed his congratulations to A successful Grccubnckcr. Tun iron-and-easy Democrats who pcrrini in claiming that the Second Congressional District belong: to them would do Well to con- sull. Lbs: record of the lust election. The total number of votes pulled for Congressman in this district in 1573 was 17.902, of which Weils,|Dcmucrs:.rccclvud 7,0«$u;iColn, lie-pu b- iican, 7.403; Hoqam, Grcenbaclaer, 2,311. And Eoasield, Socialist, 427.). Wells had A plural- ity oi 266 over (Jule, but be was in A minority of 2,024 on the whole vole. ‘ Tun: I3tpzibIiC4.'ii says of Mr. Thomas Allen: III: is limm-u',;l.\l)' ldentiflud with All the sub- lxrmtisl cm-.rr;rns oi our city and Islam. Illa on~ oriry and enterprise have greatly hulpcd to (lo- Velop our resrmrcao and so ndvuucu our twos- perity, No man in Missouri could be 01 more aaioiunce to mix: luriimrirzg our commsrcinl nod lzcncml business niialru. The above is All true, and it points to Mr. Allen As the man to succccd Mr. Coclrrcll in the United State; Senate ncxt winter. ii the Democrats carry the SUI»!-U in '.N'uvern'ber. ,,.,:.,_........._. CIl.Al'lI..17.S ii. 1'-‘An‘vr'r.1.'r.’s Democratic com- petitor tor Congressional honors in the Third Iiiirjoia Disl.ri£:$ will be Perry B. Smith. Jr. 1i'r.';Srnilh is a son oi I’¢-rry H. Smith, the wolf-kxigwn capitalist and politician who had ‘ charge. 01 Mr. Tll.drm’s lulernsu in the North- wcsi in the csmpsigu oi 18'.-'6, and who was A good deal mixed up in the famous cipher dia- pasicbua. lair. 1'<‘arwell's election may be re- gsrdpd A: I cc;-rtsiniy. in 1878 Barber, Repub- lican, received 9,574 votes in that dinirict, against. 5,216) for Free, Demcscnu; 80! lot Cor- uli, Gr:-enbacktr, sud 2,000 ior Sibley, B¢.'»ci:\iiat.- ' Tut. Maine Grecnbackcrs hold A Convention yeah.-nisy to dwide whether they would fuse with the Ilrznwcrais in support, or I. joint fliuflorfl ticket or run out: at ibcir own. One faction Isvared iusion, whercupan another ' notion. bonded by ziolan (lung, held Another ’ Convention and declared tbcrnseivcs “straight Gfoeznbsciwrs,” opposed to lemon and con- fusion. and planed ‘: tuil Electoral ticket, pledged to the support oi Weaver and Chum- bers, in tin acid. This end: All possibility vi amnion ibut ‘might endanger iurpubiiean In-secs: in Mains in lfiovember, and will éoubilma lusvo considerable influence In da- tsaaing im Dvmocnfic project tar : coalition its Indiana in October. ‘run’ Ilrymbiicorl 31 yesterday came out with A strong ln.‘i...scnmni or hit. Tboxnu Allan as a Demouaiio candidate tor Congrrssin the Second Awarding in this crude, lir. Allan yield: on tho pros-sure mm "zen- fitmnnot i;r.8:wn’ac,',’ sod oonaenis to the eu- tw-:.<7'-xéa $39 vrwzb 91* zronv on-‘ um I V‘ Iv! §i¢°‘.‘1Y°.‘f?"!°i1€“i.I said‘ only imm- 5'xnrt P,‘ . ii: ‘th,e“rro—.‘u:iaei-.'tbg:‘r‘su-‘iringt 1”?!--‘$6 ihéir ‘."’¢¢n‘-¢!rmn'eu.‘ét mm :mperioriiy.In»_;e_rder_to Ireecno lojcal lticsrrom an Imminent peril. ihé ‘rm-r'e'nt’_ 'spf>eal.oi.~ihs_“ '2,-"enfileman or iniiuen9a”_ Allan gives‘ an ummuy. ».‘..;.e.,..a, and Eon‘-’ -unts u onoojo ‘am, 'st_r5{.fser"1n the Snflihd Disbrict. .;Ii .£o'us._lha_t_ the is com you-sima in-:d.i_soov'nrl1;’x in 1lc_£r.‘Allsn -use‘ quuma‘ -or dunes: and leadership mun- which ltcrcdlu him. ~ Ifvhc fills thelbiii as wt aranovv told ‘by that jou§'n's.l,'hq ought _ta bsve ‘boon elected Senatorin pluco or Mr. Vest, and he probably "could have been cloci.cd_lt in that contest .Air.’Vcst§bad not boon strengthcncd beyond the possibility of snccosstni competition by thavlolent opposi- tion at the Republican. We Jnicr from tho" Republican’: Article that Mr. Allen is A man qnimtoolsrgo in lnlulloct Andnbility rorthu . circumscribed lpbr,-re of usefulness which tho reprcscgtntion of A Congressional district ‘would Alford. Ho is justgihs man for the United States Senate, should the Democrats carry Missouri in November, which now seems probable. THERE are signs or A Democratic change or base in the matter or the Maine election, since the nxnrpuralion of the Grcenbaolsers has as- sumed a rather uunxpnctcd intnnslty. The Republican gravely informed its readers yes- terday that “the Democratic rejoicing: over thc result or the Maine election are not rounded on the Assumption that ii. was A Democmtic triumph, ” which was not tho cue A wool: ago. The same papar then announced in A headline, "The Democratic triumph com- plain and Alzsoluio,” and in A double-loaded editorial reiterated that the returns Ibowcél “A positive and complete {Democratic iri- umph,” so that the character or tha ro- joicinge has uudergona a complete change. The hsbit of comparing tho returns with those of 1810 has also been Abandoned, for tho roa- son that such A comparison proves rather too instructive. In 1876 the vow oi Maine was Republican, 66,m;Dcmocraiic, 49,900; while this ycaritislkcpubllcan about 78,800, and Democratic. nothinc, sbosvlng A Republican gain ol 7,000, and I Democratic loss of 49.000. Mnnircsily ii. is about time to stop such A dam- aging comparison as this, and Senator Bar- num made A great mistako when be instituted Jr. During the last day, or two the Demo- cratic cry of irnnd has almost entirely ceased, vzbich is the most proper change or all. There has been no charge of fraud in the ~ returns, by the two parties concerned. Neither tho lio- publicane not than Grcanbsckcr: have thus for intimated that the rolurns lrom A single wwn have been doctored, And it waajs great viola- tion of proprlnty 101' A party which polled no vote: in the Stairs: to probcnd that the parties which polled the votes were cheating each "other. when they were entirely satisfied with oach othcr’a conduct. If the Grecnbnckcrs of Maine have been cheated by Republican manipulation 'ot,' returns, tlmy certainly have sense enough to know ii; and it the Grecnbucizcrs have been cheating, the Repub- licans will not be slow to find it out. So long As both are satisfied it ill becomes A party which has no existence In the State to charge fraud upon either. There in now no fraud in the Maine returns and the result. was not. I Democratic victory, both which propositions are dcduclbiu iron) the fan: that more is no Democratic party in tho Bum. There is no fraud where more i: no Democracy. THE DiC.l1()CiZA’I‘lO EXODUS. Though the size of the Garden 0! Eden is not indicated by Any topographical refer- enccln the Bible, and the cradle 01 the hu- man race is lost. in the minus and mythic of an- tiquity, the migrations recorded in history hnvu so invariably been westward that we ai- wsyn think of simian: and peoples in mflIi:il- ing to their destiny with the courses oi the suns. Occasionally", however, there are ed- dies And counter uurreuln, such as sent the Vsrsngcrs Around by land in Constantinople to form A body-guard for the Ensturn C‘.|?l-33-1'5, or planted the Norniana in Sicily as A bul- wark 0! Christianity. in our own country we have Arson the cxoduaters working their way norihvvnrd against. the current oi the Missis- sippi, And to-day any one who will take the trouble to study the outgoing trams at the "Union Depot may see An cxodua,en5tward,not westward, in its migration; An exodus char- acir.-rietic oi the times we live in, and not pos- sible in any other iirnra or any other country. This exodus is small in numbers and insig- nificant in strength; ii. goes out rather as ihe trickling 0! A liiiie rill than as use rush of :. mighty river, but it ha: the steadiness oi dropping water, and the purposa behind it my be as important to the destinies oi the world as um exodus 0! Israel from Egypt" or the march at the Mum and the Vandal: from Asis. livery morning and evrry evening, but chiefly in the morning, the trslns tor lndisns carry out : coniiugvm. oi tau, twenty, or thiriy Lrrunpa, rugged and sandy and iorbid- dlng oi‘ AnpcnrAucc-smzb men As 1111 the crime department or our telegraph columns and startle the quiet occupants of city kiiclsens with their unwelcome apparition. For once In ihoir lives were gentlemen pay their taro. .and have money left for their meals. It is shrewdly couieciurcd that they hava money enough to support sham in Indiana until tho vlcction is over. For ibis exodus is the vanguard of the: army of iramps imported into Indiana to vote for Hancock. 1:. la the responaeto that appeal, mule by the: Central Committee to the Slate?!‘ having large Dcmocrntio majorities to give "subainniiul usisismzc” in Indiana. his not alone from St. Louis that ibis army is re- cruited. Keniuciry has A Democratic ma- jority and to spurs, sud oven far; of New York in not so is: oil that it could not send in. few recruits to coir.-brute, the festival pi frater- niniion "between Fox sud K-:lly-«between Tiiden and Tammany. in so good A couso one man counu lot as much As snotlser, and A avstersidn hummer from the docks of New York" may be relied on to vote the Democratic tickci. as Lsithinlly and as numerously as A trump from Missouri. - The Damocrsdo Committee is evidently drspersic in ii: inlenoious and iixnd in its re- solvn thy»: noirmd norininmy stand in use way oi victory. Much depends on the election oi Indians, and I luv hundred imported ra- peaiers may change detest into victory--A law ihouund my places tin victory beyond quea- Lirm, Tilt appeal of the committee D4197!- dent}; Aomérned II A denisA’d,1or ‘ ‘sub-' suaulsi manna" ‘V5!-0! Voicing and ~ A _=-xx‘}imporinii4vn_' is not swoon‘ , 4. ., . . ,vrar1i',ihe’;'B>e'1‘7ub1lean:’__(_at Inliisn:-to kecpihair Iorfthe’ ’socdmmodstidn of tho ine- ot riioalriom,-which 1: 1 pm or the pro- ,tbo overturn _ .u§f'B;e in 3:. -mun. _ . 4":"“**'?—v--—--* , _ Anpnn: 3 cu.-runs. 'I‘o~morrov‘v will witness, at 'i.‘Arry1own,New York, tho centennial celebration‘ oi-whnt, it is no-night otiancy to say, was the declsivo eventotthownr tor nstionni lndepcndencia. It wssnot s bulls in which victory was won by patriot valor, nor waaita fear or diplo- macy which ralnvigorstad the siucws at war. It-was simply the capture of A spy—:m occur- rence common enough in war,‘ but which, in this instnneo, rosato supreme importance on Account of tho great cntastrophrwhlch it averted. Arnold’: treason and . tho into of Andre hsva not-yci. bcen divested or the glam- our of sentiment which the high characters of the traitor and his victim evoked from their colemporarics. The ignominioua death 01 L110 Adjutant General oi tba British army excited. tho pity, and the treason oi the hero 0! Sara- togn. aroused the indignation or the patriots or that dny,And tho historian: havn sought chiefly to invest the dsngcroua conspiracy with I. dnunaiio Interest. But neither Arnold nor Andra worn men to undertake the execution oi such an enterprise unless the object to be guinea was commensurate: with rho rial: or the one or the disgrace of tho other. Andre did not consent to be A spy merely for the pur- poses of clfocting the surrender of A military post, 1101' did Arnold Act this Lrainor merely in order to cxchamm his commission in the Con- ilneutnl (or one in the British army. The consummation of Arnold’: trsitorous design of delivering West Point to the British commander would have been A blow Ailho patriot cause Irom which it could hardly have recovarcd. It is true that A French force had Arrived on this count And revived some- what. the hope: of the patriots, but the for- tunes 0! the revolution were well nigh despo- rnte. In that same year, 1730, Anrliiab force had invested Charleston, nnd sitar A short sicgn forced its large garrison to surrender. A iavv months later Another American Army was annihilated at. the bottle at Cum- dcn. and no forces remained to uphold tho ‘patriot cause in tin: Southern col- onies except the weak partisan bands at Marion and Sumter. One month after the battle ot_ Czllildiill, which was about tho data oi Arnold’: treason, the Southern colonlus were completely nubjugnicd. The battle: oi iha Cowpcns and King’n liouuuain had not yet been taught; And at tho time when Arnold was lconducilng his trcnusonsbla correspondence with Clinton, the British Government anticipated no further trouble 1r-om tho rcvaluiionists in that quarter, and the hopes of tho patriots oi‘. Again mnirlng head there were considerably shattered. To many patriot: tho battle of Cauuicn seemed um death blow of their cause in the South, and ii. is scarcely too much to any that bad the British obtained possession or Went Poini. at (bat ‘time, their worst {cars would have been realized. Precisuly thrcu years before, Arnold was fighting dcspurniely Ar. Saraioga to check the advance, and ii poxslhln effect. the min, of Burgoyne’: expedition. The ism] consc- qucuces oi Burgoyne’: success, involving as it. would the complain scvcrancu oi Nut-.' England from the other colonies, were well understood by the Americans, and WAshingi.on stripped the country or every soldier who could be spared to re-eniorco the Northern army. Burgoyne’: army was captured, And "a dis- aster from which there would have been small chance of recovery was averted; but by sur- rendering West Point. to tho enemy, Arnold would have substantially repaired the dnmsgo which be had Indicted on the British by his gnlinntry At Snrxiogn. Tim occupation of West Point. would have practically Accom- plighed the veri‘*-‘purpose for which Bur- goyne’: expedition was undertaken. The British then held Ticonderoga, and with West Polni. in their possession they would have: had comploto command of the water route to Canada. Iiad Arnold-'3 treason not been discovered, and bad tho country been as- tounded by Lin) surrender of the important post which he commanded, it would havo produced An clicci similar to that which would have ioliowed the complete success of Bur- goyne AL Snraiogzs. All that had been xzniuod by Burgoyne’: defeat, at so great. A sacrlilcu, 1-rauldbsvo been lost. Such A terrible re- verse, ioilmvlngimmcoiniely alter the battle of Camden and tho subjugation of the South, would have inilicicri A lxupclcsl prosirailon on the patriot came, and put nn-cud to the strug- gle for independence. Arnold and Andre worn plotting to and the war, and the capture 01 the spy st Tnrryiovvn; which frustrated their well-laid scheme, may be considered one oi those events which have shaped the future of nations. > To those three men who were playing cards by the roadside belongs the honor of achiev- ing American independence, in common with their more distinguished compatriots. The labor: 0! Washington, Juiicrson, Franklin, Adams, And A host. oi others, would have comcbo naught. but for the happy circum- stance that Paulding, Wliiiarm and Van Wen. halted the man who came riding Along this road on that September day. ’I‘lmre was no reason why they should have oomninndud him to stop, exccpi. that the character of the rc- gion msdoli. ssier lot more who oocupledit of himself. They were not soldiers, and it hns been irrevcmnily siamd that they were whiling Away thrir time by A game an cards until An opportunity should present liaeli tor iius furtherance or certain doslgns on the cattle oi‘ the vicinity. But the Appearance oi’ I traveler whose intrusion wins to be aooounusd tor" interrupted their game, and tho thrné men, who had also died and made no sign,‘ baited him and bocauna famous. "Win! would bnva been this condition or this world to-day, hld Acnopisd his proffered bribe at 100 gulncss, and sutfared him to proceed? it is one of those questions which will furnish food for spoculstion to future Aged, but which :11 sound thinkers oi the tu'i.'u'ra will be glad that they om not answer. , The Omaha: Labor ‘roubles. noun; nmmch to on alone-iumoeur. Osuru, 1133., September: n.—-’i‘ixo strike at this white load works his been M9104. and mo vrovriu rammed .oporsIMOnl this aiwruooin. as am ' ".4 s .2 i.’:.?.‘.s‘i'au'.... ‘i’.i.‘:.".‘?.'.“‘.'i.. .‘i.‘i.’..:...‘:‘}. ‘-ii‘: mono. monlabaran rnnsains M 11. 50, rrm. 4.-a...s........l :1 . ??‘l*!bl¥!i.1F"¥*i II rpumioiéns-it lit" .t-- ‘ ‘ 61¢!7.o1>,¢n:.ien hfoniier,’ and ‘to keép 'nnd~of"IE Ania 1irsi.iAintnotes’ct- ‘ h Locompolcvory stranger to give an Account - W - latter‘ ‘had, -ruiuud tuie :.;,.r in. égniaa -Po_oiflo-SoAndaI. -9 I W- _Sl_an‘.llng Disclosures invoylving Prom- . .. V lnent Politicians. ’ nA The-Ohlolilining 'J.‘roubleA.Assrim— mg is Serious Aspect. A Series ofUn1ooked-forindicixiiants at Iiendvllle. I llilssonrl Again Stained by zinrder--The Criminal Calontlar. Special Dimlich to e Globe-Democrat. Orrnwa, Ox'r£%7i'bt_a;nbor 2!.-—Somo raihor stnruing alsoifisn s have been made public during tl1uinv’6:gip:a ion bolero’ tho Pacific nail- way Commission now in column as Wlunlpew. Maura". Aicbonnld & shields, contractors for Boction I3, Gannon. Pnnino Bnlivrny, nnvo evi- doncn beiorc the Railway commission that Al- derman Uloeo, oi Toronto, is sud to burn been promised a swenty~to'nrtn interest in Section B it no would necllno rroinn security 10!: Marco & 0a., who tondorad tor‘ the work. secretary Chapman, o! the Department. oi Railway: and Canals, Ottawa, was promised $10,000 it he would induce Mr. Smith, 0! 2~iowYorl:, bnckor oi Messrs. Andrews & Jones. to decline to be- come security xor that mm, or wnloh sum :10.- 000 has been paid that firm. Mr. Obns. White- husd was recalled and charged than his lather wn: bums nwindlud by conlrnniora and brokers. un stated that Mo:_'sr:. Burton 8.’ Thompson and Charlton & Aiclntoeh had been given lnrge sums oi money, portions or which hitd been returned through prossuro iron: solicitors. . I.-endv1l'lo'A Sanantlon. Special Dispstch to the Globe-Democrat. I.:sDv1x.Ln, Cot... B9-zpnumbor ‘Z1.-—Tne work oi the Grand Jury Ihi term has buuu uno oi ox- trsordinnry ixatnms: And importance, but the indictments um will came by All odds the xrontoas sensation were resumed to-day, charging three County Commissioners: with re- ceivlng bribes And xnnliensanca in onion. The indictments are IKMHII '1‘. K. Willlnrd. Joe Yenrco and 0. IM. Dcnrborn. Thom axninx: Willinrd are three in nulnlwr, vb?‘ ilrst two churning him with taking bribes, in the last. with mzuicnaauoe in union. 1‘huv other Oom- n-rsaiune . are chnrseu with bribery alone. The indictments wcruvbnscd mainly upon mu tuuumony 0! Francis new the ltoud ()ommi.:- slonur, who swam eloro the Grand Jury that ho had gvon Jolm Yntion, Ibo Tax Collector, 31. to daviao Amunrr Ibo Inn-A Cummissioncn to mourn mou- lavor in molesting or certain oousraois. Ttluy are win to bavo received $40 each. This was me moat important testimony, and Mr. lime. in conversation with your correspondent this Alto:-noon. chased mm, ruluotnns an be was to rave it, use stalomnm. was ntriocly true, and he wouldaumd by it. when the Oummlsulonora learned oi sue indictment: to-any Inuy At one» nvooaouud to sun :ShuriiI'aumce and gown thum- sulves up. Tlioir bond has not yur. buon nxod. All deny tho r.-hnrgo. Wm. iioburu was halted on State stroni at 3 , o'clock this morning: by two munnvno knocked him down and robbud nirn 012878. No cluw. Geo. '.l‘, tho murderer oi Lnwrunua Plizazornld, -moan lor. no uuemmou to jump mo mm or Inn April, in now on trial in sun Dixsrrlr.-I Uuurt. The case will probably in: glvun to tho jury lo-nlghl. Nubbod in Nobrnaks. Bpeclsl Dlzmaicn to use Globe-Democrat. Ousus, Hum, scpmmher 21.—-rim Arms: 0! 8.3!. Wniw, the Llninultinu Proaldoul oi tun Ilnulobom (Vt-.) bank. min Alwrnoon, at the house 0! A pmrnlnout. citizun on Capital Hill, cuusos qulto A conmstluu. It acorns than Wnim lathe broI.lior—in-luw 0! Air. Truman Buck, A prouiinnu: And ruspectod cliizun, rncnnuy City Clerk, and that he cums llnra in June: ins: ultor A vary briai sojournin Gemuxin. no has boon conismntly in the city over since, with the «ax- oevlion of two ahuri. tripe, has bcun oiton on tile sxroot during moduy nnaovening, and wore no din uioe wlmmvur. ills son has viaicuu hi-u rucenl. y and sum negaiiuxiug in comnuny with Buck iurtha mrclmso oi is cnmo rnnch upon the Neobrnra tlvur. it is than us these nego- tiAziuna,incluuiug Iuo son’: vi: :,iurnl:hed mo duuaotivn.-A their claw. Tho arms: was made while Buck and his will: warn nvvny irmn llama attending tho inir, no ono being lair on the house but. Wain: and I acrvnnt girl. The om- ccrsflncad Agunrrl At «such door and than eu- tcrc . Walloui nrntcnaonvoredtoaeorutuhim- Auli in the oeliunbur. (Ailing in um: speedily surmndorou to Lin ollicrml. As he preiurrcd to be tried in Vermont. hn ansriod Hus: slur Ailur. noou in the custody or Hnociul Agon: Snlnlua oi the Dupnrunent oi Juaiico, who name More so xxmko the uncut. Wuuo isnumubb yuars oi age apparently kimi-incurred and compnulouulilc, 0 vinin, siuwlu mates and habits and uxcuudinirlyoconouuicul. iiia iriende burs claim um: there nro many pulllutlng cir- oumslnucos nuunuinz we cnsc vvulr.-In we trial will make public; um the clulrslculion was the Maui; oi mnliornlno rnthnr mun wrong; mat no tools away no iundu when ha 101: «sleep: A small Amount for lrnvulinyz oxpensus. is en- simiy poumlesa to-day, and that H16 sou in now undenvuring to rniro iunda Among irienu: East to nuromuo the ranch, iromi which he hopes: to support. the iluuiiy. now in povurl . The oiilclnl: clnimon mu Klultil‘ hand tun: got away with niuruo amount 0! money; that may have reuuvnrud, or will do so. A cunsldumiwlu sum of stuclui And bonus; lbAL§‘l0.000 ruuunuy toiugrnplmd him 1: nuwfion dc;K)dlL in this city, ¢:Iu.. which, nlsor IL lmmurnlerviuw with Buck’: iumily, you«.'cu:- respondent llunlzn at least. iunprobuuio. Tim rowimi iur his cupsuru is 35,000 tho duiuionliou running up intorbo huaalrv s 01 thousands, and the prisoner basing nluu charged with nuavy iorgcricn. The Ohio Mining Troubles. oomunus, 0., September 2i.—-.\'ominpy of importance has been received lwru irom lilo Corning coal minor, but rusirloma tlluru, now In this city, ion: the iroubln may bulm1.xcu1- porurily ovor. These parties ropors ihunlin minere in nthor velluys aro rniurnirm to work. A upoclnl dispatch to the Daily Diepulch irom Corning, this uiternoon, lays slut oua oi the militia amour: to-day found ll. suapiclou: allur- aclor in the camp, who being pressed (or par- ticulars, mud in Ann battle ui lsuudny one minor was killed outright ‘And night. wounded. one u! whom will die. ’.l'l|a man who was killed was buried on the way horns: by his associates. his said use miner: expect. Ann: irom uoma qua}-iur, And inland waking Ag-moral attack on the troops as soon As the arms Arrive, and rims may will commoner operations by burning mo bnilsilnfl. The colored minors all want to work iowiuy. . flu trouble hssooourred A: Coming to-dny. '.l‘o~dn A party oi miners coma to an no No. 3 and as on permission to nuaruu the works {or is duAd_ulan. who, the nlloueu, luau been killed during the olnmru 0 bunuay. Permission bo- ing given. they soon discovered I-no bad ni '1‘hnIuns Mcbiniwu, oi Nuisouviilo, who Ad been shot through the Abdomen. Another miner wounded on rlunriay is ‘MINE? injured. The. eight onmr wounded man will I recover. Gov. Foswr declines to lake purl in the cum- xmi n at pro-aunt, iwliovin his pinco in More fie mnlsers arc to nncerin n in the mining region. The Chase scandal. Special Dispatch to use iolobo-Democrat. Poona, int... sontembur 2i.'—'l'ha into unvei- opomuule in the Ghana scandal are not in sensational as yesterday. Monroe land iiornco Chase an-euod. lie inrnlabod bail In the sum or 5500,'uud mu". oi counts, not put to any in- convenience during dnnsnoo. which lasted but A law moments. (Juana say: he hsd A sell-ouch inn revolver, and when no trim! to shoot. the hummer as us)! wa up, and relaxed to budfo. lie hel Ibo do iy on vim ground or nvur I minute, _vv tn the pistol at his head, trying to aischsrjfo ii. the sbonyvlacou. umlemnn ailing lust iy (or help the while. qmoisocisnauuuyouu lady is oi unsound mind andiuu shown av dancas oialmrruslou ruenvnii: iornnumbsroidvaars. Him is unruly inurloeilnhmgb: and uiurmod Around the shoulders. The not is nsnurulyooncedod that she WIJI Ancient: mind the no ro too! um ex- treme museum: so Avoid iron. 10. It seems to have been A misaulculaiion. A Tam: tragedy. Hvialsl Dislmcis to the Giobo~Den»cnI. mu.Ls,'rzx., iscnlombor al.-A special rs- coiven by the Herald lrom Maxi: give: an ac- oonntol ataisl quarrel um occurred meta‘ yutcrosy. Drive smith bconmn anznzod lira dispute vim Amati Foaior. terminapingin the iormor stabbing tho lime: in sites nbdmncn . with A largo kuiio, iron: the admin :5}: Bmi to or Whkl named. a dlE...I.,. -15" out .o!.‘- the‘ tact thatj .sba deceased “as. "intuit" tram.‘ ,5mm:’,": -4-hick » ‘-the lo ' -“‘J.‘nle ran an vordnfi ' than struck -n mblav . .-tho head.-.vvith A‘: than,-clinched him-’ In» the In . rhfidxa-r,A"kn1to Andi: ictod‘ the-wound. smith-wt:-tascan jinso cnemd ‘.'llId‘0B rungs Va bond in the suns 0113!; was commit to alin:Groaabock.=DaoeA.:ed-was" nmmried mun; ‘.l!’i1o_parties1:orooolor_cd. "rho pnrtyln orsstoG.Yll'rGli:22:d'_‘:l__¢_s_rI0 or the manpowe- gr-or _’ ’ shgun '.l‘hrea‘_PIAce:. ‘ . _ ‘wunnrarozv. D. 0., September s1.—In:em'sJ Revnnua Axons Latham, ot Huntsville, Ala... in a loner to the commissioner or internal Revo- nuo, sayszl "Deputy Knrahnl nayim reports. under data or the ma ins». Ir-om cross. mm. thus Deputy Aisrshnls Eliot: and Lows attempt- odto arros Joo Lime to: illicit aiuilling near the Georgia Blue lino, when Love was A or in three Incas by Little, and bndiv wounded. Altar wo wan disabled Emit: nrsnod Litua to or near A church when pub in worship was 1301113 held. macro Liulo was re-enforced by armed man iron: the church, when Ellen was compelled to abandon further pursuit." mortally Wounded. Special Dlspstch to the Globe-‘Democrat. Dxrrnn, Hm, sopcombor 21..-«W. '1'. Hot!- rnnn, a sawmill man, who is considered A des- Dcrsm character, shot. and mommy wounded Deputy Shnrifl Miller A}. Xsaox, 110., yester- dny niicrnoou, and mode good his escape. Miller in well known all over rho county, and but About 0! trlonds. ‘Thu aiiulr liuonusod At oxciuimenr. Everything possible Is‘i:u- ng done to ca sure lioiimnn,-and ll sncouaaiui he will probnb y swing to tho um: Iron. Tm: coca was done wltnoul tho icnat provocation. An Indian Murdered. Bpecisl Disnxlch so the Globe-Democrat. . Orrmvn, Omn, Beptcmbar 21‘.-—'I‘ho body of an Indian was discovorod yesterday in the woods non: Onondums, 0m:., with throat. and hands bruliy lacernted. The ground (or sovornl iuut Around whom the body was found show-an Indication: 01 A tn:-rlblo struggle. An Indian was Arrosvod (or the crime. ills clothing showed nmnismlmblo signs oi A menu: oonllint, bolus: literally covered with blood. Fined. llnerlsl Dlmsmh lo the uloba-Democrat. Brnmarlnnn. Int... Somembor Sl.—J. F. Gruomnnn. oi Fnynnc Conmym-as 10-day nuod 5.30 by tbu United Stui.cu0ourLior nailing whisky contrary to lnw. A writ oi mnndnmus wn: ordr.-rod to issue compullimr tho Pulnnkl Onunty authorities to lov ix lnx to pny um judgment obtained by 11. I1. lulu on railroad ban coupons. Hanged in His Coll. Bnxxns, 031., September a1.—Wm. Howe, soowncod to be imnged tor the murdnr or a man named Adams. at not Portnga. bung him- snil in his coil in. Saul: 8:. Mario. A B.UP'1‘UliE REP0li.'1‘ED. English and Hendricks Quarrel About , Money Matters. The contemplated Democratic Frauds in Indiana. Glad Tidinzn from tho Empire l3mt.o—'rho Capiusl Budget. lineeislnlsnacch In the Globe-Democrat. Wusnmurou, I). 0.. Bapwmbcr 2l.—'rno Democrats in committee headquarter: are much exercised over luiormntlon rucolveri Imus Indiana that an open rupture oxlata bu- Lween English and Hentiriclrs. Btu-num was dlspntcticd to visit indinnnpuiis with Senator Aioimuald ID Adjust mu diilurouccn. It Appears mu: English has positively xoiuaed to make any iurlucr conmouziou: oi monuy until the funds sun: (mm “ID Ens: have bean nccoumcdinr. lio nllcgc: mas the mono)‘ has not been up- pllod where it would do the most good and hp’ will not be roaponslblo lot carrying tho Stnto unless he can control All tho iunds. II is un- derstood um: the real socrot oi the trouble is, that Enzilslfi: disinclined to make Any iurtlnor investments on: of his own pocket on the non- tlnguncy oi cnrrying Indiana. ‘run ournoox xx xkw ronx. Gen. Dumont, Supervising Inspector Gonurnl 0; Steam Vessels, who has just rc:I‘.urncd. from A trip tbmugh the iniorior counties 01 New York, says that ha is porioctly confident that um lio- pubiioans will carry that Brute: thus in all his acquaintance with its nolillcuho mm novnr soon men n nomad deccrmluniiou in the minds oi mo poonla to auva Ibo Govurmnont irorn mo nalnulisy nl accession oi the Conicderntos to the control in its Aflnlra. us says the Democrats are showing but lit: in Activity, as the best man oi the party have (1 uicuy sculod themselves in the conviction that it. would be ruinous to the internals n! the State so hazard is chnnuo or policy in um Administration oi the Govarm monr. lin says when tun lira: news was ro- ccivod 0! A Greenback vlcxory in Milne Ibo Bourbon I)mnoernlu.A-asurning mo crudimuado some demonstrations which revived the Llaye oi the rebellion, whnn (hosts simple peoples would coma out 0! their Inclusion to-colnbruto A down. 0! the ‘Union Army.‘ Gen. Damon: snyu llml: 6110 sum not boon thoroughly enu- vasaud, and in NnwYork Ibo plum to thwart lhoillogal voting oxpusud by this Dumourmiu lnvcatlguuon Im the oluotlou 0! i876 are being pcrloczed. 1'11»: cux'rl>:1u'r.nsrJ Hun ns. Iqjarumtiuu has been rocuivucl inure Ihutin order to in-.~iiiiaw ihn conloaiipinicd (mum: on me Kuutunlry And Illinois borders the Dam- oornzio lenders in lmilana are having printed It lsrga number at blruik iorma oi osuhoi rovi- ticnoo roqiuruu by persons clmllungod at the polls. It is suwzd tlmi. the lists oi oltizsms real- dun: in the Buuo on April 12, by means 0! which um lvgnl voters wow so be nnourtninou, will not prevent person: not on the lint. iram voting. An ontn, vurlilcu by A cuxnnolum. citizens, that tho person was a rusiduni. six moutua, and is entitled to vote, is suillaiour. Portion have been diupntouod so must: dlscriota to curry out this programme. The Ilupublicnn loader-n,m mm.-I. more scixotnoe, have roporiod hum that they will have pro- xmred warrants in blank, which will his pinned in ma hAnr.Ia_'oi mu Election flu nervisors,ior the arms: 0! nil pnriies duiucturi in auoxupis to vio- lnru mo election lawn. The llupublicusus report hora ms: the State will give A Republican ma- jority, and it is only necessary to haw: a. strict nurvalllunco ovor shuns border counties. Cnultui Gossip. AR 11';-zit run nAm.~n-:irs. W'A5lllN'()‘i‘0N, D. 0., September Si.-Noilcu is hcruby given in’ the Light. House Board that on and alter mo uhllit oi Tlmruriny, lsouuunbur sum, two lights will be exhibited an I. range to guide through the uonler oi the cut into the snoum oi the Bimbo)‘ ms Rivor straits 0! lilackiuno, Alianiunn. Agms urn located on lino west side 0! this river on A prolongation oi the cantor iims oi mu cut, And Am and white. Doinga At. Dcnlson. special Dispatch in line Globe-Ilamocras. Inn-'1sn:«I, '1':-ix.) Soniomber §l.—'I‘lm llonubll- onns oi Gm)-nun county have developed such strength, by running clubs ilnrougbout um county, that it bu berm decided to put in county uolmi. in the maid. The Garilold and Armor (llub of Units city met. last night. and iinbonod to 9 auction by A1r._WAiis¢u‘. oi Doulson, and Air. our-con. oi Knnsal. The ruins (or the past [aw days have mndo it im ossibio to pick cotton. and A rout quantity pi be sin in is going to mum in I in vicinity. Ata cal crl meeting 01 we Couou Exuhausm lam nisriu I tenor: was made showing that the receipts or cotton to data had been luurwun limos win; way were up to the some time lust year. squiba from San Antonio. apecisl Dispsinh to ma Glob:-Democrat. ' but Axronm, Tux” September Si.--Joseph la. Winfield nun Jaoob iinilnmerda were drowned while Aliuomniinz to cross Aswoiion stream was: oi hora. Xntornailomsi _ track-laying sun completed to Ban Kama: io«day. ' . is is beiiavsd ma: parties burn an Acting non- ]| s i’°'.‘::.‘“ ..l'..“.‘.‘.”z‘.'.i‘.°.'‘. "-‘:“.§i‘..:‘i’i.2.§'.°.;’.".‘.5“ oupsiion scheme so invsuio idoxioo. _ ' luv-.-r, has rocoivnd luau Aid timu Any other 'by mllxvny Urldgtm; ior mu tiiumuuh rouuuvul Iiobonsid Jr 00.. :3. GA! '12}: G La mg. ;;...avg ea; gizlié Ar... , . r 1.Im;:rovam_ant‘Gonvontion. Oi!-handqilddress. Tho Public Furnlflhbd with the Donailts on, tho Bu.nino1uaf’.l‘risnsncBad. Bneclal Dlsnatch to me aloha-Darnocrtt. Kursns crrr. Ko.. Bepiombor 2:.-‘me Aus- aourl River Improvement Gonvon: _ns:om- bled in-Hoard oi Trade XIII! this morn ax. Tho Ancndnnop or dolagnxcs was very largo.» The states of Missouri, Kansas. Ncbrukn and Iowa are well runresohtod, And loner: hsvo been re- coivcd {mm eminent gonuomcn throughout the country exprassing nympntuygwiuir the move- must. The Convention wna drilled to order by Col. Ks!-any Goon, Chairman 0! (110 local Execauvo committee, who nominated ox-Gov. E. 0. Scnnerd, 0! Sn Louis, A: temporary Cl1A.irm:m. am. urn-tA‘nn's srzncn. ,.Unon accepting we honor unnnimoualy cou- ierrud. Mr. Stannrd. said: “Mr. Chairman and Gunuomen: I and myaoli callud upon to occupy the responsible — position ‘ oi Clmlrmnn or this Convention vary unexpectedly. I can RIIll.1i'B you us when coming to your city this morning I and to A Lriend on tho care, my expect Kansas City torun mu Convention. And St. Louis will assist in the wood work which you hope to carry to). succuaaiul und. I have not mm: in. of river irnpmvemunr. ior it long urno wufi M viuw cu speaking an the subjacs, and can show. low only utter ajiew words ncrnmlum. The im- provement. of tho urent wuter—\ 01 this was vullcy has received more summon 0! into shun ovur baioro lor very good rrmoons. New lands are being opened up to seniors; new pr.-ouio urn coming to occupy mum in armron oi ow homes, and nowlwro can butlcr or riclmr nmi be xouud in this or any other Auction or Inn ulobu. Wiiiia umudlng. not inng since, in mu Union Dupes at 5:. Louis wntchln sun now 0! train wmsurnrd, I was told mm. .000 uarsoua vmumd through tun: point ouch day lur the wide nraslrlus wont oi us. Many rnllwada havu been bum during the pita: ten yuixra with which to distribute the nouunurco oi um country, but whilo mi: lmu been dbne they Arc uuurly in- udo. mm: to the durmmus at me in:-more and pro ucors. ‘the gran: Alia-ais-.-l)1_pl River lung rocoivad mom nwamiun during the past. (our yosnrzs than any other rivur In turn country, min during that time \'K.5i."l|nproVumeu{s have [men msdo. Thu juuics h.-xvu berm cmiipiatod, and now umxuucro and vussuisl drawing twunsy-rive met. 01 wrucr; can pass in and our. Wlih us much irueedom Ami saint)’ as they can ride in use nnriior.-1 oi BuILimuru,l’hi|- ndisipliiu or Sow in 011:. ‘rule is proud as inr An it gm-is but much more is nv.-cued in tho may or rezrnuvin-r smixa uuu aandunrs. Tim Jilssuuri River, mu urn-ulnar. Irlbulury oi the Mississippi «rent river on the conllntem, and when l lmurd that the Knmns City neonlu worn to call A cun- vuutiou and risk Aid 01 um ,Govornumm.. I rnouuln it uxtrr-,xneIy timely, und lam glad to sun so lmsny uologuxus uuru. '1 lm uovornmuns should grunt thu uid deumntlud. in ordur to ulilizu the river an 21 channel oi truth: In carry nwny your visa: crops and products. We Are not new to ormosu mo ruilrouds, iiui. cu MK uld lur buuor And uuuspnr tucilnlc: for reaching tho soubonrri. I nmnlr you [or this honor you lusvn coniorrud upon me. ‘rm: coxxlrrxns. . L. L. hinrtln and Cam. lingers, St. Louis; Dr. lwuu, \_V Auuouo; Geo. W. iiult, 3:. Joe, And James he I, Nubraska, were nouulutud A Conu- mluun on Ltrndunlluls. Juan. A. lliunro, liuclm.-nan; E, 0, smmuu, 5:. l.0ul:I;A. ii. blouournlwr, st. Ullurmq; E. J. Lam) send -6. ll». liAdlo,\', Wyamiotiog B. M. Bra)‘, Wont Knnnns; D. J. Lane, Kansas; ii. iii. Northrup, Wynurluuu; Col. D. W. 13. Oman, Franklin; W. Al. i"orieAcu0, Lauvunwortu; W. F. N. linrvuy, .\lIauuI; Col. Van: Mom And Col. C_ruu, Ernpnrio: W. :1. Carroll, l{Anu.a City, hush. were Appolnuad A Commluou on Honolu- (ions. The Convuuiion then took A recess llli 7:3») o'clock. ‘run RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED. A: the evening session the iollmvlng was re- poru.-d by Lin: committee on iiueoluliunuz Whcro :,'i'hn Missouri Vulioy country, in- ciuuiugfiwo-1.nix~d: oi Aimso rl, ouu-third oi _Iuwxl, and All 01 Kansas nnd hcbrmaim, but not Dnkulu. nnd par: 0! Montana, which might bu muurly Adm.-<1, embraces An nrun of over It: ooozquurc miles. contains i\ populmiun 01 (,1 .000 puupio And A mxaliio wuulsu oi 5'i0:J - uuu,ob0, nrouucc.-3 annually nuuriy 503.0:-0. busbulu oi ¥ruin. and in increasing in pnpum. Lion, wosllri and produciivcnoss A: n x-mo nos luau! than 0 mar crnr. per auumu; nnd \VIu:ro:us. Water mmworimlou is the clump» on known to cumlnurce. mad can bu auppiicd u) the cmmursr-:u oi this vnut urea oi coumry by the Missouri River, which is nmuruily one oi the most easily navigated river: o! the world for ion moruln in the your, and was prior to tho rrrmuion ul nrlillclul olunrucliun u gram. high- way or ourmnr.-rcc, and winch. willl mo rumuval oi uruiiclnl and uccirl-sum! obanucrlouu, can be music nvrslluliiu ior ucuuumiuzil crnir. adequate to the wuntu 01 um country, wlmruby um can of trausportniirm will bu reduced lull? ouc- imll, and landed property cnlumccd invnluu more Iuun 50 wt com: and Whereas, he lmulr.-1 oi this river are com- posed oi as rich uiluvlni :oii,in.idI.~quruc to wiumnnd use force 0! its uurruul. is-lion-by tuousnurdis 0! acres 0! vnlunbiu laud: um an- nunily invent away; And 0 - -' Whereas, In has always bean tho policy oi mo General (luvurnr nv. lo nnnro rinks money iur sueinuiruvuuwnt. irivuusn-1 lmrbors Audio provout mu Propurty oi citizens iron: (instruc- tion by the ucurulvu action on grant nuuruns‘, huvinx thus cxpunded,$.‘00.0u0.0)0. oi whiuh but. 7.000 lmvu lwuu.-expended in tho Mlaauuri iivur; iheruioro iiuxuivud. That. this Convention, I-upro- ounliuu Missouri, iowu, l-inlmrnund hub- rnslm, xuuetrusnoctiuilv, but most L'.lI'llDbil)‘ dmnnnu ilms Congress bestow upon the Missouri [Liver Accnuiuurnlion counmounurnlo with the umgnmudo oi um lmcreniu to no survud by in; impruvuumus and lmmorlinucly provide A UIOI()\i;{ilI‘0i.liel|Y tor All z.rrlil-.:luI obstruction: is has purmlncu to ho czrv.-smut or All accidemul obsirucxiuua, sucumuuun,-gs and drills ui- nuzuiug iiulbur, and for u thur-~ ougllnurvuy oi the river by cmnnoleui. enm- nucra. wiu1A\-iuw to duwrminin um speedi- oss uud Inna: economical pinu ui r -mp».-nln ' ll.-L ulusuuei and nroiucilug my property u( cu zung along in banks. lb:a«)i\'(-Al, ‘rim: wu uleo clemnmi that when such survuy ulmll luwu Dunn mudu and soon piulm nppvuvcd. illm Coluzruus shall ruulw such uunropriuuons and min: such omen nciiou i\‘| will auouru mu sjwutiieut pcrmununl. uud adu- quzsle im1Iro\'oumn'. oi lllicl river. l¢ca'r0i\‘v.:d, Thur. in vluw oi’ Elli! rnaguitudu 0! mo illlciubin to im nuvou by mun liupruvumum mu auditions llmrcu ' in rusuit :0 mo mums oi industry and Kim vu uu ul luudml property in sun Missouri \-‘nil:-y. it in tho juu.rmL-ur. 0! this Uunvoxuiun shut duvuliun lu such iuspruvoluc-m~ should no xnudu A was at r uumlcuuuu lor um nnlws oi Enunmra unu tcprr.-suumiivcu M Uvmurusa. Governors and unumucu oi Slum Loglxriuturus; Ami, llwroioro, we would recom- muml to nil political parties virus may rcluau to nom‘.m\l.u lur Iimsoolliuca mun nut known to no no uuvolcd this in i-EIUS‘, and to tho people that they miuao lo suj’2puri, ut the oils, i.-unuiunios who do not alunu plunged to i so public nu hum this internal. prmmioum rind to mum: all renami- ubiu uiiurr so sconm Inc und-i nun-in uuugm. liosoivad, '.i‘imi. lilo purpow oi iuculcniinx th-sins: resolution: (0 am Lpnt. arimlsug lruvs ruiaiiuu lo Lulu on his ubwrvod, to collect and compile sinus! cal and owe: inlurnui.:ou ru- iuung in mm subject. and lo lllIpi‘\'l!il upon iloprosuumuvun and Scnmtora in L'um(i'I.:iI-I lilo importance 01 um iuiurowxuunt uurururl, ml: Guru-oullun uruuocd now to organize u pl:l'll)Ilfl- out Missouri llivur lmpruvumoni. Assuuintirm, which uimli continue so keep ulivu their innar- noiz uguiuw cums souglii. shall have been ut- B on . v ll»-sulvcd, Tim: the Prv.-sidoni. oi this Con- vuniion appoint A cummiucc oi three to pre- Duru A mwuorlui to Unngrc-as uuumdylm; the nciiouui this Convonilou, uud tuu uolicy un- munrirrd, to ho lorwurdui winnn urupnr-ni to the mllournoi the respective houses ui Lion- gwun mid :0 mo senator: nu-J ll.uprcuuuI.:uivc: oi um States have reprv.-A-uuiod. llnoulvcd, Tim: um survey 0! mo luiasnurl River nuwin prusuuua um! ncmrly connpin.-uni ‘bum in mourn .10 Sioux City, uliould, in tho opinion 0! this Oonvuntlon, Do uomiuuud up to Fort ilunlou, Muuusms. Tlwnu rnwlullouua worn, ninr couaidumbie clubnw, Adopted. . ._.._- THE onvcniv.-var: Mu‘ musuuax. Ninety Tllouauud Mun Hundred and liiiiy Dollars Already subscribed to the l'roJoo.t. y UIXOINNAII. Septcmbcr 2i.-)1. E. imrnlls. Ulialrman oi the oolnuniuco Apuolnlonl to solicit subscripliousio the tuna oi $150,000 necessary tumuo: Ibo condition oi Air. 0. W. Wool’: do- nation of A like sum [or an an museum. 30-day invited about any persons to lunch with him, smu mo understanding thin acoopmuoo moans A subacrintion oi not lose than SL000 to the loud. l‘ori.y~hro person: um: tfiisvn to lunch and other: sens excuses with snlucrlpliona . The sum or $52,503 was shun Ir and so the fund. The mini Amount. now aubscribul, in addlzlon to Air. West’: gm, is W0.IXi0. The subscriber! oi to-an are: 1''. xalmoin 0. W. Molsigxin. 311- Ma Wh M H. W. Ounninafzam. it. 1!. apple, A. J. ifullauo, norebeaa A Norton, Mrs. Liam-go Camila. Uln- oinuali. smiiton And Dayton Railroad. nor ‘John (luriiua . km Prosizionr ilobeers fliuzheli. -rem: undo pin, lied Olsainoid A wnoau, Alex. ’ ~ ~road.Co.( Hr. Btnnnrd, of St. Louis, Delivers an . _1.. -“'.m.«!’. 3n_1betc,“.'1'. ~!.'..Ga'1!. in1'.as¢a0a;'.r.- w. ,:Jno. 5nililso'__& 00.. E. ,1... Know» aura E_ logy. = Onadu tleisehmnn,‘ n. . nin am‘, .nmnrs'-~s1rln'.- J.‘~ ll. _ sunken .Leris.:,Goo. I! or bineinnad . aclisrht ma, R3-_Oo..«.Joooph‘ in. . Mn. -_ Ian-Anderson. .-—:I[.' ~nhodns.‘Wm.' , 30”, J. H. Kinney" Oonlqlidniod-Street I . mi. N. inner)‘. . F. ‘divans, -A. A..3.Wi_nI or .4. H1‘. amino 0. . noon 000- .- 3111.0». Wi1:h!re,x.i!Ob'_s Clarke d 00.. Gen. Handle .' . W. snortiunev. rxxgpsmts. .g-- . :1 mo . unmuanur Bm."a c" 00., ciiicinl by 118. 3!. Louis and Chicago Run- .. -B-I A!is'0‘l 1‘ .W.!‘. orno. Geo.-Ii.‘ Pgnxagalosén angrniuélgunnon. rnnxxsmxa non noon. 5 A Terrible Story‘ of Snflerlng and ‘Want in Kansas. Special Dispatch to the Giobc~Dsnnocrst. _ Du 3101333, 10.. sentombcr a1.—I.ovi John- son, of Norton County, Kansas, in here solicit- ing um tor the .pcoplA in Phillips, shenunn, Decatur. Bboxidnmliawlins and other counties. In tioreocrcounty 1.800 qeoplo no in lbsolniva want at road. Tho wbontxcrop in all those conmioa iniicd, And in June was nlowcd pp and pluntrgd with corn. which, srnon it came up, was destroyed by the web vrorrn. Ila vcs A sad no or mm: and suflarlng. Ono umiiy had no (rod ior eluvnn sucks but wheat bran. Another family had noihln for three weeks but corn meal. no says the coal Import oi the suite sunprcss those incur, as is w it in um um Stain. A public zucutln.-: is cailud acre on Timrsdny evening to procure sunpllna 101' these- Cquusy, and will run the nnnks About disirrmchlslnx the uegroes at vrr-‘rt in the coal minus more on ma ground that they Arc vngnuiis and nnupérs Iron: Aliaeonri. ; THE CAEII’ AT ClIES_’l.‘ER. Q Preparations Completed for a. Buo- cnssful Reunion. The Town R-1.pldI)' Filling Up with Visitors--Elab- oralo Decara.i.ions—-A Hearty Welcome Awaiting’ the Veterans. Special Distuich to the Globe-Democrat. Cllnsncn, iLL.. Suptombor Sl.—-This pretty llttla town is rapidly nllinz with visitors :4) mo soldiers‘ reunion that is to be bold horn on Wednesday nod Thursday. The wanxlmr la puriucilylovcly, and everything: is in good A: ior A menu: 'ul. rnoelinrr. Tho cmmsrv- rand: are in iirsi.-class order, And mo Wauuh. Ghos- mr and Wusrorn Railroad, nndur mu vigorous taxing the ospnclty 0! its rolling smcklo tho uuuust by ruunlruz oxtrn cmiu: so bring in the large number 0! pt.-oplo who duslre :0 Attend tho reunion. Tim town is quite oirsborruuiy decorated with Dunlimz, ting: and evurgruow wreaths. and Swanwick urco: boasts Aspiran- did floral urcn, insuribuu"Wolcomo." Moss 0! the German houses-_-—tor Obesi.or'a popula- tion is about one-hnli Gcrnum--Arc adorned win: the color: oi inn iaximr- lnud, And, taken nil in All. the -place wours a dc.-cldediy_ holiday costume. The Fair Grounds, whom the cxurclsoa oi to-xnormw and Tlaurndny are to take: ulnco, mu decorated in nsxyln uqunl Ibo‘ almiiur Ar- rnnsromemn at Guiuauurg and Sprlnuncld. AI Luumnlll entrance in tho llI.'Cl.l oi wolcumu, mos! nrmniunjly guuun up. ‘rho grand stand, bo- nlrlm the usual buntiub’ in benutlnod with pinll {Hid whito lnmbrcqulnu, and wig) shields bau- ng tho mum: of uraus, lfiu-rug ,WuuiiingLon, imuidrines, Porter and Taylor, and the mat- tooa. "in union is slrongsbf "i"rlcnduhlp, low and truth," and the like. The tents uf the military Aru pltcuou can And west 0! sin grand etaud. There Are No upuuking acnmls, the ant) inr tho Gunnnu snonlnug having: nin- lums or \VnAlungwu and Lincoln, um German colura an-I olcznn: floral decorations above into word “\\'ilIwmtnL-n." The English spanking pintiorm in puxiuutiy adorned with rings. A picture 0! the ;:oddns_a 0! liberty and any amount or cedar lmzoonlmz and now- ers. To um north oi the grand unnd islhomolnorlul-cntnlnl uo oi mngnlllcent de- sign, huuviiy drupud in luck a.mlIun1ruiilcunr- iy plumcd. The sides benr the legends. "Runs in peace, noble Auuls," "Liberty's urund mur- v.,vs," and “We mnum our nation's ions," uxuculcdinoilvur letter: on A black ground. This bier ls crossurijuvitli awards and ilrmln.-ti 1: Airman oi anus. .\oi. inr romuv-.-d is we grim mamnrinl Arch, executed and decornicd by ma 1-upllnoi slxu public sclidlris. At present thorn ul'0 on tho gmuuu: rovrcsomntivcs irom twenty-six rc..:uni:uis_Irou.\iilinuia, ihrcoirom All-souri, ilar--0 lruvu lxumuckmiour from Ohio, one trom1’onnayivnniu.. one irom loan, mo irolu lnd|nnn,onu from '1'u.unossun. onu {rum Vnrmtmz, and one now New York. Tbnrn um quxto is number oi Muxlcnuu and Black Hawk vomrnns, And tho only manur- vivuna oi the war oi 151’: in Southern Illinois, Julm Alarm and Sun Ainnskur, Are proscnt. A: mud bcioro, ndditiuuul rcprosumion is arriving by every mun. The progrummo lur to-morruw will ban slru sunrise snluu: ni tmm*-ulgur. ymns, music b the circular llrmd. prayer by liov. A. la‘. \’cll.-1. uddrcas oi woicomu by Judge Air-Jumdur lloud, response by Gen. Aludlson Alillor or Smclviiie, music, ruxisirniiun, na- slgnmonl and uunurui or nnlzuiluu oi military and is mule racu. Gen. iclmrd J. Oxlcnbv w ll be in cormmmu oi the camp. Capt. is. J. liar- Immlis bound by_ ir. Berry ilyuuun. Cruuis ior Ample un.-pnrunuu und Arrnngumenla is due IO mu members oi the inllm-vim: cuunnmoen: Exucur.ivn—0nnl. Jun. A. Nolan, Gupl. R, K. Mann, Cnun. L. iilwclc, Uupt. Al-x. Skull, 0. A. Jones, N. ll. Lnnuugh, J. N. Brown, ii. 0. liurvluu, Wuaioy uum, J. W, Ihusdulu. Andy J. blnumsrhorn and 1!. J. liunnar, 'l.‘rmuurer. DucnruA.iuns—~.\ir.a. Eur.-n Colo miss '1‘. G.Clmd- wick, in... \v. A. Uurdon. aim, J. u. Allusion- drm. Sins. Dun Uurlnch. airs. I-Jlluu liuy Airs. U. #5. Junoa, Sim. Emma wuu. Mrs. L. H. Gunter. Thu will.-cm of the ‘Ronni-an Assuring Hon urn: l’n-.5adL-ut, R. H._ Alums: Vino Presl- uunr, J. A. .\‘nl..u; 1-iccrclnrv, 1.. music. Tim muuion ends on 'l‘l|ursduy with Ii. big sham bntuc nml the capture oi A tort. Tl-IE HUN 1 (2ii’.0“r'S I101‘. Viuturlu Being Clmscd l.y_vtl1o Combined Forces us‘ JICXIUU and the United button. \ tlpecial lilsuslch to the Globe-nezuocru. 5A.\TA Eu, N. .\l.. scptcxnhcr2l.—'l‘im_lniese advices Arc Hm: n gr-om. cornuimul-m mum- iuunt of mo .\lcxic:ux-Jun-.-ricsm troops in taking pizsco to catch Victuriu rmxl, ii Dunaiblo, and bin cnrcur. AI’i1.0ll;I troops and one curunrmy oi iniuntry And two oi cuvulry, u_r:i«’ul~:u, nro ud- vunulng iromliiu \\'esllowiI.rdu imlunuu Lake to lugul Victoria oil in that direction. Col. ism-ll, with 13.1 ucoulu, iuur nompunins oi in- iunsry and (our oi cuvnlry, icii Fort. Cuuuuinga yozncrdny, iuicn-ling to umrcli Ulrhijgill into .'u--ximinxo um i‘-uumllo and (luy.m_mx .\iuuu- tulna. Major Noyma, with 100 Indian scouts and illrou unvulry connpugica, is ilii\'fliIullI[{ .-unvouwla the nrunu runue (pl mountains irmn - mo |\ Col. (irioravn, Willi iris reuimnsm ls mumiiug me lo Gruuuu,-null (zen. Turrmmn, with niiout 600 uuvnnmng imuvtlnu mulls 01’ um mute oi Uliilmanua. All timsa inn-cos are to mum in the viz,-mixy 01 Luke Guzumn, svlium \v'iclnrlil.'3 mulu clung) la rupurmd by the scouts on ma '.’.iiliinst. n lilo mcnumnn anmll ruldiutg pui- ruui us: I u lath lnslnnl urlriy oi ill-am mjncxu San Juan runcls, Aixi)--ilvu mllua. irum hi Post), on ihu Ciulhuuiruzv. sumu mud, kill.-(I mu: horde)‘, burn-.-u two rrmulu.-s Ami al.Ol_0 I‘20imrw:,ro- u'unl.iu'4l xuwrmisc uitscuxluninu Muuntnius. A 105:6 oi sixty-nvn hunt-sin, so cniurcud by 3 our 'i‘c.x'nn ll-uurura, under Capt. liaslur, is now scuullnu iur thorn. ‘flu-on cuxu;nmiu:_ni iuiruriry have been or- ugmu 1;-um 1-‘rm liiuunuy to escort IMO Presi- (lrmuul puny {mm i-‘.u:ik;;nu(r(:, ihu Iurminul oi lixu Southern Puciilc to Him Murcnl, the iurmlulu ui the Now Mexico Pnoiiiu. Thu party ls.s:xp\:clull la lune): simksnenro on October ii. Carr Co_-operntlnxz. '1'ucsox. A. 'i‘.. iiupfombcr ‘J1.-—u‘cn. Carr lei! Fort lion-in ycnterduy w tn his cunnmmd. ii. is understood ho is going: mu vicinity ui liucken Mountains for use purpose or oovopnrotlhg \‘r'1il.l the troop» [rum S-aw Aluxloo. Auction Sales This Day. 0. J. bowls it (.‘a., in Nonu Filth struct- Oicy rolaiinioox 01 min lusty, indies‘ oiunks, iiuso, nndorwonr. utn., M9 :1. m.; cnrness, oil. clam: and cutlery, M 11 m. ' Jam: 1!. (icon, iii? Washington nvouuo—-2o0,- 000 cigars, as lo 11. in. ~ bcilloas, Bros. 0. 00.. ainiiorth Fourth succi- llootd, shoes and brosrnua, M0:-"108. in. mock, 1ylu'&;C:_z.. ii! and in Pine :i.reo:-- Gontiuneuon oi sale 0! diamonds, ‘watches, clocks, brouaos, o1o.. at (00 Nilflll lfourih street, on p. rim unclaimed good: in hands 01 Puiicu Dnpnrimont, At. aaiasroom, as 10'». m.; Also chattel mortgage sniu. Gochamis Guests. apeclni liisigateh tonne ulubo-llamncraz. _Nl:W Yo , Seplombor 3|.-JAIIIOI A, Lyon , cl 8:. 1.0 s_, is at. we Iioiimsn nouns; John ii. ‘1‘1flwY. 0_i_5¢. Louis. 11 at tivoullsoy upon‘; i'8ro:.Llv;'eil.' J. N. Slash, ‘John ilosvott‘ o_1_§r. Louis, Monnsliot ” " ' F. 1343011 - . Gov. Gear will make (ours caches inhinhiuka .3‘ umocrnn what. no ' nmnnxumcnt oi Superintendent iilnakloy, la ‘ maria cmnmluuryhvuld the dinning depart-. Um: ul Auaelios mu [wing iluoughillliuuulnuhtl - 14 at tba"!fi1us _l’arla ‘V\"n'l.-.s. Qu'§~<:milund and New‘ A4.-uiunil. . 1‘ _fi*1iieiV"i3hief-.8.iiI>iat:lil.I.cii’"‘ ni.....s.. Ciiuslic jCom'inent_s _;Coriceri’iIng*’ lilo . ‘MIn"islerIaI- Crisis. Paper; A_cl.vocata it Pacific Zforeigii Policy. -ix. -A lionsior Healing of Conslllutionalisis in-Austria. I ‘Inc Afghan 8itua.tlon—Li'oritanegrln Mot‘ tars-«Foreign Flushes. ‘ Germany. Tint rliizxcll cillltlizr. Lotrooiir, Septotnbo 21.-The Ilcrlin corns- sronceni oi the Tiniév telegraph: u lollowx: "’ ‘ho chief xubiizct oi dltcnnaion in the Ciririnitn papers is liio slliiiatrrlul crisis in Paris. Jour- nals oi all iitiiiiieu of opinion nro lairly unani- 'lDOlll1 in expruulng uuspicloi-i and di' oi =’G:tiiii:»ott¢i. Thu .Ii‘artA German Oazclta liiia libi- 3'1}!-'kmd'lImol.0r€cL‘l‘\'clI.ii! order oi the any 1!0l.l'I'N”n6 loreiizu Otiltto. but the inileimident lmpcn nave iuirly axiliclpnlod all the Govern- mentinilkciy loility or oven to think on tho subjr.-cl. fl.‘-lie Nutkma! zdlunq (Liberal) says: ‘in no cl-ms will the crisis bo nlorpmlod ii: A iicucaini cyinpiciin. Tim policy of xuvnngo iilluileii la in (in.inbet:u‘a in each tit t.‘.liur- bunrgiieoint lo hrtnunln in I 6.1011.-< mind.’ ‘filo Tapblat iizlboral) nova: wiurmnny lnitmaa loo well that men Ilka Wndciingtoii rum Do Fioyizinot, with tliclr lndcpcii-Jciice 0! char- acter, cmiiitiniied in this qiiisilil-y oi lliiniiien oi nix-isiizii Aiinirii sfmorv: supla vied ’ ii at good ll[!i|‘,’hI)0)'I|00d with us and peace ri Europa ‘tnnn llio new men, who really are only mar- immttna oi Giimlieitn mo apostle oi rovwiign uuiuniit Gerinnriv. .'lio Ultrnimmlnno quel- lion in the crisis. was xoiiily wiiuiliiir the alloy of tuoiizsr-nllun ribilvrvod in iloniisuio out for- eign iiiiuln Illllll be rooiucnd by tho pollizy ol lane.’ The lzelclubate (Couuij2rviiti\'o) Ii\)'Si '1n aimiuinniiiiz ml": Ministry. l:'1"(ill(IQ:l)l Gravy “io iliggliig liisi own in-ave. Gninbottn will beioro loiigimvo mind nilltlin uiinlstm-hil anti dinin- riiiulo poiilii with Illll creatures. He will then bnpluco Grcvy. G-tmhi.-l.txi'u i-iuinii algiiirims war to the knife ugiiiiiist the cliumii and ruvcngu ngilnst (.‘nirrrmiiy.' " mm); izxrizkiiiz L\'DlF!!‘CI!EZD. - ]limLr.\r. Sc.-niriuilzcr '21.--Tile. Emperor Will- mm was vrovartt il Ii)‘ Ii alight lmiliipmltion irom uniting the llliino ]:!‘0\'llICl]I to wltimu tuo iiruiy niitncuvcn, but no is already lin- xorovlur. ctmnitsr 'llEPOIi'l’8 l'll'IP}ZA‘l‘I’.l'l. Ihtmii. Hl:{Jl€l!II.v(!f3l.—A l’4.lll‘gl‘llll) lrmii fittin- gurt imys ilerr Viiriilmliloi iimtlzirru that the El-Mlt1lIlf‘l‘lIi no inmic iii iiia remsiii apveoch. 10.1110 om-,c1. tiial mu concluaiiin oi the AIlJ|ll.’D-U01“ mini uiiivmco mu dun to ltuiuiiivii overtures to Ftniiw for on niliiinco iiiiiilmst ueriiinny, was mureiy iarupclitirin oi. uiirmnt rcpoxu and that he on rizculviid . no special coullnlllllcllllfln nboui alleged liuninn overtures to Franco. 5 F mace. _,’, Til: roitsioil roucr. I.ii.)_E__lKlN, suptonilwr '.'.l.——A Pitrln illitpstcli to Rcntur unyu: All the Paris minors agree in mi- vouuuiiga pnclllo inrolgn policy. Some jour- nulii daiiinznzi that the Chninlzera be aiiinmonetl in: A hpociitl iiosvion, but it in lrunrouiihlu that they will inoet lioloro the usual time rin- trollliciiill. mt soon u the now Cliliiiiot in duiiiilroly oonuliinlod, ii rirculiir of I vary Dav villi: chiainciur will be (1 tchod to the repro- poiitutivm oi Fran (ind. Til XIJIAL C,.ii:sn. Loxnow, Eraplembor 11,-‘rho Timex’ cor- rupoiidimi at Paris my: this will cu-lure oi Do I-‘rc)'ciiiet'iiI bill was his foreign policy. um it was re.-ioivmx u rin tlil.-any ii-: omiuaotl Gen. 'l'iiom.~.siilii's in vision totirm.-cc. as also morn dralliiitlvslv on lilri l‘0l)I)’IiIK to tho tilnqulotliig Ciiierbitiiirg prourniiiiiic by the Piicilic Mmiiiiuiiln [1l’0L:l"il|.Illl)£'.. liurme the crisis, I.lld.l.iV0l‘)‘Io1’.|llY lime in omivliit-oil or this. n:orii'iniu.-til COHTIRUB. Pitius, Bi-_ptmzitmr '11.-—.\'i:i.-all-maxi: to cater- tnlue upon inc srelociioii oi nmiilaior oi Poi‘- oi‘ n Alllilru continue. The seven mlnluerl If olmvo not '!'L‘!IgliQ\(X will rotliin tlicli'p4'irto- iolmo. lirriiie t-viinlngpsiyn.-rt may this Miiilutry oi Eoriiigii Angina mm i.¢~mi ollrirod lo Tiasot. _ PACII-‘ID 3l'EIiCIl. Loxnos. aiepluiutn.-r 1l.—.A l'iiris coi'rc5ponti- exit my: it is nniioiuietsci that Uziiiibutta will Iliortly dulivor ll panitlt: soeccli. . xiii: CAiii.\'i:'r-Jaiiimiis‘ i-'riuiu¢. Pniis. 8i2ulciiibcr2l.—'i‘wo lIl()i1i|Zi.)ll.'I cabinet- Xnflkt‘-Ya in this city lizwo utiwittk. it ‘nnmoita TLISIK. I.<)i~‘i>ox.—A Purl: correspond- ent niysi Ll. Terry flntls grrut ilirllcnity in form- iaiic It minority. mi politicians to WIIOID lie him flgi-[Iliad urn coiivlncizil this: as noon in tin: U miiibcris meet the Ferry iniiii-.olry will be up- sol. WHAT WADI)lP£GTOl¢ Mrs. .l’Anl.\i, fiepluu.-Dlrr ‘ti --'i‘iio Kr.-4-mvic-ii: pub- )I!!Ii(‘!4 nonnviermiioii iuitwzrcri one oi in con- triiuitvmi and ill. \\’w.l<iini(von. iii wliicli the lul- ior Stall?! unit no {urinal pi‘np0s_:tI wu -mnilo to him ol _ )3 ltoiuniizn ullimico ltgaliiut Grflllllfl)‘, but that I Die ioual was moan lo M. Ginnli-'-us lliroiiiili iliu luuimi (Imiid Dixku, who was l1i(3'l.|I5{lri Maria iii the lime. Li. Gum- ln-ttamondv rtlplicd. "Wu $Il:l.N me.“ riir, 1...KTEl!T rxou PARIS. i.osDo.\',m.-igtssiniier ‘Ji.-wt Paris cones in unit SlI)‘!l§ “ l. C"BrliU-I» Imn r-co:-.piv3d the tin- lsiry of .I.‘i.|IJIlt: woriu. ‘rim klurqiiis Do Nmiiilus inn ciosiinltoly declined lht‘: .\ilnl~tr)- oi Foreign .Ili!isiru, and thus punt oi honor him hccnollilrod tn Aiiixilrnl Jimms. vhmc repi?‘ in niiirloiiuly ex‘- ectoli. Tim health ni Allin rnl l‘)n re It so mil xhitt he can not accept the hi nlslry oi klariiw. England. Till: uuioit n<oi;iii.nil. Lortnrizv, Sepieirilior 2l.—Tlio Piilcluxm m:zu'oi'ai have uniuiimoiinly resolved to support tho Mcciiiigion 0flt5I‘l.llV'.$l to the extent of two police a. lrioin ii the mills run three days A wrek, and three pencil it they run lull time Ihould iiic opcrixiivoui «trike. 001.0. Cum hriminsd and tiny liioiisrind dollars in gold was buxxxlu itir New Tnlk yesterday. 1.031‘ ovr.ixii4.iiiiii>. l.ii:«nox. so~nimxibur 1l.—’l"r.oi nu-Mm.-r Prus- sian. irnm li~.iltinmi'o, lost two men overboard during qgzile. Hie also ioet Ii:-r ciini-t—liouno. com: #014 il)ll'.lilCA. 1,o~¢1)UH. Ne:-tuiiiixsr ‘Al.-its-3.000 in gold was bqiigli: tor New Turk yoalordiiy. l'i;.s'li:iit>.\x'li Wool. s.u.l*.3. I.i:i~:iio.v., isupiiziiiiirr *.’l.~—rAl lo»day'I wool iviiim 10,700; lnilvxii «om M)ILI, ciiiv.-O3’ New South Pricon iii-in and a Apirit oi rompciiiion lniiy suntallieli. ’lllln' out or CiH'.!i‘ll€ll. Qt;i'.P.3i.vvr7w:t. ricplcmber 11.--Trio vitriol‘ oi the City at Gin-sicr report; that the iileunar imulc iiimr prmzxeua wider nail tic-cousin oi the llirht windei and lit: pmreiler trailing itiier hot. Twu tun H371‘ gone: lu icr 81-"$IlIiiIlO3. ‘rm: HUll0i’1¢LN XOTI. Iiiimoil. lécpteriiiaer 1l.—«.i Berlin Corra- l’[i(ilitl(.‘.nl any: Loan: Von ilarizle-lili, German l¢v.ilii-isriliiizir, liiis lorvmiily delivon-ll to the isuium tile i-mic «ii tlio I-iumpen Fumiril, in- iixuating mat (in: nlvul demonstration will win: plum uoridur ncxl. . . Argliimlstan. ‘I. 1¢l.0ODI' BATTLE. IlJ'!lK)7l, lianterober ‘Ii.--A Candithiu: ais- oistoli imp the troop: who went lo bury the load on me luttlu nam oi liusiikriakhud re- Dorl the lots of tin: Itlgbmu llmra mint have tam: (!ii'J5‘IXl4)iII. The liigiunii were employed tight day: after ma haul-ii lei burying um dead. GEN. ROB£tl1‘l. v'i‘im health oi lion. iiiiimru II Quito restored. H3. itircmai leave Uitmiaianr shortly am‘ um um l:«.;=iisceii‘lii;' Gen. l’lasyr:‘I troops, uuuguggmg 43.5.0. . Alt LW£’l?l. Accimiy.-r. l..rizu>mi. 3o)l>H:ntI)t"1' 21.-—-«A. dispatch, from Lg. bore earn: "iii: at law: my at Nuirio 'i’a.i, limi- geil. ieievon llmish omcons, iiiteriti mm:oi~u,.u.d airmail other pcruoim were killed, and loin in- ‘#170113,’ Airlclt. C-f)ilIiI.‘IiED Ami:-'31 nir. zsiunui. u.u'-2 -Town, fivlpieltlii-of 2l.-Oilicilui intelli- gcaoe liu lmin received. lien tliatiiiu Tam- booktea have combined with tho Bunion ingaiiial/llib llriliaii. . I. "‘—'~.l-I.‘-y llonicnctfo. 1'0 THB Timon. Rsociu. beptomber 2i.—-ls it sumo lliu fnuoe Néirato. oi limiter-iiigro inn liiwoo samba: i7li'€:¢.-.§:i:l'ii<l.i4'an to his tmopii and out it in almost’ imxvitoiixio tint lilo Mootcnoxriuo mass light tor tluusr rigliu. Ariana. , nil oo‘ss1rlfl)'tioivAi.i.9z1. ‘iv'u:itir.i, Sop‘-'eml>Ii' 21.-~‘rmi-ii vii; a grim lnaqiir-3 oi the t3outi.t4rtionIi8i-I51 at flrnun on buiirxiiy ism. ‘.8’-:,ul;'i.0W mmim wan gaunt. and «great l amiritrirloisonl against the polio? at the promo: ljoviirrzvaizni w::e_miuliu. mziuiw 703! «tam-.i:1.‘n. _ nominal»: 21.--A aicputoh ' I. ‘train "I -“vaslni-ounjn. -‘vim-..'ii.y.-‘.-.r......:i.r.i;;i ‘moi. alums" 1. A ;1.'°“*?“ _ .- punons liiivo boo_n‘x_rr_ngooi_l. I . _ .-rim r_oir.u.'Iitorl. ' _ .. _ - ,_ Ool(l‘l‘.lii'l'l)lol'1.2. simlcixitm-,_’31.-__—'-'1'ii’e v Porto lfldreloéd shots-to létropresantntlvor nbiogid; tho V1711: lam. renting" unit it iioaiigiiii to codfi territory to Montu'neirro,_iu order to‘ brown: bloodshed, _ _ exercise 0!. armed pruiinra ‘contra to‘ tlio rights at we suiian; nnoitiia Po:-:e.; aroiora. cut: upon the Pommi all thorospousibliity ior azitnion among tho lioliunmeuiuis and tho evt~uis‘wiilch may-rcsnlt tliarolroln. ’ ,'~.. . "Route-. A 1z.m..wu'. 81'; Pnrxnanuno, Sopteuibor 2i.—'l.‘ii'o Golo: my: order: have been ixsiic-d for the im mediate oomlrucllon oi I railway 1.006 vcrst: long on the Toxic Tnrconiiin-ntoppo. Cuba. zrvxiz Asa EIKALI.-POI. HAYAFA, Scptesmbor :1.-Tlioro hue bean‘ ninuicon dentin from yellow lover and nine iroin small-pox during the wool: ending Friday lint. Something from Shreveport. Srwrlnl lmnncii to in: Ulolvkllnmocru. 5ll)lltYltl‘0R‘.l". l.A., Boptcmlicr 2i.—--‘Prof. Bull llaxily. oi Roach! College. cmnmiueii uiiclda any bcioro yesterday. Ills hotly was iounii linii smile out ol Keoclii. with 3 note. His trunk will be sent to his lrloiidii. Ilia lather and xrandintiier were unions: the iiblust divine: Oi tho South. K Henry Momma, colored, was jailed tovdity for killing Tom Donoioy, colmiiu, nu tlia Ciiinpo Della place, below hum. Tliny iiiiipuloii about u uozqn emu. ilnn ilio killing is niilil to have been in soil duionlis. Mnniuli Jouoii, colored. was tried to-any tor rowing an 8—yoar-old coiorud girl. Tho Jury ilil on to agree. I.‘-lnnnlinrd, Domocrntlo nominee for Can- tzrfiu this district, opens tho camuiiigu 00- o or . _ . 1- 31'. L01.’ I29 STABLE. GLOBE Es‘1'ABl4l’.. Ill and (I1 21 . tlixjtll I1. 1.-0‘U1i!§ C. Livery arid. I;!ou.x-tli nix tflnbles. Y ‘iii-2 iliicrl Curluruin the (Ill: turaiahaci ttlovver prices nun my other xtxblns. ifArl7 I.':.iia..........- in Tlienter l:tlin..........::lm (piling. l:thou.r.... 1 hi. all uuccerdlux hours" 10) tarruxon (or In 03 liuru............................... ................ ‘il‘on:iiz1:ii Ilia Oarnaitimu. boot-ln.I utunliaii nvliilo II I’ - UNDERTPAIEER. I luv: npoiiod an Uuderuker zaublianment in connection with my lllltbiu. um um prexurul to {ur- ninli Finiaruls with the bell '1Iil.lIl)' oi goods. llclniliu (Ines Ami comm oonnunll on hand nit low ricu. Jllzo in tail Iuppil at All mile on appertain- llI¢ 0 Funerals. liiouis C. B01119. Gloiié and St. Louis Stables. ELWOOD’S LETTER "F I LE 18 NIE.EDE.l) IN EVERY OFFICIS. non.lx.............. ................ FOR SALE BY Rubi. U.Patlersni& Ga. JAE. J. S'YLV.ES'I‘Eli‘., Miners‘ Agent for ma ulool AIITHRIUITE IIIII BITUMINOUS SOIL, Cutuielltvillo and other (Bolton. 319 Olive street. St. Louis. Mo. ._...._......._.........._—... ""‘"."-.*.'i'i'§‘izi1ii:i)"'._' DOU'l'liP‘.’l"l‘—--1.l\(2Y-(’)n Souielnhor )9. II the res!- dl3llrcI)Xi1nntl_ A. ' E:q.. Leliaiion. 310.. by the llev. ll. )1. llanlrix. Mr. Jinn»-4: ii. Dmiilittlt. oi Fzpflfliffllflll. 510.. to Mix: Olivia Lacy. ol 61. Louis. ho unis. Dlitl). BOUOll’.l‘().‘.'—At tin rctidtiicu of Mrs. Ber- tuuii iémlin. ‘xiii Dlithoii street. lieploiubrr ‘ll. l3'w.'i‘iiniiun ht. lloiigtitun htlofadllllaillllld oi Mu. Lillie K. Iluuxlitomuer: Min Liilicli. iunixii. aim-n. IIIOIKIIIIIQIU. ‘Don riot‘-cc. oi inc niiioriil will lie given. to which tiiuiiili oi ihe iamiiy will be oordiriilv invited. together with the orden oi Kiiixliu oi Pyyiiu and A. 0. L‘.W‘.. oi which occur rd was A main er. l.oulcriIla (Ky.). springficiil (ML). and Virginia paocrs plane copy. CiJ>‘.'l'E2LL()—lIiien. wire at June: Costello. on the Rlu iiul., at lip. m.. in the 3.’ilIi y-zitr ti! hi-rage. Tlia tuiicnil will lake plats: irum trio. iinnlly roll» dome. Nu. :>.\'c Illrldlc llrvet. Tixiiruiay, ilicilsa lnAi.. :1 mo Friends of mu l2:i.ily are rexpccuuily ixivlit-:.l lo nllemi. 0000126--/i.r (tine-lnnail. Al lzfw I. m.. September ‘Ii. Mrs. (,‘iiiIuerlm.- U. iiixmliii. nerd its )'(:lI‘li. widow of im-. lule.l:im:.-a uoodiii aim mother ui Jolin (iooiiln o I A . K.\'(JK—Srpleixilier '11. It 2 13. In.. Richard. btloved sun iii Tliouiiui Ami (failierlnn Knox. aged 15 years. Piinenl from hinily ruldenta Thiirtiiny. Supiem. her ‘Ii. Lt9:ti0ii.xn. ' Yrlemiu of the lzuilly urn reipectiiiily invited to It- lend. Evavv York. llroolilyn Ind llulalin (lnzlnmi) paper: plciiiie copy. l’i.i.l$sC()I'.-On ’l‘im-day. Seriirmlier 7i. It 9 o'clock n. in.. in the 671211 your oi his nizir. Andrew nuucoc. Funeral will like pincc Irvin llll residence. No. 11872 Agnes strut. on Tiaixradu morning. at it: o'cl<icii. rrlzndi oi ihc inmliy an invited to ailend. Vliicminev. lnd.. pwcrl pit-no copy. BTl)I.i.I>2-’l‘mrId:y .)1Il1l'IlIllK. ti 3 o'clock I. m,, J()|H‘pIlIll¢ suiiir, iigml ll y-can uiii ti moolliu. Funeral turner-s imui‘ resilience. i2ll lcxchanga Iireet. II ‘J o‘cIock p. in. to ill. Liborlua Chiircli. tlienrn to Calvary Ceniclory. Chrvlz-r mi.) pwrr nlcui-i copy. Levison & Blythe Stationery Co. STFATIONI3JIE‘ST, BLANK nouns AND PRIN’l‘1NG, 2:9 OLIVE srm-:27. MELS. ___________________ LIN D ELL HOTEL, 5'13. L(")I;TIi'e3. Waslilngioii Ave" Sixth and Seventh so lLa.tet-—8:i. 3 MD and I4 portia . i.lltlb'ii’0.l.D 3: iiciiiiiiizii, Pronrloborso '""§EXiTéS‘fX*fi£'"}§5ENTS. WILLIAK A. BIKAWNER, RTCAL F2S'I.‘.A'.I.‘I?. 201 N. Eighth St" N. W. cor. Pine. Rwis Colleclui, Esme: Kuuged. Lu»: Negollzlcd. vmmoorn. us. oosmiaitv. 7. x. iuiuiu. BOQTH, IIARADA & CO. Ivskl. l£lll"A1'lE Iiuimm. i.'itooiiii'rir..i.<IA.\'3. buy slid all red «mus. wlimt reuu. aiidgiu pcnousi cue ion to the imnnxemiiiil cl um um. No. 519 Olive tstroot. -!()fl.‘i MAGUIILE. '’ EAL !')s’l'A’l'!’. AN!) H0031’. AGENT (»‘O.'€V2§T- . niiuvaod Nnlnry Public. iloiiies, you and wins lo: roiiit. lease. sale or exitizniéxa in -iilxerent min .71 lbs! city. ‘isiouey ioaiiod rm real enulaa. 1519 Walnut St. Oflloe bet. bin and Btil. I. ‘“ .i lilngvri it is lien-ii lven lim 1‘. Alix-ei Smith. room he [ii dliiir. 31. Louis. is no longer wlhv-rlu iowi at enernl nun! of Rl4:ord".I Viul itnioniivr uni In kl-?’NVUlK£hi'(ll an smile i-iientl IIVBI hu Iueen revoiici . All pszrmlis on rural.) uixiloned oxzluxi iiuiluiom oi 1-'.ltvn-6‘-i ‘Vim imm- uiiévuluiuiua in genuine without my nlxrmiiixo on Over)? :01. '11:: ii-rmiirie ’}\3l!~d‘4‘lh4‘ can I»: had oi in L1 room 03, World Bull» lug. .N'4-vi ‘Fork City. is. now; i-;1i;i‘..'-x‘.vi(iNii. Ii. y . . llncmi. , his ltiiormx in bet. DING til. Loulu, Soptunloer 10. 16$. To Whom it iiity ljoneern. N0’3.‘ll.‘I.iiluer¢-gr ‘git-in. ilut ‘u-iiorrzu 8. limwn BI_'lj€C1lv1lO3‘T- _ - ,. tau tin’: iii-y mwiislami n no- lico. that Iii» wniracl «till you In been nvolirvi. mi: M 10 K5"! Mil“ . u not vino! nu not lat traveled by said is vrimined and lint] mi ten- ptved u zievvtai-‘no, i !c'n_iil.$ Rlrornwviiu lu- tioruiv . At room bio. I Hlfiflrf liall-iimt. um xuiu-ul- in lbvil Ii. is leaving. Vi um: um llié bolt. eutiisr the H3» at ltlwvtifu Viki I warniive in this (“vi ml liiiaiiev, 1!:-mlvzo. and Wuigh la i-iiands. I‘?l‘.f.'.t't‘N. to who aux; firuxpau. once. room l zzingi.-r Biaiiriin .tii. mu, 0. 1'. A .31: t lsllrrll. Bvllptriuber 21. IEQ. _ ' ;.i.<ii:iicr mm mil FAIIOISB ~ LIIHIIIII VALLEY IIIIHIIAIJITII 2 SIILL. ¢o.'.‘iir._ni. in Minot niariiet prime . (ii-win-at mil» "l1i'r:lA.\'1i his-ell. cmsiui. Trenton imd _i'mizv.:.s' c‘. i mi. i5x«iiii_I<ir¢., Ifik lmiii mpiovkd llilcei wagging gagapagy, 12: Olin: strut. -trontol mogrut baruplrii in‘ ‘blast: yesterday. Jtobody vru iigliiroo. V; §ov-'; but at ntvxi iiuinonslritlion unn. . =~inr.-'.wrs-- ' lsu been it-pl ‘UKCilt'l1(ilv:D iii an or its original 1% and vrliolecoueneiiiil. .'l’ho but evidence of T8 LYRTY llI>2AIIl'Ill-'lJIiBfl€S8, PURITY. and i:rsiic*rin:s'sssLu rii: nor 0!‘ ll: ma; ma to-day, l‘ron‘l\'ort to South, {min Hut to cut. in the hoiaatoi‘ the rich and poor, whcra it kn bean med lhritlu last 16 year. IPIIBE FRUIT IIIIII BIKISG PIIWIIKH. i\‘E\"ER SOLD IN BULK. Rule in STEELE & PRICE,‘ Hl!llfl3d.IlPi'l‘i of Lupulln Tout Gems, Special Fixvorixi: lixlruls. eta. Chicago and lit. Louis. SOCIETY NOTICES. , BKLL}Zl‘ONtrAlNE Royal Arch Chapter. No.23. will liuid A suzeal miivocallon ll Union linll. southwest oorncr llromitrity um l|\’:n|0li urrcta lliiv (Woiluudnr) mrccilniz It li_ o clock. liiitiniz-on or sister Gliaviicra and vinliing Compnnlmit internally led. liv ouii-.r at It. A. B101. )1. 1-Lil. P. It. V. .KY'l‘E. lieuvlary. 9 8'1‘A‘i'E‘.D Couvcvcai on oi 0’ Eliiillran it. A. Uluplv.-r No. 40. ill lair‘ eliitIiIl(W1‘d- iievdayl cu’-nin . M. 7:30 we '.>rk.coruet oi Tnuili mil I-‘ran lln ave. ' ‘ . .. Visluvru invited. By ortlor or ihe 3l.E.1l.l’. ll. F. li0i'i'il£:-1. serroiiu-_v. liiriolilii LODUE. No. l. A. 1!‘. and A. . .\i.. will hold it special comniiini-rilllon nl 1:&lo‘cloc:k lo-my tor xvnrk in the 51.14. iiissrco. \”tsiloriiir.ucrn.\lIv lnvlieii. _ Jolllh‘ l-1. Dlilcslri. W. 3!. “>1. ll. M470, Bec'y. NCHUII l'.0I)Gl-1. No. 453. A. 1'. and A. . M.—St.\lc.(l cniiimiinlrallun lliis i\\'i-.(in:-it- day). It ll [L m. lug broilierii Invited. By nrdcr oi the W. M . J. 11. KIIIPPER. Sccrelzry. :Bl".I.Ll'£l"().\"I‘A'lN'l-Z (.‘.El.\l"l‘l£it .\’o. N. 0. 8.. will Iiolil their rritiiinr meeting this ‘vi mlneiuny ricpioinluerrl. at so‘.-lock . 131.. iii tlu-it i.nIi. cor. l-ll um and I-"ranhln avenue. liyonli-.roi ilii». V. llhln. ll. 12. 1'lilLLll‘B. Sccrelnry. W‘l‘A'I.’l£li meeting or Seciiriiy Lodge No. 44 A. O. U. W.. is (W:-.iliiciila\-) evriilnz. M H o clock. It Masonic liiill. Vlhlinrl .ll"nII$f'll$lI§xIllVIll‘d. Br rirder 05!?!)- ol ii. 0. liU(:Kl.\‘ull.\hl. nsior Workiiuii. J. T. Hctzmr. lteoordcr. '_'—i="6Ci"T“i"<':'A"E."""‘"” BEPIIBL SIS BILLY IIHIIISSGATE HALL - ON THUIISIDAY, BEP‘1‘. 23, 8 I’. 11., BY THE TflII£S8fl'S iiiiiicii IIIIII Tho Hon. "D. P. Dyer, Gov. 'l‘hos. E. Fletcher, Hon. 1;). D. I-‘lalier and others will address the meeting. GOOD 1\I'USIC. Fifteenth Ward Garfield and Arthur Club. 3; T|ll‘Yc will ha | nii-cling oi iii- lflilrcnih Wu-ii Re- rmhlicuu in sclium-ii:.lirr‘ii linll. mini:-ii-_e:u corner Purl: and Eweoond ltnrouiii-lei avciiuol. Wrilncsclny. Sept. 2111. iii 3 o‘clo<'.ll ll. in.. to patient the oriz-nlziu llou oi the Gnrilclil and Arthur (..‘Iu|). All nii~ni.‘u~ra. and those who wixli to become nu-miter: Ire invited to aiioud. ll. .1. l5l'iI:Bl.lX. §i:l.'t¢i.!l'y. Rcpiilillcztu Rally. . I.A(l~Ili\l:'l:~'(i to-night a! limo linpubiicanu oi the '1‘vvc.xiilo.-ihwnrcl. Il(iI‘lb('lIl curizur oi CIA] and Can nos. iiricxliers Aniiouiutedz Judge Daily. Our. Bcuingliaos, 1'. Dyor Ami llarrlii. h[()TlCF.-—-There will lie I inlirilng oi rlllxcm op« J. poooll to any |"llIK rule. hold at Jamar W hII¢'I. 'l'wi:-..ily~u-bond nail Piiplii II.rN'll. Tliiiriiiav. Bantam- lior ‘:1. It .80‘-clock p. m.. for mu purpiioa oi elacliiix dclvgnlin lo Clilzcns‘ Cuiiilerencu_t;omniiiii-0. t glued) (,I1Tl‘I.l-‘..\i's“ COM 5llT‘I'.l-IE. ‘mien-iice Committee me: a lfrliiny. 8 p.iii.. int M26 Bmiulvnity. NUTlOE—Tlio lleiiiiiiliuins oi the Tcnlli Ward will Mscniblc in Mulls Convention, at |.'.0\’fll!l' ll: xiii- ccnlh and Fnniilln lV(‘liil¢‘. on Tliursii ‘y. the ma inn.. M. 8 . m.. tor the purpose of llfllfilnl. in: l_cI.u~ tiidiilo for . ‘IIOOI liirrclur. a(.lllN }llv.'A()l1P< . Cluurinnn TL-iilli Ward llemilik-an Coiniulltoo. P. W.Al.i-initial. Piecrelnry. ' l§o1it'r."rir1c.u.i.'1 prepared or llulnnm Toiu. Cry: tniiilwii ltocli candy. (lid llyo Whliila. and other 'l’oiiIc4:. Tlie rmuu.'t.i\ is known to our st pin-:l~ iiuiu, is iilxmy riisiznieniimi liy mam. and um Alluv- risoi one at our lnnsit proriiinv.-at rlieiiiuia. Prof. H. A. Muiixu. oi isiiicngo. luin the label at every imi- ile. is wet liiunvn in tin: iuorllcnl pmieniun lint 'l‘0Ll)'. ltO(.‘l{ Ind 51?}! will aituril tlio grenleu mile! {or Gauging, holds. lrilluerizn. lirmichllix. Euro Tliriviit, W tank Luumi. also Cmuuinptlou. in the iircjiileni Ind .u>v Iixclzn NTAIIES. lmni us a lloevierngr and Appetizer maicin I do» llirlzlfiii tonic for l>'vuuily user, ion will find it p unlit lo lnlia. of nut service. ll trunk or dnlsllllnletl given olrcmgtii, loiiu And activity to the whole humus IXIIQ. l . l'i til i I-' Ll . T,l:‘lTI‘rI\‘K"KI?Tl8.:T)"I‘T3£'II::|'lcgV:l!)' #1127:-“ho LAWIIENCE 8:. D1A.I{TIN (hole Agent: for the Uiiluiil Status and Ci\uail:u.) ill Mmllson Sn-cot. Uhlcitgo. - " ‘ ‘ Qfiigill In Ell. 1.421111. I1lCll.UU)SON Q BESS in. D [R I"-JCT I i’i1.PO[€’I.'A’I‘I ON. .1. 133' act at Coxismm Juno i9. 1897:. this comumy II protulred to receive ma turiurd diiiixbie mor- ciuutl‘m.I.'l mist». direct from YIJUMII nrrivinx At New York to tli-.i iuliowiliz noru oi entry: -Buiinlo. cm- citxu. tfmrizinatl. Cicvelsiid. lizli-oil, lioiilivlllo. Mil» vunliee. Memphis, Plllvluirx. Port Iluron.ll.orhuuir. his Francisco. st. l.oai.v, Bl. Pull. 'TOIedo-—-WlTli- our lixi.ltY AND sirixo xxrzxsii iii‘ NEW Your (.‘i.’:s'rou llocsn. lsliipzuenis to aim-.i' than ealubiiiiliad part: of entry an be mean through iii: iiorl nearest to "BC ulllmaia dculiiiuion oi the goods. lniimxi.\- lion I! to lost and inuiuor of making .nli lpmcnu tur- nishecl by input: oi “H4 coinpu-.7 iii the United léuilu Ind Cm.-ills, or by Menrn. Ttioimi bi-ixcloivn .5-. 130., I5 mix ivlreci, London: M to is The Allmiy, Liver- borol; M9 Writ George iireot, (illasxovr, wii :9 Avcnuo do l"Opci-A. l'uris.~ E. li.i\'i'Dl~2bi‘, Maiilxur. 81. Lmila, seplemhor Ill. 1881. 'WA2v1'1.«.‘I), 1r’0.It 04.911, isrrrwiti-zri ,3 Fourteenth Street 3nd Joi;c'i'j6n Ave- nue, on Pliie. Olive, Locust or iialilaliig-ion Avenue. [}3i£)l'O5Ai.fl in vvrilii-ix. naming ioivi-at too. will lie meaml by the omiersixiiaa ii;-to claliqr l. AU(i‘rUf2l’1‘ I-‘iKA.‘.‘i'l{, ' for liiirsnonla Oiuli. Aziuinsa -rut L. iii-wk t ion. o onirnnsrrii A LOT 75 FEET FRONT.’ Lamiriuiiis MADE IN IIITISTIU DESIGNS 033‘ Ball Sills, CHSIIHIEIBS, Jule Tapestries, A IIIBIIIIB SIIIIIII. A LARGE LINE or _ L. ‘.33; AT TRORLICHT &1DUNGKER’S 506 North Fourth Street. LOOK AT (ITS LATEST IIIIJ BEST. The “Match UNLAUNDRIED‘, PRICE, $1 oo- Tliii-3 is the Best Shirt; I.\'Iu.nufa.(':-‘ tin-ed, and leaves our c-01u'ite'x's ._ - Witzll our 11nq'ua.1ified indorrzzeznent. GOLDEN ‘I’- F- EAGLE. JBEOLONEY, 618 F'IlA'N'I{.LIN AVENUE, WILL Oi-‘l~’Eli'1‘lilS hi0llNi.\'G RARE BARGAINS III LADIES’ WHITE IIUSLIN IIIIDIJRTIEAE8 /20:102. Skirts at 181; .''r wort.-ii :81 50. Call and see them. ! The Protein: in u Novelty jut introdnoul. [in perfect mid rend: adjustment to we _ Neck. wilh the elegant: of II: minmliu.-lure. iuuiui it the moat cteslridile Sour In the Ilmrlwi. Rclniled 5118“ First-clan Dealcrtn RUFUS WATERHOUSE, 1’ATE2€'.l‘XE um MAHUFAUIUBE3. . - o-AA.’ ............. VIIIOSS N BOUGHT’ AND HOLD ON COMM’l35ION. MAXWELL BROS, IIOIUEHTJ dc 7tI.U.I’...l':‘. MAI£KE’P. M22 and I424 Broadway. lYi.i-srclmiidlsio for Exchange. lliiue in-r (inclining: TWO llomdr 'i‘lionuitnd Dol- lm‘ worlii oi titanic slcrclnixdiee. ni uhoioul: Mock giislinnrl iiui tutti: at. Wli uxsthsniga n lovot :t,o;m«; :0". <0“ llél low nfi ierma. and Ira ottlllliill to lie mm in mi». Ivo»ililniIi:i 203:1. un- iii-cimi--err'd rrl origin. A lull R8l0l‘lll1.I'lIL1?Ae§'1l)Il»l vvilltia vciniziiiimhliiii. Adelina “fllhilt. ff." 1’. 0. xlfcib. Ben Yolk C51)’- CRRNIVAL 01?‘ 'Pl. SI.L01IIS,TIIISIIIII,IIiI. 5,'80. GARTSIDE COAL‘ COMPANY nni.ziiiii IN Alma; Gariiile and B12 iiinlii Goal, 213 Ciiesiniit Street. .r ass” Shirl .i.’o~r.o.3sm:—; I " AT »AU.‘CTl0N»!. ' 200000 Ci rs", Imported K0 “Iest and oniestic, 210 N. Fill Street, WEDNESDAY, Septem- 2:3%2' ‘“ ‘°i°2I"‘.?.°i‘fi“.:..?l.':... . m. an daily Sntii étocii is aimed out-. This will be it rare oppoi-tnnityior dealers and consumers, and will be sold in lots or one box and upwards. JOHN R. SCOTT, Auctioneer. Saloon and Fixtures at Auction. On 'l'llUl(Bl).rsY 3Ioniin3.8epieml;¢i- 10 o‘cioolc at No. 1201 blori.-nu sin.-cl. will tell tho oonu.-iita of saloon. and all the couniein and uhelvlnx. bear ehult, ables. aliiiin, ¢-.ic.. eic. JOHN R. SCOTT. O. J. LEWIS & CO.'. 41.? NORTII FIFTH STIIEI-3'1‘, General Auclioneersdt Commission Merchants Sale -i:n'x—-'l‘ucuiny. Wedima-in . 'l'hurul.i . E’:-ion Asuiinru uwruiiunt oi (coils iivilniil n viiluul ~ \vi+:i)\*i~:si).ur as THURSDAY, ‘St-pt. ‘ 2d and 23d, Gfcft Two ~]').-iys’ Auction Siile. \'i'oiii:uiiay'n rain will begin pmnmiiy :49 o‘ciock. with cliy rcnill nociui! -l-'ixic'lIal.s: also. LL00 down regular Halo and (flips: l.i\')i) do: ladies‘ (fluakat 2.100 iioz. Ladies’ and Elli-ma‘ Kull Good: in Ulslcrn. Coal». scam. Nuliliui. elc.; 3.0.0 do: Iiieim. Women‘: and ('IlIlIll‘('iI'i nose. Primi. Clo-viola. tliiiglunis: 2(1) pcn mm i.'i¢-iliiirn-s for lnllonz 1.(m pr! lliimburgs; largo lines laces, Litre fiooiii. I.:<lii:s" ‘Underwear: lo cues Blilrlii and Dmwcrit lit] «Iii: Cavdlgzim: 30040: \'I'IlIlu Shins: 100 can Elm: Slili-ta: M0 rnriom Silk and Satin lilbbuiis: Diff: do: huaiwvidcral I.i'll3 mos: Yuri mil- imu: Dri.-5: liouiiv. I-‘launch. I..liiney:~. Jeans. general Noiiom, olc. 1ii\\'ciliicz.luy‘s sale. at I? o‘clocl:. will tel] 200 Ilulli-i Carpets. 4 1200 Rolls Floor 011 Cloth. Tnla will be the hutllnc oi Ciirpcu and Oil Cloths ever min] in iiiicllmi In this inurltul. 'l'Ilut'bd:I§'. iii 1'! o‘o:lock. will sell 2,000 Doz Tiihle Cutlery. 1.000 Doz Pocket Cutlery. B4)“ Engllah mid Amcricui mullet. 0. J. LEWIS & C0. Boots and Shoes at Auction. FRIDAY, September 24-, iii. 9:30 it. m., we sliiill make our regular Frliliiy Shoo sole, with an assortment of iirsi-cliisis Boots and SIl0i'8, complete in every style suited to the city or country trade. Siilo willopcn with 100 lots broken stock, of good quality. ' 0. J. LEWIS & co. DANIEL LINCOLN 6; CO.. Fl’ TIIKHSO K3 T0 I-‘AULKNER. IIITLLARD K’. CO.. ‘I TCNEIK/ll: AlIl:'f|i).\'l’.!~Zl:3 Mid CU3lMlliSl0.\' nl£lli.‘l1A.\"l‘li. .\u. 1:725 Oivc t'l. D.I\l\'ll5l.. LINCOLN. Aucuonnr. ..—.——{é—:.__._. Rcnioveduo 1306 Olive Street, V\'hci-ii we will continue this nucllon"nild LOIIIIIIIESTOE liualiieu iiud will liiiy or soil In description: at limite- holil goods. Coiiipiuta liousrleepiug. ouulu bought and mid. ‘ l)ANlEL LI':~'.'coL'N 6:: co. BLOCK, DEAN 85 CO Geliernl Aiicilnm-era Ind Cuuiiiilnlon Mcrclinilu Non. Ila. 117. ill). in Ind 1'13. coriuir l’lXl'.i ui-l l.'iiu ntrcoiii. second floor. \\’Al.'rEll l‘I..‘lNll.l.. Auctioneer. w. I-[. ii_.uioi«;.iir¥ & SON, Tfliolesiilo Auction and Job Lot Dealers, 510 “’ualilns:ton Avonuo (Roll Front). Good! or every description (or run onlv. Auction- i:r:rn' itud pull-lien’ auiipilu I lpocinlly. l’rit‘u Lists tin-nlallcii on application. Auction Solo oi’ Condemned Quar- tornmster’ Property. orncx A A. Qminnzina/is'i'ail. Jiirrrnsoit llunuicrtii. 310.. 24¢-plcnilu.-r ‘£1. lbfiii. > IL]. Bl’. SOLD nl piilillu auction. at Jt'IIl'l'!0n llnrrncka. Moi. RI 1'.‘ o'clock m.. an ill: ‘Ila’. day of nriulicr. 1&0. Ilio iollowiiig. rixi one conning r-mile. 1-‘lmvcn hi-allng H. -vol. blxly-one illcv. Yitturii liurse rnapn. '1oriuo—<.:uli in current luiiiin. » J. E. )i0ll!iI80.\I. First Liculciiaiii. liilli 4.‘in':ilry. A. A. Qiiattcriiiitnicr. ""’";3."r.'i'ii'”:"si-BF-_"'":~i"i""§T"‘ OLYMPIC THEATER. during the (Jr U S. VVIIJLIANIS, IN “OUR. GE.R..VIAN SEi‘.\'A'['OR.” Nr:tivn‘(2k-.\lr. J. ll. POLK-—-“A UI'ZN'l'.I..l-ZXIAN FROM NEVADA.“ GRAND OPERA HOUSE. Onewcck oiily.l-ouiiiiunc~ llttineeii Weiiiiudsiy and nix l.<luii¢liiy.‘.~.-(ii. I9. _ liniurtlu)'. .l.\I JK lt()BElt’I‘S’ HUIVIPTY-DUIVIPTY! ii lliiulilt 8YI9l.‘lllIl\' (.‘ninp.-.u3.'. 3_Tlm:a Clown: 8. The Jrul Cninmluiniinii Viimll-_il. t,’l)l_li. liliitillrlfili. 'l‘lit: iluuillui (?nliinih_iic. M153 ' XVKL. ’l‘|_ioe (liacatiil Ilnrlieqiilii. VHA8. Il.\llll\ l..ESl..ll-2. lnu lieroni Niagara Scpiciul.wr'4lu.-0. K. l$iiiiueI.iii his new ll‘l‘ll'i‘I. This \\‘i-‘.lI)!<'i'Zl~ll)A\'. Ul'AnlI'5lIFCIlI liixilnts M '1. Adinimoiibiniiil ms cents. on thin occuuiu only. to III pant oi the lioi.-Mi. POPE’S I UNCLE TOM'S CABIN. .\\'El)h'l£5i)Al'. :51-2l’Tl’.MliEll. ‘I2. Pi-l con 26. 35 mid 50 cents. Two llcflfirmflllrcs iiiailr. ll.-iiiiic-i-.ii aver nllnrnoon Ala. Every as-eiiliig M ii. iti-IAI. it Mm ’l-:li‘l:l 'Ui‘,lCl4I:} -’I‘O}\I’S (7Al3IN. Dogs. Donner and [urn bond oi Juvenile Blngerl. Remember! Malineas. Every Day! MONDAY. Sqiiiismlior in-100 nlruim--liiivorlv'a Oeniilna Colurcd lliiialrieln. MITCHELI.’S THEATRE COMIQUE Pine street. ii:-tivreii 'l‘liini .-mi Fourlgi. Biimlay. llopirnilwr J9. ml,-. Miiilnui and lnlrlii. )1lllflkclBIllIt.I3{. Wmm-Iilsy and fiiiliirviv, 2|). in. TM): 0 ‘ENINU Ob‘ TIIE Sl>:ASi). . A lilont Pronoimccii and lirllliiml ilunceu. Raver bciorii In the history oi the sum: luu more oonxregnted in one iliisaicr such A unit army oi supe- rior iiriiuu. _'nlIl'IY r‘lnii-tjliiu 11.1“. - PICKWIOK THEATER, Wnsliliigton and Jeflorsmi Aw-s. MORTIMEWS MYSTERIES I. Monday Eve, September 27. BAN!) l'nici\cl:,:i; Purify. Prof. ifuniievn Dancing Audumr. Dru ill’ will liiiimami lirltet olmvla. the and «very Nvednciday evening. Ciimen ior minim uni lnuluru every ¢dnu_diiy uni tlntiminy uiieruoon. . ..L I ‘Hausa-Keepers, Liv era, I’Ii‘aIcIii’s,'GIerIii,. lav’: ‘cum 3 Ann Bvr "Bum Paiwi Pillar Polling-Bel. , The most com clgiloguil Ind Silh- . Iillllinl. Bulli 1 tin}; MIIUIML . Bald I-aids out of n (lit :1 Bureau. , _ . li4::uu.Dos I. am- “, 80n:i&hrIIluslrI£dE(3£‘’I.0:{fl;4¢; ‘xS1T2‘h0Nh‘éfIuI Clnol. — . " .iiuoTio’il';'_£fas.' 1i3°3‘Ni‘.3**iS0DI?r... = SGBIJOSS BROSj.;& Genorgl Auctioneer, , — 395 lt..£!our'i;h"sft;-get,‘ » .. ..“.2;‘.%‘.3.2*tl.‘;‘£.‘.§°“ ‘.*.'i°*:.?+.......- °°"°"' ‘:i*°E.'.i"i.°:.i'.*.‘i3'z."l:‘.';‘.:.‘.‘s2-..’f°'°"""' 1 an 4: _ no on e ,, ‘ I “ lurnitmlill-iooni.¢te. r°¢F"II1vf5‘becialL7. :t;liLo‘d‘i’i‘1;Iri;lHén.ig?-:;&.¢:’;g:../w.:L.:.;.g.';. BOOTS. SHOESTAND BBOGAN3. W°.dn68d!iJ"a Sénteinbor ~22. 'wé _81I8110fler. at 9:30 o'clock aha , ii. at-class lalyont of prime 1;“ it (1 peasonab e Boots. Shoes and Bro us, Just received» from .5035‘. of t io best manufacturers in the country. comprising full lines 0! cveiglstylo and variety known to the trade and too numerous to de. scribe. All anmplea will be sold regardless of luvplco prices, and duplicated freely. . SOHLOSS BROS. & CO. M. STERN, Auctioneer. Thursday, Sept. 23d, We will offer at our sales‘;-oom n largo line of Dry» Goods, Notions mid Furnlslilng Goods. consisting of 9. mm assortment of Dress Linens. Sheeting, Cmnbrlc, Tow- els, Nii.pki.ns. Suspenderml-Io:-iiery, Blniikcts, Umbrelliui, etc., etc. Sale will commence at 9:30 o’clock a. m. slim-p. SCIILOSS BROS. & CO. H. STERN, Auctioneer. BLOCK, TYLER & 00., Geiieriil Auctioneers. 412 it ill Pine St. linen any: every Weiinc.-day aua iiiiturdu. ismciiu nueiiuon given ouuido susu. But It zioraxo tor liouaeiioiii moon. Im orlnnt Auction Siile of $60,000 i ’oriIi of Diamonds, Waiclios, Clocks, llronzes & Fine J ewolry. The old and rcliiiblo house of (_i. A. COOPER. -105 N. F()U1t.'I‘H b'I‘.. must.‘ and will reduce his stock. therefore offers at auction, for 10 days, selections from the iiiiiidiioniest nnil best-selected lines of iliio goods over offered at Public Siile. _ This is no banliru t sale, but an absolute solo to re lice stock, as stated. Goods open for inspection twin 0 11. m. to 0'1). in. each day‘. Money refunded in every iiistiuico where goods are not strictly as rop- rosented; mid for convenience of those who cim not ilttflnd bydn , the auction miles will be run 11 evenings only. opening at above number Monday. Sept. 20, at 7 :30 o'clock p. m.. continuing at some hour ciicli day for 10 days. 0. it. COOPER, Owner. BLOCK, TILER 5: 00., Auctioneer-ii. POLICE SALE. Special Auction Sale 0! all Unclaimed Property now Inaffnndfl 0! St. Louis Police Dcpiiriuient. On Wednesday, Sep- tember 22, BEGINNING AT 10 0’CLOCK, We will It!“ in our Store. ill‘) and (‘H "Pine street. rw accouiilol Police Departiuenl. on iinliieimi accumu- lation oi unclaliucil properly. oounlstinx oi Xi'an.-hes,fI‘rnnks, Clotlilng, Bools,Slioeu lliirncsa, Jewelry, Pistols, clocks, Pictures, Silverware, Furni- ture, olc., etc. Terms Cash. nI.oi:ii', TYLER it c0., nevi-s." Order of cflrustco. we Will Sell. This (\Vcllnesilziy) Morning at Our Store, One ‘I-octnro piano. 1 ( uocn Anne parlor 9 ieccnfl in.-en Anne hm >~l"l|0|l1 Illlll. with All Ibo tilt and vii-iinizzl vurllrolic. 4.’ yarill llriisscia carpet. I willow not of Hiram. I scltize niidfltahlu liiiiirlilo-loiiuhlr. 6 lcxilicr mat iliiiliig chin.‘ Uiinricr Oak cm-tin: nloro. No. 7: lot kiiclicu ulcmile. liotlalilo ruiicry. gin: and tiuvuro. I ‘rugs. and 3’) }'iirilVlup;rnlii carpet. ‘ ‘BLOCK, TYLER. & CO. I00 Rolls of Carpets to the Trade. Absolute Sale. Noi*a‘Boll will ’ be cut or passed. No deviation from this rule. ,Sale. opening early Saturday morning, Sept. 25, at 9:30 o'clock, Tliiit iliu ii-mic niiiy have nn opportu- iiilv oi attenilliig. Stock mm‘ 0 on for In- spection, Cllillpl‘IB_IllR Boil‘ mi Tiipeslry iii-usselsi Exlrii Su ierzi. You] lugrnlns Wool l.-‘lIIlni:ii. Col on (.'|lllIlI8, 2, 8 an 4-4 Pliiiii iinil Tirilied Yeiioiz.-’mis, Impa- riiil and Pliiln llciiipii. Dutch Wool and Collage Oiirpois. Tiiliu llnn carer: itil lain style: llld but mum at 00 I. Kliverr pic-ca piiinrniilcod perfect. but ll 1: ¢.’lll stile mln cllil in end. tor all who devil-u goods by Lin: ml BI..()()l{, ’l.‘YLER 8'. C0.. General Aiiriloucori. 411 And (It Pine slrool. No rnscrvailon. IA Knllill opportunity HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Large and ntlrimllvo iiitlo on S.ATU.Il.l)AY M011’.-NISCG, Sop. toinlier 25, opening tit 0:30 o’clock, consisting oifii coixiplcto nsi-iortincnt of good new and other l~‘iii-iiliiiu-0. 40 Csirpbts, 80 Cool: and Ilontlng Stoves. Large us:-mrtiiicnt‘. or Queonawuro, Louutzes, \Vu.r(li'obcs. Sldcbutirds. Bella mid Bell Springs new and other iilixttrciiiics. 100‘(.lIli: .li‘riinie Chronios. Odd and Eiiiiy Ohiiirs, Book Cases, Mirrors. sundries. ctc., etc. Siilo Ircc. Olliilcll OF HALE. 9:30 o‘clock I00 rolls Cairpnls to line India. ‘c rt, (look iirixi lleiitlnlr Buivca. Illlfléi ii'cI 40 lllitfll ital-pi.-ii. i0:l.'. o'clock. nu-xc uuoriiiioni. Queenumire. ll o'clock. iliiiucme lino 0! Furniture. BLOCK. TYLER. .2 co. ; At Private Sale, Second Floor. Hie M and mi-.dinin lurnilurommce decks xnii chain. boo unit. parlor Ami clinmlyer niiiu. ryliuilerboo onus. lulilei, mnllrutu. tprlngupier and into mirrors. all new null oi ho-l makes iii rises in Juniiy All mi. mum. iii.ocil. ' ii'l.Eit 1:00. (It'- Bnggios and Biiiggy Itiirneas. We lava. at BKIVILQ tale onlr. Timiuenu improvol uldz-liar ii glen and doctors‘ pliaeioiiv. ol the very at niisrm «ii work. ml vi 5150. nil‘: Buuiéiorlhoak-Iago: lteaglliogh bl-LIE! I|l“N=Ni 311“ . I i: o i . "" “ W‘ iii.5c-ii. 'Ivi.i:ii 1 oo.. ii! and ill film 3;. Ciiromoii to the Trade Only. We claim to be vrnolimio and inner: ior but raleciioul oiiiu-gs sin. gill-inine cirouion 6.000 in Ilothpackcd in onion oi?) each at no 3 It grgiiimpd ucordln to qu:illiy.- Eula ecu: '“"°"”“"“"“ ",_’_.°Ii’i‘.oi:x. -rri. ll aoo., ' ' {_l1IIdIH_’ ulna. ' BROLASKI it yvooiu-1'13, . Geiioml Auctioneers, -.514. Pintj . ’?"°“7 .'.‘,"’-.‘ “'u‘-’«fo°’°s':'.ii§-‘xi’?-<§.i°s-~°“'* ‘M --' Goods, On.-i1irnores_. Alpnciu, Tabla , Gum, , Under ClixttteliiIori:gzige. and by- SALE BY AUCTIEN OF" ' l ‘. -'13:»?-sr‘.sa'7ou:si..~1co. ‘a£_ , del. ..l.-lo‘ pt‘. 54- w_G__L - 75".. re Io’ ‘-clxolee-’—yesi:u-ilxy.'p. ui~.)_ . . -.<3v'a.n&$4 70 pnrulailvorolyi . I503 ‘ ' ., il*z:'riir.§£ 90.$i. 7512., 3:}: iii Sn Ill. B00'ii:£l_i 1¢.§5U_, IVS-S..I_2}{.' an ass Ell put-E..’,itl_:'n_ -55 3; 506 11:3, fancy rt.-aon privrnia-tanns. Mnrktzl; Iitnlis: ‘M parilneufl .8»'3a3;lo;'.x $3 208 _ xx :1 Joel -so; in'mll.y_ u (0 zjclzmco sl-anal 3:) ziaocy to 1:693 ail‘ inver- brands $6 an to 58.='.’5.-- . rlolnatid, at‘ vloai;2_3 for not minds.‘ Bale: «Io risat 51.80. L.-'-Finn, us: (.605 10.1121 ier city Salon: Sllillprla at 82 10 Gel. . l‘IligI'1|ghl. mu-lratqulel and easy. ' . iniolt_—-l ears»-cliolc-e. llmnill ' mt sit; this Aides»-8 car: choice pmi:-in us. 39 , 8 eula. 2 olioiceal‘ 314 50., B in nchva Bantam order demandand bower In price. sales:<I—- ll can nrmill at Mo, I0 do all I53:--Puma bid lot more. Sud akx in log: on an order at Gm: #105: 17! 3: Lido, fl! » choice mldrllings do sumo; bulk--I'car bran this side as no. 3 can do I’. o. b. E. villa in (lo. I_IiLiIl-Wl.‘l!:$—‘Simnly. sales: 93 hfl.l‘l\'. $1 )3. Ll;:..aD—-Firm. Sale: 3 can sol: Lliuouri at ELK. Ill-:lii’.—.\'o clml In smltllsnnnls" Undrnssud at s ijolglllugj ind or! i a no .héjii.1'_ry-‘train:-.3:-= ’ .¢¢r.7fi‘=Ié1 .i=-=‘r-». lmv or i'l'1e_y yvemj o:ic'¢.i3é.ioiii.l' «ISM. 'I1bt'xi1'nl._etinlly allow: the". W ‘o Illa ‘intake: , . ‘ ..._..‘..;._....'.,.'.ol.’.;...".;V.’..-.."¢-'-..1 " ' mi N. .z:sg,£m*m-er. R;_& .00.; . t_r_tlcIo’> n. _‘:’ii’o-gilt: orqlrerin ‘ wide -’ -perloncea any nocwie'chmm:'i' CU!" .ilioiol:~ aI4‘\vI!i' lie lcnoivn and patent- ‘Rl'I»2'-l~'1'.0U1b—r‘a.Iz- ‘ n).‘v_iile'o during nderrevimv-"Ia unudlixd Ir, ch..I's exhausted. and‘ once . higher. ‘azfifli W518. ‘Dry sol: nwau" quoted. at thuIbc’s:innlnz -ot-:he> , 8.103‘ !or longs, r‘ - s.uoa3;9oo ioi-_'sho::_ hnndn. and generally Lard ‘nimble at ’l.lIilI y . I - , I .[l!ecxieuns_x.........:.llfi ' - I -- . ‘J’ - I’ zr 43 .l| -:1 BANKERS” aiitl 7 ' . sa’ us . I .\".,‘Goi;i(lH. .1. A-; .A ‘liibneyio g;;".'£§‘7§3.‘u‘J3?',‘?s3'l3.’.§‘3§fii.§§§§-‘§Q”‘:'«f;.z<ov Y°¥%.~, -_ - wax. :3. 1.I’l~u.l.. -r .... 34! W5 A .§o.m.<?n.:'oo»o o for shoulders. 8.60:: I_or.z:lun.r ribs.-and a I.1lnconno\vIn.iuw' gslllpnenu by River. _. . A view.) {or Memphis fllsmielnbor I7, ‘ jlnrith llama-nu, yin: I5-brlutapples. 11$-pkg: been-. buxinx. I;x:lo--ln»bn¥N_ul'..1o-ten heel. 7.563 held, 43' on clioeue. lob l.illD bl-ll corn‘ meal, ‘I5 bx: Icandios. 9110 Drill llour. '5 horses, 73.55 lmln.rd..4 plan lead, ‘in brls meiumu. to tags nulls. 187 3):: em, I brls pork. 35.‘2il In lmmo..-62.750 rice. 2 aka ml:-. Ii brln uurou-. no bxs_mnp. 80 309 Illa wlaeit&..12 brls whiaky and 3.Eal visits xnilso. , Clllu. .1’. ’chonioxxu, for how Or! ’ Vlz.: 138 brill zipplen. 83 I: sggin::.‘1l>0 ilk! _1mrloy 7 [H133 coliee. 70 sh corn, Ilil bi-is corn meal. slbxl candles, )3 pl: Lia? brie flour. 3,500 be 2'! horses and males. 17, lanes, -12 cm nails 1 onions, I21 l_.lx‘iii pol-ll. ll. moxie, ill plaza petal rice, 2 aka and 3 bus sill " gs tobacco, is brls whisky, 12,6413 in 3,161 pkg: sundries. _- . Anxo ’ liumuun ..»....'.-... 315$ dim ht‘ amid.-=’ ' Séa.gugl*illb:'l'of _§§le._ sh sherins: tun.-it _.UflIhH0....a... 4-toot-b S“. 50' gm”! JD‘ fit fl3_nnd oils: that late. Oraem—Id Lard-2o to: ‘ loose Bummer steam at . L, 29 its winterlaz Lam. > ..J(: in- ion on email orders. . 5. L_l¢Aln——.\'o cub union. Ordei-s—'~Io long: and b.lil.iU' ribs at axe. 20 bx: long: on ucen—2 curs loom clear rib mm‘ short clear. . p. t., 660 lbs Iooao country clear sides at be, SI. hnlnlt at like (motor Ellie). J5 "pkg: ulwuldurs ii: 8.15» 6.?.ilc. 75 cake cleiir rib at 9,l¢’e, 73 ul: 5 lb clear oi; 9.iI6‘e to 9.70:--gnnorolly held ( ))' owner vaekcrt not selling) at 9.'{o; er: 8x3ii,‘iu.9l§nl; clear 95:0, ulenr rib III.’ to 12.-.'c; o. I.e. Prime lllllnmer country 9.8. do at usgm,-gc. ilriw4o—QIlis;li»-little enema. low, I.i.’0I_l,'c; wbliu. 5|’i't5}-ic. llcv.-I—-on orders: llrl, $7 per mail-hri. TOIIIHIOII, 5t 5042»: per doz. I. ‘ll. Ocnu-u..-...... BX _ Loxoozv. aunt-umber 21._.--Cinneoll, 97 13-in- l1Pl.'-{: newfis. llfiii; lax;-3.16.. 0. 9:5; lhtxm. s¢picm‘bcn21.-1:ont’ea.s5l. lime. :'CIOMMEROL5.L. the General Marketa. The delightful wellilxer oi iho pauweckia again 1. subject of congruulaiion. In It: genial null lmlpiul bearing upon all department: 0: industry. To inanrzenr it has been oupociniiy yrrniclul In all its suspects, and the ruin oi‘ Sun- dny Inst hull millions In It Iorllim. moron of the city mu derived proportionate human: In the added éemlort oi transacting bnairmss, and the citizen in lama thank: God Iur Ibo rauilnrussion oi dust and xuilurai cleanu- ..c\slo lilo mule eiilmllcb» dmnnilul-ct-rm just ended, it’ has been Ilmply 1lIze.noxnennl,nnd him no parallel In the provlouu mercantile history oi 8:. Louis. ecnrccly a. brunch oi blicinram which has new 5!, ICGOI 0554' “' 3' 'w"“’:1" Illinollflciilrnl; > 0 WM; 0. "LITTLE 82: 00., {Ba n-klo rats «an (1 I3rol: 1‘: rs .. ‘ ‘.213 N. Third, Street. St. Louis. an innate, 3 aka co olfarlng; other descriptions demand very light. ‘We quote: 010$!-‘J0; hncklull tow 5115 I0 5125: drmlsecl $‘.‘.ill to $230; chem: 3175 lo $200. B.&.l.i.‘s'u STU El-Ts»-—l.lugg active. .J'ul;l)illr5 2-meg: i-no jute l':).'o; it no: 1D,'(o. flu’ mix.-ad 11,540. | Pogmnfillcgfl lD(Cii;.5. ‘ I i—-Que . use on y- aupoyacen o desirable miles. We _queI;o: dl‘ 3i)G.‘l'.!o; o -clock at wesou; dairy-~zolec:Ions ul. choice at 363270; Inir lo priluu medium I80 in 33¢; low noise; tn.-ur~lly couuuy-~poor I3!-Ilse; clmlcn_I8u iolwc. ‘ I-2GG:S—Quiei. and strnlly. soluble in lI,\.’o to 15:.-. :4. e. in cases and it lilo tlfindltld. -Du I nnd wank. Iiccnipla oi Clllckllnzi liuu\')' iuni nilerjllgn lnrgly In oxcesu oi the denmml; clloire stock only minted. Other yonllryln light mcclpt, but iiull also, geucxjnlly In bu, era’ Iuvor. Ol2iclu.uls—0lil-—L-uclrst $3 00. mi.-cud mod to l:ll0ll:l‘3 liens silt’. -;. crews aummor C. 8. 0. 3-1».-me: lion 'l’I3Wnil?l‘; lioudat Ami wenriilu qt cvrr: tlucrlpilon. I‘ub|l:-ulcp nude <on.‘i.lntng<:._ Erwclal mention Vifliil 1» wt mu )'o[i§ I-zxclmizt _FINA.NOIA‘L. G, 84sp!i>tnl>el‘ '21. 1333.;-M the bank: bnalncu Inn: 'samev/iluilrrozzliliif. some X'i3_{i(ll'IH‘lK iv. bully 112.)‘ and other: the re- verse. but it was uuliunnl)’ “"1 "““' m” V°" new oi irutlo ix stclxdit-r unInim'rupted'lhnn Itlr xgmm, X3 ;._-wot the apusmmiic and mom oi the regular in money denulmd than usual. 'I‘ixere is pli’.-III)‘ oi menu)‘ in this money ocular: and no £I.‘iLtv.‘.l_K)‘.i.'lI.|l'llldu. ~ Thu coirwnlnwtest 18 I'I'fIfl1”h.1a' fillfliilld 3-"“‘“‘ Ilon "at this time, llllllls lmirlng ’-.pc‘un ¥l'lIl lrultl dlil‘crz:nt bunks to-our to car- Tlliu ilomnnd. ?°3'='b“r “““' niercamllo'(l0l1lllF- 9"“ “°“"° 8735" “‘“'Y‘ lug, cOIlii'{lllt(li'l the bull: oi lolina. Sow Y0“! cftehnl{;zt- zaltzlwly clilninmms in il”‘UlW«)’ “N1 L‘ 'fiuox:ibln lit nlxout SI dticeuni. Localil’ “I0 1,; make: for lilo’.-ks end socurllit-.3 is quiet. some ' Ihl!l'fi:l or good em'l‘1°“"““°‘“' b‘-”’8“‘ 19’ “1’°°“‘ fiuive purpoge», lmve been put on sale, but as yet no trunsllors lmvia. been (:.I!i3<.‘I(:d- It. IS. hi. bnln, lill Xiorih Tlllru street, QIIOW5 Ionrizn Prime uankoril‘ iltcrllnz. i.i>0.?a'»'N-33 umml-,1‘ (,9. guys atorliIl;:.i.7‘.i,‘'.'Qtl.T'J!:( ; l.‘0ll'lIIIOI'- cial. fll'{Ili|l‘ii1. utorllng. 1-31%“-4-NS: C0"-WW1’ ciel, 00.11;,-,-3, trance. .'l.zo'a~'.‘..2’l,l,1; tmnuuorclnl, delunntl. iriincl. b.".'T!a'_‘3Li- awn‘ ,,.m,, mm-19.‘ :v.;},;'4;"-.r.l,i;;; eolxlmexvinl, .;.,,,,,',,.g_ 93,i,;9:r.'l,s;; comzmm.-nu_. 30-ill‘/5: m=lld- Fr: and llurlna. 32$-;$'t'3‘J,’£. Market siea.«l'y_. » ' LOCAL uumnieliu. ‘ I.m1inl quoiixilonn COI’l‘i.'(.‘H.\.(1 daily by 5'- 7- - .ficli:lwr x cm. llllukoru Anti brokers. 505 011% _ order: (100 pkxs) urliles clean in It Lin .3 ~ -Orl.icm—-izreltlzinat bacon Iliiillll I':..*£o_iu wxc. Tallow-—:iic:n<l '. {‘1lu“h_n. .n.,m,, Brown, do; 3731- Ll YE roUt.'rl'l’1' Elevator Stzuamant. .v ' I""‘°d- 115-'“”}‘5 ozuu.-< uzt.n' TKO)! .HX.lfl'A.TiJl|6-_-l§lC|‘1‘l1Ili£I|m‘ Ina at the slreell-. um continuous and . - as 53:2. Sl2.5. lllealiuxnltr: 00i131 I0? I -.9 "(mu wan 1: cllolctr iuld extra $232 Q5;gdil\.‘k£ In Si 730 2 " ;—.~.zc«s:o SW3 50; tlllk\l}'ls$3 in 36. (:(lA§il~:-—-liz.-i~.<.~Irltst»I nrnlrm rliiclccns lib:-ral nnilugoml dz-nl urriwii In bud cmuiltiou; du- lmmtlnur so llrilz}: llllll prluvs onsler; deer in Inlraupply llrld uleeuly; clocks allow and W£‘l'l)i. iieh.::lwllrcou.nd um:lmngi:t.l. sluice: i’nill'iu chickens nt SI Ior old. $3 [or ucluclcil young: is dale V II» for does. ‘Fabio in-r venison anilxilm lo-mac V I2): ducks-— 'i\‘0i)il and ion! $1 50. tmslltml £250; icilil iurkuys ' ls; squirrel $1; l‘lIl.ll.i|V- $150, 3-at-I: £6: lmidon and uplnuil '23. nmitll do 'i5%ill)u; vi-iiil plzuml 51. "it: lil*.‘.\..'\':*-(lollliiry scarce null llrvu, oi Si [or poor mil (0 ioi'cl.loici:. l-Sznlcrn Illin- cr. nclllm: Iulrly lrom x.-lure-—:i-ruotwil iii El 55, liuvltlquluklsd or 5.165, navy noluln.nI at There was not the mine Ille to irzinmciionsln cotton the pile: week at any oi iboprinclrilxl lloiniu wlllclx characterized Nit: inorelncltl oi Liverpool showed Ion disposition to trailv. and the nmrke: tended to .im cusier eondlilon, bu: M. the close values were not materially clmngv,-d Irom the lJl.'.1:|_l‘i~ _ At New York tlmro has been mlirlmd woulaenlug titlrllflx um ucrioti. ilm do- m'ea:»lull being dully sllrinlrusze, do not cllnmzo. tho preceding it-rm. (3l.l?iBK-D!:M0i2II.\1"8 inquimor in this direc- tion "limit does um rolled an excel”: oi volume In irun.-meiiona over slime ).li3i‘.l:9d Ins: year oi Ii'0lIl.50l0 75 per cent. this ln:;l:cat iotho lowest strata o.Iu':ulo the greatest l\'IllnlIlIl()ll prevails, em 0! this year's lxcnvy commercial moro- meni and nrospumua Increase |')I‘OlIllNlS to be 3 siilijaact oi Iunilileblc pride to the lnerclmnls oi .‘5I,.l.ouIu. I'I'li.‘.I:l in the main continua very nieltzly, mid the c ileum» in our wllolerala list I‘m mow presents no new i, values laeim: steadily with Inlr iii-xn-mil. llrlu at previous uirili. and I-llo trade hm: ‘ocsrn tmgm time up to !Ix}'l(‘»cllll0l.Ill t-I denicra. are runur-zed us llitvln s1'ocx nr anus: ll! !:l.I€VA'l'\'.|lu§ nsur. (lore. I 0nu.l lir¢ Mil 21.72.? 10,235 ‘.‘_)'J 5.2:: . nlmr oi the weak. -rom..~'om..If i,l7 l-..‘:...~.u| a:.:r.;:; 2-.~.-cu tlm been Just now are having thing: pretty mllcii their own way. '.l‘lie controlling lilcn—Iu- .~lmtpln,z mailers thus is dcnllliless ii {Iran hello! in Iill exirltordlnnr tor the year 1560-81, ml the bully ports lllull iiir-iu uxce-as ui smile i aon—inatl‘iy that opllllnn, and when interior llKo.'ili:.mlil1I.~l mid St. llllil :.l.{:-.u-‘s ruccipu li'Jl' ll. cemeeuuncc or law umlurln Iiitll usmuitll llixvinx Deon iwlolvtvd llord Lima Tile llumo mnrki:i hits been illlllei, will: light uuslut-us; the movunlenx or bi. Louis Iron: Wediicssdnylast lo Tue-zany (yes. ullive. balms: Iiccclnts. :i,l7:l union; sllipmenls, ‘.l,‘.ll'.l lmltl.-s; auiou, 1.217 llnles. n-ubjoin latest quotations. which were reduced 5:. lonio—l.ow tlrdineri‘ Ba: ordlnnry 5560; good urdllury 951:; luv: iniddilng 10,'I.’c; mid- Il,'.'c;uocxilnmldlim.: ll,‘-.':2; middling full‘ 5-: TAKIIIMCKIDHD on 'utmx-gmsoxliember 21. 1830 !0lll'Q‘ilDltlIlOil.3 are Iurlou {min nrsl: htllldi unlues otlwrwisa stated. in illllmz small order: hllzllurriitox new to Do paid. vuior [.310 buyer may» we lira: ton dnyn‘ awr- ams. omens exrln nuirmre ior anocllsl ulna.) ri:'rtI'nH x_iiu:.I‘.'i’s. . Stiles tnvcsn in iuzlzmxntu. not in order made, llur.-iuntiuuu In Dfllio noiocl in uppnnuou no On itmiu In oun- KH3 I10! DIIIDUFOUJ. Ulillill I'IlliIT--.\ctIve, ilrul mul mlvmicln’;;. I4.-amrm Ior common uulll llt':lX' the claim, \vIir:n e wanker li,'i:ilIli£ is-its Illnili{¢:ail—1.'e]'lI?iili|lIY in n.nlllt:s—u rouuil loiluiier um. luslux lmhxblo at over like Iur Armies-zlnrk Jo, inir:l,L(o. prime 3}(c, choice 2l,‘.'i:; pvenclle-5,-——li)i.wt1 and nnnll halves It-like. prime Ilnli-cs ac. cilnlco do Ia.l.'c. I~'ul-. lowing worn sales: AmlIml—L sits at lie, 1!! :ti 3,‘-fc, Ml nl :J.!.’c. El plum at 350. SI :1! £I,'.‘c. H low at Ic; pezmnca-—uumlI lots in l0|.\(c, so plum M 5c. 40 pkglnil5).'c, 66 us l5_R;e;57 ul 5.800. ll brie clmice I-I .'v,k,'o; and mu sins applos anti punches Ipoctivolf. uuulhy it good tleumnd and moody. in $225 lor Iulr to 3‘: 35 lo!‘ llirlcilr Snlv.-at 19:‘! alas at $2 ‘Ill. I54 12 81. ‘all? at $2 32, ml and ‘:1 n._ t., Id‘) at I 3'.‘}.‘. ‘.20 at :2 37, 201:: $2 (0. other kJ¢¢‘d1Illfl{- Clover uczimlnnl at :4 in. Seed Inspec- [Inn (and L'l‘li(HIl[I') this betm {lhlllbflfllllll In l_lliI St. lmuizx mnriiut, to inku lnlumdlntu 4-Jluci. (3A$'1‘()lI. ill-:.\.\'.s'—QiiI<:i. but ilrm: nrlmo siti- ztbiu in SI wet I‘.'—lmni lligllur. small in: pour Loula. are luviiy the some period it own, noi. oue~ an Elccjlllbilfllfleflboll 6!‘ cum. Iursver il-mil mnna (lino last year. Incas me in most active demand, at prices oi pmvlollu weak. but quinine is very Ilrm will will unduulliodly unlvuuco. lmid eolullxxlurary llll MOXISIHO 5‘R55lO.V‘-—-'1 A. N. TO I I‘. ll.‘..'i,' as usual. 95 ol tr-lulu In Vulllulfl oi l\lli[)lill:l.I’-8. lino ouiuulllg mus» oi llltll‘ChfllH“50 in thin dc.-pm-Llmmi. being simply llmnun.-ae. The lxulyeltamguilisinpluuuutlu in l\ reduction or £0 i;mrt.-lluull nlumr. and our qucmiilnnal are lit barrel ]'‘B. sluull but Goons (lulnx nrcvlmla time, with slight at 3.‘.'e nmi vlxc rt: UIIASS SEEDS- Fliu fueling wits rnllusr Ilrm mid pm-z-:5 ,l.‘»’.l,'~.'c ltllrllnr curly in the tiny, but !()‘~'/(it'll tlm 11:30 (lull and nin;-1' tlm lmtrlwc IDIII loll oil’, clualmx word: prllnu in our Ion. :30 ii. in. Ceili-Jnnuuryl0.:ilir:l1l(l; uury l0.Ile hid; Mnruli. 2.5 lmlea nl 10.60:‘; b'.'.'s billlz.-.1 at. lU..':7c; Avril am luuus ilt l0.7.'>.; Mn)‘ l0.:'l'.)c bid; -‘M-pl¢.~tlll_ner l0.7.’>u bid; (lc'.nl:cr lu.::9u Lulu; .'\‘u\'t3IulJer .l(l.2uc blvl; in-cnlubor, 161) bales in l0.'.’:.le; between cells, :00 boxes .\In.rcll l‘iJVli'>Ll41 nccnrdlmzi Ami ulmrkllla nru more l; at any vurluuon lrnm ]ll'i.\\' I-‘t.uw:—l:cc42:pl;~l are still lnlllng all, while slliprui.-nus umlilnua i.n.~uu n gnml t_lt-mmm nil lilo weevil: with in Iron lnuvuun-.nI gnu‘ ll >4ll- lti mlvnnmi llnuud int: oi low grit ell nru so.-an.-e and want- ed in‘ speculators mm 9lllIl)|.l¢.',)’.n, wllilu :3‘.-mtlzorn lllld I-Lminrn isliippw.-I were in use xnnrkul.“ and {rise Im ‘on: ul gt-titles irmn xx to Iuncy. itqului our choice and funny were wuniuil all the week [or -.-xpm-1., but the mmmlm-.ut Wrtéi light nu buyers wen; unwilling in meat. so.-ilurs‘ view»: The lziiblilllir inurkut vulllim oi urmlizs wt-re! .l-‘luv, 5'.:':ii>&i='l G5; stmuriiilc. $2 SW33 I0; xx, ,<3.'n‘mJii3; xxx. enmcu, SI 56!“ iii; .t.5i«.’.u.'z:l0; llIVlll'lI-6 known and pawns blnnlls, Imv oul.-lino m-tier»: bulk oi esnlnn lmiiu; (ml l[li‘i.II.llllU‘i‘O account. ' U0!‘ .-mid nl 9.',‘.'¢ curly-—nonIl:1l1lly (it clean; Your llmit;:Ixn9£,'{ ‘dme l:(Il'l)'Il.)ld lniur. UUIIIUUI‘ 0|')I‘I|\:(l ul. '.l‘.I,\;c. ilnpmvmi ‘.Ll}-,’v:, rucelluil In 9.1 '.‘c-—~l>iliur eslwd with ‘J: llhl ill. I U'l.‘l()(.'k': .\£nvoulln.\r mid uc irnlll I.‘ No ilmvn m'.'~.'u~. early. at ii.'»_.'{e later on, limit or cllntul in il.'»t:. liltvltl rsnla rollultlmr nt Dl,’.'a“.z‘l<:; lH.'l.‘l.'II.ILlL‘I' ranged Iroui i>.3fi3'.l~}};u curly to iii,’ 1_l.—li)‘ at '.*2,’.’e', Oat.-— ll."c; . --v.-‘:0 nl. '.x’H.'o. am: UWIYID l'T.l|.1‘E! 0'.fl‘1'|$« . ‘ ~ ‘ U, _ n ,~. mun. " p. m. f.‘:ill—-Jlumnry mi) nt lil.:‘xli~' bu .l““. I." lhn‘ N "I a A ; ,:;(l0 lmllm ll: linliini; l'.\l:’l’)Ill'lll")' lurcl lU.Mc Illil‘ Ami ‘I5 niieqal; tome;«.s Ill 1-mun; .il:'i_v tum}; em; Utillllel‘ l0.:»0c bid ; -W bales at l(I.I0c' mu lmlra ul: l(l.l:i.c ‘l-1 I’)--1’-‘lrmer; sales 3 ours on lmnis 0! primu I‘-lid H631 lb [or lulurlor; rilnc til. Si in on its merits. ‘ .sl*Zl‘Il)—Jublliluz only ii: Si If-’u‘l 50. 1'15 .\i\'U'l‘$—l{uil. ‘.’_‘."n‘3.‘(i'.; \~'lliLi>.l)."-rlc. l'l«IU.\.\‘5-——.l0ulllux uni; --\\-'1.-:51:-.rlt at .l2,'.'c null Texas at IJOIic.' pun: ni I5 It-r :. .. . ....,lz0:a '. I‘ 2’ 2: ....._ .lUUla:l1i:\| ill. l'.l.‘..3')I: ‘ ‘£5 units; In lU.‘2l-7; :ul.¢:r or at 1u.:;3c; :5 lulcgl at Ninw Yul-l<—-Sllilillimr ll 13-162. 1-‘ Slxires lor lniulo. l;nlu~. I"L'|)I'llil|_'_V ll.1L\rr; Mnrcli 'Lrmuui' ll.-lite; (.lv..-lobar ll.vlc.'v liuvulnbor «.2 I)-xccnilllur I0.:l'm. elm: at other her, ‘:5 halos M iii. , (Juli, ‘:00 lmlus Ucwu . lilo "I (ilulllsenil-I): St: I' I I ‘ J1 tidy. Crooked 2il‘.‘.';c, izur 343‘:i}1u, prl .111: 6:. choice izrmzll hurl b'a..'x,'.'c. lmuwzitlo in guml uouinml nu. sl‘.’.'a¢.'x:I.’iJ ii brl; G. A. lleulirularii n_nd ummiluil. i.'lUl»2ll—-54mm l‘il(t(HVl!J, but I‘l.‘i.\.U)’ no uulo lur t uolatblls. ' 'J:i—JulllpInu Irolu lainn-. nnly— Wiucoullln at $7 to la, I-insiurn in S5 50 V brl. kind vmilmu) bring " IIAIIEB Kll..\U'l‘—i. 9'' url and iii V lliilf-171']. iiilllfll ulil-:l::.\' l'l.'.\r.4«-ilnly ml ncmmonnl bl-I 2»-allluiz. iruih atom 3| on V be Ior clmir.-e.’ llli.‘-l\‘l'Jl:X' NUTS-Sllcll-bxuk at Uocdfl, large nibofitiwo. 1’0l’~C0lL'(—.\'omlnnl, nI.l}o.'42§o V ll. 1-illii}IlU.\l—i)tmin.ulo ul ibat-.'ic us l(I kind. CuUS’I‘lil' iiltil0.\l::—5l-ll ui: SI 243191 50. 1iUNl*2‘i'-Slow iruu; comb idalsc, t-xtt'lti:ied lilitldiio. sirulucli 'J!c':i0t:. iinlcn uinnll lol. choice ‘ pics It 2(:,';c. ‘zluw, .'xil‘>1:‘l5 V E: live. _ —Unclmu;gc.-I; ac SI!) V bu snclzoll mid 5135 V brl iur man or peerless. .\'u-u--hy prrowih in larger I'(‘.D(.‘lpL§--Mllil lmllnly M. 1.31% .""|01’n"li£-‘ Ills. ().\'l0.\'E-——UuclutngoiI ;ii gltlu. b'Liii~>:; I60 brls "u .\'u«llmrn I-ed. on.luvL-e. lsWl'.'l'2’I‘ Pi) l‘4\‘l‘()l‘2a‘.——-l‘lt-nl.y and slow. We qllow clloice in SI 50 Vllrl ior LlcI'~ mmla. Si lur nun.-liellluntl in shipping order. UA|lli.\Grl-—lliglmr; .\'m-illcru sullc in 3“. 50 V cum: in _eIllppIll,g ul'tll:l‘, or ill 51;! V toll lor our ’.i‘u.\i.\'I‘0l-ZS —l)ulI at wamsc P be loose {qr ripe. 75:: V bu hex [)l§¢.'k0‘l inr .-llllzlniolz -wok. i.'.tllll0l.5‘—(1uotu mil-were at 3; 2.533 50 V ml in slilpmnz ClX'llI.'!‘., .>li.~.-I-:liADl.5Il——Sl.c:uiy at :6 1:‘ brl In ship- l:U'I'.\lI.\GA$—Si0nd_v lit $185 V llrl in allig- plnsr ordt. , or 500 V hu «Jul inr our Io:s In bul . Cl£l.ICIll'—-0vurypu:ur.y, uiill null Iuwl.-.r. at 2.3 y Iuola dull in menu: V Junimry lI).i|<$o; . r .-—I.'i nt Billie, 3.‘. III- vile. I0 at I ll ' I56‘ 502 , ‘”” ” “ 3.;-; luur—lu m. 9.-,'.', a at. it '.-.'>,".'-auxin. mm: in‘; ‘. . - - D1.’ lu.......l<l" 3 moun Pltrlilo lnmoriruo to viz‘/c' w M 9”“. Ii:n.mnl !":cIIt0 M xunrinlen in. :ur1ouc1...l:l 0: - ll no-uh -no imclzio. ' ‘Vt abum um l’a.c1nc. _Ill‘liI ulna la: men. at. I... I1. L. n:u.l\...l gmygg }I]hs(I|!l"l lninorlzwnla. turrunoin " J-Lunnail l'.lu:luc Iu la:-rial. I've ¢*7l“-'Jl’\---v-- _ no In niort.. Juno um Lice... J5. M-mu Lat mon..u¢ei'u ax. u.u‘t .lll ,0 — > Will!!! —- New Turk —- :!wvI urlonua ‘.'.I‘.i uules: ouvunnzln - ' CIliLl’H.‘flll)II Ll.lI:3l lmiml; Uolvm-"inn l.'.'lS uomm 226 balm; Wllmlng horlrnlx 4.550 D3195; \‘v'lll:A‘r-iir.-rrizipla, although llazht. show come iuwruvuln-ant on prevluilu wt.!(.k. willie Milli- muma In-ill lryrlvur and null 1.-ulttlnue largo. um-lulu» were Ilrlll rind llixllor. with g.-lad du- muml all cut. vrcnlt. ml.Ilel‘a mud 3peL'ul:tim's, while Nu. 3 run! mill ho. I v.-:iuu-l- mm month’ tiikmi by Etisicrli ellip- Alttdiic-rl':inuun amid llI(l>.\Il}‘ iu xnlllursl. szllllougli will turn were in tho mnrkui» at ilnurxi. liltltlpleu worn nigh uml strong, Ixmcy leis xvii- ing tor at-ell. wmle cllulco samples were taken bv lnlllors wlmsu wuntu were In excl.-its oi the Fuiulmi were active mum: oi prim.-ll and lu.-uvy irarlinx. in-i rinlilu oi cash ):I‘|iLlI.‘l!‘sV.lBZ No. 2r1v(I nil: '»lll.!.;‘c: ’l.‘ilursdu,v. ‘.r.:}-."a“.) .‘7«.- Irum acme. .ll_Y E0“! on orders at $5 50 "M mm "'"‘”y "’ Mwmm" ":9 mum’ U05‘ lIllL*l'i??1l. Inilollllllmlllilltllli‘ln!II‘kuFilllll uml lze orally wunk Uli‘i.til:JIl(lli|‘x. closing Me nlf on 5|.(.l|lImlllJi:l',!IIiii‘lIl)' on Oi-mlmr. ,l.’e uilim No- vombl.-r iuul Ul.‘CCll‘ll)l"l'. ivhllu nlmllily In-tun‘ lur this Your. Supt:-min-r D()li.l ii’! :i!a‘_.l,'e tu38,!,'o; )‘~nr ul :‘.s.'.,’c lo 3SJ..‘<:; Nn\'¢!lnlvi!l‘ nl :I:l,k;u I0 Doucnllmr in 37.‘.’c to .'IT,*,.'r«i:$'.',*£-.1. end Your. int 4 tlsyzi were 6.8. amnu (lI:I_\‘i] Hill! \x'(-cl: wt.-rt-..’>l,rilk'; isior same day: Ins: yunr, 67,231 quumllnm --l;')lll:i|'|(l ‘.',l.'d; .':':tlv:rl 6,000 lmiils. Wllllliflcfll lI'fA'l‘II)1 IN‘! 703 I1‘: lpi'.lU'lfl. ’, ork on i:;Iim............ 3!) ti: &‘<,.‘,’u; l)m.l.—-.‘; at 37 w"d"""'“‘3"' 9”‘ l'nur--'.!uai :l'.‘,!£n:. Frltluy. 9l,&;f&‘Jl,%.v; Friday. H’-.I.;eHi~l3xc'. .~».nlur(Iuy. $7.‘;"&.‘- (lily. u7,'.’\:-dtilic; Tllllt-(|'|\'. :1.‘2'.’£2e‘z~I. winlcr-- WutInm(ln.)'. ' -,'i2z.‘-:$I.’..’u: l>‘rIuu_v. 8J,‘5~’&c-i>.'c; rsamlrtiiny. 82:; . .\lululuy.i‘-i5,;¢.':d-w: 2l'ui.-luiliu', Bl.‘.'.'=lr:fiu. con:-' cumilxuq.-.4 In light receipt, lull ilu,-re W:\$llllJX‘0 rowxved mun pruvlilus wurulc, while: Blllfilllivlilfl cullllliuts lmnvy. I(T1l(I~:$i llnvo but-n light, mid imll'-snirtious wt-.w llrllltml. ..\'r.r. 2 luixi.--.1 ml-1 xnulnly lo an:-culw tors. who (1)011 wllni oiluzrml at llll,l.ZIIl‘i_)' (lu- H4.-jniziziil wits lnkr-ll by. m-dot‘ bu )'!.‘I‘>l an lubl; ml ollured. was Iinn ml-.i uilv:uu:i':(l l|’.(.“llf.llI)', luvirlg w:ml.v_-u by lmth 3l)'l|)1‘N.:i‘Li and miller». it-elml willie ml. bluntly‘ on f_.‘all......... ).xuli dmwuznta I0: (0014 ham‘ .6 (nun-.w vllwlcillill. good mixer Iliuu-oi ed hrll unite scuutillos . ‘ . 1.01118 (fl?! A.‘-1? '..‘(.?U.7.\ Y Htlfilfih. 1 in M. .Ixl. llridim II>x3mncll....... t lij Ia. ‘mid siazilnrboonn. due 15129.. I 141 N. nxrrczar; ......... ('.):}' va'lAir‘I't'36. due D251. 1 av to. worst bonds. at rmmlv as, gold...” Cq,-.'iti)' I»: park lxm I ueaiv Ir. nu-rener ...... .‘iu'.'.-, ill/I44 lab. inierrmll Jan. .9: May aml hut. 5 Ill '.‘.£l,‘.’<~; Yv.'ul—5.Li'Al iii. 2 iéiupi. uilizrml r4l;.:. - Jo, --o(!lll(!lll|:IIl.i uilututl us iD_';c, nu bid; Nor. llv:*.d ni "."J,I4'c, llld ‘."Jr. iéyu--.‘l'ulne alien- |-u-- ~ .-.“-lll(m\ellLIl--. M7‘), It . FE) ‘line «‘»lI'm'i lug.-I oi *.':l.') n‘t:l.ui.'K Cu 1.. HLIIINI .':,l)i)l) llu Supt. lit 9‘1i,‘.’u, .’n-1,000 .\'(w. all '.:.':,.‘'x:, : - ll ul. il:l,'{i:, with Lilli: You! in Uh.-, wll.l:9'.!.$'1llu - _ClIl'lI-—~FiI'IIlly lli-l I (in:-13:1.-1 rllxlullla. \\‘!m'.iln~llulitsr. cm cornprelm-ii from ht. Liuiux To llmlnn. Ilc 141!!! mu. _ ’Iol‘ll.lllu.lei;.l-ua. isle’ 1.--1 (;I!un..'1.l null! i(H’.‘ll}' llillll.-i'u 'luiI'AJIlmutl:.GI\1"l§lwn;. bailllplca WKIIU in ll.-ill. oilui-ln;;, and mill i'Htll|'ly at boiler urlz.-ml. IIIOWIPII liltiu llii-., Clmilng Mlirkeln Fnrnlnheil daily by I). ll. It‘:-ulois. t‘-olnlulnnlnu znnrcllunt. Nos. 2&5 and ‘:06 Chamber oi Com- '( -:ru«.l; M21)’ lI|Ii:l‘I.‘il ui l-l= OAI —i‘lnum'; IIu’eII\l(l9i. U'rl7lIl(llIiiI‘L'Ll1lL2}i)(l, hill 295':-; mzpi. ul. 2‘J.‘.’c, Illii ‘2Il';u; (Jul. at ‘.00. d 35,- .’u-, ill-l ?‘.I.*(::; Year ui. '2Lk:, blu ‘.'o',‘.’u; and ‘:3.’-;c ind li'uv.—-u-me uiiorud. um-ll ‘rlu.:n4.iil‘rlmill. “'1lKAT—-U0lll|)Sl.I'IlH\‘U 1 o'clock nrlci-x--. 50. fl rml.lNn. zrod :51.-.<—e.<:«,«; E, aria.’ "“‘“’ w'‘'''’'‘'‘'“'‘‘'' in lruclllu: win cmlillu.-ll mostly to I‘ll0IIl,\HIll only ull ocoaueionnl I.l‘unu- uciiuu in i.'0I'n. 3950: 'J‘lmru.llty. we; l‘rl(i duy. :&é‘~},’«:; 3lum.lay, lhlii-. lm_~i.uii—-\l’4.iiint.-oui:-:.' lllill ‘l‘lmrudn_v. 35 and zs'eilu'Llny, 3.”}..'c; hlomllly. 3‘.‘3,’e; I while miwd-ll’ '.|’him!Lllsy, 3il,\.'c; l"r‘ldir,', null Almltiuyg wt‘; ' ‘Mg ,,_.m.,“,_"_ §m.¢..". moo V bullcll. Lt.-lur .l l' W":\Y‘lIlIL! ‘. Lind W.u't'.ull.-i: 2- «-1 Land nrarraiulli, -iinizrvz ‘ .iLI.‘('.‘i ‘r ‘r. uiill. “” " ..‘.,f......{ ..i............u..~i....,.. nuiuo oi call-‘I ‘dxulult ulmnst glutioll with small, , ilII(I sltlnplm: fruit; lmd. nil iiloru is little or no nuio (no iiuluonll whatever lot this cimw oi stuck. itla nlulus: wurtlllosa; choice lnrgo mil well lacked or bullullcur, monuwltllu (ind nulu. Vu quote: lit-.n. Davis in 31736135, built.-.iluur ii sum G.l,_ uilu.-r choice sllippim: vux'l«.<il:.-3 at $1 % to SI M.’ Sales: 250 brls various in 5|, in do at $1 15, in choice I10 as $125 ii-.-l,l0;| dn do in Si i:i.5I ullulcta ioodu do it: [I23 to $140, 50 Northern spy at sl to, so lielnlm bouutyumi rcilzicrouk M ii lb), ill brie olwlcu lloumll beauty Illl)4.'.l‘'.'l.'.':3D]1.m.—Wll(iii! ; S:~]llcIIlllul' ir:I.'(-; 41: ',’r:; -.\’I:»vumber Il.l,‘.i:; l)l.'.<.‘(!lilb¢:l".-9:31?15)i3,’;’(l; (Horn mllui; mu.-xi: :L<‘}.'u; suputlnbc-r Nuvmnmrr :k~‘,'.'c; Do.» Unis atrnulz; CNIII ilululwr '34;-; I\(lV(!lIl- Mmmy In New York. . saw ‘i‘rnix.:5i\ptv:nlhL~r ‘:l.—-Money 2*a:3 rN’:I' Prime marcnmllo paper Ixasx. Iiuj: exclmIl;.'.u—-Litu|kt:n' bills. W days, (.813; Grnilell clrmo-.l ml IALIOYIJ Nos. 2 and ll rml—-um .\'n. 4 uuudy. Nos. 3 and 2'» irzicilnn l.lllll(.‘l‘-—-Hd:Il(lI'II nlilppcrs Souk lilo two ion mi,-r, li— zilluttiiliulvu buyer tho No. ‘S. hleilllornulunn Nil. ‘3 0 lonuil Aiu.-my, hut closed ‘(<3 on M. 9.'i£e--.1-ill nluniiy. end tnlzisii (or city vnllllnlg. lsuclu.-ti wltlmni nimnlzu in mice; (lolnund tluml, salvo iur vury heat quulliiuu-bulk lvjoalud, nluwor anlo mid oesim‘. Balm gl-mien: No. roll—«ii:I curs I|iIlllI\' alum-t M()l’ili¢l! to row. (small part at. Ir. lulu) ui.‘.r:,‘.’n; Eu. 3 real. this Hlrllrt Ml's'.',5.’<:..<II ulliliiu, Ens’. elilo-~‘J cure at rH,*.’I.'. ii at .-::i,'(c; No. 4, this aide.--El om-u at 91550. glsrmt mtln—-10!.’ cum at 850; ru§m~.imI— lmli our um; «-1 In in ‘Elli-., lmil (::il' in 1'2-uni at 7;;l{e; Mr'lHl(!ll’fllILIllIl, inl.-I silln—ll) ours Na. 2 M ll-35.1: (‘filly lo 9'.l,l.’ll latter, 7 cars So. :1-itl7.'.'e., En-it lrimie--I our wuclvlliy M Bin, I our No. 8 at lieic. ii oars inlxml .-u bin, Ullil ride-410 lllmks in we, one-lllill our No. 2 on truck no 981-; Ilud-»-3 cum: rnjucioll iillll N di'.<.il-ill at xslc. I our do iii 8059:, l cur ilrllliilfll no at i'll,'~,'c, 3.50. uuck.-a nl amaze, 5‘: at Sac, all uumiosi-rip: nt 830. Brie. lean‘ at 8ii.‘4'r.'. I mu‘ null 18d sing in tile, I. all! Nu. :l M 85:. I car do at 330, '3 euro iln at l~‘.l|.’(i. Lilli aka rcclvclud du and mi-dlulu all 904, ‘I ours d No. son E. trk mud in min aldu olevs. tlllll ;-H9 slit xnuiiiuln ni lllu, I cur ur. 0l,'.’c ilul. .371 Skin in :'r.'o, 318 miles at lr.I<2,I'.I_I alu nlrlclly prime M :‘>lLe,:l’:a uku clmici-. at 9(>o,:Ill! ska §li’i(!HYDl|()l(.'6 e. 6.: aka Inucy (ii-10(1) It 970, I \l'llIu:-In we cut ‘led at uluslul: ‘i‘u-many at x'.l.k,v.- um. 0.u‘s——-iiv:<.-eiptn continue in Ilnxrrore, while nulplnvnis lire light, ultnnugh beiivr ilmn nut wcznk. Gr-tiles mutun ucllre market. wippurs, modern mill urllrcr buyuno|z iruely till llm: 0.lfI'I'vll. the lxmrisu.-t:.»nms'lluu unis s|I:1hI-I1uclu- mlous Kim whale monk. by l,lI‘(l(.‘i‘-l‘)l«l}'L‘I‘r/J, ac-Iilmr an inn as ode:-ed. ma. 2 while xemircil, but inlet. is good u‘:.-mnuui all Illa \'i'Ci.‘«]\' at :li-.. linlnylms won: in lmillrr l>suppl_\', and sold Iilllllllfi lo imulers, L-I4.-sing :iliL(llll)' l*‘nl»un.~u allowed more Inn: trmilui: mini liiuo alumna: Iii‘ iluily lm-il'kvI. ru ' 2-»~\Vu(luusiluy. ‘ ii ilrm; Si-nteinbc-r £¢2.l;£'l:‘r2_".'u; Uciulmr me: No- Uorn quiet ; »?5t!I)l.l.'IlllJ(Il' (Lia; \'uvmuber4l,*.'c; llvcvnlilcr (lain lrtlmcl '; lsnpiislnber I I. " (I vulull.-rwf;a=rm.'o. “”‘ ‘”“ ""' (miobr.-r 4iik,‘s.'rIH“'. ' ' il,',’c; 'i'('ni' 4|)’-Ni! 5iU,‘.'i:; ()(;!_!.)l:l'r 29’ 0!:i()i_ll-‘z’ '§'l"{&') ll lml; .lunuux-y Sill 0'.!.‘a‘. .\‘r.v(-min.-r bill; \‘onr1.&5z:: .lunuurvl.'.!1);c Itilu--—3v.-pimnlyer 8.350; or-iollur zs‘.'."i)q‘i:; Januzaryi‘-.aDu bill. Inuit.-i.~.tloli.ll-—, 176 cars axsrlmzz ill curs iviutcr: corn 'll‘.iicnra; no '35 earn; (mu l‘.'l c:-rs; lmrloylfl cum. l\'l~;\\' ‘l'0liK Euapzellllxur haw xrurk Simrls Ll!/llirlcot. W‘ 5"‘i"W"‘i ’.’I.-—i.iuvt-.rmncnln ‘x;.».;my lux‘5s murl dzfnml f.’ not con: lower lar -is.‘ Iiuiiwziil Imllrm g'~3mu'uIl_y strong and ' - x-rim‘ lmrr-iiitllcill li¢'\l\l8. .~m<~l; mnrkel npvrmril strum: and ad- ‘vam-t:.i .‘~;’-‘@195’ pct cum. lXlR¥.‘|l0I'fll list, Ivniiu. ‘.i.miis+'illv: and .\'n5h’villt: i'i:H!i3.'-1‘ D01’ C!‘-Db 501" Br.’-.i1ulZ:llIl)' .-peeulxttion lmcmne depress;-xi, and u pcmlini: xnnivlng from .' Titillallgv and Texas, Oi-lo and bill-simllyvi and "Wnlliish lmullnz me azlou-ixm\rd movnmvni. in law il(?llHI:;{.'i it very qulni loam pre\'rlIli:<l. and Iaimcr -mil l‘(Ei‘.l)\’I'l’)‘ lnuk ])llil>iIJll would ill- -- ‘ ..~.i. .l‘uui 5:.-<r.epLImm._ly strung. cl.‘ In Em.-(2-.n:l-mr Ulllltlisln I‘-Nd Al- inu z:zu's.i:v-:s show an lllr:n.z:l:».\i:oI $.3I,3i».‘l-ii. ilxe .1 5 l'l::AUlll=Z:s‘—l'loec.-ipis limit, lull. IIILll'.k(IIilllH mid weak. Wu qlluio cling-3 (willie lmntu} an ‘.50 laws: if }{~bil bu: mid Slhll so 9 bu lmuc; Kruultollmi ni it-£000 V ,‘.'-bu lmx und 5:: V uu IUUSO. - l'lu‘..\lL§—-Olmlce DLICIIIEBO in inlr llmnnnd and lirln ill (lilo V};-bu bio: and SI 'lsl—V~llul0nac; “‘'3‘''‘‘’“’“ w"*‘‘ “'“'‘''’‘l 'r;v(vml)<:r sill; Your SI‘: (5 Liwtl-—(Jcivlmi' 8.iKic; fliaw rsecuritiea ‘ll —-Wllmii.--?~'u. rrl 01*,’-.;.\'i).".!(2ll - kind on tuumwt. LU.lls——-Dam.-vmt oulnlllu ,iii. $3 V bu; C«.liIm-- nizl uoll at 52 '.'..'x V box. i.ilLAl’l:a‘-i'luil mnl week. Bolus: Cotlcordui l,l;e lo'2}.'¢ 4! II» for iniullor I0 ellulcc-lutlur mi «'m.lurs—i-I V 2-bu zlmud; I.‘-.iuurb.i uuil blur- ilm bade V in; Di.'llIWil.!‘0 élvisloe; ueeiim ads.-; :i—o'uIii an lirmoc if .’.’-in: box. A lot ol 4 llrlxt unld iii 55 V on. _ Olmll AI'l‘I.l:J$—l)ull ni 52 V bri for snuml. ()liANiil~:_.l—— in :1) 1] box romu.-ltnd. V i)l'|-Uflllrillflll grncll. l.l€.\l():\'5~QuIeL ut x.':i‘2:a 50 V box r-zglnckod (or sleaulims and l’nlllIl‘IIlu. U()Gi)A.\’ l1"l‘:§-Dull. lit 32} soul V likl. l\‘0()l.-—l;mlumil liglli, and little tiolnu, Mill 3 healthy ieellng pruv:il.s. Quotations are: 'I‘ub-wnsnod—l:hulcc medium (:l.'~.'@l::c. So. -1 low and ulmzy :I.l6s:l\"»c, lamb 3|?!-3930; unwiinllezl—-cuulue mixed O~DIlIl)~ do 9(4:l’Ii(:. clmlco mu- iliulu '£i3v?i.i7('. low tlu 2342160, Ilgln ilue ulcrltm '.'2rd:.*.lu, new line merino ltiwilic. llurry. (rem 5 in Ibo V II: ions. Suullmrn berry nulls tit lil,‘££ii3o. stuns: Till)- amall lulu lllnuk at me. '2 nmi:i ska about oltoico in 450; 3 lskil llllwnsluril lit ‘.'.-‘>0. llll)‘ -Uruan o:ixsiut',- and tending down sioltily. Current. qunluiimm: Uni illut lBo—-i.ltnnnxed lfcoz dry uili lic-— duinlmod l3,|.‘o; gluon ml: il.'(c-iiulunuetl axu; uuoumvl l!.\.‘c—-(lrmmucii 7,|§i:; bull and lllng—- rcun Galina, dry li,i,’e: cult I’:'nlI:.l;u. liruudizd )0!’ com. oi! In-om price (oi .\'e. I. its--In dnummi. Prime L. 0. fit: in in:-go like to I60 in umull sits; dlunn and In- mrlor L. G. at luwllc, M3150. ollicltun tuiiiilc. . IKOOTS-~U|IlIlchlt 51 I5/all .’».'a. lsouecli 3-Tulllc, Black anti Illua I-‘lug H4. Pleunay Ga. Mil)‘ Ap- ple iiiéc, (lumen sent tmfdiiu. lsiil/IE!‘ l'I-Ji.’I‘:¢--We q-lute: Green—-Inruo 809 il0o,moiliuln6l)a75o, uuzlll Doe, lamb 8iK'£7.’lc, -Illlclilillllll Ilbfitzibc. Dry-—lnu'uc iiltflioo, medium and iluub 2.w:.oc, eltostllug DE!-lit 8lilNS—-Uuclluilxeil. Good I-.'o8I8.:; Hailed 356400; dalnmzed -zxmaoo. BEESWA .\'~I’rlme yellow snlltblo at ‘Z10. bA(ll\'S~—Juw corn llzilis-3};-bit lllxe, 3-nu loo; burlap»-—'l-bu 9o. 3},’ lm ilxo. li~im lie, A-bu II}g'e, 5 bu mxu, 6-bu lac; roulwcii uunniou Ibo; cezion countless Iiotalliic; iiour-98-I iii? loo, 2004: I8!-5230: wool 828422. (}i)'EIIA(.lE¢-Dull; Purl: iirlu sumac; lord tea it-icu ‘20o;ltogn i.'ia.'a0o- him: you ; srlze'.'0a;Dueoncaliu SI dofil 10; X-column flour-brIz+—-country 306330. city 8'0, hall-brio $52; produce brie 140150. All NAVAL e'ro1uzs'- 11.1; and Lslaoooo. uuoo ?«'uvemi;er,5I CM.’ I37. (Jul-n-—.\'u. 2 {Al}-14.‘; I.t-r..’o0.“.’5x.’alu; (»er..‘ll3,’c; .\ovoml:cl'. I». &;l,|,.‘o; Na. 2 IlII.Xmi.-C3\j‘rt-“£‘- l$.u.‘ 5(efIlI.£InlIul' iii.-—\S'm~nt nlmuiy; Otrlubéar. $106.56: Nuvimllli.-1'. in L5.’ was i’cCuI‘dfi!!, umte-..n luv-ward allow show wan:'. on lllzz |>II)\'l(Mlk wrcx. Doe-ii A good llezlmnul all [his war): ‘ . liars and III‘ um‘ I §:l‘iui1urlilI:d suumi--.-.1. The murkcl. rwlwo r ',while alnipmrmis hit.-; Supctmibur, Dlc; ()::iu'ucr, bliiu; .\‘uw-mlpur, Me. .0 purl rye-mixed L t»1nlll::l-:11.-—\i'ne:a(z) lmlvnr .1-nwln lui’{i7."::' cirmt: ‘ L 1 H I 50 Ui)C|')|l|lI()l‘ ll ‘I311.’ 3 L0" “Km” " I‘ 24 , M-plctnlmr Iilic; 0ciom:r l3,"(c. X0. 2 mull 83,'a'(.-. and .\'m'-till.-ru ..\'.otima’:1l Ali.~'o(:lmlon vi’ (ii.-nerul i'usar::igur and Tivizci Agar-nlsni tin: L‘niit:d iéiniisil and iuuuliix <-mmmmeex IL4 smni-annual:-,-usaion so- ‘i‘m:- ativmi«.n.-.~.-, 1.»: lam», at maimricy oi um Y'(l5lI‘s';.\|»‘.‘}IK iii the Unllv.i~l .si<.m.-4 and (islands; Tim only ilnparmnir, Inul~ Iilhts (‘>5 um: lunrlllllif *'—’~“’i""‘ ‘"“ "W Jwuoinb nzent of it t-otmnlnees L-I mpresontiulves oi min:-ilm:a 1'uilx'm.tri: on llevlslon oi 'l’lllougll ; :v.iul'duy.wc; Iii-.m— . £- iim‘, la.)-‘sic; ‘l' ‘Len! Tulmriro Marital. ‘fliers was boiler tnovexnmglv to tile lnxu'l.'<i: during the pen mack than him been union {or several preceding icruu, the puialio ulna helm: rvluiiroiy lnry-r in prupxlrnon I0 elk-rinpgn. On Wedneaduy, Tleurnllny and Fxlriny limi. this my gregntc I70 bu.-also was 234 llegalmndo, oi wlnlczh ]1g';];og5g;(g;\:jg Immd pernlmsvrs. ms: 5llnl~l.i|l)Il, P4-pct‘: H’mh'-y Trebmwo Input 164'] imtt. our: Nothing Imus inulsplruti during lino week to deserve: sprig-lul nuiv, Ilse murl-on and ilr;mnnd with no quotable I.-image in prlcci; lugs, mnoiu-.21 ilutl Ilim bright mlcra being styles‘ null in granites: cannula, We elnwrvu. boa-ever, nillmr more inq-llry (or medium wria and nllivvin to see more lxiovelneui In i was,” llulrloro have not ads-nlmmi their prices from illow lukiid In mitlaummor when crop proximal: were mucu Hi] ndvltos imlirnioilzlll limrt, Ninuourl lui I»: in imud tuned, uioula oi’ wlsicla are rapidly o.ih'mpuoar- inspection: 0! (lrniu Ynr the RI Ilouu ending in II n. m., iscplenx» um] Innuy «ti will our do (do) out No. Nm, {in prime in Doc, 3.’: iii iile. Uulibcv-L.'ulnparutivu l0'cI()(:k prices: I. I.\'o.2 wlllrlu-1 w nix ' ‘#2 ll lmieg; rt-pre.«,-nurd. lvlneat-No. ‘Z bictliicrrnnevin. 9 can roll winter, I l.-nr; No. 2 red \\ inter. ‘:3 CllI"s; .\n). 3 rt-tl winter, 3:! cars; No. 4 winter, is ours; ru- jccied winter. iicnrs. Com-.\‘o. I vrliiin mIxo4I.7 man; No. 2 mlxml, I. min: rclcoled, I car; no grade, lent. Total; llllt ':6fi‘2'.ic. cuilr-u lriui.-K, cutie . oie., 1 rnmmcllnno In l.elu.imz Simtlu. - 'l‘u'n~.a<-lions 2:-l.r‘,(u'.‘l mares: Du,”-Nu. g_ H cm.,;lNa_gwn"°' ‘ M"; ,0, (lrnlion—-Ill.-Jociod .110 llnlim-. while rejected while mixed was bid no l1igher—-ouch in ii . wand; No. 2 luixed dull, Wlfflk, iindlowul-- 0 lcllinx at 385:0, and cloning as 88,’{o (Mo do- c inc-)—4ln,lyaligllt' local dnmund wllito mixed Irregular, at 33510 Iowa (oiuslu anion at 39310 thin MUl!)—ll.Il No nmnelen cold. 2 mixed-2 cars In 3:. spring, 1 car; ritjncicd aprluu, being ullllurmly \\'IAlzl.‘li lfiirllli‘... ... H. is lzuIulx...... man to. ........ ......... 'l.l>'!.I ver a ll. Gfllld‘: mill! Bye-mi. 2. 1 cars; rejected, 1 ext. Total, 8 lb-:£:r~lnIlul2:lIon-—Wllt5at». Ki can; “or! me prlnciu I’ I it .‘4.'i$iiY.. 25-) ii Dr: ; bgdley. 36",‘; ‘.50.’ cu’. lull. and lmpo won cam; only, .-'£-: cum . . . I... and 0. and I. in Ad. in u’“’’ W”°"' .'ic’I}{c. ‘ill at. Ir. roll. and in O. my &8,”o, lallert uloraue in All. until! in E. at age; ear u.'Ir. St. L. at 31,'~.’::, No. 2 white-mixed--.1 can In 25:. L. at 39J{e, II can ilzia aide liml 1-}. MI. 39}{c, 2 min oldie ill» «I00. and delivered-630 aka mixed at £5 0/i’i‘i5~(lomnnrntii'ol o'clock nricelz Flnttuailulu In ‘Landing Swain. Er. LOIII8, l.-Icptt-lulu-r-rl, l&s0.--'i“ho~ Iuilmmlng no ills: instilling, lllzlmsi, Iowan, and ciiuil gzmloilocua oi landing stock; in Kim York r¢.«;u.>nz.~.i.l' by K. 1!. Curtis, Llaungur Pulxiiu Simxx lCxr:i::m;:o, room: Ubkzllliur of Ccmimvs rr.-.1.--. uoouunn null slmnnanuo ul‘ Laamnz Article: tea the ii noun «dim; Tues-lay, September il. um, um uorrollaondlnc any in Iliv. In rvuunud by me lnnhuu‘ Kxtuautm On orders. in new ok- _ , -, Mal it in Hill menu '5' 35' my ‘ma 3” ‘néo nuts" that some of the English meters ”"“':"“’ V "n""" luive an erroneous impression IL» in dulm.l)lli- ty at out um.-ll.a, and would aulntiit itmc, in- rluderl In our niacin ‘liwnolne oi the man do. Ml‘IIl)l0 parcels oi holll iomanlud ullm-is which were pm ill? in I373 sud I879, ailoi wlilo ' no in purlncsly dz‘ . sound and sweet eonditlnll. . rims. Nil). rovori; wrapper lylu» and uirfilltt of time ¢..‘l;at'imn County. 1:10., HID: “Early plnnlilix now being cut. und h-‘H2384 In good aim vs. lute planunx bu origin: on: _ wondmia UM! rains, imil will tnlllco good sqbnwco I it um- lnmu heir-re Ixioal. mils-la is ruwezr -douollul. il'a“liil.d umlllwr sllsthc Inn: min morning, aml ) filo lumen will got scared and cut Amtim. lzrla..........'...... we and war. pags........ No. I-Iept. 23.1879 .336 IX.I»'...’u.uu4..... Gt-ntiob-.lllo. I native and lxigllol-——openiuz as ‘.’3}{c, soon ndvnnclngio ailxe (II which price a woculaior look all adored on noon in very close ‘:9I>:o was the best ulna her than on yesterday; ro- le nloluly-lmnrilor buyer. ll loaders laiiur. Baolaoil nun-' - only oi xe advance, Io, b|U'BT§p- Baden: Grade:-—-So. ‘ 1.". mil 13 ran. )5. ill}: can and a Itnlll cur rug. 5:. in Ad.-Ind I re . illlulde as close t.L. uliaal No. 3 e Bi. L. el. M310. -I car No. 1 while M36550 doi. (mm riuze white “Xe, B01: 818. V X0, in choice do ll two. 398 airiotl prim: at no, 82) prime or take. all! do" On orders, d¢1.-‘I00 aka 0 on e. d weak.» Balm: I am: light Ivillmuolu at ‘tile. I loin at ‘log dal., :- t.-nolco Wiwonnin at alto at Union Depat,lIc.hoIua Mlnucuom at Doc, 11 slit Mluourl .IIIl u we. 1:5 do at 9&0, S can minuscule‘ }lo. I 31¢’ lower-li'olli in.‘ active request. Golan: Grade--5); earl lie. I at £30. : t‘v}OcI.§I_l no lie; sample-_~‘.l$ like all Bio. 1" douvaned oioady for All do:-. _ crllziiooa; low and medium nude: tires. l'Ililu:'« lent uilfl lat avor)‘tltix:g 56000: about ex.huuliic.iI. -.v«1 tulnxlormaran ‘ ' lea plemlitw-leafed "ll odors and order 2.--i euhir? At il9,i{ Maul. brie. ........... ‘Ilzmuu._nuon............... Dried null. $liu......... cu. vln._....._........... sitifiit-“»., A‘To\' D1 , b . - » I _ [in first lmntls)-We Time very quiOl‘«,’01'&‘I;.Ii2;o“I:)_fl.ll’1li)‘ , II :3 13.1,. 355, . ' i, - our and lo 2', bar .uuun.n.-nun-nu :3 ;~_ru'-ssrrqd. .. ..4 . .. s§‘:'.sr.a:g:e:~.::a.”‘e§s.~«.:«'xc\_.,_ ~ 5;‘! D r--SI lor small brie: nnvrv D1!-Gil S3 25. , We quuldl (ire mixed :0 1340, gray and brown mixed SK 3o.,brown- Xe: o,nliblu:k'iKaixc:m:cbino- role more. nonvdy—-xxxx, black 3 Mel xxx olaok mixed .8e8,l{e;.xx, brown ‘mixoii lfllxezx. my mind Ixoiac. - 000Plili8'1'U)‘l‘B--We quote: Slaves (cloudy)-. MBOXIIIII ilour-brl 87 ' »di 1. in d 1 ufillxag-?»1.:f1‘a?5l(3 2? gold»-4 an as iimagl 37 in [min to ..fll.\d on . ‘us u»_zil~i 89. I: M 591.35 at sicko 93, la lands, xuuinIy_.§1wiot'.Y-‘ 1' bill" " " lulu! §.'&°m?mo§1'§»77a"f.3"¢§'-33 ‘ ti‘,-‘vi! luau: 3&9!!! b!'ilu’...-uy.uv.n- ' Cimumg: fioamilonr in Elan York. t_mlamr.._...........-.. la, ' (Malena! uiu.a_u. so '. M0316--Iliuoilvo. (5 {may mixed ll ‘ iY'.‘0IlOl.i...'............ is‘;-nuns: idluumi 3:, 0, 150 dual mo. l_ umml 35850360, am a _ :33 .iw.—rex.-»-mii li.iRi.l-if-Quiet an I 03!, S1 50 I W. No. I, 55 50; Jolt-wood liondv, in: amino a’ not. hard lyrood do 5.!s(OJ)§o. ' all (honed. mad 0 ‘will: hemlinm-'-green sin, a $16 I ll ii iii- 55 £3: :5. ma? and I N:-bnllkn on p. t IIYI:-—il~iocud ilrm, mgnu men ‘it. sit» * io_ ' lir, ho . dry mass; hf-ct ‘II‘"°°"‘*;*l;:‘?"ll..:;'?.‘“.‘§.:.§............. no lo: ii . j,ua,;s1.soo; 1 DI81...n»'u......' E o vtax‘tmu.=.- ’ lug strong; tlemnnd o emery-—cImicn Tori: (zlboul. tun only ll. 32 M. ‘.'l)J Ill 52 ‘JJ, ~ — -_ ; g . - - -Cool to cl: lice native l\ilt‘l'lJ- 8| cwt..... bnlliarnln mil unurdom It II 9 lo: 4\U0Ul(9I _ -u‘;m_uw'"muV°“lm; nl. zlllfiloo, old Turn, Milo per cent. mid nominal; for all |mnll—- Q. is 60. Windllll-Rllul ‘II; elm-No. e ' . -. «Mm ‘race in dr "M ......,«;....'.~ vpor_x;;nel1.- ‘Bl , msc’._—-um-n; :58. In I DiO\I'.'733¢. ,llfl5.VY‘i|ll'.‘ “CS- he . . ‘8cl32\1?..-‘Ili0.‘€.’ ‘xndoiniar ilxqh: all Is-az$120;1l_ii3.ieeiI and heavy-nlloo 1: Soc. A ‘-00, uirv mixed .at::2aa'2.H* 100 ha. l30:\iI".‘S-tsalablo tux $1.".-'llli flflr ~ . ' . ]*2M.P‘1‘-Y. "HA RRELY:-C0 wean; lu.-yxoir. or the alt; . Louis Live Stock _- - - -‘Market. V - 81-. 1.ooxs.'r/trssmr, Sopzombcr 21; la).-'l."lir Iollbmng were ‘(ha receipts: ‘and nhlpmohis oi live stock lit, this part: tor the week ennui; gm 9;. in.-to-dam‘: gl§d!I£I5lY..n .... 15*.’ h:ud%....... Total . lune nmein: urn. To-day, for evoryilxlmg short or extra ciiiilo llullo sllipnlng line’, Yalmw wore still down and (in: murlzci dnprcasied. were In the porn, no that ilxe line Maura could not bu well u was illeuglxt that extra hili\\'_)‘ cuuln would lmvo sold at mnnonnble i'ale~4. As io_v.lm humil- or slot-ks, good niconl 51:" but nlmslv and er rutlu.-r low I'Ill(l3, willie lnollum _antl common llufl‘ \|'luiIl0l‘bl’i1IllI.'l.ll\IIlll)’ mice. '.l‘oxr.ns, 0! course, have nlmro;-ll H10-}{\.'Ilt'I':1l imnhl»-. um! althoiizli buyers yiil allow a dlspmlltiem to so» Inc: the topic, in 4.‘-0"lD:ll‘t'd with inner nlnrlzntu pl‘l<:t:sli.n1l_:snli»n lci-any nlmwuii ll Iiillo buli--r lnavenmni. Gun-.l '.l‘ux.-luslnre holler byndds man the ttnmmou one-l. pretty [rut-.l)' iur tlm Cli.‘.\‘L'.ixiilLl innrkei. and thin, Willi lnr-al ilt-lmintl revise ILNIHIHZ for eeennlueil. lull. in Mr. 1‘nwt,ail botlgllt , gave io illo m:ukt:l,:l $rnlnwn1............. lhslra lmlll-............ lluirlivr 5.94.-ra and null ed «tel (.'0mmun cuwa........ Ijootl cu-as mill in -l!i:n (in-cu aict-.r-3...... Llxiu IZIIDIIIIIXQN3‘ c’.vl§¢V.'3hLI: 13 «areas t£I:>L.g(,I 8285338835858 §QE££§— _ l.ll—t«n—oaA1oIé.:.i.uI.I.'y l:‘-38:‘?-L'2!."E£‘.'a‘i.°.-'13 UIKIII In valid *5 Kl-.Iul'l'rxm liopl muutuilvu uni:-:2: E ‘J :1 8 M uuuwuuumuaw E§83tE§3$5$3 6 ;;."I'e\'.\n aim.-rn........ 4!; Cllv rt-kw mixed . '.‘J Indian uh.-erll..... $28233EJSESJF-88ElS?é_§Zl9St3‘5'3 §&|\75lK‘ItICOIIv|$Il3¢b:I€Ilh1|l|~5D€5€I£5§I£|€59fiOlI¢flt|€. gasas .. 9|‘: 1-’-7 . c2 nun.-o.u ntlxl.-ti... NIJIADQB-‘I4b~:€-kl‘: l7:2E_':‘i_Z'23!.-‘z7.'l: Ia‘. Gill llelallud (rum 5 To-day the rccoipu were oi umnll conse- quent-o in qunmiiy uni! rullmr lmiiili-2-uni In quality, but in sluieui ilnu ilm ullirlzoil lmula ll 'l‘Ilun: was activity to tile e.<~ Nll'lIO[5upDl_$'t\=Ii.l prices opcniwd quim lirm. ..\vlI.h xiiltuups I1 tendency‘ I0 uxsil 1|ll0I' um We qnulu: Light ling», $4 906.’: 10 Ior uoulxnnn to uuud. eln:1mlllizlltxmddrnt:- iblll'l\'IIliIlI<:lcni nuuvher in make n uuululiml. ' L 'l.‘I'.uIrl)ogu wore Illiuli taken by buwhcln S5 ‘.2535 ll), lit-zury shipping $5»-r ‘good lungs on sale. but illi.‘l‘i) wo-.n.« no l‘l."P|”) lloproseniaii\'n itnlns: :4 '2'- ..r. M c-w-»‘.—t>A- 33535853332 . - 5'3.’-355588 I5 wuntuuisll the wecl<.iiud uod ddllliluil train all cllmiun ui lm)'¢:r.~l. gun inlrly rnpi'u.suut vlilum on sucll grnilcs in put In all fllI[il‘.ll|‘:\IlCl‘l, lmc lletier ul- lorllxxa would ooluuuuui sl null 34 I50;l_tuleed.\ir. J. C. linnllln Ina: week pnhl sl bu Iur nrilrat,-rniu lgl, and he run! otlmr lmyon in well are mmly VI iuku equally good all(i'~]'l at tile some rules. Common lmnllll. ‘B head. 'l«‘-Ir iugooil Iunln ‘ii hull ‘ .. (loud lo cllolce lamll-5 ‘Q1 llellil. . .. L‘uunuon iu nilr nuilve onmzlt. ‘M Lari . -I-‘air m goo-I native l\ht'l.'[> ii owl......... H «uuuuuuuw“u‘ srsszazsa 3 ‘£5 V- .. ill Nlmvu sheep... By Tulnnrrnplx. Cliicloo. September 21.-—-'I”he Drmm-1' Journal Hulls-HuCull)|ni I-‘.I,0)il lueuzl; nlllumimtn limrlsoi ucllw; all }:i"(lil nrmlun lllglller; ml.x(:il SI '.‘3~‘n:.'a 20; llgltl. lloiivy $5 I0’¢'2a.'¢ 70; ill inavoru SI “ in I50; Quality wry pour; ull sold; olosuil ulund '. cvmio (1.000 llend; xslilpnwnixs lgnulcs Marco and drill; export null gun plug H 80:33 30; cmnmnn io ulodluiu shipping quiz-I and mink M :3 30-34 (0; bi-muons piunlliill uud low nu-1‘. '3.‘-33; imeiiura Ilrm in $1 2.5; enun- mon mixml llllteiiei-s $3!-9;iliI: lwuil, Int [OH 33 75 rm; Wouern niizlvos $5 310; lln-ougll -‘rexnn: 3.! i361 rile; lrlrlo very lilwep—-.liex-aipu l,l;vDJ llcail: ciivo and illl(lilllll_:(5l.L special quote: euulo dull azbiadlv ; Toxins $2 Kira slow and week". But l.tal:m't, Pm, seniemberSl.~—Omlio- aelllnx very slow at Ibo to armies {mm luv week‘ Iluxu-llvecelllo 2,.oo hand; uriicru $5 to to 15. oilegg-—llocuiplu 1,506: head; selling lair ilcoulptu 1 (79 head; mllndeiphlxu I-3 \l'A'l'luLrowli.8optemlu~ r 21 .—Cimlo—-llncelpts 2.669 bend; inlr mule with me country, but the rise inst. wool: cuulll not built-Id on the best colntuon gradra unchanged; 029:; mm» $70793; urn quality we second ‘quality $565 so; third qn5ill_iy_ 55 so :5. W'i.'l(uI'n--!‘ in swine, live, in «Mill ‘:5. N0i'lllBl‘II-l)l'0lIIe(l. hosts 5‘. _ ——I£oot-Ipis ll,3i6 Imui; slump murkut opened lair lmt could not hold lilo advance or lam wcc , aillioitrzll there was not much change on ; lnlnlu ranged Xe «ulcer in new in lots mil we-l Iislencll; - litmus SI 6003 flit; cntuulilisr '.ll._-Ca 1,20) llend, market dull and. lower: no prime intro 55 1065 no; good to elm mum _u 190439; common llE(lI"Il Isltcep and lamb: prices It In-tile uoinbie; oxlra nicer: co siloos; [air to me- ma buiolmr] steers 53 Will; Illa: Io; Toxxim $3 was 15; nloolmrn 3‘! latex; choice :3 I583 25; bus: Hflllfltl tllupoled oi. ahcen and lambs-Ilecolms I imam; market etlcllilnxeti fur nheep; Iuinb: I Lnlrio good 'i\’putern 33 350 Wcucru lambs :4 N35: Gnlmvin. lambs so 7505. o s-Ilacel in 6.000 build‘ lnnrlrut Ill srrlvalnl aiu.;a.~or « on York- , Ll kliulllu n and Ollie and mmllnm S3 I0 Ila; common in lllflll is filial 60 Oi‘I‘l'._$upwlllbar 1l.—-cu p. -310 iloncr Illipmulll! II? Item!‘ xnirlset dull -ml week. w ill. ueule 'I.l\':IIIMlil;. Nilrflvl‘. IOI” K001i inlf; lenders » and lL0i‘kIII‘I ill )’bII¢'l'- y Rncbiptuikiz hull; shill-_ inunillbai head; nlui-lteuctlvn. In.Ir and 5010.: ' Alan nltlzod from $1 70in xx; and; _m-ulali quiag 'iI"ll_ not ldmiilled. __ud fiat}: had .l.lIM:_lllflflNL,‘ . I '““0E‘l’i:°B8, 1e”v’;v‘l"I:(Ili'i‘¢t>.° x:n;:&i;mond uallla ..#.aé;.;rf*;.»<*”iL‘;..:l:. iii the cue 1 Of $01,183 fiill >‘~ market.-Fer.» ewcelt halve ‘hood 1c‘ 5 n . .r'z-re Dtlll-‘I0!’-'.:0s_cb' ll?-ms.«bn:. :_tie:_ ‘ 9' " " ‘thin lint" 8:ltnl‘dRY'lm2‘ :ii_l4‘demu.nd ‘ ;l:It:¥rdeu.u‘gowd\;er. 33¢ liqrllrzlili ' l G I - BIG’! 3,3 . . ' G h 'hlU[].§q>-*5 K“ mall-melee.-~a'l'o_ nor inquired :39; . lmi an;-illlngoi lair ireilciltand sound will Iind as ‘borer, niillnuxh them is; no aprons! ac.ti'r‘ltv.- 1: ‘I4 not than II: was an munttixinzwlaf life‘: will be wove untl aiiartlte ‘air.-. Vain-9'-lino steady. re;-ceipis light‘ and market rmner, parents, to: wnni 01 more 1lln':n9.l oderluiin. he lollowlnu, quotations are 'l\‘1rIll$ll6d'1lfiiI meiml by ueo. W.(.‘rouch -I: 00.. I.-ic) ilroudo V '2 ‘ . lions:-:3. ~ lIl.l.. . 4 bands. Iioiyenn old........ (M linens. 4 lo? yenn o:d........ «Li; Ilaudl. nxin........ I. use ................ :xun:.......,,.. id n‘ d .. ... . l~:1In‘.l.‘..§..............‘....................,.: D918 17: Unbrexe utulu no ula. General Markets by Telegraph. NEW lfooclt. bepieinbor II.-—C<>uon--I»‘utnrnx in-ilk: Simbeeuuliivlz. ll I6-l0O!£ll47~l01l; October. ll l-lwedi ‘J-1l')0(!; )illlt'H nnoio bales; shut easy; mlililllmz (lpluml II I3-lllc. Flour quiet and unclum ed, with very tnoduriito undo: re- ¢:i:lpil1ll,|J00bi‘i3. \\‘lu-at in hair export du- "Wld: mccilmt 107.000 bu; xo. esp:-uursl us; unsrrwilc-.iI rexl_$I Dial 09; -.\'o. 4 do 910: No. lidn 510259111 Oi; km. 3 Wllllu sl::s'n. ino $i06;2i‘n. I do Slulfieldd. Cum in inir export. and active a|w.~culuiu‘n d(‘llJ'I!i'l_".l; l'<:ci:lpt» 2u,ooo rm; 1.“. nrziuud hiM5l.‘.’c.; .\o. 2 b0*;@3lc; No. '3 white Rio. Olmsiirincr; re.-eelms -13,003 bu; mixed lvtexlorn. 401:-i;lc; while «lo. iilii--£50. Ilny un~ cllzimgcil. ll-'-pa unclmulged. (Juliet: dull and nominal. fiilirlirdull. lmulln.-ll. Molasses dull, nmnixml. Rico uolulnnllv;;¢<.l. Retro- luum :a€I‘i‘lII};;ul|i|(.‘il, $106; rcllln-ii. ll,'.'<-, or-mic, Tallow zai-.-uuy. at Glfiiti T-li}»:, llrlaln—$l 5063153. Tnrpumlno OIlIl\‘, at 3750 " c liggu llrm: We.-nluru IS-Eliilc. Purl: maul: ---iuusra I5 G'1,*;0L'l 75. Deal uut-iumgcu, cu; nwnls qulizlz l. c. m.. 3.S0'3S.8'a'.:; -.c. o. m.. I3}.’::. Llmi strong; prime uicnin. 8.31}-.“£7_8.l£}.;u. itutt--r ilrm; \VI:'stm-n .l5}{h‘.'llt:. Uuiruu nun; \\‘<-alurn lofiifc. Wlllsky uuinlxmi. CIIIUAUO. Soulclnlmr El.--l:ci:i»im_v¢—l~‘loor, 7.832 bris; win-at. llXl,l$S lm; cure, 50H.5‘..'.! bu; nuts, l:i5.~;~'a bu; rye, I:i.5‘.ll bu;lnn-lay, 5(l,2.‘.'.l) bu. Elilpxn--ma-F.ollr, (3.000 bl-ls; wllulsl. I.‘i.l5T bu; curn .':lil.i‘4:il lie; ouiu. 1D<l.ir13 bu; ryu, 6,8245 bu; lmrlt.-V, 80,120 bu. r‘ aimmy and um.-ll-.tul:<-il. \\'huui quiet mm we 1:; .\'o. :9 rnd winter irln; .\‘o. _3 gprlng 9_l§.l‘I".)2X5: cnsll. Dzlgai-9£!;ci)ct<lll«:r,i‘ul3.c .\uvuu:ln-.s ;.Vo imwrin v 8x53.’-#3163 flfluciud I.’-.'l@'l'0t-. Uurn -rm-nily mu unc mmmd; «iuo tmsli. iolzo October. Il.’icNn- veu bur; ruji-4;tu-"I 3I“.‘i-. 0.41.5 Iulrl aczivualui a nhmlu lngllur; 5v.‘.‘e unit. an! ‘Itmtulnui-r. '.".l,‘4’c bid (lciullcr, ‘.’..l.'4'l: uxkuil Niivellibur. lilo Uluolcl‘. ni zIl};u. ll.~«rls-y, Ill'IIlIlI‘. at 75c. Finn »/ well nrmcr, us SI 2161 2.5. . l'Ui‘l€ active, xlrm rind llililmr, in $17 8.',I.'=al:I mail. SIS September, ill $301? '.lU Ouiolll.-r, 3'13 Nu\'i.-mbur. SI‘: .’:0 ‘ivur. 1.:-rd lnlrly active and I1. xll:ulu‘lxii:llur: T.lI.'.o cnsli, ‘Lille bid Octal».-r nnd .\'m'i::ubur. lip l.- lnonls uh-lldytmduncluutgud. Wlllalry Men 3' and ullcllI.lIli:l'iI ill {I I3. l’lul..u>i:Ll'iIl.\, 5>J]ll.EiI)l)!!l' ‘:1.-—-Flour lIu‘l; no uunmuil. \l’I:mt: dull; illuu tlmufand; .\'u. 2 nril In clevninr 51 U6.‘.’. Corn—lnir 1004” but no uxpurr dtumunl; yellow 5Ii':‘.‘.l_'v:c; iuw rind lilgl) mix:-«I5-ic. 0:113-—d-unnml I.ulll'ngniI,.\‘n. iuIlll.¢.*4‘2,l.’il.-lilo; No. 2 do II-’¢ll,\-.'r:; .\'n.:Illn luv. ['01-k—-«lies: SIG-R I6 .50. llzuns--mclrlml 9!.’ I3l0_'~;e. l.urd--\\c- n kcliln z;.I;.,~, n,.m..g': “L -rn lleaervu cxzm 20'.) 2:0. lulu:-—\\'(esl.i-rnIluzzc. Clix-uilu—\VugIt,-r.\ lull (.'l'I.‘ilillll|‘}' lilo. Puirulv.-uxu nuunllnl. \VinIol:y. dull; llosterh Si N. U.s\\'l:(;n, Si‘{llI‘.lll|)(‘I‘ ‘.’l.—-\\'llr:u nncll:-.n:,cd. Uurn quiet: llnlutll-I‘Jc. ..- iiu.-mus, St.-niuullrv.-t ‘.'l.—-().-ii: in [air d'cm.ind; 50. 2 wlllu--i.l'.:. Ullwrs unclmngud. I.ou:iwlt.l.I.. la-.-ptieinlmr '.!I.--Cnlioll lJrm Iillutllinx ll.‘..'c. Fsuur dull; 1.-xIr.t 534:: - uxlru ll\lliU)' #2! 563%; clli‘-lL'(: I-lllcy $3 bu. . \\'ilu=il*.iluil at 83-’a“JUc. Cum hIL:lul\'; .\'u. '1 willie lilo; do lnixrexl Il!.'i:. (Jain ln lull- tlmuunil and ilrur. So. ‘2 WIILO 4990; do ill xvii 350. lilo IQ.-liv-.-, llrln .m.l iII.:IlL'f; ,\'u_ 3 :;‘,~, llny Ilrlu, ‘Ki $ll‘zriI 5‘). l’(ll'l£ tlol .ll llil. Liml dull uuil \i'-ilk‘ prlmu Iiiillllll ac. liulzt llluuhl (lull mzd iuiflfi‘; !IlUlll(l\'I'.s .'>,.‘,'«.:; virin‘ title 5313:; cluzir iic. liacul.-— lIvlLiluL'I'u Ii};-:3 lZl(‘Ill' nlzn 9.330; clout iwc. llulu.~--$lu:l.:- cured luwcr ut l‘.'c. Wlmky mm at $113. X§DlAfiAI‘uI.I.\i. .~fupi«.-min-.r -.‘l —Il-l;:l.1——l.I\‘r.t suvuuy in Si ‘.*.i-45 I3; rue-rlui.-t. L‘, ; shlpu:m.u. DUO. Win,-at Q-iii-i; .\'o.:l red . U.".‘n:. i,‘~u-.1 .~llu~ml}- ui Iila£i.l,|;o. U4!!! Ilia.-xuly. .ii. 3'u‘.'il=.lI.l,c. hl.ii.WAUl(1:l*., :lomt~.xl)l.ot-.r 2l.—-l-‘lunrll-li.:r, uml‘ lilac-tullzgc-d. \\'lm:ti rt.-:1-ll)‘; Sn. 1 .~|um;_:. ll:-iii. mini: 51 u8.‘.'; So. 1 thrill); UILIII 9’.‘);«-; .\'u. ;: unrilug cash ‘.r.‘,H;t-3 Ni). ii -in-in: zizlc; .\'u. I purl:-,; 7:l,&;u. Guru quiet; Nu. ‘.‘4Uu. Untn au~:ul_\'; .\'... ‘.'.'Iu},c. liyu.{';N-l. l:1l,'~.'<:. Iiurlc-y I-u'.:l1t . So. 2' !Ill|"Il|L£ '.‘.l‘.'i:. l'tuu_um-s iinu. I'..;k._. .\Iea~l Silt!) cash nuu ().tuI:«-r. i.!Il,d\'—\1'l'$lIIu liimull be cnnll mill Octulml. ll:-,:s-—-Lira; :b.;,:l-‘V u! N 7551"-I '3). I \‘ 1:151. .‘l.Vni'I. 5L*ll!L‘I'Illll.‘I’ ‘.'.l.-—Cnllnn h'H'.|ll\'; midLlIin;: li.'~.c. I-’lnur dull‘, I-\llI|'i_\ ii I’».'zi.ti'.xi_; l-mu)‘ 5»':'.'llz’zbaL‘:. \\'In-.uI. in hair (lit!!! -11 i; .\'n. 3. mubvr me; Nu. *: nul \V:-sulrn 112'»-. .(.‘.»i'.[ Illoglidy; lnw in‘ mi (H513. ill-is Ilnn; .\'-n. 2 u.s.x. M133 {£23-Ic. he «tun .\'n. ‘.:‘.l.'.-i‘.¢;l:-. liailu-.' n|ull;.\‘u. ‘J lull . I’--rs.‘ ililll as sill, l.-mi lirmur all '.'.‘.Iil»2:7.‘.l:',‘u. ll-III-; ‘uxmi-«--rlmuitli-3'1 b,*.‘c:; cluur rill :I.?.'.-. ll 2--ll-—-ll--nll.l:'rs iL'..‘u; clclir l‘“J|i ‘.l';z~; ch-in La‘; ll‘-.l-.~i.\ l~’t:: 5‘ us SI l'2. lillilu—l'c:m-Inn‘; clmla.-v W.-vi:-ru I:--ac-l\-., '.';l 2.5a-; clmlcu i -num Uni-o l~ " l.lvi-. llrln tin-l xi . sl so/as I0; v.-ck: 550; l't3(?(Sllll.1 I w u; ulaly not-is .33‘; huu.i. LIVEIKPUUL, auult-:ui.:v.l‘ ‘..’i.-~(.'()I1lm ml-.4i«:l; miles 0,000 Imi:-ls; t::(|lui'l. xillii zqn--:-ll.-I:-nu 1,0!) lmlt.-5; imllindu lI|)uI- 7.‘-.'ti; (lrlmlu 7.’:-ml. llrclllluiufl-2llt'IIl I-‘lnur {la-villa. ‘-\'lu~nt-\l‘m~ iur. :3‘: £i!Jiz‘-do dd; um'In.r 7-. Blitz.“ Iim. (hul- lmnlnn\'c:nu':u I19 .iilr.‘ziI. 5<l; irillll llx {il‘Zl.'.)\ r-u Uurn-—.\uw Ia Ill.’-I. Cline.-0 ills. I'ul‘k 7129. llux.-ii3.'ai1d. Ilncon-— . . ..s. c. in. us. L:ud—i'. w. I‘.'s. 'I‘uI -m—uuudlu lulu :L'as dd; p.v.c. Lvm-ion 561 6:1. Wurnilutr lino. llnc;-Ip:.~. vii-out ut l.l\".‘i;nn,I l..l- pun. Hnci! duye. m:u:::l:l. ul -which lIl.i.0\lu::x< iuls nre .\uwI‘lnnxI. li.u.nullun. .5.-pic-llnlror ‘.'l.—~l»'lr-nr vc:r)- dull. llui um-hztnxlul. Wlltvul-—\\’vem-l'u ll 7Ill:AlHl ull' uud closing flint; Sn. 2 \\':.-all-rn iunlm u--l, .p.,g nu.1'¢rp|u.nI-ua'$l III; U.:inlml' SI I‘-.',-‘d-1 (#4.; .\ul'cmm.-r 3! U7 I U7.'u': I)f'.’(:‘ul.'l.'l‘ $1 (‘ilk-ll lU.l,'.'. (.‘llI'll--l\l:'rI.('lil «lull; ll‘-alum ml.u1l. aiilul null auniulullnl .’al'.r.'al'.u; I).-Lani:-‘r :li*"<2 Slfic. Oulid .-lend)"; \\‘u.-air.t'n wliliu (.‘i'd‘I‘i ,1‘; llo mlxuu 4l0'I!—I'.‘,‘§(.'. ll)--.3 Ixlgzllcr I-.I ll? '45» us. Iluy Ililclllillgvti. l'i‘i)\'ih|iIlla Ilrut tuul Im- ciutugi-ll. iiu.Ii-r ll.-ul; pllmu Iuulu--l-:1: ll‘. >1- iJI'll']=lli‘k(!’l :a'i'£.‘.5c. I-2,-:;:s Ill‘-ll ut ':u-. l'--- lmlcmn |Il'.'|L‘l' lIli'.l ilam; ix-lmvtl Ila. Uuiluu ilull mul nmnnul.\'; .\ «mil X(|,‘..'I:. Wlilak)‘ quit-I 91'. H Ill. F|"l..;II|a tn’«.-rimul [H.'I' nu.-.linerltltulm-:;;x:-l. II.-.,-I-xi‘-I--— I‘-ll-ill‘. ‘.:,iill hrl.-9; ivllrui, lih‘..'»‘.*l am; - mu. ll '.I.~.l bu; tmia, IIl.2i2i7 bu; r;e. i.I-in ll.l. .~. lx_-.1 : ~—\'t’lll-ui, 76.313 I-u; <:uI'u, Lllxl lnz. auli - \'q'lu:«i, l.‘»:l,l-ilnlnl: cum, .‘>:4,.‘n.u lm. .\il~.W Ulil.|£.\.\'li. .-.;.~;m-ullr .'. . Lulu llrnn-r; ii ~n-.2. lg ‘_c 7; :1’ ,. ru ls)’-4| ll. i::<ci|.nl,:u p..l . ‘lug l~.\cn.-ligu ll M ',. II. ..I iii!-l. UUlL‘I':l um-Im mml. " lb-.-I‘ §l.~—--\\';u~.;II ‘~\l‘ iii; umlfl .1, L’ vs-u \\'.\l « ll:‘>|miziAIIl-51:" luuxuorli7,‘.’i:. (turn ul(,'.\k; luxu min--.l Hm»; .\'li.1i:i}.'«-; dzlnmu-II ll-',-.-.. um-.4 llu .; .‘..l. : :I.'l‘.'n:l N0. 2 willu: .lI};x:. Iulaus ijrrr, .\iu.. ’:<I.‘.lll-=llIl1l‘l‘ iucriiui lmlujulur wp 3'. .— I. 7 7’ V. 4 .- ~2 l. J llll; vl Slum.‘ bu; nun");-tllrmun. lll;.f|lI:I'; .\'u -' . l, 5, 'l'i,’.‘<:; N0. 4. T(‘,.'. llltl. {Jul l,0.-‘J bu; Hlllplliu-Ila .’:,l'.!'i lm; in Ilium it‘: Im; lnilrkui Iirmct‘ null Il:;:|l-~.r; .\u. ‘.' lm.\«-d an: Inn; No. 2 willie mix: I Lam‘: In-l. ~_U.'lia—.'\U- 1. ‘2‘.l,l.’c. liye-5'0. :1. I: lml. I2.-gs ulI:~ul) --I no llur doz. Iillilul--ll‘ (:|‘i]l|.‘i UIM.:l'lil nml mur- liel. wink ul la‘u=;.‘ilu in ailn;;.c1-zxulmgcluiu. Uutluu. ‘ GAINKSTCIN. Si‘[l||lll|U|.'|’ 3”.-CUlKUlI>.!':|'!o)'; lowur iu null; lllI(lilUlls.' list‘; lnw luHI\IlIu;; .-l0,‘.'e; ximd olillnury I00; lwi rm.---lulu l,7l;l bales; uxpuris t~u.~utwlsv: 576 Dale»; xanluzl l.::=‘ Lmluv; i-loci." 25.487 Univ!- Ni'.l\'0IIl.lcANl:, .~.'u luinIlt.‘l"2l.--CuI.i0T1 irregu- lar null ens)‘; mluiillug llliu; low umllillm: in-; “nod unilnury lil,‘(L‘; not ruuulnw ‘.l',I‘.'I lmliiu; urine re-velpia :5,‘J.l:l bulcs; uni-.'.n l.uU0 bull-in; stock £8,174 imli-ll. - .___,_._. Du‘ (loom. Nlzw Yuiui, Sonlenlimr 3|.-—-Johlllilfi Ira-.le continue: lalrly lutilvu, xmdthmo in N sumuy deluuml lur l1ll)(II‘.'ll£'I Ian: at uctiiiilildblu uumlo at ilrni lilllldll. Ontmn goods ale.-hilly hold by ngeniu. Print» iliiuly uciive. Ulugnamu in good demand: Mon’: wt-ur woelmu rnnmiri uumt. Flannel: lu hiirmqlluit. The 1Iu(I:.'in say»: "some lllilllua ul lmill wt)i'uIL'iI null cotton dress goods are l'uiIll(:i'.Il by ugunts." _ Petroleum. ~ mrnsnurm Septelliirur21.:-l’elr9ieum active; crude, 1,-mg" an 31 '11:‘ in lnrlmr ll. knr unlu- m,,,,;.; .-._.n..ou 11314:, l'uihult-I Ill» d-,\'.' . at-pluuibor El.-— 'u’.ruludm ‘Z8311. rurlmuunn. I ’ \y;mmmrox, sepzululmr 2l.——$u_lrils lumen"- ilnu iinu iii zllc. ” Coroner'_n Guns. , Tho Coronal‘’: lnqnll-oiiinio two one: oi dimih .\\-lihoui InoiIlL‘l1_, attendance. one Iuquosl was onilu: boayyox Mug“-at 51.11. link, is little ilvo-7'_t:ar~oltI.glrl, who dird oi? bronohiiln at 806 Xorill 1‘di’tiill._'aireoi; and ill.-ix ll _wu~on 'tlio1'b a ol 3! M " -. ;oi‘l‘:irll.m!fI'hil Icmlgl -ywlio diefllrifi 1ll§".‘{.:'.: d lanai ihe luuaa.'—'~ -> ‘ oroyyogierdny. . .V ' 01 ll nroct oi conceal . '1‘ aimalu floutu lound dayrba: —v .Ths_.'i2g1eg°rL A _. _ lIia{qrga‘j.Biipiai;i'e Jfndgti -;lzl‘i11_er.l ~ 2 ‘ .i »c.... ..xs.¢i.e.:.p2.i...; 23..., l '_ .".'.?lexjs—.-Solis.» ‘ ' r c.m.x..§.': calm"; rzniaxséiniuguéépoixeo .ii~.s~V 1. ‘ .'“,“.1 Maxim-étwé’ .1><,>_¢3=°t°- .'mi'u.n the 1!. a. circuit court mic 3-.e'.._m.g _ morning, in lU:J0._ Judas; Mills.-.r announced to . "the tint cimlmotioiu lsjtinliignot bu'_ciulo'd, Iii I-the talezmnh cue: were: its much as no obula ' smut! lmforo going in .Wn'si:i|nglon, but that: Jud'ge.'1‘i-en: vs-cum all in am.-uLi5Inning' romivto V nuolscl to the oulluury buiizwu ,0! rim court. ' , '.i‘_iio Judge u_adud’glint he knew Absolutely naming inane this cilia ubou: to in taken up. ' and the counsel «maid in governed accord- Intzlg‘. ' ‘ Mr. Usher maid this isla manor 0! ncamv ' ' Jpnnud nuuim. 'i‘fi"u.Amcricx~u: Tclrrgraun Unm- pauy In unilcar iimuunn ui injunction. 11» an- peaceiilm: tin: Kunuu 1-ucinc lzaiimnd. ‘Illa question-oi li}uvcOl1i'u',tild:¢l.iI'ln or tbu rnllmnrla (5011! no rignre, bur. the iuua’ is an H) llu.i-u¢lo- V _ graph. The bill uuulricii that the Auinrlmiu 'I.u'nirin.'I‘nle¢m;ili was in tho mmliinntlmx with tho rnllrfimj cnznpauy. and that inturmii M ti".-p:i.~iuntmi by Glen. ravvnyuis. Tthomulxx quas- tluuixnulmmri um wuamrn Union mm the rullruuzl. _.’ ‘hem will be two ipcczirlmn‘ on is. lslslu. V Hr. line’ wiin alum rim cam W0liill'.l}7(3 npemstl by (Svm. :iw:n'iiu. '.l.'l:u izomplnlnnuc uh-.3 Amer- ican Uninn and the rind) will opisu, and the ll mwrii-Uul(lu will clmm. Mr. ismwnu tliun oouimtsuc J tho ripening iptlcclint ii.(v'cl¢.lclI. and aptilw until l. "when l reizeas wuss tisiztrii iiutllll; nflt.-r which hu : Ilnulw umll-I. 'wliou!ll1'. A. Wii umn. 0| Tu- : Jtukx. u.«u.ico on lmliiiltui mu Union llulirnnu ‘ Uunumny, or Knlzsiu Pacuic, will will z-usuxuu Ills :.l';;uuumi.' wvduy. ' Tm: clxlci point in tho a ‘ man: oi Mr. Ewuynerwllfl slwkls in ii. ulti ng pciiiiI.loil,;0n tmvin an nrilllcini i-'3 to luunins— vnui um: the CIlli‘i('.l’ or the Union lliiilrund Compupv rt-rauitud. tho cmistmciian 0! ll mil‘ rmili and iul-.--.u-nph him. with it provlqiuu that um telegraph ilnu.ulu;»ul<.i bu open in public use without uiiu.~rixn‘ilmnuu. _'1'ha lwslurn Union Telrxrulxli obuilnmi ll la.-use at tho lulu- nrnuh llnu, nmi vltilnled this contract by discriminating against dispnechcagent over Igw Auuurfiiv.-nn Union iimss. “lien um r ilr-and [ell into mm lmmin, tlw mnnxsrwu m1d.crtooi: to obtain puucusaion of the talulwnxm lino. imcl an injunction ngulu-t tlwir titling 50 was graniod by Judgu Mucrurv ixnsavurlsl citow—LhLn ix.-lm: um). '1'hu'< will urubntily occupy ihrv.-is days. The luwynsru am both niuun mm iunoug Kim alu- eui in the nrulcuslun, and crazy mini is wniolr on with grcal. vigilance. A I-lung Jury. Th-.2 can or Suiru 75. Judy l'lCL‘lll‘lll.:d the allele bl scawrdny in the Pmbntu Court, and at .'m'-:lx.\cl: the Jury nnnou'uce<l tllnt they cdulil not agree. The loreuinn. llr. John ll. llawun, raid ti cm worn tour stubborn men on the jury, and In xligl um believe may would oval’ can)»: to lm tun. ' '1 lie Judgn let. the jury out for an hour, \\'.llLI lnstrucumm to return nus u':.-lncis. auu. ll limy fllllili)‘ ulzrua.-.<!, to nu:-Il up uh-.xr N:nilc.t. '.l‘lm-lmi 0 mil liul. iiilnk ha ilnil the puvrcr to give ih'a.i;_ ury wrlturn in.Ili'uL:Uun3 in the cues. Iiml llilv"nui':(lulini lur lliu ulrluacnonu 0! this tum‘. l.tuuiise~ but lilllu dlilc.-.I‘uuI.'.I) lmw tins juryrnns dam-lulu. Thu czwo will Ln: uppa.-alcii to ma Cilcult Court. ‘Will of Cornelius A. Hnxrturd. Thu will or (2or1mliuuA. Ilnnlnrd win pro- bntod ycnturdny. Having: nu chilximu oi his own. he brquuzuhe.-41 Kill uatims to him rclnxivng and frlcmlal. an mllowaz To 3(aNlid.vS(10lllllli,. oi N'm'ih Stnuiiurtl, (..‘onu..$5(X); to Wm. \v\'uod.'_ of ammo place, 5500; to the cliilclmu ill 'l‘hiulv:nli"»: liulitilxd.-1510 nu.-h;t<x I-lumen and Ann Mlllin, dxsunliiuru at U. 5. June», at Glwsiar, Ill., 5618! small; to iicuiiyluul Ann. tinuillueru oi Junn Yuumx, oi Uiiguit-.r. 11]., each; to Alice Ii. Brxxitii, who or M. E. Smith. Sfnxl; to Linn. Geo. lianuxsli, 5600; In lliu Iuur l.i&uglil8_li oi ilanuuu L‘. cola, '“ en; La .5LL_u-rm U. i.:reu.~_-y, $1.000; in line - men oi lluix-,-llu0vx,_oi Linn Eran- _¢.‘i.-:0, 5 lmcll; to the cliililrmi at Henry vex. oi Mlunun. Sm us» 2:; tn Wm. E. Smith. «liamuuu Ilium! null, )lI.l vnituil and chain. liiiluncu to his nu.tlt,k.mll'1.~ug U. Surltli. oi Parlor. UL. 101' Jim. and at her death $565) to the chiluwnqi Jzimnu movie. at Paris. iii. amri the nut to than a:iil‘.un.-ri ui .-\lil.‘u L. uumii, Eunice Kemiuli, {;u..;. 11., Z. 'I‘_.. Hurry C. and lid £2. Colo. Wm. 1-3. mnrlth nml Ci-ins. 1!. Cole um nuwml Ill ax- ;-cuturs. D’-(Hid. Jul)‘ 3, 13?). ' United. Shiites Circuit. COIl!'tr-J¢.N12¢8 Miller. bloc‘:-nry anti ’l'r¢ml. J. W. Booth Va. W. 1". Sliorb at al. ; plea in nlxiu-mnenz mail. 1.. mner 7:. Gouuty of Cape Glraxdcau: x)iu.iAr.lK iiluu wuponu. _ United State: ex rul.'W. ll. Henson Vs. City ' or Onpu i‘}u'urdoiiu; xuium uz iill0I'lliillYo mau- tluwna fllvi. A R :ilb¢u';ur Wwclgm-lo vu. Mutual Life: Insur- nnoe Caiiiumnv oi .\uw Yuri: ; moiinu to remand canon oven-nuvil. J. C. Clea us in. via. Iilmrieun 3!. and 3. Co. ; Ill:-t‘:ll'YGlIl}l3 Deullofl 01 1’0l“DiwutcIi Uompnuy ille . first material llnnkol Courtimxa use. um‘, ll. 1'. Nut and Bull Calupuuv; in.-il till). ‘0 plead. J ‘ _ ilcury B. Durysza vs. Btnrlun county. MP um-r Iliw. Elan.-n '1'. j3ull1'I.)" ‘fl. linuulllal and St. Joe Illilzx-mu.l~ -ii,.ul:itl-'m ms nu ugx-m.~.<l.luul.ita iilell. m,-my C’. .Ki.'I:‘J Vn.Uuiun ltiulwuy anal 'lrim.~li.' (jmuuum ;- ans»-'i:1' riled. _ Uxzilod hlulizn izx rel. 13. C. [inns vn. Tiuiunij- 1.:-;..z Jim): county; mturn to li.lkil'lI:lliV0 sent. at wcilxdnumn mud, . (_:,nll.r.~<l slates District. Court -— Judge 1 rent. M. iii. l'ln:ln\n vs. llonry lstnmg; hill of exemp- miii’LiL‘xu):lr'uptcy: Crntrnl Suvlnitrl 1”-"Ki l"“" slim of uszgiivzn ior l--Mn lo null .—l>l«.rmi ant rum! in fit. .\,:ru:ultu1'ai and .>ls.'L'lz'.iIIlKhl1 Ar wciuriuix xnsnuul. Probntia C0uri.'-~Judl£6 'w"’°”""" , liatalu till llurmam l.m1'li6W1-' 3'-"5' “u““''‘- ‘I “ i ~* in hru ul )uovi.*.vi«.m-.1. ‘\1l*:..::io i.)I'ia..‘l‘uli 31. W lnnsr; leave to Hell nuto '. -z 5 . ‘‘;,':‘:'‘‘£'‘ 0! l-,,r,.,.g§u_-_. A. llzmlordz xmlml-llielv mm“ ‘,1 ,__‘,-,‘,'._m,,,. g, ml; ap;u=.lcutiol.l oi .\..llmu '- ‘ - 2 ill 3. I. ("_;,3;”1“‘;';'h:,,‘1“x§,,‘,,,;;.3lululr; urdm‘ ui Bill“ or ran! ' ¢,.;,,1¢l'n §3l;r’u‘n C(>uIll_Y ul. pnvsqleuinlrfnrthailz. _[;_.;g-_g 01 lxluliarl liryuiz; <?ll_i(7." or will oi xx-14.3 , _ , r ,.,,m ,flun«l_n_l' ul .\'»_:-vuxuhrr. _ "1!-1:-f’.::'..'1 (}ln1l'3'.'..i lsicix}\ts’_01'_H'}il mzlcr to iIBY . . - ’ ‘ff ‘:5 lulu Slant, ‘rrn-usury. i':";u',,,,.;._.,,,,.,;; g,-pnuyud lu lune An- durwn ii use. __.. (‘quart Z\oioa. ,' _ uimnnizl lieu riimlu nu Muiignuwnl oi nlslxiif-Ttnd {and Hum, No. ewe t‘nm'r.'iln a.n'e~ ,,.—.~, to fwd. lssolml; mania Silva. I,};rt[;|l.§ ul a.<ln'alnlunitlorl were uralllocl yon- g_¢.,11n5- 5;, (gown M. Wmun on the Di(Hl)7.'Y'ahlp ”m;., m Wllqull an Jolnuou, valued at $(r0.l;t.(l. , ‘wm_g,x.Jum;ua liillier and licoranv are heur- ,, mpsixneut in the wi<=g'rupn cum»: in Int) {;,.x;.,a Sic‘-I473 (.‘gur'.-niom. Juuue Tn.-A: ll.-.m-Ia (.’Iu.vil'll.|fln mljtiixiiiug -.iu.r::m.-sit. In this Wily mt Cour: lieu.-ours,-as n domain-burreiod one. ‘flit; lnlmwlmr nails Ive!!! mud ‘.l'GW?I’d<\.\'1R ‘ll{¢_L:il‘('|Ji$ Court: Anna Paul W. Frank Paul. til-M Paul; S. M. Hull ‘rs. Gileit C. Lvl)l(.'il£l', nu.-u«.¢.; }.‘lx‘:nh¢<t..h Juana vi-_. _.|lunry iatmruninn fljld A-.\.<u.x. liiuixlip; Aiury Lvriliuru -rn. ms.-lxud buiulli. -rx-5' . Court. of Crlminnl Curroction. _. Bails‘ )i_lllur. calmed, assault to "kill Mary J. _,J_i.»;;cr whiz n lznlie; cmmnlitail in dvlllnlv. or . -fun v’_I‘¢lll”)‘-¢X='x3:l.til¥¢5'.‘lT1 buinur waived. , '5 ilciie J-rghm-on. inrccny 01 :29 and turn gold mg. I’ ; dhllilafiwl in! wins: 01 pmsucutloix. . cry Ann ieumniorn, ihrpe meaning as ‘tho yzacigu lot utoqiilug a pair at chum, limlinn-hurl , nix mom.-1'. at the rock: to: gteuli/14; some lqn4..u' and K(i‘ihL(!(lO. -‘fiffiggéfigflnriiy, on year At the room: for Jqlni .A.;.uxi:, Lyn monuu 1.: am rock; 10;- paoniinge tame rnz-«rim. Anni» linuvs. uix mmxtln as use rocks my nesalinx n >[)0(.‘k'I:lb00l¢ umi 5:0. Jolm ligiuiwu, u yvmtiy. .-"t--miilad to the llcrruo of uniupgn for «ours»: I pull’ 0! show. ikmry fiigsllbfl, mun; diiuiiwod iorwun: bi proxilieciu ' la. ' J so-i Babr nuuwit':l_an¢ cools. - J?v‘§lll’)£)*.'lI‘0, liuuavll; l'I\”Iii'fl‘I1f('?D§9q!d¢;d. (.'¢s.-mus ie‘«.-iiu::'nm'-imr, lurpwy 0! a gold watch Ind Q-zhnin nan: liens‘: new-us; baud its me Inn of $35!). " . raw imanrxous. - Ilimr Hafdmux, mum! to kill Rudolph Dirt: Vila“ ' §m§l2'."’°’1‘ "1 W’ 1' M e la a ,0In.tu', srmxuos a war: In choir: and H diiunond 5,‘!-'I1d,' Iwrtli 83.0. mad “*4! F*‘<')‘-filfi-)‘ H find. Cranmer; laekou up. }WN'>l‘h. ADMi>U4.'i'JIl, luovmy 9! n lhmk I114 A31: worth at eioiblfig tram [min nahnu; ’ . .l"rm¥ §i*'¢mxr.larccn7 as «'5 worth of ', vu, I-och. lrB¥1'!lEV-nclzlein-_Lxa:i Imbruwidry m . Muller’ sip. . . Jain: mien. _s-nus: on ma. ammo; mans lsvliritriulyoc ill ' 5; us. au.m'¢u L.--4.u.xli‘.w'a: f.!9'lrv.t'b" ' "éi t'ouoouoan..- v . . ' 'H."$32' {SGML 0!. ~ " ‘nelson. _. ' 5?! . .?:tw¢fl.;1|¥‘:unry SS1. aph-Rixilriiad‘ _.Cdntrovanij{ ' . tljinnlnnal. tasiiscdfoool d lat ‘earriliuzms. ._:DPf‘.‘°.‘,""f' ‘ . Ln liven ncara;ul-‘cattle:-oi: the r docket, and-4 ' 7eouucu¢mu.u:xo:uun 'l0$3.l; comprlm.-,abaur ‘ All the’ non, gun at um Boconm.-District ¢at¢rdity.,,’T'4*d throat; oinnlo.':mti-oi M dnlng'bull1uesI',wilhout*lloa'i1I_e. obtained con-v vflfifi’ ‘twee; Zillion: 1inlt'i_io2in‘gni!i:lniln.I‘m1 or continued. The War; ;H.i'.il1iflV conch lei: without Inquiring any, pnsnalluyx .. -5 '- iufi.-néT.xuxucea>._ . M Justice i-'a:'r'mil‘u __um'si. at tho alioruoon vain uiilmn up with tho: hearing. of an nuuuiit null bnltorxcnao. in ivlzluii. Rmusoarry .l'.ln 4 »li'a Ammmnz, It color washer-wmmxn, 0! 1601 al Sn wmbur. 'i‘.Tlu: trial duvulnpcd that in 50!! OK 1 In mid. bi.-urn acting no cullm.-taro! miimbilis tor um i_.l!:flil|tliIrII. and tuoiiattur ac’- cumexl the boy at uypmprinzlng somu oi the culluctioml. This lmi to mo remountur vrh-loll teruilnnwd as stated. on this sum! llic iii.-ianuau: xoitliiuiz that the ox-minister attacked her iii-st; dnuguiu her to am tiual‘ as l! to llxmw her out, nun-ur nu him ll sr,-idler at Satan rullusr tlnm is warrior 0! Cm-list. The Filrtitts all ilvzl in thr.-. bloelz: huundad by 1"riiulc~ In uh.-nue. )lon::m.Twmily-tuirll Ami 1‘m:my- K.l)_l.ll‘Lil, and warn ntumduu by A goodly number oi miuuul ix-lumis. Lulu in the nxuaruorin um (:mi_u=n_l tor plailltlfl was miilclug llm Iimlkln rim: will! his ai':;1uu»:n_:, the orlilulcuil ior mucu- iuu A Ufiflihiull lnzluru to-an-r lmiuu x-iiu.-mint. .._....._..___...____......_ '1‘-i:lE 511*} l.‘u(JDvl31 :5. .-'lppuini.xnontel nude by the E istcru ml» min Couiormnco. D.kSVXl.l.8, 11.1.... Scptcmbcr -.50.--'Ii:e follow- ing appointments haw imcu mnrlc by the £.ut~ eru X.ilfli01.ii.Mc:l.1.luI.U$il Uolnmresicoz .l):iuvllle Dl§l.l'lcl--W’. .\IcK. Siulll-ash, ‘i'r< ins I‘:.l.l.ilIX'; D-‘IIIVIUG. Xortli Sxmut Olmrch.Il. ll. Barnes; Danvliic, Kimllor Clmpcl. 13. W. Miller; lmnvlllo circuit, no Do: suppliuci; Blsmim-k,-lo he aupplied; llmasviiia. liuburt Eltexilwm; liuopeatuu, sic zliou ululusmltn; ilnslaln.-ll. E‘. llyue: ulltnrd, 1. L. Cimuu;.\lurynviliu, D. 0. .).lurl.'r:u; .l'litJl,Jl)!llllLll1li ullclc; min .i(i>sc,)‘rnnk l'uuruinn; ‘.Eum:nl:l County Ciruuli,G. L. ._\_llliur; Cutlm. K. ll. Davin; l~'.m‘uiunt, u. W. Davis; llmuer. 5.Wiilil(mn; l"tlii0, J. Li. Marlin; llinfiu lfiirm null (ivruructuwn. V. U. Ilnmlulplxz Uill’ - man, is. W. luwtlicr; lndiuuulns. W. J. Tull; Nuwniun, \':'.S.l:nlhonn;Uulunrgo. J. 31.. Good.- iipouu; aiduuy, .’ibtli:r Clark. liintioon Dl.uKtI(.'_i—Un\‘ld Gity.£'resli_lin:: Eidcr; Mmtuon. M. W. lelvuriiuri; Mulumli l..'iri:uil'.. W. Al. l‘o4.-- lluuibolu: J. A. l.lurlcuii;Ulinrlu;-Lou. .1". ll. ll ulllr; Clinic.-nun Cllcnia, W. E. 5]1fJE- mukur; Kuxmns. J. U. Huhbn; Paris, Jmnus Lcntuu; Vlxriullllon, Salem llmlgu-4: M!lI'4ii.|‘.tll, lwimn. aloxutywz Mllrsllllll Clmiiir, J. W. Lxpliiuu, one to ‘ma xuupllmi; lil;urtlnst'lllu, llluuiuel Muldlutouz Czliwy, W. - ll- Gunway; Fuirmlislrltlll, J. ii. Austin; ‘.\[ujnx'il Pullil, Julin Al. Driver; liullivitn. (Jllrls. LxiliDl)lll'r; Wlncluor, ll. ll. .\iv.:E"-ulduu; Eillclb 'vllln, C. W. Euxnslx; 3llUli.lyVli'0 Circuit, to a an )}lll¢sd; i!41LhlAl‘l§'. A. ll. lluuk; r.\wwnr<iisc.n.l'1ll1n lljmllv gllv r;Mnultun, W. l:. lluwurr.I,'l'owi-r llill.A..Il. .'il1:i-J‘-tr--nil; l.'lJllll.'lI. 5. ll. ilubur; 0nkhiuil.‘iV. ll. )l.-Vey; Neogu, J. 0.'C0lliIlb; ll cailluili, A. Grnunul. Uimlupnigia Dlstrlci—J. (3. Lime, 1'11-lililimz !£li.lur:bliu.lu1mip_;u, E. D. Wlllml; Uliimip.-ugu -_Uirc-nit. W. Mliciicll; South Uliuiuunlgn (iucuil, Jacob iiatznyz Urbuuu, Jcuuuu lluhrrg Tuscnlil, W. ll. Wiltlur; Buxtun, Joseph 1-‘uxgswrillyz Lusiluw, . ‘. l-lutuc '; Arcnlzu, ll. lluli; Atwood. Ullull ll nl'l‘ilii.'h)n; 'i.‘niunn, in‘. A. lluiuilloug iiouui-us, J. J. slum- uur; ltouurxxt. J. A. limulcr; Monti- cuila. U. _ A.lnxigi1s1er; Ciracn, llniljlulilll imrllmluw; Du Will, W. alt.-limnuy; l)a:l.~mil nud Wulliun, H. C. 'l'urni:r; Flu-mt-.t lllty, ii. A. l-lawns; iiuliuuuei. J0 Sllllll llnlu-izulm-ury ; sinus- lllilll. 0. I... Tinduil: l‘.(}}'lni)lll‘, Jmnus Muir- nu-nd.; Manor.‘ J. D. ilotluu; liuilciiuwnr, .1. ii. \Vunl;RHill.0ui ii. 8. \\''; ulliauu.Joa. Lung; aiiyurulniz. ruler Wulliicu; Conlcrvlllo, lo bu supplied by .\l. V. liiii. llluuminxlun D.nlricir—W. M. .\IcElr1.1y. Pm- Ililmx Elsi--I‘: lllouuilmgian. first (..'ll|1l'(:ll, A. 0. llullumu; liluoLuliu;i4ul,(.3riscu Ul)ur<:ll,ll. D. lluwaa; lllouzuimduii. south Giutrgu, W. ii. ll‘. muons: Iiluomingmu Circuit, A. ll. McCoy; Diiwilmli. M Silort‘ Lnroy, J. K. .\Iz.t1l'lalu;l.u- m Ciruult, . A. ikmgll; Uluimvu. umuaou an nu;UI:)’wurlh.J. U. lxuilur; Wnyuo.svillu.ll. 0. Animus; MQLUIII. J. '1'. l)_rr; _.Azlmmi, «J. 1). Fry; istnulorii. Jtlllu Emrlv‘ Hnpminlu, ll. 5. 'l'xyon; D(il'.kVl1I. A. 'l‘. Orr; Lincoln circuit, '1‘. D. Woieuls; urn:-n Valley. 1.. 1‘..lunmx; bziu Jaw, W. 1!‘. ilguullus; Miami City, Jul) lnmuin; ummn cu (;u‘<.-nit. E. M. lluyou; Ttlpizkn. W. 0. Away: l itvmm, G. B. scuniger; Bath, J. L. liuiiis; lllliwls \V\::4l(l)lIfl Uruverxity. W. ii. if. Auiunn.pravelIt mt-mberoi Gm-cu Church Qumr- wrly (Junior-2mm. Decatur DuitrloI——l!.. ll. Davies. I’r'u:air.llmr Either; Ducutur. rim. cum-ch, W. 11. Goodwill; Docnlui‘. 5l0ll})'0 Ciiupul, \ . ii. hiusurove; Demllur, Jones’ Chanel, in bu nuiiplloai; De- uuturuiruult. A. C. Ariiioxxxroiit; l nrrluiown, R. li.B.iuuiio; iiiiupmm, 1:‘. ll. i.niluu;1.muoin. J. Li. liobio; Mount. l.'uln-Jill. cumin ltonmll; lvurrcinuiourg, '.l‘iiuuims Ban-mil; Clhuou, Wuilnm aiuvonnuu; _.\, W. A. no « noius: Macon. _ be May‘ Milmiequil, J. . Cnl.lilI'i.‘sll' A.-snulllllllon, ibnxgr i'uu.Iu; Palm, iimli-in Vlilnua; Uconoo, I.‘. if. Gay; .llu»numm.l, l’. A. swmtr Nokiilulu. J. W. Crnnu; Il‘VlIu( rind nutlur, L. J. Hiilifllll nx:d1.l-‘rnlaxzlu .'l§;lIllcl‘; liln'bOl'0 Aluxunier rium iii’ no ouuu Juilllkihiiiir; Uurm (,\ . Lilcay; Lav: lusgiun, J. W. Wurllulilg llirmn Buck, Am-lit Iiiiuulu Weuluysm Ul)iVl.‘rlltY, uwmbcr blili1D'l Chapel Qulnrmrl)‘ Lioulvrunce. Snnmziwlii lli:itrl<:t«—\l'. B. Prentice. ]'maid- lng hlldvr; Sllriugxleld, first Chuwh. T. .\. i“arl~or; iaprlliuiiuld. Sc.-ctmtl 'L‘lmruli, W. H. llluillwwu; Spun -ll:-id Circuit, tn: bu iulppllud; bit.-nlumlu.-llJui‘g. uwpii \\'iul-erlmtimii; Builalu, "‘- ‘xii Coon)‘ UMWJUII loin: uuppliz.-<1‘ [loch- :3:ls_ib;m3§, 1Junu)|,Y|fl1:;Eiu|lDl.‘lg, ll‘&' Emor- lv - - . l“”'{"_- £3‘£";£"’$?:JuIIllillx;lil::i?‘I':£’l(Bl!:fi:i5t; “\ir". -‘~ 5'" 3- ’“‘““>I\‘lilI'. .1. M. lluahuiwr; .ll.ny- "mini-1'-“l"‘.* ‘\W)'; I “vivn.'i‘. J x:...lm-u- Cliutilssm. i;.\ llullfiitil; \-,,.m,"_‘_._ U_'“,,_' :2-S::.:.:?.‘::;:t'2:.-;r;::.:»~.~*.:**‘;;:" * ll - - ‘ . ~ . ‘I.-: ‘Z ‘ ~ ‘ . vilm. W. 1). Best; 4- «- rllxmi 3 ;l'mlE,' M-“rd? . I'.ciuunt l‘i-ins. -1- W . xuiuxi"*:;lllzii:~':'l(l' - .3’ .e-imcii. ‘-“W i’\'.,“l’c'.~l:,l‘i‘r‘ii'utt; illii:liilx:i4i'i:f::'h(j1;;:{‘::}‘5"“"- Juczlaonvllia liiesiu~in.-i7<..u.-..:,_m $“.,.W_' ,.w_ Ll’-U05! 9-l“'~‘1'5-"‘U5‘““‘ "1": ‘4‘;.l4.-luuy i,‘lilii‘uii, ||(,;_>u4_~u flu.-.u; Julzit-mn\'l}i'.', t.:i'a.;,, uni” 3), W . . K . u ll. \V‘i';iJl.Alk.'1';Jlitulullliliiu. hrm.-... yin (lliurrll, \V. I. 'i‘.|bpi‘uill‘ Jlu.'.‘.'~.uiIVliI|.' (,1... “ D_ l-_ l)-'lmuii.\; \h-..»v. J'.ii:ka.l..viiis uul:-.iu ' '_ 31. ilr.-ed; harm J-.wl:mm'lal'-x Lnculi. W _ I 3.“. luimu; )l‘AliL'liuu$ui'. J. W.‘.lll’..‘5i, Wu .,,,.H' J. ii. .5'<:_',‘«um;i‘; L'~.u'l'oll!o.n_a, ::lu'i, , .)~.r. rnllion L.’iu:uil., 1). ll. .'2".r;ul'iiri».-lti: 1.-I'm.-uiitlel-.1, J. K. -\iirir:r; L...-u uni (.'ll\.’lli'., Ad ' gun-.vr;i'uiun%.;., W. J. :\'i.--.vinu>a; l: .ml.'un, 1;, i.. (,'»u‘lui~,-; Winn:-iy. ly. xi. l*‘uuu.u, \)'.i.-urn: Glreuil, U. 1:. llm-x-nmu; 'VUAlé-lN.l3«'llu:‘ri l.;:.m.; Anhlulld, G. linrm-r, (,;'Ill9lII“UI‘l‘lllU, ii. 2:. F...-. me; y,.,_(,,-hm-K‘ p__ g}, llnvlu; l.<lr.m.l l.ruv'h, \\ . J. Imliodllui Alonutruxlx.-A‘. U. A. |.3i‘iM|’&'§ 13*-'iU’l1*' mwu, W. I". tillmmis; i_:i'=l»I-l‘4 Ch-..;nL-l, 3}» If. ll¢)nm«_;ul¢; lllluoiis Fr.-m.ilo Coiiegxo. \’r. l: . .~.lmri, l'msiuuui, Kl:%filiU\!.' of tin: i;\~ll»mmr Qill1lN,‘_l’i')' cm.:crm.c..;; Jmml l'l:niiuuLir.ry, .\. U. l‘ln:hvr, l.:iw.plwin. Lmiiulier (ii l}6.‘fll.l:llIl"I' Qunrwrly Cun1l:rm.¢;c. _ Qulncv lilui-icl.—l.-. 1.‘. S. 3-ixrl>.;lrl.~'t, l'wa'i<1irlar Hillel"; Quincy, \‘ummnt L-irruct, J. 1'. nlcmt; Quincy Usmuit, 0. il. l’. Ash; Aitnxltzii. l’¢:l.m' Muglu; Wnmmw, )i..'¥l. l).ivid»<gii; Vlyumum. W. ll. Unrr‘ Cid‘-l, .\'. ii. Rune; \Vost.1’x‘.liii, halc- liuwug Lima, 28. 1'. liiuviaina; Cuiumliuv, ‘l’. J. iirynm; Ln. luau-Ir.-. 1». F. “v.nIt§4-n;Guuu> Paint. m_-um-n uriggg; Ulzxvmn. 1- . (.. l5l‘un'ul.’; M‘uunS alcriimi. Allen Bucizner; Augusta, ll . A.(/zuyw toru; Umnlien. D. A. i.rin_w; 1.iu.lutou._ W. i‘. Lawn; .Rr1I1'iV|Ul.‘., 3). W. urnv; ilmlllviila Ulr- uuli, ii. i‘. Lyon; ’Hn'uallix.‘I. P. L. ’luIner; Au- ;.,;1,,, 4'. w, lungs; .\.«wrla gimanlt. J. U. swin- um; J. G. lioamuii. liuucaiwnul Agont, mem- m..» u: the Al|ll0l'lib Qnurwriy G-nrsimoaice. Grlgggwvillo l:i.«u-ict—~l’rm.-tun Wuud,l'uul«ilng gm...-; Qumc ', 1‘;-lusty clzurclz, '1‘. l._ Cullilria; urnggu ills: arm-.1 5lmw;urlmuvi1lo l)irr:uit,.i.. 1'. miwer; ihiuueui.-.\luciioir Amer; New anioauu, C. Y. l‘C¢0I}KUi(1?S8’|I()UK. J.J.liuunn;l'uyx-on. \Vxmu.m)lurpll)'; li.arry,‘1l. M. l):_mnziy; Nam ilnrtlaim, ll. ii. D-‘use; buirunlt. urgzve. tau be: ,,,u,,,u.-.1; ],‘:4l‘l}', llenry Wilson: Mipluu Ind flurodoigll, W. éluh. uomling; boutii _Jlwlsioou- villa, J. 0. isunu.-nt; l'.‘xci£el', J. A. Willa; Win- chenwr. W. :'s._lloonu-r' llnrriin, liommi Mil- l1:l'; Time, J. C. Amt; Raw Cunmu, 14.: be aujlv pm,-u; ncnverly, K’. Huflmim‘, Wfiliuliuil Umiult, Anderson Orr; lkroduuuse. J. b. Akura. ........._........ A Simrp Boy. '‘ [from an Datxvu rm rum: AL A line hour Friday inzlu. HM p-alico lound . 1,9, gugu: lo year; old Iluimz on she slept: of the City Hull, and when he hiui been started up ha ex plain-.ed: "31)’ llama’: Johnny Stewart. Ind 1 live near Gran Lake. The loin -m_i_c_ no-no lss_-rnlxbt emu left me (in ma Fnir tirounlla wiun-M it ‘com. 'i‘i:u‘s 12": we sort. bi man did is. we don't limp iluhno his heal! til the Kama ha'il lane no in I tlraums town dnsd laro.bIh“' "And mluw wins till you dal" ' "lfll make illu old man viola." "liar?" _ “liner you mind. ‘I'm him {or pins: bn=':L’rm me. tin Ijnu ca damn no the Dental Stsilon and slam in in ssru:«ch.sir use real. or and hi rat. .5; In out)‘ hour in slid morllixig be you .41 1510 um Aiuoricun Exprnm ufiica dad «had: "in you run to than Lulu)?" ’,'YOI." ._ "’.l"imn amp me thorn 0. 0_. D. " Lilo: I luv ls:-qairi-is in nu Iacomed ma dniy ugnwd, lurid when this nngum wont" than: to visa nrtaung the xx:-weal: to on onroiniiy 1.....- uiud. 1» an iiiquirur as the dew: in nu» Ivar x _ , J'Dw.i it counted tho mu ~45: man in our ooumy on in bone tunic. hm man he was a groan vary: alsgusi oi me on will tneisneiiou." . . ' -‘ ~¢-~--.v-~v-_-Ho-rvv-~ I Winoubourn llypupia‘mplal'« ‘Will cairfi eomueuptim (aw in weak inn 3 ummxiui nadiutuuuildui.-.1‘ :1.’ kubliuiiiul got a plan laid (0 ii: bwunbronc 2933!» 3 V ‘xbinmollimyl , " drnmmo, keabcnr mm, ugixtn, Tepuh ecnirxvd fsdtli. I The otbarchnrgea ‘Vera’-all .o';.ordi~.‘ to, nnixx-= vcolurod _|I1«iilIBl«l§EY"0f tlm ' usual’. amused aioi- - striking bimnrltii n -stick. mind with thro_win¢- hot valor -on and acnldlug hut punion on tho- W-b»‘*e.~v:.«~::.-:.=« ,1: zsrlles n _ '_ one ’ tuning." at In Lon:-.wll o and Hum’ ;'who'°ulti: "'.l.“l2o hand unwary oxrnvyinianlturktu attrnneoy _1.n<i'lb¢: . ‘\vYn1.-10.-..[.a.X)'nn. oi the Dopnrtmcnx or .Axrl.cul- ‘Wm. Wumnzmu. ‘D. 0.. speaking‘ at thin :I- anna iogziu Gonornl;;u : '3T1|ll1kJ' touvoux-. Wffiwflnt ' ‘-anti.“ cu.uminIitlou' Inna holy sny~wil.l1'p do that all lirnndy. noI'ezoallod‘.by my. in bodnot. Iiitrun or parli- olftho usaunlm‘: an'iI'Na1il'nr akin-' *.Y'~.*-" -Tum. nn-xyricuro-«z=m.o--uparfli1on- ‘-» - _ ‘_ . , . . - -« ...; _ .. lwnrevorauob _d' kIo.ltull an . . ‘W1 ‘ ... J , '§‘,’,‘;‘§,_... _,'?°’ "I .1: ll; o'§n.sumci§§§a§1?g?:zi'n nfi-tl'.|ns.o7.)nill.1- . 43-‘ Fe Gum ill.-A 6,33 0,1!!! 3Tl¢.M¢ « .,..‘,;°,‘.,. Mung,” an A ,_;,,,,,,,,-i . rules the bmnqulaa,kinu. I-)?'p“°'."““-"‘."W‘.m-"r". (‘P1-$3131’--‘.m_""?”°'3.5°$€~. l Dcluniur.‘-".tno.rcpor:-is=bnx+cl_uvon~srumox‘ . ' . . - .\. L."Gmxnx.‘G¢xicrb.)'superintendentor uni ‘vs-hlo'la=originaiaa1roc'n.tbc incnnu.s.lnzgu.nnona -. '. T¢]¢phon'a§ um, .q_3+mf,;‘.,nunu.. ~s**'°+* ‘J. l5‘.=L.l"z.(R n,'.G6nornl A’ rm 5!‘. 1... iizlmllnuapollzo. 9! >\\"I.t¢..O0bb.k " . ' u -‘L and.’ ‘."1'u'z Oliidzign, na:I'i_riar:aii7'ana‘i2r.§inc;}” ..m' 25-? ' dude its {am for plumcnger‘ t.x-iwolliiltur October 1. lo 3 cuntr per mile. During ‘hair too}: anal ‘ mm jwlilbncii7n1’guu1or'tho round trip. -’ .. » 3.1‘. WIX.!l:.()l$'._Pteui45ou$, and C. \Y...Izo;z«- ens, Gnnuritl axliiuzzer of the st. Loni;-amtl nun.‘ -Y‘l'Bn'9l5°4'1.Ic!i.!o icliltclmlavenlmr. Bolorc inspect the entire lino. _ .iiin'c:nr on.thn'\\'ab'uh. Sc.’ . Iiu maven! nia inznily tram. . (slanting; and will run tim ne'- gtigxilxiodaziau Lnlin buhcccn taut plncu nun tho .3‘. W. IL. €_Jiir.l.own'. Tmvullng Pnannizmr Minn: for thn \Vama.9h,‘St. Louis mui’ Puciilc, hm: ru- tliruccl ll-om ll lflp tu Cunnilzl with iilai wliu,nncl in-mznln roglutnrud nt Limcnlt [mum in. 5:. hxirlu. . ' E. ii. R.n‘x.oUn, Livo Slack Argent 0! ma Cazxallu. Scmchcrn; J. 1'. Pulvura. 'l‘rilvellr.ig Agirnx til mu Wubnsli, null’ illiko l..ynuw. Traw- t«_lI--jz A cut of tho C,-unnuii soutlmrn 1'-‘us: Eruxght me. am in tho L-ivy. '.l‘ilil Chlcuw); Ilurlingmu and Quincy has an - lmlutcd A wnuzliiurin mi‘ O\’(l:'Y Hilcliflll .0! the road, who will lime to walk back nmi lorward lzmhis section linrln um antira nig-hi‘. with :1 ‘ powurlul iniitem an we that the liuu is uuub- situated. ' Til0!.$Cl')TT.Ollc or tin:zmnticznmilycnlinclnra oi tho :11. Lani; llrlustc um: Tumwl 0mnp=m,v. vi-mu lunrricd last night in Miss J:-nnlu lie.-ii, diltlghlut oi Uitrrt. Jlul. in. Ruoll, 0! Flutinsuxit. Thu .‘i'IJUIl5'1:0li1§lc no to houselu.~.'cping imam» dluu-ly, at liio .'0t£ll. Market ulrcct. \ Tim roucla west at -Buliailu, 1’itx.~‘lmn.: and Wheeling will liolii ii mectim; -in-an at lini- inlo. to armllge n pm-nemnlw hiuiln or 'Wl1.3l.~ bound rams lrom l’ltnsllurg,BuiInlo i1nLlWhi:ol- lng, nnt! common points in Oiilo sum lmllmm. The timer: of tho Ginwinmtiiori Umnmltioo with loads wvxat ul Uillcluru mu! 8:. Lama will also hex-cc».-ive.i and acted upon at this meeting. . 1'Itl‘:3!S.\‘X‘ indications are that the idea or Omn- miauloimr l-‘ink emu. ir--igl nuns xlmuld be olianged but twice in "year i: In [125 €ll1'l‘lL't1 out. East-~bound rules have l'M',|l changed since April last. and the uudnnslnndin ' now is tint! on or about }u'ovembor 1 rate: an-ll be ndvuncud, as it com: more to mom barium»: in winter than in mmmier months. 'l‘im.t uhiplleis are in-ucrnil‘, ll well in tho railroad couxpmuiea, whuu rules at-(ox steady lroun month to munch, ill! will con- ci: 0. The \Vnbusi1’s Umnha Line. Chicago Tribzmc: Tim railroad mnnngcrr hum in-cl somawlnni. inysiiliud over recon: inoveinunts rcizurulxng lilo \\'nbasl.\ cxtnmslon 01 um Mlnourl, Iowa and .\'obru:-kn Ilonll. Tim lnttcr has 1lr.«:n(ly' buou uxtcixuud from lluiutsion to lI'rllIriovlll<e. And it Wm: mu inicnllou to run dull wont to ii connection with thil Council illufls brnm.-h of tho 'l\'uh.1sll. Tux:-2 mnvnnwnilx, ll-awnvex‘, scum to imllcntn than thn Wnlmsh lluutllmlilreel this main. us it iv: nuw builrllnu llorillwesi {ruin l’x'alrim'llla to llapuviliu. 'l'ms inning in ll the Wulmsli uumns to crust; the llurlinuton umlu lino nenr .\lurr:n,\'. and build up into the Rock Island turtltury. filluuill such no this ix-mntlun, tho llurlin-ztou will llmi is puluerllil ally in its war nzuinsl lhn Wubxi.~1li. .’l'im prubulilu 1-nuuniortlm cliznnxxs nl bane on the part ul the Wnbush in that. tho llurllugmn hug m‘lu-.n up ni- wmiytbo territory iiiruingh wuliili it menu! in run mi extomiou. It imu'h.y. lloss-evier, that tho chzgfivu 01 base by the wabuzill is almplv it rum to get up ammx ti-only with tho llov.-k ldliind nffuliill. the Burllnztnn. ' ‘no claim oi we Wabash {or building rim ex- Iuualnn 0! Elle Missouri, lawn and !\'nuru-Jin is than much iixumelun in mzeuzisury in Urdu: to re- curo n uiiorl: line from Council liluiis U) (Julian- pm. The Iunnnuuru 0! ma: lawn lino lrmn Cmlcmm uhxlm, however, cim: such llnu will not he unml) ullcarior than um pn-..~nons lino at lho wnimuh l:_v way of linnnllmi an-I this alisiiuuri, Kims:u1 and Texas und Mnboriy. ‘lllu nmv lino oi the Wntxzmli win the hlimmurl, Iowa unni Nu~ bruuku nmi ilurnislnn wuuhl be an l0ll0'-Vs: Council Dlnlls to Sliumuulmall, 47 miles: Shi2nn.m.lm1h to iluumuon, l'.. Iullmi: liumialun to Kmakulr. 130 miles; Kookuk lo l’m.»ri-1. in miles: and um lxlmrmst line that could be mudu [rum .[’t'.‘\’.ll‘l8l to Chicago, 13 miles. This would make the the total Iuiieuzgo oi the new “':il)llsil line from Cliicngo to council Hill“! 6212 ulikzn. The Ilurllnuzum mum frmu Chicago 1.0 iiouncll mulls In (1)8 miles, and tho Ruck Inland mun: 498 milul. .'I‘h|s shown that I.-vun with its new mum tho Wulnuih would still bu the longest by nearly 70 miles. Southern llailrond Devologimcnt. The Xiirlh Carolina Mhilmid in the ammo 0! the pmlucta.-d extaunlon oi the Vlrglnlit Mid- innd llnllruad [tom Dunvillo lo Clmrloiw. it was ndoptud at tile mcnilns: and consolidation of mu three sevnrul eoruorntlomi at Winston last. week. It will be ramumboxmi that tlicrso 0I'1.zlUlll.l'H.l(HlI were nlmriuruii as um Wlmitoii-Ellilieln and Mnomvillo, Win- ston-5'.1lum hind Mmlil.-on. null mu Dan River and Ynnllrln Vnllvy Hull- ron-.l Companion. At this |‘fiflO.'l'lKU"TH‘lxlCif)lI 0! the \'itglIl:a NllUll|’|li1‘Il-(')|'ll6lil|:.‘y' warn crm~mIl- (lutml. Tim Articles at ngrc-cnmm. wrrc ndaplud llllilllilflllll-ii)‘Hcclllln by motion, and will bu malunlltr.-L1lurrnuiicsiuunio tlin i-mcklialcla~r.~.- .21 um thruu so-V-:1-nl dlvi.-nmm in uctuimr-in llm Wlulsluu-.~nlmn um! alrmmavlllo Fm‘! to tho Wimlon-fiulcux rind hintllimn exockisolzlcyrs on the -.:mh in Winnton. and in tlm lmn River nu¢.lYn<ikln Valley a-wlrklmlm-.nv on tho} )9 ll. I.-to-illirxliuil ilm l!l(H.‘k ix-lug ||i‘.C'!lI|il\l'_V so teuulpziztes tin-. rullflcminn. 'l‘lin\\'lmsxun ..\'€14!iurZ iimwillllutilln (mnliul -‘lock n: the now cum- unny will my .*.'£..'l00,0'.‘0, (:0lIIl|:IllXil){ oi 25.0"] Mules at .$l(.'n.l - null «luau. Sum:-:1'llmr'a in the Mom’: M clilmr til the cumnnnicu will luv.-cl inn sumo nlaxuiixlsr null ri;.:lun in tin‘: cull- nniluimud uuniplny reegunlmi: ]m\-nun-.ts and l'i.5’.'l!.|lll|ll.'.lIl.1lllIiI- they now hrivu ru- "ilt'L‘liV~' tmupxiains. ’.l‘lm rigmcxlmut nlau 8i2\U‘5 I nu -«... liuu iii (In! new imilanml will run from “ l’”"§‘ "" “-*- ,\'l1*;4lnlu :"muu line. in llnc-.l.ln:.'- ’““|'l»1'll*“3‘o « - bu 'H¢4t(){5lll1li| llx\‘ri'l1y wny nl .\lniii.~i<m, in [Km-.l.‘llizlmo..r:.,,mu-; um,‘ gm“. lm: v.hmu;:n tlm_L!mu~.iy ui 1-iu.y...;_ ,,,,,, 1-,‘. way at lilu umn oi \‘:l.'l.~.lom, in lilv .,u,,;)» .,q |-'.-,,-., and ll)"‘13.i'¢! vnw rvl .\ln'.‘l;:\'lll(y, in ma -l‘,.u.uuy ul l).n'ln. llmuu«.: nunuiu. um uulmzv ur linwa-n [0 mo Town oi Mu(':l'<lo\'lilxl,l-s mu (mun. ‘V ol lruclcll. l.ool:Mi—l.w‘nr Liziizullon. _ I/Hllwlllc '.':)vIl{I,'f--.7v'JlH‘Iitll‘ lbla ruuiortscl in C!‘l'lll|Il l‘.li]L'05l(X uirclc-l um: two nulls agulnnl Iiw I/mlaville and .\“,-nilvxllo l'l:illrr.l:u:l are in "“"_"V“";-u‘ui pr(ip!u’.1l.l0ri and will bu Hlttlllnll “ 1):‘ I(':;li‘o fl‘.'st is by tho .‘!uu:ll«..'m lixprc-:9 ""'”' ‘3 “‘ ’‘‘1‘'(:‘) (er vjoctuimnl [rum tho limes opcxrnusd bvl on M m__ d V _’ '.l'lm Souiliuru is n ln'miuii’"’, 4”‘ - M ""”‘*- wlmn the Uulun Plxprcna Gilli.” I‘-‘«ll-illllh will gzlxllizali um: put on "K; '.<.)i'1l’x..‘.*M 0|'~' Naaliviila and ii: b!'3llt‘ll1.‘i4 .'5uuth um Solillll “-1, Wm. mmwn nut. When the Union in.-gun In l‘t‘lz|(‘i) out to Nurllloru llnmi, h'JW(!\‘(9!‘, um Atlntiin toui: ilm qurunlml lulo court, and it was lwlu that till I.‘..Xprv.luI companion should bu 3.1- lnlweu hi l‘x1i|k’fui(lI upon tzquiil and rcuunmmie» tggrjns, Until! this‘ rullmg thu t'~mxilxurn clnlmll that. the Lomwillo nml .\!ti!llVili1! hull nn rlirlxt in L-feel. it, and tlmrui-.lrrl clnims dnmngma iur elm dunnriictloxi 0! its business in tho territory n.-n.4,-hell by tlnrise llm-5. ‘ Tim olliersuil. ruumruu in by citizans 0| Al i- bums mains: tho 1.. and N. to enjoin ltiuom ripernillng use leaurd .’s'm1li and Sunni llnilmuu in Alnln-unu Irom l)«:<:ulur tn Mrmtgmunry. The Elnlutllla will claim that nndur its clutter the . and bi. hm no right operate any mad uxulm‘ lo.-mm. '1‘lua Norili and nuuth Rona vnuleusod I number all sent‘: aw), wnun the stock mu wortliiou. it was take-.n lor thirty yniira. tho Louialvillu and Niuiuvillu nzroulng to pin’ 6 par canton the stock at past. For sauui -mar: this man was rmeruicd at a lonmimt it has ulely yielileuniuir rinronua. it in umierstood that the uiocknnlde-.rn or the .\'m-in umi zsmiiii limo nntlxlngiu-no with H10 unit. in the onlidllloii oi uliaini in periootl? mlinlactory In tlimn. The suit will bu limo: it by ouiaicio mzriiu. and in wpposo.-ul to ruummul some dluntiallocl ounl inusrut. . The Again’ Association. mm Yonx. Sepzennlmr RI.-The liiuionsl lu- ioclallon 0! General Puuaxlxar nu.) Ticket Azania reaumul in session this amiruoon. The controversy which laud nrlmn bocvweu mo Jimilsvilia, Nashville Ind Great Southern And Gina-inuui Soutiiern Railroads, u to which mm min use right to muka rates (mm New Orleans to (,‘-inclimnu, mu decided in (nor 0! the former. ll um: um! mu whns in known no I glmrt‘ lino. ' The inn) grunt roads of Klmns sud Nebritalm expniawd thum- nclvm navury nun.-.h hurt in their buain-in in e.,usu';uer.oa 0! Iain mourn which lllfll luau uuvin in the nuwapapcru nimul. droughts, mn- nros oi owns, us. in we country thrun la which thou: ' ton 3 run, and naked I in Association In in body lo put on mile on me Din or! November (Nor one day only) round trip ticketa iron: nil iiauern points so these road» to show this pmpio that iiuzio report» any ome- meruttod. On nwilon, lliu request. was granted, mid lilo msctlizgr ndlvmrumi until todnatrotl. An Excited Community. < I.omsvu.x.r., KL, Sopltmbcf ill.‘-llaporu to his aloof that this lieuiauanon oi the Loun- villb'nu«I2.=lr&ll11llle Itiiiwm viii bi) muami iron: this point to bfssliviilo nnntod quite: g4;n3gfll)lI in imirlriou clmlel. A grant donl oi g-‘zeta.-mam has been kindled by lbs report and nnsuatl lnwmt xnmillmad. no roinonl oi : K6 4! » I . . lain _Lho~cily,‘inn gu.i:s:s:- I , ‘ -1 ‘_ V . ' 3 the lrenc.rnl'omco’a antic‘ _couiniuiy. today. for - the pnrpoiwol consldoxinz xiii! uoxtngupontlia jeonsolldallon by and bctwucn lbs .hIllliOll_r1 wllrbn 'csmbliIhod_ and other improrumcntx 'mn.d'nnlN:nl1YI!lly. _ _ . V 1 V ‘. "Stoqirli’oli!o'rs".!'ifeM_.lnxi _ fnza stockholder; of shfllisxauri Pnciiic !l.a.i_l~ wsycompa.ny;wi1l.hoid 3 special meeiiogxu» proposed "articles or nrreeuwn: and Pacino Railway Gunman . St. Louis auu Lnxlugtou Iullruui bumuliny, _Knnnn.s city find Euatel-"n Railroad Comunuy, Liexlugwn nniiliouthorn liaiimsy com an)‘. S2. Lonlu. linnsnk and A:-izumi Railway ‘ uipnuy nml Kansas city. ]’..cnv¢.-nwortli and Mculuon Railway’ Company, tbcrohy tanning a. consoli- dated coruorntlnn to bo lliumaimr known in “Tim Mismouri Pacino liuilwny Cou:pnny." And also to consldozund act upon such other lluaiucu as may come buioro the Inocilug. ‘A Qiicrstiou of -Responsibility. 3fl€)u'lllii.EDDL¢1ulbor ‘21.—Iu the United slums Circuit Court tuilnnominzz. Judge Hammond ovnrrulod umoiluu [qr ilao dismisml ul suits nunlnzit certain noilmntla at the stain lniuin by this nmlmoy representing: tin: holders oi ‘.l'un- ncswcn 5l;1iKl.‘l‘i.I|:llld.-I.I‘.il.!(.‘itlill§; um dumndnnts en- siiiuai to la lileurlmz uu tho ll.l(>i"li.l, and act um cases for mini next Monday. ').‘ln.-=4: t:n.Bv'.2:I urln-,; tin the rnspormibllliy oi Kill’! l‘&lil‘0:ld’$ to this 5'3"’ 101‘ ll l"ll.ll'lI:nl 01 Kill: Si-ntu dulit, l.‘ill(l1ll‘llC- iimii lnvv..>l\'1s tho mum qumiimxs ur-.znc<1 im- Inrc migu Wulicv nt .’\'nvln'ilir.~ H195 Jlaiy, suiu otlll held under n-hfiimnicnt try him. The Wabash Ronda. CIIICAGO, 5;-pu.-mber ‘ll.-—l’i'el.=lllcv.l: Solon liuluuliruy. 0! this \\‘nl>n.sli Rullrosui, accom- puuiml by other gunuruloillmsnl 0! mo rond, mi: in the city to-tiny. making arrutignuiunla tor oillcua hero. (ll.ll.i for tho completion or all the van lous Wnhnnli liuos luio Ciiicngn. Tim lawn extension will bu rapidly pushed and Ill-.lcor_n5mny expects to be run» nim: its train-i lulu Uliiciuw for regular business ullliin IL muntn, suul to unite this this central point 0! its business. . A Suggestion to Pullmnn. Indianapolis Journal: We would suggest that it would bu nu vxcuilulit iuii-it lot line Pullman Cur Cmnpzms to luive an extra l‘ullumn conch utaoixuportzintn Duint as Eliwbursz. '.l‘\rlov. quite recently. [):i.3.iCll:.'lll’3 iur Imllannpulln mm H}. Louis who took slccniuz couclws at .\'uw ‘lurk have Duirll Olillstud. to ride from Pittsuurg to thulr cicntluixtlun in n commun emu.-h owing tailm br-lnklugduwn ui Lhn slumping conch cum. ol lhisshlirg. 'l‘u:i plyscjur lsiurn berm mul than new but ham your trip in is down not not well Wli-ll lI.’inhl.'lI3L':l‘lI, uspeclnlly ll you me aroused irom your burtli nt. ll:'.’.Zv p. In. A Big increase. The earnings or 1.-he Iron Aiounuiln for the accent! Wcl.'k in $l!Dl(tlllU¢l' um rem-rtutl us .'ol~ "laws: ii{&1..... ....$TK,K'.O '11 Inc-ri:n9c..... ........ ...................:2.l,il7i ‘J1 ..__...____....___..._..._ 'I‘lH.‘.‘. 'Vl*L.\'l121ii\Bl.i‘3 Bib]-IUP S1311’- DUN. 'l‘uka:n illln the Midst of His Sf.'l'lli0Il-—- .l’re:si(lent. lluycs l'rcaent—-—r'l Tllrlilliig Scene. Il~‘rom the rim: I-‘rnncitco Cll!'l'ink'iL‘.] The nuuuuncuincnt in yoatu:-any i.uorn|nx:'n papers that l’rr.-sluunt liuycu would amend services in this First. Mulllozilstcllurcii. on Pow- ell utrcet, to hcnr lllsriop Bllnuauu munch, M- iruuluu A great crowd to inn‘: rcmpln. The old uionecr churoiiol mu city, spacious as it is, Wu: crowded lroin the YL'HliiJllI0 to the stops at tho n1lur,liundrm1s 0! chairs being: plnccii in tho ulnluis and nrmg.u«.i the clmnucl. Iiishup simp- uon ln'rlvcd'cnrly, walking up the aisle alone and kniaollng dfirouily [or muw limo in rliltlnt prayer in his Then he am. quiozly with n ovurconl. liutionud ‘cluimly nbout him. llillllll um puipiunt iluv. IL. L. liluitunl, lhu pnstoroi tlm church, and ltuv. ll. ii. :~lu:lilon, oi the name duumnlmstiou. At ll 'o'clunk tho l’mnlLlont and Mrs. llllyiffl nccom milled by Capt. Ulinrlua (loudull nm.l Airs. Gomiull, l.ll‘(lVfl uu to the church uuur in a cnvnrml currlngo and nilgutcd. .\.: thnyrznlcrod the church iho nudlcucu at-mu nnil uwotl dot-orumly whim may worn being named. ‘l‘llo min? wux IlIDl\'i\ in ma pew mi Anni: Merrill, when was re» awrvucilor llmlr um. Mrs. Hayes, ill!!!‘ the ul-.l-insuionul mil-,iuor, ro-uunou so this tiny only by this most Iluvnut of the sect, knell. in mm mm with liur hack in tun altar. engaging In silent ])N1}'i‘l‘, nllnr which she qulutly tuck hm- iw.-iit. 'llle Pr-rsltlent ml.-rul,v liowml liixli-sml upon the lines: 0! tllu paw ill from oi him for u. moment. ‘in «ice:-ht reurlecs to tho 1-uncu- tlenoltlla place and mx.-union. An the n; . tun,-d, um url{'.inlnl ul tlm church. Alisa Au 1}.“ lvcsmzim, struck up um: [ll:\\'P(i an :1 molecule murcli to the l‘r--ntlum a urelmlu nmi iuuuéi, hy iluch. The choir, under tho loud oi J. I’. Dwcxlporn. rundv.-.rud liui hymn. "Chum, Yo Illl|'.lA'.iS'l.ll|ll:L')l'(l." nltcr which the nuvmr gnvu out Lilli "lira: rogzulnr hymn ul tliu-am-vucn, Altar lilo oiuuiu nl mmtller hymn iillsillln raluipeou nruuu m ulivcr his urmou, tulihu: in: his text. the WUILII hi‘ the ill vorau oi the ‘.’.~l chnpcur u! this lluul; ul 1) mini: "Ami in the days ul these [iinms shrill the God of lluuvuu cut up ll. ll'Hi\’lll)Hl\Vill(!|l>1ill|ll new.-r bu du-sruyud. mm lhu kiugdmn shall ml! 1):: lnlc in ullwl‘ lwullltl. but it shall in-mil: in p|m:(3-I mud um-uuxm nil llmsu luiigilmxu Lulu it til!!!“ nluud (u|'i'\'o.‘.r." mnmklm: slowly nnd In in low. ch-nr tone, ho bc;tnu: "I'll: ruullur ni hial.m'y in ulusmlzm-s l~|i1l'iiI.‘d with [ills little-.m:nn ul um ngnncli-.3 winv.«:i m;miucia ;>;m.xl. rizsiiiiss. Jnzmpll was ni- nmxl. ln.-iouci upnu Linn illr-mu oi i‘:'J.\'['ll lwyu lll'U.llll. Hull i-Zzazlmir livlvu ii lillle less ucnutllul nil um Juw.-s in tin: Hlll;.:\ll.illl ui Alnuu-mm lxnd lu.~v:l (li—i.'lrn,y43!l. l’il.<zz-i . in l.llUIii1lill'l§ll‘:¢ln, ‘ rill)’ oh.u.-x-veil i.uum;wllv:ris unit it Hm ill!‘-0 ul K.-A'1Illl:lli'll hm! bu.-ii lmll an inch phonics‘ lllu l..i:u oi nil liurouu would lmvu Oman cizmuzuil." ‘rm n mu ‘lirlmp n-luu-ii lllii Wi)llii"l‘llli vision "‘ “'*""l:lIIIdliuiLLiil‘ oi the iumgo (pl gului Ml. V'I9|'a3|"-H‘ i-mi l;i'u.sai mid cluv null l)zu'n«-I s l'l.!=H1l||1l 01 llN.(l)I~mlioilu al;<iil‘l‘.i,-2:111:19 lit which “W|L'~“ “"DH* W"'i?v llu ltiliumul tins llilllli. '"l"‘i0l ‘"0 |"'°i”“"3Y'-- l|nh)1')' with -as nlvui nllntizliillx lluml. lrom I-41 .,‘-m-”“.(,w‘ "I “H; Mi{)‘rinii kinl:vlI.lm Lilmuglx n-n .\iml<l~l'v-rrd.-n (i)'iliwl.y, um iluuum empuu. to ma .......i‘.iis1i« xi. utuurlng tin: lnltur dnya (ll mu undurimx laimuimn inrctulrl in tin: taxi, that u! Jumu (.'ln'i-at in cm lluurts nl mun. u~,.vl.i;; time, with 1Iiil.!lcI'l)’ liuml run this ]Il'Uil‘iIllIIl|l')' lines nrgmo survey, tlnu gram] ul'i num -siuqu-uni. Walrl jun: cull-ring nu tho, exalted tlmuiu bo- lulti him, uml his llumurs wum pr-:~ ;‘,'mm lot on‘; ul his gmrnlesl. d|lI(!()lll‘zl_§. um,“kc,-c",w«lil1:x:ly pnunull Illlll )l‘\!fl:U:l ii 1”’ Msmmm K ,)lfi_l‘-_px_4. iii: !:io\._ n ivnyg p:ll. hair. This mumlinunIu3‘§l:lil3"”m'”‘ mm M‘ ]l>.é()fll0 Ii) iunk up4-1lprulm7,,11$L‘!§"‘ “’ °""'“" u)r'u taco. llu i!tll(!l‘m.l in u lnw s'nl;:.; "'53 0”’ nut mum that I ishall lm able to finish’ ihl ‘am than," and I thrill 01 uprlrx-lmusio: {Hui “leg rant. auauuxlihuse. ‘Hm Ulflil()l)‘\V::“lli3;,:.!£ i"[‘_" ''‘’‘°''"'“- ‘"1" “_nXN7lli'l:d in has uniluuziilug. L N|§[)0lllll6 pulpit with liatn hands 1.. «W enrwleltuntraupm, «rlxilliu;: tremor ‘film Vuwublo lireiv.-lmr gmopml nut the (‘I 1 m nimhogyz “lwuc sick is»! nigh: but (7: «it 3 "t "W" - not uiisrwu 1 should {warm u ‘lug?! WON‘ Ru got ml, but l am not m-11" 1? t "3 c«>uzr:~imuuwi11 kindly sing...«m£. ,’ ‘“" lulu’ ii-‘U1 xmtar and bu nlrlow no on "air i‘1w?'.[ "*5 Wuimllaml lull hack on him soul. in ‘ ml pll. it. why. momaut of lhrillln (A u. "L nlull. Tho L L “Guam. “gum 0‘ ‘ m’"‘.m"' "“""’ ' °°“ ‘M3317 mo loromoac 0l.‘3B¥4m“”fnma' ;3i.'“"° ' ""4 {:14 up; the foremost. oi sn.."L3::.iii' II we an 1 _ u um «um we ~?‘*:.l‘£: .‘.‘.‘.'.‘.%‘. ::::::. :.a'°°°"'°~'~.- ‘'80 U! W*"- ‘W 5 <1 Illvurmi with in: i‘I!ll)Dlt:°J 01 |“"°“'Y","“" anion tottering rand. niniiiilrifl . in "W 'W‘““ "““- emlui mend nu ma .... lnlniaimuou atone} uuurmm wmmn man, nor. is was a mu , ' d M at at painful arm. in '“‘P‘“"'°' Tm’ "‘“’“"~( the clmruiisouuiit to ill‘? “W W’-""““ ‘W’ union oi the vast cun- llN¢9~"°“: “ml '°'l"°‘"’ Pun to Jnlutbu chair in singing "liuc'l_= 0! A40 v- win-i. 1,, “Y 41¢ During this slnginz, Dr. in J :1 9... W“. llfmn lht (licvqlami-IIzéxnld.J A clay ortwa uin'co‘:.‘ Ifrrnld mporfor lull into convurlation with a.- wrell-2knuvr’n»phym:lxn or this city who tool": the; rather startling ground that nontlnnad’ unpllnnco onlio "hU8.!."'- and ot um-telephone would, in. Llano-,~ work a.u‘in1uri~ on: exact lo Ibo car. He went so in: in his nrguznont. to prove his assertion auto use tooli- nlcal tctmrln Inch prolullon mm hill listener tumdn wally to mniro lmidavlt tlmr the lnsliio cl 3 man‘: oar canlznlna suvornl hundred miuuled? rticioa with thnmnnnber at sapurnta nod " stinc: nuines. ‘To flguro them nil down to ordinary comprehension. tlio simution, as he are-iunzau is. is ulnliuw: '.l‘lmtiha drum or the ear in not tniidn of sheep skin like ins: urmna. and that the Iaroccss or covm-lng.tho onnm with the race ‘in: who at the iolculmnu until no nr cgmesc are plnyinu npmi tho ninrmsnld alcnsi Va (lriun wi lnvmitually it. Tlmphv,-aiciiiu, wluiahoincllucci to tho be- linl that electricity is 0! ndviinlmxo to tho nervuua l\)‘lil0l)I. lhlnl.-s link! it can also ivnrk injury to ma INSTVGI. ll»: stun-.<l thin, the rum- inlr nounri alum lionra irhuu tlio tclnnnmm in- Iirument in closely mlplimi to the. nnr, Mc:ilt.~cl by the omminu of n switch buuru on nnothrr ilnc. xxlnvs on the our umui mun.-thliu: [mu tho pr-un¢iin::0i' n snare drum at n I-‘ourth oi July cs.-.lnhrnilnn and is lnjurimls. Ills Ixlexxs am given inr w ml. tliuy are worth. and it is ili)|l(fll Ilml if they um urrunoous (ltlu.-r nmmheui ul -‘his praiimsioli will coin.) lurwuxl and "show him up. " THE RIV"EB.S. afilfwli nrnrm amnnl. mszwlun nu»-our, l)a.|l_\' ruprlrt 0! the l|(L;{\9 oi minor. with ahnnszcn in the twentv-tour lzmun onuiuu 3 I3. l.u., snniczuhcr '11. 2:50. ‘ 2 * r‘. i : 5 P :3 is ‘:8 $2’ l'l‘A1‘l0.\‘3. 5:; 3’ ITATIOKI. ;<;‘ "E 53 2 3'5‘ 1 (Lin. 1 .h-in. Cn:m.Ill.. 9 are : 9-0 vs Uiuclmlnu 7 cm 5' 21:: 0 Ilavelipnrl. ~i lllu 1 iv o o hubuuuo..... is 1.4) 1 0-0 G l\'t-"-lu1t.. low: 3 ii Hi. 2 . l 2' 0 0 Lacrusie i in i Shrevcliivtt. 1.: 7 H-0 1 Lcareiivrunli. I? I-0 ll: ‘L Lmnx. .\lo.. ill I G 0 l.oulniiln-..... 5 ll,-v0 list. i'nul........i'1 Drill 1 - l l J. H. lvxllnit, Sarsrunn: aianul Uorpc U. :5. A. llclgm oi wnuvr above low-vmwr lllK.]D It I in. Fall in El hnurs....... ... ............ 0!: (Hit. anucuuuiclur comer arch or hridizu. .77 I: 6 ln. Ailill‘\'tlJ. Dlmnnml Jo, SI. I’.-uni. Lulu Worth. Quincy. Eillxlnuuymllii. lionkuk. l)urlm.«,li:ui.(.‘lt'1.'. oily oi l‘ru\'l.d::ni:e, llom, Clurlamlilu. \ lclxaburg. ' ni-'.i-:m'n:I>. II. E. Du llussy, hlnumi 1-1. (,7. l'’I‘nwr.r. ~ City. (.‘mmnurm-vultll, Vicks- ('ity of Alton. N. 0. inim- linlrthin, lirufmll. Ilurii. i1l.\rxs\'i1le. llinncupulls, l(urol.'uk. Lulu \V0l'i’llI Quincy. ll0.\Tfl Al')\"8ll.Tl.'ll5n TO l.m.vr:. Dom, (.'llll‘li5\'Il|i). Tuustinyu. ’.l‘hun~i- days and >.‘iu.un.ln)'s p. B. (J. l-llllutt. Grand Tower, '1‘uesv.lnyu, Til(llKlli\_\'.‘ll\li(i3:|Kl.ll‘lJl\}'1|............u I p. 11:. Phil. 2:. Uhnnp-.-ll, Pnrllnnd, Wo-.Inc.s- din‘: nml 5iIl.ll|’Li£\_\'!i... m. 5 J. m. mimic llelln. llernmnu, \\'c.-dncuvluyii um: Snlunlnya...........2.............. up. in. Cullinmu, Nuplua, Mondays nnu '.I'luIi‘I- .. m. , '.nlu . d . in. 1-2. W. Culu, l.’u«:irln.... .. . In. E. ii. Ilurioo. Kiimlnll , _ ...‘éluurilny. h [L Ill. Port Elvis and ln.w...‘\‘. 0.. . l‘lNI»(l:Iy. 5 ]l. m. Iiinmmul .10. 6:. l’nul.. ..ThIs «luv. 4 p. in. .\’oriliw<-suirn. liuulruk. ..T|ll.A duv. i p. m. El Uurmin, HuIltIl'll"X.('lfl. . ‘l'|uu.-uius‘, 5 p. In. Tizlnl Wzurc. 5:". Paul..........'l‘|mnul~iy. 1:! in. City as! l'ru\'iLlmicu. Vicknb';r.'1'llnrsduy. 3 :1. III. W. 1’. liullluny, New Urli:uuu.'.l‘huiaduy, 5 ll. ui. Bnnic Notes. Thu river came to 1; stand vcslc.-dny. but will douhilczala lm lnlling mzulu Ilusiuul-5 hold; lggqwn. lvnnthcr oIa:u- nml cool. The City oi Provliicinco arrived, from Vicks- burg yellicrdny with ll [air trip. Sim rmurns to-Imirron-,ilio unint, Cnpt.l.enox. an the root. - For once the Aw.-nmbmil. in nrulccleil agulmu; tlilreves. A telegram was rec.-ulreal )‘t'l;'ll!l'('lu)' ntniln v ibnl Jiunua Llckluilln. wnlclmiau (it um '1'. F. ukurt, who was cnugllt numlln-,2 lmm lmr, lmrl been Iinld in tho sum of SI .50) by this B-nltmi slums Coumllsslonur ill Memuhlu. I: is high limu mum niupn were llulmg lu.l.'(:n to give thu utr.-umhomlmm some uruwctlon for tho ummnuu: tax may pray. Thu Eaten’: him tinhshed Illa wreck of tho Cll.'_V oi \'lul:nl>in-1. land will gt: :0 clcsnr um ivruulr ul um lluilu oi 2it.'I.«'iui-I. The local hacimtu 3'cslux«li.y were the Dnnl, iiliirlnivilie; lllllinezipulin, liuokuk; l':.C.ElllOll, Grnuui Tower. Tim Du liuuy gut mus‘ tor limmd City yes- tordny. Tim Ulty oi’ Alton 30:01! with an lmmcn.un trip [or New Urlavnnn hut Dlnllli. The .W. 1'. ilnlllduy lollmvs to-marrow. The bonus oi this \Iluu all wear two chimneys. Tim Coin leaves {or 1.’;-.m-In this uimruaon. Tim 1‘. E. Clinupuil will uu uu bunli (ur .l’m-lhmd io-dav. Thu m.-.xt St. l’-nul bnnt lu mu kunlculc .\‘nrih- earn Llllu [:1 the Tidal Wnve. lou.rln;: lo lnurrow at noon. Tm-. Liglilnluir Liuur iii D-lruvlo lain-in for liuurin-vtun :u~(la_v. The ll. Uurica nrrlvcli ,vcvt.t::-ii.-iy at ll) n. m. iron: Knlnlira City, with lib‘) limza mini 15 hnail at stock. Size luul i.‘.'.';u sucks ()1 grulu und 3-1.5 n:u:lu\;:r.-s nl xmmlrlua. also lt!lH'\':S llllllill riuiurtiay M E: 11. In. The Ulfllllillld J.) (: mm in ?'uylc,-|'tln_',' from 5:, l’.4ul. lowing lmrigu .\lc'.llnu: und ll. immi ts lp. '.l‘lu) Lulu Wurtli Illullicill. l):|I".:I’U liu i.~.'«m nml I1-nice from Quincy, uutl i-ciui-uuii in they ulnar- noon. Raft; Items. Caps. J. L. Wliltnr.-y caniu in yr-swzruln) morn- ing with §V'\'i_lll nlrlnus oi Wlncunsiu Vnlli-\' luxniinr. l,l}‘.‘O,C|L‘0 (met. [or iIu.~s msrizvt and palms i.l(5l.W(.’I.‘ll nciro null Cilcrllcl‘, ill. \\'llli:uu lmnglullow cnrlm In s'c~Ilz.«x'«lnv mm-nln;; uitli two ulI”uu,'o oi’ lmrd wmul lug», 20.0.0 iirul. {rum um Ilihall-.1 Rivur, l_nr tin! St. Louis \V<‘fllii!ll- w:u'-- wurkis. Tim hlrxn lznd nut urrlvvnl lulu ye:-iimilziy nvnnlinx. but no dimly‘. will -.:u: in law m.-_y, \\‘;lll-Iul Mill:-r, llm h:m.i-munzl i¢I;,:;:t.'l‘. -mu v---ma toulny fur pulnl.-3 on ma Ail.-,»-ourl m"'~"‘ W *5"“I,uL K cuuplu 0! min. ~ GOV-"l‘nlncut Ligzhta. Li“ M llllhll ‘WW. ulsycnnilnuud and changed i)I'l.WV,'t1lI 5|». LOUIS, “IL, [Aug] }{(:ukn|,~' )0” by iii; Uullcll Slums mmlm‘ Jcvaupn Henry: , Nizw. flsuzclv I-llnmi land 2. Scllu lnlluul, :10. I. llnwnulai, l and 2. Almvu Tully. nust.'o:<‘ri.\'lt3n. {cu-cur l}riIil‘ion& "=.~.nn’u 3 mi . \)u|trnli': Fluid. 8<:o‘.lI's,Nn. 8. Upruslia Canton. Tu 5' l.’ulnt. Oli.\!li)P.D. Frmiklln. moved down lw yardl. ::r;::r::.':;' !:.'.'*.".‘:.- 35° W"- J ' ‘u )'lll'< 1. iiiiiy lnluifd No. :1. to Iiilsnouri (<ilUl‘Q. lll0Veil1(l‘c'.\§'x) «.-(S; ,-...-Lag, . . . mom: 1 uwnl '- . “:llilll(ly:li Nu. Htnoroii mm 200 ‘ilX‘t‘i.:§’.‘ ‘ \\ $lll.llS)'.ll X0. 3, moves! down In yiinla. Whluuly :1 .‘in. 1. moved down 7.’: ym-d,n. I.‘uuu Tree .No. 1, mow.-ll clown 100 yards. '1 ully Ialiinu. movml down 100 yin-.1». Iioluw ll xsrunw, moved down loo 3-imlni. Nneauu almmli, moved down no units. ‘HRJIDQEDIIIIIIV, J()|[:( , ]{§;A[)' Loni. U. is. N., Inspector Filweuih llimict. Hbmlal River Telegrams. 0 ' I . .. ors.tilo“,°3lo;i’plalv»§‘3““’mb'{’E.“-‘;4'§"“'°“"091' uucxlid 5 A; ll). ; illic ';.*i‘rf%".:,n’§"";':“éu1;i*“‘)‘J:|. ‘Pa. III. ' I'll IOUTN . I ’ Cliulca. lyll-"3-1 Jr ’-"a- ' ° W’; AYY on-uncut [zlltlotl to the [iinb..;'n akin, gr . hi: liuuii And tough: hin unit». in ilotcizlmi I once uymmomn oi clilll tin-unu.,u,g no lmcumo can (sulfa. and hall the autism: rumovui to line uotnro-room ndlolnlu . win-.roIm win him on n bunch and rosturnt Va stlinulmis. were llimlulitfllfld. Mr. llurlord mixed to tho nadir mice the unwzo oi mu attack. and still lurlimr to distract um uutilonco tmm ital excmid unto. dlrociod the awwqrdn to pass around um hms. which mu done, the Preaiilent mid flu. aw! ouch dmpplna in than uilvur llku the Not. __.,__.......___ The Vintage: of 1870.‘ . ‘rho popular nrcjudioo has leiuloal to tho oninion that fine liquors musthuro European origin to marl: the title or "Illl)0rI0r," and nut, Fruion only can produce" acceptable qual- ities oi bnmdy. ii in true Olud and Ilemiusy mull. be duly renpectemlmt they have n worthy rival on ma Pacino oout in the parlor: of (ion. Henry. 11. Engine. oi Ban Jmo. Gal-. In emu: live wine-xronlei‘ ol ti-in Bum. Time manila: mun rent is one o! his "linr¥undy Brandy.’ win 0 oi inn, to n irianii ii thin city. and the ma:~mmoun.n war the - reolplenl. through Mr. Wm. J. Friflioll. on A sample. Tlhu - I “- nepmum-coiorwo. st. L«3’al’t»’.‘5~ {Mn-;~7l n. m. win). New Orleans. 1 3. in. . ’l‘ni.uxn,_u . aim, gs? m,~, m,[,,“,g);_ uolow. 7 n. m. loin.- ‘mlzoular 4. w. ill. Rivas: 9 feet 5 inches 2”] 1‘ - 1-uh» undue/lfiolllifllli. ‘.l'hormomelor‘.'li-_ 1" 3 ) ll’. .. ...... .. .... .l:w:::°::...;.. ~ -~ 1n‘.»'.Dovrn’-,_-rill I ..’nn'nr.n4_a2o:t' ’ firming‘ 7- _ nae‘: ':~o3o,;s 1nohcn.'1n.i MP1-i-rs" mligiio 2'1 ‘ ‘(men ‘ . . r ,. ' _nn¢tialiini:. -‘W_ontncr~clm\r_nndi, oiumr. .9. ~ ,i‘iiVER'TRAN_SPORTATl0_N.'-‘. . -. _ UP.l.’£l:;3il1$8I88Il’PI.' " DIAHOHD J0 LINK.‘ to: xaaux. uubaqug. and St.~Ptui. THROU}}II \VI'.l.‘IiOU’I‘ .C§.IA.NGI:‘-' Sir. D.l.ui.0:s‘D J0....;............Islic‘rwvod. Brunt . Loam-1-Wednuday. so :. 22.‘ at i u. in. it-oin_ Xiiiutuond Jon linrfiioat. loot Half Fare to" St. Louis Fair 0! \S uhlngton aiviinua. AND-RETUIIE DURING FAIR WEEK.‘ 1*. J. nurmm. iigxénc." Kcolmk Korlhctm Linn Puciaet Cuuigmny. 1-‘oar liurilnmou. Mxxataxine. itncit l.-hm-l. l)nvc_~lnpon.. m ,_ __ Dmmber :2l.~—-Do,wn—‘—-J n mac,‘-.1lnion liiirtllluo "*=F.1.l.°*¥r- And llubuque. L: umue. Winona. mil 5:. Pu. 811-. ’1'lU.'il. \\'AV"E.....................1im-kn. Aintzr. l.en-ma 'l‘m:nnlay. :14. It in in. For Cixrkivlllu. Louisiana. Ihniuibnl. Quincy gm: - ‘calm . Slr. !i0i:TllW'r;STl':R)'..... ..........i.l:u~ln, Blnster. inure. ‘l‘nm liar. .:. ml 4 m. ll(iiIn'\|-lrip c_~x».-urslon ucx-is uinll Ncarillrrii 11102.!’- nru n-guru’ prlvllv.-an tuluwliiz by river. rail or law. ur nil oruxnbiui rl. . 1‘liru:r'lx uszhru. via rive.-r mill rail. in (.‘.'ullllrr.tim. )i.1r-il:al‘.nwIi, (Loam-ll llluiill. Malou Cllv. 1‘:xil¢.--v- b'.|l’K.llI\l all rsolnlsmi luvs‘ rules. Call Inc‘ unhlu ilooli. and any lnluruutluu denlrui, at ‘rickui Umce. 108 North Foul-i.ii Street. FARE T0 ST. LOUIS uumxu ' FAIIR. ‘V‘VEI33Ii_. -$3? ., 1! Al W. 2'. '*oN. Pmsliienl. >u~’b?“){/’;‘- KA..\’SJl5 CITY A‘ACl{H‘l‘ Cl). For Auxiuu. Wuauinxtou.llunuaun. l'or1lnmi. link- vri in am! war lnmilmzs. - 1 .. s‘Lif.xi.\-run: nai.1.x-:.......uui. sin-up. £2539 henvu \V m. (or .\ll.unI. Wnvc-ri hlr. H. ll.l)l_?lll-‘l2l€1.............. ' . Laura,-3 salunlny. Bcmciuuc-r :3. til :1 ' L4. 1". D‘.-\!{(.‘:\.\I ll.\L. lmiopemieni. Pnclmt. For 8:. Citation. auxmuu. Wzubinmun. Miller's. {lur- iueum. l'urllazula.nd all \\‘.-irbnxlallugv. _ Sir. Pllll. i-2. Cll.\l'l'i»'l.l. ........ ..lil:Y.\:«. Mlutur. -. [waves \\'r:lnc.~ulnyu nml Eatnqiiag-1 at b I. in. Frulght received in. all LXUWI. tool. ' ' u llurgnn struel. SIIIJSK .h7l;Nh’l.\'l~l. General Azania. all .\‘.-(Jaimu.-n:inl. . m. N1:-!\L uiliu. Llli1.{T\'[.\'() Li.\'l‘!. For Evansville. unmn-horn. 1.-min-llle. Cincinnati. null llimllnltlou. S'l"Ei\).ll2l{ !1!.DUll.\l')(). A. I-‘ll.\Zll‘.l:. .‘-luu-.e...............l. a'l'Llll;ill. (Jerk hog» . l.g‘nva's1‘liIirsoi:)'. '.'.M. .5 -.m..irum Upper ‘“ luukuk I\url!_n.-(ll i.ixu: Yhaxri lln.u. :ailU.\li .1: .ir:M{l.\'.*s. :\p;v.-nu. Nu. :01 .\'. ( 'i"lIn_."ll. I.o-nu. (‘aura and i' l'ncxul L‘o.‘u Lilr. l-‘A.\.\'il~.'. ‘i‘.\’l‘llAi—J. A. liruuer. Maxi:-r. J. 11. Conway. Clerk. "\V.r'¢ heart-Isl. lmuls cu: .~."al.-irelnj At _i p. :__:[_E~|Il. rm Lalru. i" until an all xv‘: ' "' uuullngl. U.\'l\'. 1!: JENKINS. Axmiu. l.t)\\'F2R ills. L9. Il'k’h St. Louis mid Vlckslnu-g A.Iiclfui' L|nc- -U. S. Milli Line. Packet K-'lr fllieslcr iulxl 'l‘mrer lcuvm Tuesdayl. iizu-ui:n'-. and ..~?.\lunlay|. al 4 p. in. STII. F.‘\i.\i,\ C. lv:l.l.lI.)‘l"l‘.............l‘ovixl. Manor. Lcun-.1 'l‘m-salary. Tlmrs-luvs and §'bl!lll'~lal'<. at I p.m. For Calm. Cuhxmlius. lllrkmlul and .\lo:xnp|il1. Sir. .(:ni.ull.\l>U..... ....\lri'ln-awn. Mnucr. .nlcmlwr ii. at .5 p. m. For Cairu. l..'ulluul2<I:-. llntkmnu. ll‘.-uxpixls. urn.-4-m‘illa mul Vlckulaur Sir. CIT!’ 0‘!-‘ l’ilU\‘1lll-:.N'Cl-2.. I.<~:iux. .\ a -r : 7 vi 0 5 2 \'llllo:n'u 'l'lul_nday. L;-1'. uléu. in. W. ll. l£U:i.':£Ll.. , Axcllt. .’1I:.\V Ul{l.Ki\NS AN(‘-HUM. l.i.'Vi'.. _ - Fur how Urlesuun and War l.nnaliu:-1'. till’. \\'. I’. Il.\l.l.ll)AY. ...............(3i)lllcl. .\la.~lcr. Leaves 'l‘lmrt:la)' _v.-mi-uible 24. at 5 n. in. Sir. (10LilH\' CITY. l.¢:I\'A- . .Su'.AN.‘I'll". l‘ 3| . Lc.1\_'cu Tu-:9-in)‘. . . umu] on DOUG rur ll-:l;(nl. or lossin u; nlu.ri'-uuilihvoiul lluécl Ilrcet. - - .Juli.~i \\ . i.‘Altilm.i.. . u - oral rrcixhl. All at. T|l‘.kt:_lI tor Air‘ in ins Snrlii .F‘lxiurll| alrt-til. 0 fioilco nu r.5Iilppurs‘So't1i'h. 0 Rrlillil. will be I'L'CEl\'L‘ki on Si. Louln Incl Virtu- lmfg Anchor Lluu Wlinrlbd--l. after -5 (-‘vl ck p.uI. Jullfi A. .-villilllll'2ll.‘l'l-z-nlalmit. 9| »Plt-It-Alp]! \ lll|l'Y I t‘nI|-imrlnliurii mulnpany ulllcv: nu L'ounp:mr': \\‘lurfl;onl. tool of Him “max. uxu. ii. lium. lln-‘iirc. li.u\ILé1-lcx. i‘n.-sivirnl. VII’: Free. .9: UuIl..‘§III>L Foil .‘~'K\V' OICLBAN8. Slcnuu.-r l’Ull‘I‘ E.\i)3 and lnrxcu. Lv-17¢ 'l‘lnun:l.u. mill‘. nu. p. m. '- - I aw urlva-ii and pnlnui lu “ ' l'u:2u-I A ' haul». ml (h:orxi.x allpiy in \\'.u. l‘. ll.\i.‘~li-is r For 3‘ . r -1 5. Ir a ,.lil. .\ .n..l.|.\\u~.. .,\...,\.—-...._ .. .. .-_,~,.,.—...~... \. .1 I..1.4l.‘~()I-'5 .l{.LV'1$ll.. For licar<I.i.i-«... lliuu-i.s .m-i l‘I:-vl'l.1. clucaxo {mt , " ‘ _ lrclxlul lull-. . lllr. rt. Kl .(.()l.l‘......... .. ..(5_l‘a\‘.‘\l;u(¢g(_ ‘-‘,' L€!.\\‘cb \\ co Hlln.-r ‘Nil. Al 4 o —_ 1; ii sin. (rum l.‘u.upn n wll.u‘llxia(. luvs :1: *:-l It. I.. 1-'.ll'.\IIl,'.’i.\liI.-\1..{ C. 3. Xllllliélifl. ll. l-‘. SA. . 8 .\.1v.~nu. l'rc.-.lni.:nt. Ill-. .1.u..u: x.'{i"'1}7's l'.\CKl-Tr. .‘>lr.\xvicrt:.\l.ll4)lI.\'.l, . ..1lrn\'. “ll-'l(H‘ ( Tie; \\ an .."'\’i'.3(nI1'.C§’a ‘nu-I ‘l‘imr.I-lard friniil Coall. ‘ $U't:€l- (. in)-‘u wll.\r(liuse- lpclllarkel S [{[)(;]-;|(:(_ S|I|\9l’llH8ll(ll'!llK- '1‘: M‘ ” ' '1*g§;;'.n:3‘n..;1_33 ay -mu,-uq iu,v,~r::i:m mm ma UN ION DEPOT. wl. l.Ulll5l 'l‘l.\l't. ‘VI ‘I-r.iin;'.l‘rr am vi-tliilulcll I0 m-H3! 01 an nllw runrlux 01 mum. that me mo an l,lllc.Lgui.lgli'.mm( 121? I5. l.'. mini i.,‘.iillur.uli I lunsu Cit uni ilusiive §niumuna Hookah .\l‘x _:ilnc7.t lienkuil. .\"xt 1'21. lii~luuin‘ll|u.B l'vu:ln ‘r21 . apriuxaclul Acmiunnminllnii. 'ilLIAhU 'l'HliUUiiH l.|.\' . i.I.‘iiE AND il..1.lNt.n . L izo liar Ex)-reu........ In In. .' rs. nu. Lulcuuhlxllt hIi=Iuu........ nuup. m. ll ...‘: n. in. Clil(.'Ali'1). llUill.|.\'i}'lU.\‘ AND 0l:iNt,'Y ll. ll. Sllh-Iva}vollI .(' Hi. Paul Finis L. I'I:».§l n. pl. \'.\.\DAl.l:l liAi.. \ini nml i1.xnre.~a.......... ‘ 9:22;. m. ml: p. m. fllmlunfilnil umll’.tp.......... ‘ lirlln. Ill. hill 0. in- lluuk lninmi null Lnllturuin. = 7:610. in. : llzw n. in. Uuuim Nlxlu Hxprcn .. . Tzll‘ Ila Ill. ; 5 N n. in. Ciilcuxnnnvl l'eoriii Pixnrvss. 7:l7 u. m. arlih. lo. uililu) z5lli.llt‘l‘ l.l.\'l'.. _ (‘nlr0_\lAll anal til. mun LL. 9 23.5 a. nu. ' 93: a. in ‘why Lam. nnvl FAD! mu. - 4:10 o. m. I In!) p. :2: Mn: orluum l.i;zlIiuiu.c Ex. I 5:91 p. m. llmu p. m CAliU.i AND 81'. l.U|l|2§ IQAIIJNDAIJ. Lure 1'icntI.rnl;:u. 539 Walnut nu-est. muss Dlruun‘. tiuuu AXHUVI. Er-uu l\o- calm! mm: ao- cum eom‘d‘n. oon:'d' inn. :1. M. lnuu. ‘Swan. in. ‘Moan. m 'Iu:wp.ln. ‘won. in. Eutst. i..'imo.. in. ‘Man. In_ Ii.l.i.\'ul:s mun :91‘. i.(.ll,‘i:i lukihltoblr. lieilovilloAowmmodnuon..... 5:15 I. nu. 8:65 I. in. liiw um. um». m. 1:40 p.m. ‘i:inp.rn. M15 1). in. mu p. In. 5:65 A. m. ii:‘:l.’i I. in. 3335!’--non-vnonnu--nu “*3 W U)- 55‘”P- WI l.\'l)lILN’Al'ULl8 AND 51‘. 1.01115 llAll.liUl\.'I). ' ‘l:lD A. m. ‘-l:(.5u. 1:. ‘Nu. in. l moon. 1;. Iuap. nl. ‘ we I. in. v AL‘«O0|lIinodlllun....::.......... 0lB Cl:.\".l‘lutl. 1c.a.n.mum. ' pr“""' ’— .........” Union. Ifl.“7i-5):. in. U! .. miuiotxnros ...... ___"‘_ -‘m°JLm_ ,.__._,p_m. Knox , _. ‘ . VQlClEl'l);' 73:31.’ i\rl§'l’s|.|3.l:_(';: “1§|gl?g:¢l1k|;a‘$;‘,u4 2: 3: ...°;; .:.:.-..:-.° -- m- %~*-~°4-“°~°=¥- ° Gnu» 'l'owr.u. ILI... Scvtoxnhox .; _U City ul Providence Volnritdd -... . Down-Jiilil). Il».':l]il|illl}‘o.3l.ln.;ll. 2. 1).; J}, 9 . . var n . ¥iii‘:?:1xxArx Bopiembqr 21.--River ‘lieu nnd "‘.‘.‘.‘."'2i“"'-:‘.§'.§’.‘t.‘.‘.‘.°.‘.“‘l’.‘I.‘$.§‘.“"l32.°i% .”‘:.r:.:'.::,“ .... ix ue, ‘ 3 v I I 0 ' xiIl')iJ0i5l:l‘lg.‘I Baplombcr fl.-River l:iiinls1l'.‘4 ionic luulienin mmul. 5 lens: in inches in c°&4: on lulu. lluulnoon dull. Wouliar elailfiau. and windy. Isedlord, lmntan to New .. J. 5. Noel and wow Pomeruy to rommroy lion: find l£‘0v"’0Bi0l‘0]'§ Wm-XI'N‘l<“ iuww iinnw . _ -‘ - sunsvuraim sopwmbor 33--"3‘"*' '““° feel‘, {;lli&szvl'n:)t;“:J‘l|i:udy ma warm. Arrived--E mlc'i"iun'vii?ns. nu».. 'se$mmbar I1.-—2l’o nrris - hi 0 him: 59- .'..‘.‘§".r. u."‘rEz.m "°é'§’ii‘x7:".‘ of mi Woium oinuily sud cool. aflvur mung. liquor liul nlmiui been the subject oi high eunomium (tutu . no Lam-elia.ono oi the bust» vmunuga, sepmnbo: u.—-Wn!.'hor ‘lair; kotuk i(' . - - in. 1... x. um !lIr¢u................ ° mo». in ' tun fibrin limp. |‘uf§g15.. m "Vli..l.l AND NABflVfl,1,g '0 .. in-.z.ouw znviswx. ’““‘”°“"‘ ...'ikuk p. in. M) - uh myuumflgoggfig ‘mi ii. in.’ ;1:—.n.. ... ’.‘.‘3.""“.3'.53_’.‘_“"<'.......... mm m - msmum. u7~§'7....... mu:'.’.‘uI 333:3.‘ l1'i'.'.'$"u‘zi'.'£3 3:33: i.‘..‘«“‘D ricx/us n.ui.\v.ur museum m(iiiv‘#..'.=0°;: git {$5. : “5 --3l°31lfl‘r‘’Z'Annlo.*' lo-p..tu.». » f . :5}. £06}: ‘T ' Nina: Ind ‘lulu K’t%.."” ‘ ' Rom Aocoznnpoiinuou :- *om‘o A.-xx) ‘H13SlL<."SlIfP! Il.U.bW4tY. J. ' ' runs» m._i* llzoaazzn. . -Aoeo . K‘ 3. tans i kill I‘-xnmu...’..;'.....::.:I i wag: 3. in 31'-’-I-MU ' 3 . .3‘ ' . =*~ *0 ::.a*z::a.*.%:' **.w°~4==*=.*vr on‘ tad flier Juno-12."‘v.\All’:'n4i "x "its: true: . Ktrttxnz will win tron: . Uzlou_ Dopggpnna nu! ass _ -Dc‘uomo-unon puonnxtnoc‘ HT--loll‘.-¢..\.'Xifii2.¢"I1Il'0!.‘, V, J Nnalmie.l.¥‘%’ ‘ext: :33}! §'?"" Eu?‘ om -- mu. ..... ..;.....‘..... run. A: 3 exukx. dal . law . ldol§iia‘.‘%‘N¢'w o:i‘u'...aa'iii 2 "' N :1. tom: nun smxnr nimw. I)¢5o(o.1cc‘ou. sully. exec» ’ { Sumlavs....................... 52103:. m. 3.1,»: 3. in. Arcaula i~..xcurcloa..-isumlzy only. irnruuiuu is. it; uyiv.-an 1i:5 p. in. ~ ‘ . _ . W eekula Caron-ielrt he vn—&:‘:£. rm. 1. log‘. 1.. um: um. I 5:0). 5:33. aim. ll H . Arrivo-4:30: N131? Milli 1. m. 8) . M23, 613). 1:31. $.*'33.ll:‘2S iralnu luv 15:2. 1 mm. min. mix. 3:51. :. cu-oaa In in: 1 ‘v -' .'.“....." ‘°‘°.’ “ .1... m;..:... \ ‘~ "?-~ -"~ __”'~ U.‘~'li).\' l'.A.ii.\\’A Y A."n‘li 'l‘l:.\..\"5i'1"(ZKIMIWKNY. Sinus Yam‘.. ‘- -2') . :1. ‘HF! lilo:-l: lard Aocoxn-lioniauon .. '5:<’:.'i:. in. '-in’: {.'I'§.'.2 5i.\nAI,.x.\ 1.: .1. 2 r.'5. I Ex re:-I....... v in-is. Ill - :.;o . l!l£I\C€0ln1n ~ :9; 9, ...“ ,7 ""' li1KhllndA.000lnnI0tlM10u 9 as» n. xvi.) 2:91;. .3. us no........._......... .1 we 9. :n.: 34241163: 39.... ' 971%; n. HLaIo0|lX! ._!Uf¢!l.............i lI:‘,5 9. xx, \\’.tII.\_=*ll. !s"i_‘, i.ul'i_<’A>.'nr.u"u'm ':.\ l.\\‘i\¥ 1.1:».-a lCAtiI' ui-"r 1ixmssI:.~sil':'l 'im‘i;r_:. Allnv.-lie I-.'xnreu.............." ‘:53 _ ,2 lcco‘uunud:tlnn.............. él ‘fin 2, uliy l.l-.:llinllxz.l:.v.prcn..... 9 cm a. m.. l~:x:u~u-1................. if mm 5. m. Hilly l-«utl..iuo...... ... .... A r‘-:«'\i 4. in. mil \un............ .... i’ 2:43) :1. in. 'lwlilc l~2.nn'z--:a................."' 8:00p. m.l ion:-lain Acm:nmo1.l.tlion.. . P 5:45 3. ill. ‘M _l-ll nmi fixnre»-s.......... .... ‘ hula. m.,' :.:l-3 _¢'K|1I_Jil Ac. lzlumiay only)“ 3:001. x:i.l 10:3} .1. m. yum m M- (bun-lay or-lri.. moan. m.l l:':l0 nu» am Atpgun nu -- ' ’ '— Arm-nnuum ..-. ' :(:l'KIlM)ll \-"l crxiluiu * ' Hunt Exllrusi ‘mill-.‘. l-Zxprc n 3' WE. I l'£\‘l) _ ‘l' - Altltllw-HAUUEZ liAll.lii.1IuI. Drum on u.ivuu.. um! mock Imal of tEr'.m=l avciliia. WKIKDLYH. I G 8!. Lo :- , . ,- ; ; ée'x;“m.m nus» moo. mm: m . $01,425. Ar-‘M Hl~l-‘nun Izoo. mi. moi |.m.:‘2:iJ. (:04, Era, 6:63;). in. SUSDAY TEATKH. ' e_l-,on;:_fi8t- {Z1-‘om: win. 1011):.$. am, 2:55. 5.33 Al'K‘lV¢lrS. muuazlq. mm 1.11.: 12:31. 2:11. 33, law, (5110. 7:31 p. in. Lxccllt Sunday. ltxcoxll Simirdny. ‘ ”M||."- zlixeupl. Hominy. 1 lioualnr. DR. WHEY l.'E,n 614 ht. Charles l-street, st. Louis, .7110. A rvzniu ra-hut: of two ll.-dial C‘-¢l!r1éa,l.ub«—a hmnrr» no-I tr If-echllln-n|.Dlll .1 ulvonorou. tie;-inland Ch:-ooia Dlnouu nun may alter Phynizi-n in :i:. la-iii. u s ‘ ‘ ‘-1’: '‘‘’E’ ““‘.?l’ ‘” "‘¢’~‘"{""."‘§T' .““"“'6"3'$c’T'.‘ ID V I ‘M50 JWI ea . "C 971» "5 , flemia.ol’Rupi_uro,all i.Iri'nary'pi can: and S3-phi}! me or vnnrcunal nffeciionu o lilo ihmal. Ilun 0! ohm arouvu-ed Ii nnyu.-illeindnem-as, on mo-i nrkaill-c wlnzlplal. iinallly, FI1VN.n|_r villi egiilrtly Isl: lxu-dlrixml. ....=*.°....."“*°:r!‘..°.:::,.=.*.~=r.."~‘...*.’°l=;'-' .:.=~.:'..l"; ’n-or-I.arcLht-ranna, null uh IlV.DC|5¢O non; of the [ails-J51 (lulu un Icnisol duhiliii. " U algiil. amouu I»:-nnq, g-lupin on no how. phytlul decumnrur gin l:_po_ciuy olrenuk-. ecu!»-ion otlbu, of nuns! 90"’- :n;cuIl1¢*.irr~ mtrrin imm re-ruulan unwr- oo:.~r..:e§'i'iu. f:n?s.°s*.y an or i..i’.‘.’;. 51.: mu Isoinlnp ‘3 Iva ll Ioluconvcilcut In vial: use 2111 fer tn-Ilnng‘ znodlclnu tn‘. 2-4 with tall or nprmt n'rr1-when-. Cnulrlc mad, when dorwi saint: ltin h-any -md. lions: his: in Sin, 2 Stzzipl. ' en:-«(tuna o.\.ll.u>tP.|l. Bunnie .nu.un-.11. ran l:-sap;-icr wan. igiaap-0:-rm: iarw MARRIAGE z cu :5‘: or mrruwy. (in: my van lfe,’ nude: in nu folio; Irwliinui nu, -5;. Pniaer of: in many W5. nu? Was-r. . Phyulcn draw). The ofscu M r.-II buy Ind until. new ill: nod Ispplhon-1 nay boihcvunt Maine. I. itocna ndall va~»ua.nlun lc ilndcr lac ua-I key. I’ nla: odlii/-n. tum, I-mpaar cow.-r. FRI. 35 cu. at null none ofpoolnzv. cheapest go»:-cl niacin Avnuicit. um I J'Nl"C) vnui Manna. in mama vlll uaiuam In any can. 705 Chestnut St" DR. Saint Louis; Mo. Iorninr education. (2 nuts, and I lnnwlodgu o! M: MIN‘? our dlrnu, Induoe r. J. to than lulu. nt the sin! uuhilunoal emu. Snunnlnnkon. Smlnnl Vfuturu Ind in:-ot9n<_1.n.\l Ihrcu oi rinhllla. (inuurhum Gzui. lit-cznlnu-I nmliu a. Int .1111. All the dlbeufi resulting from nl!-shine, use-nus orexpmun rn-llully cvmsl (or ill‘: with nu nr-llnue. Alvlcs tron. Chnnrrx lav. Call um‘ ms nu um-nu A-..u.xmiu: sp:«,:. mm: at dhtaaa nu cull okra. No-tiduu not nu;-vl;-re. "f.'?§‘171TuTn,ax9 St. Charles Sh, St. Louis. 31'- fhlfllmd. iouurord clued : In and noluoln 1. 5' 003 nu us-«or(’b'o«i'b1 niruiuiv o¢..°i':’f:u "“7‘l4'1-lfllafot Imgfifnna ‘seminal wafikauvs Ill‘ - spool sauce. “O loo: daunsuxgi. lionudlu {mm 3!. I660! ugm cm: armed: cures. Conn-inntll D ho-rut ¢l‘l?fgnt~ Oomeillxl-Ion. non “{,°;"_°{"Nl. inn. 0 pi-owrioo tor Iamin wult _\ .'Il!ll‘1‘lVE (1 U1? 1”} A ...... -- I . ll ms. A.l.l.A.\"fl§0LI"llI.T‘. :~:icnu:n;:u o-.31’i:'lr23~i.mi5.x5-uiirsi on. in, mm u'r.:- ill)! H0 1 t\'§l'il1ClI! nny cum in [out via)‘; -.r 2:“ ‘ jg,‘-,» mllcurn tho :r.nsi.obsumua mum‘! of rum iutr; sum:.lm'.:. sogmumuux «layouts! culx-In, rapnllm. or rll :_.r atrial- »-.-nml. that run cu mm: in pmiuco dyelxzpxzzi I») denim)- m-.: the c-rnuxixn ui I..‘m aiouuicli. $1.51’). SOLD 8! ALL DP-UGOISTS. ct¢.i u in ‘l‘lrl“i':\v“"|ll~’ifS In-ml rnr circular. - Y1-lb. has 1,533. ‘.3. c. ALLAN A cu. .~.‘IJui-n -: . New ut '. We mm» 5300 nswa rvi I-wr any cue tile)’ ‘Kill D0153?‘- Ouli . Mic. uni mm cuto- MSURE TH‘iNt’i”” .liU.\“l'r.'.ll'. .‘91'l'2l.1||"i()n|i , . I)liwumMd ‘'03 m M I! in):-.<~u Ill No. inn 0 1: din! I lliliiur In nu-1 orguuul uni-as MLJ!3I31Alfll’: ' l.)r.ilunwr‘I dlleclila .10.‘: la a run rome-Ir hr Ipennntonnu. uanhul wuunuu, nixhuy uininuxu nnilouol nova. cauwd loll-vIi.luI¢ or axcuiin lmluigeuco. Price oi Dr.'l bliuclflc. 52 pg: lootuaiialucuou. :1. sons everywhere I)! ex mu. Dr. J. ulunlnmr. solo proprietor. No. is .Q'ona i-xaranlluireet, 3:. Louis. Mo. semi mo sun: I! for . uuiiso. Curuluuranlecsi.ornmuaju-t.m.i.,. . mug. llifilsboner \'uii lrcalnll cluuulo Lveasua. nu-lklyliflf: I illfli blue: 0! '05! Ill-)lI|l [[153 ‘H Qulqr ¢ ll rll-wt call. 1 D v ' 1": \ x M.-l.\liU0lB Rlub’1OIlluD.. A vlcmunl early Imnrmlenm. can-ln'.' nurvmis tics- hllln-,pr.nmlun=.<:.. llnviu; lrlml in vain en-ry knmvu ruin-tly. hue nllsmvcn.--J .1 -ilmnlc-. menus ofsrll--.ur.:.I\'lIlu:lihe «ll .:-I tn~I:lI-ill» l«-llnm'-au\l'icr- en. million .1. ll. lil>:l.\'l-Z. li i'liaux.uu-.2 ~v.. .\. \ . 1 I! WERE Ylllllifililr "’ Dr.“ ‘ -'1 W!’ “ Carolin‘ ll Idrrunloliln Dtfllfln hull!) mu all form: of Bu-rlulinrvlui n hnnlul Wulu (inure.-I Du-Milly, I-pun-uq oh-..n.asl rroimu “ l Pater.“ Ruins: bark m « vuqm Elf.» of thooowho l u demand it b rum] union or Izvi titliflfi. in from too la nvrl um 1' Hull. ll inn born and 1 tin llr. In lsla private pndlco {wont lhlltyguu, VII never known to hll curing nu: tho mum‘ (‘um [I live: viuiliy Ludlrn rzy viii: ‘I‘lf:lll=CK_¢'€1 to tkou§uxl-ido-cg?! "mg vru fail’ I. I'«s!nu«Ibo- on use art. can mm :2 in not um am .1 {lung dmriiuily GOQVDEIIVO lmm o sc:r.Al.m ..“:1.. 1:11 hllicifi: I‘lHl'l3‘lIflI:.lIl‘l‘;M7Q I:"Il!:;;'1k? I.n;I'l;‘lr‘I!IAfi I11’ cart 0 A to [I us 1: an I o . ltllmcc. II 0.11! Emu; on the pa u nlfoctosun «gulls: anal).-sling ionic and we-lym In the nluzd remind nslaleu uci inflated A-rut‘ imputing povurund lune Ind r ring then: to their mtgirn an in cums: us. hmicfui alum! um ti-¢;_m n. '17:: ingndinu III mimic pzdacucnournnlaim-hung ’:-in vs I an an. 4-. '°°'1;w5i"""§" ’i’»5.:’x£.‘ " "i'.‘53. :.'.x‘x".is.‘i’.’.s'.? ""“.2‘“i. ...; Edna. For an. only 3 BUIIAIEAS1 mm: s1ouc.':<..:.u-1 §..hFi!lh n r ' - !’tll.§0flIBd MDU nuuu.Si.L.'.ui1.H.>. Lin.)- :!'A -'x~:'«un on Speck! Dianna.” vbicil tlm - am d inaction of H10 nnlum. nu Immmt. mount of can.-, “V . . . . _‘ tuna or how Ion: ulunlln . In 9 to 5 441:. Fri‘! Our Dal n_r Loch llosyaiici, b Bflgdwasiilngionfih ‘ 'n'l.Ali.\):.-n uni Yiifili to my :4. °.‘.'~.1'.l’.‘:'1.’.!’S§5"°'°‘°....__"‘""?.‘ ‘ ' lmimnu .2 .nimrni ml Ch: PILEs”"““ lufiu I|u.’1‘vo l llnn. Rn: 1l.\'l. gl';{|0rlJ‘.\iV.‘l'£.“.“§ l)ll§?("v( !4'l“1ll'.b'.,‘ E ‘ .' ' I Cmlau nenun. SCH in my suhirru. “' ' W W ” 00!. Franklin. CillC'.AflD~ .€'hvmoa by an emu! DH:-lltntnco as -‘k 3 E 5 Ir :- Dr-. JAMES, In full ilitsy yon. In Irxlcnavlevscna-0 5 lkuifi nu. S4-lull ll‘.-nun-. . llnhliou-a hi dmuau (4 ....»...a.-...: 9-mm: as am hi: V-mp. yolainul ,.,,.,.,. 9 ;...u' '“u’;“nny’”m:vnn¢' ..,.g':, 0.'5«bewnv.i3r.xI-to’! 1, 11-. Juan is Nynnnnlna. Rl1IlilBl‘_Gll ' fldc-’ at o i run 0 0-0- gzglknolfu-'la’1'3nl7.:.: gs . ,,.,., :. iuunwnu u. 4 . , . Eng . .... A ' .;ll§gg;-_:_?'_ Jfigl’, _ gg «. nuunuuun us . ' r wooviihnudlt 0311)-s-w , ‘g S: {:1 -}&,43:‘. mi Km Ioodl .nm’_u'n§;up.m. lsirlsvwood . - . r , >1 gm: 1’-'u;’.‘ .'..“.°%.a;‘:";l‘::. . »..’J.’.‘.':.t.{Z?.‘.’.*."..§'.§;3.’.3'?£"."‘;3*"' s K§*.:.“.'sx*b‘ ?..‘.°“¥‘~"f—-'“' “.’.'.‘"' a it» 2 _V. ..3i3?.i:.?§i.'.l:i‘.‘?;.’§;'.':. i um:.ii.duly _' - .- _» . q...u.......... ‘T . ' ‘zxtlanu Ex-‘ '9” h H‘ ‘H;-v9‘ "' 1: pica 3:52 in in :2.\3i?= '\tl‘..l19. il:..-.3: " A Y to 1?. ii. G-4:111. rm 1!‘ 2.: 7 5:11 or w::::. ' 1 »*“‘« cure ugncgrrlin ux l Cb .1 , « z. ‘3{J.':.. ’ ~- .:....ano.-mi-“a:i':r;@=u .5.-'-.inni>'=1.iax-isiiom-rt»? ‘ peeing. . . ‘Tues. |io'ns1sp_:r.-1lo'.Pinest.v_._ « » lend warranted- -—-—--—-—--»-————-—- AH nu:-ms lii~:AU1‘ll.«‘li‘i.l..Y runn- 1sIl.EI.I wet. xxnn & Cc., 966 Pine street. -tic cure, no pay. lornls Root Tea. sud_The Bitters. dent will outs-en: Ill 00 carpet without it. Use only that mnnuisetnred at cotton and ps- per. American Carpet Lining 00., Nu\vYorlc nod Boston. for min by all carpet Oenlers. Ind ‘Jewelry every evening st 0. A. Cooper's. 400 North fourth street, commencing in ‘km D. xii. All goods sre vriu-rented es rozpree-outed or money tciunded. Goods st prlvste sale during the day. _ ' ‘ egliloh will so improve the ltnlinus es to make I . nentu condition by the use at Simmons Liver - lure [piston in, Oiliur um-. toned him nuan- -Mnir~»~ninr--v'*°rr:c!=.o¢v-'i**D#Pmvé ' A _e_nndsar'-s sdrsrtissmsnt 1?!ls¢s.,-. I .-In. wexmsn. s. rex'ninr\grndIi$¥§.',;¢,1TVi3‘-, sxles s't.reet.jss. ‘lei ‘-.ty'-slxty4nvs rem. met so found-hum a to .1 ds.l1Y.fwberO no . _ -19-bit?‘ mfimilfl M1 0! 910°.‘ ‘.“’°‘.‘‘'‘‘''- taunts tonuurrlnso. etc" It IMIOPF5,“ .ts.ieu1sa5cines:cansuli.stion use: either write ‘But the "Verso" #111 110119.’ 11304 -30 U10 ' ‘ Gnzni s otrsxswcn. ,6 . _ £15 Ollie street. » Gsnrbxstzs giving their ‘orders tor tell and winter boots-must not fonts: “5wepe's Iirsicu thee." It beasts ell shoes rouesn-get nssdere «mix. We shall be only too. havmr tonbow them to customers. ‘Don't target :11 K". Fourth street. _ ‘I'll! grcst nnction ssie otdismonds, wetehes nndvjewelr: every evening st '0. A. Cooper's, 405 Korthvlonrth street. commencing nt ‘(:30 1:. so. all goods are was-rsuicd as represented or snoncy relundcd. Goods st private sale during the day. ‘Vienna Rolls. fresh twice daily, 13 cents s dozen, du1i\'_erod snypsrt at the city. Vicuns Model Bakery. Eighth snd Wslnnt. Ilcsgilquztriers For cnrpets, ollcioths. Well miner and interior decorations. r. W. ROIKIEKHAL 3-. no rout-th street. ‘In: very best assortment ct irlnges, dress trimmings nndhutions; lowest prices mutton- “ed. Gltztttt & CAYAXLUOII. ' ‘ cit Olive street. was pee ds. 1-rstches sud je_wel.ry every evening st 0. A. Cooper's, too North Fourth street, commencing st 1:30 p. ns. All goods are warranted as represented or money rciuniied. (loads at private side during the tiny. , repute: Itierchnnt Tailoring. . Mills & Are:-iii, south west corner oi Fourth sud Olive streets, hnvs made, this autumn ses- son, lugs additions to their piece or business. they have on their con titers the most complete stock 01 imported and domestic csssuuvzros to be iound in st. Duels. All gsrmcnis mean by this urn: src llrst-class in every particular. The urine nrnount. oi goods bought and garments sold by this house ennbies them to give their customers more ressonltbie tirlces til on can no possible (or any ot their competitors to mime- ‘ Ul!.\.l’l1‘.OI'Il$CU8llNA2i thong-lit l’o‘Lzoui's Med- ested Coiliplcsidn Poivtlcr the bust she ever sued. ~ ..........._......___...... Nstvsn-i'Ai:lNo 1.-nnnilryhiltritiug ink. Wnr noted not to hide. 0. W. illuyer, Filth street sud Franklin avenue. ._......-...........—— 150,000 improved Howe Scales sold. Bord en lelieeit at 00., 815 North Third street. x Bin‘ the "Vurno" kid glove, tilted to the land and warranted. ’ (Ii-li2E..\‘ at (7AYAH.\UGlI. 615 Olive street. :—— Dn. Paton‘: Cmsm Bnirinlzrovrdcr is not sold In bulk. Fol: I856 40. Boston sud Providence Art Furniture in St. Louis in nssonebie prices. Ihuinu-room.thrce lzetbrooms, iiet\'imt's room. lrlteliun and parlor 0i"li1.1.y urtic.-ins, rot-we 40. Call and see them at Guernsey, Jones it 00., 600 liorth Fousih street. Items given next Bniutdsy in this pn- _———« This very best ssaortruout oi ti-luges. dross Irlmmings and buttons: lowest prices guaran- Icsd. Umrltx 1 Csvsxsuuit. ills olive street. Piles! Plies! Plies! Kc knits or pain to cure plies by Drs. Wort- ..e_...____._..__ Tl1L\iK.l.N0 people ilml out those who sell Call- ___.._.__...._..__.____.._.. A 500 c.\itPi;r with it sewed carpet lining: on- ......._..._......__.._........... I Title greet. auction sale oi diamonds, vvntchcs ..._.—-oo--n—-—--é- Noarly Jerked to Death. Albert Bull, n isborer at the Little Rolling Hill. in East 5:. Louis, met with n ter- rible neeldent yesterday morning. He was pulling a. liilltk rope coiled around the "nixrxer head" and attached to n oer. when suddenly the rope snsnpcd in twain and was pulled been with great force. Before list! could get out of the any the sleek portion coiled sronud him sud drew taut. He was drawn up tscthe "nigger head." end thence to the connecting sum. Tile machinery was in run motion and Bell was whirled to mid and found with the wheel. itmvlnit ll! NM IBM 01 :00 revolutions a minute. The ‘unfortu- mite mflt|'D cries strrscted the sttdusinn 0 the in i.l hands and the slatrm was pr oxnptl given tum on’ iminOCliD.l.<.'-1)‘ reversln no stopping ti:e‘ia-rge engine. It was then otmd sass the rope had colupieiely coiled Mound Bell's body. so limit that the breath oi lite wits Itlmost stashed out. tinny 01 those present thought for s time must he was (loud. lie re- vived sttsr it while sudresulitlcd consdlanzmtess. Dru. Jennings and Feirbrotbdr were summoned sud dressed his wounds. No bones were ‘broken. There wuistleep wash in the hand sud severe coutusimis about the body end. limbs. Bell was removed to his home near by. D3. turns. in ’hisi« omit the loo nnd (irsoc, as s that dyrspeosis is at great (as to gnce. It srkeus the sky sndbreeks the hopes oi lxinny Chrlrtisns. They think the trouble is in their hearts.‘ when it s in their stomachs. Thus the stomach iniiueeces the leuiingsto such 5 do roe test it should. be more csreiuliy look- ed after and rsgulssed with the never-tailing Aimusons Liver iiegulstor. the constant use at hurt hit my sud shes mu light. It is it Iveli-shown swrshstlood, Ii dissented. herita- perlectly nourishes the system, so it is only partially nuitnllsted by the blood. isuflerers with d)’ilJ)99!‘i, whose circulation “impover- ished. so nerves weakened. experience s rapid nod decided improrvomsntin their physics) snd inter. ‘try it end you will be astonished lit the good results. ,_ ' On exhibition now, sit the isle styles oi dress and petty slippers, in Ail colors. st , Joel. Sworn &'ilso's. .._.._.—....o.......'..._..._.... A Beditlhs Victim Avenged. some three months sire Fred Gt-cider. 0! Be- gun, muse $t._1'.ouis. ile urouuiit with him says gold which end chain, snd n vslusble clawed stud, and he were the jewelry one night while ‘listing in" the rotors (host “with someotths boys." At s into nrmrhe toned himseii in e been with Johnnie Finish, ”'iteUin xtllals us! has I'$l'h:0:gf:fit‘J1:'b:;:$h§ szmgtixrtc .lo'iI:an'n?e we“: his ddosrioye ix. Greider discovered that its mu lseltle much, ehsin sud steel. as «semi an to bent Johnnie up M4 urea: mm.- hutgsaalstier nu nowhere -‘who found» U0 wrxsnoteinuygd snow the in shrines disen- » ‘woes, _¢w.avs:. the pa ieeviesllnit Wm dent tiles, sooner w lyier, he would appear. sea-iegup our streenniunt bettivrvlut. and ‘how fkapnbnosn Aoauiaiestes . A the neurons. ..In, V r. .f.=N!<l¢4‘°! 1-ho1__r..m¢¢u.o's 1 '_.s._dncn Dxuocssrréportsryssxales hm 753°!-1ni§xfiew,vith -_li£r.. .Il'tmcs=‘G_oolr; :wh‘o"?i'e-.. ‘~ 9tsea'*_in.;-.ui_u'ki’ co'un:y.’s_ik._g1r:.»coui; is-:s ‘iufioh . ,n'¢:>"=ibuca.-E_um “reibé*.°9‘!0.'Ar1?!Nug . X¥'on1:'39lilhOrnI1llnO1I.v8bOiIl.:$,I'0,3581833129.’ ' He thshlxynnlglgeihlnw ‘rieh.'"iu nsiui-sl . . m.i-z¢ril‘dm‘-:°i*os6l9t|°n- sinrl "nnd.thnt'it‘iriil be 1'-xree.s.Bl'lt'te_' .wiich‘the mam metres.‘ In developed sut- il'c_lsu'i'.‘iy'to 'gitspiece'?_"the>rexsts'tion.- sir. Geo): d_oes;not'eoos'ii1er the prosp_'e_ct.ot Arl'tsnsss__xo- ‘in: Republican very !svorsble..-,’.i‘l1'e -mm. generally‘ -vote the Republican _'~1.ieltst,_ . but emigrants zolmrint.o.tne.8tsle;sre lothto sillli-' site with them-even in communities-where: they are in i.he.;msioritr,-’ sna heneemthe is~ see is genoritil .lr0LI’l!on the confederate ‘ ,siement._s_1ew gfcpetsbie derns trees and . lsslti County, limp: and: Jefferson. where the coin d pcgulstion is in the ssecndnuey. nosrlytw too . the Repub- lic-nus hsve kept up it reputablae organization, and xenersliyeleet their candidates, unless thoy._em oountezi out, which..irequcutly oc- curs. — . "ilcwisthscounting-outprocessmnnsize-it" «shed the newspaper mun; . ‘°'l‘hoyl:nve in the tstnts what they call I Cenvssslmr Botu?d—a semi-Siam institution. This lioi-ix-cl hes the "power to reloct. nil or en cler.-rlon returns. and in [lepub lcitu counties 3 ;t:‘enei;s.ily rejects enough to nullity the elec- an. - “iiow is Pulrtsiri County, in which Little noel: is lO¢l.ll»~d?" ~"rhsr is it ltetiubllcsn county by is large ms»- Jotity, bout the last election the Democrats eiuiiu to have carried it. To illustrate: The Republicans ran col. W. 8. Oiivemm extrane- I ponulsr men, even iunoug the Democrats. 11 the day of the election his election was concealed; the as alter the eluetion contests were mud D(!i'0l'0 he Ciidvnssiiig Board risking that certain ptcclnols—-Rc1Jnhiicnn—bd thrown cut, end nllhough the election oceu rrdl:l.nusrly lonr weeks duo. the result is not yet known. and nruhntlly the tint: in tliuntlon the public will have 0! thexcsuit will he the commission- infiol the Democratic cnnditlntcs." r. Cool: stud tiicro wnslittle or no intimida- tlonni the pulls. out the Democracy genurnliy get its work in on the count Oonnernimr the consillutionnl anwndumnts pru sing to re- pndlnle n rtion oi the hints do t. 31:‘. Cool: coul-i any at little. it was, as he stated. it measure that both parties divided u}ton. 110 had heard it stated that they were n- acted and lluain that they were sdepted, and as nothing omcinl had been reported concerning them he did not know the true status 0! the matter. in THE CXT-Yd HALL. [louse of Dclegnles—i’ublln improve- menu-Notes. The ‘House at Duletzutes me: yesterday ailer- noun at 5 o'clock, sixteen members present. lir. Zicgenhcln, spditlterpro term. in the chzur. The bill nulhorizing the Missouri Pncitlc dud Wnbssh. Bi. Louis and Pacific Railroad Com- lmnles to lower their tracks nt the crushing oi lust Juiiersan avenue null 01 High street was well n. second limo. Mr. iiyder prmionlricl n petition ei nod by n number oi citizens living south of I nrnilrnnd trnnlis nsltlnir the pnnsnun oi the bill. Built the hill and petition were releirrmi to the Com- mittee on Public lmurovuments. Adjourned until next Tuestluy niwrnoon nt 6 o'clock. Bonn-ti of Public lmprov:-mo.-nls. The Bosrd oi Public Improvuznunte rnut yes~ terdny morning, President l-‘ind in the clutir and all members present. lilr. 1’. Cl. Gerhsrt, member of the House of Delegates, sppesrcd bclorc the board and sn- nouncod that he ha-1 zrrocuretl the right 0! way irom Vundeventcr nnd Bxiluh avenues asst to Mill Credit. lot the purpose or extending the glitter system. and asked the board to recoun- mend nu ordliisiite nul.iiorllv.luz the work. lio- ierrdd to tho tiumir Gouitnlsslunor. ' A canimtiiilcntinn was received from the no rd at Health 1‘t‘( uussting. us it sanitary uloneure. the ostiibliss merit of It sewer district in blocks 2351 sndnlti and in itrt oi block 2315. bounded by Gas» nvonun, ulinnphy street, Elliot avenue and Nineteenth street. . Notes. Aslutlo the collections paid into the City Treasury yesterday were $8,064 3 on account at inns and 1.‘.l,0*.’8iurliceu.sus-. - Tm: ill.-nith Dnpsrtiuent issued twenty huriul permits yesterday. ' \ LOCAL: Pi£lt$O:1Al:S._ Tnos. Imsn, Rich Hill, liio.. is at the St. liliillli D. Ft‘.L8h’..'(1‘liAi., Oitmden, Aria, is at the St. Jnuws. W. W. Hmvitil, lndinunnolis, is at the 8:. James. hi. li. schooner, New York, is at the Bt. James. (3:50. DiPPlN, Xenia. lliinois,_iset the st. James. User. 0. niccimnln, U. B. A., is at the Lludell. A. T. Nitviix, Edinburgh. Scotland, is at the Linda . A. L. Wsnxzn. Boston, is st the Hotel Barnum. E. U. MCCORMICK. Fe.rtnington,Mo., is at the St. James. W. 0. M. Bistutr, San Francisco, Citl., is at the Lsclede. O. B. ABLE and Wlilnrd seller. Colorado, nre in the medal]. 51i..l.s JLi.vv.uu), at. John. N. 8., is registered in tiiepliiddll. W. ii. ennui and wile, Whitehall. Ili., are at the St. James. I it. B. AKINAH-SPJLARGE, London, England, is at the Lucletic. Geo. D. Convizitss, Jr., 1!. B. A.. is lit the Yliiliidls‘ llousu. Juuzs ii. 0. Wtwox, U. 8:1... is registered at uotel lhrrmrn. I5-‘IN Delbonde and children, New Orleans, are st the .Lir.l<isu, vldliétfisitggxwlaxciggnn, hicxlco. ttc., is stop- Dit- -L J. GRAVE! and wile, Oliiton illll, him, no nl. the st. Jsmes. ,- ..‘.'.:...'i;.‘.I:‘;ii’:'."..‘3.°h‘é‘.’.§fi.F‘“'“" WW» I’. B. Rnxxixs. Gsneson. m., end emu, Mcliilion nre st. the Planters . 1i.t.i:x. Teens: and 'l‘hos. Dorhsrd. Canon. on, Mo., are sit the St. James. - JL. H. litiouitr nnd hlmliy, Ileion Rouge, 1.3., are registered at the Planters’. It. i‘. WtL.t.x.\sts sud wild, end was hiury Prewctt, Fayette, lilo., ere at the Planters.’ 1‘. ii. Pitxitlns well-known hydrsulio im- gincor. Gcneseo, iil., is stopping is: the Plant- urn’ House. _ I‘). K. ldlbtltn rind wire. Philadelphia; 0. W. liulioclt, 8\}ll‘ii.|i(1ieii1,§{lLlS..isill| Joseph Knight, Troy, N. ,, sire at the Mndeii. 1). T. lviie uincy Ill.:D. E. iirmd, Cleve- land, 0., and . Mac cod, (.ihlcsxo,sro exnunz me into arrivals at Hotel Barnum. E. C. orsxter solute A:-it.; B. 0. Lee end wile, lioouviiie, iio.. no G. as. iiord, Collins, Ark. , are registered at the Planters’. r. M. Moxt.i.zn,F‘ort Worth, '1‘exs.s;L.Sll'ill¢. New York; F. ii. Clsrite, Chicago, and U. A. .\'iumsud and wile, Troy, X. )2, are at the Lindell. - ‘ it. ii. Lroxs, Pisttiiburx. 310.; C. P. Asurer, Muizeriy, 510.; W. 8. Duncan, Clinton, 310., and 1'}. 8. Brown, Boston. Ire zit the [lots Barnum. W. H. Zl'um.'rorr. elreueds. _Miss.; J‘. W. Pei ban and oils, Owensburg, KL; Moody, Jetfiarsoii. Testis. and 8.]... Charles. (xsleshum, lll., are It the Leclede. It. J. l.Axcano1I,.()otton Plans, Iio.: lion. Louis Honclt. Cube Ginirdssu, Mo. ; .1. Wins- low Bailey, iioston ninss.v.und W.i£. siciluoiil, Edlus. Mo..‘sre at e.rnutn‘s. A. D. Guvrill and write, Keolculr, lows; ll. R. West: Stevens‘ Point, lvilsm; A. Glass, Aliuflslo. . Y., Mid J. W. Thompson and wile, Dsll-ts, 'l‘.sxss, are rexistercd at the l"isnters'. II. 0. Pomtss, wits sud children, Btsrltdsls, Ilihid T. B. Svlll ne, Toledo, 0.‘ 0. 1.. Vin- bsiitselser. Pitta ru-3, t’s,, sud Fred. 0. Xeliotu, Denver. Ooiorsdc, are at the Lindsll. 1). li. Bdltriu. 1': ettc No.3 J. L. Berry, llyershnnt, 'i'onn.; O M. Q0. Lee. Nashville ' un. ' 5. Atvrell Ben §’rsncisoa_, 0si.. end ‘B In. Iivocnner, litsiris an iiociicr, lii., sits at ' srnnul s. A “ ' . . v (ii in Good- o. 11. Drss, Glenwood“.__&-&;"',’1,,m‘.,,,, M1,; rithis II thsiit. '1 en 1,naiti n-its-w ._ ,(qooa 8-“Vt T“'*'?:' "gm ‘R0’ ”::”:gllIcs' iililfin Rouse. Boeing): Iii K’.‘:.;ll.IeKnfl¢I~l;3“de)p]'y13, and DJ .; .. . - , - *~°r“'.“**;.:;°;::*.t‘:::°;’.:‘.:*;:.‘.:‘” «- n."‘.I"‘h‘.‘.’.'.‘é’.l’. "ii. dolqsmltni 0. ¢,i:ln°|' 9.’ LC. c‘°‘"“" D‘ ‘1''0.°'”m.' 1‘. id‘ ll; 0 Am fl: -“'T“”‘°"’ 3' “N” J’ G“ Jams 11.‘ . W. 110I6Bb0l’K3;I‘§)°'.: Jfit-W20. »' i’..”<§§§§§".‘3'& wi Sweden;/gflgf. 8.4 °§_le,vrv- ' A._W. GlYIP‘D»-fig?‘ K/B.rf3:r.. (lined 3"‘ ’ 3§1'3“3s' ' {VI in ‘Le§'K.'.i."£§.i"wil§"33l lie. "" A- .H0_l1&'ler. Osceola; W. 0. icon sitoeoe unrated him. Be was transferred to - jail yaotcrduy on s current for grand isresmr sworn toothy sergeant Bord. Gt‘0sdegm*"h_ tidal to some has no prosecute,‘ man, mm .: “ _ _ . ~}v-3-'2v_IfO_V, .' ‘prays 2h1l.IliI,fi0¢—I.!I.I’n! , .1-rltec-av roll that 5: . wheres “P5 ‘N 8900 time - “M3,; 3.3 y : ('8 bill. V J -‘ ezh-rtv?.t:r‘7":“ .§"~.‘ Wzurto take and will to onre.—.1),_;;,,n-‘V ___ 'i’Zlssh"‘ ‘ll-.1-om. ummn, no. vac, La:uif;;?£?‘§3:7?x.?.'°m'“m"‘ °' “‘° vale szo::<m’*-?.?.?*.£‘.i“a:‘.2?.;.:-':'3 “°_'- 3- ":-n-=- vgh hm?’ 3°” 3.‘! All drtmgists toxin cent: “iv Wile Planing mu. Iago. #4 M14 vireo. ' minutes hem. sums sortable. 5.;-Among‘1he~jlendin:¢ enterprises‘ of c snctex-'ln-' this-city none '1-snirs ~ higher ;'.t‘un ‘shakers’ '8nrsehsriills. is ‘juse'wi:st_it-pnr‘- xporu solie.--fDl_xi'0mshy,-lid. D. _ ‘ 7 'f‘*Fe!rf1's'.otes.' ._ . ~8c_cr'et_e_.ry‘Kslh"goss to/Ksnses city‘ to-dsy to ‘ loci: gnu nttrectlons its me rm-»m that pines. ; Applications‘ ste' in‘ ’ upon’ Hr. ‘Kalb (item the country press. -end. fine-'1 puss-book inept l'l)r»thnt.pufpoee'is' nearly lull.’ Though most or the as psttments are nearly lull. nepilesilons sre still cotn_ing'ln-in lsrsro ‘ “?%tics._-_.e' firm in Worcester, alum, sp- Afvlt lot it speed so lest-long’ and in feet wide xeibit s._u.l:tch1ne ln'Meoha.nicnl mm. _ ‘rim it.'%t_=xhlbitors.nm‘ still spill;-‘,mgtot-udxxiittsnce, there is ll rush ‘nil round. I¢l£ti.0llAl¢‘.i'8'_ nunitm-or xsrrznrzunxxisr. Ever indication aims to the not that dur- in F r week thee ty will be litereiiyogscked w hvlsltors. As the hotel sccomm stions will boentlreiy irtstlequute to meet the great influx, s (cw-enterprising tncechunts have con- tributetln lend to he used in establishing a Directory,’ ollililertniiiuiunt. All hoi.cls,hoe.rcl— infi houses end private lninilies who can either io no or board stninxurs are requested to send the {allowing ieiormatlon to 619 Chestnut street on nnd nller alondey. Sepiciuhct‘ 21. not in or». as the omen will not be opened until that time: Giro mime, number all street, how many one be uceommodhted with lodging: only, or board and lodging, and price. Such intermo- tlou will he eopiud in books, and strangers sp- piyluxwill be tarnished with cards directing them to blue-is where eetertninuxumt may he; bird. If those interested st.-I. zirouiutiy e grunt: service will be rendered by providinlr comica- sble entertainment (or the strangers within our xntes. No chn.r-go will be made to any one lot‘ giving; or registering lniurmutlou. ___............._.._.__..... 5ilAV1.\‘G becomes n luxury when indulged in dull)’ with Uutleurn shaving soup. —---—--—-—-—-¢-j:- Dlrect Importation from Paris. Leciios‘ French kid dress button boots just received. - JOEL SWOPS 8'. lltto.. an N. Fourth street. .._...._..._._....j:. Illinois Home Thief Captured. On the night olAu2ust13 three horses disap- peared trlystcrlotnily from the stable oi Juhn ainhon, oi Olcgo, 1v‘nyette County, Ill. It was noticed on the ipliowing dsy that Al i.'l.oudx-t.- soo. is person well known to the citizens o! 01:20 as having served two terms in the state Ii’ lulled to put in an appearance st his customary haunts, which created a ;.’L:nt.'i’li suspicion that he knew the wiiereuboutn oi the horses. A pouring reward was odcrcd for the recovery oi the equities end. ior tho l.'\]'infl:ill'll- lion nncl convict ion oi the inlet’, wlmow-r he ml rht be. trim cow was placed in the lluids 0! L. . Cluxtou, oi Vnnduiin. who user.-riiiimitl that two oi the horses had. been sold ulmut n month ngo to’ it ut::tlet' in such tit-sh st Rushviilu, ::‘chu_~,-i«~r County. Uluxion visit- ed this plot-.-.-. iuund the imrses. und obiniumi 3 description at the party selling them, which tulliud with that at ltubertson. Y-csterdsy morning ltuhertsuu wus at fit. Peters, in at. Louis County und stepped into lluitc.v.ort's sn~ loan to gut a drink. in Uibrulisillg mu fluid the saloon-Keeper recognized its customer in the lndivitiunl minted ny the duiimrities. end willi- oui oxvlumltioii handed him over to an 0Iiit:ul', who l0l.‘i<L'd him up in the jail at st. Chnrius, wlicru he will remain until u tuqliisiliun Lu-rives (ruin the Governor oi Illinois. _.___..__._..._..._.__....._ llotstord s‘..\t:id Pliusphnio in Dympopslrs. I believe llm'sior(l's Acid l’l](N|].liifllt‘ in A valu- able rdmutly in many cases or mlurnstin-mu mid dyspepsia. 0. 0. ilinams, ill. I). Ciiicnuo, Ill. 5 is one of i_he largest Galleries _m the World. ' NO WAITING. Prices to suit the Trncs. 920-022 Olive, Cor. Tenth. St. Louis. :1’) i A'.isUNM “'Ai‘i'i El.—-l'l'.'-l'i.\I.|CS. I .,~.~.V..~..~._...,......._.._.........—.,.,...-....,\.«..~.«. ‘: A:\"['lc[)-Bitusilon by I yliuliix all] to do house- work. l':Ji N. l~icvnulel:uili. “7AN'l‘E.|)-A good iri minis a. situation in do general house-rots u n small tstuiiyz nu pdsuls lnsvrcred. No. ‘.ii.'t.3 Diiztzsou st. X .~"r'i.': rill}::1[..}i'i;n'i.}Ti§§EriE§S ’g'i}‘iT5 do geif homework. Call at '.'J.l.'i iirutiui st. til'l‘l.'A'l‘l\)5.1 '§7.'t.x-. l.‘l€l)--.'llAl.l-' ‘A situation as ivllnhliisn. by s iesrless. win-r. steed)‘ mm; best or ruzznmulcudntiolis. Ad. T. M. IL, 1237 .\. Thirteenth. ‘VAN'rEl)-3ln¢kill€li—.\ resnona-lbie psrlr halving stlvsnhnguzs tor rsnmn stuck in Indian Territory‘. desires stuck to lab: mire 0 un alums. Uuquesti-nu» bis references. Address 3!. ill. title oilice. pf A.\'Tfii)-—BltrIntion bye-sohcr. responsiizic men. §nN.7dD¢.‘nillllll. ucierk. wiriur to give solid hood and tint-clsss mt. it. 13. this unlce '‘ Al€'l.‘t‘.lJ-':;iluslion by A young men well sc- quslnled with the retell grocery trade; wlllln to do mostsrlythlng; host ut mt. Add. E. lil.'lhls on me, V" ANTEIIJ-tiiiusuoiiiiy smsuss incet laid pantry cook. inquire st ill; Locust. ‘V IsN'i’ED—Siili:Il|i)n hr at young rnsn at noon uln- eniou .mdxuo«i unit is: willing to msks him- seil useful in any perm.-men: buslimu. Ad. 0.13. t. o. ‘v. " ANTED-fisitnislieit in wholesale house ss Mics- msn. budenisnd the clotiilrur, tnruhhlns: odds and boot and shes ousluess. ilsvo be. u travel- ux [or s cigar and toluene house In this city. Heter- snces given. Address V. is. this otiles. .ANTEl)-’i‘n l'rlnu-rs—.\ iirsi-cisas hook and Job heed desires s Iltusilon. Ad. 0. J. Ysica. oily. A.\"I'l*Zl)-A sch-x-l-boy wishes some employment on .Ssilir‘Ll.x)‘I. Add. A. is. this «nice. VV’A.\‘TI’i‘:li-A. sllusllon by s flisl-chi“ engineer; can give good n.-i'. All. i. la. this aitlce. ‘ 'rA.*i'l'l'.i)-iilmstlon st srinning in s woolen mill; slstc wssres. Address 1). ‘l\'nlx . 1318 Ghrisly sye. H l‘2l.l.’ \VA.N TED- 2'1‘.-M.A.Ll‘.'.‘i. lt‘i:;‘.D—li0 good women and girls stv9‘i?Ollve t. lvzuwloyxneni Iiurndil. V ‘ ANTED--—Olrl n-um H to ‘.6 yrsrs to make hearth! generally useful. ‘IJDI Olive Ii. ‘VANT'EI)—Al ziiilfl. Sixth st . up-stairs. lo ain- in‘ -room girls tor country olelr lot) girls (or clir sn country places; best wsgus. (hits. two.) VV'A’-NT!-2l)—-A good lsuudress with reference. i-‘reomsn llousu, Firth sud Morgan. Ah I'll-A !f;”)‘§.K|{‘1l 3. mum and to sum in I ~"v’3KT - . Eimtdrqehsrsl I-N73‘-"i""‘i 03" _ ihreciurnnufguguwg g .“Cb“‘r.‘s' earner '1‘.-mi. at. :. g'.c'~u.'.i.- i.'tu_:u;.s:u_.“go.f , ‘ -:-=-a~:w. All answers to ads-er-7 . . ..::-2-.‘ .’-euxzlise--zss-it-«H-4: ’ emissions: _eh:e¢k'.;:_ ‘_ _ , ztfseusouts .should ‘be inwnvelopea. . -_ _ '._.'s_rx:.t-ivtunr-:xu.s::.u'.sr.s., _ -- AK'l'BD'-Good " ‘ ’.‘1u1cou—iiu"r:.usr' W.............. A »- ‘ cnncnii " H "T1HlS._ SEASON” - 2.’ l V it saw. W¥...l.‘it.“”°"+“4 -«I-»~»:>-==v*=*==.=~ A R. bosses. srlzanfirosdny. 3i'sndi- vitie. D_ovriing& 0o..'eentr:cwrs.‘ l’.‘D— ; l 1' -..g’é'..“’fisi:‘s“.‘§s°"i‘.x".‘z'..fn"-,"‘° :§Sl.’a‘I’a‘i‘5.“ ’ 1N‘.I‘ZD—'-17_'lve' brlckxsrd hands at Evens & srd rte is d, How ‘s King's Illghvrsy. kisses 3 Howard. :1 drvl‘ grésshett‘ . . 3‘. a‘t%.a .2" ‘Iwelttn strceteeoux. hick Siaiiail will hurt! A.N'rl-‘.D—At!fl K.'s' Restaurant. AN’!-tli)—l!‘li-st-clsss xnschlno and to run inns ' " user. and s No. 1 carpenter. Cur Fe-€l0l‘J’..8¢'vt>nth sud uses two. . niv.-r. Call] at rooxnl. 2ic.51i A..\'T[' teat undersized: the rare at dri 3! re nether s{x5;'ch1€bmu[3t.t‘1;? cm“ ‘A , AN‘l‘PZD—-Forcnisn to unite ch: 3 shop; lulu: be practical am tindehteud the srt at turning out work st the us flue. President Missouri more Foundry, tit. Louis, :2. _ A.\"t'El)——}‘ive cost sud two vi.-st malt:-rs. man .2 liciz. an Fisnklin sve. IiN'l'El)—li¢il hm at Windsor Hotel. Wss«h.lnx- ion ave., her. Thirteenth snd Fuurlcculh sis. .A..\'.'i‘.i-2 ii—-l.irick—ysul hands. men and boys: slso Union i'rt-ts Brick Worn. nesr Heir . ' 'A.‘i'l‘l-Ill-—:m woodcli cord for i real wood. Deal .t Bethune. Contractors. A.‘h"i‘i-Zl)—}‘our str-on J. (3. stxiitll .ltCu.. ii.’ .\'. iscroald. "VAN1‘i:l)—?rsllcrs. st 32: Locust st. win . we 3'; at an :3.‘§ixu: boys. sbuut is years old. A.\"t‘itl)—-Twenty-live rocl:-breakers. tit 31 ‘:5 nor x.-‘inure. sud slcsuiy njol-it: in vi1)«r-up Ilrcsiers Apply to Joli. 0‘.llt-era, ‘twenty- um sntl ll error: slrecu. A.\"l‘i'!l)-—Ex'perisxiccd nape:-ilnngers. comb l)ros.. psher hangings, upixoim-ry. ctc.. .«';;.» \i'~£.‘\-‘ti 1 ‘-+ -"«‘=!‘~‘-* '~ u‘. —~\‘~.‘.- :5.-.; A..\"i .Pl)-—.'i good csrrlsge-trlnuuer st 163.! North press feeders and i lob com nosi- _~_fii'1 Is a EIABLKED REDUCTION .ln ‘ THE PRICE at n When vrefollcrcrl to lite nbllc, a year ago, 1: I-‘l.RS’1‘-OLA SUN- LKUNDRIED SHIRT FOR $31 00, People OPENED THEIR EYES with astonishment--said it could not he done--but as usual (Lt-EIXE, siw, AND mull: cumin-znsu. We sold thousands of illem. But -_: we new offer you It BOUND-B0803! 2: U:\I_..i.U2iiiRli-ED SHIRT, I.lNBN BOSOJI AND CUFFS. well out and made up stylish, that is cqmillu crery reripectio may 31 shirt in-, St. Louis, and we hiwc on sale as 3 starter, 6,000.. 'i‘nE i:'lti(.'i:‘. WILL BE 750! A Sll erior qmilily gt muslin is used it these Shirts, end we guar- antee snilsfnciion. ' Furnishing Gulls ‘Department “FAMOUS.” ,.-_'.'.v. -1). ‘M’: -‘.'-I.-‘- ".~.'..' -‘.1’: .' -.'.-'L\'- "1' “V‘.\N'I‘i£D-51 lob Al. c ‘trend and Olive su. }TIFi1¥I..:'x—§i'iaE?ix}LS§95FE.'i§Tsl"c'iE:‘- ANTI-I.l)——A stroll Kiri ftlfkitil. houst-work. [smi- I) or xwu;g.>od 1) sec tur good girl; some esrly. C) is’. 'i‘\\”HN"'l'—i‘ili.'li I'll 3'1‘. —, lh-tavern ...l I-‘raulllin svc. and Morgan tt.. slouv: treat. at small rooms; 85 per month. A.N‘l‘i-Zi)—3L~m at in: it u I ~ (in! in n , ,X;.{.1yn1.:;.:;.";“y,'2,'11 ..r.’...§ .1; llcpoi ll-mac cart; 5 r.-mu. xii-i (min . . _ -,4 prm” “I “J ""1 per month. l3A\'E.\' Diiii H0 \\'.\' H January .5: A oi’tci.t's. ‘.115 N. :ii.xtli st. 1 a\U'l‘U.\[l\‘ S'l‘.--Stone-l'roul llimmlli '.:n«-vi tit-il.'iit;<irix<.m Law or .-must hr Uni-in statue: S.‘/J itcsi l-”..~t:u..: .~\gtet:i.1. 1.3 N. lzurhsiu. ' AN'i'l-:l)_—.\n errand boy; uiusi have good retor- time. (-171 Uiiru six-cut. .ii\"l‘P2l)- Onicc bzuy or good lsiiiliy and relu- lz 1 CH H.V'T.\'U'I' b"l‘.—l5 l‘i)x')Ilil. \‘liU|'.|ii1iiii0iH .(- and In ilrsl-via-s uni.-r. Y .l~ \lUlt'i‘l)N. 21.‘. Pine st. all compla- Kin’ inquire 7'11 Olive. , .\!\'TI"2l)-itmxlmiiszely. it he scciul->nu:-i lu hauling run: to Lilith! Iron; _ nod we have .lnsupn. Supt. oo-i ientnsicrs‘ must .4 pliil. : l-‘uurtccuth and Grit- .\l.' AV}: v--zstonu trnnl. Srooina 1 5a'£lc!‘-{.'.l‘ u'....uu VI-1.\'lil~2il it lit)W.‘.ii~2. .'s'u. ‘.'i;i N. I-Iigzuh st. tlot eta. ‘Pope ran in: pfixid csrpeuu.-rs. Ii. mud: Jr Cc.. ll st. ~. 140-; N. )‘«'——i'J_rl«l-J. with iuq-rmnum-nu; . : . .:.I sit). Amity to¢ni:sn. sib .\‘urlh 'rwruty-tlntt at. ‘KARE, ‘EXTREMEEE imnicmxvr. We show New Designs in Styles mid the choicest Fabrics . of Foreign. and Domestic Jifaimfactrure, and izwite all “to zgisit us, confident that we can please the most critical. F.W. HUMPHREY 00., F 'N0li.'1‘iIEAS'1‘ CORNER FI.F"I‘I{ AND. PINE. B00 Kn. 5". 10 new and old books: send lid of yrhst In .. you want. Den l.insh'su. till 6: \\ ssh- gmn src. ‘V .\3\"I'i‘.u—‘l’o he: no. Law [iv ms-ts.¢el sud other good ks. Jolmi uslisu. l'.'?__3~- Nil- l‘iLU!‘.i’.~eiI0i.‘i.~\i... LUST AND .l'06$§|'D. 051.‘-A silvrr medsl. with rutmc or Miss Florence oil! on either D‘-zvurlh street or near us finder will be rm-sni-o by tinni- the same lo nits Florence Lcviuliou. _ i bniousiuimt. Lrh our-um:-‘ixssy. isentaiflin-. with ttiljnet sod pearl-. . M Di‘ rciurnong nine to sellers .t i‘srrisii's. xii bs.l'ii.i. ii cstr-l st §?ihemiiyrr§5sni- ' it. l-‘ii.i .\'(:i5 0. Diz.\K'F.'.. Olden. i<l6 Pine street: residence. ‘.'7irl can avenue. 3‘ri{ul.umv;it. L‘lsli'1‘n)‘nni. toils 1msl.Jm:N*.IIt. future, causes sxiecdy msrrlszcsl mm! MINN- reinuvrs rrii lliilucuct-I. rive: ltoqd |'-x€‘~'- 3'~‘iI‘-i 51 stauuis to: Guide. Allt.-ou. 910 :x. Tuuth street. it. \\'ill‘l'l‘li£il. cstsb. $1 )'st.xi“‘i§ cures srm.-«li|\‘_nli prlr. nieces:-.; cums :mur. (ii. iii. (liisrles. L111 “1';i3;a:<2:;:..-".“"a;'.‘x.:..x».. - -.-.,~—...—...,..». .-...»...\a..4 "5t.7’;;iF.i’::~:I'\ht-Ii:-:1: at that must«.~ at io- t‘:lll0‘.i!. um-lhcasl comer or 'i't:nlh iuui Olive sis-. list near lire years to Hill. inquire on the prcuIIs¢5~ FOIL l4.\Li:2--A xvtluk--sic slid rr‘.;1li cizer and iobac-. cu inure‘. Cs|:iIil‘iii'l1 sl.-ice us‘-‘.5. in one of the host iUL‘.'A'.!'(I lzillwz nt Central ililnols. having is mod reisli ncni wilcilubaiit uti.vim:l. wllll prlvlleas oi lease on imll(I|n;_r tor‘: mm bur at years. is uttered for sale in calm-.-mnxicc or ill Ii-zatilii 4.! the uwhv-r tor tuniier l"IlCi:i.'u'.1 apply to or XId\ITll\§ Thus. llazliuu-,;cr. 30. iii .\lnriu:i. sl.. ht. Louis. Mo. l.'i4i.\'i§>‘S (‘llItSCl-1- lit-crybmiy 'i‘sLI~ Notice’! -.\lr- Jt'*$i? Newlnali. of Atlanta. ll!.. 19 vim‘! III "H3 CH7 nxiiliuliinw a palm: tlru-ilmiit-r. xvluch is crmainlr "10 In-.-at litany 0! I111: kind we have ever >‘«t~vn. 1! “ill alert is null ct-:ii line in three minu:e1 with-mi the aid ut wood or sluwlmrsl. Aime bass rnm lslgn nnil stonin- h.-ai I-Jrcli. .~.'i.ul- and t.-ou:uy_ flxhl! or =5-lu. - For full iiitumnsiion in-luln-. tit .i5‘s-0 ls».-wxnsp. who will «top .1 Coltllk.‘ of weeks at the (J! ' .\os. tut um 21:; _~5ouih i-‘mirth sm.‘.rt.c<‘rlmro i-.iui slruvl. I'll-M1: CA” and exsiulu-:. ' . ' U-'l.\’ ' ‘S i.Tli.\l\'(.‘I’2’-Bl. at R. Li. lirultit-r.§ (Sm. ., sticc mm in li:esucr.ill-mu: .‘t i_:n..i-ii In HmI‘IiI 9-i|"1.‘i'l. Inn c llvit-rminui to consolluisic their bu-slut-‘:95 In their lieixvpiili home. nml will -can lvnru :!i. Lmllf. 'l‘|ie_v (lit:-rim mic tho.-Ir sud [Iti‘,'liIl.' Imu- nrss. built up at is nrtcat cxpexuliiure 0! time null mmicy. zm:lliin.~r.1ly pnlrolilz-:-i lay the iK.‘.ilCl.‘lI9E.! ut the i:|l)'. Tine nun-u is most lnrnrnlyiy known lnr ialr «it-slim: anti conrit: '. |‘i-oping p.-null goods and :‘.~llili;( at ressonuliie uric:-.1. .'l‘im- nmvoriuni y for [nu-r.i;l~im.< fll's!:tii)‘-ilt:l1l-.t pruilinhlc blibllie!-~l ls lillpl'('Cl.‘ii\.‘lil(.‘l]. ()ifl'rs\viiliie m-.-ivm turtll-: um mm d!})‘5 0! mu :2 - ' week . id’. Li. I\l\‘ili('t' 5'. Ln-. llrefl .»\..‘\“"'i‘l-':l)—.\ young mm or strong boy to deliver tutti .'$.~£\iIl its grucox-y business; best 4.! city ruf- excnccs ru-mired. )‘..\"l‘l-lit--)‘:.~.£:ticr.l nt Alcllltirlck Printing House , 5 u LilS.%lS>ll'l‘l .\.\'-A new $-silui‘)'.i£l0n‘.‘- r from ll.-m=~.-um:-:.\il-2 i..'Ii;iYk‘iIdl'.li‘k2 lir- mest dI'.ilr1i7ii‘.' in-Iglihorln.-ul_ln the city: 1-.» ruuma and nliiiiodum couveiilunccs; Sign wr semnm. CA\1‘I.'Ui'.'li 3': lil)W:i|'I. '.'iii )5. Eighill s'.. ‘ —-.\ mrlur. n |Ntilhu}’ and s\:r ir-1. .\ilIi\!r'0li. iiiatfimitriul st. »—u-.u.-."..néIi;§u;;'..: z~‘.;';£i}'.-. Ninth JHVU I15- f'0 l’l.\'l-I HT.---A vhry lhtdlrztiniu hum-n ui‘ ll I'(r~)lni. ill”! and rslulxlc: well -.ul.x|m:ui [or r . ll iirst~<:l.\»s boarding lulirllx st.» per nmnlii \’t..\‘‘.lt .t udwsrz. ‘Jill .\'. l-Zlgliln ii. A.\: Tl)--A young nmu for Milne work nn-.l run nit-s'ni:;_r. (.t.illiit'iwu~.ti ii end 1 at lirlvutlurti llntcl. ma \\ a1iiii2gi(II:i ave. A.‘-“l'l:2l.)—- luliruss makers: razlll'I.1lD .\'. Sixth sl. stcxily work. at 174 ," i‘..\.-i'l'i).\‘ l'i..\('2l-‘.--J-not souillo! l.:it.n'ui:« '1) i'nrla—.\bv.-auiilial |li.1C\‘. In:-‘:2 Ysni \\iiil tire Ihruhbcry. House 9 r~mrm mini y.-ulizsmpcr luoliiii. C.\\‘i-1.\'l)!-2_it & l‘.l)\l'.‘il-2. Nu. ‘ill 5 . Fluillli ilrcut. _ mailer or boiler. Knapp- zsioul 3-isw-mill. (ml at LIA)! llLl:2 A.‘\f.-S rnoin-: 53'. our inorilll. (..\\'l-3.\'lll'2ll .! llO\\'.".il'2. 213 N. i".l)(«.lil . . A.\"l‘f:D—.‘l good lnaitro-as linkers: siesuiy work. Al. iicrl,'in.lif? And :33 .\‘urtu .-lixlh Ii. TI".I)—Ul.ili0|Bl\:l'ci’ lmuiui;:t»:iy. ll.\'uiiznce. ' .\N‘l‘i~:l!—-Two young man to learn the hardware - ‘r~U".‘: must calm: well l‘i.'iZ0:l.Iiiil:li¢.ii:lL at ANT1‘Ii.)—-.’i good iaiiul‘. Jeandevliit-. Glasgow. ‘A-.‘-«"i'-til-)—-.\ )'0ung iilau who is A good iuilkur inr all once. Apply lo Piiul 0. { UR |li»Z.\l'l‘——}’.leg:mt dmihlo brick mlulsiun. 1:! rooms. muluiii-ilmzs. shruhiinr)‘ sud iruli. lien: Union alh. on .‘\’arruw (Jan .2 llniiruscl. . ‘Lani '14) gig ill: at. ii. A. \\'Ul.l"l- & ($0.. X413 .\'. ‘ . \l . . . nlun .x i log) — . ixsuiiy 608 turnisiu-ll rooms. ‘Halli! greatly reduced. N. i’li"l'lI-I'll-nsul Iuniislio-i trout room I, . by day. srca.-.i‘.m ruunlli. Anvil‘ between 1 end tiu‘clucI. sl A.§’i’i-2i.)—l!Xi uurn. wllh Louis. to nlnllt: lies; will .\'m-til Fourth strut-1. ‘ . ' .‘.:\"l"l'Ii)-—-:~‘i< prlwiicel ciuilnskt-rl. cu mo.-r‘s l’l't.‘l\'l‘iIillil Cm. i0i.'. Liron<in'rsy. A.\'i'iU)—A pill Impzgy-we is ~r. lfli Ll ' - Stable at 5. Uli-luv.-ut. iri‘. Elilnrkncl st? “W A.’€'l'!ZI)--Bur st Tug lfuclury. -ll!» Chrisiy av.. ’_‘.v:\.’\"i‘i-'.'l'l;)—-A lyric-seller. si‘l.‘:uu¢r.!: l.lro.'s. Ill —.’TxTv:3d «.1379... Apgl-yr. in 11.? 5;!) rule. st snout lo 0'<:i0t; . a\‘;‘:1TJ»)3,l)l-?-;_‘iI‘.‘::fil|"l»’«|)3":. nt I'(‘.lill)' & (lc-.ulli:s‘. {.00 A.\'i‘I£l)—l0men sud 5 lumsi rs ‘ei uusrry on Olive tiller! road. hill. 6 smlA7- lilo liuuxcs. , ' A\‘l'i>:D-—‘.lhoys to {uni Llm.-rty l'r:.-um.-s. alt-zuly work, ‘Ils Market street. Mound City llsx sud A.‘3TIiD_.\ militfeil-ll|llKOl'. Also, sit uphols- . , A.\'l’i'.i_1—«‘.w laborers. in teams. on um 51.. Lam; and 'l.‘e.xvu llellmud: wsgus for laborers, Si 15: tor it-sins. saw. Ifld xxlunty also. in lesinsters. waxes $2.‘. is month end honrd. Ap- ply tar irsnspmtsiimi to John l)elmsn.l'1*.{Jlirr»sd wsy. or to us at Tyler. Texas. Msmilviilc. bowling .!.Co. 4% ULIVK .\'l‘.—-itnolns snu umccs st low rates. inquire at -lsulior. on DI'tIlit!‘.'t. c L'?llnl"i‘i:.\ll Al’!-:.— 2-i—i - . niih ilalii. so. t>xn.. iarg: _\:rd.b\\“,l‘l’il I‘l.'\'iC—A i|i".l|i)‘ fiit'iil.i_i'i-ril ‘trout p:I.rlu|.. I llrc and gas; southern exposure. v-5'"".;”w' ‘T-§i"xi§T-‘r'<).~: .u"r:’.T—'t?"?u'F Ion IlId1;Il'.‘ lurnlliiu:-J l'0I|‘)ZI| ivu -34.9335. 23 untnrulriicd rumue. : ‘_ c 2- r?t.l.\‘i§T.T.~T'\vic.—a in e u ~w re. 3330 third floor; 5'3 per |1I0iiUtRZlii coxn'-_~ni.n"' . i‘) ll llE!«'T-—1l:n«ls<mm sslmm parlor. fllrlilillieli or partly. onoiiru. near I-‘slluelilii u.. iuiiubir tar doctor or deullsl; rent low. :\<i(il'thS L. 11. this otiice. 1.-‘on iti:N'r—:itI.-sur;_iIE}iN:~:oUs. ' 4 on Iii-2N'|‘-M cats. in iozs to sun. at was sud lQ)5 Mnritnn st. '"—'"""T?£.?.?§is§ii"fifii."2§trIi&.""'”""'"‘"‘ Fill! 8Al.l~:—Elsl-mu llriltlrum and pool table chi.-so tor cash. Allliress 8. hi. this oitll.-c. - F01! SIiLl’i--A grocery‘ In western portion of cuy; . ohjcclluclor-e psrrnorshlpz 2006 oppuriuuiiy to energetic man. Ad. Y. 10. illlnolilcc. * no. liil lirusdtrsy. ‘retina, A.N’l‘P:ll—-wt: lisilrosd Meu~\'i'-gee Si 16 per y. heard is per week: my once every week: best or accommodations {or men. llsssetl. H)! N. Fomth st. A\"1‘-El)-6’. or -I fitnl-cinss cm-oenlcrs by the Knapp. stout .i: Co.(:ompsny.toot ct liremen sv. A.\'TE.‘l)—~l..1hon-rs—!\'enr Ccnwrulls, County. Mlesistlppi. lhsvs 1.01.0 some or land in oulton sud com. to be picked and llousell. conuuodstu whim ezulcnlorcd Ishorers i luive lsr a {mine llmises. with brick tin,-pieces in cscli, in 1 beriiu suai lnellrcsses in each commmiaie s large number of laborers. tor whites will he sepsuie tram those for colored in- burcrs. The highest price will be paid (or good hsudr. house sumcivmt to se- \ulmi'i<.n.-s:x.tsluta. aAuw«7W=N- F-10- .,.,.-.......,.~... ‘7 '.. .. E3: sri .‘..":if.“.{.’...¥.".2’ -.°.‘.'‘-'«5 :4. A -in - n—0ne hsviex irula slresdy rocery and gem.-nil store men d specisity on commission. loiel Barnum. between B Ifulnrs inquire at on Fri-xi. L-och woo “wt.-trod. Aiupiy st 9&2 I ‘ sndiis.m.sud7sudap. in. V A;(1_-39...,‘ 500,1 .1, M ‘Hi to learn sltirlulerthv ins. Apply at so that sl.. up-Iisirs. ‘V A:4'r'r,])..1ni clsrk ev.-- Llirl to do general housewcrx. I ‘v.i\N'.l‘2ZI)-A cod German girl {or nil work: Am- ’ erican fsini V. tiuui-pt-rmus; $1’) I monili. 18430 Armstrong svunue (.‘.imlth 'l'wtnt)'-second um,-ll. am.-um unmneu. c. it. such. an N. Funrtil st. ‘V ' A.§'i'El)—'l‘\vo apprentices to lesrn dresmsklnn. st 817 N . Fourth st. - :5" - it a 1 i rk in? VV‘%...§’u’};”.:‘u.“.‘.’.;"u.°i.“£3515. ‘x‘.’.‘5.‘.§’:2'..‘ .. -nus ‘Walnut stvcet. AS'l‘l:‘.l)—-A colored wumxn to wash and run. one VV Uni understands her business. can rpm: to fllchnwnd 1iIaio:l.tourLh sud eiulsty svenne, liter 0 I. III- ”"V‘.AN‘l'.iCD--A ciisuxberinsid st ma Olive sxroot. “VASTED—A good cool; at ills Olive su-ea. ' ' A1\"l‘El)-At filo Locust It. In experienced " cook sud naood house girl. ‘ ‘V Ati'1'l?.l)—llermsn 1-1 to do gensrsi housework, suuii tsmily. 2 Olive st. AN'i‘EU--1.003 Locust st.-Itulstsnt dinlnxorooua ‘ girl: . kitchen girl. __ “‘V'AN‘!.'Ei)—-One house rlsnel one lsundrr Kiri iisstsixmlt. No. all in It. - ,-...._.._.... ”‘,.2f'|'?3nt€l‘i. 3 dish- A‘§i'E“l3-l0 cooks. vr”s-‘sheis _ V“ en “"3 Man”, J fucnusu) tar coun try. U16 ‘hsstuut 0 ll‘ W o gferrsve. M '0" ‘ \V..*"‘"'“..l1’?..;".1‘t:,“i‘.sza-=~ ~w-:z*:..'u';‘.”.'.. ".‘.f‘..‘.’.’..’.‘.:’.I...’}, ?.13.‘.’i,::,.:::=ge win» W ‘.£‘.'££%:.:‘.:l‘f‘?..l.ll‘L"...i:':‘.*w“ W "““ ‘W’; no . 1 h ‘-70"» Call 'l‘2hursds—yul§gl‘rlnI5¥-I git’.-cg?-‘"5!- W-.u,g:.~.i~°..ex«.-'‘:::.'l'§.‘‘I.::“' *" - ' "‘ i'm'rsu-v at i - -as 1- to nfi""'-ue'«§’f"'1.s5i‘.'.“l..‘a.§‘.‘£°.i’.f.‘ .f.‘l{.‘; s on , '.Y5[‘ii‘.”i*.~:.?‘.z.:.t".:..:.i‘.a°"" we we '4 w‘ -- ' A'N'i"El)-81100 sslunisn. J. 0. Brandi. OW nuaiiu A51) immimu wA:r-tum. V ~., ~.-, vvtss... ....~.....;m, .N'lI’l;1lit}-~’i'v1o fllfliiigdg rooul.s.'1rll._l;_lxx.,.}'s_ 5 * w sud )3.KL'i"Eflg‘:':i'il|i| flbvsmstsiai-rlu Sb uwmm" mm’ Address W. 10. iiilv nm ““‘”"T,2'.'.‘,':-'-’1K'lniiy wsnis two rooms, with hi)-.lrd. mam Cimuwsu sud Lstsycise avenues. west xtseutii st. nddtsu A. 36. this adieu. 31005!‘-I5. ltuuate. uc. s't‘.l.N'A'i:‘.U. —\A..—~,-‘aw-.,-.4sn..«~.,s.—~.o..-.—-.A¢sa_a~—\’../../~.~’~ " A.‘l'l’t‘.l)-‘two enis wllsnssultot rooms. M3-o ii A.\"t!:D-A smsll house. or will tnlto thr 40011:! orern store where there is no other not not more Ihsr. SM. Ad. ll. Ls. this oil!-Iv AN’l‘i‘.l)——Furulsltsd room. no «me. . \v‘/sshinxtou eve. and l'ins st. su Zliieenlh sl.s.x permanent. w.xuxnu~.u3E.7.TE.T F01! :iALlC~—-A testsursni. with tarnished mums sluclind all rented. dein_rr n semi business: s new chance. Apply to room 5. .\c. an olive st. on RALIFS-—A comer grocery on l-‘rsnkllu iivenne, with Ilnclt. tixiun.-s. clc.; well located, sud drai- clsss stand for is live men. A bar sin. . . /'0. f D‘ P hLkf}?.“K|‘i(ilIi'i st. _ _ __ iiil omceln comivleie runnli 1; 9)’l’{(i:t“;bi::ili‘l'i?€t1’i':;€l0i sued; luwprlcc. 406 Chasi- nui st. _ on gM_,u:..ugoccry em! saloon In 3 R004! locality’ F Am,” .0 xvoxelsalig & (:o.. ‘H3 llrosd-ray. ifitus e'.K1.E—Snl.~til tutor lniIl' very cht-s . A0‘ 1!. dress ll. Aux. Jacobs. Jsccbstim, (.-rswto (vim- irllssuuri. B1011 8AI.!’.-—Iil private sale. s nm-cilia: sud com- plete stuck or turnllurc. together with the Kaoli- vuiil cl 1 xurosperuus business nsrrlmi on {or the ins! eighteen you: by the isle Frederick W. ltuse. d4- co . :1. fife stock will be sold on reasonable I_ 7_“'"“."}fl the building. In which the business lissu'é',‘i,(,d' I, I oniwlllbc lcssod to me xxurciituer. " ' ' ° tui particulars sddrets M ” _.,uu;.;1-[Ay uU5g_ Llmhnnxd. "L 1' Aiiinlniulrsirlx. i‘;""£i‘)‘“},i_"':‘:"-"“ar T 0 Tu it UITY Iron, 3.11.3, .,.,.,~,,........,...-.,.,...... rm): tiA.l..F:-Vsluslile Sheep lisncii st a Bargain- ’i'hs Keystone ltzmch. nest 1"l«yn~nce. mm,_.., ninety minutes‘ rill»: train the A. T. uni hi. it. it i- ::{‘,u2Ii)iu~revot rlchinmi trliii ti living um...".§. rthruugh the center: iliieenscros i)i‘I|K(.’fl: three ‘ll-ilT|‘|W‘ Him‘! iIOIlsL'. cum rrlb. wool house. iitnuo 70 ion! well. ele.: three bun-us. coil, oqw, ghflp. rn herd‘: -iux. we on. hltlltss. spzricultursi luinieuu-uts' . . , “'0 {wilt-' '30???» I. escli lo) Incl squsrs one Willi shed- glrrrlil‘ rancll stocked with 91.5 tine merit wooisvcngcd nine pounds per read wlnilzrs. no snows no «llleasu: turn it to filcouts per bl3fl|€|- Ill)’ 3710 §3 D0!‘ inn: husim.-as sate. licsltli end immizmuly rofllnlxie in anyone who run give 1’; personal silent on: ovvncr is L-iixagr.-ii in other bull. nets in the Bull. and for this reason alone will sell st ggilaigs far below st-lnsi coal: prim; $140), (,1 ,.,m¢h to iii an 1* gen: lucressc on uwcs this ifll‘ was 7.; prpr ’ slxurt itnil mild may rennin on xnerixsur {or live rt-sis iii a por- cent. Thu wool crop slime paid twice the expense oi running iuism. A K I‘ . . I-‘.l') ‘ . HO North T\t’t'illiDil¥:ii’}lt{0i _ Philsdcipllia. 11.. , will sell; also " Al\"i‘Ei)—blxriew srtlclcs lliwuwh hick’. Hill IL W st d 30 ll . mu‘: l!¢:.tx4'el Hiiiillnl en, £03123 lilll DISH) - :Ci'I'T‘PEl)-Elsie suits iiznsil cspiul required. 11 ’eople's Ten 00.. be _,wmav'ws.n .4 6 WI cent interest tc-rlnrfi secuvllnno cam. K. ls, in. o, w;7i't-;n~r.ts.'r1u-zms. tits-u.ov.i«:u cu-2 l_'ll0l'ElL’I‘Y Full. --...-..............,.,~.Vt....-..v...,v.,..,vv.,..~,. ' ‘, PINE ET.-F S I -.\' . hqilso. li_ rp4>rriT:'_is:g‘o yserv-'1' ‘lwéli? ‘$3: vsulcnce. w. H. 8'1 U1 vt.s.l.vr. we 5:. Ms :1 .1. OR Br\iLE-—A rholcc little home. in elegant ard er. in the mu.-stern put or the cll accessible to the cars. with is large 00-foot lot lguuii tiiygngirovcd, aucesuc . to B. D. l'orlsl'- at 00:, M9 rm; st., 1 Oil SALE-~15i1 Pins st.—0ne oi the best built and most complete new Saiorfi houses in ihe cit . l:'.NJ. W. (.‘i..\li . 368 N. Lllill st. uteer with I cuhfv it end hsrdvrsre humid .'l‘exss. Business boomin- Devi dreuass. B. lnkson. (lsiussviila. Tesss. ll .i.’§(3l'~'l»bAN 30(1) WAN'la. AilTKl)d«:’I"icknor A: Go. ..,¢.,..v.... M‘ Gmmwl “M mm‘ merehsnt isllors, Sixth I-‘OIL :iA 1.1’:-l1I30l.IaA’ul.B( EU I38. F011 SALT:-F0!!! it . new csnvu cots. Apply lo J. 0- Ivan. lvws louse. mix sud (liire sis. B.tlAl.l'1~—l "ii ls»-W lb ’ . Ervcenldst on 't‘x§f.'.l‘-’§°?l en‘ sud liersfls letei. lo-day. from ii to ill wcmcu. FOB BLi.E—-Ohesp-lutrgs alt, st «:1 Chestnut st. N‘! to b M . Le r gmd i?6'olls°. leg. stereo-1c.nn ions can honor. «lei; semi tor u cellar. A s. 1:117 zmrliesl sud W *N'r”D""Y°“”l Nil!“ ‘woman for cook to 0 mm If E” 15‘ 5- yrood (no washing}. Apply .1, WAXTxb—A No. I lieffilsnfifiifiiil to cook wssti sud ‘ A£TED~0msn girl to owls. wssh sad mm, ‘.VAH‘l‘1§h «A good woiosu in 5.911.: {or pglvste Ism- Islter ryroprietgg, eermsaérli D§at’.‘1i.s‘LAfi.¢fi‘;]2I.i’7 Dsyion as, W” 51 5 Pfilllil film! Chennai st. _ Aldxlrnii iiggels u._ . Ii)’ in the cmsniry. in) N. lui_i_s sin‘ "'Ala“l"sfl}—'ltnme.di‘stsly, A good slit to com, ~,y:.‘E ""'Fi"i.r:r rm: nti§T:Ts;.s§ 1’Uiii'0t.lBti. ‘J -.-«v-.a~a-.»«..««da~¢~.’~;~a Peri or «mice tor Bani. N. iflP‘l‘!i iri‘.-(inehslcle 0 iileuson‘ unit. Inquire Wililitifll ' W " “ W '" /um on mmtscr er.-to: ...;.. um mm’ nor.-.4. escli Ilsa, logelljgf qr um. W‘ W93 out set zi_-ml mm snd . rsta. test low we good re ustl I"10ltBAi.)$—-Joe prlnun oaiee st (05 Chestnut st. liusinsu esunllshellga cu luiiy stocked: will in ION low. REDXU VALE. »~, us. ~..«.~.—-...¢.-./.,~.. J£E;BVhL—Ths etllcs o1‘il1~e’Ainerlesn Central In-. lliflllffl UOIHNBY. _ot iii. Louis. is removed from ink Bitld I.0clIiI|ii(rEei1l‘l‘0 gioshllfi srgirizi Ullvs st. -. 760ml Oflntil I‘. own 8:16 13000!“ Cowpwiya ‘ y ‘ "G25. 1‘."t§'l'i'ii'li."d - fresident. ""3 “Sari Foli 8KLt:—Clw:ip. bone and much. ll 8. Tenth siredi. , Chxlsiy sre.. bet. i 4 4 o Foil iiA.l.i¢—-Very cheap lot‘ single scis buggy hsi- nus buggy llrsl.-cl” ' Ipolt flALivJ-—A h0l‘”tX"l svsgon sud hsrncss . Full SAL?»-Bsmuchss. rhsetcns wagons‘! um ;. sud end-spring st t<ilivuler‘s. (la side-bar buggies p :.“.‘_.l‘{:‘ .:it*h..i*::"- “"‘_"‘ W"- .. 3| . ti--o«.ls and ill! .(il')‘. .’.ii .\. I-'<nlrlii «Inn-:. 'llie ii--cit nn lnuui in:-iudvag s bcnulllul es.-nrtnu-1-l ul itw WI)‘ hint: nun.-lilcs in Paris Du-u uuoils. iionuuis and ; miss. ,- 5.. r:u;in'1i z-r1‘.—-xrmcmn Iiuuse-—(io<nl mm 1) I-unlit. 5|-'1; tIi.s'li.'iIl?l‘lLi('l"ll')07ll. '1 t) 34. 1TH .‘,vT.--lielrulioillnu il.m:I-—}-22¢-g.\ut ltd- _..; nary [mm i(y:)i||. gnu and lsi-elm-. rcstirurnnl i;uard tor than sud wile. clump‘. day board S:.A) inu- [I v.'cci.': lrsnsicnl 51 n «luv: rnozn sm ocml Sis week. ( N. I-‘.ILi|i’l ll S'i'.--I-'uI'ti iiipusq—'I‘«:rms put‘ 1 q) \v‘k.$.':: table hosrli.$.1;tr:ms|cni. $1 per ti)‘. E 1 (.‘i..\\' .\\-‘I-‘..—-Priirzrlc family will |s'.l .-cc- and (11.0: (um. 71 rooim; r.-lliit r for huusw ltvcpintz. or boani parties ; rt-lereiltwl cxclisulili-'-1 - 2 _" I.()L:U:é'i‘ S‘[‘.—.\'I.:l:ly inr. Mill lIl)flll‘nixl|' 1 . 0) cal room: with lzuanl. Us)‘ and irmhlrznt iJu.\l’tii.‘r3 accomznodazled. M'''" “X .. i'i’Nl"7riN .\Vl-.. . »l;.- iurnlshcd mm . nor. and sad. up. with bosrd. llgy lnmnlors nccunuuoi!.\li~d. if 0 Oi.i\'E——.\u ele nut 1mnv.xi.1rior::slsn oili- 1s3 ur rlvuliis: good «urd: it-.rms Fl. uscilisblcr. T—~.\ lzchl bracelet. bcuveeu i‘our(.'ourts and ieumlsy evening. Lure at hill l'iuo siren mu Karl. re :u-xi ad‘. roll}. u$:ltincc wig; latter: . . . cu t -. Yliidcrwllliuy rcasnled b ftlbflfiixfl .uu°§":°o ltoamad. 3lci.cuu‘s iilock. i-‘earn 05‘!-S ll liewnnl——lieti Irish seller 0:: while spot ontncc sud brunt; answers to in Return lo9l3 N. Nllilh It., and receive reward. Uh?-~ziiris)'ed—iic(I Irish seller bitch from and rice st.. oetii. I6; very iiinlii. s'£l)l'U.l .1103 A In 3l.\.l'.'iC 'l’t2A(.‘lll'.it is open {or engsx; Zilsliicizinlics A spa.-r.-.|nltr: normal ineihwisz mod- AdIiI'\.'8l V. is‘. this oiilcc. f.\2\"l'i-Ili—A xsnllt-than snd vi-lie.-'mln‘tbe ivrul refs rvuuc-1, superior lcscmrs at both music and miiiliiix. having at units! at $3.101). would like Ill ill- liss boaniinzg sciiooi tor young era in remuneration. er-:st insomu lint- Atldress 0. is. this ulli I)L'(}.\‘i'l().\' AL-U . Kl: yinonti. in native lfrrme.-ll to zinc priretu lessons in branch. lst--ry and Llzcrslurc. mews can be i\‘¢!li. ‘.til‘J l>:u;:cuis strcct. " as { l)‘:i_“i“l'2i’.':i liihillliitli.-—l>'ur hoe‘: and young: Inch: lvm on rM:s—— ti clullcsl stu sirucllun \i|0l’\)il;{iI‘,tHll..'lp|illlI strict: Ilienilmi lolluu ll|al|i'lel'!.IiI(l iIi0t'.'|i.1Uf Ilie nuplls. Tim I i-‘I-Ir. Stlmeillbcr ll. cuinr: add:-um iku. lt. l-otter. A. 3i.. l'rlnci ‘.‘Ui.\. inn u.. at. l.o~.ou. ilruokex.-ltcr. it. i’. nu-u. lilo cvIntm:r(:iul; lu- ycsr cu nuneu cmi iLet¢ Mitt‘. J i'to:. L‘. Li. \\'o5s«i°"‘ tww..- °‘ 'r.itSU.\'Al.—.Jn:t Arrlve«l—3iine. Uci.uors'!Il‘sile- llniile l‘,rii9 for tell and winter; catslcyguegg rule-ux :i|)1)iltiIli0il. Ad. 0. ~ Yum-iii Sluhl. I-uutu..\lo. .\'.\l.«-Sire. E. J. iirrxllur. u exmraciurnr ‘ H .llii'|'N)l'l(ffI. riiuuldcr braces. Cur- st-iu nilliil: in order. bill.’ Olive sire-ut. )l-:lisi1iI\‘.\l.- Prnlttlv.-ln;_: party it: ltoiuholdvs nine- in;: .\v::dcmy. this (\\rc:inm-clay) at-eniiur. cur. 7; end l.ucusl; new schulan edmlitcd at any time. ')i“.lt.‘U).\'.\l.—l‘vl-mm wishing try 3lvl(lnncy's it0lnt‘.-lllitiitl Mine werlimt our nihiilcrs inn-lu hrrnii In the ds n'h_cli we \-ere Ilitlc tu.i.k.s. A. Zevlicr. lM>o'-illtlihtr. is cod hr: sci mama so :1 I it .\i'i'i i-’rs:iklin even-:3 ..'.”u"-.55 .\i’0lili(i‘ mm Y»':nE~:l.m7\1.—.iuue Emut, 'uTeTc in ms l'o:i. Utlice. _ ‘4 r & (.'o.. murrliuit tailors. ii and Clleslliul sis.. solicit your nstnonxxu. i)i2HBOXAl.—iiopetui: Will be lheru. isslctlcr tor you ‘ 5i*1l(SONAl.-\'i'ill some honorable geuiiciuan oi mesh: and ullinre villi is highly res. and cult. 7.1.1: cute:-pri.n-l' llct. req. Ad. I-2lt:!l)\1l.l..--it you an stllicleil with s yrlvistae dis uL'.u no la Irr. iilnsbecr. (L3 21'. eorenlii at. "W .' 0l.|\'l-2 Ki‘.-—i-'=xrtllsloc4i mount in rent. I with b:».u'(l; M50113)‘ Lmzsnl: rel. ex. 83 0Ll\v'ir‘. Pi'l‘.—\'lt-sly lot. or unfurnished 1 rooms. with bosrai; mi. rcq. I; C l'i.\‘l-I “'l’ltl-Ii-lT—lit::iiilltul ro ms. with burml. hlU.'f('X'L‘l1C_l.‘ required. ‘I C \\'.\l?\‘ll'i‘ S1‘.-—.\il at 1’ Li -ti us 217 wllllinrosltissl. and its? um ‘ “ “N X ' 22.8 Li.‘r<.‘lJ:i'l.‘ S'.i‘.—Srcmui-slnry lmrlt room with bond, also lid-iiory hack. , 1-‘1.‘i.'i.\‘(:i.s l.. f§?\ 5.‘...-vs’. P‘!§{ANCI.\I.-Wnnic(i—’l‘hc l.‘i.i:i'i('i' 01 n bu-Int-vs . curporullou tr:-is from debt. (live nltmd. zuldn-as sud vrlcc. Address 1.. ii. “iii oilicu. FlNASClAl;—5ione{ to loan on iulurnrml city real estate at rcnsunsb in rates, without cu-I‘ ’ ' M. It. (.'oiili:s. all Find sl. 1;ll.\'At\'(}i.'ii.—liwleylolo:iusl6. 7 and ii per cent on my rt.‘:Ii cslslc. in sums to still. at trmu one io tire yuan. Muucy ready ss soon its in an can be mule. M. A. ‘s\‘l)l.l-_‘ J: (11).. ms .\ . llilnhth st. "V ON’ HY mlvnncmi nn pianos. ii. Si. thrill. First .1 Nsilunel imwnlxrolmr. Nu. 7:53 Morgmi st. __ v (JNICY L0.-\Ni‘l) II it lunch Id '04 l ' "- "" L’ nxu\'.tI:lnwi:sln:lc.ul).}€B\'sn)s.Hz._K "(iq__-3'7"" : U.‘2F.\' Io Imui st 6 null ‘ nor 9°!“ 9" cu" i'‘’’' N‘ N min in ruins lo mm. ii". :3. .{_‘.‘;‘;".‘,?‘5'{‘,‘n‘fi ,:___... '-"-‘-""—"‘ ._ .1 mild igevu Ion Invar- iii,‘.h::::'.s:::.midi‘-lrzkI ‘.°“"' --in -—--~*—.*,-.—."%‘;:,"‘°u s_uuseuul«i flirlliiliru wui: J. I ‘gfl$}.l':lI|li\(?«Il‘.U l U: 5:‘ ’”‘3T"H. ms 3. i-Jiirhlli st. [mus p,1ADs=..'-’ ‘HOUSEHOLD G"i)TlT)§ a l. Wlllcsli lit residence it desired. ."~3Fil:‘.'~'.°.§'i‘,£§L",9l‘?u. snd cash advanced on life lmiiimiie-2 po",_.,“‘ Tn-noun recclpll. All business sirlclly couddculu - ch... J. Blake 520 Pine ‘st. Room 1. MU:il|'.'Ai..v- illitifl upright pianos {or rent. 15. Ncilnsllci. [Old Olivciircol. _-' AN'l‘i-2!)--A ynunx mm: (mm )6 la lililmc.-,n is)‘ orizsii in R0 with show: wuuld like in iiisst from srkcr eiiilireu. Ad. L. Duh]. CC1ill‘fll|)i!i1.ilJ- .AN’l‘i*'.D-hiu=tic:iris who end pin - brass and siting: in travel for the lxlusml W niur scatvvm sgiih A nhcvruls nscmhstic and specially vertonners. (..ll.\3. llunier. zm s.:,u._»um 3;. ]j5Allli.\I.V8 in l’l:n5r:. 3- . Sb». 3'1‘; $4. NW. 3125. 5l50.$I75 «sic. llsrrclrss‘ Piano ii :Ii'«'l’i“-ulns.c0r. l~‘.iL-veum lanai Olive. A.\"I"El)-vAK I Li- 1 ‘ H E . V .m........;.'.“:.¥.2.t::.::°:..:i:i:..:“;¥;i".i2 Puplsr si. ,"" PIA-.\(itl and Unzrins tor a] - i. i - , g 19) No. 3-6)} I.ocmi street. Ai; Yrlillsixlll l7icll'l‘;i’:)|r7. the hsndsmm,-sl iulci lnzsl piano la the CH1‘. PIANOS WANTED *“’“ C A ll ll . lisrrclrss‘ Piiuid \Vsrcruoins,eor.i'.lo\'unlii sml olive. ‘I’l‘OltY.t CAsii'. 911 sun all uilvn street. srn sols 1. uzuntn tnrirwln: liuoi1.. Cilicxsxilsil smi MA- rilusinzir l'n\.'loesm t‘..~rrr.\' Oitmtxs. L'.il'§{t'.sI ttocu —i.mvurt in-ices sud euiest lenm in the city ""i‘i6'ii§"17§~i'X}iB'i7EifiI:‘i.x£§T“" "" ....7,.,_.vv.,.,v..... .A—.,-.«.~.v..~..... Bbil(llH8.plls¢icns. wsxmls. Late 3 “"1 mm“ __'__tl_' slsisohsrncss. 4il(.‘lIrlslynw. "..';§.’.’.‘?.:.T;’..""i..“. .%‘;“.!"’l‘.‘..”'.".‘."""" "‘°°"‘»" s i I L‘ ‘ I) ’ ’ - out cor. Park sud illuluippl eves. ‘ ‘ Mn,’ “N” 0lt5AI tZ—-A ml -I t u i - ‘ imam‘. am \'y'£uIl’.I‘)lit'i3<p>n siJ.'?::’i':'r.p\zi.cLl2ls(irl;nl|':*'E 1%l‘tfli:l1.)\l_i°.i;.‘-3.ilii‘Al bxrfac-be situosimnv. city links. ” oii S.\l.i-2-F no-lc F sud hsrnetsof {£03. Be:*<‘:lfl?l‘:t.“.€°u‘ ‘um um" i‘3Al-Pi‘:-‘EEOTSIE. hug; slid hurnsn. stun loivr res. sh exsm no es s 1. on is livery slnbic. liotichssiuutslreet. m . u M 1uz'ri-:1)-5 l mu - I ‘ lrsrnessz ixi’ifs?{r:;,ogz°d sna:irc.h::i§?u'C:‘l‘l“:t‘:‘l}l clock Wsdncsdsy siteruoou. “mg:-2: gill. nicks! sn rubber mounted. ilisii. Oil 5 LR»-—J i i . - 4 1.1.3. til-3::'3'i'§;F'il'i§a", s"i'3';"§3x'-i («fl:i»io')“°§§¢i; .. ....... ‘:2. 1-.'i.“.“1.‘.’“ W *=-m*~-- M - BLOOK. TYLER 5 C0. chow. Apvlr -I 8.'J.‘eilill st. in es’ la '”.‘§53hm.K?'i§wmx‘““’ . Ninth. ' pt “" r it iiAl.E-all new sud second-lisnd csrrisxcs. coupes. bsmuchsmumwmt ccltswsys. suxrsys. tons. site sum in II Inc: citsuss sent silrrsys} Brewster. 01$iO glue trout, snlubisf one im.2’&: 33} R IIALI-A. * ndaems ow e-roexsw __)i~2it.'~s'i)N.\l.-i)r. Smith in-sis temsietonly; llln _ bi ti. jiillueiiih st.. tn-at irailxllla n\‘.;b .nruliui.'dur. couilnuulcui. 13:31). law. h'lia'l).\A.'.—-Dr. Ascqnxus mien ‘ow: suivlcs srnlls. illul «mice. 7 2§lK5UNAL.—-l)i'. i~;. (,'.(:nz.Ic. iieulist. .\‘u.:r::l om: cur. l'\".ii: rooms all on ilrst lloor. mt l':i.‘lil. $3; xnlxiliiiillks. $2: (lilicr nliims‘ Si: IL-cih cursrlmi,_ with or wiiliuul guarsuiegll to give nslisfzlcliorl. I-2Il.5'UN.\I.-iicliinnes-'2 li.ak'cr:cs...sIe the nicer: in get 2-voil bro.-ul. isles Mid c.1Iu;s.”'Vs‘inilics .sA.'l‘\‘-:-I ct-n«i postal card to '.’ll5i~‘vwl.iln:t-- cum: and '.l.U ilollnd siren.-l. . % pdlullu" to all he mi Green-vood‘s rend)’-mlxtd paints. l'i‘.‘ll-'rsel:l.Iin av’. (PliF2S'l‘ price paid turlnnllrs‘ imd gums‘ re-l-oi! clothing. ‘)iti]_(uIli. uilrcl’. <:.n-pcu. it-silmrs. by 1. sliiciitisii. ‘.'1ii'J l-‘rssnkliu ere. Sondponial-mud. uftdrlsdic ' and rum‘ cs i-oi! ______ __i—_-__l_.__&LiIp;n. 9H N. till at.‘ Al in ms :1 ._ '- ‘ “"“ “—"” Wit?!‘ -9 U‘i'l\il«':ill‘A.k:J7‘r;ll:i’n‘:§?.. New Y VIEIIYHOK) Y can do I it (.u-eeuwood's really-ui elr awn painting by uaimx ixmipsiuls.ll;'i'P‘r2:lhIln av. Uhcalmll sjs., sollt!iip)l:t§i::liigtgzilflggge. sum um ASH !.()A.\i-21) on iriitnim. lilsum, uc. 4l;lCin:atnuiel.. [mom i. 1tE.\‘l‘ sld uglller In Q.‘ilnlI.ulis.vsrli1slit'.v. braille: t' ass. ulc.. at me: I’l.UH.iii.'l‘ltA .\l!N(.‘lil) ili:.\'r— i'.lll—l he mmiutscituc-r desires to ighi inml l|_llc (or n rmsli . (if [use]! , , -i l 3>i’i‘1l|i~' tmidvu at-. I’hiiadc|pliia. (5l')()l)1..'iislIce-F ll .. . - __ on monthly [|.\)‘Ili|L!:lx|ls ~l.\UiIll5 _p.-rye llie Ilirlic ' °lvIh|nit..aul.ucn»x. SCI (>.\'l-2) ionized on uouseIro5ll- ll. “ Wit? tn:-I resin-/it (unis: no reummi; :us J: l,u.. ’.i:l‘ .\. Sun-nth. in :s’.i‘b‘.i'ili>:.'s':i‘ Ulllihiilikl. l’.‘i'i¢ ti UIMHEM. ‘"0w&(‘=’iii‘i‘. nml wnrrslilcd or I mull -lmxglsis. ilieusme ct \ Ill. ‘l’. iii.»-Aw‘ ‘Tum’ gwuhm mu‘"'"‘”' Dr. J. H. Leslie, « NlI\‘Ul¢!I’l.AL (turner Sixth null Dluritt-t. Sin 03 I‘-‘IN to disaster at [[15 ,:’Q'u‘l"5\i:l (Inmiicsi sud surgical). and ' iisliu u-iixli.uin¢,e.1u,,dm. M, "Penman — —---.___‘__________________ 19- 9. WIsE-:=.m N Practical Waidil‘illai‘nc- _ U. 9"’ T. Louis. -I-..-'5 ()1 '¢'(_31-5;-_l.uuL-_ .REPAiRED The Wisemsn solar uhu:ri‘iliiI}i\ layu- s. y is ills onir one oi the Hull isit-in In VANE, CALVERT & "Co. Univeri-sily useul llirouxhuut the entire West. aim minced lobe tho but mini In the Uuiiml auras. piucdrduudyrluc-ilsitelil (no In _s;l-lrcssim: VASE. CAL t.ll'_l‘ .t (11).. .'l.'-laud Tail 2:. .\l.t‘.iiv‘.. PILESI- PILESI PiLESi A Sure Cure Found at Lost. No one A sure cure for the tilled, Illeesllnz. Ilchlu;.; snil lil- oereiui Piles nu been discovered by Dr. Wlilllum (an Ind!-m remedy). called Dr. .-'3i'iiimn.' Indus Ointment. A slugio box list cured the worst rhrmue cos: 0! twenty-live glad thirty years‘ stall-lluz. .\7oous need sulttsr flvu minutes site: supiylnx this wonderful soothing medicine. Lotions. luau-«menu and alertn- srlcs do more harm than‘ good. Vlillisms‘ (Jiuiuxeul shoot!» the minors. slli-ys the lllleilio iiciillig {penis- ulsrly st night sttsr getting mu-lulu bed). scts ss 4 poulllcc. glresinsunt end [ulnlsss rcllel. sml lnwrv psred only tor Plies. itching at the prlvsio puts ml. virtue. sud physicians 0! all schools pronounce it he grcsitst contribution to medicine at the axe. ltnisi.-‘ iennot how longer severely you have been suxiurlu. you can be cared. . Bend whet the lion. J. M. Ooflenbcry. oi Clcvclsul. an about Dr. Wlliisxns‘ lnnisn rile Ointment: _f'i_ hsve used scores or Pile cures. sndii stiords me pitu- ers to any tint I hn"vs never toned anything which are such umnedlsio end _,.msnent seller ss Dr. William‘ Indian Piis Ointment." . For isle by sil druuirls or sent by mail on DA . rzam.u...‘."¥m.u. on ORUSHED ls sbsttuibs-he lint»-cisu order. N.(.u¢l. 30? sud Ohestnutgts. l Terfec m-‘r eon‘ fleet:-Lia ."‘ cfllliwrr suslutiunssio 3- I°lk9-d-W.J.Anderscn.o:uus_l'¢ ‘ ‘
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St. Louis Globe-Democrat February 28, 1887
St. Louis Globe-Democrat February 27, 1887
St. Louis Globe-Democrat September 19, 1880
2. . n'~ von.’ e-n'o., 112. j “ . -it 2.; )%fi;‘ I . x - < o E. .o?Koom:ooco.. SUCOESSORS ‘ TO , KREMER, Hnnzoei 82: 511 N. FOURTH sT.. ‘ Have determined to consolidate their business in their Memphis home, and will soonleave St. Louis. Theyoffer FOR ‘ . SALE their magnificent and paying business, built. up at ya. great expenditure of time and money, and liberally patronized by the ....
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2. . n'~ von.’ e-n'o., 112. j “ . -it 2.; )%fi;‘ I . x - < o E. .o?Koom:ooco.. SUCOESSORS ‘ TO , KREMER, Hnnzoei 82: 511 N. FOURTH sT.. ‘ Have determined to consolidate their business in their Memphis home, and will soonleave St. Louis. Theyoffer FOR ‘ . SALE their magnificent and paying business, built. up at ya. great expenditure of time and money, and liberally patronized by the . best classes of the city. The house is most favorably known for fair dealing and courtesy, keeping good goods and sell- ing at reasonable prices. This oppor- tunity for purchasing a ready-made profitable business is unprecedented. Offers will be received for the first three days of the ensuing Week. M. 83 G. KREMER & 00., muss, GOODS AND MILLINERY, 511 NOIITI-I FO'U’R.TI-I ST‘. The Stock on hand includes a Beautiful Assortmen of the Very Latest Novelties in Paris Dress Goods, Bonnets and Qloaks. ' Store crowded from earl The largest stock in the West of ARTISTIC POTTE of ‘our Foreign Were, the be our intention 1.(1()0_puirs Be (Licuuine Jn 4030,5000 - hiuroan r1_n_n_ rssonaxon 0 st»-minus‘ We-.m~ “ii “W” - ‘o._R.'wo:.K:.tr0iua‘ rid" .' ' Kazeswmimaus‘ “soon-e_'u:MJ.;o:a HENA 1:’ an autiful Crackled Glass in Amber, Green, Pink, Smoked and other colors. to sell everything at the very lowest possible prices: autlfnl Irl.descr».'nt Glues ‘Vases, per pair - - 50¢ Vvash Bowls and Pitchers, per pair I 000 dozen Good Plain Water Tixxnblors, each at - - - 0 O3 Majolica Tea Pot. Sugar and Cream. per set 1:000 dqpziylj Plain Crystal ‘Water Goblets. each at - - - 0 04. Decorated Chamber Sets. any color. 11 pieces Irlngllsh Majolica ‘Water Pitchers. emu at A - - - - 0 ‘.25 _ Jnglish Decorated Tea Sets. 4 mngge Tea Pots. each. at V- - - — - 0 25 Moss Bose In-ouch China Tea Sets, 4:4; pieces ‘him; Tea Sets. 214: pieces, per set - - - 6 50 t - Our Genuine American China I)in_ncr, Ilrcsrlxfnstnnd Tea Sets combined, 200 pieces Ilavilaml I.*‘rc..nch China Dinner, Brcalcmst and 'lea Sets combined, 104 pieces _ - Very pretty Englisln Decorated Dinner. Breiskfnst and Ben Sets combined, 140 pieces frljmss Rose china Decorated Dinner. lzcreisktast» and Rea Sets combined. 160 nieces , - French 'Bron1.e Par-lor Lmnps with I’orcclnin Shades, each . - - (icruxa.ni5tudexx.t Lamps, Nickel-Pmted. each - ~ - iLarg0St00k 010001, Restaurant 000301000 WITHM R, GRAY .& KAMINSKI, ll-ISTREET. BllANl}H3I6 and 313 MARKET 0 1 ‘W"]EIOIn‘Efi3§.zLLI3J AND , I3u”3'1‘LA;IL; . Q ioisrun TANDS. Eons, .rxsroLs‘s.ND SPORTING GOODS, pmunurnnnns’ rnmnwann and HOUSE 1-*Unms1n-no GOODS. - F H E D T H E M , \‘ ’TIIE‘IJARGE$T STOCK AND THE LOWESTAPRIGES. . STOVES- GRAND No. 1 Coal Clwkill {lg Nice Licaiiwr Sim‘ Headquarters fr':‘PRiOE;B‘IYE;i_._OE1\l’f1fs’,' ~- , S i{lll'1' 4-= Ai‘Ro1yalPurc.hase or 15,000 Pieces One Single Bid ‘of §0—F‘0 0 11010 C ‘ T T u lSt.Gallilar00a0I61001100Um0IHisE00r0iSI00k AND SENT noun’ loom. THE PUBLIC ll LPLEASEESUUBE iN0'l' 4 lllllfllllp Q .‘ FOR‘ THE IRREPRESSIBLE HOUSE OF U) 1 I . I _ _ . And will before the endlot the week‘ mark down on the Credit Side of their Ledger a‘. further Big Balance in Grateful Thanks for .v EEG-AINS. the Immense Amounts in money that this House Saves them 0-qzmrrlércen 51 u mun... . on 1-quart Green slop l'uII¢... ...L urueu air-p rails... 11'! humped In-so Pan - &8|ln1petll)ln|l l‘xnn.. --"K Stunned DI-h.l'nm1... kquarz Bumped Dish I":n.1... -in Stoves and Tlnwar T’ oonur. 'BROS., Blue Front Store, 807 1«‘RAN'liLll‘\Imii‘l7E ON MONDAY M()B,Nfl\IG, W111 be 0fi*9réd;’ annually. All Fresh, New, Clean Goods, this Season's Manufacture, Beautiful Patterns. . S338 Eflfi 13 0 a 0r0Sbi’1I11m~ler! morn until 0. late hour every day since we opened 2 Everybody delighted with the «— v , « _- 1U. , lP,tt-ry and the oxcccxlixxg low P:-Ices asked for everything is an extra indu 23:? N esv z:ud‘Po[.~u.ier Low-Priced House. 10 Tra0k,L1gI00,i ewSto! N Styles! NEW GOODS! LOW PIEICESCI no snor-Wonn GOODS! ORATED CHINA, Engraved and dut Glassware. Amen some Goods will be found the ROYAL WOROEéTER, Royal Dresden, Crown Derby and the celebrated Irish We quote a few Prices to show that it is p . 500 pieces Embroideries at 1 1-2 Cents a yo.rd;vworth 4c. ), '-p_ ‘ » a’ a. 500 pieces Embrolderics at 3 1-4 Cents a yard; worth 5c. “ "‘ - 500 pieces Embroideries at 5 Cents a. yard; worth 8 1—3c. ' ‘. \ AND 500 pieces Embroiderlcs at 0 1-2 Cents a yard; worth 10:3. 500 pieces Embroiderles at 8 1-3 Cents 3 yard; worth 12 1-20. d. K . 500 pieces Embroidcrics at 10 Cents n. yo.rd;wo1-th '17 1-243. 5 | N E D H N 500 pieces Embroldcrlcs at '12 1-2 Cents 9. yard; worth 200. ' I 500 pieces Embroidcries at 15 Cents :1 yard; worth 250; 500 picccn_IL‘n1broidcries at 17 '1-2 Cents a yard; worth 306, 500 pieces-lflmhrolderies at 20. Cents n yard; worth 850. 1,000 pieces Embroldorios at 22 1-2 Cents u. ya17ti;'worth 400. --~---—~ ~—- 7 50 pieces Embroldcries at 25 Cents a yard; worth 46¢. ' " 1,000 pieces Embroideries at 271-2 Cents a yard; worth 50o 1,250 pieces Exnbroiderics at-30 Cents a yard; worth 55¢. 1,000 pieces Embroiderles at 35 Cents :1. yard; worth 600. _»._ New Silks. New Dress Goods.New Miilinory,Z\*ew Suits, New Oionh. ‘T CUR-E3 -',_' New Hosiery, New Underwear, New Corsets. CATARRH HAY FEVER ‘:5 ABTIIHA Alli) uno.\'cum.s.’ -5 NOW OPEN AT LOWEST PIEIGES’ Sold by an Drusrsrmtm the Popular and Progressive One-Price Cash House of , Trude unnpllecl by- Z3. Crawford & 00.. 0110110 “outcome A ALLENFMM A D008 . NEXT noon '.l‘oFamousl -e . , ,_ As the Somber Forests Shed a Melancholy Grandeur liver the Useless lliagniilcence of Nature, so has J0000 0. 010 Basia 010001 Our IIf0,Si0k1y Ufllllllflllillfifll 0t 30010 M £13 Gumnaliturs FIFTI-I ST. AND ]3‘RANKLIN AVENUE. eve 0000,10‘ SHOOTING AROUND THE CORNER OF VICTORY IS ’I‘oFa1nous Iicving Ei1’cct.un1ly Brckefidlowri the Barrier of High Prices. ‘ The incom rehenslble development of our business is well calculated to’ clear the cobwobs irom the brains of some 0? profit. Up and down the busy thoroughfare of Frank in Avenue is constantly hoard t 0 cry: aere is Jerome A. 'Allen’s? The place is a ver Jilechanical Banking and Saving Association for poor men’s wives, me- clumlcs’ wives, and pro out and economical housewives of all classes and stations can find goods at our lniusc to suitpt-hem. We keep constantly on lmud the largest and best amsorinieut of just what the people want. and ut.1’r_iccs Def;/«mg Cawnpct-it-ton. , _ We intend to sell our lien?’ ‘ltopie (loads, such as CAIJCOES, GI‘-.>',{liiA.2liSl, C0'l"l‘0NS, LINERS, MIIILTINGS, sliEl~)’i‘lNGS, 'i‘IClil ’ 'l‘l:.e smallest possible commission on manufacturers’ cost is a I that is as ed at all times. Job Lots of these goods often very much below regular price. . Please read our Catalogue for the coming week, and come and judge for the truthfulness of our notice. COMMENCING MONDAY, 20TH INST. the sleepy heads, and wake them :1 to the real necessity of sellin goods at a fair living (lil.'10lVELINGS, etc.,etc.,Cl1ea or than an house in this or any other . ‘Plane note. \ 10 he as been brown lirnllnhx wide. to per ynrdx I um. Food, undo, M, . oo, Glass on cdomowaxwoik, pr{f':‘€oxsunue to sell «H mandala hluchod mums I It nil worth1}{e' 60 on male linen (I b zlouid nwlaue Dlricu: 20,6.‘ ,30c Ia. was no well worth 21 per curl advance. go pu '1\u~kay rod mm linen (the aura Murine ted. mrnngoa nu color). 054. 669 und_ 7 : 3 . an mm: x lb 3!‘ :33‘ 13:? b'c:l?§:a‘;;£r3¢rekg°.’ hm hm‘ ”'°"' '1‘ ‘ha.’ ?.‘ll".: Janeen‘ ‘glycol:-wmxnuueing as 650. Thou bluu. All wool, commencing at . pcl Itinndxrd C'~lu3i!c}>g". zlépagerydlfieét pvintiiernsz BBBETING. who lntelnd unrahmlnx mks Comfort: for ‘the earning ar ‘mom .1. xvarrun or 0 no r u u, M . an gu , pct y:rd. These good: are vrunu'1}£o 511 out the .,g1,",',‘g§°$;:‘:‘bw ‘’fi‘,f’,'3.‘.' ,\ $e°f°3;§""£ “m r ' mu 1";.ll‘i¥l': III. {I}: ‘alts’. u H tliicnn 2.';c;re xembcr no other hcusu ollcrt the “'°l“'1"'°“'“"“ °“”'°’° 3" ods. re “,1 33,, We have an opened 1.04)) air: while blnnkeu. ‘tbobo in here uu rG'’c. 1. _ . . ‘ . w g 1 gr ,1,‘ 0“ J5. )5l?'.(l‘:9 do Assorted? b_ou _M It a on» g-,,?.‘:,&°£5:_bl“cu°d ‘IO’ M‘ 25"’ mu ”°'"°m‘ fl’L'c'_ for tl1c"n:r;uoo«lrs:m€l’2a §a11x‘h::ll‘ir‘.v:rnnl‘i‘¥l0Kt‘ll1¢‘"::‘x~;nsauo w Iciz we wlllumubc. 634:. 175:. Kc and loo, 1-1,. tan,“ buy,“ ,5,’ In R”, » cum,“ mm. 511: and we!’ M an other house» As H (or. 5 . . . , n o3‘..‘." i.i;’i‘$‘;.‘.'i’l}.§2.i§ $.22: “.?.'il‘.’.".;.m. wm W‘; '*°*'7~ “i°=m* 7+-‘s;,~"°" 1<*°-M" ‘W-. r3‘r’°: rm. .2.i".i.‘o?.’.’° ailfl 3?..°°u'.i'”o.‘° "35 mm um ‘M: H “gm ‘X6, 1%‘. ma “:1 ‘ultimo of than you new at awe. 10¢, 11,40, 15¢ Nchewmme to "I" W" l 6' _u we was um‘! be Y-Mil" I W cm -0 Wm wpiecelallwoolwhlledo.1vldovhlih,?0c,22}£a and mass (M . X) . ‘ . our fall stock at Drau (mod: I: bglng rapidly aim M‘ "mm mm)‘ wnmd me‘ "Do We are dull! aiding to is every uovchy won ‘.2 +3‘ fin}; v.10 the on u loo. nu only house A ‘mm Mm," mT,g“z§Y-‘ism own.“ 3 um um uuou. smmb“ _nA“m“V | a . . ‘ . g ‘ ,. . . . . . A wag! cum mam. :;':.:.::::::';~.: *.“.<:.~::.=.'a‘:°..~..*?.¢:.c.-:.*.° ..¢;:-no -we «u-- !” W‘ ”H"° h°””'°°mb cum M 555” 7° ‘"9" """'u'“ T"‘""' M‘ ‘';‘“‘‘l‘" ‘°“K- “ oonietu nx rely one‘ and lxllerwidlll. for 55¢. we per yard. , . HI ensrlxuvortnboo. -Alnlillnl oi i‘uvu:lA brim: our ggeum. 75¢. ,,m.u, 5“ (M. 55°‘ V0,“, 31 “no, u. . “P ° ‘ - worth $1 ‘:6. BED C03XH'0nTs- rLA_NNE['g_ ‘flu, no 3;‘, Ours is me only house on thin avenue who can offer see our i‘l:nnal‘uock mum. guy and while- , ’ Bod Comfort: at we paces qtugud. Over 100 bale: Hour Tvnllzd non: . :1. Vnvlll sell them nu immense no: of plsln ranlgéxcla. red. white and STREET- Abonl; fifty oth or lines of Sundries will be placed on the counters for this week at give-away prlocl Parcels delivered sexing: Customers handled cpitzfottlaly. Country orders oarofItIlfi_exccutetl.. - . . JEROME; FRANKL msns lu§gnup_y.:s.Vou "*"‘§;‘,“'““‘mm““' UXHUDTNATI SAJIITARIUH. I -mu'm1m is do u for s¢.%m.l‘X”:‘2".mo:o _un:.e1o. . ‘r7 p;mq1.ga6£..)( (1%: umémfifiadmwon andvizlroulu. Marts’; 1:’ 3,1???" ma ALLEN, AVENUE. , if oirsnnxr; orrnxashroxs , , —. . oouo AL- - -, ... _ :::zsra.A.:enn.= px'1'A'nQ udgnggoguouofthoroanlslnloxy . Ohromostotlxe Trade. in b theme We are wuolcnlo hcndonurtan for In 1110.1!!!»- of fit“ boa.’ ldln I‘DP.LF It: I! Ji» 1 I 3 V3! 1" M T‘ “’3.“c‘;2‘»-'°°°""::‘3$‘.°.: - °“"?l§'&?5"':§%"*3::::'.ii§§'§;i‘§?§‘§.§ ““."*..“.I.-.."°'*’ . - m,~,,,,,",“°“ '. ~ - K«'i'nno.g. ’ uncut: mxlnruzog" -' odiuulga A mm, :1. o..- sum. coum um. o. W, orkfie Bold M 0 's3' ‘.-The Gréacl; —‘lTu‘r'n’coxit'ls.-Jlplnion'_ol‘ the Result. in‘ Marine. ’ ' . 'Dlw‘£a' ram-'s.Ilty' ggbokib " " " tlclnln2s'._.='l1::sry.. ...~......-... I’I'rTlSl.lIIl:l}, l¥epKmnbe:r' l8.——G‘rn. Ben]-. ‘P. "~—\_¢:xr-3 lit: 4.: um AI. Uinnrlc.-5 Hot:-L .I'»;:;» J. (::l:':wn. (5.1-D'u.mxzj)' 5‘-lu.-rill,‘ thgulllcr n'h=-uswzlullllw uf 0:-Ill.-.r c_.-.vl:.‘rn:d mm). c.-‘glad um ulu.-rlmhn mm. mudu their headquar- -_r‘::ru-Kllmn llluy bl!lhi.\'Dd 11 lnmrlnctor up Ill-33:.’ mun. .r:~.a«l lo wumn tha'g* uscrlho um mmll Ill llllfllllllllxll‘-ell pul.-llc uzrvlw-s to u.«-::: Wm:;: *lu:Ir 111:3 and lucyru w.':_w In A ],-'‘'4‘ r.:m.u ||\'rH.lIl;( lmpsrll.-.1,L tmcan;-.,»1vm_t to be his; may In :1. mar was not UOLEUII Ior UM.‘ nu::L=:4:3hll:h:nx of Ilw nl:u.'us.. bummso. In--all “rm-id mmmhlmr, Ill nlu‘: Ills! rt.-'m':!nm.Mluu oi 1'lr:ee‘.d.«:1t l.lm~u:n,m:mpll warn cnllunl auhto rev .t.:k'l.:-5.514.! I\1'D0\'KI.‘h![ llm Ilultm males pmperty. wmcu am.) lawun wlz»-cl ll-am Imam. and to -_:J_:l:~ _ c-.u- u ‘u laws. Mlrr ruvlewblg his l.."&l‘$kl.’V[Iul.Vl '01! In ‘pa, ur-. cmmnmi-u: --Fun mxuuu _‘5vIu'.~v since the mar]! lmvo nch 9-.l_ u hlh l.Iu: JC-r|II:'ulI(.':ln party. In Life harm that, . -In--y -ex-uful 4 ;\'21.-£101 llml pmlw.-lion lo colored hm» mml» :h -L I Il4:Mne.v.l 0|1:.'Dil(Il)¢ dams. 1 Ir» ll an Int! ll «lune In l..‘:-ll;_;‘n.-nu. I.-Ill’. IL . 3.: no; lllu "c. l luu;._~lu mu t.'uIl|]ml"lI [hr lluym. in 157:} la“ uh.-u .1...» duuzg, uvufizr u pmlhiu ul pl:-um In and party lrludurn than I: shoutd be done. null. what was me 1» sun! ’.I‘lm rm)’ Ilru: Ac! 0: llu)'os' Ad- uvlul.-.-Irzulun was to _ mm txvcr llm tllxlcx 0! 1.:-urgln-m mm ‘:unul Clmznllrm. when: ‘Ir. lrlul clnlmulumx nmm were llupulnlln-an guvarw lx.r_~.:ou r-In-tn.-«I by llV.?l(‘ILl vol!-.-a (Uf elm Illuyus was :.4_o;:.I.1:l<-dl. \\'h(:ru‘llml \Vil!!»‘-NU Iucclm mum llllt |,:uW.‘ra.I||i9uI.I us 1.-Even-.d over to the Ds.-1'no~ ,c:l1-:2, and from Hull huur tor Iuur r(.'uxu,nu mm Lt-In-.: Ina: NQEH azn-mplud In bu cl-men In l.mllu.Il_ ul um culors (I luun. IlnI'lll-.l1.'.l.‘l.l '.l’Iuen-. mu h1l_ml,lt la u-m~,n lulu allulllpl autos’ the Ilzléllc u.hul.lug_ ux whloky and .run<l'_v In tho ruulh, and a law mun urn’ D0-"ll cscluzlll. nn let um. and shunt: LIIPJI IIHVLIR bu-n killed by llI.\V1!:vj5 Lllzlllloznu, and their uvb'l':M-l‘t1I'>d I-urn nut been plmlalxcxl, nu mutllmru ha: um bush prupnrgxmlcellull lo: tllc mall I! Ila live: down Lheru. Tim!» lrrluu 50. in nu: ma": lIlKx‘l"‘€§.‘9 «.11 um tau!!! and mu baa: In» 5:-um: ol mu calmed men, I pm:-om lo lmvt: I. ~' {Imus--. It tn»: II ~;mmlcnn party can not pro- >_ axle lhlo pmlm-llnn In Ill1lct!ll_)'utIl'$l, 1 d0 lml . ')u'n]Imlt= to try them nmmy. "Gun. Unm.:o)¢:k llnl: null that ha will enforce tho Illtrn-«rmlx,'Iou'rmelnlz and lllltwnlh moms In tlu-lr lunar and uni:-ll. .‘.\‘uLlmly who lmmnalnm lull mmm lllul. In: wlll umld by that ll e:I<:u:;I :.uc.l glwzh llld pmuyr, IIIIU nubudy auubu um: um buuloclallc [mrly has the punter xu trrmcct we lIu:x1'0 I1 they gut mm power. Their grim: lcmuar tun.-hxulrl he will do no. lpruuuauxu try Ihls cxpurlxhenl l'(>x'Ionr E"»N’U» amlthen II the Dcmucmu mm no! do ’ utzcr Nun: Hayes has done, I shall turn A, round. and help luck mam out as the and 01 —_ the Iuur ymml. Um: Inns’; iv mart:-tlu—I mm not ‘ be more DD1‘i‘("I?llMfl_§l|r|N: um next. tour yum: in 5:11: uulorrd men proper pmleczlcm Ilhm, J. nth-l es"c:‘y ulnar man kn been in the pun," - 13' THE I:\'flRL‘l0 - la Rena‘ ll:-an Iltrnp-:1--’ ‘mm.-lime was held In ‘II: uld Lilly lull, and lolly 1.61:4) ru-nuns we 3».-r-aunt. 'l'llam In at KI‘-'_Illll lnrehllgllt prooas-. nlun oulaltlu, Ind an ovcmuwll-up nwmtng M. the mural l"l!«_h avuuuu null Llbuiy astmuu AI 8 o'clock um Velcnm .lLlMI¢hltlUn caicurled the '_~ tlll\I|IIxu|l|l\:l1 vmrori to was lmll. wlmrs may :" xwrc rc-culvwl wllll umrmn ul npplgusu. Hun. llnruhnll liururtsweluor was elected (.'lh:lru1u.n. (Ina hundred R-wubllcnn flapper: were hmuaxl Io!‘ View l’flsulxlux|ta, and the tul- Ixlwéllg telegram from Ben. Hancock. was run : Iirrw Yonx. September I8.»-Gan. ll. L. IF“:- mh, .l'il'hl'mrg: I huvc not. lmd limo I0<,51ltIUIl¥ » by mull your louur DI It»: Mu» Inst. The occa- uun "run write u.'bmn I'll! be ul upcocnl Inumzm. ’.l nu compouillun ol! your Lucmmg wlll lzagllcam that Illa mumluu at llt1.lIJOImlknl ‘mad blltilrnau no to In bumad; - that living lawns nruwlmgrupplml with, and than an have A ruwiusr p"-erty uuwrlhg all Mtcllultm and Ism- od)-lnz harmony. lwedum oi amnion and Ialr ‘vtlfirlfvfillllll llltoilflll Hm bllioi DOS. (~‘.\‘Ig'muJ W. :3. Bucocx. .Icr was man Introduced and woke ml: 03!. lU'H.-3'-1'] IPXBCIX. Abundance In IlI(.'Il humlmrn and unlhmeluslm tlxuw Elms the ncmultm ll uppruclatul. The I-llhcrlnf II to name: 3 l.’nuIdun.v. ul (ha Uullad r. btatel. luauly In um two and happy‘ cunn- lly um prlvllc-xio In ucnroml a. uvvsrel ‘n pcople to select a rulor. He would cut sh-lfia ))uwonl.l rltuonrauan. Hotulxlx la gained by lmnl vsurdaur lmnl slungl or hm would lmva been dcwd long mm. [Clworm] He reguul-ea lulu u the anus: ncuuptnbla lime Iurn.x:hu.uxe In ruk-nu, an Inn; camsha- nuceln. power bv tho Iterpulllknma made the runs: corvuuc. 1:: was when an Domoaarutlc my diildvud tlulw Mun was not dlvldo.-d ; men ul - ell: gmrun.-s lloctcml up the from no promo: tho. . nun.’ lln um-Io:.wlusl thus lmruacnuu and nut. , R nublnrlun Iuuumc the war‘, and &dlZDl(‘.(‘d slaw xmluu ahuwlnl uxulu certain Shhtlmrn bum.-s H111’. munller ul sI.>I<Ih!I'u an the Union many loucinul‘.‘4r2,lhl0. In the name zitlmtu wv-re :14,- W-'1 ll:-gmlnluan vosur-I. The bnfhncu, lm con-\’ld6.i,wr.:r¢ Demccru la). The xwgrmta voted Ia: l.|.\'C0l..\l's szzcuxn ::l.lx:rmN‘ (so 5l_,ld lav) ; N. was no Ilmu to ova. ) lluriel. '\.‘nf¢8 were cut. lur flux Ulllon, an Int» Um ll::Yun vrlmn liv_1l':ll:'lhlur_' llnncock he wlll In Ymlu [urnhu Umuxl. III: and has Auk (ha un- zaouu 13' or ruilgl-:u: ox {llama wlw Ioughl tar um Union. um: almuld not melt (hula quesmunn II _ u..;,»s~un: my me Uulon. Tllesa h_v&0t.‘8 want i ' ml.» the max at the country’: call, but l: mu: ' Ir.»-mun M: Ileyllbrloaclu in alter Ilsa llama ’ crtun 12.: shown mu way. '.I'hm.-4: wrlv more Ila- valzlle: ml (‘xlI$€la- holdusrnln um Ill my. Yrlm lla:nub- Ilmcm an H.‘ am he dnllxwlflul to chlmgo rulers. .2: them allow the dam:-ur Bud ‘area will lI’.\lu'!.‘l)_ nghln and leach lllem om: otlmr lv.~=a< jll1ll'l(l{|:lDl and. Ioytuty. [(llm<el':.} ‘I'I.Iu 5,del.y or we L‘-ulcm_ d;~.;:¢-.hdn upon Hm 1:91:11)- ‘. mic palxtr. I: raxybealu-nulon oi the zwnh‘suul.ll and Ernst mud ‘l\‘e.~:&. nod it will bu as ttnrtnll :1 the man. Ragmbllcmna claim to law lamuglat the .us pron ty, but us- nlxeukul‘ thought that lflirlvluenm lmd urmccled um D(:l1l0(:l':1<‘.y whcn the party and not calm urn at luelr. During um but the )1-.u.r! Khfl crop! have Iaocn so lurge wn lmvu been leezlnw Europe, and uluuuy mu tn.-an llsnrlna nnpldly lam our ct.-Ila:-u. He at}- miuml, 10: me $330!! at uuumonl, that we Kc» pm.-liens [zany gun ll:-om crap-1, but asked: "Dial may duzroy Ibo harvusc ul Bumps?” In I323, when the dark dsys 01 Ilsxnxxclnl Illn- xnsu tern harassing the poodle, the Rnpuhv 11“... pan; mu puslng ltsghululou tu nu: uusxpn (avllo warklnxmcn) in ma Paul- mm . tour yuan mu lbs bunocrulc pan: amt: lmo rum.-x, um! llmru no no trumps. Fravldeuea Ila: onrrulwl adults, lmd ‘gs-van prmpenly. The pvopla nan wlhunk the Ilepnblleun xnzrly only box‘ lmnxrupuay, which made Iraumis. on ma mmmcmcx Quurxnzr V he said ll than Iupnhllcam. any claim the glesry lur (muglm: As, 1512:» y‘ .u-.lso um plnmm at imaxln; it down! [V 03:20: “I'M 'R¢pulnlru.u p1r:y.”] Ila um. meuwl oi Den-wcr tn rm- ‘ alum: the urn! lava, Arucrwlm ltlmr would - 5: name plvucmd mm wot, sad it Hancock is clue!-cd were wlll be 0. bureau cl labor cslsbkialzzsd In Vfaslllogtcu. -‘Ills Kcpullllnuu must to May in pawn: bu protect _. um negro-cu cl um mmh. TM have - been In power ilxcenn yous wlumnt n ardlng § . that pmtecdrxu tum In not to Iunrmuod any k.m;¢_¥|‘.. Evapuilloua tlswunaul vwa mu!, not In luatmcl nogmea lam! to vote. but lam: ta meal. Audxu lull eluatad . he in to be zquntad ml. Ila hizpml thus would be donut. um: have has ample would who an aunt» was 0! my urban, and dcaclmt umy will mm long»: «mm ls. It wlll eomo luck ma I1:i4:>l3.«1.'Isz¢;11*¢nl.u unnyll l*l_utswe.l £4 eougaud ant”; nu navoexneu muss mum. mu chased by lrxpmaulug we hope that It wdukli loo Ila‘ uls- . . iguana wank: lulzlcu um was pm. $3“ ’ ’ cox. rxiurrt . r lclxmnd la n. lengthy spawn. alter wlxkgh Aha -,‘ , meeting sajawrucd. fie party ids on ma ll :21 ‘ -A - trill lat‘ fozmlo, Olalo, ~ Kadno Return. f¢nr.rx..x.::n‘.lllt. ,51!‘]!CQ1Jl5¢'! I8.-«Your ha new [553 xzlkuelxwer-an lawn into bad: 7:3,; , rhnlstud 33,94. uuwrliog 33:); Dan’ plgrwtrg i’l’8.alIt mm! to naartmhnxavn lutvyaukr DAVIS.‘ ‘ti; Sml£3l.‘2T:'£lux':iloi. 93!’; Indian" hluaxlly U1 3£1':,l.%’:+d'1.xl_xr';-anfizluai. l.‘ia'-rlzxlll have" 3 plurality ‘:2! Id, wkmh bl nlmn vi 3 muiorlsy, uuypqxc my 1_arslu::‘a';al;'u nr lusaag. '_ Tho lkaldmlbl Party. _ . _ my fx4xcxm<>.e¢'9:.m;ber )3.-—-‘nu I‘t3sI¢.an¢ ma .:£m,.8x'y9s xlauarmauu nvlnimd that ye] "_lj¢MtdNnmVphn&u'uvva«. frlu I V her man. . " W9 V .G'i1llu‘:‘, filo ozbér ‘uiimultuot the .mmla_nx, mu 25d 4- mp _= Poll-‘ ll::l:n-..-t anal lzol. Julln W. Ynrncy l1fl'l‘I‘t‘.'J In Jlm. Labour 3 melon.-)¢. wu. ‘ film clan... l.’»l:l:cr. _' "Mr. l':lns.jax) v rgvslkxrazxlzu. imcl In lulu: slgued w llley wlxisle-t In ‘pay In u~ll.nxu: of .f.yg'pc(;; go - l.'l»l‘.lF.)€i'.‘_ll>!:II'.l- Mr. llnilnr. lsi rcatponsu, said I:{u_ uh; body ulna:-_fi _1'l38l>l_’0_‘£_~'4Hi,V¢l'&'dIb'\l5I flaw. pulls the; ' _ * ' lltgzfu llou ‘L. . \- . . main- _ " %' '_jz~.oI"R'exx"ry, ‘D. Pnlm;a‘r.:'v'nu_x Irhdm bbfi!rbdn<‘~cd_I§i §1jnl$&ri&:e" smo '-‘ma ..I3ln_ck' Crook, ‘Jullus cam. alxrda-, <_n_np;ulu'n' and ‘(Miler upec_:ncxlln‘r plan. David lwcnlyvyenrs run‘ the: prom-lator or an entgr-; lulluneulkumvh lI.I_1"Illl!:l' Kern?»-Conllncnlglw 0ld_._,l:'ulku; s. con‘a_|:ln_a:gonjw_-Inc ' was’ uecvllnl-, nrllra. grunt cue:-cu. '(luIltk,:'b0IvI.9V¢r. rcure_sd.;-irozn shuns:-lotl ' ; .bu:lno.n- - In. .91. law‘ yearn. jam: be-.1n;¢”a.é.1lno’ “dramzl:tI- mun. oblnlnc at uoaltlon with we xnublulp Imz house al I :2‘: lz:te1>‘_rlmll:l.¢:ullc_. .\Itorl.nslIe'n lm"nmmr‘opuuu_xg an the Illoncrlcal bunlnosn. Sluullmr Hunry 1}. Jiarruu, 3lr.-GullcIttnxgealell- to lulu: Illa orgzlnlxadloll of It luulnmolh con- cert tronpu. Jarrelywu-plcsraotl velth mo ltlun. and Ibo two ‘bv-gem oporlxllullu. About lhrce mnnllul ago Jammt won: bulziuxupo to look for urmls. while Liu’l_Iek._rumuino,-ll In-Ncw York lu rnlumungngulm-ulu tum!-0!-town tllenleru. Jurreu.;xm.urncu ham .1-_:urapa u-llln yevcrul Dcflortur-rt whom no hall engaged (or Illa, .uc:n-an ‘n! amlnrlus nuxglug irmu _SlUO $03125. vflllu cmtupnny wlw.n ozjgxuluzd. munlmxml anv- l'5fI\l}“$0Vl'|5 ))Cl'$OIlll,III¢.‘l\lI|lIlI£D0l0 .Ilmusrn.¢llo~' rus uluyruru and orelzoulns. .I2‘l\-owrccka ago ro- lrczsrum wr,-to'."un. and for lluelg wrlgglcu the company'u1 (luv. on captain- bur llund. I.'0I.l1pR!l"U cned. its sgtnuon II-U10 .M::ulumxol .\lualc- n; nnlumro. but tailed to _uI—lnu:: In-ga sudacnnzuu. ..u the closed! Ilm Von]: at vmn to Ilruoklyn. whom .1: om-ncd lull: Aland-w nights: the: Academy at hluslc. Tho aclnw-any upveured tllera only Monday and ’.I‘uenllay. Altur the latter jwrlotrnd nnce, _JancI: '1l_l!Ol'IlJ§ld the cumpun ' nuns he was -convluccd ‘thfl Illa on: utlon would not log successful; mud tun; Imvlufin number or ollmr I _ eomblmnlonl on’ ls ll-an-.1; pa;-hvud deem , to clout-hln.-wuoxa lune‘ uacalutcly. He told 'munlhm.‘:lfo( the compnny um: lhulr llonrd xvuuld ha and until "IV!lUl§03-‘ any mum, and utter um: I my ulna: look out Iur Ilxexum.-lr‘us. lle I.l:o said he wnulneul to sea the-.ux ml um theater tho lollowlnu «July. ‘when they asseullzled they were Inlm-med by George I-‘am-ecu .IIowe, who acted as Jnrnzufls lumen- gm’. xlnn melt mumsger nnrl callud umm toxclln.-r merely to get molt ad- urmt-lica. ’ but being compound to to Plnllndulplala, he would request. them to glvu Rowe um. dua1n:d.lnfonxluIon. Tun ulolubcrv al the cmnpauy warn highly Indig- mmt. ‘flu.-y uld not bullevn that Mr. Jarret: had let: the dc , and at. one: Ipnulnmd 1 cou:~ mllcce to and 1 ac manage‘-.r and dexnnnll an ax- plnmttmn. Altar cunuldurnblu lmublc lllo mwlnlltoo round Jarrett. :1. n unwu-town lmlcl. ll»: Lulu uu-In ho had no momay and could do yxlrlcbllm. [2 m In:-uwr Inquiry it ,'«u uncur- ti.l.nul‘lIul uI:‘1‘I:lf'l property had been pm I11 151:! walla’: uurno some than n.;(o. and henna: tlm cmhpnny could‘ do nolltlmr. The. contact: wcru ull ujhulo Icr the cntirc season, and murmured to shunt 51503200. 'l'Ilmlu nwmb-erg at the company who warn brought I)V'lX' lrom Esnglnnd am In great trouble, ml may recelvml no snlurluu up In the limo oi Lhelr dluolullon. and are at {Irene-M utterly uc.-nmula. A gentle- nmu ac-qua mod wlllndarrcct ulld to-any Lbfll there was posslblllly ol 0. reorrzanlznxlnn. but II was not. generally considered probable mu: Iucro uouzd be one. ‘CASUA U1‘! l‘.'.S. Killed by an Explosion. Bmclnl Dlwncl: tn llm Globe-Ilclnucrsn Jcrwxnox Cuts’. l:lo., Soplombor l8.—-A {unr- tm and mu: amldam: ocrurrcd lluru Hula morn- lnx, Illa pnrllculnri» ol which the u Iollowo: llr. Fred. Flscller and his partner, 51:. John lloesan, men at work In their soda and saltzur writer mwxxlxcwry in‘ Illa ma: 0! ‘Mr. Fischer’: nulduuca on Madison umoc. and haul charged on at me ltcneruors naul um guano ghuued 169 pounds 0! pressure to the inch. Mr. Flacllur. Illa: relnarlclng to his pu-merlhlxl coxnplnluha lmdgbcen mudd by Iowa at Iluslr customers Hill the quantity 0! gm: In their uelucraz vs-an too small. proceeded to ‘incxclua Illa ml.-svure xrudunll , wlusn 0110 0! the nhernoz-.n ex-plod . um the cup on the bud 01 It struck him. hroaklna his right arm And cl‘I18IlhI)t In his 1-! ll: Ildn and Iuxllaung n Inarlul wound, mun w lch he died In lean than twenty minutes. we vnrtner Mr. Inna». who um coming In through we oct- wny to the room with Ru nrmlul 01 bottles. was Irruck and It-nmrely injured about she flxhl hips. Mr. fiucber Wll born In lluxover, Prue- slu, In 1832. um nun ‘own 5 maiden: ol “HI clty lorabout twenty curls, and Inn: always bean prominently mam nud mull over pttbllc unwr- Drlvo. [Io ucrvrd two turuu as ) nyar, and mu a member at am Olly council mum slum at his m-am. His was also 3 member 01 um arm ul lnllmeycr as 00., at Ibo Jelarsou Cay l“uunLlry um Axrlculturnl Worl:s,ol wlllczh he mm the acute Superintendent. Ha Maven a wltc and 51.: chlldxeu. Illa loan will be cheaply Inn in nu. all . when Im um: I’ nixed an I. unne- nplrllr-. and nzntorprlalng cu zen. Tlle unerul wlllukc mucus to-vnorrow. Tlw burner! gm- erator was louud uptm uxumlmulml to ba exclu- euen. which M-uonnlo Ior H8 glvlmz us: In such 3 low presume. Texuse Floods. Spcclnl Dlspuch to um Globe-Damounl. Aurms, 'I”xx., zsepsemher lS.—.'l‘rcmrndoun ruluu nan. ml-m above mm: and the Colorado ls very Islgh Ind llll'Q.\laI)8 to sweep away tho nllmud brldgu. Drill uocumulued Anlnu ttxa structure. which Is I. temporary allulr, and snared um mans alum. Inchul on: ol llne. bla- pnlcllul Imm almvu lurru lndlcauo n hmlvy rue in-nlghb, and mum um enlerullued that great llmxuge will be Innicuul Lotlla bmlum cotton crop. A pullconmn onduavonul toarrout a mill) {Ills uknrulngg and mu; nred at four umea Irltlluul c act. The ma wrzutlnr bu damaged cotton about 10 per cent. Instantly Kllled. veclu nmmch to than b‘lDba—»L)<nnot'._uL SPlII.\‘G}'ItZ(.IJ. lI.r...S.é:pt.. la.-John McLaugh- llh. exuployea nu thumul caal aInm..wM knuck- cdlroxnn. frclxlm car to-day. Iilllng upon an truck. He was run over and killed lnslumy. Ingtuntly Klllcd. Sputlnl I)lumucl\ to me (3loDC~UlIIIrM.‘l'I.L. Lnl'RE:«)r.IIulm. 131)., 6npte,ujlbet_l8.—-Tuln No. 5 on the Ohio nnd lullnslulppl Ilwrond this morning tlruck and lzzalamly killed 5 man named Eburlurt Queens». Bled {mm 0 Kick. B:-um Dlnmcb In the Glxsbe-Dllrumxm. COLUHHIA, Inn.-, .$¢,htcmbot l8.v-‘l‘lmmn.s .I:’unu was llcllnd in monbdomau, law even- lnx. whlle xxnlxurnrxxlng Illa employer’: mulu. ind also. from the «feat Lula evenlng. A. root) Ind lIIl3(flCll‘l_0 are oonxhllied In the : 1110“ women: manner In 5.1.4: Illuarn. ....—.--o-.»-—-—--do--~ - -—- Tul man: ol ileum. N.& E. G. Emmet In 00. I:u'lwcomb!nmlzln.rlo:ho randeu 01 um paper. Tlaln llrm luvs dosenuluod Io ¢onaoll- » due (halt lluslnou In umlr Hcwpbln store, sud will commence uwmorrovl 3 llmtl closing talc. Their noel: ol good: In cxuzmwly nlco. um btrxullu may be um.-cred. .--on-Q»-—-o-.-.—-——-—-. Thu Hotel-Keepers. A mecunx ol um Hotel-Koepcrs' Asaocluuon ol 5;. Lonlu urn hula a who uadall Role} In: mum. in‘. L‘. A. Pun, of Barnunm, in mi chm-. It was armed to map: the can-mutton sad Izydun oi Ibo (zhluao Auoclnllon. Hr. Gnu.-seuddcr, oi’ the Llmlell, vn clmzlod Proarduw Er. J. 8. In‘zuumn.wol, elm!a4le- vm rmlaeaa. son an. Clnu. r. can. howl naoarwr. Sucrsury. The Xollmrln nowlnv-a zxnbrncml In was olavullnuuonz don, La- clmllv. Burnumhfi an-I lxnlzszama wlmlmr nuns. unison’: ‘run :1 I Inn. 3:.’ June», Ialltreua Pat and Llooormi (nhen will join in an nauru cal time. The uwozlxwu an to no held monthly‘. - lcvznvoxn ma: lruluvtxlbad for llwlliulvtraxcd Roma and tsllled N1» racelre ll. would balm Raul: um:-an 69 IN Karma. 166' has «real- »—« ' Transportation l3’v.oppcd.v li:w'1‘au:, -upmmuer ls.--rruc CI-Qllhcli lnvlng u wnulct bu am-u mlliurytad la- ydlou lxekhl, Imvo not with "1 dtlnoelnf avlllch tauuxoouw tum ta-auapox-iull<'.m 01 that up- I7fl'l_I as we lllooourl. The aowmuun nu r?t:‘1;:vuI‘l nll wmxdy-clapporsg .lS£Bm‘lrgt portion 9 azmrrulsmng mu n 3u(.’0"“‘- ' lg are Imlgmrdn bum » ' ‘Jnapus' ‘N fimmmfl we ‘lulu til‘: ‘VA rm - .. an d its an be by I|@I.IJflfilD0t'il£|Ofl. . , ‘u"x.7J.7oma Juana, mm rztgé mm. rm-vuirdextul -'uluxjrat_e: in 3‘ luyawunf, mluuiad thlldxonfi uzlxoyol 'nh6'unlll'no:':- :iA'£' death (sull'cK‘gaw:~up nu poaltlon and sought - tilma-o?—.»'bu'l.m'sly ldifil than um. Gcmuas-B1 ¢.«>wI_,Illl'l d.‘-"Fa.'tIé§I’.T.'hr§ir$la’l ‘ ' Knife" l_. .6!!! c11nean,%:1_lmo1s.‘;a;gieataa '0... 9. Big ‘I :3‘ _ 5: gs-'Se_;ndal., r x Cl-lmlnal‘ ,lI}‘ru?nlh§&Grlher&d_. in Yarlolas‘ _ ;‘1"i_|'l.~'1§:!:f [tlroCot_lillr:r.' - lpcclzl Dlsmea t_a}~:'1_:¢ moo;-némocnL= 1cincm¢_l. sentcmbogr I84»-.-’An6lllo'r mnrdnr vwn cmx_1mItfud.In'I.bln any mg mum wnleh, ihowevor, did ‘not coma lollxbs until to-dny. The vlctlm Is John Banzson, ii recent arnval lmm Norway‘, sptl his :1ny:lr‘Is.a ullor of llm aamo unuohallty xiinmed John; Anderson. wu- .nc.~iscs ol th1a" nrqnen met for the Ila: that us méx7o'c.lock bur. _nlgl::, In A. rotor- son's «loan, ‘at 4.1 ‘Non Indlungl uroet. An argument l1rose”,f1vIllch' Illegally assumed the elmrr‘ ‘pt I vlblant. w.rusgla.‘_BatIl men were with bad whisky‘. ind‘ Andursén wllh . fix fury drew a large Junk-knlle, and wllll It deal! -his apoanentapuwerlul blow just abovu xllle ll:t:.o3'c, shattering r.Im'bon:. The blnaonl ‘the lrnlro vasscd deep Into namroonh laendf pmduclm: 3 Kllllluy vvqund. '.l‘hc wounded than Iell lo ll_z_c mar bat.lxi:a.rlIll,bIoo€l,'wlilIo" Anderson and the smwd ox ubecmloru finally? lull: mo vronslsg-‘a. W’hnt‘o¢cu'rrorlI1mII_cd1uely Ihorealtcr Irnot poalqlnlir known.-' who uloon. kecpgr, however.‘ put on: hlo'llahu._lc_:axed Ida door nu! we-no Immo.‘ lexn-Inst. flue ‘mu:-_ lylmt on thu door. When lac‘ opohod ma saloon Ignln this “morning he louml. Bsilp-an . Iylns: In an unconscious oondlllomupon the floor. ‘Ho than nolllled aplxynlclaa, who. inc: examining the man’: woundlnun finding them- probably luau, npprlslrd um police at am: llld ocnurrod and bad Bnngson conveyed. to thin Connlyjlosplul. Ilnrnmnlnod Ihcruln an un- conuclpun condition until soiulock this alusro noon, when no died. Andunon wxu nrrautd M bl: boar-lllnz house and locked uplu the llndlwn strwt. Shanon. Ila" nay: lm doesno: remember this subbing. and chum: to have been intoxicated tune tlmu. Thurston Bcntqnced. Sperm llhnnmll lo um Glob--lrcmocns. . 1.x.u-xxwolrrn. Kn. . seplcmhurls.--'1‘l:an-.usa 0. Thurston, who tho! Del. 1). R. Anxbony, on ma mm ox Ins: Buy, with mg Intent to unass- alualelllm. was brought bclora Judge In-oaler this morning tor sgnpcnce. Thurston having pleaded gullly lass Tuegzdny. M the limo Thuruon that at Col. Amlmny be.-Iucccvzdctl In nhoollhg John P. Donxlnu In Ihe'ho1ld and Lucien Bum.-.r tlzromzh -the body, both 0! whom have rucovered. The Judge, thin.“ mornlruz, in paulnz sentence snld It» could nut predlcala three cases wlu-re only mm and been cmumlltod. and tlu-relnre ma cuunl unalnsl Th nruon Ior aboollng Baker was withdrawn, um! um vrlxoncr ncxm.-new Io cighlaen year: In mo Penlmnllury. mm {or ulxuoung atcol. Anthony. nndnlhe {ur shoot- lm: Dmxglnu. '1'lmrsc0n did nngieulu to’ lake the matter very much as heart nor am:-esr much dblcarbcd nun; pmbnblllly 0! puslnn um n-malndex of lslulllo in rlwn. Wllon the‘ Judge after tho pusngc ol : o umluucu upon hlm lulled mm II‘ he had Jnfllllniq I0 lay. he simply l'(‘JI'IlI'k'l:d 1» ll: Inner luntlm pmnnulrd Illa Juzllze W1! revoro uuon Illa: because he mluoa Anthony. When the suorll vru Lulng mm bull to jail 1".lmrs- wu nrmarkod thus he would throw vlu-Ial wlmn luuzm. out ngaln. ‘Thurston la-now About llllrly your» at Slit. and-hu 3 -ramur 31.003!‘ nzcouu. on ma late! January 01 ml: rear he that and kllled bl--buslnnu partner, W. W. Emhry, um IIDOII trial was ucqulucd. n in tin: plan 0! Iclbdelonus, l~2ulbry’n c uru.¢-(er as I dangcmxu ‘mun havlng been pru- ty well osulallnlxud. ‘ Ila drank runner hcnlly alter bl: lcqulltnl nnd nwugunrud nmund the I.(lWn,'hll name of lmrlmr ltlllod Io noted 1 cnnruclur nu Embry nrocurlng (or Ixlm Ila rcspncv. or the lunar crlmlnal clnuueu and lnspu-lug {sat in tho mlndn ut the gunarul Yap- ulttlon. On the nu: ol may no uole 3 p not and mud to ltlll Col. Anthony. edltor ul mo Ttmu. Illa excnlw hclng that Anthony had triad to hurt mm with hll paper before me people. and nloo that the Ianrmun Inul threatened to klll Mm. Amcol. Jlnumny Ind awvur made Alf won ruuxua, and u !!'lmrslnn'u chaucuor was one than could nus ba lrudgced very well. the people at the noun nine new lynahln Tlvumuon when Ills last attempt to snlluly I: lulu: for gun mus made. and warn only prevented. from doing so by we Sher!!! tuhlnn mm to Mclll-Ion. An Tuuruon could get no one to Imcome his uumrnuy. he concluded to Plaid gulllyuluer unrlenvorlng no at A c an of _ venue upon An_ amduvll than he bellav lua couldn't tnlxur krlnl here In" Leavenworth county. In penal: cl um lawn breathe truer now that no la sale wumn Illa mulls M the Penltun Ilnry. fur Im In A dnnturuuu man In every sense 01 HI! mm! to have In Iny colnumully. A III: Scandal. Bpncul Dlnnleb lo um (llama-Ilslnacral. CL1x1'ox, ll.I.., St-plcmbur I8.--The lonmol I)u\l'll.:, twelve miles cut 0! Lincoln. In now wnrlcc-l.I up over A big scumlnl cum whareln-A young lady of mood ntumllug cue: mmol film richest lIIl"IlIl3l"Il mm L: nnu nelglaborllood can I cluu‘2ol of blvlllfll)’, an the nllrgau. Thu ymmg umn Immly dunmlhcos the: charge, and Imrlnu that It is I. black-mnllln Iullmnu to gut money out or Ixlm. fI‘hore wll be Iuu lmlure the mntwr Is sumctl, an Illa ymmg mun pram- ues llml I; will In Inliun lhmmzll every cnurl. m we mule. The ])4'.0))lfl are ax-lg ovur the umb- Iar. and many tmuzuus are lnspl.lIv.sIy venlIluI- In}; the purtlub to the Bull. _ Killed With a I_{.uII'c. spacial Dlspuch to the Vtlloue.-Durnocrnr. KENICIX, 0.. So.-pusmlmr l8.——A collared man named Wm.Nr.wlln mu murdered here Ins: night, about II o'clock, by another colored man name Tom lllgnwvmr, who karma A um- uurnnt In the south sides 0: the square. Xuwlln hid been Ialkhuz to 5 girl in Illglmmewn un- Flliynbonl gnlng with mm M I-‘mulny. when Ilglxtowor asked ulna; |m_wna dnlnx, llnd. mus Innwvzmd clvllly by .\ewIIn. Ill mower than xmllbod him as he was going up: 0 step». and Adult: alter he reached the ]’lllV(lllIOIIl. Nawlln dlod In than mlnulnl. lllzlnowot nu nrruuud Immediately and lodged In jam. ‘ Trouble Anticipated. Cowunus, 0. , sepcomhur la.--Dam Gov. Foslar and Adjutant Central Gibson till: after- nuon moelved wlexzuum from panic»: at. Corning. Perry 0ounl.y,mu.lng um Ihev laurel! urlona trouble zulxm occur sham wnlxh: UV muou ol an lulolnpt balm: made by It mull’ ! over I .000 mlurn Imus Scrulnvllla and Shnwrfgo to drive the colored minus Away lmm um: 0- aallry. ‘rho annnn-on have armed llmlr cpl- omd mlnermxnd robots to prance: lllulr pro - any lI poulbla. n case «I n mgulur call by Q :9 «mar «metal», Lroopc wlll nu. one! he umzm ‘ox-alum‘ 9 A Horse-‘X lxlavca M‘; Vl'ork. inn-lo! Ilur-men w No (;k’N9O"3fiB¥‘90Yll« . cum-olt, lLz.., September l8.--The mwcllu gun: or horse-lhlcvu am ngnln at wan: In Wm plan: Ind Wilson Tounshlp. Lu! llllllilll". T. Bowler‘: bone ud buggy. uluod as R00 were stolen, and upon use nxluven being nllawd they nbqgldohod Ihulr boozy and and mum woods. In: people lmenrxlnt they will hung the ant horw-ullal than they catch to 3 tree. llobbcd In Texan. spam hymen mun mono-Imnoem. . .lloui*ro:v, TIIAO, 8cptemIlar18.—-A Gm-vmsn elllzan‘ nunecl Lune, living In the country, name lo low», told u vugouvlood oI.couoh,uwl I51:-Iorlsuuuu filth’ over 3100 In‘ ms ivoclu.-t. , on tho mul Ilse VIII nxarbv two na1m'hlghunly- nun. wlm mined and tabbed him nflzlr 1 norm-ea inlaid. Imrlvzg Illa seems: Lnnm draw I plswl an um-..l-wou,_ mu wluamu. man. I. ., lnfnnualdo. V - nmsu Illlmiob an an fllobo-Llcmoeht. A .- .l_*a.xxs, 51.. s«pcomlm:1l8.-.&nollsu can oi .h;1‘;'mlclda bu jun: chm: u__a_l’l'ght.__ A my-born babe. 91 usalnmwu.)uu*entuzc,. was yulorday I.-mm: In [ms woods or 3 an. mmck; near old Un-Ion Church. It lull bean purtlully ua'\?0Ill'l9d . . - " . The .'flo'l_u¢oe Gan. _ _ sbééidlphgaztiololhdlilébvfiruoaeni. T’ ' - Gatétfilmo, swpixmlgerl In’.«-—’l‘l2u flourao lat‘- dld up" log the! Pollooliourt wag‘;-, it bun xsristpmlod unlll Hon- d'Ay.- la «:2: in mi. liotblud 1:; known ol " Mo wlwrctbéuu :21 Ill: walla wllo. . _ have Cqtlcurmv _' Medlelml; Jelly; ‘ - *Cl1tlcux_-:s:'llIedl‘<:lna_1. : ~. = Sosms. : Are the only known’ ‘ ' _ as that will pemxucnllr cum Ilnmbrn A.I1'ec¢,lb'ns at an .3¢klI), :'Irll-l_I, ' Iild_uilY ma can-4' bra,-m "cmu :llxu'>x.vz:'<"r‘I'n“u:_a _ ‘__ @3961‘-fihkllcrln ‘1?t:edl¢l_gr¢‘."I I; new through lb: .1’-‘ovals.’ llnr.-.kIil- fiayt.’ ind null‘. . -in xlloat‘ ln tho won and huge: the ctrrlccm. Allqdldngl Jelly, mu-uu_voxlcrn'x'l dlunso. egunruy lllclus nashkmdiailx, :lZlA}":v=1_nlammntlap. llclalnx. mad lnlullou, ulna In.-511.11: iii *nxturut’xr:iroduccr so-1 bcxutlfiu-0! ihclhlt. CUTICVXA SOJ.P_cI¢:mra. beau. l0fl§§lgZ»¥h$!¢u$'t§1l_‘h_t£nIflcl. rm sun. 1:, and the Cxmcuu Blurlxc KQAI’. ale only mmllrluu ulmrlnx now. an xmlpued ll-gihn Cvnccm. ll\l'F;ETl_GOT.l€lND ECZIEIMA Wltllhoss or 11lI.ll'_¢-'~"C11l'(‘.d by the Cullen:-at _ xtemedlen. ‘ Iftssns. Wzxxs -I Yorrznz 0enI1amen—lt xllonl me vleunre to and rob the fullowlnx rezwrt or 3 re- znxxkablu cure by you 2- C_L'jl'Icv:lu Rzxxnuul. For hm yunlhepnllent land auflumd vlth» Impetlgo on the face null Iczlp lad "£4.-:omx In its worst form on 20 back and Ihoulddri. ' Fol-. ¢Ixhtevn.'n1-olxlhn ho was un- der medlul lrclmncul. nornellwc; belwr Sm! nome- dlmu worn. buI..navu: und. -AI_&l|¢lI11DeU‘olu< itreued In lnvezllyhll lulr began" 10 nu: cunpldly. -and he ‘Ill harm] lllsLho.wonln1|null..I.lI. Jlluhl fhyoatyu up he Inpngho use at we Cmlculu mum- Inn. and by mnarmnce and the regular Aupllculon sol’ the rvuodlujha I: now am only um:-I or every run anus -luau but has 1: better head at Il:I‘r Ilum cur um-2. Inn llnerclorc enabled. by penonal on» sctnuou. In cenlxy to the great cunulm jivrupcrrllu of ._1IM (:u.'rIclrv.A-lcxmwlzs In tlla lrcllmen. ul alzln and Snlp abuser. ‘tray run II. 1'. }I0l\‘EI.L. Bums. cum». beroueaalc. um. "02 the Klrlnoys succesatully ‘treated wlxh _ Ctrlcurn ltcmnlvent. Mxxlms. Wxxxa .l .I'o'rrxn: Gemlemc n-In the year -1531 ml: ukcn wllh I. Invert: quack at Ildhuy uh»- : . sad enlend In-llevuo Hut mu Io: lrrulllmlll. Dr. 9 IIl0I_l yu nu.-ed my truul: o Bdrm’: lllsaasc. 1| ls mar okrrnn an-nluce I I¢'.l.‘l. the Ixospllnl bul pur- Ilally (lured. sin n mulch Illuc I have nuer new tree Iron: ytln Ind man, Alllmlmll coultaully unlug wxnonemcdleu. Wm nl Benn hung the UIJTl(lL'IIlA Yxrr my nyusplusm wue severe pun In the fl-unczulnulnuo-I ox wuar. lop swollen and pal no that I could unruly walk. pruemlhx esvrry Appnrunceo! drops)‘. I! may Icem mlrluulhull. but In um dlyl‘ us: at me Iucsot. ‘mm all lune dIn|ru.\- 1flK'I'ml‘l0INl In hm than a Iuonlll I wu connlvlel curred. mull!-:1. ..\l<:5IAll0.\‘, ‘I. munl $1.. 50. l.lus1'o.\‘; Buy ls. 15.9. TETTER Trualcd by Hall’ I’: began Phytlr.-Ian: Wlthonl. ‘ re. o'rrI:lz—l'l:nIlcn:cn: Hr. M Wang A P Ilouerl. menu: ha been 1 rut. rullemr lorycnm wlm Talk: ox u vary :5 IIV-l$_Nf xmxn. Ila nu rccclvcd tr-atmen: from In A dnxrn at tho but plxyslulanslu L_hlsIoc.xlIl1 vrlm but lllue nllct. llama mun sxo no bcxau um mm or the (.‘vrlct:nl.-lullnnxns. wlxlch have awed mm to)-and all :1 clnllnm. Also re- : rllcmnurc nllccllon M I 1 mp. for whlrll Ila lvnry tlnuuul. ’l‘I.Icr¢ are other cue: In Ilna town use can vn dhiglsht Luumonlllll. abut yours. ' ’ w. v. n1'.l.1:rr.nn...;m. mm. Blutan. Pm. June I0. 1579. \ CUTICURA Rl§MED;lES, For Blood. Skin and Scalp Eamon, Arc prupu-yd 5 Week: I I’oI1tr.;CbomIua and Drug- Eluu. 3:: Wu nzwn meal Bowen; :1 from lltu-I. ‘onmlo. 0nI.. und 3 Show ‘Hm, Landau. Ind an tor nu-._b nlldzuxglsu. I‘rlc.u of Lullcurl. mull b-in-1. ween u: "Inn haze». conltlulux two Ind one-nnlx man the qaanuly ox small’ Fl. llnnalvclll sl per bomu. can um um ' ollel ramp. :3 ccuu. Cullen-A Islndlclul blulvlhx Sony, Ilmcnu ;$er calm; In Dara. for barber‘: rue. so CORD- GOLL l‘-NB’ VOL-TAIC 1’LAS'I‘ERS Instantly rnllevus Pug. Boron» mo Wulncu. / / -/ / / / CONSTIPATION Invzll-iably causes general de- rangement of the entire system and begets many diseases that are gloomy in their aspect, and often hazardous to health and life. Persons of a costive habit are subject to melancholy feel- ings, headache, low spirits, tim- idity, defective memory, gloomy forebodings, -newousnessn fev- ers, languor, drowsiness, irrita- ble temper, indisposition, and other consequent symptoms which often unfits the syllcrer for business or agreeable asso- ciations. R».egu1a'r I‘-Iabit of Body nlzmtcan correct the evils c-.numcrat,Ved above, and nothing succeeds so well in achieving and malllminilllr this condi~ tion as ’ By its use not only is the system renovated and cleansed of all impuri- vlics, but in consequence of the llama»- tuba: t/range: thus created, there per- vades the entire organis"m a feeling of satiety; thc‘mcnl.1l faculties parlor and then: is an exhilaration of mind, freedom of thought, and perfccthcarfs case, that bcspeak the full enjoyment of health. ’I'ROPIC-FRI‘.TI'I‘ LAXATIVF. will prove of ineslimnble value to the weak and debilitated of both sexes. _In all cases of nervous, mental; and physical suffering, brought about by stoppages, its use is "especially, valuable. The clcansingand dcpuraling properties of the preparation create change: that are both marvelous and gratifying; murky, gloomy,‘ and sallov com lcxaons,’with blue land dark‘ discolorztxods about the cyesfconditions that are allied to bil- iousrfcs.-l*, dissipation, and ill-llgallh), are by degrees ‘normally .-lcorrccled. and transformed into bright and clear com- lexions, in wlxiclrlhc ruddy‘ tints of, Ecaltlx am bo'u'ntil'n1ly_dc iclcd. f'l’RO1’10F1?.UIfI'f.L XATIVE’ is put up in gin bqxeslpnly. zlzzotll x'l7u:2'«'z1Yw{:.-' Ask yourdru is: _l'or De-’ 's:'xiplivc Pamphlet, or _ad 635 the pro: J.» .Hma‘n_m¢n'm, ‘:36 ml Place, N... York. their functions with renewed Vl.l’£IClly, “ LAKE SUPERIOR. ‘Du ‘Lnu}llcll'-can and Lake F-‘who or Transports»- ' (iummuly 5 Elegant Puasellgcr Stcxuners - , Wlll leave for I_lI7I.l7'l‘Il Ind Inlet- mm 433??‘ 43'3" :7‘ ma. umd unjo OUR ENTIRENEVV sl:;QOK 6 I 013- - \ A PETING S. I Having Arrived, is new open for Inspection. IT We have also opened 8. Ma LACE CURTAIN J J J J J J J_. J. J. and Franc Gulpure . ENNARD & SO1_\TSr KENNA]El.D & SONS. KENNARD & sous KENNARDL 8: sous KENNARD & SONS KENNARD & SONS ENNARD & sons, .KENNAR:D & SONS *KEN1\TAR])’& sous CONTAINS EVERY’ QUALITY‘ KNOWN TO THE TRADE IN NEW AND BEAUTIFUL PATTERNS. A. Viisit of Inspection will Repay Pflrohasera. iflcent Invoice of Antique \. Imported direct from the Factories of Euro 9 through the ST. LOUIS CUSTOM HOUS Particular Attention. Spun and Raw Silks, Tapestries, J utes an Also, E, to whlc a. very com_ late variety of Oretonnesgor we Invlte Long Curtains, Vulances and Furniture coverings. ...Kénna;rd Sons ~. CARPET CGMPANY, 43 1830 MIPECTIYB P183811 '1‘() rm.-ollnlc porn. Irma Cmmuny. H }au-let an. ulna . an '. h'l‘uenslu mu Yxl vold Bout. Dunc, flay Form and Asth- y is cool Atmnnnh planed climate and mngnllmem scenery. F'LLI'II58 JLIJWV. . “Send Io: l$¢1'lgEI-V;.c‘I‘I'fl«l!I5It£‘h¥algEI{ulI mrtlcnlars. 74 Nuke: n.. Llxlcsgo. Ill. re Exams 18 . l. c..... RELIGIOUS N(.lTlCE3.> :3‘ North St. Loull Clu-lotlnu church. corner Elghlll and Mound n-.—-Pruchlng at I-3:30 thln mom- lhghy we pulur. To-nlghl Ila.-clnra will be dcllv cred nl 7:l.'lo'cIm:lr. Subject. '"l'hz Tlirco Worlds." Tllln lecture avlll be lllusluu-d by tho use at A Luge dlnara prt-pun-cl specially for lllathu.-mo. All In a dock «-1 mo Invlledlo Illeml. lluulruc. 10 day uvcnlus. It ‘ krLucu1i'Avonue Cumborla nd Prenbylorln Cm1rch—0oracx- Lnru and Clunulng uv.-nun. Tho Dallor. Rev. 0. ll. IIELL, D. 1).. wlll preach uh. morning u. laxlb. nu] Rev. E. B. cnmuz. D. Du II ‘lawn. tn. Snllbnllwcllool nenrl» a at 9:39 I. In. Young people‘: meeting 7 p.m. Pnyct-meeting Wudnesdny. 1:37 p. tn. All welcoma. ere. unsur- Socroury. “E 133.133. A.” £1‘ Thlrn Ilapllll‘. clmroh. earner ol Cm): Ave. and Founceulh street-llev. Dr. W. POPE YEA- IIAN wllhrv.-ad: at 10:30 a. 11:. A1190 the pawn luv. 050. A. I.0l»‘I‘0.\'. IJ.1)., Vulll preach Ill- ndnllnlnlur me oruluauco or bxvllsm. llundxya clmol Al. 9 a. nu. and ‘lull p. 21:. Weekly meal]! 5: Vl‘o.~dluu any And I-‘rl-lny uwlmu. Allwelwmb. nu-mm Gonrresutlonal cnumn} run: and Locunllrecu. Ru. '1'. M. POST. D. 11.. pastor. pruchlug at lows. imullo In Uulon_C~unure(a|lonnl Cnnpelou Delmsr avenue. xreu-lllnx by Dr. Post Ii BB5‘! ILL Gudfli Jlltlfl. 1;‘ L001 ‘V I ...'‘’.’:.‘-§. ---cu-no... 3 Jalllnx. luhonn... I 08. Ill :nrrluso to: Fun 31'. “lélx 3 G. I3OIrlI.._]*;}'S and.1lonx-dI.xnz bltnblcs. mo cur run») In rlou than Any other rxblu. N 'rls_uurl.‘:ln..........8l3 as ueceedlng Mum. I anJJ.............................. 1 A_lBo‘clacIL p. m. Morning 8. 8. 9:30 3. ha. lvllulon blindly school 2:30 p. m. I’rnyI:r-meeting every lledncmdnr cnulnx It Delun: Lvuwa Ljlupcl. 8:00 o‘clock. s'l‘Anl.I:. U :1 Hills ca «lunar - t7"$t. Mark’: English Lutheran Church. corner at Wuh street and Rules nnnue ¢'I‘Innlv—r-evomh -u-eel). M. nuomss. D. 1).. pu- Illlitil-n an...--....u.-.. » on ...-.-u........ 3“ ;rou:yol'du Ccumerlu. '§o'couJ nuauon nvnuo lot. BeI"ylcu at 10:45 A. manna p. m. Sabbuho llitlllm - ' school A. la. Pnyér-mceung d 1“: , ,_ Uwgmlgzggrtgutta _ ...... ..-......... .......... .. .2 .33.... ..‘.'.'..?.'.’i[,:‘,'.'. :3‘ I may '1 .'u«l.:nv )|1p.;‘a‘::““‘. claw l-old‘: sumvcund nzlmluloil at Iaiclnlwta Bat» uculnuuu lln qqmlllr oipoods. ~ bull: nos-ulux. ‘Ml: hm. W lcomo. lloulllc ' mna uoam as hand at-. . _ p:lon.rAnoIlul|npu1u|llu wy4u'uln- I _ « . . W 3'“"*1'- zrceuu-at 3!. _lil._ Church, co.-M.-' vm.,,.;,. Iioixlxix C. IBohlé'. .~' Globe and St. Louis Stables. trunk and Morxau-Ran W. K. KAHSIIALL. 11.13.. hulor. Scrvlccu lD:Ii0A.m.nna 7:46 p.xn. Sunday uhcaulflmp. In. The pure: wlll commence Ilctlll pFI1‘?E OFRRIAGES-I I Slllllll-I_YS,’BUll(l'll1_8, PHABTOES, B'I'U., .. For cm; Coanlffand Llielfir mac. otlccmru In Ignaz nu: II: I (Sunny) cnnlllt. to be #0“ M1164 1'-Nfl’ Isalalluh evenlng maul Iunher uolléa. fiunlucl lhln.¢veoxInx. "Yvuug wan. llzclr A¢lnulnxu_ and Orpporumlllos.“ Mn: true. All cordially nl-’ waxed. lldng year" young Iilundh, _ ____’_,_.,__._..-__-,....__._.. _ _ _ .11-—-g %3mE,§ggf fl§”§“$fifi "-:'O<'>n. .-'_a"u'u:l'»'aa."elula uia lnvefreea ' ‘ '- w ‘ V ' - m;€’§nl’.'1'£:?}!.:'{.7“..5’.§2‘..”.'..".’;:‘¢lf$'uI ’ KLHUPLCTURIXG 00., P RM.-'carn"»..‘d “$0”, an “em _l’I¢1o‘vy Opt. um-a_ ' cu-"1 Ari.-‘." O -. a‘-r‘; _x'.o'UxE'-l. ’ an . ‘Occult. . Fur‘ -K ‘. \ hf“ t. ’ BELIGIOUKNOTICES. tr church o_t tho Good Nln-plmrd. Elnhlb and Lallcularstmctb. Sorvluca M II n. m.uul1.1.'o p. m. Tbs msaop or the diocese will ullh.-lute to- morl 0!! mornlng. 1Llhcrnl.1.eugue. 4743 Washington ave. Free In-tum lo-day. 2:30 1:. :n., byI)r. .1. Z. IMLl.,on "llraln and Body (.‘uIlurv." /mo. acuon to be lawn rcznr-llnx dull: ul‘_I'rmlxIcnI.Jolm Green. All mem- bers WIN plum be present. §lI‘Il;[CI'l “Qlt‘0|H0o l1’.*.lplrl(.uallnm-Illnllop A. mm -rlll rummcncu Ieeturuln SI. Louu um fin; Sunday In October. Name I‘. Foxln expected hen In Nuvcmluer. Place of mecunxto be pnnounced handler. Snlmualhu wlll meet next llsznday to nornulxe. A. ll0llIll.\'S. .I3"8I. ueol-go’: Chm-ch, corner (mutual. ind Iluumoul punts. Ilcv. JOHN l_’L'l.TuN. I). 1).. Meter. wlll punch. suvleo bqlna. Mmnlul. no-so; cuulnx. ‘lfifl. A Janice of soul: “"13” |'*‘“‘3"Ws 50- lug ha opcnlu wining rcnlco 0! the Mason. Sun- day-scllool at 9:15 l.‘m. nr'l*IIgrlm Cmlrrothtlonlll Church, comer w -' nml Ilwlng ave», I’la_v.C. 1.. uoom~:u.. D. 1).. hula! rammed Iron Calllurnln. mu occupy Ill: pulplt at 10:80 a. I1. and In the uchlnx II 8. Sub- Jecl in ma cvenlnu "Jlonl list!) and elullu In callrornh Ilia.“ lllblo school at 13 us. Welcamo. If (march at uni IllouluIa-Servlccs weld In lho Mlnlan Chapel. II the corner 01 Nlnlu and \l'uh finals. Sunday. lleplcmber Ill. The pulor, III.-v. JOHN SNYDER. will preach II 10:65 3. m. Mll- nlon Sunday-school mecuumop. an. All cordully lnrllzdo . KD"OnrrIson Aryans Buptln: Church. comet Compton ucnuu uul xul-gun tweet. Her. .1. l.,‘.’All.\I- STRONG. Wuuar‘, wllljzrench to-any at wall: 9. m.. and Rev. W.Pnpe Yuman. D. IL. ‘IN WWI"! U" ‘ pulpit lhll tzvvnlux nu/mop. nu-' film!-I"W1I°°| I‘ 9 M m. All at cordlnlly Invusd. mum and Locuul. Ilcr.J. u. vx1.'lo.\I.l2’.D,-.v--tor. wlll pres-rh n 10:30 a. In. Ho as-cling u-n-Ice. mm. day-lcllool ml. 7 1. m. I’;-aye:-naueuntz’ at-1:45». m. We«lneud_a.y. Lndlu‘ pray-yr-lneollyng at 4 p. In. Thurs- day. General chm‘ Mb 1:. n. busy. sh-awxcri eon dlslly luvltcd. ' ~ . ’ trsetondv llaptlnt Church. ‘comer cl nun- uwnl (mm nud Iownlplvgcu. ». The ruler, Ilav. _\V. w. non). D.v.. _-rlll mun urn d'clocl: u.’ m. Shh. Joel‘. "Purrimr._?,’ M _lO‘r.locl: p. »_a,1a nan-howl" ‘ “B37560 91 ,l0lKs“ ‘(Rh Illa Puyrul, *-_Lllc." Buunnlu-Icllopl '.\v’Il_ih Pillar‘: niblqoclglt It 9:30 L In ' Ancrnoon-ochol M3 6'¢lock. Weclly Dr.5S.'I'enlaon .2 8oh7r',,‘B28 I-2 01:110. cnalax. Infilut, nu; Ila 33151.!’ Alltrfwalo ¢‘qlnuli1luul¢u._ __’ V . . .» rU'8t.' Jolxn"lllelIlodIu¢ Cluxrt.-lg, Twtntl" . jarvloa,-,on' _Wjodnudny.¢'ywln;. Leculm‘ all Prldu ,_ ‘V c one ' " . :. :m'1f°abce‘ 1': Lou ‘on. fun: l|iiX'il"nfl5',9.;rcfl"b:l1lIGXX?§- xfothinx pxr §‘i’ol:g:‘iu_ il;'0inci.nmti, and ‘a.’-lriendoec ‘pica - .:'+-:. o lite!’ ~— 13 _ 11.1‘. “*0 liéfilty at 1iuk’a=bi¢cYa-.*hb~ c!tr.ttrml:‘~ V uuuea-ztnuv-:cyqxung':3y;a=l.ea+y.l;1i.:vunu:n§ groan: :s'ouu_ J-"qno -fin‘ -mgdny. :;_..Bev'et'_nl.:‘moli 7 run through iuto:.ha';l.m.c1:.ynrd,‘:.nd .the:o‘nv.». A terrible-«tight: .4 :‘.Inl.§ so-‘ul-xnouw (of man. '7ooon*i'>y~., O-'is'1l"ILD"‘, Gs? ' O" " O —_ Twnougix liiucsiuilnoclton.-.'trlil:'-Jove;-ole. ' ' llurdlr'aro’éata_l:liohni6su .io.t1le city; lit’. Mun--'. ”’ ‘ 2 '1‘l1ej_l,2.f:’8Ii£y_11.i. ’_Woz}'}3ons. The . V out All Eifori by file. ioifivovidn the Naval] Demomlralion. - . Livoiy ‘.l.‘lmu‘n in South .Amarico—'1‘hn Old wand’. Ci)ntri‘bl.'i.tlon- ~ , K . ‘ .'I“n.r.Im3'. ~ ; ‘il1l_I LTIKGBRI. _ _ .Lol;no_w.- scotcmbo: l8.--it cm:rc5r>°fi*!°“.' '5. - Suonlcn lnlylthfl norillwosltrrn. part or liner . dc-nix is very muettlzd.’ ‘Bands 13-1104 1119 ‘‘A1'engl!fi|'' have tornlodin the chiulBu1- garian center: and.‘ ulauinstod within the put all arceeka unomllex oi Holliomn, inolutlirut one Boy null two iunciloulriel. Tho hinuulnlilnu rotnlixtcd. and many Bnlgnriaol lilwo lnlleo \'il:tlxns. ‘Ilse. liulgnrinxln are uniortunntaly utimplatcd to these fllcflfibhib by clsiillilflfil from » it iBui n it on are encour- §.'.‘;°..u":§‘y".'.’§g‘;.’.f‘c3l «Km» hgvEri_§1gai;ou:-iim-ir'oIl- ucr on the Iiulgnrlaln llllb. Eulloultlpvoutl tltlm rm otltowuril turn. the Bulgarian iaowsrnxncnt lino itu lmcizcra will he innit’-17 1"‘-'i‘*°i1‘!“31” ‘gr . Ibo wanton nail unlamzexaal-y miacry Anti bloo ~ 1 d. ‘ )0 ‘rm: CRISB .ll.l'l'i‘z<).\CRT.'¢0. mausx, zsepmmbar la.--Isiah: ,zhauII;IIl<_1 AI; bfllllllll liltvo occupied till: ID‘)! i1 0 19-1“! 3]: ‘:1 i.Iuir.-lgno, tw'obnttu1ionI_oi Tori. s tron :‘n.'v:-laiurmu ‘Hm K!-!TiD°'1- -m"-‘‘‘'‘‘‘’'‘- the ‘urk1ell'oommnnder.1lf}‘ BN4“? "°‘f~'°“i'.!‘l“‘ aw izuiruullouu train the tone to o‘gl!€(‘;>gi”“° Al ltnizilu by iorcoa W|_thi1_l"-‘W nu ' .liriiish vim Admiral uymum 3'31“ 3'5:"‘:.u3i- lultur l0.R.L‘£_ll ’.’RJ5u‘0 W1|0 “"3 W W ‘“‘ . “ to-xiuy.. iitu otccrihlnoci tlmt tho lcttur ro- quirei; uilicelixlitlne ‘otxuaxoriénl roply in ngnrd to tho llumcmiaro llulclgno to ma Aloutmur grim. 'lT.il0li'BL\1l ll! xoilaituil. _ B2iil.1N’. Soptsmbur ls.--.1 :«t..i’_cusrebu cor- talc-.:'rn his ulsioiioxsv. Tlxoout rank nlinallrzoutilrnlu - low liouumilv. is only 9 - qusstiou oi ii. low‘ wwlul. "W. 1L1ZL.i'Ll§llA. Lombos. Souwnlber lri.—.\ ‘Vienna dispatch nys: luau habit. the Turkish 0U|nll.lilii(l‘i:i’,_ hIil,lIil|.l‘0.iDOl'1UU, roturllrd to fiouturi. 'llilu ooruninly dtluenotollen as vrovllvu 10! i-1101“? mocliuto -. lil'1‘luIdi:l‘ oi Dull.-igno_. *rIlls_nItni1xxxun.t:f s UAD_R0.‘i-_ N.u'I.l:s, irieptowlmr ls.-lilo nlizsu llulit-in rum-nu .,.;utmrou will probably be uiuilouril on the Allmllllm canal. {or tho winter. 11!! I>oxrx‘ll lmQill:e’:. . COR.$fEASTl.\0l‘LlI, Boptuulbor lB.—ln tho protect ugnlnsi. Um nnvul ilotutanslrutlou tele- trrnphed to the 1‘urkillh iliplomtlio n'1mrMl!nIl- two» lxbruaili, the Fort: a»kn.t!.\a Rowan! lo gunrnuiu: thin. the naval d«m:omtrlln'orl shall not xahfo plllcu ii Dulchmo in anrrunilorozl. \ A tlI.s1u.. I.o.x:uox, i-lamzemlusr l6.—~‘l‘he Itlitoment that an luaurlm-.l.iuu hail broken out in iiumt nml banana: ls l_Uf1idOiI':.Sn"1~llG .Iooolui..-awry 0_f'lI!0' \rl:iol1:llI- evld_outl7.1ompod,or‘ lallon.:'1*ba bowel:-otille nun » warn prottud-st inzlrotn _l.'l0|_1§ ‘ant; in'tixo.Itoma¢h, unten- xeuxlmo iron:-the breast bone to mail ointouuioh,-' . _ , _ ; The llnckoitho Ialucml-I co'nred»wi.ti1 in-$31‘ [till "I long male was brought n'ia‘-oil: 1: o irhllfil the wounded mun-was iuscd. while r. Pope and nn.un'isi.itn: made an’;-oxxmilutiou or his cuniiition‘.-f ‘Aoeep guilt wnfiouud on the all! wriahnxtondinw uwrir nroundlt. but itirtonriieroox looking-out in- the aiotnncllrnnoi the intention: lmnxin): Iron: it, inn do tholuler wound izuixniilclmt. _ Tho rounded mall val Dllceci uodrr the iuiinonoo oi cilloro£orm.'~'nud ‘ pnrlonncd 0! placing 1:: .:ha_ stomach ltud bowing up the cut. It ,1»-nu. finally >.iD¢.‘Olll]Jlilh and the phyuiclsnvcuid there ‘urn: some slight ciunoo oi-his recovery. “Them '11 no doubt thin. the wounds were intlloted or KlozIbury.l:(im- . wii. lie hit; in sick for sovurni days’ with lnninrlnlinvor, and yottorilu ~m.u‘ mu-uiolen: loin him it lulu-clovolopocl nto puemnunlst. no vnlliu one or lira roums_ln tho Monro bul ding wlxllclnlllo cit . ll. is supposed that lmtdocut.-tl with onto an in I: ll: ot mental ob- urnttlon on xoolcnr-pox:-kniio nod draw ltiiant ncrou his wtiat. in hope. oi binding to death, but not tlucci.-‘suing innlolail tho olllter _ wound anti imnprii through the, window. ’ -rm: ‘ view 01 the ‘cow in nubsxnntieicd b tho that that tho. window- uoxlriu uoverod w in blood. and in tho 'nrll' under tho window at pen-kniie was ionnd, nth blade: open nu cxwen-xi with blood. zmr. HJi1§IDill‘yh53.D08i1 travnlin ior some time lol- iho i.‘.I.oulll llousu oi L. ‘I’. .wa.ll1 «too. iron morclunte, and is at prr.-slant in tho city on business lot that nouns. lie -was oonoeotod wlthlile hltniwuo house at Urloli .& 00. turn. ion‘; limo, and inter was with E. J. liomln & Co. 1 o is In line business man, Ihd it- in to be hoped he will recover from llineri-ihla wountts. Altar ho had boon sewed up by the doctor: he was relnovcu to his room and all It lulu’ hour to-nigh: mu in ncxilicnl condition. LATER-K$flR9bury.h ericctly rational, and tho cinmcos are in his uror, thoutlii his cou- tiltion is very actions. when united why no tlnsixtzillo ltiil l.liin.solf, in mild ho was rich and secxuoui to be in everybody‘: way. ----—-.0----...-..-........_.... ’I EACIIIN G GI£R.3lA..‘.i. Tho Number of Public Sch ools and Pupils lnterriltod in tho Study. The following Ilxiament ol the number oi pupil: who wally Gorlmtu in tho pubiio schools of the city is compilod lromoilicini rctnrrmauti makes an exhibit in some rcupocte surprising. Tho tlsrurcs roprr.-snnt tho school weal: «ending Frlduty lust: ~35 =3 $5 Total. << -: I‘€ormul........................Gtmuuu notuugnt 1Il'xli........ .. ............ 93 33 B5 ‘lirnuull lligll, No. l. ....... 30 81 A<iuuu............ ............Gcru1mi notions“ that ill--uuvenmroi the city hull been mur- 4\,mu.,_..,, ml, or’ iltrlud is uuioumlud. 3.3 110 12.: out: ‘no J..\'Cil02. u 36 B! »iuoI:ez., Soptoulbor 18.»-‘.i‘uo llrltinh gxxnlmutt its lid tin iiulué-.'.xl cluxle to anchor on um ltitl: lust. In the ‘.' 2.3 at lzourlz oi .Am.l\'i1x'1. and was boiirllcll ilnmcr.ll- > ‘ ‘ 156 in .1.‘t:l only lly lbr! part omclu.l,o'llo rrqu-inset; hut" -.le- Lkulou station. not. taught punum. "mu llullcon colupllml. bocauqo UH! _ilow....... in Us 1... tnallty oi marlin iorbidn war lohiyal to onturtho Jlryun Iilll.................... Si no) 90 ugbqr 01 ,l\ntlv|.tl. (.otOn(lolz!l...... ............. Mil 4.5 3:“ i(.§lttr..L:;...................... 33. -:4; ‘Franco. arr. ...» L‘ 4_.- -rxsmm-=~= wem*«>~- .. S:‘.‘..‘.“..‘.‘.;.'.’'.'':.’::::::''"''''" ..‘f‘? .i°.’. fil I-OSDOE &=iMlvb\‘f 13-"'-W‘ 1’ "13 ¢°TT‘°‘“ cllulumhxm . r :1 ti Ilionueut at tho Tim»: unyu: "Awlltlug the“ ={l:‘t:_tliuuu.... ‘W~'W9“°‘ “W C‘’‘“‘''‘' “ "‘°‘°‘7 ‘ "‘°”“"‘ ""11 i.?lhii£.l'n'If.I.C:IIIlI'.'.'.I"13.: lull {Iii} out slluivmx Kim dwlvednowon “"1 “*9 "*°°‘“*-‘¢ 0on.pu;.n...................... iii. ill its at tho Ullauubeu." Tho some cormlloollilellc §3}::elI.ivr;él:aute 30 173 tel-mum rw mwmsm ‘fl -1» W w °°=°*m ......u;...::::::::'::.'......... ml .. . ...; mo mpurtihnt Premier De Pmrci-us! Km INN«r............ .. r.- l: nu his ground. 'l‘i question will rotnain iutuct lfmxclus...-....... id: until tho wlnhlin oi the Clntlnhqr. The ... .‘.' “ rs»-um r wm on-mu ~ mo 01 -M W:*.'~=~ i§‘.'§.’.‘.::‘.ff.‘i‘.?.'.'.'.‘.:':......:::: .2’: fl? Vfiilluh will rolnnin unonnnuocl until then. r.”“kml__.___’"__”“”__'N ha ma 3“ GOLD nu-oirm. .l5l1ln:z,'Eieuiombor lii.--swmnur Woetpilaiia, (or ran»: Ymlz. won on board 590.900 in-tics in gold. A cniccun. luuus, Septembor l8.—Yl‘ho Iiappcl suites that is czlclzumr will slzortlr be utiuwswd to tho hurl- ou: ullnntlloriwd mlilgionl, re- quiring tooth to submit thomwlvus to this pro- viaiouu 01 tile Huron (lemueu. .K}£lllG‘.<ATl0l€3 Tltfibxfihb. At this umrnih ‘I xnoetlnt! the ililnirtor oi In- terior hm! Worth p. Cnzatt, Kvoper oi the torus. luau the Mililllwr bi Jusuco Ami Gen. furro, um umun-.r oi War, tetuiercti their resignations. A eoéoml mozziinlc 0! this Council iv to ho hold at the ]'L\I:iCn liiywh, under l'r-csidout ilrevy, tut: all-oruuon. EECOND ntxrluil or Tllil.‘ i’.’f.iD’.‘iCIL. Innis, tieptclnbor iii.---‘l'ho aucmnl nu.-rtlrls: 01 um coulicintt the Palace oi the Elyszm lulu nit- emouu llutod tram 3 uutiiazzio o'clock‘. -All rim Millillal-3 were prtlsulli, imzlutiimz tllo.~'-lo us he imd texlrmtod tlmlr (animations. Au uggrum uncut true ii‘.i‘i‘h‘iS(l at oy vmioll A 5lIl.llnI.\ll‘hil rrmllu has linen uujnut-.-ii. The loilowiug XI Halli to be Iltti basis on which mtrmimy mu ra- uillrud: ll. (Hartman: rotuini lull liberty lvl no- llmx reguulng the march llocruas, wlncll he will eltmilhl as I Limo unaiiu ouch mnnuur no no ermaitlczlm most cuiuu.uio,- ivithmlt otimr delay than in rcquimzi to give: the Protects nrct-air)’ mat-roetlom. ‘rho omoinl ',)Olil’l'u|.l oi toduorww w' a lethal? tram M. consume lo sumo Arohbsuhopc, stating that the iiocla ration nighoxl by religion: §0nltl.tei‘1lii‘.wI can not who the xslu-co oi at daolnml tor lcgal nuthorixntlml mucribc-.1 hy the March do-ewes. A hiinigtnrial crisiia. lming oimnoo, rrultlolst Gravy will run- uln tllv jun. so-marrow. south America. . A1‘ nu‘. rot.“ or run lnroxzr. - Lotions, septamocr ii.--lluonoi_ Ayn» ltd- riou to the Rulljol Almuiit, received by way oi ]J5l.zol1, urn nsloiiownz on the :1» or August use National troops entered tho rmvlnclnl Cisuxtlmn Ind ejected the member: oi the Chunimr oi Dopnsxon u. Lian‘ point oi the bayo- étai, posted dc-oblo souzineln at tho doom, Imti cloned use Leglsluuro by order at the lfutiomsl Government. A gmltl. crowd coiloouid in -the /mom. out xln-re was noomorlnnco. The sea- ators um: Dopntien ouiournocl to am Municipal Halli nmi lumen 1 manllnio to the In-opla. u hicmaiioa mellcit nnyinuliiostulagu oi por- ulur lo.-ling. ‘tho ultfurumulnt -quiet. '13 to ";y,n§clp~.1iI,ud rovinu smiles an admin}:- temd D)’ Goa. ustilloa on bainli cl tho lu- tlonnl (aovornlnrnt. Thu woussbor in lino and (hero in an ,I.u:ul.lont “cu pool ital‘ HID viz-out inlrwat. * lfinxlsnd. KAFLLI 0:: ‘run Incl. _ Loxoox. B-eowmbgr 18.-—1iu.ulzsn and 1 "ax-sort rpm on the ‘Inc yr.-tutu-day. llo ro-no I c mm, mount stroke arm biuction was much. mar um: rnmdar- 11° an be it xrtdzltllr rono'!ei'iox ixmn tho wool: oi -tho nuicknéac. - tux: rrxtxn. )lu:.:m-amen. 5e ‘whorls’ Tin loluioru oi tlln..'lsccl:.u:tou uni‘: no oon;do.o:oi mucosa. ~ , moo. _ lugixt Hon. Sir Tlumy Sailor, Lord Ohio! llama ol,_l,laa Coon ihohoqoor, died yesterday. . H‘ Losoonl. ‘miles 3:611-Ii1‘I’£!l!3N.'i3.l oi liq.-ton. l.lnoc-lnshiro,-whey: mm cotton on (or loamy yang vs”;-, an ‘nun; yesterday in hormr oi the with nnnlnm »,’u.:y oi -ll-onion. iinmwhnuva. Alumna. canon I-wrung. lmzuaut. fielwi-0mtawr_n.--‘nu Lama-Honclry fmsowoas resistor to: tho aomalli at July Ahoy ul iracroou with tho oorrulponding jn:o:lil3 at W}? at lip»: coax. olzlacfiy (root in- creased do-uozltoa W100. wiroiuuq and nxolotsl. '17.. molar» at In kiadr; oi inuminouosi have lsusriauod -ittiitli. The expozu oi _1nrl‘.tl¢,'§r:ttr and‘ not-bead but ii-acxuuki. . . _‘ I E , . v 1‘: ‘cow; (nit leoporooulé ‘ l}~nrmsa1’- . _ _ . nun nu-rxn'I' "atria. _ lmsbmt. fltiiimauiz-or_ ii!»-1. illnrntela from Kim-rm an mo lI1n''ol mum, lien Im- tor, has reyiiqfi to no inquiry in-out Axiom tlsu, Slmugli ltaiinosroullaloto outfit" into. that lic- ‘ultra! «la 1 b oi Altoids‘ vim the I lmxxcrtli irwikrfififliwflibri. liiaurhsiuunoon amps»-anon: we ooirpiuteo. _, V ihlsjiiefi-’lnx_r _ M indazmru mu“ lama" Emilia um Tat nmhtuanoakd ,..l!‘»-x5fi.ii"_A',diOfli‘f' almsnms.o7aIIvI’zd 0.’.rn-1%» allow: Gzuumlvilln................... 6 67 7.‘. |.3I'ltllI1 VMNI . la; I51 107 23:5 2'» 570 9:3 -i‘: -trail (cl 7:! 400 47:! .l.‘.(l 7 057 $11 '7 774 l.uiayoti.e............. 79 M5 (sill llmooln....................... ll‘) 21-‘: liiii 1.-uwoii........................ 3l- I03 'l;li (Si 773 8.11 (:7 57:5 9:!» Mernnu-r:..................... 7 ii! iii‘! Mullunphy................. . ‘“ liri 176) Unit l|lli.... .......... 0'!"a-lion ... ....... .. l’oabnd_v...,....... .i’nllru.~<c ............ i‘eslltli»::r.l.......... Pupv.l.................. Rock oprizug Sin: )ntd...... ............ ... ‘ll 53. sh: nu Avuuuo........... .(.li-.l-iruul ant taught .hl«0d(lli.’iJ...... ............... li?D H5 ills Wlubai.oI', old itull new... ._... 1:": Eli) ‘Elli 5:3 n.7al umsl —--------—o~—-—-——.._.._. Templo of the Vrilnd Pronhctn. To the following citizen: oi Um outer vorld, Grouting: You are hereby oommuldoci, with- out ucuse or dolny, to usemblo yimrulvea to- zoihtr on the night or October 5, at the (iirnmi llltll oi the .'m:l'<.-hunul‘ Exclzluluo, thou Int! them to servo in 5 reception Comtnitiho to to- ouivc will: aim courtesy tho distimxnlsllod guests who have been imriuul to moot our Royal l’msem:¢:. You will also you tluu. the details oi that enierutlmuent in tnrrlnd out on 3 scale at won nnagnlni once so may ho thoroughly hu- moniotxs and lo kvzupiilg with our imperial Doors. (fiilmc-d) ' - Grit rib. E. C. liivomonu. Xdnin limrrisull, Gerard ii. Alien, it ill. liyiie, iieury -bunoiey, Jolly l’. Kblwt. (J. N. Buck, J. iulltlm. N. (1. Lrrnmoro, it. B. iimvm, all. M. uclr, ueurga ll. iliorgn. ii. llencke, A. A. .’iXt.-iiicr. A. G. liinl, J. ii. Huron, J. O. llmatiln.-ad, .1. ll. tlclielzhnn, C. I‘. Cilouio-tn. ii. Siclionis. G. E. Bunny, John W. Noble. .1. C. cxlmi, - Ham)’ Oromoiz, G. W’. Chodhourna, J. W. Purnmoro, Uoor D. Copon. Olutricu Pancho, Du: ‘ulia, ilmttl liozrxv, K. C. Uuuhlono Town Rlclxoson, . . Conaii‘, A. . iilsybnclr, John 1‘. Davis. W. hi. 84miar, 8. M. Dovdd. A. W. Silver, Dnall Duke Miles soils, .1. 0.1:-moi, r... o. Stnonxard, D. II. Gould, - W. H. ac-adder. John ill. ulliwoon, R. I‘. Tunney, it‘. cdircar W. ll. Tinomblanr, Garage 11. dodoud. C. 1... Hunt, Edvtutd llalden W. A. list salon, Goorzo W. ' 0, Join: ii ,- rutoa Walla, Joim Wsoi-‘halo, F. B. flames, ii. 1.. Duollnsll, , I’. W 066111114 H. 0. Hudoofl. .............._.......__....._ The Belmont Eievnmr Destroyed. 1':-in.i.o iallogrnnuto the oliloen oi the iron jfountuin Bollmwd wuo resolved yaiuou nomilxar. Iummmclng tbs toutl damnation oi the camp; ‘I: eievstorjmd «nrohouu all Bel- mmu, um. . In Tlnatr no In it-:«ilti.u 1374. and on used to Atom owl? supplies in . hours. 1 int ride. . fl ‘ uuom ~ Imsxvus our notion M the tin» oltho lira tho Ohio Klimt salt Gom- pu-ly, at morally, hm: _!,im burnt: of salt . slogan than and is was totally destroyed. The nilrxuo oomph-I; by 0 out, is not to-' loom-iim lot-thin for-r. _ two olavuor and fina- elxim-rry um huurao tor 53.9%», so 000 at V ioh 1- in the_ Bani. oi i¢nx:-nd- load 1.59 rilnnindcr “l“¥g9“"W 5° N 113 than Mani:-o, oi Ba- .~.....,......»...—.»....¢. struck with rt Waiailt. ilnatsiai lfidlviltlk to rttr 0i _ Cgwwntt. 0., normally: .13..-mitt: ‘tho oroodihzpfl o.-rum! dkpcmd lama‘ on man Ralnbliua no’-ranting ‘st aumlasrilsta lam Thursday IL .Coii iiuaaism H. mm was into (alarm. I'll?! mull npmm s 3:‘ Mona want us: mum it oi «la. ptriiun 55 ' 0: .~ ‘ ’ ' uni... pm iljzo luv ‘mi-girfi. rm ....'’.!.’3:. and um 'I'x‘o§iwlI.IIlt§ in row den-Kingiburr,-hyrolfiorink ln._m.~l.loo¢: gm. 4 'i_'n'e ejsc. flats" Biinilnt gluon" j"m's_on;el2ss'c'.a labpirro mamj_cuur‘.~.n. '-in , 5:; mass ‘Con‘rli:‘y,, , y9§t§_t'd§_y, gllar the niol?::onthuriAatlo_ mooring ,h'old"<iori'uxthe'nl'xt9-bud‘ oi its hnfiory. ';1'n'o'._lv_bu: _nca'o'ni;‘;n.‘:_naa; ma "me plan'i_dov'ineii_‘ ior rprcsd’ix_ix%'.liospi:1' truth, 1: wjltliont parallel" filo Auooiuion. ls I_rlu_tlla it-oogroinlntlon nlzlonrtho V ' ’ acts were‘ clnnewrined. throughout, ‘la: jibe moat Internal huxnony. Aoollacunniai am beau taken up and. a. debt dischluxod that on ombnrnsaecl the As- li1i:LlXlOl.‘l_!i)i’I0lz1il_ .umc_. wothll: the new year ill entered upon under Ltho most tsrorltiqlo auspices. Tbopoooud day'nexerv:itos,opnnod 3:9 n. m., with orator byvilav. R. 5. Dnnoio. Bov. Dr. G. A. Laiioxva reeolutlon orxurmi thovfirovioua do was mounted: Provilind. ms: the om-ti at M sinus oi the St. Loni: Assocln- timl co-operrno with ‘the Executive Board 0!- iho;Geuoi-nl mm. Association in rexuti to min- aionn w'orlr,v.'lthln.l1lin district. _ ‘rho ollowimzltm tho name: of the brslln-on lppolntetl xnouxboru n! tho Boll-ti at Missions: tum. Dr. -G. A. button, J. 0. Armstrong, Li. W. Leek. J. . .1.omr. W. 1-1. lienter, 1tmr._l-:. L. ischollold. 1‘... Hughes. and 0. ‘D.'l.luriiict. ltuv. J. 0. Armstrong. ohalrnnn ol the colunaiueo amtolnteu toomuitlox‘ lilo application 0! Grab- ? I c Cl.n.mcn.Jeiiura<m C0011!’-I.I(_Jtiti1m1lIaiOl\-(0 tllu Auuocintion, mporiml invonhly. mid the church. with It: iiololznloa, wu uimluod. 4 The moon oi liar. L 1'. Davis. Cmtlrtmn of the Comulltlao on Systematic Bl.!l)0‘l'UlllDC(l,Will mo mil all iuliowr: “ ’o moommoml that orery p.utur'w‘ithin lilo Amooinliun munch roaulllriy as least once 1 your uryon ouch bcnevolont oxliiorpriilo of tho dexlomlilntion. "We nrlru upon the imiividunl members of churches lilo importance and duty 01 contrib- utirltz rclznltu-ly and liberally to more vltrioun objects." ituvn. O. A. Water and 15. II. Schonolli, on I(.l..’\‘l81‘li.Bi.A1.. RDDCATLOR, aubtnltimi tho following report: "Minieloriul education is not now. as once it was in our Wanton: stator, coxuimmrd oi small importance. in oroporiionto use am-ns4i‘oi in- millgunuo nmmm our pie,“ ' ‘arise: at tiumnml (or an oducntrd ministry. lint. whtlo sunny are rvndy to xulmit its Ltuirnbilny, wmpnrzfivoiy-' iuw lotto um: ~ practical labor»: in It which ‘ imporulnco 0! '~ the work demands. Wu would. illorclom, cnrncstly reo- oxuxucnii that our ministers and unlesntct two their lnnuimco to uouw it mom kanornl inlet- cst in this work. and that in: elinrs In math to wanton contribution yoarlv lrmn much oi our churcilun tor lilo Minute l Education Board oi the Wllilllm Juwull Gallo W0 Imapenk {or this. our state Colloxo, ltn iotilro. Ely.iu lllmuufial wont, ll. hearty Iymplltlu um oo- u Ii lion." . "Dr. Bchonclitl and Brother .l..i3. [inr- Xioldll. n G(lllii‘ilXl£L‘-G appointed to select i.ll0 nrxt ounce of annual meeting. named Caron- dulut liaptl»: _ Church In the place and liirsv. J. U. Armotmnl! to preach the intrutlucwry sor- mou. with ituv. Wests: on Ilburllnm, Rev. J. T. Green. iifhnll-nun oi the Committee on Domestic uiuiona. timing in: his text the oomuuula, “Go into NAB world and preach the gonna! to ovary uroatura," argued that tho church dare not roluxu: |0 obey the instruction; the thousand» who are how uuiforim: lu ignor- vmuo at homo must not be tlolgioolod lot tho who 0! Lhow bcyomii the sons. Our own land, thought rho tmealzur, is‘ as much in hood of Chrirtixln iulttrneliou ml i'Jh.ims. The onomiim oi Chtiu are pouring in on America {roux nu muions, and the work at the American liaxltin: Homo Miusltmuly F-ouioty in to euolilrtllon the more iii: home. in «limit in tho couuulil.«.o he recom- lm-.m1el1l (hut the t‘hll|”C1lE'l'(if tho :soi:ioty help it to the utmost oi their ability. in cmltsiusion, ltd urgoii-that the puuurn oi tho Auoclat.lou- ow awry oiiort to mimic -up-ontur missionary sinlriz iulo their elm:-clwu. liro. J. 8. Long, Chairman oi the Committee no 301131024 |(i|§810'N)B. - oiiorutl A resolution providing that pastor: oi lilo lntuclutlan be rcqucuicd. to main) an etiort this your to relate 5:) cool: iron: each church monitor, to aid mimllon work nbmlul. '.l'hu report at the Uuunnltlm: on i-‘urolxn Mill- nimus vnullrllcrti Ii. resolution oongrlttuiating the: denomination on the success at the plum now in operation by the Suite Board. 1:. him now ill itaolxlploy uovontexen miuuiclxlnrieo whose uililllica um: pull! to the and at tho inst qnnrior. hull Hit: pr-mpctrlzl aria uood. Tho Gr-tlcrui Asso- ciation in expanding utt the rate oi $801‘. yuurly in the Male iioill, while the sinus Board in doing uollalnu. Tilu cumruitu,-u rwmrnuooclod that lilo ri.-lluliltioun nlrcnily niluptoil be curriod out, it pouoihio. Rev. Dr. bolmn. Chairman 0! the ilommllwo on E5uutl~.l:l'-ac.-lumls, mud lilo iuilowialg: It is observe.--J by the cmmnllteu that most of tho cimrclmll oi um Amaociutloll lmve uunrl.\)'- lscimuln some oi lino ohurchos have none; some oi trlu churches taro Lining aflcclivo work; some mo doing but little with what they lmva. Recognizing the ltuoorlanco-oi lilo grout work im-olvcci in umsuniiuy-ochool, we would nug- uut will write 0.-Burl. he olnployeil in the boulldzt at tho Aasoniuiou to ntllrlul-aw tho i.'.ii(7i‘l oi tho clmrclxm to ixrtgnnize and ltoop in acute opmatiun our nuudny-auhools. To this will Wt‘. would rooolumeuq durinx the couilulz iictllterali Sundny-school Convention, to ho lurid at iilrimooii, Ho., in the inwr- « uu oi hozsdarschnoin, voxwluoo with 3 culm- l)l‘;iliull oi mu chiiurou. Moreover. we n*ouid_ nuaxnu that Elm. ll. L. Laws, our goncrnl Sunday School secretary. be invited and still m use will Uonvautlon and colourin- unu; also. that he be rmuoriod to visit the ilulli oi our Association in tho intoiutu at Sun- dxy lschool work. Dr. Lniton snnniemcniaod the report with I umug ilppoul ior I manner lUIIi)A\'-§(.‘H()fJi. nznoxsruwlox. in he enilveuecl with gull '-dreuoii children ici.ll‘I‘)’Iiil( Dniillehl. wagmlu nnioonmi villi ll.-lg: iitlil oirnunen. lxmruhlng in I zretl. procession. with music and s<mg,aou:oe lime in may or JiiliQ_lWx¥, at Kirluvrooll. - .ib.-proasv.-ntntlros or tho various clmrohns. in turn, lg-uni that ilxelrsuudn -school ncholnn’ would um-ll the through I: the Kirixvrood urovoo. Excuxgiigll ruii.-4 y mil will be pro- ;cumd. liundr at little chilflrmlwoulti be brought up the [motive scene in wagons. The oolohruliun was lioiunuiuutl upon, and liar. Dr. lxliiuit and the lmsxhberu oi the iiiritwoml Church were cooutltuwd it comlnitico oi ur- flll Olfililfl-B. itllliun rergumn introduced the lollowimzz l'itli.uutLx AND ilxsoLi:rl(;ml. ‘ Wixercits. at tho lust annual mraiinx oi this body inlloo-nlli nu uriihdnwn iron; the mound ltnntiu ‘butch oi st. Louie on the (ol- iowiug charms: and apoerillcnticua, preterm.-d imd sustained 1: the Park Avonuo llcpilui clmrch [limo ial own: copy oi who cilnnzou, wlikh inns boon already pnhilnhoa in the Lii.0flx-DIIIOCII-'l'i' tum Whereas, The will Samoa Baptism Church did, throuuh in are-rediusd delegation. make the loiluwlnx ullbomelll to the lilnonri Lin Mist ‘-;uuel~r.l A3't0ClIIHOfl at in int meeting in u- we City Mo. , to-wilt: ‘1’helirl’:;E:lcs from tho Second Iiumtisi (flmrtsh 0! St. i/mid he rail)‘ «tun manila «M ulsurch neither mulorlxeo our aoprovea oi the invitation cxicmiui in ilr. film toymt with aid church In 15! ulcbrsuoo oi’ [ho Loni‘: riuppu; and the runner uni: lint in the no-uaiiell joined Lervioo wit the can gallon of Ur. so-ancszhcin the aid «match only 319.‘-fllfld to gun on cxpreulon at their gulixodc and ihnouulnau mule raid colzxnpllon tar their kinilneu and im- io uid church tho ciria.-mpio tor nv Alli‘): And in aid Joint urrlec wu e thlcr uh: or ouandu on brother or brethromulld the nth moat aiournlr until: it. 'n.